HomeMy WebLinkAbout1210RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the City's Comprehensive Plan and zoning maps by changing the area designations by institution of new Gateway Commercial Zone to an area along the East Valley Highway between S.R. 167 overpass to 212th Street; and by amending one mobile home park designation to Office Zone designa- tion in area of approximately 13.2 acres at the northeast corner of the S.R. 167 and South 212th Street interchange. WHEREAS, changes to the Valley Floor Subarea Plan Map, a part of the Comprehensive Plan and Map, changing certain designations within the East Valley were recommended to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 35A.63.073 of the Revised Code of Washington and Kent City Ordinance No. 2809, hearings were held before the Planning Commission of the city of Kent on February 13, 1989 and March 20, 1989 to consider the proposed changes; and WHEREAS, after the final hearing of the Planning Commission and its final deliberations, Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and the proposed amendments of the Planning Commission were recommended to the City council for adoption pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 2809; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law recommendations of the Planning Commission at a public meeting on June 6, 1989; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law adopted by the Kent Planning Commission on June 5, 1989 are adopted by reference in totality by the Kent City Council. Section 2. a. Area One is located along the East Valley Highway approximately between south of the S.R. 167 overpass, and extending 300 feet north of 212th Street, and is legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. b. Area Two is located east of S.R. 167, between South 208th and South 212th street, and is legally described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. Section 3. The Kent Valley Zoning Map is amended to change the designation for areas No. 1 and 2 as indicated on Exhibit "C" -"Valley Floor Plan Map -East Valley area" incorporated herein by reference as follows: a. Amend Area No. 1 designation from General Commercial, M-2, and M-3, to Gateway Commercial zone (GWC). b. Amend Area No. 2 designation from Mobile Home Park to Office zone. c. Gateway Commercial zone and Office zone uses are defined in the Kent Zoning Code. Section 4. The City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, Valley Floor Subarea Plan and their appendices and maps are amended to provide that all references to said areas No. 1 and No. 2 shall be in conformity with the changes in those area designations as set out in Section Three. Section 5. The amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Valley Floor Subarea Plan, and associated Map amendments shall be filed with the City Clerk and in the office of the Planning Department and made available for public inspection upon request. Passed at a regular meeting of ~~ Council of the City of Kent, Washington this ..5J..Q_ day of~ 1989. - 2 - ~d in by the Mayor day of --~~~-------' 1989. of the City of Kent, i~L~~ this e3£_ D KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /c::;;;2.../ZJ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ~d day of~~~ , 1989. ~~ (SEAL) MARIE JENS~TY ~LERK 5760-190 - 3 - That "EXHIBIT A II AREA ONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION portion of the following sections: Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter of Section 12-22-4, Northeast Quarter of Section 13-22-4, Northwest Quarter of Section 18-22-4 and the Southwest Quarter and Northwest Quarter of Section 7-22-4 all in King County, Washington and described as follows: Beginning at a point lying 441.5 feet nqrth of the centerline of s. 212th Street and the easterly margin of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 22N, Range 4 E W.M.; thence N89•04 1 38 11 W a distance of 30.00 feet to the westerly margin of 84th AvenueS.; thence N89•04 1 38" W to the easterly margin of a railroad easement as recorded under Auditor File No. 7512150580; thence continuing in a southerly and westerly direction along the southerly margin of said railroad easement to a point lying 8QO feet due west of the easterly margin of said Northeast Quarter; thence due south to the centerline of S. 212th street; thence easterly along the centerline of S. 212th Street to a point lying 256.00 feet west of the easterly margin of said NE Quarter; thence S01•13 '40" W to the northerly boundary of the South One-Half of the South One-Half of said Northeast Quarter; thence easterly along said northerly boundary to a point lying 156.00 feet west of the easterly boundary of said Northeast Quarter; thence S01•13 '28" W a distance of 290.00 feet; thence N88•22 1 58" W a distance of 49.00 feet; thence S01•13'28" W, a distance of 373.59 feet to the southerly boundary of said Northeast Quarter; thence continuing S01•13 1 28" W to the northerly.boundary of lot 3, Kent Five Acre Tracts 'as recorded in Volume 10 of Plats, Page 19; thence westerly along said northerly boundary to a point lying 350.00 feet west of the easterly boundary of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 22 N, Range 4 E W .M.; thence southerly and 350.00 feet parallel to the east boundary of said Southeast Quarter to a point lying 493.6 feet north of the northerly boundary of s. 222nd Street; thence westerly to the northeast corner of Lot 5, Shinn's Valley Home Addition to Kent as recorded under Volume 7 of Plats, Page 22; thence southerly along the easterly margin of said Lot 5 extended to the southerly