HomeMy WebLinkAbout870RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make seg- regation of an assessment levied under ULID #1. WHEREAS Central Pre-Mix Concrete Company has requested a segregation of a certain assessment levied against property under ULID #1, and WHEREAS all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by la\v, the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make seg- regation of the assessment requested by Central Pre-Mix Concrete Company on application attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessment involved is #160 of ULID #1. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 21st day of Jl•lay, 1979. /~\ 1 ' ISABEL y]f-;(4<-~~ HOGAN, UJI..AYOR ATTEST: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. 13:1(7 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, the 21st day of May, 1979. --~=-'-'~:':!';'::=:=~~;§1~!!f;iili,~,....,...,"""""'~----(SEAL) BETTY GRAY, DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1 \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ ' \ --------=L.l.U. SU]I{LGi\llUll CLRI IF~ I .. 1 l{equestccl by: Date Local Imp. District No. 1 Centr~l Pre-~lix Concrete Co l/ZD/79 ASSESSHENT NO. 160 I Central Prc-JI.li.x Concrete Co. P . 0 . B o X ~ 3 (1 ti. I \ Spok~ne, Wa 992~0 Owner & /\ddrC'ss 1 Jl.like f1 F loy ' Chimenti '\ Nick f, Carolyn ,Jewett j i 2 08 4 8 7 7 t h J\ v c ( !Kent, \II~ 98031 ' '---1 \~10 Fee Received _4_1 /} I 191J_ \ ec ei p t II lf(}j_f 1\'lwner & /\ddress 'ntral Pre-l\lix ,ncretc Co. 0. Box 336(1 , 10kane, Wa 99220 l !ditional Fees id ~!:_1 /) I 1923_ 'ditional Hours I 2 \oeipt n (f}tf OI~U~ IN A L ll L "'":)..:.:C.:..;l~:..::Io..:.l...:.' T~l~l::::.l~N _____ o_r_i_G_in_n_l_A_m_o_u_n_t_$ ___ __ AI.J. of Block "!\" f, "C:" or the Town of Van, as per plat recorded in Volume ~ o~ PLlt5, page. 183, in King County, \vashingtoH; togcther I\'Ith th;lt portion of vacated South ZO~lth St rcct lying between said Blocks "B" and "C" or said plat I ·--·-·-----·-·-·--------··-. -~ needed, altc1ch description and refer to Exhibit "A" NI:\'1 DESCI~li'TJ.ON !lew Assessment No. New Assessment Amt.$ ALL or 1\lock "B" of tlw T0\1/11 of Van as per plat recorded 111 Volume 3 o[ Plats, page 183~ 1n King County, Washington. If more spdce nrr>dcd, u!..tacfl description and refer to Exhibit "H" I~H1A 1 NJJ EH. D ESCIU PT I ON 1\('rn;dndr.J· /\sGessmen t No. Remainder Original Amt. $ 1\LL of Hlock "C" or the Town of V<Jn as per plat recorded 111 Volume 3 of l'1;1ts, page 183, 1n King County, lvashington; togc'thcr \<lith 1h;lt portion or vac~tctl South ?..OC]Hl Street lying bclv:ccn Block "B" anJ "C" of said plat. Copy fonv:t rded to City lr,,;, S11rcr anJ i\pp1 icant this day of ----- ------------. -----' l !J __ _ Approvcll by l~cso lul i.or1 II _____ _ Property H.anager for thin !lf'rvic(', thP. Clty tvi ll charge $.1.0 min1mum and an additional $10 per hour. The undcn;igrtC'd lwreby accepts above terms and condi- tions and certifies to the correctness hcrein/1 . .. , , L::, ,, . SlG!l£0 ~~ k'~___,. rj,;,~ · Owner .1ntl/nr -""' hf"lr l~r,! <:!··""' ,., ·· ---... ·------'---------------·--------·-· !. r~ i" ... r .. L b.~ r-. ·~