HomeMy WebLinkAbout1172RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, regarding housing, directing an update of the Housing Flewent of the City's Comprehensive Plan, including a area-by-area study of single-family and multifa~ily housing densities. WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution 1123, evidenced a desire to achieve reduction in the density of multifamily housing develop~ents through revision to Kent's comprehensive plan and zoning code; and WHEREAS, there is an increasing imbalance between multifamily and single-family housing within the City, and a lack of availability of a rrix of housing options for Kent resident;and WHEREAS, the City Council is concerned with the City's ability to provide, in a tiroely manner, the public facilities and services necessary to support the increase in multifamily developrrent; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution 1145, endorsed options Band C of the Planning Department's July, 1987 "Report on Multifarrily Density", and directed the Planning Department, Planning Commission and Hearing Examiner to undertake actions necessary to proceed with those options including gathering input from the public on the report and options; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held Public Hearings on the multifamily density reduction on November 23, 1987, January 25, 1988 and February 29, 1988; and referred its resulting recommendation to the City Council. WHEREAS, on April 19, 1988 and June 7, 1988 the Kent Planning Committee discussed the matters related to reduction in the density of multifamily developments; and received additional public input. WHEREAS, the Council Planning Committee, on June 21, 1988, submitted to the Kent City Council it•s recommendations and accompanying addendum for implementing Council Resolution 1123; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. City of Kent Ordinance ~738, passed contemporaneous to this resolution, amendins the Kent City Zoning Code to achieve a reduction of multifamily residential housing by 20 percent is incorporated by reference into their resolution. The City-wide graduated scale reduction referenced in that ordinance shall be an interim measure, to remain in effect until the completion and adoption of an area-by-area residential analysis, as described more fully in Section 2 below. Section 2. A. The Planning Department shall conduct a study and proposed update of the housing element of the City•s Comprehensive Plan, including an area-by-area analysis of multifamily residential density for the East Hill, West Hill and Valley Floor planning areas. B. The analysis shall determine those areas which are appropriate for density increases, for potential new multifamily areas, or for density reductions. The goal of the analysis shall be to present to the Council a plan to achieve an average 20 percent reduction in total multifamily residential density. c. The study shall explore ways to encourage new single-family residential development and to maintain existing single-family neighborhoods. D. The study shall be conducted in steps, area by area. As each step is concluded, the results of the analysis shall be implemented. The results of the area-by-area study are to be proposed for implementation through text and/or map zoning amendments to be presented to the Council within one year of the adoption of their resolution. E. The step ry step analysis shall include a review of the Central Business District and surrounding area in order to consider the potential for increasing residential densities in that area, either through proposed rezoning or revising of the zoning in that area. The review is for the purpose of encouraginq implementation of Valley Floor residential densities increases that are needed as one ele~ent of successful i~plementation of a commuter rail program. F. Two city neighborhoods, an area south of Willis and a small section of North Park, shall be reviewed to consider revisinq the zoning of these areas, in order to ~aintain the neighborhoods' existing single-family residential character and to encourage single-fa~ily home ownership for, among other things, low and moderate income residents. G. The densities of future annexation areas shall be considered as annexations are presented to the Council for consideration, with the intent of ensuring that single-family housing continues to play a major role in the City's housing mix. Section 3. The Planning Department shall work with the City Council to develop a work program for the area-by-area analysis described in Section 2. Section 4. The Planning Department shall present to the Council proposed revisions to the City's Planned Unit Development Ordinance, in order to consider the retention of availability of a 20 percent multifamily density bonus, and in order to encourage and increase of the applications for Planned Unit Develop~ents. Passed at a regular City of Kent, Washington this day of Concurred in by the ~~ .. 01 ' 1988. ' / . ~ ~ meeting of the City Council of the _K_ day of ~ 1988. Mayor of the City of Kent, this ~ \~~~~~ DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: -~~---·--- / / t'£..--r.---.. --k.__-- MARIE JENS . LERK I hereby certify that this is a true and correct Resolution No. II ·7 .::2-, passed by the City Council of the Kent, washington, the _ __.~=-· day of ~· 1988. copy of City of