boundary of said Southeast Quarter; thenc~ easterly along said southerly boundary to the northeast corner of Parcel One of city of Kent Short Plat #SPC-75-8 as recorded under King County Recording No. 7811200752; thence continuing along the easterly margin of Parcel One and Parcel Two of said short plat, a distance of 170.84 feet; thence continuing along the easterly boundary of Lots 1 and 2 extended to the northerly margin of SR167; thence northeasterly and easterly along the boundary of SR167 to the westerly margin of 84th Avenue S. , thence easterly to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Kent Short Plat Number #SPC-86-7 as recorded under King County Recording No. 8704231175; thence S77•59'49" E, a distance of 69.82 feet; thence N51•27'07" E to the northerly boundary of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 22 N, Range 5 E W. M. and the southeast corner of Lot 1, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent as recorded in Volume 6, Page 52 of Plats; thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Lots 1 and 2 of said Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to the northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 2 extended to the centerline of s. 222nd street; thence westerly along said centerline to a point lying 518.00 feet east of the westerly boundary of the southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 22 N, Range 5 E W.M.; thence northerly and parallel 518.00 feet to said westerly boundary to the southerly boundary of Lot 5, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition to Kent as recorded in Volume 6, Page 52 of Plats; thence westerly along said southerly boundary to a point lying 380. oo feet east of the westerly boundary of the southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 2 2 N, Range 5 E W. M. ; thence north parallel to and 380.00 feet east of said westerly boundary to the southerly boundary of Lot 6 of said Shinn 1 s Cloverdale Addition; thence westerly along said southerly boundary to a point lying 330.00 feet east of the westerly boundary of said Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 22, Range 5 E; thence northerly parallel to. and 330.00 feet east of said westerly boundary to the centerline of S. 218th Street (aka Alder Lane); thence easterly along the centerline of s. 218th Street to a point lying 673.30 feet east of said westerly boundary; thence north and 673.30 feet parallel to said westerly boundary to the northerly boundary of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 22 N, Range 5 E, W.M.; thence westerly along said northerly boundary to a point 497.73 feet east of said westerly boundary; thence N01•13 1 43 11 E to a point lying 767.62 feet north of the southerly boundary of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 22 N, Range 5 E W.M; thence easterly to a point lying 767.62 feet north of said southerly margin and 540.64 feet east of the westerly boundary of said Northwest Quarter of Section 7; thence N01•15'10" E to the centerline of s. 212th Street; thence westerly along said centerline to a point lying 210. oo feet east of the westerly boundary of· said Northwest Quarter of said Section. 7; thence N01•13'42" E, a distance of 235.00 feet; thence easterly to a point lying 250.00 feet east of the westerly boundary of said Northwest Quarter of said Section 7; thence N01•13 1 42" E to the northerly margin of a railroad easement as recorded under Auditor File No. 7512150579; thence westerly to the Point of Beginning. ··· ... ·. 11 EXHIBIT B11 AREA TWO LEGAL DESCRIPTION .. , .. . . _.:That portion of the NW 1/4 of Section 7, T 22 . N, R 5 E, W.M., in King County, Washington, ... peing described as follows: ·, . _<Commencing at the NE corner of said NW 1/4, '<:.=thence S 01°01 1 25 11 W, along the.east line of· ; ,, said NW 1/4, . a distance of 219.95. feet, to the ~· . southerly margin of S 208th S~reef ·and the True \<"<·Point of Beginning: Thence continuing S · ·. :· : .. 01°01 1 25" W, along said east 1 ine, a distance . 'of 1,058.34 feet, to the north margin of S .. · ·. 212th Street: Thence S 89 o 59 1 23" .W, along said . : ... margin, a distance of 244.57 feet, to an · ··:· existing fence; · .Thence N 01 o 22 1 30" W, along said fence, a distance of 198.13 feet: ·· .. ·Thence N 04°35 1 49 11 W, along said fence, a · ··'·distance of 16 7 .46 feet; ,.·.-.·._.·.Thence N 88°30'.18 11 W, along said fence, a : .. :,distance of 157.91 feet; Thence S 04.0 3.5 1 29" W, along said fence, a distance of ~0.34 feet; Thence S 00°49'01" W, along said fence, a ,. ·distance of 169.47 feet; ·Thence S 08°47'59" E, along said fence, a .: .::··distance of 110.94 feet, to said north margin .. (.of S 212th Street; Thence .s 89°59 1 23" w, along ·=.·said margin, a distance of 13L.09 feet, to the ·:'easterly margin of State Hwy. N. 5 (S.R. 167 ~ .Valley Freeway); Thence N 01°33'53" W, along 'said margin, a distance 6£ 1,116.97 feet, to .. State Hwy. Sta. 960+00; Thence N 88°26'07" E, '.perpendicular from said station, a distance cif 465.06 feet, to the southwesterly margin of said S 208th Street; Thence S 46°10 1 48" E, ~· . ·: .. along said margin, a distance· of 44.42 ·feet; · ·Thence along said margin on a curve to the left .. with"a radius of 144.60 feet, a central angl~ .· · · . :·: of 42 o 31 1 23", and an arc length· of .107. 32 feet, :to the True Point of Beginning. M3· VALLEY FLOOR PLAN ~1AP -- EAST VALLEY AREA · RA EXISTING ZONING ..___,. ... INDICATED BY DARK LINES I REZONED AREAS :---------+r~~...!..!...!-.~1 0N.E AND Two INDICATED BY SHADED AREA, N ..... SCALE 1.:8400 KENT· GIS ~~~~~~~~~~LH~--~JAN. 1989