HomeMy WebLinkAbout814RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington adopting the 1977 Housing Assistance Plan under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. WHEREAS, the United States Congress in 1974 en- acted Public Law 93-383, commonly called the "Housing and Community Development Act of 1974", hereinafter called "the Act 11 , and WHEREAS, the primary objective of the Act is "the development of viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate in- come", and WHEREAS, adoption of a Housing Assistance Plan by an incorporated municipal jurisdiction participating in an urban county arrangement for allocation purposes is one of the requirements of applying for a Community Development Grant under the Act, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent is an incorporated mu- nicipal jurisdiction, jointly participating with King County, an urban county, in the procurement of funds under the Act, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the 1977 City of Kent Housing As- sistance Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein, be and the same hereby is adopted as the City of Kent's 1977 Housing As- sistance Plan. PASSED at the Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 1st day of 1976. ATTEST: AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Res- olution No. ~, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 1st day of November, 1976. (---- "'·· h~~ (SEAL) MARIEJ~RK - 2 - ~HIBIT A CITY OF I<BIT 1977 HOUSING ASSISTA~CE PLAN (H. A. P.) One of the necessary elements of Kent's Housing and Community Development Program is a housing assistance plan. The Planning Department has reviewed the current housing needs* in Kent and recommends the following Housing Assistance Plan for 1977: l. Goals for Persons and/or Units to be Assisted. a) First priority is for new construction of elderly assisted housing units and leasing of existing units for families. b) Second priority is for substantial rehabilitation of housing units for the elderly. 2. Locations for New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation Projects. After reviewing the criteria for suitable locations of new .construction and substantial rehabilitation of assisted units (e.g., accessible to public transportation, needed services and facilities, and employment centers; have adequate utility services, etc.) the Planning Department found as they did for the 1976 H.A.P., that the most suitable area is that generally around the CBD core (see map). The East Hill area was identi- fied as only marginally suitable for family units and unac- ceptable for elderly housing. West Hill was considered unac- ceptable due to the unavailability of public transportation and the lack of needed services and facilities. The marginal area (East Hill), was excluded because it was felt that assisted units should not be located in areas which do not have all or most of the needed services. As the H.A.P. is revised every year, these areas can be annually reexamined and included at such time as the area is sufficiently serviced. 3. Background data a) City of Kent Housing Assistance Needs (See Chart #1) These needs were arrived at by analyzing census data and using the following County guidelines. (1) Owner occupied units -Assistance needed if: the unit is valued at less than $10,000; and the occupants' yearly income is less than 80% of the-area-wide median income ($9,338). (2) Renter occupied units -Assistance needed if: gross rent exceeds 25% of the occupants' income; and the occupants' yearly income is less than 80% ofthe area-wide median income. b) Survey of Kent Housing Stock -(See Chart #2) *Housing needs are defined as: Substantial rehabilitation, rent subsidy and new construction. KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT OCTOBER 14, 1976 .._._ ........ -.......... '• .... , I'RA~:;lER • Ro 4'~<~·~ '\ \ . •. . . I l . : ; ;·; ···'l ~· l .. fJ/ IITS '.·J ------~-_Jj I . • : I :.. . ., ·. . l ·,) j'•) ' f• \1\\ i\\1 1111 1111 II/I IIII-o . ..__. r ~ :t , en ,.. ... ~ ..... 