HomeMy WebLinkAbout4431 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ii il !I I• 'I '• ,, I; 'I I. RESOLUTIOl~ NO._t-~0/:_--~-- )! BE IT RESOLVED I BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Till!.: CITY OF Kh.L~T in regular meeting I i assembled: I - 11 That the City Council does hereby declare its~ intention of improving all I II of the property contained within the follovTing boundary lines, to-wit: i ~ \i il A. II . ii i I 'l !I !i II ,. ii II II 'I I I i, ! I lj i! i i i I I II I ij ir Beginning at a point on the South line of heeker St. 180 Ft. 1Jest of the West line of Yesler 1 s lst Addn.; the;_ce northeasterly across Meeker St • to the Southwest corner of Blk. 3, Rasmussen's Addn.; thence northerly along the West line of said Blk. 3 and i:3lk. 2, Rasmus3en 1 s Addn. to the Northwest corner of Lot 4, Dlk. 2, Rasmussen's addn.; thence easterly along the North line of said Lot 4 to the East line of said Blk. 2; thence North along the East line of blk. 2, 4 ft •. to the center line of the alley in Blk. 16, Yesler's lst Addn.; thence East along said center line of alley to an intersection with the ~·/est line of Lot 8, Blk. 16, projected South; thence North along said 'w'~·est line of Lot 8 to the North line siad Blk. 16; the .. ce easterly along the ,[IJorth line of said Blk. 16, and North line e),.'tended East to the West line of Blk. 7, Yesler 1 s First Addn.; thence northerly along the projected viest line Blk. 7 to the Northwest corner of street vacated under Ord. if 303; thence easterly along the North line of said vacated street to an intersection with the East line of Lou 2, said .l:llk. 7, projected North; thence South along said East line and said line p~ojected South to the center line of the alley in said Blk. 7; thence East along said center line of the alley to a point 33 ft. West of the West line of 2nd Ave.; thence North parallel to the ~'iest line of 2nd Ave. to the North line of vacated street under Ord. # 303; thence easterly along the North line said vacated street to the -.East line of said Blk. 7, projected North; thence southeasterly across Second Ave. to the Northwest corner of Blk., 4, Yesler' s lst Addn.; thence East along the North line of said blk. 4 and SC!id North line extended to the center line of the Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence northerly along the center line of the Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the South line of James Street; thence easterly along the South line of James Street to the center line of the alley Blk. 2, Cross Addn.; thence North along a line which is parallel to and 161 ft. ~<~est of the center line of Central Ave. to a point which is 1513.07 ft. North of the South line of Sec. 13, T22N, R4E, WH.; thence l!:ast parallel to the South line of said Sec. 13, to the center line of Central Ave•; t:1ence South along tne center line of 6entral Ave. to a point which is 1500 ft. North of the South line of said Sec. 13; thence West parallel to the South line of said Sec. 13, 161ft.; the, ce South alung a line which is 161ft. East of and parallel to the ceilter line of Central Ave. to a point which is 100 ft. North of the North line of Jame~ St.; thence i'Jest parallel to the North line of James St. to a point which is 100 ft. Bast of the East line of Central Ave.; thence South parallel to the East line of Central Ave. to the North line of Ja~s St.; thence East along the North line of James St. to a point whicr1 i:;; lvl ft. l!:ast of the ce.