HomeMy WebLinkAbout792/ ·-, ~ · .. RESOLUTION NO .4-GrJ: ------ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of the Treasury Accounting to make segregation of certain assessments levied under ULID No. 1 and LID No. 252 WHEREAS, ANDY TOTH has requested segregation of certain assessments levied against properties under ULID No. 1 and LID No. 252, WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Ac- counting be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by ANDY TOTH on applications attached hereto as Exhibits 1, 2 and 3, and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. The assessments involved are No. 537 and 538 of ULID No. 1 and No. 113 of LID 252. PASSED at the Regular Meeting of the Kent City --, Council this 18th day of August, 1975. ATTEST: ~OFO~' -o ' <(.~ DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. 77J. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the /~day of August, 1975. L.l.D; StGIU~GATIUi'l CERTIFlC/\lE ----------------------------~-- l{equestc(; by: Edward ~1. llolpuc, Jr. Quigley-Hatch-Loveridge and Leslie 2920 Seattle-First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Seattle, WA 98154 Date Owner [, Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Loc ... L Imp. District No.U.L.I U. 1 ASSESS!!ENT NO. 533 Orir,in<1l /\mount $ Andy E. Toth 18425 ll6th Ave H.enton, WA 98055 That ptn of the N\'i !.i, 14-22-4 DAS: Beg at the NE cor of GL 5, sd Sec. 14, th 0 SIN 88 47'19~ \'/ alg theN ln of sd GL 5 a dist of 726.01 ft. to the TPOB; th cont. N 88 47' 19" W alg sd ln projected a dist of 422.2 ft; th S 2°06'40 11 IV 1098 ft + to the Nly 1n of a county rJ; th Ely alg sd 1n TAP \vh bears S 2°06'40"-\'i fr the TPOB; th N 2°06'40" E 954.84 ft to the TPOB; LESS the E 208.72 ft. of theN 417.44 ft. tho£. .,. If zrvrc SJ'ac:e needed, atte1ch description anJ rc?fl!.r to ExlJil)it "A" Owner & Address NLW DESCRIPTION !lew Assessment No. 538-1 New Assessment Amt.$399.21 l<obert C. Parker , h f h . d l 'l . 1 . S C k .1 1 f at ptn o t e Dav1 A. Neely Donat ion Land Claim No. 37, being pts of Sec. 11. 1 p • uy enua ., c: , h 1 f Parker Industries 1.0, 11, 14 f, b, lwns p. 22, Rg 4 OAF: Beg at tle NE cor o GL 5, sd Sec 14; s6 4 o s 288 th St. th N 88°47'19~ W alg theN ln of sd GL 5 a Jist of 726.01 ft. ~o the TPOB; Kent, IVA 980 31 th cont. N 88 47'19" W alg sd N 1n projected 422.20 ft; th S 2 06'40" \'/ 206.35 ft; th S 88°47'19" E 422.20 ft; th N 2°06'40" E 206.35 ft. to the TPOI EXCEPT the E 208. 72 ft thof. 11' ~10 Fee Received _J_I 2~-I 19.2£ ~eceipt -------------------r------------------------------------------------------------~--~~----------If more SIJace needed, attach dcscriptjon and refer t:o L'xhibjt "IJ" Owner & Address REMA 1 ND ER DESC!H PT I ON Hcm.1i.ndcr i\s~cssmen t No. 538 Remainder Original i\mt. ~ That ptn of David A. Neely Donation Land Claim #37 being portns of Sec. 10, 1 14 and 15, 1\mshp 22, Rg 4 OAF: Beg at the NE cor of GL 5 in scl Sec 14; th \ndy E.