HomeMy WebLinkAbout1203RESOLUTION NO. i_;; G). 3 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Comprehensive Plan of the city of Kent, repealing resolution #764 adopting the KENT CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT PLAN, pursuant to RCW 35A.63.070-073, and adopting the Downtown Plan as an element of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the Kent City Council adopted a policy plan titled, Kent Central Business District Plan, on May 20, 1974 by Resolution 764; and WHEREAS, prior to May 6, 1974, the Kent Planning Commission held at least one (1) public hearing, by giving notice of the time and place by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Kent, regarding the adoption of a Kent Central Business District Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held extensive public hearings on the proposed Downtown Plan, beginning in April of 1988, through March of 1989; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the updated Downtown Plan to the Kent City Council on March 27, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Kent City Council considered the updated Downtown Plan element of the city Comprehensive Plan at a public meeting on April 18, 1989 and voted to adopt the Downtown Plan as recommended by the Commission with one modification; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Kent Resolution 764 containing the Kent Central Business District Plan element of the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan, is repealed. Section 2. The Kent Downtown Plan update and amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Kent, consisting of text and map, (true and certified copies of which are attached hereto) is herewith adopted and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Kent, Washington. Section 3. The Kent Downtown Plan update and amendment to the Comprehensive Plan consists of the following described parts, which are herewith incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this resolution as though fully set forth herein. A. Text. 1. Land Use Goals, Policies and Implementation Plan 2. Circulation Goals, Policies and Implementation Plan 3. Housing Goals, Policies and Implementation Plan 4. Economic Goals, Policies & Implementation Plan B. Kent Central Business District Plan Map Section 4. Upon passage and adoption of this Resolution, the City Clerk shall certify the original thereof (as well as certify the above mentioned documents attached hereto) and shall then keep the original Resolution with attachments on file in the office of the Kent City Clerk. Passed at a regular City of Kent, Washington this day of ATTEST: '""'\Concurred in by the ~=j"/ ' 1989. meeting of _ __t_pe City Council of the d day of .J.-.._(3/ 1989. Mayor of the City of Kent, this '~ ~~'"''\...-~ DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /0?. 0-3 , passec;i----b.y the city Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 6( day of ~----, 1989. 7260-260 ('\ ' ~->~~E'J~~:[;riy (SEAL) CLERK - 2 - E X H I B I T A DOWNTOWN K E N T PLAN OVERALL GOAL: GOAL 1: OBJECTIVE 1 : POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: OBJECTIVE 2: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: LAND USE GOALS AND POLICIES PROMOTE THE PLANNED USE OF THE KENT DOWNTOWN AREA FOR THE PRESENT AND FUTURE NEEDS OF THE CITIZENS OF KENT FOR LIVING, RECREATION, WORKING, AND SHOPPING AND CREATE AN ENVIRONMENT FOR FUTURE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. PROMOTE AND MAINTAIN FUNCTIONAL SHOPPING, PLAYING ENVIRONMENT. AN ATTRACTIVE LIVING, WORKING AND AND The Planning Area should continue to contain a mixture of compatible uses all of which contribute to the vitality of the area. Encourage mixed-use development as a means of diversifying and revitalizing downtown. Recognize that the existing manufacturers are a vital part of the Planning Area and should be encouraged to participate in the development and growth of the Planning Area. Create linkages between areas of downtown which are bisected by the railroad track. The pedestrian oriented commercial area shall be preserved and enhanced. New development and expansion of existing development in the retail core should be designed to promote pedestrian orientation. All governmental actions within the pedestrian areas should be reviewed in light of potential impacts to pedestrian circulation and convenience. Implementation Recognize the six uses within the Planning Area (pedestrian-oriented commercial, auto-oriented commercial, office, mixed-use designation, existing manufacturing and public uses. Vacate alleys (where appropriate) in the Planning Area to permit continuous development. KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN LAND USE GOALS AND POLICIES Examine the feasibility of constructing a pedestrian underpass or overpass at Meeker Street between