HomeMy WebLinkAbout968RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 1983 through 1988 revision of the City of Kent's Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. WHEREAS, The City of Kent has, in accordance with RCW 35.77.010 previously adopted a Six Year Transportation Improvement Program, and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington require annual review and revision of said program, and WHEREAS, the City did prepare a revised and extended Six Year Transportation Program covering the years 1983 through 1988, and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the City Council on July 19, 1982 after due and proper notice thereof to consider revisions to said program for the years 1983 through 1988, and WHEREAS, after said public hearings the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein was approved as the official revised and extended Six Year Transportation and Improvement Program for the City of Kent for the years 1983 through 1988, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. The Six Year Transportation Improvement Program for the years 1983 through 1988 attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein be and the same hereby is approved. Section 2. The Director of Public Works is authorized and directed to transmit to the District State Aid Engineer and the Chairman of the Urban Arterial Board a copy of this Resolution and the appropriate plans. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 19th day of July, 1982. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I Barbara Heavey, I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. <t b 8 , passed by the City Co unci 1 of the City of Kent, Washington the I~ day of ~~4-~+------------- 19n. 2393-93A I,.,. fSlA] 1~e ~'" t'tAR 'tk'ANO~URIA'IIUN lMt-JKUVt.MtN'l Pt<OGKAM l;j_2l IU I~ -OBLIGATION PROGRAM- b~ Hearing Po.te Ju1Zl9~ 1982 Adoption Da.te 2 12/ d/4. (0 J<eypunching Note: Data entered in col5 1-8 rnust City 1 County fOl(J]JSJ Cit.uNo. ~ be on atl ca.rds punched f1 :om PROJECT IDENTIFICATION . 1/) 0 00.::£ Toto. I \it !e. Role, Road l..og No., Sedio n No • ., OL. Work 2 Location Termini,De6cripiion of Work, ~~ length f: Code Beginning Milepoot ~ !:>ridge No. .~ ..... (Miles) _, Cl () .... ..... ~ 1 .2. '5 4 5 ~ ~5 ~-"'' .AQ_ [1_r 44 T T ;l\!1\.0i_ll'U.A VtEl .JCIOIN N E c TIO Rl I l I I I l 2~ A B D,F Oj,l 5 1 4-Lane connection between Smith St. and Meeker St. G M J K widening, drainage, ~~rb & gutter, sidewalks, 1 ::~ n r1" r ::~ n i n P' 1 i 11 h tin "11 ' s i 11n in 11 N CENTRAL A',V1E1 1 J,A t-1 1 E1S -_1 21 2 1 8 T 1 H..i ..1 2~ A B D F l..l 0 4 2 Add two-way left turn'lane-drainage, paving, G H J K sidewalks, landscaping M Sd=.I21S OIT HI A1T1 1111 otT,H s r:, I I I I I ~ Lnili~~ .ill.? n 3 1\ew signal .. illumination, add left turn lanes F,A S T v,A 1 H W Y1 1 9t2 NtD-1 8 0 Tili I 2~ A B D .F 018 s 4 Extend 5 lanes to 180th St. -drainage, paving, ~ H J K sidewalks, curb & gutter, lighting, landscaping, L mrlPrarnJJnd ,t-;l;t.:i?