HomeMy WebLinkAbout774· . ..__p .......... RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, directing the City Treasurer to make segregations of certain assessments levied under Utility Local Improvement District No. 1, and Local Improvement Districts No. 246, 252, 255, and 258. WHEREAS, SUN-MARK, INC. has requested the segregation of certain assessments levied against its property under Utility Local Improvement District No. 1 and Local Improvement Districts No. 246, 252, 255, and 258, and WHEREAS, said request was reviewed by the Finance Committee and said Committee recommended approval of the request, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. The City Treasurer be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by SUN-MARK, INC. on an application receipted for by the City Treasurer and approved by the Property Management Department of the City of Kent, said application being attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessments involved are as follows: DISTRICT ASSESSMENT NO. ULID NO. 1 321 LID 246 3 and 9 LID 252 74 LID 255 4, 11 and 12 LID 258 20 -1- ·'! '' I PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 18th day of November, 1974. ' 7 / .· .·. ·-; / I. .• · / L i' {_-, ,-,Lo c' /Y/P: P--c. ; __ .:"~-~ . ISABEL HOGAN, MA~ ATTEST: ----···-... --"-._- c-·· ~~-- MARIE JE~tLERK OVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ·77tf. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 18th day of November, 1974. A~ ,c ""'~-.. {SEAL) ,--~ ~ MARIE JE~CITY C~ -2- Owner Sun-Mark Inc. 10655 N.E. 4Yl Bellevue ~·TA Owner & Address Owner & Address Engineers Approval 98004 l ___ '-DATE oRIGINAL oEscRIPTIW .~-L 11 r DfKt:.Nf ---................... . Por T.L, 5. W. 330 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County SEC 13-22-4 and E 330 feet Road ----------.. ------- b ,, Original Assessment $14,174.15 PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 321-1 HA" The W 30 feet of the E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County Road SEC 13-22~4 New Assessment Original Remaining Description Assessment No. 321 Por T,L. 5. W 330 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 and the E 300 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County Road SEC 13-22-4 If more space is required, use other side. '-.....' $ Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office---p~~--!1---+-- 554.05 0 . pAID -~~~; ,-T/ "-7"', ,.__·-.... __ l"f-;,L-~~ "~ // City Treasurer For this service the City w~ \i,l~r!} 197 4 for tL first hour and an additional $'1---7'-- per hour as required. Mi~l'fre'f.fttl\l _ Up to ten (10) days may be equired for completion and subll!i~on of report by the Engineers' Department. · ~..,.~ ~---------------- The undersigned ~ accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. /"") ~~ / -I . ~ Sig ned_--f/74-/_.·'..:-.c"=--.!.t...::~:.:..· ·---_--:-_{_c:_7_~+------,<';...<-~-·_..::_>_\.._f ____ --:-_ ., C , ->-~/r ... /{ /( .. j,, -=:::=====.::=-======L.=I.=-D. S E GREG A II U,N~=L;;;,;l:~-~~===-'~1 t-==-1 L;;..:..A~l=· E========= Re~by: Owner Sun-Mark Inc • .A 10655 N. E. 4th :.... · Bellevue WA '98004 Owner & Address Owner & Address Engineers Approval ~ DATE local Imp~ rAJ lJ. _24_6 __ ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Por T.L. 129 N 300 feet of E 331.26 feet of W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & N 300 feet of W 166.26 feet of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 SEC 13-22-4 lying S of S. 228th St. (Taylor Rd.) ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT $3,723.05 ·PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 3-1 ''A" The E 30 feet of N 300 feet of W 166.26 feet of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, SEC 13~22-4 lying S of S. 228th St. (Taylor Rd.) NEW ASSESSMENT Original Remaining Description Assessment No. Por, T.L. 129 TheN 300 feet of E 331.26 feet of W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & theN 300 feet of W 136.26 of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, SEC 13-22-4 lying S of S. 228th St. (Taylor Rd.) If more space is required, use other side. f) Jl !'i r,.~: c; Approved and Forwardel' lftl!RVs Office--------··-·· ./ $ 244.49 3 Original Amount Due ;;;C..,~~d b==y=-=======L.=I.=D·t SEGREGA TIUN CE0~rl FIC~ ~E PJ.t I !J locol Imp. DiJtrict No: 246 vlltv 1 1 ASSES~¥tT NO:. 