HomeMy WebLinkAbout736RESOLUTION NO. 736 A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent,Weshington, authorizing and directing the Mayor to sign, on behalf of the City, an agreement between the State of Washington, Economic Asslstanc• Authority and the City of Kent, Washington for aid in financing the cost of public faci titles consisting of sani- tary sewerJ vicinity of South 203rd street and East Val ley HtgMWay, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That the Meyor of the City of Kent, Washington, be and she hereby is authorized and directed to sign, on behalf of the City, an Agreement between the State of Washington, Economic Assistance Authority and the City of Kent, Washington, for aid in financing the cost of public facilities consisting of sanitary sewet", in the vicinity of South 203rd Street and East Valley Higbv!fay in the City of Kent, a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto, designated as Exhibit A and made a part hereof as though set forth herein in full. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Counci I this 16 day of October , 1972. l ···-· : 1 .?:J;z6~(~ lSABEL HOGAN, NrAYOR !. __ ) ATIEST: VED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No 736 , passed by the City Councl I of the City of Kent, Washington, the ~~ day of October .1 1972. CITY EN GIN 1'' I q 1 '-·"--'~· ir irJ..:EJ ..c'Y (:ode 12-4u Offer Date September 27, 1972 OCT 0 51972 OFFER OF FINANCIAL AID l\f.1 e 1'.' 7lStDllOllll1~,1l2J8 1 Llr5 1 () Pursuant ;.p its authority under~ 7, chapter 117, Laws of 1972, 1st Ex. Sess., and subject to the General Conditions attached hereto and made a part hereof as Attachment "A", the Economic Assistance Authority, State of .washington, hereby offers to make funds available to • CI1Y OF KENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hereinafter referred to as the ''Owner", in order to aid in financing the cost of, or improve- ments to, public facilities consisting of sanitary sewer line to Kentwood Horr.es, Inc. hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Project". Funds provided shall be: (a) a loan in the amount of $ 25 300 --~~~~-----------------------(b) a grant in the amount of $ --------------------------------the total not to exceed $ 2 5 3 0 0 --~~--~------------------- Interest on the loan amount shall be computed an<;i paid at the rate of _..:;5 __ % per annum. The offer herein provided for shall be further subject to whatever Special Conditions regard- ing terms and conditions of any grant, loan or loan/grant combination that may be agreed upon; in the event that mutually satisfactory Special Conditions are unable to be developed then this offer may be terminated by the Authority and no obligations under the offE::r what- soever .::1re to be wcurred by the Authority for this Project. The oifer also is subject to tne receir;t by the Authority of an attorney's certificate as to the Owner's legal ability to under- take the project and accept the Authority's financial aid under tha,terms of all conditions (see sample form Attachment "B"). By acceptance o.f this offer tne Owner agrees to render its best efforts in developing mutually satisfactory Special Conditions. It is understood that a final approval of the Agreement, which shall consist of this offer, the acceptance, together with the Special and General Conditions developed thereto, shall be necessary from the Authority. This offer is intended to facilitate allocation of resources for both the Authority and Owner. This offer must be accepted and returned to the Authority prior to October 17 , 1972 ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AUTHORITY bz /{,L/ ,b>) d - chairman [OCT 3 1972 date ... date , /;--.) . ' I C!