HomeMy WebLinkAbout486CITY OF KENT RESOLUTION NO. 486 AGREEMENT FOR THE FOR!~TION OF A REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL WHEREAS the undersigned, the 1~yors of the Cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton and Tukwila, and the undersigned Commissioner of the County of King, desire to cause the formation of a Regional Planning Council as provided by RCW 35.63.070 and RCW 35.63.060 for the uses and purposes set forth in those statutes, and WHEREAS the cities and county recognize and desire the advantages of advisory regional planning under local sponsorship, leadership and control, and WHEREAS the presently existing Valley Industrial Commission has provided the leadership and nucleus for practical regional planning in our area to this time, and WHEREAS the undersigned have agreed that this instrument should be submitted to and ratified by the respective legislative bodies of each of the cities and the county involved, each such legislative body retaining the right to at any time withdraw from such Planning Commission its representatives and financial support, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: THAT THIS AGREEMENT, based upon the By-Laws of the Valley Industrial Commission, is hereby adopted as the proposed charter of the Regional Planning Commission of the Duwamish Valley Region. When ratified by the legislative bodies of all five constituent members, this charter shall have full force and effect and the Regional Planning Commission shall from that date forward be and constiture a lawful Regional Planning Commission: ARTICLE I. Name: The Regional Planning Commission shall be named "The Duwamish Valley Regional Planning Council.'' ARTICLE II. Purposes: The Commission is formed (1) To collect and disseminate to the cities and county the existing plans, policies and zoning actions of the municipalities of the region to insure a coordinated and harmonious development of land use, street and highway facilities, industrial facilities, utilities, flood control, and the other elements of planning; (2) To advise the municipalities of the region of any significant proposal for changes in planning of such elements; {3) To assist the municipalities of the region in liason with the State Highway Commission; (4) To do such studies and prepare such advisory regional plans as the member municipalities may direct from time to time; {5) To lend planning advice and counsel to the muni- cipalities of the region. ARTICLE III. Membership of Commission; Term; Vacancies; Chairman and secretary: The Regional Planning Council shall consist of ten members. Two shall be appointed by each of the ~~yors of Tukwila, Renton, Kent and Auburn and two by the Board of County Commissioners of th~ County. Each appointee shall serve for a term of one year, provided that one of the initial appointees from each municipality shall be designated at the time of ~ppointment to serve for two years. Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment in the same manner for the unexpired term. The members shall annually elect a chairman and secretary from among their number. ARTICLE IV. Meetings: Time, Place, Quorum: The Commission shall regularly rotate meeting places among the city halls of the member cities. Meetings will be held at a regular time and date to be established by action of the first Commission and changed by vote of a majority of the members. Special meetings may be'called by the chairman or any three commission members upon seven {7) days notice. Six members shall constiture a quorum of the Commission. If a quorum is not present at any regular or special meeting a majority of those members present may recess the meeting from time to time Without further notice. ARTICLE V. By-Laws: The Commission may adopt and amend By-Laws for the con- duct of its business. ARTICLE VI. Finances: The Regional Planning Commission Ehall incur no costs or expense without the prior consent of the legislative bodies of the member cities and county. In every instance financial support and expenditure for any project of the Commission shall be in such manner as the respective legislative bodies shall, in each in- stcince, agree upon. Records of Commission finances shall be public records available to all citzens. -~- ARTICLE VII. Participation by Members: Each city and the county, by their ratification of this resolution, demonstrate their recognition of the value of full participation in proper regional planning; all are mindful of their primary obligation to their respective municipalities but wish to join with others for such benefits as may result from joint, coordinated planning of the region. No member city or county shall be obligated to parti- cipate in any project or activity of the Regional Planning Com- mission, nor shall any act or recommendation of the commission be binding, or have any effect other than advisory, upon the member cities or county. ARTICLE VIII. Ivtinutes, Books and Records: The minutes of all meetings, books, records, planning material and studies which are the property of the Regional Planning Commission shall be placed in the custody of the Clerk of one of the member cities, to be selected by the Commission at its first meeting. These shall be public records available to all persons. In ratification of the form and purposes of the Duwamish Valley Regional Planning Commission the foregoing is adopted the day and year shown. DATE: Ce t-'3 (I, I '-l I::.__;; Adopted by City Council -1·- COUNTY OF KING BY ·~C~HA~I~R~.~T.:~lNr,~B~O~A~RD~O~F~C~O~U~N~TwY-c~o~r~~~1I~S~S~I~O~N~ER~.s~----- BY ";';'c"~""LE~, R;::-;Kr-:=oO::o;.Fr-~WT~HE;:;-•, ""';B~O<:"':'A'-;::R~D-o F-.c~oo:TiumN•twy-c::;o:o~M~MI~S~S ... IO~N:T;E~• R~s:--- DATE: -:-Ad'""'o_p_t~e-d~"'"""="'b-y~B""'O"li"'AR~D;::--o,O'"'FII""""':!:C~O-;,U~NT='Y~C~Oft~W'1M ... II":':S":':'S...,I~ON::T.:C~• R~S=:--- CITY OF RENTON BY ~MA~.y~o--R-------------------------------------- BY ~C~LE~R~K~------------------------------------ DATE:--:--:--~~~~~~~--~-----------------Adopted by City Counci~ CITY OF TUKWILA BY nr~~ .. ~YO~R~.------------------------------------- BY ~C~LE~R~K~------------------------------------ DATE:~----~--~------~~-----------------Adopted by City Council