>c;. _hrirlaP S1F ?~L110 T•H A T 1 . I ] 1 0 1 2 ~ )\1 I n S I F I I I I I I ~ LA t B en _y O.i.2t? 5 Add turn lane, improve 102nd -drainage, paving, curb G M and gutter, sidewalk, landscaping \1 I F . F . !( F I R SeT IRillt.C:IC:IF TIT 1l\T AIC: rlt c; T L1J.l ~ A..1B__t_[l_ .J. 0..16 s 6 Kiden to 5 lanes -drainage, paving, sidewalks, curb F G H I and gutter lighting, landscaping, underground J K M 0 utilities. 7 6 1T H A V Et 5 1 12 1 2 12 1N 10 12 11 2 T 1H I 1~ A B D.J.J 0 6 5 7 New construction -drainage, grading, paving, F G H K sidewalks, curb & gutter, lighting, landscaping, M underf'rmmd uti 1 it if'S S1 E 2 5, 2 N D At T S R 9 9J -S I G N_1_A_tL_1_ ..L 6~ I.J.J. _l_ 0..1 1 8 New signal and lighting ----~ ~- 0\5l'Rl BUT I ON I COPY PIS'TRICT STATE AID 'ENC:.\Nf:'ER ~,01 \4~·049 I r:ooy C.R t>.?, (CC'I".'T~E'5 ('\JLY) ReBolution Number '16~ ' ~ fQ PRO-OE.CT.C05T5'1N T~OU8AND5-OF DOLLARS cs s:: '-J 0 13 £ 0BUGAT10N ,_.SCHEDUlE FUNDING SOURCE .Q d I.. t __ _: __ y __ E_. A R ~ s FEDERAL ,.TOTAL > :;: ~ 15t-· F-Z. nd 3 rd 4 'I 5 U.A.B. lOCAL FUND5 (J ~ c t (Ann-ucil ~ G th AMOUNT PROGRAM ~ :) c3 0: Element) ~ ik ~ .. 3 -~--jQ-II 12. l3 14 15 \6 17 48 . 5l ~7.---.-. 5S 54 S9 c;o G3 4 ,, " 11 ~ 15 ... 79 ao as s u I :5 I j tl I I I I I I l I I J l 1 I .1 _1.3 .d. JL .l ..i ..J3. ..ll .L.l s u X 4, 61 5 21 3 31 2 _L I l _l I I I I ~ {) 1 17 £81!_ _l _J .1. 7 .19. J.1. r. lu 1 ?1 ,, n I I I I I I I I J ..1 l .l I I CJ 11 c ..1 _t __ {' J.L.ill. J s Ill X 31 91 6 2t 51 31 0 _L ..1 I I l_ _l_ ..l _l I I r 6 3 0 12 $ ;3 2 9 2 16 i I I I .C: Ill X 1 L11 n n I I I _1 I I _l I I I I I I 1 1 l I .A.12J2 ..1. .1 14 10 .tO - s'u I I 1 tl lt 5 I I I I I 1 _l ..1 1 I !1 IJ 0 0 ,I J ? 1 tl 1.15 ' 1 1 1 5 I I s u I I I 1,8,1,2 I I I 1 .1 . I I I I I I I 1,6, 3 1 -~1.1811 ~ tS_li2 1 8 1 2 - 1 J I I I 1 I 6· 0 I I I I I s .D F A U S _l_ ..1.. Jl D L 1 .L 6JO 6 0 ~ ----~-»------ ~ ------~~---·~ p• ''* .;o t·...--.-.. •-_w,...,...._~-·•JM. ' _,...,... ,.. ,. ,. ~~~ • 44 .,.,.. [5 lAli-t b \X YEAR ·1 kAN6PORlA.ll0l~ lM~r<OVtMt-N t t-Jt<Utir<AlVI -OBLIGATION PROGRAM-~~~ IU 1~·--- Hearing Po.te July 19, 1982 City/County Citu N J<eypunching Note: Data entered in col5 1-8 rnust be on alt cards ounched f1 u. tili1 ;_I; I ;J-~ ·om y No. ~ 0 s: . PROJ E,CI. IDENTIFICATION 0 a !/) .Q () <1.:£ _Tot a. I lit le. Route, Road Log No., Section No • ., OL. d I.. 2 ~~ Work length ~ ~ Location/Termini,Deocripiion of Work) t Code :.:: Beginning Milepoot I} 5ridge No. ·~'+ (Miles) (J .(S tl 0 C) c 'I., ~ ~ :) ..... ~ 0:: 1 _z --~ 4 5 :..-7 ~ . !5 ~ .. 37 AO 4.r 44 46 ~hT1~li ·~n l-1753~D d1Itlu~~~~ 11 ~~ .A.t &_ l1t 01 7 0 c u A Extend 4 lanes -grading, drainage, paving, sidewalks F G H K curb & gutter, light'::t'ng, landscaping, underground M llt'iliti.e.S. •. l 6 I 4 l T Ht L .1\iV E s J;S1 l>l1 I 1 T H -~ 21 2 8r T1 H1 I J 2~ A B D J 11 0 0 s u 10 ~ew construction -grading, drainage, paving, F G H K sidewalks, curb & gutter, lighting, landscaping, M undereround ntilitif's Kl E_l )\I T_t D M1 R Dr G R 1 R1 r 1 v 1 -1 R_l_lli S1 s_l_ E_l Lt 11. , 2~ A B D L 0 O.t. 4 S s u 11 I 1',-iden to 4 lanes -possible combination with #6, F G H I drainage, sidewalk, lighting, bike underpass, land-J K M 0 c;~;=mi nP ~urb E. Plltter GR.FF.N R T V, R .R1 Dt G1 r K, E1 N T, -D, M, t R D1 ~~ L 0.1 l s u 12 Widen functionally deficient bridge to 4 lanes ltO 41TtHt tfu_VEt SIEI 2 6 I O_t T I HI -2 I 61 41 T H I I 2~ A1B D J o.