HomeMy WebLinkAbout802·- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of certain assessments levied under ULID No. 1 and LID No. 264. WHEREAS, Century 1st Mortgage and Escrow Company has requested that a segregation of certain assessments levied a- gainst the property under ULID No. 1 and LID No. 264, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the applications being in all re- spects proper, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by Century 1st Mortgage and Escrow Company on appli- cations attached hereto as Exhibits 1 and 2 and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessments involved are #426 of ULID No. 1 and #3 of LID No. 264. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 17th day of May, 1976. ' l ·. / ... / / .;I • '--I (_Ntt/J"-f .~'- . ISABEL HOGAN, OR ATTEST: PROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. 2o...?-, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, the ~day of May, 1976. MARIE ~ITY CLERK I --,, I ;(~fJ;.lested by_; Linda First 25052 Kent, Verna B. Wilson 20444 80th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98031 0\vner & Address Verna 13. Wilson 20444 80th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98031 I $lg)Fee Received ____z_; __ L! _ _! 19 7 C- Owner £, Address Verna B. Wilson 20444 80th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98031 L-l,lJ, -JLUl\LUI\Illl. l-LI\111 Cooley ......_ r-ltg. Co. [\ J:scrow -l04th Ave. SE \Vi\ 98ll31 Date 3-1.7-76 ill\ i L ,1l ~~~\~ \ 1 \ ] r.lp. District No. ASSESStlENT NO. OI~lGINAL DLSC!~lPTJU;~ Origjn;~l /\mount $ Beg at Sl~ cor of Section; thence cast 302.40 feet; thence north 770.05 feet; thence west to 1vest line of Section; thence south 770.05 feet to beginning; LESS north 200 feet; LESS Roads; LESS south 140.05 feet of Sec. 6-22-5 11 nYJre snace needed, attc1ch (l(:scrj]Jtion and rnfer to Exhil)it "11" 1. 426 NLW DESCRIPTION !Jew As Sl? s sment No. 4 26-3 The north 75 feet of the following: Beg nt SIV cor of Section; thence cast 302.40 feet; thence north 770.05 feet; thence west to west line of Section; thence south 770.05 feet to beginning; LESS north 200 feet; LESS Roads; LESS south 140.05 feet of Sec. 6-22-5 New Assessment Amt.$t287.g~ If mo1e .<JI}<IC:t? rwl'dcd, uti:acil dcr;cription and rr'frr to t'xhilJi.t "Ll" HI:Mi\lNDElZ DESCJ~IPTIOn gem;JindPr AsL;t'ssment Ho. -:><--4_2_(_) __ Remaioder Originnl Amt. $ Beg at S\\' cor of Section; thence east 302.40 feet; thence north 770.05 feet; thence west to 1vest 1 ine of Sect ion; thence south 770.05 feet to beginning; LESS north 275 feet; LESS Roads; LESS south 140.05 feet of Sec. 6-22-5 If nore spdcc needed, attach dcscz-ipt.ion ancl refer to Fxll:il.J.-it "C" ,r-------------------r-----~----~------~~~------------~---------------------------------------- Additionnl Fees Paid ~/ I I( /19 /( Additional llouJ:s , /, Receipt No.-T? (( Approved and fon.;ardcd to TreM,urcr' s Of fire this day of -----------' 19 ____ together with copy of Certified Resolution No. -------· Propertv t!au:1ger --· ) / Fnr this sprvice, the City ,,•ill charge $10 m.inimum and A'n addition;ll 1 ; $10 per hour. _The undersigned hereby ncccp~t· abov~;l ;_c,rms and condi- tions and u'rtlfiPH to tlw correctness heJ~?;'/· ··_,) [. __ 1 ·;· 'jl I I ( /' ' L . 1.. /.. z SIGt1ED __ ~( /Lf/\ \ ~ 0\mcr n nd /or Aut110r izcd 5 i gna ture ---) / ----·--------________________ _..:. ___ ··----------------------------· I ········--··------·------ ' ~t:;_c)uested b)~: Owner ft Acldresr; Linda First 25052 Kent, Verna B. Wilson 20444 80th Ave. S. Kent, IVA 98031 L. I·~--'0 1 A < 0 Coo' "- <,_..._~neal Imp. District No. Date Century Mtg. & 104th Ave. SE IVA 98031 Escrow Co. 3-17-76 Sec 6-22-5 Beg at SW cor of Sec; th E 302.40 ft; th N 170.05 ft to TPOI3; th cont N to a pt wh lies 570.05 ft N of S ln of Sec; th IV to E mgn of 84th Ave. S., th S alg sd E mgn to apt wh lies 359ft N of S 1n of Sec; th E 84 ft; th S to apt 1vh lies 170.05 ft N of S 1n of Sec; th E to TP013 ASSESSriENT NO. Orininnl Amount $ 264 3 If norc space needL~d, at:tnch dcscrj]Jtjon and refCr to r:xh.ib.it ''ll" Owner & Address Verna fL Wilson 20444 80th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98031 (~~ee . .f,-,/ / Received ,( ll9 ,?{ I{ ecefp t II , J ' (,' ( Owner ,r., Address Verna 13. Wilson 20444 80th Ave. S. Kent, l~A ~8031 Additional Fees Paid ~/ I /(,. /19/C Additionnl !lours Receipt No.,J/C('( NI:\\' DESCRIPTION The N 75 ft of the following: Sec 6-22-5 !lew Assessment No. 3-2 New Assessment Amt.$1,464.~ Beg at SIV cor of Sec; th E 302.40 ft; th N 170.05 ft to TPOJ3; th cant N to a pt wh lies 570.05 ft N of S 1n of Sec; th W to E mgn of 84th Ave. S; th S alg sd E mgn to a pt wh Ijes 359 ft N of S 1n of Sec; th E 84 ft; th S to a pt 1vh Lies 170.05 ft N of S In of Sec; th E to TPOB If morn sraco necdcd 1 attach dcscriptjon ancl refer to L'xhibj,t: "1J" REM/d NDER DESCI~IPT I ON f{em;Jindf'J' lls~;r~ssrnent No. -,--~3 __ _ Remainder Origin;Jl Amt. $ , Sec (J-22-5 Beg at SIV cor of Sec; th E 302.40 ft; th N 170.05 ft to TPOB; th cont N to a pt wh lies 570.05 ft N of S 1n of Sec; th IV to U mgn of R4th Ave. S.; th S alg sd E mgn to apt wh lies 359 ft N of S ln of Sec; th 1; 84 ft; th S to a pt wh lies 170.05 ft N of S ln of Sec; th E to TPOB EXCT:PT the N 75 ft thereof. 1-------------·----·-·----------------------------Tf norc sr'ace IJ('cdcd, att'dCh dcscrjptjon and rcf('r t:o rxllihit "C" Approved ant! fonvarJct! to Treasurer's Office this day of , 19 together with copy of Certified Resolution ----------Uo. -------· -----------------------------Property t!anagcr For this service, the City \..rill ch;1rge $10 rnjnj{num and an' ndditionnl $10 per hour. The unders:Lgned hereby acc0pts ,'above ,t'er~1s and condi- tJons and certifiPs to the correctness herei,\1 ~ '; •· "'-:/. ~ I :;. // 7 {' A i \ j"L ..:'/'~--7,-z ----. SIGNW I U'L~"''/ .. ~L-----------------0\..rqc 1· n n d I or Aut: lwr iz !:'d ;, ir,na tu re ,__ _________ !__, ___ " ______________________ ---------------------