HomeMy WebLinkAbout1184RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, related to Council meetings and executive sessions. WHEREAS, the Kent City Council holds regular and special meetings and executive sessions ~ithin such rreetings ~ursuant to the reguire~ents of the Open Public Meetings Act; an~ WHE~EAS, the Kent City Council is also authorized to ~eet and discuss certain iterrs outside of public meetings including the planning or adoption of strategies or ~ositions to be taken by the Council during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations,' grievance or rreciation proceedings, or the review of pro~osals made in such negotiations or proceedings while in ~regress; and WHEREAS, at such meetings or gatherings the Council rray give direction on policy to the Mayor and City staff; and WHEREAS, after such meeting or gathering individual councilrnernbers may determine that additional or different directions affecting such policy rratters should again be considered; anc WHEREAS, the purpose of such executive sessions or gatherings is to discuss matters requiring confidentiality; NOW, THEREFORE, 'I'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Any change or alteration to the Kent City Council's directions regarding any matters originally considered during executive sessions shall te brcught before the Council for its reconsideration pursuant to legal requirements prior to any change or alteration to such directions. Section 2. All matters discussed within such executive sessions shall be kept confidential by those present except to the extent that the law requires a portion of the matters to be brought to an open public rreeting for final acticn or until the matter is settled or implemented or until the matter is officially made public. Passed at a regular City of Kent, washington this day of C,on~urrec in ty the (7'(:' ";:( , 1 9 8 8 • AT'I'EST: MARIE JENSRNf'CITY CLERK rreeting of the Ci~y Council of the _if_ day of f)c-Y.__ 1988. Mayor cf the City of Kent, this {. \"--"-~'~UJ-l- MN KELLEHER, MAYOR I hereby certify that this is a true anc correct copy of Resolution No. )(($c/ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, washington, t~e L cay cf ·sics/ , 1988. ''':::~ ';"-.r-~'· -- _;;"" '--r -., ( //-) "/ (SEAL ) MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK