HomeMy WebLinkAbout795RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, establishing priorities for programs under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. WHEREAS, the United States Congress in 1974 enacted public law 93-383, commonly called the 11 Housing and Development Act of 1974'', and hereinafter called 11 the Act", and WHEREAS, the primary objective of the Act is "the devel- opment of viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income 11 , and WHEREAS, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized by the Act to make grants to units of general local gov- ernment to help finance community development programs approved in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent is a unit of general local gov- ernment which is entitled to grant monies for some of its proposed programs in the areas of housing assistance and community development, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent has provided its citizens with adequate information relative to the funds available and programs fundable under the Act, and has provided citizens with an adequate opportunity to participate in the development of grant applications, and has held numerous public hearings to obtain the view of citizens on community development and on housing needs, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the City of Kent is entitled to certain monies commonly referred to as "POPULATION money,. and may be entitled to other monies commonly referred to as "NEEDS money", and WHEREAS, at a regular public meeting of the Kent City Council on November 17, 1975, the programs and priorities therefore were finalized for submission to King County, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the monies to be received by the City of Kent as "POPULATION monies" be and the same hereby are allo- cated for the following purposes and in the following priority: A. CBD Pedestrian Walkways B. CBD Coordinator c. Tot Lot Improvement -Phase D. Housing Rehabilitation - continuing program E. Wheelchair Ramps -Core Area F. Planning Money for 1976 G. Optional Reserve I $13,600 24,000 10,000 10,000 2,400 3,400 1,000 2. That any monies to which the City may be entitled as "NEEDS money" be and the same are hereby allocated for the following purposes and in the following priority: A. Housing Rehabilitation 15,000 B. CBD Storm Drainage, Phase I C. Tot Lot Improvement Phase II D. Cambridge Walkways E. Senior Center Improvement F. Old City Hall Site G. North Park Storm Drainage 84,870 10,000 50,000 25,000 292,800 3. That any discretionary (inter-jurisdictional) funds to which the City may be entitled be and the same hereby are allocated for the following purposes and in the following priority: A. Multi-Service Center (Recreation Portion) B. Nutrition Education Program 250,000 9,917 The Mayor of the City of Kent shall submit a certified copy of this resolution to the appropriate King County officials. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 1st day of December, 1975. ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR - 2 - ATTEST: / TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a No. , passed by the City Council of ington, the day of true copy of Resolution the City of Kent, Wash- , 1975. ------------------- ,SEAL) - 3 - 1975 SIDENTIAL REHABILITATION Housing Rehab. Assistance ~BD REK~BILITATION "~TERJURISDICTIONAL Multi-Service Center recreational planning portion PLAi~NING Staff 1...1. ! 1 ur 1\.L;..\ ~ HOUSING & CmUvlUNITY DEVELOP!·IENT PROGRAM (3-YEAR PLAN) 1976 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION Housing Rehab. Assistance Tot-Lot Impr. -Phase 1 CBD REK~BILITATION Walh'ays -Phase 1 Wheelchair ramps Storm Drainage -Phase 1 Coordinator I~~ERJURISDICTIONAL f\1ul ti-Service Center recreation portion Nutrition Educational program PLA.'.INING Staff SEE PRIORITY Sl~ET FOR F~DING SOURCES FOR THE 1976 PROGRA!'-1 .I 1977 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION Housing Rehab. Assistance Tot-Lot Impr. -Phase 2 Lo~er E. Hill Storm Drainage -Phase 1 Side~ilk Improvement North Park Drainage CBD REHABILITATION Walkways -Phase 2 Kheelchair ramps Storm Drainage -Phase 2 Coordinator Old City Hall Site Park INTERJURISDICTIONAL PLAl'.:JNING Staff .. , ' 1978 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATl\J Housing Rehab. Assist3n• Lower E. Hill Storm Drainage -Phase 2 Sidewalk Improvement CBD REHABILITATION Walkways -Phase ,., Wheelchair ramps Storm Drainage Phase 3 Old City Hall Site Park I~~ERJURI~ICTIONAL PLANNING Staff