HomeMy WebLinkAbout4401 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ,j 18 I ' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. t/:t/0 A RE..SOLUTIOl~ of the City of Kent declaring the intention of the City GomlCil to improve certain street and avenues in the City by the construction and installation 01 curbs, gutters, pavement, storm drains ana catch basins and fixing a time and date for a hearing on this resolution. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ot the City of 1\ent as follows: Section l. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kent to order the improvement of the following described streets and avenues within the City by the construction and installation of the following des- cribed improvements: by the installation of curbs and gutters, eaten oasins, crushed stone subbase, asphaltic concrete paving, and necessary and incidental appurtenances thereto on i\.ermebeck and K~r.:t~~.QJL, Avenues from Titus Street to Guiberson Street. Section 2. For the reason tnat the installation of the street improvements described in Section l of this il.esolution will be of special benefit to certain properties, it is tne intention of the City Council to levy assessment to pay in part the cost of such improvement and tnat work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto ou all properties located within the following boundaries. r:leginning at a point in the \>vest line of ::>ec. l)l, '1'2:21~, R5i., l~lvi, said point being 456.48 ft. North of the vJest ~ corner thereof; said point being the intersection of tne center line of 1\.enosia Ave. as now established and the •~est line of said Sec. l';;l, and run thence 0 57ulb 1 40 11 E; along the center line of r.enosia ),_ve. as now esta-olished, 2;0.35 ft.; thence South parallel to the voest line of the Svl~ of said ::>ec. 19, to its intersection with a line dravm parallel to and 188 ft. northeasterly at right angles to the center line of Kenwood Ave.; thence southeasterly along said line parallel to the center line of r'-enwood t-~.Ve. to its intersection with t;;e center line of Guibcrson St.; thence ~~est along the center line of Guiberson Street 348.68 ft.; thence on a lfl.eflection angle to the right of 80°20 1 04", 69.43 ft. more or less to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 120 ft. southwesterly at right angles to the center line of Kenwood Ave.; thence nortnwesterly along said parallel line to the Bast line of 1'.ennebeck .nve. as now established; thence Nor§h along said J:!ilst line of l'.ermebeck t-~.ve. to the Northerly line of Scenic {liay; thence northwesterly alunG the northerly line of Scenic 'l~ay to a point 120 ft. southwesterly at right angles to the center line of Kenwood Ave.; thence northwesterly along a line parallel to and 120 ft. svuthwesterly at ri5ht angles to the center line of Kenwood Ave. to -c,he South line of Lot 20, Block 6 1 ~JCl Co. 1 s First Addn. , as recorded in V <.:1.1. 3, page 97 , ri.ecords of r~_ing County, ltiashington; thence westerly along said South line of block 6 to the l~orth-South center line of the alley as platted in said .dlock 6; thence northerly parallel to the west line of Block 6, 2?6.89 ft. to the center line of Titus St.; thence northeasterly along the center line of Titus St.; 224.b5 ft. to the west line of the l~v~:/t of aforesaid Sec. 19; the11ce l\Jorth along said i'Jest line of the 1\JiN~ to the point of beginning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Section J., The estimated cost of the installation of the above described improvements and the doing of all work necessary in connection and incidental thereto is hereby declared to be approximately (<IIi / f.)J;?, /Z-) and it is the intention of the City Council that such cost of tne improvements be borne in part b y the City of Aent and in part by assessments levied in the manner required by law upon the real properties benefited oy tne proposed improvements. Section 4. The City Engineer is hereoy directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to the date fixed for the hearing on this resolution a statement of the estimated cost and expense of such improvements, the portion thereof that should be borne by the property within the proposed district, J a statement in detail of the local improvement district assessments out- !! standing and unpaid against the property in the local improvement district, I <I !: and all other aata and information requireL oy law to be so suoruitted. Section 5. All persons who may desire to be heard or object to the formation of such district are hereby notified to appear and present such objections to a meeting of the Kent City Council to be held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of Kent at 8:00 PH on January 16, l9b.l, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing of matters relating to said proposed improvement and all objections thereto and for determining the method of paying said improvements. The City Clerk and City Engineer are hereby directed to prepare and give notice of such hearing in the marmer required by law. PASSED BY the City Council of the City of Kent at its reg:..lar meeting this 5th day of December, 1960 .. Al~, l~ayor