HomeMy WebLinkAbout987RESOLUTION NO. 1Qri7 A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, washington, adopting a consultant selection process for professiona~ architectural, engineering and surveying services. WHEREAS the legislature has declared in Chapter 3980 RCW that it is a State policy that governmental agencies publicly announcement requirements for architectural and engineering services; and WHEREFORE it is the policy of the City of Kent to publicly announce the requirements for professional architectural, engineering, and surveying service contracts to insure that the consultant selection for services is carried out in a manner so as to select the firm best qualified for the project as measured on the basis of experience, demonstrated competence, and the ability to complete the project at a fair and reasonable price; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS FOR PROFESSIONAL, ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING SERVICES, attached hereto as Appendix A; is hereby adopted as the policy governing procurement of all professional architectural, engineering, and surveying service contracts by all the departments of the City of Kent. Adopted at a regular meeting of the Kent City council this _2_ day of ?:f...e...l-, 1983. q Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this 1 day of d.eJ!;--, 1983. kx&G~ ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR STATE OF WASHINGTON ss: COUNTY OF KING I, 4!&1{;:_-~Sea/ , City Clerk of the City of Kent, washington hereby ~ify that the above and foregoing is a true, full and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the council of the City of Kent, Washington at a meeting held according to law at Kent, washington on the 1 day of &~ , 1983, as the same appears on file and of record in this office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City this /L? day of :zr::«<-, 1983. ATTEST: MARIE JENSE~ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: 5046-94A -2- CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS FOR PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING SERVICES 1. POLICY AND OBJECTIVES 1.1 Po 1 icy It is the policy of the City of Kent to publicly announce the requirements for professional architectural, engineering and surveying service contracts. This is to insure that the consultant selection process for said professional services is carried out in a manner so as to select the firm best qualified for the project as measured on the basis of experience, demonstrated competence, and the ability to complete the project at a fair and reasonable price. 1.2 Objectives 1.2.1. To provide a process for the orderly, efficient, and fair selection of qualified consultants for professional architectural, engineering and surveying service contracts for the City of Kent. 1.2.2. To provide a method for consultant prequalifications to insure that the selection process does not cause excessive delays in the implementation of City projects. 1.2.3. To provide a framework upon which the City can negotiate with the 11 most qualified 11 consultant on the fair pricing of professional services. 1.2.4. To insure City of Kent compliance with the Competitive Selection Act, Chapter 61, Laws of 1981. (Chapter 39.80 RCW) 2. APPLICATION This policy shall apply to the procurement of all professional architectural, engineering and surveying service contracts (hereafter referred to as professional service contracts) by all departments of the City of Kent, except in cases of emergencies (as designated by the City Counci 1) where the emergency requires immediate execution of the work involved. 3. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 3.1 Anticipated Requirements Published The City of Kent shall annually publish a listing of anticipated requirements for professional service contracts for the following calendar year. This announcement shall generally identify the categories or projected types of services desired. The City may also announce projects of a significant nature or of a regional significance on a per project basis. Appendix A 3.2 Qualification Summaries The announcement shall invite all qualified professionals interested in consideration for providing the requested services for the City of Kent to submit a Standard Consultants Qualifications Summary to the City. These qualification summaries shall remain on file with the City during the calendar year, and the City shall use these statements as a basis for selection of firms for further consideration. 3.3 Public Notice 3.3.1. The public notice requesting qualification summaries for professional services shall be published at 1 east once per week for two consecutive \'leeks in the Daily Journal of Commerce and the Kent News Journa 1. In addition, the Washington Councils of Consulting Engineers and American Institute of Architects will be sent courtesy copies of the appropriate notices. The announcement shall be made sufficiently in advance of the deadline to allow prospective candidates to properly respond. 3.3.2. The public notice shall include the following: (1) a statement of the general scope and nature of the project or work for which the services are required; (2) the deadline and place for submission of qualifications or proposals; (3) office addresses and phone numbers of staff personnel to be contacted concerning the announcement; (4) special terms and conditions of the project, if applicable; and (5) anticipated start and completion dates, if appropriate. 