HomeMy WebLinkAbout775RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, directing the City treasurer to make segregations of certain assessments levied under Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 and Local Improvement District No. 264. WHEREAS, SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has requested the segregation of certain assessments levied against property under Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 and Local Improve- ment District No. 264, and WHEREAS, said request was reviewed by the Finance Committee and said Committee recommended approval of the request, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. The City Treasurer be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by SAFECO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY on an application dated May 21, 1974 and re- ceipted for by the City Treasurer and Property Management De- partment of the City of Kent, on June 10, 1974, said applica- tion being attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessments involved are No. 426 of Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 and Numbers 3, 5 and 6 of Local Improvement District No. 264. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 18th day of November, 1974. '\ .~£c ~ -1- ATTEST: . 17~ ··.~··] "---~~ MARIE JEN~ CITY CLERK I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. "?76 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 18th day of November, 1974. ~--___;;~-' ~-·---"""?"'~··,~·----So-+----(SEAL) MARIE JEN~ERK -2- ~"'~~~~~b="~L~.I.~D~. SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE -, \<.. u. ,l.t_, -6q c( "")~:t.~ DATE 5/21/ Title Insurance Company Margaret Palmer A ~oC)II Imp. District No: IIIJD #J 2nd Ave. 2 4 1~JAs MENT NO: 426~ eattle WA 98101 Owner Pac. 1st Fed. Sav & Acct. J. W. Wilson 55 A Street S.E. Auburn, WA 98002 Owner & Address John F. Van Dyke 8416 s. 208th Kent WA 98o31 J. W. Wilson Engineers Approval 1 1/2 hours ~ l'f<.~ I GSLf .:1. ";?). P A i D JUN 10 1974 CtTY TREA!:>v•·,r..ti KENT ORIGINAL DESCRIPT ~~ Beginning at SW corner of Sec; thence thence N 770.05 ft; thence W to W line of Section; 770.05 ft to beginning Less N 100 ft., Less County Less S 100 ft of N 200 ft. Sec. 6-22-5 PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS "A" Original Paid Due The south 170.05 feet of the west 302.40 feet of the southwest quarter of Section 6, Township 22 North, Range 5 E.W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT x~«a roads. NEW ASSESSMENT E 302.4o ft; thence S Roads, $ 926.45 272.90 653.55 $240.27 REMAINING DESCRIPTION A se sment No. 426 . .,. T. L. 44 Beg. at SW cor of Section; thence east 302.40 feet; thence north 770.05 feet; thence west to west line of Section; thence south 770.05 feet to beginning; LESS north 100 feet LESS County Road LESS south 100 feet of north 200 feet LESS south 140.05 feet of SEC 6-22-5 If more space is required, use other side. Original Amount Due Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office ____________ l9 __ _ City Treasurer For this service the City will charge$ for the first hour and an additional $, __ _ per hour as required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. • . Applicant 0 The unders•gned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. SAFECO T?\TLE INSURANCE COMPANY Signel Ut/V\ ~ OvvJv f U. \ -vv-Rc;rr~·' ()fficer ~~ .. ~L=±=====I===I===L=.I=.D=. SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE \!<11.,~-sqq ~· Requested .by: Sa,-rlt/:10 i tle Insurance-tompany . Atl~: Margaret Palmer DATE r---_,.._1 ----. 5/21/7 P A ~odJI Imp. )istrict No: 264 ' llp9 d Avenue Se ·~ e WA 98101 Ml Y 2 4 1974 ASSESSMENT NO: -_,3;.;---- Owner Verna B. Wilson 20634 84th Ave. So. Kent WA 98031 CIT~ OF KENT ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Sec. 6-22-; TL 44 Beg at SW cor of Sec: ThE 302.4o '; th N 770.05'; th W toW ln of Sec; th S 770.05 1 to beg; less N 200'; less N 194 1 of S 359' of W 114 1 thereof; less E 90' of W 204' of S 165'; less County Rd. Original : $7,977.75 Paid Due 1,595-59 6,382.16 Original Amount Due ------------+-------------------------------------- Owner & Address John F. Van Dyke 8416 s. 208th Kent WA 98031 Verna B. Wilson Engineers Approval 2ho~ ~·-·~·--... _ .. __ ....... , ... --~ P J..