HomeMy WebLinkAbout787RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the City Treasurer to make segregation of certain assessments levied under Local Im- provement Districts No. 261, and No. 272, and ULID No. 1. WHEREAS, Coldwell, Banker and Company has requested segregation of certain assessments levied against properties under Local Improvement Districts 261 and 272, and ULID No. 1, and WHEREAS, said request was reviewed by the Finance Committee and said Committee recommended approval of the re- quest, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the City Treasurer be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by Coldwell, Banker and Company on applications attached hereto as Exhibits 1, 2, and 3, and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. The assessments involved are Number 3 of LID 261; Number 40 of LID 272; and Number 143 of ULID No. 1. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 21st day of April, 1975. -1- ATTEST: ~~ DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that th is is a true copy of Resolution No. ~3'7 I passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, the ~~ day of April, 1975. (SEAL) -2- ------- 1\equest,cd by: Shirley Giles, rl·row Offic r lh t l' I . 1 , n-· c: ___ • ·t tl 272 C l.d 11 B k & C S •t 1 ,o(;,_, 11 P· ,_!.llt< 0 • --- ·--------·-------------------________ L ~__! _ _. _l}; • _ _0_~ul~.c~--~J-~ '.! -~--~~~UF~~~~J.L: _______ f.:._'f:._~!_~ tf ---~_l o we an er o., u1 e ~ Park Place Building April 15, 1975 ASrJ<C'-''!I···-T 1,0 40 Seattle, WA 98101 Phone #292-1600 •J "h" -t~ ' • --- ----------. ----------------------------------------·----------------------- Owner' & All<lrcsf; ORIC~Dl1\L Jll:Sun PlJON Or:iglnaJ ,\mount $ !erville F. Bishop ~2203 84th Ave. S. \ent, WA 98031 Lot 2, Shinn's Valley Home Addition to Kent; LF.SS the west 90 feet; and LESS any public roads and/or right-of-way. Nc1" '!',f'C!-;,L_~mCT1t Nn. 40-1 NI:W DLSCJ~ J P'J'J ON "-" . ______________________________ __!:!.__~~-A:_;_s_~~~£~£lll' llmt .$ 742_._]6 __._ r. P. Francis & Ass. The east 320 feet of the west 410 feet of Lot 2, Shinn's'·Va:lley Home ~627 Western Ave. I Addition to Kent LESS any public roads and/or right-of-way. :eattle, WA 98121 . ·, $.10 Fee R!.'ceivetl __ / ______ _/19 ___ _ :cceipt II ____ _ I.f wore spac(' noencd, Dttach doscn·puon and re_!"~~r ___ ~C: __ !:l!.~~J_~'_-i_~ ____ : ll" __ .. ·---~ --.. -··· ------·-···· -----··· -···~-------:---·-·--·-··---··· --·-··----· -·· ----·-i{Cmaincler As~;·e ssrne.n t No. HEMAINDJm DESCHJ l'TJON (h··ner & /1th1ress Remainder Original Amt. $ 40 --------------·---·· -------------·--------------------------· ----------------. ·---------------------------- Merville F. Bishop 22203 84th Ave. s. Kent, WA 98031 Lot 2, Shinn's Valley Home Addition to Kent; LESS the west 410 feet; AND LESS any public roads and/or right-of-way. -------------·--·-------_, ------------------·-----------·-----·---·-·---------- __ !._!___!I10re space nce~c:_~:.! __ at:_~aclJ_l!_t~scr{pt.ion and refer to Exh.iJ-'it.: _:_:C': _________ _ Add. Fee Pn:id __ / __ /}:_2 __ _ _l!s Add Hours !:t•ceipt t! __ _ , ,~· . ; Approved and fon-1ardcd to Treasurer's Office this day of ----------- 19 ___ together uith copy of Certified HesoJ uU c•n No. For this service, the City will char~je $J 0 m:in:irnurq nnd rm ndd:i.li<)tJ<J1 $10 per hour. The. ur11.lers:igned hereby accepts above tenus awl cond:itiPtlS. SIC tUm ;_. ~ • j) • 'i' \,.•L....•...-1'\.. •--'l I I). ' ' ; t \...•1-1' t 1. I .l 'vi I I I_ !~r~r'f' ,.._ -~-----------------------,ii';~~:i;~1• hL~~~-~~~~~ 0 ~j ~~~ ~. r~w offi c1; A ;i~' ,~5 1975 P·ark Place Bmldmg P ' Seattle, WA 98101 J.oc-J1''P· J)jE=tr:iC'l llo. U.L. I .D. #1 ------- ASSE~)St-u:rn llO. 143 Merville F. Bisho 22203 84th Ave. S Kent, WA 98031 Lot 2, Shinn's Valley Home Addition to Kent; LESS the west 90 feet; AND LESS any public roads and/or right-of-way. New /\r.sc~;!'_·mcnt No. 143-1 · II l\1:''' Dl~SCJU I'TJ ON -'(hme r E. /\ l l rc ~;}; 1 __________ :~c:•~ ___ /\_f:'..:~~'~;~~~-~£~! t 1\n~!:_. $ 1877. ~J-;. ' .