HomeMy WebLinkAbout504A I! Q411 ,. ... f ~) VO"-1l4o. ·1 1 vAJL:J .Jt II C'2 L!? 1 ...,....., ~·.~ ...... 2 . ~''"',II .:f/1, ...... !.~J 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. < •• :> ~ WHEREAS, after negotiation, discussion and studies, the City Council of the City of Kent has decided to purchase certain real property, hereinafter described, from Norman Anderson and Della J. Anderson, his wife, and which realproperty is located in the County of King, City of Kent, State of Washington, to be purchased for the municipal purpose of acquisition of real prop- erty to build and expand the municipal Fire Department of the City of Kent, and WHEREAS, after further discussion and studies, the City Council of the City of Kent finds that the purchase of this said real proper.ty of said Norman Anderson and Della J. Anderson, his wife, is for a proper municipal purpose and that the terms of said purchase are proper and in line with the fair market value of comparable real property located in a similar area, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent in a regular meeting assembled: That the Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized to accept an option for sale of real estate (a copy of which is attached hereto and denominated "Exhibit A", and which is incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth), wherein Norman Anderson and Della J. Anderson, his wife, agree to give an option to the City of Kent, a municipal corporation, for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) the option to purchase the real property des- cribed in "Exhibit A" on February 17, 196f', for the total sum of Ten Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($10,500.00) cash, which sum shall include the afore described earnest money, and be it further, RESOLVED, that the funds for the One Hundred Dollar ( $100. ()0.) option payment and the subsequent balance of Ten ~ I . ' N Ll") 1 Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars ( $1.0 ,4.0.0. 0 0) shall be withdrawn ~ ,,.., ;"' 2 from the current expense fund q,£,~:,the City of Kent, and the Mayor ..... '-0 U'"> 3 and the City Clerk are le:'eby authorized to execute a check in 4 the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and a subsequent 5 check in the amount of Ten Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars ($10,400.) 6 to said Norman Anderson and Della J. Anderson, his wife, and be 7 it further 8 RESOLVED, that upon receipt by the Mayor and the City 9 Clerk of the City of Kent of the Warranty Deed, as called for in 10 "Exhibit A" attached hereto, and upon the execution of "Exhibit A" 11 attached hereto, the City Clerk shall cause this Resolution, along ·12 with all the related documents to be filed in the King County 13 Auditor's Office. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Approved as Passed the ~.~( day of ~ ~ Approved the .6 .~ day of ~~~ ' 1963. ' 1963; ' 1963.