~ter line of Cen:tral Ave.; thence Sou.:,h along a line which is 161 ft. East of and parallel to the center line of Central Ave. to the North line of Lot 33, extended. ii.est, Blk. 18, viJCI Co 1 s First Addn.; thence :c..ast along said North line of Lot 33 to the East line of said Blk. 18; thence northeasterly to the center line of the alley in Blk. 19, vJCI Co's lst Addn.; thence vJest along the ce;1ter line of the alley in Blk. 19 to the East line thereCf; thei:lCe northeasterly tv the ce. ter line of the alley in Blk. 5, Clark's 2nd Addn.; thence easterly along the cec.ter line of the alley to the East line said Blk. 5; thence northeasterly to a point on the East line of Clark Ave. 120 ft. North of the North line of Smith St. thence easterly parallel to and 120 ft. North of the North line of' Smith St. to the West line of Jason Ave.; thence South along the viest line of Jason Av_e. to~point 172ft. South of the Horth line of Smith St.; thence ~~est a.long a line vihich is 172 ft. South of and parallel to the North line of Smith St.; 126.5 ft.; thence South parallel to the vi est line of Jason Ave.· 6 ft.,; thence \vest parallel to and 178 ft. South of the North line of Smith St. to the Eaut line of' Kennebeck aveo; ;: .· 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 thence Southwest across Kennebeck Ave. to the center line of the alley in Elk. 14, WCI Cor s lst Addno; thence ;~est along the center line of said alley to the East line of State Ave.; thence northwesterly across State Ave. to the South line of Lot 20, olL 15, ~~CI Co 1 s lst .r~.ddn.; thence v;est along said South line to the center of the alley in said Blk. 15; thence South along the center line of tne alley in said .olk. 15 and the center line of the vacated alley in blk. ll, v~GI Go 1 s lst Addn. to the center line of Gowe Street; thence <lest along· the center lin of Gowe St. to the center line of the alley-projected South in blk. 10, .vCI Co's lst Addn.; thence North along said center line of alley to the South line of Lot 6, .Dlk. 10, projected East; thence west along the South line o.f Lot 6 to the &st line of il.ailroad 1-.. ve.; tnence South·~v-est across Railroad ."..ve. to a point on tne west line of ii.ailroad Ave~ midway between Heeker St. and Gowe St.; thence v'iest along a line which is midway between Ivleeker St. ana Gowe 3t. to the center line of the :Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-1vay; thence South along the center line of said right-of-way to the center line of Gowe St.; thence Bast along the center line of Gowe St. to the center line of tne alley in .t::llk. 9, ~'JCI Co 1 s lst Addn. projected .North; tnence .:3outll alont:; said center line of alley to the center line of Titus Sto ;thence .&.st along the cente line of Titus St. to a point which is 123 ft. :Last of the ce; ter line of Central .r~.ve.; thence southerly along a line which is 123 ft • .c.:a.st of and parallel to the center line of Central Ave. to the South line of viillli St. ; thence :d;ast along the South line of ~villis St. to the center of the alley in :Glk. 7, Original rlat of h .. ent; tnence South along the center line of the alley in .blk. 7, .Dlk. 8 andvacated alley in .blk. 9, 0riginal Plat of Kent, to the South line of said .Dlk. 9; thence South along a line pa.rallel to and 150 ft • .0:ist of tne center line of So. State Ave. (PSH #5) to the i~orth line of So. 258tn St.; the. ce vvest alon2:_; tne North line of So. 258th 8t. to a point 150 ft. vi est of the center line of So. State Ave. (PSI-I lf5); the,"ce North along a line parallel to and 150 ft. West of said center line of So. State J.we. to the center line of the alle at the South line of nlk. 6, Original Plat of' Kent; thence 1~orth along the center line of the alley in Blk. G, vacated alley in tilk. 5, and Blk. 4, Original Plat of Kent, to a point 104 ft. South of the South line of J~illis St.; thence >vest 5 ft.; thence J:·wrth along a line 5 ft. Ec.st of and parallel to the E.a.st line of Lots 4 and 1, said blK. 4, to the center line of ·v~illis St.; thence vvest along the center line of vv"illis St. to the center line of the alley, projected South, in .olk. 1, VJCI Co 1 s 1st Addn.; the, ce North along tne ce. ter line of said alley in Blk. 1, and the center line of the alley in blko 4, viCI Co's lst i"ddn. to the center line of Titus St.; thence uvest along the center line of Titus St. to the center line of the alley, projected South in lllk. 3, Yesler 1 s lst Addn.; thence l~ortl1 alone the center line of said alley in Blk. 3, and the center line of