~cg. (t.}f!~Jc __ Attachment "A 11 GENERAIJ COJ\DI'riONS OJ? ri'HE AGREEHENT .zu:-·ticle l. Definitions A. The Contract Agreement shall consist of the Offer, 2\ccept.nn.cc ,· General and Special Conditions \·7here applicable including all modifications thereof incorporated into docu- ments. B. 'l'he Owner ru;.d the Authority are those mc~ntioned as such in the Agreement. They are treated throughout the Contract Ac~p.:eement as if each vlere of the singular number and masculine gender. C. All tim~ limits stated in the Contract Agreement documents are of the essence. D. This Contract shall be construed for all purposes as a contract entered into pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington. Article 2. Execution, Correl~tion and Intent of Documents The Contract Documents are complementary, and ~11hc.1t is called for by any o~c shall be as binding as if called for by all. l'...rticle 3. Permits, Lm'ls, and Regulations All permits and licenses necessary for t.he nrosecution of tbe project \·:orks shall be secured and ?c.ic for by the 0\·mer. Easements for permanent stre1ctures or p;;n:1::nent changes i:J. existing facilities shall likc~vise be secureci and paid £or by the 0\-mer. The cr.vncr shall give nll notices and comply ~"i th all la~ .. ·s, ordinancc~s, ::-ulcs, and regulations bearing on the conduct of the project work. A. The pr.oj E:ct i:"',ust. be consist.ent with the plans, progrc-.:;;s ar:d poli.cic!:; of s-:.:.~t:.:: c.>.c:encic.s and/or local govcr;u.1cntal units '<lit:hin ','i•u~-.o jt..:.risdiction the project is located as evicienced by clcz.irance through the A-95 re- view process. ... B. The ~iner must evidence that the requirements of tl1c State Environmental Policy Act of 1971, Chapter 109, La\'lS of 19'71 1 ls·t Ex. Sess., have been complied with. l'~t:i.clc 4. Ovmer Shall Continuously Hainta:i.n Protection of Project: Work and Property at 0\'mer' s Ilisk The 0\\~ner sh~lJ.l corltinuousJ.y maintain adequate protection of all the project work fro~ danage and shall protect the property frmn injury or loss a~ising in connection with this Contract. Th2 entire \·;ork of the O\-n1e·c shall be at t.hc sole r:i.s},: of the O:·mcr. The o·,·mc:r. may, at his option, elect to secure fire, ext8nde~ coveraae and vandalism insurance or all-risk insu~ance to cover fhe project work during the course of construction. ri'he 01-mcr shall take all neces- sary prccauticns for the safety of employees on the project vmJ::};: 1 and shall comply \·lith all. applicable provisions of f:cderal, state and municipal snfety la:·JS and lJuilding codes to prcver!t. accidents o:c injtn·ies to persons on, about, or adjucent to the premises where the \·rork is being pe:t:forraed. l\~X"t.icle 5. l~ccess to vlor:k :i;i1e ;~,uthcn:ity and its representatives shall at all ti::~es have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress ar1d the O'.·mc.'r sh:..:l.ll nrovids f:acil:L-::i€:.3 .Zor such acc8ss so that the lmthori ty m2ty perform its functions under t.