~Fr~ncis-& -~s1 The east 32 0 fee~ of-~~~ w~s~-~:~eet 'of Lot 2, Shinn' s Valley '627 Western Ave. ~cattle, WA 98121 (ilO) Fee Reed vel: ~~------/19 __ _ ·'.eceipt If ________ _ Herville F. Bishop 22203 84th Ave. S. Kent, WA 98031 I i Add. Fee l'a i d ' __ / __ /]:2 __ _ 1!:2 Add Hours 1 l~_E·cejpt If ;I'.,--/·,' Home Addition to Kent; LESS the west 90 feet; AND LESS any public roads and/or right-of-way. ,,f ••• 4 / G ,,-1 •' Remninch·r Asf>c'Sf'Incnt No. 143 Renwinrlcr OLir,:itraJ Amt. $ ·-. -··-----------------------------------·-~--------·--· ·-·---· -·--··-· ·---·-· . ·--------------.. -·-------------- Lot 2, Shinn's Vaney Home Addition to Kent; LESS the west 410 feet; AND LESS any public roads and/or right-of-way. · 1 ] ., ' · ' -F f r } '} 'I 11 C" ___ lf__rrnrc spac:u nccrlc::~·'-at~~E_2 __ !}_r:_:~!:_r1Pt:J_~~_i!_~~~~-:~~~___:9-~~:'.!_l-!:._:___ -~-------~-- 1\pprovr~d and fonmnlecl to Tre<H;urer' s Office this dav of 19 ____ togelher \lith copy of Certified EesoluU ron~.--. J-• • .. ..... • ' ' •• , ..... ' ' • ,_,. L-' ~~;~~;~;:~-f~~~~i~i~~. ~i~~~~.""[~w Ofncet · ·-k, ~~----·-- Palk Place Bu1ldmg · April 15, 1975 LOU! lP:p. Di!Ot:rict: no. 261 3 ASSESSl·:tmT NO. Seattle, WA 98101 Phone #292-1600 j Hic.hard E. Nash 21216 84th Ave. s. Kent, WA 98031 01\IGIN/\l. lll::--:un PllON That portion of the following described property lyin-g west of primary state highway No. 5 (Valley Freeway); TL 30, Sec 7-22-5; beg at a pt 797.62 ft N of IV !4 cor of Sec; th N 88°42 1 00" E 1739.11 ft ±to center line of DD; th N 82°34'10" E 744.79 ft ± to E ln of NW !a-; th N 473.7 ft ± toNE cor of SE !a-of NW !:i; TH S 88°42 1 00 11 W 1940.22 1 ; th S 282 ft; th S 88°42 1 00" W 540.64 ft ± to W ln of Sec; th S to beg LESS 25 ft DD; LESS public roads and/or right-of-way . _______________________ .... ___ 1 1 i' m.':·o_ ~c;_r'!}c~· --~~c_·~:~C:c~,--'!_L_t!!c~l~_dc.~~!'_i:_L)~-!~I_l __ CJ_ncl refer to J~7xJ,iJ.>.i_t _:~~~~·-------___ _ ____ _ OvJUer & /lddrcBf; J\1~1\' DL~SCJ( li'TJ OI'J Ke\v A;,;>er;~;r:lcnt Nn. 3-2 · --------------------l -----· ----------------__________________________ ~-~-~~--0:>_:~cn:_>_!'~~!~~~~~ $ 1~-·~~4: 26 Pacific Ventures 700 112th NE Suite 207 Bellevue, WA 98004 $10 Fee Rer~iveJ _--_I ____ /19 __ _ Richard E. Nash 21216 -84th Ave S Kent, WA 98031 ----------- That portion of the following described property lying west of primary state highway No. 5 (Valley Freeway): TL 30, Sec 7-22-5; beg at apt 797.62 ft N of \V !a-cor of Sec; th N 88°42 1 00" E ).739.11 ft ±to center line of DD; th N 82°34 1 10" E 744.79 ft ± to E ln of NW !;j; th N 473.7 ft ± to NE 0 cor of SE !4 of NW ~;, th S 88°42 1 00" W 1940.22 ft; th S 282 ft; th S 88 42 1 00" west 540.64 ft ± to W ln of Sec; th S to beg LESS 25 ft DD; LESS the W 540.64 ft measured alg tr'le• S ln ~hereof; LESS public roads and/or right-of-way If mc,re space nr:cdccl, attach description azul refc1 to r; x hi l,_; 1: "JJ" ................. -------·--···-·--·--····-·----- I<Ei'/1/\INDFR ))E:-JCJU l'Tl ON Remaill<l~c~r Ast;et;~:rncn t Nn. ___,3~- ------------------··----------------------------------~e~~~il2r~~:: .. ~~_:i_1}:L!l~~:_-~~~-~-· _ _1 _________ _ The W 498.64 ft measured alg the S ln of the following described property: TL 30, Sec 7-22-5; beg at apt 797.62 ft N of W !a-cor of Sec; th N 88°42'00" E 1739.11 ft ±to centerline of DD; th N 82°34'10" E 744.79 ft ± to E ln of NW !a-; th N 473.7 ft ± to NE cor of SE !a-of NW !a-; th S 88'0 42'00" W 1940.22 ft; th S 282 ft; th S 88°42'00" W 540.64 ft ±to W ln of Sec; th S to beg less 25 ft DD; LESS any public roads and/or right-of-way. -----------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------.. ----------------- . ~ f _ mn e s race nee d_f!.:I ~-~-t a ~!2_<!_<~:'!_C:T i p_!:i_52n c11~~!_!!-'.!Y r to r; x l:.ii; i t: II c:; ·:. ________________ _ I Ad cl. F I' · 1 '('P DJU Approved and forwarded to Trea:-:nrer' ~' Office this ___ dny of ---------_____ _ 19 __ togethc~r Hith copy of Certified Heso1uUr·n Nn. I I __ / ----/ }}_ -- 2 Add Hours r:eceipt # ''/(). ('il1