HomeMy WebLinkAbout1135RESOLUTION NO. //,'$~ I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAH 1988 to 1993. THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l'HE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988 to 1993, as set forth in the attachments hereto and herewith filed with the City Clerk, is hereby adopted. Passed at a regular meeting of e City Council of the City of Kent, washington this~ day of ~~---1987. day of ~oncurred in by the -<.,_.-1 1987. :'> i ty of Kent, this ~ ELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No./ ( ...._~ -:::-, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washingt;)fl, the ~ day of o-7~ , 1987. 4830-160 SA SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988 TO 1993 Cf~y/County Kent, washington City No 0615 Hearing Date. ___ _ Adoption Date. ___ _ Cout.ty No. 17 Resolution No. __ =================================================================================================================================! p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F Cl PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS r a 0 u AI DESCRIPTION OF WORK jo work T L N Rl OBLIGATION FUNDING SOURCE !TOTAL! 0 f code A E c Rl SCHEDULE I· .. ·••• .. ··•·•·••·•·•· ·I I r (Street name or number, c (S) L N TC Yl y E A R !FEDERAL I RAP I I FUNDS! Co. road name or number, lw G NL 01 88 89 90 91·931 or I Local! t termini beginning & end. ao T LA VI 1st 2nd 3rd 4,5 Pro·IAMT UABI y Describe work to be done.) sr H s E!Annl 6th IAMT gram! I No sk s R IE lmt I I =================================================================================================================================! 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 171 8 I 9 I 10 I' 11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 I 17 I ...••...•.•.•..•••.•••••..•••.••••••.•••••.•..•.••••..•••.••••.••...••.•.•..••..••..•••..•..••..•....•..•......••..•...•......... I 1 ISE 240th St. (106th Ave SE·116th Ave SE) 102 IABDFI0.56 116 !1320 I 250 FAUSI 800 UABI 270 11320 I !Widen roadway from two lanes to five lane section I !with curb & gutter, sidewalks, drainage, paving, !channelization, signing, and landscaping. I 2 ISE 240th St. & 104th Ave SE !Addition of a eastbound right turn lane at !the intersection. 3 IS 252nd St. and SR·99 (Pacific Highway S) INew Signal project. I 4 !West Valley Highway (SR·181) and S. 212th St. !Add turn lanes, channelization, signing, signal !improvements, grading, widening. 1 1 I I I I 5 !Smith St. (SR·516) (1st Ave·Jason Ave) 102 IABDFI0.40 114 lxl 720 !Widen Smith St. for additional turn lanes, signal,! IGHIJI I 1 !drainage, lighting, curb & gutter, sidewalks, I IKM I land landscaping. I I I I I I 6 !West Valley Highway CSR·181) and S. 190th St. 106 IHIJKI0.10 114 lxl 130 !Installation of a full eight phase signal system I 1 !with channelization and lighting. I 7 !West Valley Highway (SR·181) and James St. !Add a double left turn lane, channelization, !lighting, signal upgrade, and signing. I 102 IABDHI0.13 114 IIJK I I I I I 106 IABDHI0.15 8 !West Valley Highway and S 180th St. • Phase !Upgrade traffic signal controller and add traffic !signal interconnect for signal to communicate withl !the City of Kent Master Traffic Signal Computer. 1 !Joint project with Kent and WSDOT. 114 I I 9 lEast Valley Highway (S 180th St.·S 192nd St.) !Complete five lane section with drainage, paving, !sidewalks, curb & gutter, lighting, landscaping, !underground utilities, bridge, and signing. I IJK I I I I 102 IABDFI0.85 116 IGHJKI ILM I I 460 50 I 12900 42 FAUSI 108 FAP 250 FAUSI I 150 FAUSI I 108 FAUSI 1250 FAUSI I 42 FAUSI I I I I 8 50 22 130 I 100 350 I 150 UABI 420 720 I 22 130 I 210 I 460 8 50 1250 FAUSI1000 UABI1650 12900 I I SA SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988 TO 1993 Cit~/County Kent, Washington City No 0615 Hearing Date. ___ _ Adoption Date ___ _ County No. 17 Resolution No. I =================================================================================================================================! p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F Cl PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS r a 0 u AI DESCRIPTION OF WORK jo work T L N Rl OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE !TOTAL! 0 f code A E c Rl SCHEDULE !·······················! I r (Street name or number, c (S) L N TC Yl Y E A R I FEDERAL I RAP! I FUNDS! Co. road name or number, lw G NL 01 88 89 90 91·931 or !Local! t termini beginning & end. ao T LA VI 1st 2nd 3rd 4,5 Pro·IAMT UABI I y Describe work to be done.) sr H S EIAnnl 6th IAMT gram! No sk S RIElmt I I I =================================================================================================================================! 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 171 8 I 9 I 10 I ·11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 I 17 I ................................................................................................................................ ·I 10 !North Central Ave and Smith St. 103 IABDHI0.25 116 I I 590 I I I 472 UABI 118 I 590 !Add a double left turn lane, channelization, !lighting, signal upgrade, and signing. IIJK I I I I 11 ISE 277th Street (SR167 • East Valley Highway) I I 102 IABDFI0.65 114 !Major widening of roadway to include curb & gutter! !sidewalks, lighting, grading, pavins, signing, 1 !channelization, signalization, and RR crossing !upgrade. This is a joint project with Auburn land King County. I I IGHIJI IKM I 12 IS 196/200th Corridor Improvement (West Leg) !Major widening of s. 200th St. from Orfllia Rd. Ito the Green River. The project shall include !curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting, grading, !paving, bridge over Green River, a new signal at 101 IABDFI0.62 114 I !Orillia Rd., signing, and landscaping. This is Ia joint project with King County and Tukwila !