~c Con- t.ract Document.s. lu:ticle 6. Changes in t.he ~·Jork 'rhe 0\·me:c 1 i11i i.:hout invalidat:inq t.he Contr:J.ct, may c1.·der extra work or make changes by ali:cringr a~ding to, CJ: deducti~g from the v1ork, so long as se1icl al t2rat.io:1s or ch.::.r:.ge3 are of a minor noture and c..re not iz'!.consist:.c:lt ·.·;it!-: -the ?.Ur:_Joscs of the project ~ork. No extra work or chanqe shall be nade that '·lJ'll J.'nvolVP -o.""'l .,::"r...,llc::.r f'i ""'""11,...; ""1 o'.:Ji ~ ·~-,·'--i C"' or c---.~ t.....,..,nt ' .. ~ .::......:. ... ..... J,......... ._... ...... ..~o.!!'-'o ~.................. --~c ... :....-J,. -L-'!.!...,,..... ·~·~ on behalf of tl:e Authori i.:v unless i~ Dursu2nce of cx~ress \·n:i tt.en asrree.:;..ent to that .. ef:f.ect by the lmt:hori ty. ~~11 such work shall be executed under the conditions of this original Contract • .2\.:ctlclc 7. Delays and Ext:e~sion of 'l'ime If the O.·mer is delayed at any time in the progress of the \·:ork by any act or neglect of his contractor or of any em- ployee of either the cont.ractor or the 0\·mer, or by changes ... I '" _,. ordered in the work, or by strikes, lockouts, fire, unusual delay in transpcn·tation, unc.woidable casual tics, or by de- lay authorized by t.he Authority, o:r. by any cause which the huthorH:y shaJ.l decide ju.~:t.ifies the delay, then the tirr.e of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Authority may decide. No such extension shall be made for delay occurring more than seven days before claim t.here for is made in \·n:i ting to the p,uthori ty. In the case o£ a continuing cause of delay, only one claim.is necessary. A:cti.cle 8. Authority 1 s I(i•;Jht to 1J.~c1.··rninate Contract Xf t.he 0\·mcr should persistently disregard lm·:s, ordinances, or the: instructions of the Autho::t.·i ty, O'!: othc:r.uise be guilty of a substuntic~)-·violation of any provision of this Contract, i:hcn. the l~nthori ty, upon the dc:·tcJ.."1nir.at:.ion of a rnaj ori·ty of :its m'2mbc):·s that sufficient cause exists to just:ify such action, rnay, without prejudice to ru1y other right or ra~edy .:md after g-iving the 0':m<.::r seven days \·7ri tten notice, tcr- m.:i.nat.c this Agrc0;l:2l~t and cause tn..e appropriate tcrrnin.atior• O .r. aJ 1 P""··n·"''1 4 "S u·-lo~n~ t'h i ,., ~\q,·e"''"nnt 'ov '·lhct"''-"'ve ... methoa." ,_..,, .l. .. ._...J -'• -..;.,.) L.. J. t.,...;.J... !.1.-;::;. c~---~u,_,. _ -. l-t! J... •l t....i..A.C lmthority 1nay deerll expedient.. J.n such case, the O~·mer shall not be entitled to receive any further payment under this Contract. Article 9. Payments Payment.s to the O.·mer under this Ag-recrr,ent shall be subj cct to the terms aiHi condi t:ions as described in the Special Con- ditons. Article 10. Payraents l'li thheld The Authority may withhold or, on account of subsequently disco~ercd evidence, nullify ths whole or a par~ of any periodic payment to such extent as rn~y be necessary in its opinion to protect: the Authori r..y and the state from loss or damage including, but not liraited to: · (a) Dcfecti vc wo:ck not rerr.e.diec'i; (n)" · ·A ·reasonable doubt that the Contract can be com- ple'ced for the balance then UJ."1paid. When the grounds are removed, payment shall be made for amounts Hithhcld because of them • . •' ',, hl~tic:te 11. Hold Hat:mles~; Clause The o·.mcr shall protect 1 indcrrmify, and save t.he Authority harmless from and agninst any damage, cost, or liability for injury or death. t.o persons or to damage or destruction of propcr·ty 1 arising from the ac·ts of the Owner, his em- ployees, cont:r:o.ctors, o:;:-subcontr.:~c.;tors in the performance of the project v:o:ck whether by contract or otherwise. l~rticJ.c 12. · Nondiscriminat.ion , The~ 01·mcr will not CliscrL1·d.nate against any employee or wppJ.ic<::.nt. fo:c e.rnployr.le?n.i:. bc.:caust::: of race, creed, color 1 llational or:i.ginr sc.:x, or ag·c. 'i'he Owner will insure that applic:an t::' are e:r::?loycd, ancl that cr:o,ployces are trc-:nted clm:ing e:nploymcnt, 1·1i t.hout r~gard to their race, creed, color, sex or age. Such action shall include, but not be J.:i.mi ted to, the follm-ling: en:ployraer.t, upgrading, demotion or transfer. lu:ticlc 13. Contingencies The duty of the Authority to approve disbursemet of funds pursuant to this Agreencnt is con~inaent upon strirt C0~­ pli.:.~· • ..::....:: by t:.he Om-:.cr ~d. th ·the te:c1.s of the Agrecf.'.en t. ~~he . · .. - duty of the State ot ~~ashington to disburse funds is contingent upon the funcis beinc_r ~:vailable in the appropriate accounts of the state general fund. 1\r-ticle l~. Project. Pcrfo:t-I:~.ance The ~~ncr shall execute and complete accordance with the time schc~ule set forth i~ t~e project &?- plication. Unless a different sch3dule appears in tte ap- plication or in this Agree~en~, the Owner's po=formance shall Cor,..rn.-,11,....0 '"'~Ot ]-,'-"':rA tn' "'n r1-ini·'·' f 0 0) ~~"'IS~.:=.;.."'""~-;.,,. ..=;,.,.J.l "'""-luL~~ ~·~..:.-~ .1.. .C,.\-C C'-.1.. .. ...-.. ... '-.f \ .,1 \.....r..u._ a, __ ,_.._ _..,.t:;: ....._.,..~..,..... c.;..~.~ proval date o~ this Asreement. U~less othe~qise acrec6 in ~·n:iting, the 01-mcr • s pe:rforrn;J.nce s:1a.ll be com?leted in .J.C- cordance with all the terms a11C: conditions of tl1is Agreerr.en t. Article 15. Proj cct l'.dr:linist.ra tion (a) The Owner shall promptly reports as tho Aut~ority subr•ti t such nroaress ~ ~ r..ay reque s "~. '"'• (b) Property and filcilities acquired or developed pursuan~ to this Agreement-shall be available for insr;cct:ion }-)y the Autho:r·i t.y or i t.s uuthor- i zed represcntut~i ve upon rcason.J.ble request;. (c) 'J.'hc 0.-TneJ: sl1.:=..1J.1 sr-..bmi t a final l:."ermrt. i·Jhcn the pJ:oj cct :i.s co:i,;=,J.etcd or whenever proj ~ct assist- a.ncc is tc:cmina.1:c:~d. T:1e rcpoJ:t .shall include a final accoDl'l t.i.ng of all e;:pcndi turcs ·and a dcscript::i.on of tr:c v.ror}: accorc1plished. If the project is not completed, the report; shall con- '1. .•. ,.;11 "i1 ---~--~~,-,~~c o·c ;_·11,... T.,,...,,_cen'-~q"" o.c conlD 1 "'t~on .. (.~J... (.-~.. c.,:) \..• .. L.I.b':i L .1... ._ t::..; J,:.."H.;. . .J.. -... L c.t-c J. .. ._ -"-\..-.;. ... J... .:. , and ~:;lv:: J.l contain a final 2..ccoun ting surru-i\.J.:d. zin~:r all expcnditu~cs not previously reported and shall include an overall surru11ary for the entire project. lu cicJ.c 16. P:coj cc-t. Te)::-mina tion 1\.] b] . t. ,.. '' 7' ' • J.. ~ h. l b .o.L. o .. .1.ga·-:t.o!1S O"L 1.:nr:; r~ut.norJ. ~.