the alley in .Dlk. 24, Yesler's lst addn. to a point 90 ft. Sout11 of the South line of Meeker St.; thence li~est parallel to the Sout[l. line of L.eeker St. to the center line of 2nd .r~.ve.; thence South along the center line of 2nd .r~.ve. to the South line of Lot 5, projected Bast, blk. 8, Yesler 1 s lst Addn.; thence 1vest along said South line of Lot 5 to the S~v corner tnereof; tnence Nortn along the v~est line of said Lot 5 to a point 90 ft. 3outh of the Soutn line of Gowe St. ; thence ··~est along a line 90 ft. South of and parallel to the South line of Gowe St. to the East line of 3rd Ave.; thence southw·esterly across 3rd Ave. to the South line of Lot 5, nlk. 13, Yesler 1 s 1st Addn.; the. ce vvest along the South line of said Lot 5 and the South line of Lot 8, olk. 13, Yesler's lst Addn. to the center line of 4th Ave.; tnence North along the center line of 4th Ave. to the East-v~est center line of Blk. 15, Yesler' s lst liddn. projected bast; thence >lest along said .6ast- •"~'est center line of .t:ilk. 15 » and said center line extended ~~~est to a point 180 ft. •·Jest of the •'lest line of Yesler 1 s lst Addn .... ; Thence rJorth 90 ft. to the point of begirming. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,, B. Bee:,'inning at the s:c; corner of Lot 28, ...Jlk • .r·, 1·ieeker 1 s ;)upp .. Plo.t; thence North alone; the Bast line of said Lot 28 1 and .t;ast line Lot J, blko F', Keeker 1 s Supp. Plat to the South line of Harrbon 0to; thence norti1west- erly across Harrison St. to a point on the South line of Lot 28, blk .. A Heeker 1 s Sup.;:. Flat, 10 ft • .&ist of tlle 0outnwest corner Oi said Lot 28~ thence rwrti1 ]Jarallel to the li~est line of Lots 28 and J, .olk. a, heeker 1 s Supp. to the center line of Shinn st.; thence 1·~est along the center line of Si1inn St. and sc:dd center line projected ;vest to a point wbi.ch is 150 ft. west of the ~~est line of IJashington Ave. (SSE ti2l'1); thence South parallel to ~~ashington Ave. to the Norti1 line of :i.Jleeker St.; thence mv across Eeeker St. to a point on t~1e Soutn line of Heeker ;;>t. 161.26 ft. ~~est of the v~est line of 1~ashington i>.ve.; thence South parallel to i~ashington Ave. JOO ft.; thence Bast parallel to deeKer St. to a point 150 ft. l£ast of the East line of vvashington .we.; thence 1'orth pc:.rallel to viashington Ave. to the South line oi' ~'1e eker St.; tnence f~J..;1 across Heeker St. to theSE corner of Lot 28, .ulk. F, Neeker 1 s Supp. Plat and the point of beginning. C. 3egirming at the i~E corner of Lot 1, Dlk. 19, Interurban Heit,Llts, Third Section, said point being in the East line oi' the S~v 4 oi' the Nb -1;; of Sec. 21, T22N, R4E 1 w'lVl. 1 and run thence <'/est along the North line of Blko 19, and the North line of Blk. 20, said Interurban Heighl-s, Third Section to the Ni'i corner of Lot 42, said Jjlk. 20; thence Svuth along the v~est line of Blk. 20, and the west line extended to the South line of aforesaid Sv~ 4: of the NZ 1;1 Sec. 21; tnence vvest along said South line of the SW 1;: of the NE '+ to a point 140 ft. northwesterly at right angles to the ce:1ter line of Primary State Highway l'fl; thence southwesterly along a line parallel to said center line of f'r:L.uary State Hig,lWay ffl to a point in a line drawn parallel to and 400 ft. South of the North line of the Sw -z;: of the SE J:i:J said Sec. 21; thence mst along said po.ra.llel line to a point 140 ft. southeasterly at right angles to center line Primary Sta.te Highway ffl; thence northeasterly parallel to said center line Primary State riighway ttl to the South line of the S~j 1; of the NE 4:, said Sec. 21; thence .I:!.ast along said South line to the 3.6 corner thereof; thence No th along the &st line said Sw'i t of t!:1e N:i£ I+ to the point of beginning .. by the installation of street lights along tne following pui)liC streets within the City of Kent, to-wit: A. Ornamental standards and mercury vapor street lights along heeker St. from 6th Ave. to Central Ave.; alon6 4th Ave. from Shirm St. to llieeker