19?4 9 l)/J~t ~ 7!1~1!JF k~.::: ..7'-?4-- Owner ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION .. .._ .. ,.._-., . ....,,,_ Original •-......._....._ Amount Du• --------------------·-·~--------------------------------------------------------~~~----------------... Sun-Mark Inc. 10655 N.E. 4th Suite 507 Bellevue WA 98004 Owner & Address Owner & Address Engineers Approval Por T.L. 3 S 300 feet of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 lying west of NPRR R/W and all lying north of S. 228th St. (Taylor Rd.) Original Assessment PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 9-1 "A" The W 40 feet of the S 300 feet of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 13-22~4 lying N of S. 228th St (Taylor Rd.) New Assessment Original Remaining Description Assessment No. 9 Por T.L. 3 The S 300 feet of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SEC 13-22-4 lying W of NPRR R/W and all lying N of S. 228th St, LESS the W 40 feet thereof ( •', •. 1 If more spoce is required, use other side. / $8,955.31 $ 299.32 6' / . ;/ Approved ond For:w~rd~d .. to Engineers Office-. _________ n (/L_ . :~w-/ PA~u ( "· 1 ~ --(;?;;zf0;'J~dl ;:?/ '1 -JU.~ 1 .. 19'11 /:>// ,// CityTreosurer' J f' r I (, / F~.~ .~his seroWJd l,~tj('t!)V_ci'orge $ for theiirst hour ond on odditionol $ ' per l1d\no-'66.J;~red. M1n1~um charge $ ____ . Up to ten (10) doys moy be req · d lor completion ond·~;;-r,mi'S~ton-o.Lum_ort by the Engineers' Deportment. • . Applicant [!9 The undersigned Owner 0 accepts terms os noted, ond certifies to correctness of Owner Sun-Mark Inc. 106§5 N.E. 4th Bellevue ivA F 98004 Owner & Address Owner & Address Engineers Appr'oval ~ L.l. U. ~t(..;;7 ki:l7A II UN Lt k 1 I r I \...1-\ I t =r-==~==========r=======-======~=============== · P,~ r .r_, DATE local Imp. District NJ: il-=t'J/!""·_2 __ _ ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Par. of following lying southerly of northerly 310 feet T·,'L. 5. W 330 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County Road. SEC 13-22-4 Original Assessment $1,065.71 PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 74-1 "A" Par. of following lying southerly of northerly 310 feet The N 995.8 feet of the W 30 feet of the E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County Road SEC 13-22-4 New Assessment Original Remaining Description Assessment No. 74 $ 53.72 Par of following lying southerly of northerly 310 feet T.L. 5. W 330 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & E 300 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 & the W 30 feet of S 30 feet of E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County Road SEC 13-22-4 If more space is required, use other side. f! ,(rl •. Approved and F~W«,a!f!J to Engineers Office _______ _ ,}U,"; 1.., l c-~~~.:2/::?A !l . 97/J . / /-·V'--z!:tf-'-cbiY /' ' r ,;;, /;In OF K-N . _;;-?"' ''""'"'•' j/{1 For.thl;ser~.J~ -C~ }II charge $ ____ for the first hour and an additional $ . per hour as requi~;·~r-1Jn-nimi.Uil_charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . Applicant Ill The unders•gned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary_t~~e the/egregation as ordered( .-~ 5 ;9 •• d //1: •. /;u,~{ / i/J,./:to I'f---s_~NC f-(,2__7 --~ IA·)'V fVlo--1-/L ' ( ~·-L.I.U. ~t:(..;Ki:l7A II UN <..t:K IIHLA I i: ~=-~~-~·===·~===================== Recj~~sted by: DATE /J' ._(~ ~Sri local Imp. District ~~l'--41/J.r."'"='J~-- ASS EssMMT...' t:l?=t~:-. _:_4 __ _ ~~..¢ . 13;~-~# Owner ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION ~...... J/' ,..._lt Original "'-_., ·• .1\LJ" Amount Ou• ---------------------------------------------------------------------~~~--~---~~~----------~~.............. . - Sun-Mark Inc. 10655 N .E. 4th·, Bellevue WA 98004 Owner & Address Owner & Address Engineers Appr;val ~ Par T. L. 5. W 330 feet of SW SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County Road PARCEL "A" 1/4 of NE 1/4 & E 330 feet of SEC 13-22-4 · Original Assessment NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 4-1 The W 30 feet of the E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 SEC 13-22-4 LESS County Road New Assessment Original Remaining Description Assessment No. 4 Par T.L. 5, W 330 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & E 300 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 SEC 13-22-4 LESS County Road If more space is required, use other side. Approved and (~Ard_~:d 1 t? Engineers Office _____ _ ill ~-~ .f :·J ' -.. .... ...... _ ... _ ...... $4,406.00 $ 232.66 ~=-"'-======L=.I=. D. S EGREGA T I U~_C_E R_T_I F_ICA~T=E==~::::;;===== ge.,_~vested by: •-~ DATE Owner Sun-Mark Inc. 10655 N.E. 4th . Bellevue WA 98004 Owner & Address Owner & Address . Engineers Approval M ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount 01.1• ......... __ ---..... Por, T.L. 79 S 1/2 of W 495 feet of E 990 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 SEC 13-22-4 Original Assessment PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 11-1 "A" The N, 140 feet of E 30 feet of the S 1/2 of the W 495 feet of the E 990 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 SEC 13-22~4 New Assessment Original Remaining Description Assessment No, 11 Por, T. L. 79 S 1/2 of W 495 feet of E 990 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 SEC 13-22-4 LESS the N 140 feet of E 30 feet thereof If more space is required, use other side . $587.12 $ 8.76 Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office____ 19;z;;_ r.~ ,·~ ··.. c· ~ t:< -"-.,i a =,J _ // _ / ) \, 1 <~~·ttZ4Ja-.u , .4f 't----r'd / J!f 1' 19"7 // , ;City Treasurer J .... . . ~..,,, I ~~ I I Fo.r this ~~r~~-t~~rt~~~Jcparge $ 1 for the fir hour and an additional $ per ;hcW.i..£1~!~~~r:~-~~n:.tum charge $ . . ~p to ten (10) days may be req 1re for completiOn anCf'sul3~~ of..rep_ort by the Eng meers Department. • . Applicant"Q" The undemgned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 M~- LI.D. SEGREGAlltJN C~RlltlCAIE ·= ,.... =========== .. -------========:::#:l!~~:;==!""'r==== Rc..c;<.~~sted by: Owner Sun-M;ark Inc.· 10655 N.E. 4th Bellevue WA 98004 Owner & Address Owner & Address Engineers Appr~val ~( DATE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Por T.L. 129 N 1/2 of W 1/2 of following: SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 LESS W 330 feet LESS Road SEC 13~22 4 Original Assessment PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 12-1 OA" TheE 30 feet of N 1/2 of W 1/2 of following:_ SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 LESS W 330 feet LESS Road SEC 13-22-4 New Assessment Original Remaining Description Assessment No. 12 Por! T.L. 129 N 1/2 of W 1/2 LESS E 30 feet of following: SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 LESS W 330 feet LESS Road SEC 13-22.-4 ('-') . . \ \.-' If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office _____ ': .. N jf" i' r ,\ · // w :.!~,, f.l.[,,j.l ~ I = ·/;;::")tCJ/tfl p-.t) ·-- 'L'~. 1., /?7 7 ; , Original Amount Du• --...... $3,174.80 $ 191.90 \,i , , · 197! /I (/ City Treasurer For this se~vic.J}J,~Y:t}rwWf.hfrj9e $ for the first hour and an additional$--+-+- per hour ~!::~9!-'1!,~· M1n1.J3r41 charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be r qui for completion and subniis~l'tm-of.rep!H.I_by the Engineers' Department. . Applicant~ The unders1gned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary to Signed_~/~/f,.~·~~~-:~·~_/_·_-/_~_-·_-c_/7-~· ---~~~--------~--~ ( ;, c .II-" LI.D. SEGREGA IHJN CER II fiCA l E -..-.== ~ --=~ ========(==; ============= ~ested by: ..• • . , DATE &... '11 Owner Sun-Mark Inc. 10655 N.E. 4th Bellevue WA 98604 Owner & Address Owner & Address . Engineers Approval ~ t;,.t• (" • r·~258 Local Imp. o'istrk(N._f:f;j-11------ ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Por T.L. 5 The W 330 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 & the E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 LESS County Road SEC 13-22-4 Original Assessment PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment No. 20-1 "A" The W 30 feet of N 245 feet of following: E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 SEC 13-22-4 LESS County Road New Assessment Original Remaining Description Assessment No. 20 Par T.L, 5 The W 330 feet of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 SEC 13-22-4 LESS County Road & the E 330 feet of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 SEC 13~22~4 LESS County Road LESS W 30 feet of N. 245 feet thereof. If more space is required, use other side. L._ ti 1) l' I :_7 \) Original Amount Due $13,716.05 $ 199.99 /': / ,//// App,o•ed ood 'P;tr i)'"•; ... ,. Ollke~-U: 4-I rr c_( ,,. . ~<ZkcvrpO-t<.l~ d;-2)-zaJ-// "'L.,. 1 .. 1Jn ;Y/ JCity Treasurer d For ,thts s;rv~ Jh~ t}fi Jtfffrge $ for the firsV hour and an additional $ per'"hou.-..a.J".£.cl.'!Lr"!,?-_ Mintmum charge $ _____ . Up to ten (10) days may be requir for completion and submi5si~Trof report by the Engineers' Department. • . Applicanti:::f The undemgned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary t~ke the segregation as or~ered. /tl -7 " / l /{/ / Signed //{~/!~r (-//. 4;;/y v j /-1 / ,.,---v <-1'"/o~..._JJ__ _1,,_ ..._ / (_ ~ ,.,.,_ ,) ,..,_{1-f~~~ r . '-.J ~~~ ~