Railroad Avenue South and First Avenue South adjacent to the Burlington Northern Railroad Depot. Clearly identify through landscaping and signage the edges or corners of the Planning Area. Utilize this plan in review of Planning Area land use actions. OBJECTIVE 3: POLICY 1: GOAL 2: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: OBJECTIVE 2 : POLICY 1: POLICY 2: The Planning attractive. Area should be visually The visual appearance of all buildings and properties within the Planning Area should be enhanced, upgraded and maintained. ESTABLISH USES IN THE KENT DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA WHICH ATTRACT PEOPLE TO THE AREA BOTH DAY AND NIGHT. Encourage entertainment, cultural, recreational and civic activities and facilities to locate within the Planning Area. The city, in conjunction with others, should sponsor entertainment/cultural events on a continuing basis in the Planning Area. Preserve and develop and expand multi-use, park-type green belts and open space around the fringes of and within the Planning Area. Support efforts to rehabilitate the railroad depot. Encourage office use and multi-use development in the Planning Area. A vigorous program should be formulated which points out the advantages of the Planning Area as an office, retail and multi-use area. The city should support and promote the establishment and expansion of the medical/dental office district in the Planning Area. 2 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN LAND USE GOALS AND POLICIES Implementation The city should work with community groups and the private sector to enhance, upgrade and maintain the visual appearance of the planning area. The City should continue to provide support for Canterbury Faire, Saturday Market, and Cornucopia Days and other community events. Plan, acquire and develop passive pedestrian-oriented parks with specific emphasis on the downtown core area. Develop additional railroad parks along both Burlington Northern and United Pacific tracks where appropriate. Rehabilitate the Burlington Northern Depot as a city- sponsored centennial project. Analyze existing zoning districts within the Planning Area in light of encouraging office use development and those factors discouraging such development. Designate an area for expanding the existing medical/dental district. Designate this expansion area on the Planning Area plan map. GOAL 3: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: POLICY 4: THE LAND AREA WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA SHOULD BE AS INTENSIVELY USED AS POSSIBLE, WITHOUT CREATING ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. Promote good design to aid in overcoming poor site development. Require proper site design for all new structures. Encourage redevelopment of existing "dead space." Provide off-street parking in areas of the Planning Area that do not disrupt established, vital-use patterns. Site design should take into consideration existing environmental amenities, preventing environmental deterioration. 3 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN LAND USE GOALS AND POLICIES GOAL 4: OBJECTIVE 1 : POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: ALL BUILDINGS WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN KENT PLANNING AREA SHOULD BE SAFE FOR THEIR INTENDED USE. THE CITY 1 S CODES AND ORDINANCES SHOULD BE DILIGENTLY ENFORCED IN THE DOWNTOWN PLANNING AREA. Achieve compliance with the Uniform Fire Code, National zoning code, and other regulations. standards of the Electrical Code, ordinances and Establish a program to make all buildings meet the "no deficiency" standard of the Fire Code. The City shall take all legal steps necessary to eliminate buildings not brought up to codes within a specified period of time. All necessary steps shall be taken by the City to eliminate land use violations in the area of safety and aesthetics. Implementation Establish design standards criteria for the Planning Area that encourage a common theme to guide future development. Encourage utility agencies to locate overhead wire under ground. Establish a mixed use zoning district which allows higher density multifamily development in conjunction with office and limited retail uses. Establish a program for the enforcement of current city codes. Encourage the use of the PUD ordinance in downtown development. Maintain code enforcement program to reduce zoning violations in the Planning Area. GOAL 5: OBJECTIVE 1: PROVIDE INCENTIVES FOR GOOD DEVELOPMENT. Encourage development to higher-than-minimum standards. 