HomeMy WebLinkAbout819RESOLUTION NO. y I q A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of a certain assessment levied under LID #256. WHEREAS, A.C. Penor has requested segregation of a certain assessment levied against property under LID #256, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been waived by the City Council, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessment requested by A.C. Penor on application attached hereto as Exhibit 1, and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessment involved is #6 of LID #256. PASSED at the regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 7th day of February, ATTEST: CLERK E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ~~~ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 7th day of February, 1977. ~~ (SEAL) ----=MA~R~I~E~J:;:::E~N~~=-=~,____,C::-,I::-,T""~y,-:-\,-'f.C~L"'"'E=R=-K=---- .·-.,,_..; ________ _ Req':lestecl. by: Date Local Imp. District No. --=2=5=6 __ 6 RICHARD R. BERESFORD 8/3/76 ASSESS~ffiNT NO. Owner & Address Apolonio C. Penor 9650 S 192nd St. Renton, WA 98055 Owner & Address Apolonio C. Penor 9650 S 192nd St. Renton, WA 98055 $10 Fee Received d' I ? /19 7~ !Receipt fl )9 J 'flj Owner & Address Walter D. Northfie d 4836 NE 85th St. Seattle, WA Additional Fees Paid OPJGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount $ SEE EXHIBIT 1 A 1 If IlkJre space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "A" NEW DESCRIPTION SEE EXHIBIT 1 B 1 New Assessment No. 6-3 New Assessment Amt.$ If .more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "B" REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Remainder Asse~sment No • ..,....;;,6,..,· ~~­ Remainder Oripnal Amt. $ 373.72 SEE EXHIBIT "C" If IOC>re space needed, attach description and refer .to Exhibit "C" Copy forwarded to City Treasurer and Applicant this day of ----- ----------·' 19 . ___ ./ ___ ./19__ Approved by Resolution # _____ • Additional Hours Property Manager 6 Receipt # _____ _ ---------~-----------·· '- EXHIBIT "A" That portion of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington~ lying West of the westerly margin of State Highway as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 3960406, Except the north 30 feet conveyed to King County for road by deed filed under Auditor's File No. 2660649 EXCEPT that portion of the north half of the south- east quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of S 180th Street as conveyed to King County for road by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 2660649, which is 300 feet westerly of the intersection with the westerly margin of East Valley Highway as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 3960406; thence Easterly along said south margin of S 180th Street a distance of 300 feet to the westerly margin of East Valley Highway; thence southerly along said westerly margin 300 feet; thence northwesterly at right angles to said westerly margin of East Valley Highway 60 feet; thence northerly to a point which is 60 feet south of the point of beginning; thence north at right angles to the south margin of S 180th Street a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginning, and EXCEPT beginning at a point 30 feet south of the northwest corner of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence east along a line 30 feet south and parallel to the north line of said north half a distance of 200 feet; thence southerly 111.0 feet along a line parallel with the west boundary of said north half to the true point of beginning; thence westerly a distance of 50 feet; thence southerly parallel with the west line of said north half a distance of 39 feet; thence westerly parallel with the north line of said north half a distance of 150 feet to a point on the west line of said north half; thence northerly along said west line to the point of beginning. GBM/kmn ·-__...·· EXHIBIT 'B' That portion of the North half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, lying West of the Westerly margin of State Highway as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 3960406, Except the North 30 feet conveyed to King County for road by deed filed under Auditor's File No. 2660649 EXCEPT that portion of the North half of the South- east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Town- ship 23 North, Range 5 East~ W.M., in King County, Washing- ton, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of South 180th Street as conveyed to King County for road by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 2660649, which is 300 feet Westerly of the intersection with the Westerly Margin of East Valley Highway as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under Auditor's File No. 3960406; thence Easterly along said South margin of South 180th Street a distance of 300 feet to the Westerly margin of East Valley Highway; thence Southerly along said Westerly margin 300 feet; thence Northwesterly at right angles to said Westerly margin of East Vally Highway 60 feet; thence Northerly to a point which is 60 feet South of the point of beginning; thence North at right angles to the South margin of South 180th Street a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginning, and EXCEPT Beginning at a point 30 feet South of the Northwest corner of the North half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M.; thence East along a line 30 feet South and parallel to the North line of said North half to a point 200 feet East of' the point of beginning; thence Southerly 217.8 feet along a line parallel with the West boundary of said North half; thence Westerly a dis- tance of 200 feet along line parallel with the North boundary of said North half to the West line of said Section; thence Northerly along the said West line to the point of beginning. EXHIBIT "C" That portion of the north half of the southeast quarter of the north- west quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at a point 30 feet south of the northwest corner of said south half; thence east along a line 30 feet south and parallel with the north line of said north half a distance of 200 feet; thence southerly 111.0 feet along a line parallel with the west boundary of said north half to the true point of beginning; thence westerly a distance of 50 feet; thence southerly parallel with the west line of said north half a distance of 39 feet; thence westerly parallel with the north line of said north half a distance of 150 feet to a point on the west line of said north half; thence southerly along the west line of said north half a distance of 67.8 feet; thence easterly parallel with the north line of said north half a distance of 200 feet; thence northerly parallel with the west line of said north half a distance of 89 feet to the point of beginning. GBM/kmn