HomeMy WebLinkAbout799-' RESOLUTION NO. 119 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of a certain assessment levied under ULID #1. WHEREAS, Transamerica Title Insurance Company has requested segregation of a certain assessment levied against property under ULID #1, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assess- ment requested by Transamerica Title Insurance Company on application attached hereto as Exhibit I, and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessment involved is Number 207 of ULID #1. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 5th day of April, 1976. / ', ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR ATTEST: MIRK, I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolu- tion No. ·1 '~; , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Wahsington, the day of April, 1976. I, ,, r----------=L:...:...:. J .D; SEGREGATIDI'·l CERTIFICATE Ikquested by: Wes Perkinson, 1 .. le Officer Transamerica Title Ins. Co. 10635 NE 8th Street Bellevue, WA 98009 Date 12-17-75 Imp. District No. ULID #1 ASSESS!IENT NO. 207 Owner & Address Melrose Co. % Keith Grim 1700 Wash. Bldg. Seattle, WA 98101 Owner & Address M.L. Davies Co,Inc 1900 Occidental S Seattle, WA $10 Fee Received 1---'-1_1 t /19 1t Receipt If JS/ f9 Owner & Address Melrose Co. % Keith Grim 1700 Wash. Bldg. Seattle, WA 98101 · Additional Fees Paid .3 I ,30 /19 71 Additional Hours 2 Receipt No.;JiY;l_ ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount $ The S ~of the NE ~ W of 8lst Avenue South and its Wly line produced N, LESS Northern Pacific Right-of-Way and LESS portion of N 119.06 feet E of line parallel with and 1274.64 feet W of E line of Section AND LESS E 105 feet of S 165 feet and N 581 feet of E 1230 feet of ptn lying S of centerline of SE 196th Street extending Wly; EXCEPT W 30 feet of said E 1230 feet of S 374 feet of said N 581 feet; TOGETHER WITH S 251.94 feet of N ~ of the NE ~ and of S 251.94 feet of NE ~ of the NW ~ E of Northern Pacific Right-of-Way; LESS the E 638 feet and LESS S 233.05 feet of W 636.64 feet of the E 1274.64 feet, All in Section 1, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M. If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhihit "A" NEW DESCRIPTION Hew Assessment No. 20 7-/ New Assessment Amt.$3891-42 That ptn of the NE ~of Sec 1-22-4, King Co., WA DAF: Beg at apt on the S ln of sd NE ~which bears N 88°12 1 47" W, 1230 ft from its nxn with the W mgn of 8lst Ave. S, as located by Deed to the City of Kent, Oct. 26, 1961, and recorded in AF #5345763, records of King Co. WA; th N 1°47 1 49" E alg a ln pllw theW mgn of sd 8lst Ave-S. 325.78 ft TAP which lies 872 feet S of a Wly ext of the CL of S 196th St., as such street is defined in said 0 AF #5345763; th S 88 23'07" E alg a ln pll to sd CL 1230 ft to the W mgn of 8lst Ave. S; th S 1°47'49" W alg sd W mgn 164.48 ft TAP which lies 165 ft N of the S ln of the NE ~ of Section 1; thence N 88°12'47" W 105 feet; th S 1°47'49" W 165 feet to sd S ln; th S 88°12'47" W alg sd S ln 1,125 ft to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the W 430 feet thereof. If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "H" REMAINDER DE SCRIPT I ON Remn~nder Assessment No. £0 7 Rema:mder Original Amt. $ SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "C" If m:Jre space needed, attach description and refer to ExlJibi t "C" Appro;;ed · and forwar de~ ;rrensurer' s Off ice this / J ?')/ day of {~/J.-/[.J , 19 ?~ together with copy of Certified Reso.lution No. / 72 cz . . ) I . ,_,..·/· // ,/ ' ? () .-· t./ . / .~ /[/, . :;) ,/1 · c .. c:?a c;;t£---· ./ Pr~p~rty Hanager /' For this service, the City \dll charge $10 minimum and an additional $10 per hour. The undersigned her1~by acccp above terms and condi- tions and certifies to the correctness n. ·s:tciNi:':.K~~ - /~.'.':'Per and/or Authorized Signature v -------·----~----.~-.. ~~--