-ioth N 88°47'19" \II a dist. of 726.01 ft. TAP referred to as Point "A" for ref. l 8425 ll6th Ave SEpurposes; th cont. N 88°47'19" \II a clist of 422.20 ft; th S 2°06'40" IV 206.35 J<cnton, IVA 9 8055 ft. to TPOB; th cont. S 2°06'40" \II 892 ft + toN 1n of Co. Rd. (S 228th St); i\clrl:itional Fees Paid th Ely a1g sci N 1n of sd rd TAP which bearsS 2°06'40" II' fm Pt. /\; th N 2°06'40" E TAP wh lies 206.35 ft S of Pt. "A"; th N 88°47'19" \'I to TP0!3; EXCEPT theE 208.72 ft. of theN 211.05 ft. thof. • I If nDrc ~;pdcc needed, attach dcscriptjon and refer t:o ExllilJit "C" Approved· nnu forwarded to Treasurer's Office this ."J;/N° Ca~~~ t:;"' , 19 '7?-together with copy of C~rtificd day of Resolution c:.< I // /192f No. 7 ?22-· Additional· Hours I fi(J()O Receipt tlo;2_?d]! For this service, the City Hill ch<1rge $10 minimum and an nclditionn1 $10 per hour. The undersJgncd hereby accepts above terms and condi- tions and certifies to the correctness}crein 1 .} 1 (/ / ~--~---·-3t_c_N}A7!/~j,~d@t~~ (};,~"-~~·:: __ ---------------·· ------~-----------------------~----- -~. ~ _L ..• l.D. Sl::GHl::GATllHJ CEf{flFICJ\"JF Requested by: Edward ~!. llolpu~... , Jr. Quigley-[[atch-Loveridge and Leslie 2920 Seattle-First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Seattle, WA 98154 Local Imp. District No. ASSESS![ENT NO. 1 537 Owner f, Address OIUGINAL DESCRIPTION Oricinal Amount $ I --------r-----~~~~~~~--~~--------, 1\ndy E. Toth 18425 116th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 Owner f, Address Robert C. Parker Philip S. Cuykenda 1 Parker Industries S640 S 288th St. Kent, WA 98031 110 Fee Received __j_J J 5---I 19 _L£ :( cceipt II J.J,?) tj Por Uon Clm Beg on E ln 726.01 ft W of NE cor GL 5 Sec. 14-22-4; th W 208.72 ft th S 02°06'40" W 417.44 ft th S 88°47'19" E 208.72 ft; th N 02°06'40" E 417.44 ft to beg -11 If norc SJ)i.lCC nt.;cdcd, attclcll dcscriptjon ancl refc:r to Exhihit "/\" NE\\' DESCRIPTION HcH Assessment No. 537-1 New Assessment i\mt.~l88.66 TheN 206.35 ft of the fol: Por Don Clm Beg on E ln 726.01 ft W of NE cor GL 5 Sec 14-22-4; th W 208.72 ft; th S 02°06'40" W 417.44 ft; th S 88°47'19" E 208.72 ft; th N 02°06'40" E 417.44 ft to beg r--I_f __ m_o_r~o __ SJ~Y-O_c_e_J_Jc_c_.d_,c_.c_I~,_u._t_-~_-J_c_h __ d_c_'s_-_c_r_~~·p_t_:J_·o_n __ u_ll_d __ r_u_f_c_r __ t_o __ G_x_h_.i_b_i_t __ "_V_" _________ I Owner & Address RH1Al NDER DESC!U PT I ON 1\ern:Llndf'r Assessment No. 537 1 1 Remainder Original Amt. s ,-------------r--------------------------~~--~~~~~~~T--------1 I I I ' Andy E: -1oth I I I i 18425 116th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 Por Don Clm BegonE ln 726.01 ft W of NE cor GL 5 Sec 14-22-46 th W 208.72 ft; th S 02°06'40" W 417.44 ft; th S 88 47'19" E 208.72 ft; th N 02°06 1 40" E 417.44 ft to beg EXC the N 206.35 ft thof 'l ~ ' "i \ II If ITDrc !;puce needed, uttu.ch dcscriJJtjon u.nd refer t.o Exhibit "C" ----------------+---------~--------~------------~---------------------------------- · Additional Fees Paid I 0;//·/19/S \ Additional Hour~ ! / "'lout· ! Approved·antl forwarded to Treasurer's Office this day of , 19 top,ether with copy of Certified Resolution ----------------No. ----------· Property llanager For th.ls service, the City Hill charge $10 minjmum and an additional 2Jl"i--; $10 per hour. Tltc undersJgneJ herehy accC'pls above terms and condi- Receipt No ! ti.ons and certifies to the corr~~~~ess~5Jln.1 )_ 11---;/ J i ·s!GN~o ;(<;f{~ -!--/t;;{d/'-----c.·z> L--,A-_ i ----------''------------------'-AJ_\_m~·r A~<l/o:·.