HomeMy WebLinkAbout999FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION NO. 999 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington adopting the SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 TO 1989. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT AS Section 1. The SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 TO 1989, as set forth in the attachments hereto and herewith filed with the City Clerk, is hereby adopted. City of Passed at a regular meeting of t~ Council of the Kent washington this ;~day of ~ 1983. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this /r? ~,1983. ~~ day of ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby Resolution No. 999, washington, the I 8685-94A IABEiJHOGAN 'MA certify that this is a true and correct copy of passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, day of ~ , 1983. ~~~ (SEAL) MARIE JENSE~LERK ,. !siAl~-~ SlX YEAR TRAN6PORTATION IMPROVt.Mt:NT Pt<OGRAM -OBLIGATION PROGRAM- i 9 84 1 0 I~ 89 - - )-fearing Po.te August 1, 1983 Adoption Da.te August 1. 1983 ~-qqq ·cit~-No. ~ 10 1611 IS !3-_G -· .., --' ---~· n.\;oUV4:UJ •'-'ll J."VI .. u.nber be on alt co.rds punched from ' I 1-I Count~ N_o. 1 7 7-8 fhi.5 .form. ~ Q PRO-\JE.CT C05T5 lN THOU5AND5-OF OOLLARS c s: ...... PROJE.CT IDENTIFICATION 1/) 0 c £ OBUGAT10N --scHEDUlE FUNDING SOURCE . .Q 0 oa_x _Tota.l d Iitle, Rou~., Road \.og No., Section No., OL. Work L.. "" __ _ _____:_ __ y___E __ A R z ~~ ~ ~ " FEDERAL _::TOTAL Location ermini,Deecription of Work, length ·> E Code :.:: -~ 1 M -==-Z nd 3 rd 4 ., 5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUND5 Beginning Mitepoot * Bridge No. -~\o-(Miles) (J -cs 4l Q 0 c -'" t: (Anri-ucil '* G th AMOUNT PROGRAM .... ~ ~ :J (J ~ c:r:: Element) ~i _z --:-g 4 5 !.. 7 ~ 9 -JO-ll ~~ ·~ 14 b2 15 16 17 ~ )5 54-37 40 41 44 46 148· 5f ~'Z._ -!55 SQ 59 GO G3 G4 67 ~ 71 15 710 19 ao 85 N C E N,T,R A Lt ,A VEt JAM EtS -t2t2t8tTtHr r 2~ A B D1F 11.0 4 s u X 2t7t9t7 I ' I I I I l I I I I .21St lt 7. l 2t 81 0, I t2t7t917 1 Add-two-way left turn lane -drainage, paving, G M J K sidewalks, landscaping E ,A S T ,v LA L H W,YI Jl,9 2 N Dt~ 11810,T H, I I 2~ A B,D F 018 5 s u X 13t9t6 2_1 5 t3l 0 I I I I _l __L I I I 216 3t3 I 2t 9 3 I 2 9t2t6 2 Complete 5 lane section -drainage, paving,sidewalks, G H J K i ~~~I~i~ig~ttEfi~~ghting, landscaping, underground L Sr t2ll_t2__t_T H1 S1Tt tAtTt J4t2tNtD A1V1E s 2~ A B D F c0.2 0 IS IIJ 151010 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I _1__2 I () () I ~I ()I 0 I I IS I 0 I() 1 3 Add left-turn lane, correct slumping-grading, draininE H COUNTY) I paving, channelization, curb and gutter. I j IR ..E_U ·T 1-l R n rS r?IS.t~tRln 1-,,;;; ? S rA rT rH' I~~ lA rR 1n ,n Ot4r0 it. lu 4r7r5 ' ' _l _j_ l l _j_ I I L L _L L L .14 7 5 L 1417,5: 4 Reconstruction, alignment correction -grading, 1 5 0 F AS 3 2 5 ! I draining, paving, bikeway. I I IW rP ,c;: ITI tVrA tT. tH tW rY I A tT I tW I LT A IM IF IC:: IC: IT I 121% [A 1R ,n ,H ,()~110 M 111 rl13t0 I I I I I ( I I 1 I I I 1 LL3r 0 _! __L 11,3 o. 5 Extend left turn lane at James, add left turn lane at S. 2~8th.St -grading, draining, paving, I channel1zat1on I s 2 1 2 TrH S T A N LDJ. _t8__t_4 IT H rAtV E s _L "t 2~ A__t_B _ill_ F 10.11 5 s u I 1818 I I I I J I I I _l I I I I 8 8 RtR' 6 Add right turn lanes -grading, draining, paving, G H K curb & gutter, sidewalk, channelization, signing. R_lE I T H R Dr s t2 ,s ,6 tT H 1-I 3 81TH s ' 1~ lA B D H ,o ... 4 ,Q r IU r31515 I I I I I I .1 I l I I I l I I I I 13t 5 ,s I _l .131515 7 Reconstruct curve, add left turn lane, bikepath, J 0 pedestrian shoulder -grading, draining,paving, I channelization, lighting~ bikeway I S 1 M I T H S T LA T _t __t_CLE N1 T R A L _1_A V 1 E 7~ I 0 1 5 M u t6 3i5 I I I I I I I I I I _l _L I _j_ fil1 t; I 6 31 5 8 Right-of-way purchase for future left turn lanes I ------~----------------------·--~-----------· '-----'------------ 0\S'TRtBUilON I COPY DlSIRICT STATE AID 'ENI3\NE'ER ~~~~£F~9 I COPY C.R.A.B, (CoU~iiE5 Ot.lL.Y) -a a -w w _ zc w u w 4 4 + •• w •• • wow w 4 a ** w w w w w w w a-ww w e e W'·'W ;g w M eo w w • ••• a ow .#a++ w t ze _a w a ¥ *' w .a * e • 4 •~• [sJAIH~ 5 t X YEAR TRAN6PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM -OBLIGATION PROGRAM- 19~ TO 19._8.;..._9 _ Ke-aring Pate August 1, 1983 Cit;:~/County ~ "t_uNo. ~ . ..Ke'::jpunching Note: Delta entered in cole 1-8 rnust be on all co.rds ounched fi rom eROJE.CT IDENTIFICATION . !() (I~ _Tot a. I 0 li11e, Rouy;, Road Log No • ., Section No., Os., Work :z Location Termini,Deocription of Work, ~~ length E Code ·~~ (Miles) 4l Beginning Milepoet * Bridge No. c:l 0 ..... H ~ ~1 _z --~ 4 .... 5 ~ )5 ~--?.7 40 4J 44 WI LtL ItSt ,S T_1 _tAtTt 1C EN T_tRJA_~_Ll .1AtV1EL _I 1 9 Add turn lane -grading, draining, paving, curb & gutter, sidewalk, channelization, signing St 1215 1 2 N D S T 1A_1Ti 1 S 1R 9 e -~ s_l I G N A L 1 10 New signal 1 10 14 ,T H S 1E -,S tE t2 t6 0 1T H T tO_J tS IE t2 t6 14 ,T tH 11 Extend 5 lanes -grading, draining, paving, curb & gutter, sidewalk, channelization, lighting, signing, !'itreet trees S E 2 4 0 T H A T 1 10 2 N1D S E _l _l _l _l 12 Add turn lane, improve 102nd -grading, draining, paving, curb & gutter, sidewalk, signing, possible signalization_._ _potential LID 6 14 T 1H 1 1A V E 1s ,MII,T,H, 1T1o1 1s _12_12_18 tT tH I I New construction 5 lanes -grading, draining, paving 13 curb & gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signing, street trees, bikeway 7 6 T H ,AVE s 2 ,1 12 tT IH I .s 2 1212_~_N D New construction -grading, draining, paving, curb & 14 gutter, sidewalk street lights, signing, street trees G R E E N ,R,r 1V IBIRIDIGI tStOl~tEtNJTtRIAIIl I 15 Widen functionally deficient bridge to 4 lanes. M .I S C T1R A F 1F I C I M ,p R 0 V E M E JN J.T S 16" '''-~- :JOT 140-"49 Jar1. !980 0\51RtBUTION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID "ENG\NE"ER l COPY C.R.A.B, (CoUM.TlE5 Ot-lLY) 2M A_1 B_1D_1F O__~o_l_l 5 G H K 6~ I _l ...LO...Ll 0 2~ lA J3 tD 1F ,('! .t.2 16 G H J K !M 2~ A..1B_1D F _10_13_10 G H K I 1~ A1B D F 1__._0_10 G H J K M 0 1W AJB D F 016 5 G H J K M 12~ J LQ_,U lQ_ 6~ l!iJ..I ...tJ. tK ~ ~ a .Q d \,. ~ ~ ~ e 0 _. c: & ~ ~ 7 4S M u M u Is Ill s u s u s u Is Ill --In Adoption Oa.te August 1, 1983 Resolution Number --1-/'-9<-f---2---- Q ....., PRo-;::rE.CT.C05T5 lN THOU8AND5 OF DOLLARS !. OBLIGATION -_·scHEDUt..E FUNDING .SOURCE t -__ _:_~ __ E A R ·> FEDERAL :TOTAL ~~ 1 ~t -=-Z nd 3 rd 4 ., 5 U.A.B. L.OCAL FUND5 t ~~;~h 1985 1986 * Gth AMOUNT PROGRAM (J 8 ·s ~-jQ-ll 12. '~ 14 15 \6 17 i47 148· Sf !:It --55 ~w· !!9 GO G3 w4 --61 '"-11 12 15 16 19 ao 8S I I 715 I. I I I l I I l J 1 I I . 1 I I ~ _l 7.1 5 j_ 1 _1 _17_15 I l I I 71 0 I I I I I I I I _l 11 _f)_ _l _1 _17 _10 5 8 F A U S 1 2 I J I I 1 I I t; IQ 10 I I I I _l _l l _1 _l _l I 151910 1 1 _15_19_10 i I I r L 1 14t0 0 I I I I I I I ..1 _1 _1 4_1 0..1 0 _l _t ..14 _ill_& I J I I I l I 1 31110 I I I I I I 1 I I I _1 _1 _l _l _11__!3_11_10 I ' I I J I J lt81112 _j l _l I I I I 1 8 1 J2 I I I I J I I l7i7t410 I I I I I I 3t316 6 _13_1 7_14 _l~ 3 7 4 0 S B R - J liO I 1l10 l 1,0 I t3J0 I .1 _l _1 _1 _1 _1 6 0 I I 610 5 0 VARIOUS 1 0 -------~ ~m w........,. ._....._.. w aw • ..r _____ • .., _ _. ___ ~----_,... ___ ...., ___ _._~--------------------------------------- I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . ' July 22, 1983 TO: Mayor Hogan City Council FROM: D. E. Wickstrom ()[,CJ SUBJ: Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1984-1989 Attached is the recommended Six-Year T.I.P. for 1984-1989. The T.I.P. is an 11 0bligation 11 program rather than a 11 Construction 11 program. Once funds are com- mitted to a project, that project is dropped from the obligation