64111 AVE S ' ~ ~ \ ~en ::::] , :: ·,·. \ ~~ 1111~ I l:i! ::::/@® ~ • ~ ' ; ' y I / WASHINGTON AVE / S I WASHINGTON AVE ~j ,_...; ... ~;,;;:.:.;~~:;.;_....;:.:.:;. ..... _"''"':!~~+------:-1-:::~--t-~oo:-.. ---\~ ~ ~ len;;:;~ \o ~'>--:"" ___ _ _··· :::::s··· ... I .... ":'\ D-J SE (/);J: ';u /T1 . 2 ;r ; l: -i :"'I ~~ j I ! ! ,(I) 3: ,n rrJ .l: ;u ·o-'0~ 'r )> : z i ! len . ..., I I AVE ' SE ® 1 r ("'• I~ .co .~ ;:x: ( ,...g N ~THOMPSON .,.,, ·z· .,. 'AVE ,; r,. .. (, ---+-----t--+-· N 5TH AVE Areas for new Coh5tt-uc..tion ar,d Sub~tant ial Re.hab;J,·tat ion l·q~d -•-• ouf \it\ eo o.( f-t. A.P. clt-e,._ 103RDf AVE "sf:'; • F ~ ;= ,. l02ND ! ·_·. ;ur AVE SE(en -< ! m --.J I N "' w "' 2 0 104TH A\ ~~}( "'' "" w r "' l CENSus I TR/\CT _1 283 I I I 291) I 291 I I I 292 I I I I 294 I I I 295 ! I I I 297 I I I I ! 298 I I TOTALSI I I ~ CITY OF KENT HOUSING ASSISTANCE NEEDS (CHART #1) (BY CENSUS TRACTS) #0\ffl?.p,-ncc. u1HTS \ #ELDERLY OWNEE-occ. UNITS 1 #NON-ELDERLY ovmER-occ. 1-liTHI~~ CITY IN :\JEED j HITHIN CI'rY IN NEED i UNITS WITHIN CITY IN NEED 1 2 5 3 0 0 21 n J 7.? _),_ I I . I ! j 0 1 1 1 1 I 4 I I 1 2 0 I 0 0 0 I 5 16 I I ' I I 0 ' 0 ! j () 24 () #RENTEE-OCC. UNITS WITHIN CITY IN NEED 0 37 0 162 58 42 127 57 lt33 ·' I I I I I I I I I I #ELDERLY RENTER-OCC. UNITS WITHIN CITY IN NEED 0 17 0 31 4 4 I i I I I I 1- I I I #NON-ELDERLY RENTER-OCC UNITS WITHIN CITYIN NEED 0 rv-. t-0 ( 0 131 54 38 I . i 29 I i : i 18 I I 103 I ·II"""'\ ':Jb 39 330 KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT OCTOBER 14, 1976 ( ...._, '""-" CHART #2 ------ SURVEY OF KENT HOUSING STOCK KING COUNTY RATING SYSTEM (ESTIMATE) Total Single- Family units in Census Tract City of Kent # of 1* # of 2* # of 3* # of 4* 283 28 16 9 1 2 290 203 137 58 7 1 291 728 508 203 17 0 292 899 555 292 47 5 294 136 116 20 0 0 295 49 30 13 3 3 297 963 627 296 38 2 298 544 365 157 19 3 TOTAL: 3,550 2,354 1,048 132 16 *RATINGS FOR CONDITION OF HOUSING STOCK The buildings will be classified as follows: (1) Sound: Providlng safe and adequate housing, well maintained, structurally sound without visible deterioration or observable defects. (2) Basically sound: Structurally sound, providing apparently adequate housing having slight or minor defects resulting from lack of ordi- nary maintenance. Defects can be corrected easily or minor hazards on premises readily removed, but prolonged neglect can lead to deterioration, structural unsoundness and inadequate housing. Examples of minor defects are blistered or peeling paint, lack of paint, broken gutters or downspouts, cracks in wall covering, con- crete or mortar, weathered winddw frames and sills, premises lit- tered or overgrown with weeds. (3) Deteriorated: Does not provide apparently adequate housing, having major defects contributing to structural unsoundness or lacking adequate weather protection, requiring replacement and repair beyond ordinary maintenance. Examples would be decayed, insecure footings, breaks, openings or missing materials of wall and roo covering, badly weathered or loose rotted siding, sagging eaves on roof line, deflection in vertical walls, loose crumbled mortar, unsafe porches and steps. (4) Dilapidat~: Not providing safe and adequate shelter, having several critical deficiencies, to the extent that correction would require substantial overhaul and rebuilding -possible rehabilita- tion would be infeasible. This would include structures of inadequate or makeshift materials, or inadequate conversion of a structure not designed for housing. Housing classed under No. 3 would warrant further and complete investi- gation with greater than 50 per cent probability that code notice would be given; and Class 4 houses would warrant departmental action without further investigation if complete inspection is not immediately possi- ble, according to the code. ,In most cases, it was specified, the inspector would make a personal call where he felt there are repairs needed, and discuss them in a friendly_manner with the homeowner. KENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT OCTOBER 14, 1976