-~:~~~-~~~·17-t•d. Gf.1}1nturo _______ _ I i I L , 1. D • s t: G HE GAT r u 11 cErn 1 F 1 c A H= ----------------------------~- hcquestcd by: Edward M. llolpu. Jr. Quiglcy-llatch-Lovcridge and Leslie 2920 Seattle-First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Seattle, WA 98154 nate Lo c ,1 Imp, Distd ct No. ASSESS!!Elff NO. 252 113 1 Owner & Address ORJGfNAL DESCRIPTION Oricinal Amount $ Andy E. Toth 18425 116th Ave Sl Renton, IVA 98055 That ptn of the NW 1:i, 14-22-4 OAS: Beg at the NE cor of GL 5, sd Sec. 14, th 0 N 88 47'19" IV alg theN ln of sd GL 5 a dist of 726.01 ft. to the TPOB; th cont. N 88°t17'19" IV alg sd ln projected a dist of 422.2 ft; th S 2°06'40" \II 1 0 9 8 f t + t o t ll e N 1 y 1 n o f a count y r d ; t h I.: 1 y a l g s d 1 n T ,\P 1v h be a r s S 0 -0 2 06' 11 0" \tJ fr the TPOB; th N 2 06' 4 0" E 954. 8<1 ft to the TPOB; LESS the E 208.72 ft. of theN 417.44 ft. thof. .,. I I-------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, 1[ wore space nccclcd, attc1ch description and re[r.r to Exhihit "!\" 1 i Owner & Address Robert C. Parker Philip S. Cuykenda ParK.er, Industries 5640 S 288th St. Kent, WA 98031 310 Fee Received / _j_; _1{_; 19 Jf_ Receipt II /I ?21 Owner & Address NL\\' DESCRIPTION llcH Assessment No. 113-2 NeH Assessment Amt.$325.00 'fhat ptn of the David A. Neely Donation Land Claim No. 37, being pts of Sec. I. to, 11, 14 & 15, Twnshp. 22, Rg 4 OAF: Beg at the NE cor of GL 5, sd Sec 14; th N 88°47' 19" W alg the N ln of sd GL 5 a Jist of 726.01 ft. to the TPOB; th cont. N 88°47'19" W alg sd N ln projected 422.20 ft; th S 2°06'40" IV ' 206.35 ft; th S 88°47'19" I.: 422.20 ft; th N 2°06'40" E 206.35 ft. to the TPOI EXCEPT the E 208. 72 ft thof. ,,., ------------ If more SfJace needed, attach description and refor to Exhibit "IJ" REMAINDER DESCJU PT I ON Rem;JJndcr Asscssrnen t No. 113 Remainder Orijjinal Amt. $ That ptn of David A. Neely Donation Land Claim #37 being portns of Sec. 10, 11 14 and 15, Twnshp 22, Rg 4 0/\F: Beg at the NE cor of GL 5 in sd Sec 14; th ~~~~5 Ei~'fo~h N 88°47' 19" IV a dist. of 726.01 ft. TAP referred to as Point "A" for ref. 6 t Ave SEpurposes; th cont. N 88°47'19" IV a dist of 422.20 ft; th S 2°06'40" W 206.35 l~enton, \'JJ\ 9 805 5 ft. to TPOB; th cont. S 2°06'40" W 892ft+ toN ln of Co. Rd. (S 228th St); -0 Aclclitional Fees Paid th Ely alg sd N ln of sd rd TAP which bears S 2 06 '4 0" \\' fm Pt. A; th N 2°06'40" E TAP wh lies 206.35 ft S of Pt. "A"; th N 88°47'19" W to TPOB; EXCEPT theE 208.72 ft. of theN 211.05 ft. tho£. I I --------·· 1---------------------~---------~~--~--~-----------------------·--------------If norc ~;pdcc needed, attach description and refr.r t:o ExhilJit "C" Approvctl· antl fonvarded to Treasurer's Offir:C' t.hl~; c!:ly of , 19 to!jether Hith copy of \,ertificcl Resolution ----------------__, () !// /192" No. Additional !lours /:j ~J.60 Receipt No. --#"' .,.,., ...., "? --; _ . ...<.._-:-;0..._")" / Property l!anager For th.ls r;crvice, the City Hill ch;n~e $10 min !mum and nn ndditior1,1l $10 per hour. The undersjgned hcrcby accrpls above terms and condi- tlons and certifies to the correctness herein. , / ·gtGNEDL\C:l~_,IJ.~?'~_,_4/)- r> 1-h>~t~Hl~ /n r i\u 1or 1 zc·d ~; l{J)1n t urr