program. However, a project may not be completed for some time after funding has been obtained. So, as projects are funded, and new projects are proposed, the six-year T.I.P. constantly changes. The changes from last year•s T.I.P are as follows: Projects Funded Lincoln Avenue Connector Locally funded SE 256th Street at ll6th Ave SE (new signal) Federal Aid to Urban Systems funding with local matching money Meeker St: Russell Road to Washington Avenue Federal Aid to Urban Systems, state, and local funds Kent-Des Moines Road: Green River to Russell Road Combined with above project Other Projects Dropped from the T.I.P. Green River Bridge: Kent-Des Moines Road Wilsey & Ham analyzed future traffic needs and recommended that the widening of this bridge would not be as vital to the future transpor- tation system as other projects. 112th Avenue: S.E. 232nd Street to SE 240th Street This project was originally slated for improvement because it was the only outlet from the Park Orchard neighborhood, except for the Benson Road entrances. Since then, the Eastridge subdivisions have provided access to ll6th Avenue SE, and 108th Ave SE has been improved from SE 236th Street to SE 240th Street, thus providing two additional outlets. Projects Added to the T.I.P. S. 212th at 42nd S. This project consists of adding a westbound left turn lane and correcting subsurface drainage problems which are causing the road to settle. Reith Road: S. 253rd to S. 256th This project will correct the existing dip and curve just south of 253rd. It will connect to the new section of Reith around the West Hill Park. ...... West Valley Highway & James Street The southbound left turn lane at James Street will be len9thened, and a left turn lane will be provided at S. 238th Street for traffic headed to West Valley Foods, the Caveman and the Circle K trailer park. 84th S and S 212th Right turn lanes will be constructed for eastbound and southbound traffic. Smith Street and Central Avenue This project will allow the purchase of right-of-way for future left turn lanes on Smith Street. Willis St and Central Avenue· An additional left turn lane will be provided. - 2 - August 1, 1983 CITY PROPERTY Surplus Property. Upon the recommendation of the Public Works Committee, Resolution 998 was adopted by the Council on July 5, 1983 setting a public hearing for this date on establishing certain City- owned property as surplus to the City's needs and to establish further that the property is not re- quired for providing continuing public utility service. TRANSPORT- ATION PROGRAM Proper legal notice of the hearing has been given by the City Clerk. The property is located at 520 Guiberson and does not include the building now used as a residence.· The property is incum- bered by a lease which will expire in 1991. The property has been appraised at $20,000. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There was no correspondence and no comments. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Woods seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the vacant property described above be declared as surplus to the City's needs and that a call for bids be issued for the sale of same with the minimum bid to be $20,000. Leahy seconded. Motion carried. Six-Year Transportation Program -1984/1989. The public hear1ng on the annual updating of the Six- Year Transportation Program has been scheduled for this date and proper legal notice has been given. The program was reviewed at the Council workshop on July 25. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. No correspondence has been received and there were no comments. BAILEY MOVED to close the public hearing, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED to adopt Resolution No. 999 approv- ing the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program as presented, Woods seconded. Motion carried. - 4 -