-y i.mac:: t 1s Agrecrnen; ma.y · 12 suspended or canceled at the option of the Authority if any of th~ following occur: (a) The Owner bus fail8d to make satisfactory pro- gress to cornpl0tc the project, or will be un- ab:V:: to cor;tpl.c:-ce the proj ec-c, or uny portion of it. (b) The contracting party has ma~e r~srcprcscntations in its applic.::.tio:1 or i~1 2.:1y other infor:-.1at~.on fnrni!::;hed to the ?:..c:t:nori t? in connection Hi th this oroject, ;·;hicl1 r:~isre:::r'2sGncaticns •.vould have ~rovided a basis upo~ which the applica- tion would have otheD~ise been rejected. Article 17. Ees·tric cior"s on Conversion of Facility To . Other Uses The O·l'lner shall not at .::n-:_r tir:1e co:1vcrt a..'ly property or facility acquirsd or developed pursuant to t~is Agrcc~8nt to uses other than thos'J for which s~atc assis-tance '\'i.J.S originally a:_Jproved h'i tLout t~e prior '.vri.tten approval of the l-1.uthori ty. •. Article 18. No Waiver by Authority The 0\mcr agrees that f:ailuJ:e by 't:hc Authority to insist \!;?On the strict pcrforri.1ancc of a.r.y provision of this proj eci: Agrec1~~cn~ ' ... , '• 6. or t:o e;{c;: case eJ1y right ba:'~C(l upon a bn:ach thc:r:<:.::of, or v.ccer-:~tCJ.nce l)y it of perfontkJnce during such bn~;::ch, shall not constitute a Wilivcr of any of its ri9hts uild~r this proj c:ct J':.g:c<~c:.:cn 1~. Ar.t:~ cJc 19. Ic1 C.'l' ·'· 1.' -'"'vi '1CJ ~< ...,.,..,. r )' , .. '-,. .) ~ J . ..l --! . J".lL •• _.Tl. ~.: •·' 'fhc .l>.utLo:.::·iLy rc~c;crvcs the ~:i<_jht to di~:-~;lc:~y, d1n·i.:1s tl:c :F-'CJ::-.iod covered by U: i.s l\orec;('J:'Pnt ?.nd afte:r pJ:()j cct. cor:·t~i} :;~:ioD .. approp:ciat.c ::.:i..crn;~ or-Flc'"··J:c.;::-~ ident.ify:i.rHJ the rclc::3 of t:hc; st:.1~:c c:md fccJ.O.):<~:L agencies pc:u~Li.cipzJ.ting fj :1a~lciaJ.ly in th3.::> p::oj cc·l:.. ln.:-U c1.r.:! 2 0. Notice~; All noti.c8~>, dcnk•.nc~~;, rcc21..H.:s ts, cor1 :;err::~;, c-.•:)p:co'.'c1 J.s, C:l:J.c1 other colct.mun).cwtio::r:; ·,·th:i..cil m<~'r he o:c arc 1.·cc: l'.:i.rcd to be ai v.c":n ;.:;-,r .: ... _, ~~ ~-l-, -~. t"1 -~~~.~;",..-.,. 1n,. ... ·-'\.~~, .. -::· P -·--"""'1.,._.,.._ c-<L . .,.:.:·] 1--..-::t ..: .... , C.LLH•_;:r. pa:t:._J •._o 10 Ol...d·· .•. U.1C.~: .... 1:..1-.. • "'gr~CT:~-"L. -'~"c"J. __ '-''<-.t.L \·n:iting and ::;h:ill b~ ric~'n~ed t:c; h2V(.~ bt..o·:'1 .. , ~;ufi:ic:i.c;-;tJ.~, c;i<.<:n for <.:ll purl·'os·:.~::; whe-n ckl:i.vc::.:-c:c1 o:r n~:~j_}_cc'1 by fi.r~;t clc'.s~; postage or certified mail, postage pre?aid, addressed as f:oJ.Jov-;s: ~~) No~ice to the Stute: TO: Ecor1o:nic A:.>sis-t.J.r..cG .?~l;.tl-:~,;:j ~~, r·jo Dep::'1'""<--,·~r··Yl'" o"" Co"-----·-~"' r nCO'"'O'''ic ,..... . c~ .... -~ •• ~ ... """ ..L. ..... :.J:.:..L \,_.:.e (t J~ • ..\..A.~. .... ~(-•• Developmen-:: Gcnc:cal ;,c:::1i nist rat 5.on Gui 1 c"tincr Olywpi a, 1'1 .:;~sll in·~rton ~l [; :i 0 •; or at such address as the Authority shall have furnished to the contracting party in writing. (b) Notice to the Contracting Pa~tv: TO: -~------·-·------------------who serves 1n tne c0~ac~~v o~ for the contr2cl:.i:1~~ !Jzl::.~t~_;-~ .::::..-:1--~.:;~:J ~;.s ~-=-~~r1 -- d "'"'l.. an"'~·c...-l -,~· .... ~"':") co.,•··-;;.-.. -.; '\-~.-t'""~r+-~r: c 1 ~ ;-i r.:r·~ .~,;:.> j· U.L.. .u. {J..) ·-L'-' •·'-~-•'-""-~""' .·~---~_: -' ----······~•·• officer for tl:2 ::rurpo:;es o:~ t~1is :~-0r2·2:::.c;~1t, or to such other officer c~ ~d~ress as t~o con- tracting p~rty shall ·hav8 furnished to the chaiz- mu.n in v1ri ting. ' "' J • hrticle 21. Accoun~ing Project cost nccounting will be nccornplishcd within ~re­ sc:cibcd st<m<lc-~rd:; a~~ ar;pJ~ovcc1 by the Office of the State 'l\.ud:L·;;.o:c anc1 matc::c:\_c:i.J. ~md rcco:i:d.