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RESOLUTION NO. k:~'1~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of (u the City of Kent, Washington, establishing the /'/ ;rzo policies of the City for the furnishing of util-(l-9---j' lq ities services outside the City limits of the City of Kent and repealing Resolution 769. ,'.),..f2a.c; 1 /1 '7/81 lJ~ . {D21-(21L9--~ :;;y.;;' WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton by Resolution 769 established a policy under which util- ities services could be provided to areas outside the City limits, and WHEREAS, experience with the policy has shown that it does not totally meet the City's requirements, and a new policy needs to be established, and WHEREAS, the Public Works and Planning Committee of the City Council has considered the matter and has formulated a new policy which appears to better meet the concerns of the City and the needs of those persons living outside of the City limits who are in need of utilities services, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Decisions to provide water or sewer service to areas outside the corporate limits of the City of Kent will be based on conditions of adequacy of systems and the non-need of the areas to which service is contemplated to annex to the City. Section 2. Outside water or sewer service will be per- mitted when one CONDITION OF ADEQUACY OF SYSTEM is met and one CONDITION OF NON-NEED TO ANNEX is met. Section 3. CONDITION OF ADEQUACY OF SYSTEM and CONDITION OF NON-NEED TO ANNEX shall be determined as follows: CONDITIONS OF ADEQUACY OF SYSTEM A. The existing utility system is adequate to pro- vide the service requested, or B. The inadequacy of the existing utility system will be remedied by construction or reconstruction at other than City of Kent expense and the ex- tension of the utility service is approved by the King County Boundary Review Board. CONDITIONS OF NON-NEED TO ANNEX C. The service has been previously committed, or D. The Kent City Council has declared annexation of the property to be not feasible and the owners of the property to be served have ex- ecuted an acceptable agreement for the future annexation of the property, such agreement to be binding upon the owners of the property, their successors or assigns, or E. The Kent City Council has declared annexation of the property to be temporarily unacceptable and the owners of the property to be served have executed an acceptable agreement providing for the future annexation of the property, such agreement to be binding upon the owners of the property, their successors or assigns. Section 4. Resolution No. 769 of the City of Kent, Washington adopted August 5, 1974 be and the same hereby is repealed in its entirety. PASSED at the regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 7th day of March, 1977. ATTEST: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ~~ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 7th day of March, 1977. ~~ (SEAL) ----~MA~R~I=E~J~E~~=~~,,~ cc~II~TT~YY~'c=L~E=R~K----- - 2 - ~---~ .. -~ -------- POLICY STATEt1ENT RE! OUTSIDE c.ITY _WATER AND SEWER SERVICE R~QUESTS On )f." I '1, 1). g 1 Kent City Council adopted the following policy with regard to requests for Kent water and sewer service to areas outside the Kent City limits .. \4ater Service Until such time that the Kent City Council declares that there is sufficient water available to meet the needs of all water customers, all requests f6r Kent water service outside the City limits and areas annexed after the ado!)tion of the policy shall be denied. The exception hereto shall be subject to the fallowing: A) The property requesting service provides the equivalent offsetting water supply into the City's distribution system.and, B} Said property is within the City's approved franchised service area.and, C) The requirements of Resolution #822 are met. \~hen it is in the City's best interest, the City Council may authorize the take-over and development of the offsetting supply source where analysis thereof as reasonably confirmed by the Public Works Department indicates a .potential capability of producing a sustained yield of 500 gallons per minute or more. Upon said take-over, no compensation will be made for any expenses incurred, and additionally property and/or easements required for said development shall be granted to the City at no cost. Development of all offsetting supply source shall be in accordance with City standards. Offsetting water supply is herein defined to be that quantity of water equal· to 800 gallons per day per residential connection or equivalent, plus the capacity to replenish standby storage within 72 hours. Standby storage shall be calculated in accordance with Washington State Department of Social & Health Services published, "Design Standards for Public Water Supplies, the latest edition thereof. f -.,-. i~: l .,.-: ; I· . ' ;. . ! i ~·~. r-·-· ' ~ I I I P.~·· L r -· ,, :. I I ' l \, . ' ·' I .. , . ... ~ • of • S<mi tary Sewer All requests for Kent sewer service outside of Kent be granted, subject to: A. The property to be served is within our franchise area for the service requested, and £. The requirements of Resolution No. 822 are met, and C. Are receiving water or has a commitment for same Resolution No. 822 requires two findings to be made as a pre-requisite to outside service. The firs.t is a finding of adequacy of system and the seco~d, a non-need to annex. The Director.of Public Works and/or his staff are authorized to review these findings and if met, grant the outside request without specific City Council action. Adequacy of System Where offsetting water is provided, the water system will be found adequate when it is determined that the minimum pressure within the servicing distri- bution system under peak flow conditions is no le~s than 20 psi and that both fire and domestic flows are maintained, taking into account the respective service area of the distribution system. A sewer system will be found to be adequate when it is determined that there is sufficient capacity vtithin all sections of the Kent and ~1etro system through which the sewage will pass, taking into account other future users to whom service has been committed and other unconnected properties for v1hi ch the sys tern \'las designed. Non-Need to Annex A finding of non-need to annex will be made when the property for \<lhi ch service is requested is not contiguous \'lith the Kent City boundary and that property together with other properties in the vicinity for which an agree~ent for future annexation has been executed does not constitute 75% of the total assessed value of a greater area which is contiguous to the Kent City boundary. -2- .1. j/0 v !. C:TY OF • -;-/ ~ ;rib ~-~E: -Ours 1 DE c 1 rv WATER AND SEWER SERv'I'd:'"R .. ECiu··Esr·s~;_ · ' ' On February 19, 1980, Kent City Council adopted the following ~o1icy with regard to ;~quests for kent water and sewer service to areas outside the Kent City limits. • All requests for Kent water service outside the City limits and areas annexed after the adoption of this policy be deferred until such time that the Kent City Council declares that there is sufficient water available to meet the needs of all water ~ustomers, and • All requests for Kent sewer service outside of Kent be granted, subject to: A. The property to be served is within our franchise area for the service requested, and B. The requirements of Resolution No. 822 are met, C. Currently receiving water. Resolution No. 822 requires two findings to be made as a pre- requisite to outside service. The first is a finding of adequacy of system and the second, a non-need to anne~. The Direcior of Public Works and/or his staff are authorized to review these findings and if met, grant the outside request without specific City Council action. ADEQUACY OF SYSTEM A sewer system will be found to be adequate when it is determined that there is sufficient capacity within all sections of the Kent and Metro system through which the sewage will pass, taking into account other future users to whom service has been committed and other unconnected properties for which the system was designed. ~~--;:-~-~~~~~· .~r~~d~i)~"~ • .Qy _\ -l"f.j . ~-~<'~~~ , ., • I _'? ~ r -. '---·" ---.1 ' . ' -,Q<:h.Ll,.l . '- P. 0. BOX 310 I 220 50. 41h AVE. I KENT, WASHINGTON 98J31 I TELEPHONE 1206) 872-3300 ,-4 ... I Policy Statement. Page·'2 NON-NEED TO ANNEX A finding of non-need to annex will be made when the property for which service is requested is not contiguous with the Kent City boundary and that property together with other properties in the vicinity for which an agreement for future annexation has been executed does not constitute 75% of the total assessed value of a greater area which is contiguous to the Kent City boundary.