HomeMy WebLinkAbout804RESOLUTION No. 804 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Kent, Washington, declaring its intention to improve a part of the City by the in- stallation of underground electrical serv- ice; to create a Local Improvement District to assess the cost and expense of carrying out such improvement against the properties especially benefited thereby and notifying all persons who desire to object to the pro- ject to appear and present their objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held June 21, 1976. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It is the intention of the Council of the City of Kent, Washington, to order the improvement of the pro- perty within the City of Kent, Washington, described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, by the construction and installation of underground electrical services described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 2. The total estimated cost and expense of the improvement is declared to be $34,000 which cost shall be borne by and assessed against the properties specially benefited by such improvement to be included in the Local Improvement Dis- trict to be established embracing as near as may be all properties specially benefited by such improvement. Section 3. All persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein described are hereby notified to appear and present such objections to the Kent City Council at a reg- ular meeting of June 21, 1976 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Kent City Hall. Section 4. The Public Works Director of the City of Kent is hereby directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to June 21, 1976 all data and information required by law to be submitted. The foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor at a Regular Meeting thereof this 17th day of May, 1976. ISABEL HOGAN, MA"idR ATTEST: DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. fo i , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 17th day of May, 1976. - 2 - TILtl JH>J'I it>ll ill' tilt' :;lllillllvC:·;t ljll:ll'((']' (l[' tit<: ]l[)J't)nvc·:;( fjli:IJ'l(•]' r)[' s,.,·.t ir>]\ l~l, lolvtlship 22 N()rt.il, 1\:tllJ!C ~; J::t•;t, \'/.~1., 111 f..:ittg Lotttll)', \'l:t:;ltin;:trnJ dc·:;l·rill('d ;Is ro ll l)\\' s : llc;:itlllill,l: at the \\CS1 ljii:JI'tl.'l' l'Ot'l\(']' or :;:tid SC'L:l i(lll I~J. [tl\,]JSitip ;';; t'Junlt. H:ttlgc ;; J::J;t, \'\.~1., itt f..:ittg Crlllllty, \V:tsltill)!l.llJl; tilctlCl' Jlt>rlil :rl<>ll,l! the• 1\L':;t littl' 0 f' til C II lJ r I. It\\' C S l q II; I l' t C I' () f. :-; ; I i tl S l' l' l i 0 II J ~) l t lJ e ~ lc l' i .J i ; Ill f. r 1 I· I IJ i S d l.' s l' 1' i Jl t i fl II ), l'l."iO. 7S f'cct Lo the Cl'IIl cr I inc of' Suti lit Str·cct; thcnu· :;c>ut iJ :tln11.1! :;:tid \vcq 1 i n c ::; o . t J 1 r c c t ; t 1 ]( • 11 c c 111 1 , -1 11 s :--t 2 7 • 1 :; " c: 1 q , ::; o . o 1 ,-c c • t t o till' i 1 , t· c , -:~ c c t i o 11 of the Stllililrn:trgin ui' •;;tid SnJitlt Street \villi till'(';!;;[ m:tl'_l;ltl nr -1\cilllf'hl't'k /\venue :1r1d the ll'lll.' JlO irtt ul· hc•g inning; cortt i rill i 111: thl'llcc t!OI'til ,'\i\0 27' I:;" c;tst <llllllg the suutl1 rn:tq;itl of· s:tid S11tillt Stt·eet ·107 .. "i:) f'eet; tilc·rtc·c· sottlil ll 0 J(,,1JS" cast par:tl lcJ l.o Ti.tw; Stt·c,·t (;t]:;o ktllllvtl :ts tile sotttlic~rly l'Xfc•JI:;irlll ()r .l:tsorJ Street :ts recorded i11 C:l:trk'~> Second /\dditiUII tD tile Tu\\ll of-Lc-nt :tccot·ditJg to plat J'ccortkd in VoiJJIIIC' J~; oi' I'Ltls, l':t~;c 72, 111 J<jrl,l! r:oiiJlt_v, \'i.