HomeMy WebLinkAbout782, ... L RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the City Treasurer to make segregation of certain assessment levied under Local Improve- ment District No. 253. WHEREAS, ELAZAR BEHAR has requested the segregation of certain assessments levied against property under Local Improvement District No. 253, and WHEREAS, said request was reviewed by the Finance Committee and said Committee recommended approval of the request, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the City Treasurer be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessment requested by ELAZAR BEHAR on application attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessment involved is No. 20 of Local Improvement District No. 253. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 18th day of February, 1975. ATTEST: c.~··"·-·-- I hereby certify that th is is a true copy of Resolution No. ::J~r~ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 18th day of February, 1975. ~-) =/=-=·=)~.(;=' ·:=-C-=-v-..2:=·=;=~~-e.,:~+------:==· ~ .= .. ,~/=\=:-=-----(SEAL) MARIE JE~pif,CITy CLERK "~d-l.>.r----~· E Jnz;n: llclw'r Investors Preferred Rca 1 ty ~1~5 Securi tics HlJg Seattle, l\'A 9~101 Owner ')J\ i i.: August 13, 197 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Loco! lrnp. Di~tr'ict No: _ 253 ASS-ESSMENT NO: 20 Origt"ul Arru:w"' Ov• -·-·--···--· ·····--·--·----------------------------------------:--- ,{, ~1astro •1 l3st S tttle, WA 9Sl'ltl ·····-·----------------- Owner & Addrc~~. ---------------- I l!'\: ~lr. G. Hlx 'l)!l~t Soun<.l rower & Lt ··al Estate Di v. .' 11 cvuc, WJ\ 9 8009 Engineer~ Appr~vol The W 435 ft of N 1/2 of SE 1/'~ of NIV 1/4; Less ptn lyg within puh1 ic roads nnd/or right of lvay; Less the N 35 ft of E 77.5 ft thereof; as located in Sec. 12, T1m 22 N, Rg 4 E.W.H. T. L. 36 ---· -··· ... ------------------------·----------------------·------------- PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 20-1 -------·----·-------------~:.:..:__;_:_::.;,:;__...:..;,.:._.;_.;:_:_ _ __:;;__ ___ _ ''A" The E 50 ft of the following: The I'/ 435 ft of W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4; Less ptn lyg within public roads and/or right of way; Less the· N 35 ft of E 77.5 ft thereof; as located in Section 12, Township 22 North, Range 4 E.N.M. c;_;., New Assessment $862.37 _,y,.,. HEr-!J\INIJEl< DESCRIPTION Assessment No. 20 The W 435 ft of N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of N\'1 1/4; Less portion lyg within ptlbl ic roads and/or right of way; Less the N 35 ft of E 77.5 ft thereof; Less the E 50 ft thereof; as located in Section 12, Township 2L North, Range 4 E.W.M. T. L. 36 If more spc1te i~ required, use other side. Approved and Forworded to Engineers Office------· 19 __ -~ ()..~J '~ ':3 0-0 0 \, •-:-> l 0 '7(-cr<:vv-... -"::1 ("l ' \. l . ) City Treosurer ""\\;:>-.._ -·~ :;J. 0 q ( l ( ( A _j ~[.tv< Fo• th ;, •e.,ke I he CIty w;H < ho <ge L . -··-··--lo< the ""' ho"' o "" o" odd I II'"" I $ . ~~ Vl~ per hour o~ required. Minimum charge $ .. ---· ....... ___ . Up to ten (10) cloys may be requi1ed /~ ~ for complution oncl ~ubmi~~ion of report by the Engineers' Deportment. ~ A. ''/"" Tl cJ . d Applicant(] d d 'I' f 1 I• 1e un ers•gne occeph term~ os note , on cerll 1es to correctness o Owner [] othe• l"lo<motlo" '"bmltted oem•o•y to("'" ''e 'Zo" "' o<dc<od. Slg"cd.~ .U: -~ ... ::-::!...... ______ _