HomeMy WebLinkAbout786. -. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the City Treasurer to make segregation of certain assessments levied under Local Improvement Districts No. 253, 267, 272, and ULID No. 1. WHEREAS, Safeco Title Insurance Company has requested segregation of certain assessments levied against properties under Local Improvement Districts No. 253, 267, 272, and ULID No. 1, and WHEREAS, said request was reviewed by the Finance Committee and said Committee recommended approval of the request, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the City Treasurer be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by Safeco Title Insurance Company on applications attached hereto as Exhibits 1, 2, 3 and 4, and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessments involved are No. 21 of LID 253; No. 3 of LID 267; No. 55 of LID 272; and NO. 299 of ULID No. 1. PASSED at a Regular this 7th dat of April, l975. DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY Meeting of the Kent City Council 7 . ,~d':,0 ~e/) ISABE HOGAN, MAYOR ( I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No.-~, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, the ___:;z day of~ 1975. ' ~---~~ ] (SEAL) MARIE JE~L~RK L L.I.D. 11267 ASSESS~1ENT 113 ORIGINAL D · Portion of Tax Lot 'lO in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 King County, Washin1!ton; portion of north half of southeast east quarter lying easterly of following: Beginning 256.75 cast corner of said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; 'thence south 228.20 feet; thence \~est 71 feet; thence south to the south line of said subdivision; less south 15 feet; less north 318 feet and less county ' road. : ··· ,11' ASSESSMENT ff3-2 NEW DESCRlPTION ' The south ,]5 feet of the following: That portion of north half of south- cast quarter or' northC'ast qtFJrtf:T of E-cctinn 12, Township 22 ~~orth, Range 4 East, W.M., King Co1mty, \'iashington lying easterly of the following described line; Beginning 256.75 feet west of northeast corner of said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence ·s~,uth 2:8.20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to the south line of said subdivision; less the south 15 feet; less the north 318 feet; and less county road" NEW ASSESSt1ENT AHOUNT $219. 1 R --------------------------------------------- RE~~INDER DESCRIPTION Portion of Tax Lot 40 in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 Bast, ·W,t-1 .• King County, Washington, portion of north half of southeast quarter of north- east quarter lying easterly of following: Beginning 256.75 feet west of north- east corner of said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south 228.20 feet; thence \~est 71 feet; thence south to the south line of said subdivision; less the south 30 feet; less the north 318 feet; and less county road. Time Spetit = ~4· hour ), \_,!)' ' • I' J L.I.D. #272 ASSESS1·1ENT 1155 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Portion Tax Lot 40 in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington; portion of north half of southeast quarter of north- east quarter lying easterly of following: Beginning 256.75 feet west of north- east con1er said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south 228.20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to the south Line of said subdivision; less south 15 feet; less north 318 feet; and less county road. ,, \ n· -'' , . l(~' ASSESS~lENT # 55-2 NEW DESCRIPTION The south 15 fee~ of the following: That portion of north half of south- cast quarter of northeast'quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Kin~ Courlty, Washington lying easterly of the following; beginning 256.75 feet west of northeast con1er said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 7l feet; thence south 228. 20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence. south to the south line of said subdivision; less south 15 icbt; less ndrth 318 feet; and less county road. NEW ASSESSHENT AMOUNT $71.88 ASSESSHENT 1155 REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Portion Tax Lot 40 in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., 'King County, Washington; portion of north half of southeast quarter of north- east quarter lying easterly of following; Beginning 256.75 feet west of north- east corner said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south 228.20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to the south line of said subdivision; less the south 30 feet; less north 318 feet; and less county road • . n·; ·:· ., ·' jf· hour 1 ULID Ill ASSESSfc1ENT 11299 Portion Tax Lot 40 in Section 12, ToMtship 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington, portion of north half of southeast quarter of north- cast quarter lying easterly of following: Beginning 256.75 feet west of north- east corner of said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence cast 71 feet; thence south 228.20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to south U ne· of said subdivision; less south 15 feet; lE>ss north 318 feet; and less county road. ASSESSHENT 11299-2 NEW DESCRIPTION The south 15 feet of the following; that portion of the north half of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, H.angc t1 East, II'.H., King County, Washington, lying easterly of the following: Beginnj 11!! 25(J. 7S feet west nf northeast corner of said subd i vi ;,ion; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence .south 228,20 feet; thence west 71 feet; tl1ence south to south line of said subdivisioh~ less south 15 feet; less north 318 fee't and less county road. NEW ASSESS~1ENT ~10UNT $21. 4 2 ASSESS~IENT If 2 99 REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Portion Tax Lot 40 in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington, portion of north half of southeast quarter of north- east quarter lying easterly of following: Beginning 256.75 feet west of north- east corner of said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south 228.20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to south li~e of said subdivision; less south 30 feet; less north 318 feet and less county road. \. f+ hour •' l _____ ..... _ L.I.D. #253 · ASSESS~4ENT 1121 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Portion of Tax Lot 40 in Section 12, To\mship 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., Kjng County, Washington, portion of north half of southeast quarter of north- east quarter lying easterly of following; Beginning 256.75 feet west of north- cast corner of said subdivision; thence soutlt 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south '228. 20 feet; thence \~est 71 feet; thence south to the south line of said subdivision; less the south 15 £eeti less the north 318 feet and less county road. ASSESSHENT 1121-2 NEW DESCIPTION The south 15 feet'of the following: That portion of north half of south- cast quarter of. northeast quarter of Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, King County, Washington lying easterly of the following described line: Beginning 256.75 feet west of northeast corner of said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south ... 228. 2'..0 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to the south .line of said sub- division; less the south 15 feet; less the north 318 feet; and less county road. NEW ASSESS~1ENT AMOUNT $22.04 ASSESSHENT 1121 REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Portion of Tax Lot 40 in· Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington, portion of north half of southeast quarter of north- east quarter lying easterly of following; Beginning 256.75 feet west of north- east corner of said subdivision; thence south 198 feet; thence east 71 feet; thence south 228.20 feet; thence west 71 feet; thence south to the south line of said subdivision; less the south 30 feet; less the north 318 feet; and less county road. I, 3/ . Time Spent = ,...t hour •'