(Pending annexation). ' 13 !West Valley Highway (S 189th·S 212th) !Major widening of West Valley Highway to !Include curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting !grading, paving, channelization, signalization, !signing, and landscaping. I I !02 IGHIJI IKLM I ' ' IABDFI1.50 114 IGHIJI IKM I I I I 14 !West Valley Highway (S 212th·S 236th St.) !Major widening of West Valley Highway to !include curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting !grading, paving, channelization, signalization, !signing, and landscaping. 102 IABDF11.50 114 IGHIJI IKM I I I 15 ISR·516 (Union Pacific RR • Smith St.) 103 IADFGI0.85 114 !Minor widening of roadway to include curb & IHK !gutter, sidwalks, grading, paving, channelization I land signing. A double left and exclusive right !turn lane will be provided at Central & Willis. Ani !additional through lane will be provided at I !at 4th Ave & Willis St. for eastbound traffic. I 395 11865 676 I 1350 FAUS!1500 UABI1086 12936 I I I I I 14000 1250 FAUS!1000 UABI2750 14000 I I I I ' 14610 500 UABI4110 14610 I I 15840 900 UABI4940 5840 358 40 FAUSI 240 UABI 78 358 I Sll. SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988 TO 1993 City/County Kent, Washington City No 0615 County No. 17 Hearing Date ___ _ Adoption Date ___ _ Resolution No. __ =================================================================================================================================I p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F Cl PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS r a 0 u AI I DESCRIPTION OF WORK jo work T L N Rl OBLIGATION I FUNDING SOURCE I TOT ALl 0 f code A E c Rl SCHEDULE I······················ ·I I r (Street name or number, c (s) L N TC VI y E A R !FEDERAL I RAP I IFUNDSI ; Co. road name or number, lw G NL 01 88 89 90 91·931 or I Local I t termini beginning & end. ao T LA VI 1st 2nd 3rd 4,5 Pro·l AMT UABI I y Describe work to be done.) sr H s EIAnnl 6th IAMT graml I I No sk s RIElmt I I =================================================================================================================================I 1 I 2 1314 I 5161718 I 9110 1'11 1121311415116117 I ......................•.•..... • ...••...•..........•.........•...•...•....•...•..........•....................................... ·I 16 ISE 256th St. (Kent·Kangley·116th Ave SE) 102 IABDFI0.69 117 I I 900 I I 720 UABI 180 900 I !Major widening of roadway to include drainage, IGHIJI I !curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting, grading, IKM 1 !paving, channelization, signalization, !signing, and landscaping. I 17 ISE 260th St. and 104th Ave SE !New traffic signal I 18 IJames St. and 4th Aves. !Traffic signal revisions to convert ·present two !phase signal to an eight phase signal. I 19 IS. 228th St. and 4th Ave S, !Traffic signal revisions and traffic signal I Interconnect. I 20 lEast Valley Highway and s. 208th St. !Traffic signal revisions and traffic signal I interconnect. 21 IKent·Kangley CSR·516) and 111th Ave SE !Traffic signal revisions and traffic signal I interconnect. 22 !Canyon Drive (SR·516) !Placement of c·curbfng barrior along Canyon Dr. Ito prevent left turn and rear end accidents. I 23 !West Valley Highway and s 180th st. • Phase II !Add double left turns on all four legs of the !Intersection with addtional through lanes !for northbound and southbound traffic. !Joint project with Tukwila and Kent. I 24 !West Valley Highway CSR·181) and Meeker St. !Minor widening to improve the right turn !radius on the southeast corner for northbound !traffic turning right onto Meeker St. I 106 I I 106 II 106 I I 106 II I I 106 II I 106 IH I I I I 10.20 116 I I 10.20 116 I I I I 0.50 117 0.25 116 I I 0.42 114 I I I 10.50 114 I I 102 IABDHJ0.25 114 IIJK I I I I 102 I ABDFJ 0.10 114 IGHJKI I I 130 I 25 50 50 50 I 50 I 50 42 FAUSt 8 50 I 11700 1200 FAUSI 600 UABI 900 1700 I 50 FAUSI I I 50 100 I SP\ SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988 TO 1993 City/County Kent, Yashington City No ::1615 County No. 17 Hearing Date ____ _ Adoption Date ___ _ Resolution No. __ _ =================================================================================================================================I p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION m T F Cl PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS r a 0 u AI DESCRIPTION OF YORK jo work T L N Rl OBLIGATION FUNDING SOURCE I TOTAL I 0 f code A E c Rl SCHEDULE I······················ ·I r (Street name or number, c (s) L N TC Yl y E A R !FEDERAL I RAP I I FUNDS! i Co. road name or number, lw G NL 01 88 89 90 91 ·931 I or I Local! t termini beginning & end. ao T LA VI 1st 2nd 3rd 4,5 Pro·IAMT UABI I y Describe work to be done.) sr H s EIAnnl 6th IAMT gram! I No sic s RIElmt I I =================================================================================================================================I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 171 8 I 9 I 10 I ·11 I 12 13 I 14 15 I 16 I 17 I ·································································································································! 25 !Crow Road By·Pass (SR·516 By·Pass) 103 IABDFI0.35 119 I I I 700 I I I 70 FAUSI 200 UABI 430 I 700 I !Minor widening to improve turning radius at JGHIJI 1 1 1 I I I I I I ISE 260th St. and 108th Ave SE with signalization IK lat Kent·Kangley Road (SR·516) & 108th Ave SE Ito include curb & gutter, sidewalks, lighting !grading, paving, channelization and signing. I 26 ISE 256th St. and 104th Ave SE !Addition of a double southbound left turn lane land traffic signal revisions. 103 IABDFI0.15 114 IGHK I I I 250 I 1200 FAUSI 50 I 250 I =====================================·============================================================================================