HomeMy WebLinkAbout1169RESOLUTION NO. /;I~ 2? • A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the , ~ City of Kent, washington, directing the ~Of~ '"":£:l::e:rk to segregate an assessment levied under LID 316. WHEREAS, Anton Sorensen has requested segregation of a certain assessment levied against property within Local Improvement District No. 316, that being Assessment No. 59; and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: ~~7~o~ Section 1. The G~ ClErk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to segregate the assessments requested by Anton Sorensen upon application attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The assessment involved is Assessment 59 of Local Improvement District No. 316. Passed at a regular meeting of th~:Council of the City of Kent, Washington this ~ day of ~ 1988. -~ Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this ~ day of ~--v\ , 1988. \ ~-~I ~~~~~~~- DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. lf?j , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, washington, the 17 day of '\.__,~ZJ'" , 1988. 5700-190 - 2 - Owner & Address Owner & Address 1/;.1/tn SOrenJon /J.3YS"" :JE lfi$r rl ;fehfn-t fdAI 'f/djf' $20.00 Minimum Fee Received ~ I /'f I 19f"P Receiptlf t 1""f99 Owner & Address A);J/u-t /eJ,~ Ja.tfJ-" q4rtt aw So Kt,.j (t/AJ Cffo31 I __ hrs at l2o per hour = -- less $20.00 fee CITY OF KENT L.I.D. SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Exhibit l.A Date ¥-A7~1filocal Imp. District No. 31? ASSESSMENT No. j(9 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount $ 29/7. 1'1 ;11-f y /Efl-y>f/,A/4-~ /E~ /~ /.f'~2Z-s ~>s-a. --P/. (;1/tt<J /f4!tJkJAI 11s) L trr~ / TA'/4' 4 AYe; .:r./? _,6{ JO'tt c;,/4 ,#sdec-o~~//I/J~r--1;tJ ~/.# ~7t:J.f/dt' 87/ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit 11 A11 ) NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment No. S'!-I New Assessment Amt.$ S7CJ. t.t Ol>~S li)Ot" ItJC.t.I..I.OE. IAIT!.ee:..sr. :tF ANy L 0 r:-z_ A-/r'O· ::5".?. -H 36't. o.Yr;. #f' r-~cor~/ ttne::kr-47'4 ,/1a/ti7Jr //A. # ~703 /00 g>?/ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "B") REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No. ~9 Rem. Original Amt.$ ___;;;'7'>'----- Le; r 1 A--' p. s: /? # 38't:. o~J?t /IS' ;eecoepe-/} .f/,u,Per/? ya. /Ia/. _/"'k ;~~-fie> 3 /a~ e71 (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit 11 C11 ) Copy forwarded to City Treasurer and Applicant this day of ______ ?' 19_. ---- ~ Approved by Resolution # • Total Due;o.ot> ------ Total Pai _!j_j l'i I~~ Property Manager The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and conditions and certifies to the correctness herein, (Signature must be same as on application). ,-~· ~~rome Signature SIGNED: . ,._(/ ~ CITY OF KENT L.I.D. SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Exhibit l.B Requested by: /?hloh .50rt!'nsen Date ¥-/?'~/?J'Local Imp. District No • ..?!? Owner & Address jV, '!if,,.. tf. .5C J~le > .J)I,t).f{ '1'~ bfl/ Jfi.J Ul~>" ?RtJJ/ , Owner & Address 11#;5n SCrenJot? ;:.3rs-sE 111s-r r-1 . ...f~nln-z ldN' 'f(d.f'!' $20.00 Minimum Fee Received 1L I /lf /l9fP Receipt} t 7-:9'92 Owner & Address /J;/~L-(! ti,~ J~l/)-£1 14{1. (k ft. ~.j /tJ)..) tj fo 3 I I _hrs at $25 per hour = -- less $20.00 fee @ Total OueJ?O.~ Total Pai _!:f_j _/_!f_l l" 't Receipt # ?1'1q7 ASSESSMENT No. j(r ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount$ 2917. 7~ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit 11 A11 ) NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment No. ~7-~ New Assessment Amt.$ 5"?C·It.t. W£.5 tJO't" t._,Ct.l.\.0 £ IAJT£/i!.E:.S'T: :tF ANy .Lor 3 k/0· S.?.-# 3o>t,o9"~ ,.,r r-~c"r~/ tou:kr ~ /ltttt'tifir r;A-,II t?7't/3 /Ot\ !?7/ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit 11 8 11 ) REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No. ~9 Rem. Ori gina 1 Amt. $ ___..,..,'----- L6T 1 ;4-'~. s:;?# 38CC)l/t ,#S' £eCOtfE';04T~ //,uiJe-I(J .4j/tl>. ~/ /"k #' no 3 /tJtJ B71 (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit 11 C11 ) Copy forwarded. to City Treasurer and App 11 cant this ----day of ___________ ... , 19 __ • Approved by Resolution # • ------ Property Manager The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and conditions and certifies to the correctness herein, (Signature must be same as on application). SIGNED:~ Q-u~~.e.-neran orureoriZelgnature CITY OF KENT L.l.D. SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Exhibit l.C Requested by: ~~n ;>or~~s~n Date tc-A1~1fLocal Imp. District No. 31? Owner & Address Owner & Address /1;1/tn Jl,~n.rtJt? /J.3YS"" se-lf!J"r r·l tfen:ln-z ldu fi't~.rf' $20.00 Minimum Fee Received _'f:_l ltf /19J>P Receipt} t 7192 Owner & Address _hrs at $25 per hour = -- less $20.00 fee ~ Tot a 1 ou e ;o. {)t) Total Pai _!f_j _/_!f_l ~ t Receipt # ?1tt'17 ASSESSMENT No. ~1 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount $ 29/7. 7~ ;J!{ ~ /EfJ-r f#~ ~ .4/E~ //J //~2z,. ,r ~s-s-&. tf'/. (;J!tt<J /f#oldAI /IS) L t11' $" / /A';q 42 l"f/c; f./P .# ..YD'~ ~jl't _#'s-/fer~n-A-4" ////A.~--' ~ ,4>/-# 6'7t:J.? /.cJ.o $7/ (if more: space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit nA 11 ) NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment No. .['f-3 New Assessment Amt. $ .)70. (,. " ~E.s tJOT tNGl.t.I.DE :!'l.l1Utc,ST. 'l:F twy 7' ~ /('0. S:?. -P 3!9~ o .YC. l?f' ,v~c~r~t:/ u,&:k;-A-74 #a/tt?i-.r .hA. # .;>703 /o~ 5'7/ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit 11 8 11 ) . REML\ I NDER 0 E SCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No. ~9 Rem. Original Amt.$ ---=;.,.-,~-- L6T .J. ~p. s:/?# 38'C.O~t. /IS' £ecotet:Je-~ //AJ.PB'/? A/U>. #«/ r~ #' ~G) 3 /()IJ IJ'7/ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit 11 C11 ) Copy forwarded., to C1ty Treasurer and App 1 i cant this ----day of ___________ .. , 19 __ • Approved by Reso 1 uti on # ______ • :. Property Manager The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and conditions and certifies to the correctness herein, (Signature must be same as on application). SIGNED:&~ . wner::~1Ze1gri3Ure