4 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN LAND USE GOALS AND POLICIES POLICY 1: POLICY 2: GOAL 6: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: Amend City codes and recommend the modification of state and Federal codes where possible to include such incentives. Provide City staff when necessary to coordinate development in the Planning Area to maintain the integrity of existing plans, ordinances and codes. FOLLOW THIS DOCUMENT AS THE OVERALL PLAN FOR THE PLANNING AREA. Use this document to guide decision-making for the Planning Area's growth and development. Adopt and implement this Planning Area plan as an amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. Coordinate existing plans and codes to eliminate conflicts with this plan. Familiarize all Planning Area merchants and property owners with this plan. Implementation Review this document at least every five years. Certain sections of this document may be reviewed every year or at the discretion of the Planning Commission. Make necessary revisions in a timely manner to other sub- area plans and the comprehensive plan land use map to reflect changes in and complement the Downtown Plan. Streamline the permit process to provide for new development and remodeling. Issue permits in a timely manner. 5 OVERALL GOAL: GOAL 1: OBJECTIVE 1 : POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: POLICY 4: POLICY 5: OBJECTIVE 2: POLICY 1: CIRCULATION GOALS AND POLICIES PROVIDE FOR SAFE, EFFICIENT AND IDENTIFIABLE ACCESS TO AND MOVEMENT WITHIN THE PLANNING AREA BY PLANNED ROUTES FOR PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC, RECOGNIZING THE NECESSITY OF RELATING CIRCULATION TO LAND-USE AND ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES. PROVIDE FOR SAFE AND EFFICIENT VEHICULAR TRAFFIC AND OTHER MODES OF TRANSPORTATION TO AND WITHIN THE PLANNING AREA. Recognize and accommodate both "local" and "through" traffic. Provide necessary improvements as needed to accommodate the separation of "local" and "through" traffic. Promote and support efforts to integrate the use of the railroad lines into the overall transportation network serving downtown. Support and encourage public transportation to link the Planning Area to adjacent commercial and industrial areas, as well as residential areas. Periodically review the functioning of the "local" and "through" system to determine their safety and effectiveness. Separate vehicle traffic from other movement modes. Provide and maintain safe, marked bicycle routes in Downtown Kent. Provide and maintain a safe, east-west bicycle route to link the Downtown Planning Area with adjacent recreational facilities and neighborhoods. 6 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN CIRCULATION GOALS AND POLICIES Implementation Clearly identify through appropriate signage vehicular thoroughfares, bicycle routes and pedestrian walkways. Encourage the implementation of car pooling, flex time, public transportation and other transportation measures for new development that reduce vehicular traffic but not the overall number of shoppers andjor employees in the Planning Area. Provide opportunities for both light rail and heavy rail commuter transportation to locate within the Planning Area. Install signs, light fixtures, bicycle lane striping, sidewalks and curbs where appropriate to facilitate the orderly flow of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic. POLICY 2: OBJECTIVE 3: Complete the Interurban Trail through Kent. Maintain a supply of on-street parking for downtown users in addition to an adequate supply of convenient off-street parking. Implementation Retain at a minimum existing levels of convenient office and retail off-street public parking. Encourage structured parking for new development both for employees and the public. Provide lighting for mid-block connectors. Ensure safe pedestrian sight distances at corners and driveways from vehicular traffic. Establish mid-block connectors to facilitate pedestrian traffic downtown (such as First and Second Avenues, between West Titus and West Gowe, and West Meeker and West Gowe between Second and Fourth Avenues.) 7 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN CIRCULATION GOALS AND POLICIES OBJECTIVE 4 : POLICY 1: GOAL 2: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: GOAL 3: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: Regularly identify, analyze and integrate with the adopted Planning Area plan and any other adopted plan, all proposed circulation and traffic projects which will affect circulation within the Planning Area. Complete such analyses prior to adoption of any circulation or traffic proposal. PROVIDE FOR SAFE, EFFICIENT PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENTS INTO AND WITHIN THE PLANNING AREA. Locate pedestrian pathways where they are compatible with surrounding uses. Provide for safe, convenient and lighted pedestrian access from municipal parking areas to downtown businesses. Provide pedestrian linkages within the Planning Area and with the adjacent areas. Establish mid-block pedestrian connections where conditions warrant to enhance foot traffic between uses in the Planning Area. ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN A CLOSE COORDINATION BETWEEN ALL STATE, REGIONAL, COUNTY, CITY AND PRIVATE PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. Coordination of all circulation and traffic planning which affects the Planning Area. Inform State, Regional, County, and private concerns of this objective and establish a continuing communication between all groups. Actively pursue and support the City 1 s and Planning Area 1 s interest in circulation and traffic projects and policies with State, Regional and County agencies, and private groups. Promote interjurisdictional cooperation to solve transportation issues. 8 OVERALL GOAL: GOAL 1: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: POLICY 4: OBJECTIVE 2: POLICY 1: GOAL 2: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: HOUSING GOALS AND POLICIES ACKNOWLEDGE THE IMPORTANCE OF CREATING AND MAINTAINING SOUND, VIABLE, ATTRACTIVE, RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS WITHIN AND AROUND THE PLANNING AREA. ENCOURAGE THE RETENTION OF RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN AND AROUND THE PLANNING AREA. Increase the residential population in and around the Planning Area. Encourage attractive and quality residential development. the m1x1ng of residential and andjor office uses where Encourage commercial appropriate. Encourage rehabilitation of designated residential areas by offering incentives for such activity. Improve all public rights-of-way and utility services as needed. Discourage and prohibit where possible, uses incompatible with residential activities from locating in the residential areas or adjacent to residential areas without a buffer. Provide City staff when necessary to review proposed residential development to insure proper site design, the retention or replacement of natural vegetation, etc. ENCOURAGE A HIGH QUALITY LIVING ENVIRONMENT FOR RESIDENTIAL AREAS IN AND AROUND THE PLANNING AREA. Encourage and require that all structures be in good physical condition. All necessary steps shall be taken by the city to eliminate land use violations in the area of safety and aesthetics. Encourage rehabilitation of existing housing (rather than new construction) where economically feasible. 9 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN HOUSING GOALS AND POLICIES OBJECTIVE 2: GOAL 3: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: POLICY 4: POLICY 5: POLICY 6: Encourage development environmental amenities. which provides ENCOURAGE THE PROVISION OF HOUSING UNITS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES OF VARIED INCOME LEVELS. Provide a residential area in and around the Planning Area which is accessible and attractive to people. Encourage a variety of housing types, including senior citizens' housing. Support State, Regional, and Federal housing programs which provide housing for all income groups. Permit flexible, innovative development standards which, while protecting the public interest, permit a variety of building types. Provide City services as required and encourage the provision of needed private services. Become familiar with new technology in residen- tial construction activities and amend existing codes, if necessary, to accommodate new technology which serves the public interest. The City should investigate and promote incentives for development of housing in the Planning Area. Implementation Establish suitable locations for senior citizen housing through appropriate zoning. Modify zoning code to allow greater density in senior housing through development incentives. Continue housing repair program in the Planning Area. Encourage multi-story, adequate parking. mixed-use development with Conduct a zoning study to encourage the retention of existing residential areas, such as the South of Willis and North Park areas. 10 OVERALL GOAL: GOAL 1: OBJECTIVE 1: POLICY 1: OBJECTIVE 2: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: POLICY 3: OBJECTIVE 3: POLICY 1: POLICY 2: ECONOMIC GOALS AND POLICIES PROMOTE THE ECONOMIC HEALTH AND THE PLANNED GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF DOWNTOWN KENT. THROUGH JOINT PRIVATE/PUBLIC PARTNERSHIPS, ENCOURAGE INNOVATIVE OPTIONS FOR DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT OF RETAIL, OFFICE, FINANCIAL AND GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES WHILE AT THE SAME TIME RECOGNIZING THE NEED TO SUPPORT THE UNIQUE SPECIALTY USES IN THE AREA. CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE CONDUCIVE TO DEVELOPING AND MAINTAINING A VIABLE RETAIL TRADE FUNCTION WHICH PROVIDES THE GOODS AND SERVICES REQUIRED BY THE AREA RESIDENTS AND SPECIALTY USES WHICH ATTRACT SHOPPERS FROM THE LARGER REGION. Continue to assess what level and type of retail activity is viable for the Kent Planning Area. Conduct an economic