4. CONSULTANT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS The City of Kent shall encourage all firms engaged in the lawful practice of their profession to annually submit a standard statement of qualifications and performance data to the City. This form is to remain on file with the City for a period of one year. It shall be the responsibility of the consultant to keep these statements updated and accurate. All City departments needing professional services shall refer to this file. The form of response to a request for qualifications shall include the Standard City of Kent Consultants' Statement of Qualifications along with a copy of the company brochure. -2- 3097-58A 5. CONSULTANT SELECTION 5.1 Review of Qualification Statements At least three members of the staff of the department desiring the proposed professional services (known as the review committee) shall evaluate the current Statements of Qualifications on file with the City, together with any submitted specifically for the proposed project. Based upon stated evaluation criteria the number of firms to be considered shall be reduced to no less than three fi nns. 5.2 Project Fees Less Than $10,000 Firms selected for the short list shall be further evaluated through the presentation of proposals and the i ntervi e\'1 process. If, in the opinion of the department head of the department desiring the proposed professional service, the nroject being considered is 10\'1 in cost or involves a routine scope of work and a total professional fee of less than $10,000, the number of finns considered can be reduced to one. 5.3 Submission of Proposals Prior to the interviews, the firms shall be given adequate time to prepare and submit detailed project proposals to the City. Those proposals shall include but not be limited to the following: 5.3.1. proposed scope of work and project schedule. 5. 3. 2. description of similar projects undertaken and references. 5.3.3. identification of key members of the project team and their experience. These proposals shall be submitted to the City no later than three full working days prior to the interview. 5.4 Intervie\'/S All firms selected for the short list where the total professional fee is greater than $10,000 shall then be intervievo~ed by a selection committee comprised of no less than three people. The City Administrator or his/her designee shall appoint the selection committee, generally consisting of at least two members of the affected department and one or more members of other City Departments or members of the outside community. The interview process will provide an opportunity to obtain answers to specific questions raised by the proposals, meet the members of the project team, and develop an understanding of the firms perception of the proposed project. -3- 3097-58A o. EVALUATION 6.1 Rankin[ Following a review of the written proposals and the interview, each member of the evaluation team shall independently rank the firms. This ranking shall be based upon a documented evaluation procedure established by the City. The criteria shall be applied in a manner such that all firms selected are uniformly and fairly evaluated solely on the basis of competence and qualifications for the work to be performed. The combined results of the evaluations shall then be used to determine the order of preference. 6.2 Common Criteria Common criteria should usually include the following: 6.2.1. Experience of the consultant with similar projects or work together with client references. 6.2.2 Relationship of the firm with support professionals necessary for the ultimate success of the program. These professionals may include bond attorneys, financial consultants, and special design disciplines or testing services. 6.2.3 Reliability and history of consultant and key personnel. 6.2.4 Record of professional and technical activity in societies and institutes necessary to maintain current state of the art expertise and contribute to the betterment of standards of practice. 6.2.5 Specific personnel proposed to be assigned to the project or work. 6.2.6 Workload and size of firm related to the size and timing of the project. 6. 2. 7 Minority and \'IOmen-0\'ined firms to the context of the agency • s plans in these areas and consistent with the availability of such firms 11 Within the professional communities involved ... 7. NEGOTIATION 7.1 Pricing Information Follm'ling detennination of the highest ranked firm, the total job definition i ncl udi ng the scope of work and scheduling shall be reappraised. The firm shall then submit detailed pricing information to the City. The pricing information shall include a detailed description of all the tasks to be completed, manhours assigned to each task, the level of experience assigned to each task (as measured by hourly rates), overhead costs, outside expenses, and all other anticipated costs associated with the project. -4- 3097-58A 7.2 Fair and Reasonable Price The contract negotiations between the City and the firm can then be directed towards detennining a fair and reasonable price for the desired services. In determining what is a fair and reasonable price, the follm-Jing shall be considered: 7.2.1. The estimated value of the services to be rendered considering unit prices, wage/salary schedules, overhead and similar items; 7.2.2. The scope, complexity and technical nature of the required services; and 7.2.3. The amount of funds allocated for the project. 7.3 Predetermined Percentage Precluded Th~ professional fee shall not be determined by applying a predetermined percentage factor to the project cost. 8. NEXT MOST QUALIFIED FIRM If a satisfactory contract and a fair and reasonable fee cannot be negotiated with the highest ranked finn, negotiations shall be formally terminated and shall begin \'lith the firm judged as next most qualified. 9. MINORITY AND WOMEN-OWNED FIRMS The City shall make positive efforts to notify minority and women-owned firms of upcoming projects so that they are afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to compete for and obtain contracts for service. 10. NATURE OF POLICY This policy is procedural in nature and shall not be construed to vest third parties with legal rights. -5- 3097-58A