-J:~hin,l;trm), J.J().Ill J'cct; tlll'tl('L' north ();.:<'.:.''i'l','' <'i!:;t p;tr:tllcJ tc1 :;:1id Stnitlt Sl:t"l'l't lSlJ.~;I f·C'cl to tlil' \I'CS t. lll:l q; iII ()I s:t id Ti ttts Stn;cl; s.s~ Feet· to;] poillt or l'llrvc therein; t.lil'IIC.l' southerly ;l]ong c;;tid lllill');Lll foll1Mi.11g <Ill ili'C. or il CllrVl' t.o ti1C right h<IVtllg a radius uf· Ji(>.ll() f'cet, <Ill <tl'C tl i q;lncc o!' RS .1 ~3 reel: t.o ;r pu i nt oF Llil);Cill:)'; thC'IlCC SOlll:h ;!()0 )()1 :~'1" \•It'S I' ;llott~; tlte 1,·c·st m:tq;in of ~;:tid Titus Street, JdO.:'lO f'ct'l. to :1 poir11 tlicrcor1 wliicll js L-i·I.O() L'l'et Jtortltcrly llll';t:;ltrcd ;Jiotlg s:1id \vest m;Jrgitl, f·ru111 :t C.OIICrl'tC mOtlllfllCilt marking tiH• noJ·thc:tst. cortll'r ()j' Fl'roe's First /\dditiort to Llic City ul· f:cnt., according to pl:tt recorded in Vulumc 1l(l oF I'Llt:s, page 1·1 in l\i1tg r:uuttty, \V;tshingtun; thence nor·t!J f>l 0 2~l 1 2(J 11 \vest il~J.S7 feet; tltctJCl' sott!li .:.'I\0 _<;0':·;.J" west lKJ.Ol feet to the most. h'l'Slt'l'l)' L'.()('JlCr or Lot 0 in s:tid l'croc'~; r:irst i\tldit·.ion to the City or f\cJJt; thl'lll'C lltll'llt K~ll 1 _<;()'(l(l" \vest 11:-i •. ]() f'cct t·o t.ltc Sllli[I!C;Ist corner of :t t:r<tct corti'C)'cd to II;Jzcl Iii t-chcod;. liy llced rcu)nkd lllldl·r i\ttll i tor's FiJc ~~u. :;:;~J-I(>lJl i11 Kirtg Lotttll)', \V:~shington; thence north p:tr;tllcl tu the 1vcst li.ne of said nortl\\vcst qii:JJ'Lcr of Sect ion 19, :1 distance or L~l. 7.J feet; thence nortli 73°2.:.''~~)" h'cst p:tt'iillel to ;Jnd 'Ill feet disLttll rtot·thc:~:;tcrly lllc:t:;11rcd :11 right angles fl'Uill th,• J]()J'tltc;tstcrly line or s;Jid llitchcock lt';t('( I 18.1)() reel. to a poi.nt ol' curve; thenc.c nor·tiHvcstcrly :tloJtg <Ill :trc of-:1 C\II'Vl' 111 lite ri~~ltt, ll:tving a r·;rd.iu:; uf' ~~~i.()() t'cl:t, <Ill :Ire diq:tlll:C of' }1.•J() l'r'l'( (1) ;J jHJilll ur t;IIJ,t:ency; Lhctle<' nortl1 !12°:~'i'.!C)" \vest· 16.2,') !'eel tu :111 intl'l'.';r·ctJon lvith the cast line or Lllc \\l'~;t 1·1() Feet: of' :;;Jid llOI'tlnvcst (jlt:lrt.cr ol' :~l'l.'llllll ]~); l.lwncc I inc l :-; l . SO r· cc t; LltcrKc south ,~,o ,-;·r 1 r·" \'l". t (II) ~ .) \ ,,--. p:tr:rllcl to said Smith Street, l j(),lll rC'et to the cast· !llill'gin of' s;tid f..:CI!Ill'hcck /\\'CJliJC; thence north :t[OIJ); s;tid CilSt lll:tq;in \vltic!J 1 inc is also tltc c:~;;) I irw or Ute \\'est 30 f'cl't or S:Jid llOJ'tll\I'CS( qll:tl'tcr or Section [~1,;] di;;t;llll'l' or jt]:;.l){l feet to Lit<' true l"'ltlL or· IH');inni11g. 1011 'I{( lV I} II; ~~·1· Convert the ovcrltc;td clcctric:Jl scrvi,:cs or the !lui lditl); UJ111plcx to undergrottnd. Tot:tl cost ~U·~,(lllll t, i 'I 1 ._ .... -. .... -·~c--.~'-''-·---'"-··•-,.____.,.,_ --------------------------~---~....._ ______ _ ·:'•