~; evidcncin9 such ~ccounting shaJ.J. be held u.v:::iJ.ab1u for <~udi.t. by the St . .:ttc Imd.itor, r) . ' ' ... " . . 1 C " . I t h f I d . ,.., J.VJ.~.aon o:c ,·:tmJ.CJ.pa . ,01::'!.)0T.'~tc:.1.ons. .n ·., o case o-n 1.a .. •.rJ:il)c? Cont:x.:.:,ct.s, spc~c.i.aJ. a.:cr·o.ngcr~cnt fa:;.· audi.l..::.i.~~g foJ.: such C}:IJCnc.1:i. turcs <:<s proviu2d ci ther through thE~ Sta t:e lmdi tor o;:~ otllc:r su:i t.~ble u.J.t.c:cnati ve mE:ans to be described in the Special Conditions. ' "' LOANS, LOAN/GRANT COHBINl~TION, GRANT SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEHENT Article 1. Disbursement of Assistance The precise terms of disbursing a loan, grant or combination, whether lump·sum, periodic or progress payments, shall be as follows; The initial installment will be payable upon sub- mission of a state voucher (Form A-19) certifying the project starting date, and the amounts that will be due and payable within the first 90 days. The second and any additional progress payments will be payable upon such submission of a voucher certifying the payments made from the previous in- stallments and requesting the advance of funds re- quired for obligations due and payable within the next installment period. It is anticipated each installment period will be approximately 90 days in length. If a combination loan and grant is agreed upon, under no circumstances vlill progress or other pay- ments be made from the grant account portion of a project fund prior to total disbursement of funds in the loan account. Total funds disbursed shall not exceed actual amounts required for the project described or the amount of the loan, grant, or combination loan/grant, whichever is the lesser. The Authority \'lill not recognize any requests for project cost over-runs. Article 2. Special Requirements of Authority Special Requirements developed here for the particular contract circumstances: Article 3. Repayment Provisions ~~thod of repayment of a loan, or loan/grant combination as de- veloped with the Ovmer subject to final approval of the Authority is as follovls: Unless otherwise agreed upon the Owner shall repay to the Auti1ority the principal sum of the loan in annual ( installment payments at a rate of $ or more per installment. In addition, the owner shall pay to the Authority interest at the rate of 5 % per annum on all amounts loaned under this agreement; interest shall be computed on the unpaid balance from date of first disbursement with the first payment due one year thereafter. Subsequent install- ment payments of principal and interest shall be due on the same date each year thereafter until the full sum of principal and interest has been paid. Article 4. Commencement of \Nork The Owner must provide assurance that the project can go to bid within three months of project approval and reach 50% of peak construction employment wHhin six months from the date of letting the bid. Article 5. Public Indebtedness This agreement shall not be construed as penni.tting the Owner to exceed any public debt limitation efitablished by statute, constitutional provision or otherwise, and the obligation created by this loan shall be included in the total debt obligation of the Owner. EAA 8-30-72