St.; along lst Ave. from Titus St. to Eeeker .:)t.; and c.long Central Ave. from Gowe St. to 180 ft. North of the center line of Jmith st .. Also: Pole mounted mercury vapor street lights a.lon~ .2nd il.ve. from lvieeker st. to 0hinn Sto; along lst AVe. froml·J:eeker ;:Jt. to Sninn St.; along Railroad :we. from Gowe St. to Titus ;Jt.; along Central Ave,. from 180 ft. North of the ceder line of Smith St. to 1513.07 ft. 1wrtr1 of the center line of Ja, .. es St.; along CentrW. .hve. fror11 Titus St. to South 258th St.; along Smith St. from rtailroad Ave. to Jason St.; &long Harrison St. from 6tn Ave. to 2nd ;we.; alont, Gowe St. from 4th Ave. to 2nd Ave .. Jalong Hailroad Ave. from l'leeker St. to James St. B., Pole mounted mercury vapor street lights along ~~ashington ave. from Shinn St. to 300 ft. South of the Souti.1 line uf heeK:er St. C.. Suspension mounted mercur-y vapor lights along PS~i ttl from 4UO ft. South of South 252nd St. to South 246th St., and by doin,s such other work as may be necessary in connection ti:1ereto, all in accordance vrith the plans and specifications prepared by the City .&l.gineer a.nd to be approved by the City Council. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ., BE IT FUHT1-J.ER. H.~OLVED that the estimated cost of the installation of the above described improvements and. tne doing of all worK necessary in connection therewith and incidental tnereto is hereby declared to be, as near as may be, the sum of ~37,333.,83, and it is the intention of the City Council that approximately 'Jll32,332.02 of sucn cost shall oe borne oy 120sessments levied in II the manner required by law upon the real properties benefited by the proposed improvements, and that aaJroximately ~5UOl.cH of ti1e cost of suc.h improvements be borne by the City of Kent. BE IT F'UHT,-.i.ER 11-.l!SOLV.W that the City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Council at or prior to the date fixed for tne hearing on this resolution a statement of the estimated cost and expense of such :L;.provemenc,s, the portion l.t;ereof t;1at should be borne Dj the property within the proposed district, and ' i the portion thereof to be borne by the city, a statement in detail of the local improvement district assessments outstanding and unpaid against tHe property in 15 :this proposed local improvement district, and tr1e aggregate actual valuation of 16 ,the real estate including 25;6 of the actual valuation of the improvements in 17 lthe proposed district, according to the valuation last placed upon it 1'or the 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .29 1 purposes of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showine; tc1ereon the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property llfnicn will be specially benefited b;;r said improvements, and tne estL11at.ed amount of tne oo st and expense thereof to be borne by eac:O. lot, tract, parcel of land or otilE::r property dthin the proposed local improvement district., BE IT F'lJRThffi fi.ESOLVED that all persons wrw may desire to be heard or to object to said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such bjection at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers f t:O.e City Hall of the Cit;yc of r\ent, ••Jasningt~,n, &t 8:00 ot clock p.rn., on the 10-l day of February, l96l, whic!1 time and place are hereby fixed for hearing of all matters relating to said improveil:ents, all objection thereto nd for deterr.rining a method for payment of the same. 30 The City Clerk and the City 1 Engineer are hereby directed to prepare arrl 31 ive notice of such hearing in the manner required oy law .. 32 I 11'1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Passed by the City Council this 16th day of January, 1961. Attest:~~ vity Clerk I hereby certify ti1at the within and foregoing resolution was passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, ~~asllington, in regular meeting t~1ereof held in the City Hall of the City oi' Kent, at 8:00 o 1 clock p.m. on the 16th day of January, l96lo