\ i D JUN 10 1974 ClTY TREASUfU~R \!<~ I (,;,5'-/ :2 ~ PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 3-1 UAII SEC 6-22-5. Beginning at SW corner of SEC; Th E 302.40'; th N 170.05'; th W toW 1n of Sec; th S 170.05 1 to beg; LESS County Rd.; LESS N 5' of W 84'; LESS E 90 1 of W 174' of S 135 1 • NEW ASSESSMENT $1,963.46 REMAINING DESCRIPTION _AssP.c;c;mP.nt Nn ~ SEC 6-22-5. TL 44 Beg at SW cor of SEC; th E 302.40'; th N 170.05 1 to TPOB; th con't N to apt wh lies 570.05' N of S 1n of SEC; th W toE margin of 84th Ave. S.; th S alg sd E margin to a pt wh lies 359 1 N of S 1n of SEC; th E 84'; th S to a pt wh lies 170.05' N of S ln of SEC; th E to TPOB. If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office 19 __ _ City Treasurer For this service the City will charge$ for the first hour and an additional $ __ _ per hour as required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. " . Applicant 0 The unders1gned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. SAFEU TITLE INSURANCE C<MPANY _, r·t -r_ . k ,/)c.:...-\..-r-.P-.... Signea.a ____ --~,-.__,__~ '-+'...!.~C>£.~___!V~_:__ _____ _ Escrc\w Officer i~==v=.===l===f==L=.I=.D=. C:EGREGATION CERTIFICATE \t<~ lfo3qJ ~ Requested by: S fecc Title Insurance Company A tn: Margaret Palmer 1 09 J nd Ave. s~ e WA 98101 DATE -· 5/21/7R---· p A \O<tJI Imp. L)istrict No: _ _.,2=64~-- M/Y 2 4 tQMs~~ENT NO: ---=-5 __ I I"'IT ns:-&.C&:'NT i Owner ORIGINAL DESCRIPtiUN Original Amount Due I --------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------1 I ! ,I Verna B. Wilson 20634 84th Ave. So. Kent WA 98031 Owner & Address John F. Van Dyke 8416 s. 208th Kent WA 98031 Verna B. Wilson Engineers Approval 1/2 hour ~"--.... -, ........... --.. .... ·----:. p ;\ ~ D JUN 10 1974 CITY TliE:A!::Iu HEfl \)< ti I l&9-l J. ~ Sec. 6-22-5, TL 121, N 114 1 of S 2~~~ of W 114 1 of SW)4 of S~; Less County Rd. 279' Original . s 888.85 . Paid . . Due : PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 5-1 "A" The S 5 ft of the fo1: SEC 6-22-5; theN 114 ft of the S 279 ft of W 114 ft of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4; LESS County Road. NEW ASSESSMENT $32.25 177.81 711.04 Orillinal REMAINIW DESCRIPTION Assessment-Nn t; SEC 6-22-5, TL 121; N 114 ft of S 279 ft of the W 114 ft of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 LESS County Rd; LESS the S 5 ft thereof. If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office ___________ l9 __ _ City Treasurer For this service the City will charge $, ____ for the first hour and an additional $, __ _ per hour as required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . . Applicant 0 The unders1gned Owner 0 accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. SAFECO TIT~ INSURANCE C<MPANY Signed / / ~ CO, ~ ~ c>..-l v'Y<L Escrow Ofi\tcer L.l. .\sF.GREGATION CERTIFICATE IR~ tte3 91 "'1/K-T ====~~==============~~ ~====~==~±===~=== Re Safeco Title Ins p <; Company DATE Attn: Margaret P kme 5/21/ p A 1 .,cal lm . District No: -4::2.o6!:t:!!, __ _ 1109 2nd Ave · Seattle WA 98101 SMENTN0: ___ 6~---- Owner John F. Van Dyke 8416 s. 208th Kent WA 98031 Owner & Address Engineers Approval CITY OF KE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Sec. 6-22-5, T.L 123, E 90' of W 204 1 of S 165' of S~; Less Rds. PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS "A'' CNING DESCRIPTION use other side. Original Paid Due 81,962.41 8 392.49 81,569.92 Original Amount Du• Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office ____________ l9· ___ _ City Treasurer For this service the City will charge $ for the first hour and an additional $ __ _ per hour as required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days rgay be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . Applicanti:i The undersigned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner D other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. SAJ-fCO TITLE INSU~CE CCMPANY Signed ( \ (AA ~c~ <.-\ vr-__ EscrdW Officer