analysis of the Planning Area retail market on a continuing basis. Encourage the continuation of the Area's neighborhood convenience function. Planning center Encourage the retention and rehabilitation of residential areas adjacent to the Planning Area through zoning and other land-use regulations as well as providing economic incentives. Make the Planning Area easily accessible from residential areas. Encourage redevelopment of appropriately-zoned, mixed-use land. Establish and maintain a Planning Area that is competitive with other sub-regional shopping areas by recognizing its uniqueness and specialty shop orientation. Encourage merchants to be competitive concern1ng the quality and quantity of merchandising and provide professional/technical assistance when requested. Encourage City, property owners and merchants to cooperate to develop a physical environment which enhances shopping activities. 11 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN ECONOMIC GOALS AND POLICIES POLICY 3: Encourage the development of specialty stores as well as offices. POLICY 4: Provide technical support to property owners and merchants as needed. GOAL 2: CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE CONDUCIVE TO DEVELOPING AND MAINTAINING AN ENTERTAINMENT, CULTURAL AND CIVIC FUNCTION. OBJECTIVE 1: Encourage uses and activities which attract people to the Planning Area. POLICY 1: Actively recruit the permanent location of entertainment, cultural and civic facilities in the downtown area. POLICY 2: Promote and support community events for cultural entertainment in the downtown area, i.e., music festivals, art shows, plays, etc. GOAL 3: CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE CONDUCIVE TO CONTINUANCE AND EXPANSION OF THE FINANCIAL, OFFICE, BUSINESS, GOVERNMENTAL AND OTHER SERVICE FUNCTIONS. OBJECTIVE 1: Continue to locate government facilities and services in the Planning Area. POLICY 1: Actively recruit financial and other service facilities and functions. OBJECTIVE 2: Plan for the appropriate location of offices within the Planning Area. POLICY 1: Provide economic incentives for the appropriate location of offices. GOAL 4 : PROVIDE FOR THE MOST APPROPRIATE USE OF THE LAND IN THE PLANNING AREA. OBJECTIVE 1: Permit and encourage development which provides an acceptable economic return and serves the public interest. POLICY 1: Encourage buildings of two or more stories. POLICY 2: Encourage double frontage of structures on all blocks where practical. 12 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN ECONOMIC GOALS AND POLICIES POLICY 3: POLICY 4: OBJECTIVE 2: Encourage the use of established off-street parking areas rather than creating more small private lots. Encourage and support the formation of a Business Improvement Area andjor Economic Development Corporation or a similar body. Create and maintain flexible, land-use regulations which, while protecting the public welfare and the character of the Planning Area, do not foreclose innovative options for downtown development. Implementation Publish a biennial economic report and community profile of the Planning Area. This includes, but is not limited to, residential, office, commercial, retail and manufacturing activities. Encourage mixed use development in the downtown Planning Area. Establish pedestrian linkages to the adjacent residential areas. Develop pedestrian-oriented streets (where appropriate), and upgrade public utilities, sidewalk rights-of-way, street rights-of-way and proposed park areas to keep up with development. Continue to support the Kent Downtown Association. Encourage, support and work with community organizations interested in the downtown area. Retain the library facility in the downtown area. Investigate the feasibility of a performing arts center. Retain the church, governmental and school uses in the Planning Area. Continue supporting events such as: Canterbury Faire Cornucopia Days Saturday Market Park and recreational activities and programs 13 KENT DOWNTOWN PLAN ECONOMIC GOALS AND POLICIES The city will continue to work with the private sector to promote the growth and development of the Planning Area. Develop strategies retention. for business recruitment and 14 ~ ~ -{' • ! 11 ii i1 ~ i ii i i i i Gi[][~JiJ CSI3c:Jlf00~ 0QO~[;j[]~~ 0D~l/00CS11 [;)~G:J INOU~mJAI- ~ I ~~~~. ~·· i a .f r ('I I -rnnn ~ * OOWJfTQWN UNp USE PI.?.N HA,P Mixed Usa -Includes dovntown retail, ottice, and multifamily residential uses Ottice/Multitaaily -Includes otfica and multifamily resi- dential uses Industrial -Includes general ind~strial uses Business Park -Includas limited industrial uses vith some ottice and commercial use CommunitY Facilities -Includes schools, libraries, qovernmen- tal offices, and the like Open Space -Includes parks, play!ields, and open areas Entry Points -Refers to entrances or qatevays to downtown