~,2 6 s u 13 Extend S lanes -drainage, paving, sidewalks, curb & gutter, lighting, landscaping, underground utilitie c; R F E, N I R, I V, B R D1 G1 s 01 C .&N.JLR At L 2~ I l l I Ol l s u 14 Widen functionally deficient bridge to 4 lanes 1 1 2 T H A V1 E s I E I I 2 I 3 21 N I D I -_] 2_1 4_L 0 T HI I I 3~ A B D J o_. s o A U 15 Minor widening -grading, drainage, paving, sidewalks F G H K curb & gutter, lighting, landscaping, underground M _nt_i Uti e .. •=; ~lr T S r S T1 R, F1 F T T,]ILPI R 0 V F Mt E N1 T1S. ~ I l ..1. I 16 ----- D\51'R!BUTION I COPY DISIRICT STATE AID 'ENG\NE:ER :::lOi 140·049 • r. ~.... '~ ~ '\ I COPY C.R.A .. 8, (COlJ'f'!'IE5 (l~LY) 'I . Adoption Oa.te ----------- Resolution Number--------- """' PRO-CJ:E.CT.C05T5 lN Tt-:-tOU8AND5-OF DOLLARS ~ £ OBLIGATION -_-SCHEDUt..E FUNDiNG SOURCE ·\., .. __ __:: __ y __ E. A R u FEDERAL .::TOTAL :> '~ 1 e,t --'-Z nd 3 rd 4., 5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUND5 t (Anri..JO:\ '* G th AMOUNT PROGRAM a Element) 8 . 3 -JO II 12. '~ 14 T2 15 \6 17 47 48 . sr !>L·_ 55 'SQ ~9 1;0 b3 4 G1 ~s 11 75 '16 19 t!D ~ I I I I 2 6 41 0 I I I 1 I I I I I 7 13 ·7 {J 12 16 14 i t2 {J 14 ,o 2 6 4 ( I I I 11 31 11 0 I J _I I I I I I I 1 ,3 11 0 tt1~lt.C l • I I I I I I lt li 01 2 I l I J J J .A J2 .1.2 !6 t8 {J I 11 rl JO 12 . 1 1 0 I I L L l_ 1. _l. 1 1 2, 7, 01 0 21 7L 01 Q S B R J _l J 2 7 0 10 I I l I I l l i l 1St 9 0 I I I I I 1 I I I Is ,9 j)_ I I iS ]9 1.0 I I l I l 3t 71 41 0 I I I .L 3 3 ,6 {j 13 7 A 3 7 4 10 3 7 4 0 S B F _l_ l I I I I I I I I S1 8( Q I 1 I I I I I 6 18 IJ J I JS t8 tO l l 11 0 .L LlL_O. 1 0 I 31 0 I I l I I I 6 0 I 1n tO s 4 V A R 6 ------------~-- ~~~~--WM~~, .. ~·-.....---~~ I!? " -~ ·--,......,.... ·-.... an; ,-~-~--~--~ r ....... '""""''fl-~ p#U ,. AM._,_... i!M1iJI!IifP,ililr C iii liii";u;;::;wt!if fsJAL-~ ::> l X ·y cAR ·1 kAl\lbtJOR (A-1101~ ltv,PkuVt:ME1'll" t--'KOGkA(VI -OBLIGATION PROGRAM- i~_g dJ ~~~ Hearing Pate July 19, 1982 Adoption Oa.te Reeol ut ion Num-:--be_r _______ _ City/County l ~I ~~ 7~18 51 J<e\dpunching Note: Dato. ent~red in cole> 1-8 rnu.5t d5 ounched f1 ~om ~ 8 PRo-;::n:.cT.C05T5.lN T~OU5AND5-OF DOLLARS 0 ~ PROJECT IDENTIFICATION G 0 £ OBLIGATION ·:sCHEDUlE ·FUN DING SOURCE . 1/) .Q .a~ 0 lit le, Route, Road L.og No., Section No., 0\,. Work. _Tot a. I d 1... \, _ _ ___ Y_E __ A R ..30TAL... z ~~ length c: s ~ FEDERAL Location/Termini,Deocripiion of Work, 0 t Code :.:: ? 1 5t -'=-Z nd 3 rd 4 ., 5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUND5 tl Beginning Milepoo! * Bridge No. -~4-(Miles) (J -2 t (Arui·u-~1 '* G th AMOUNT PROGRAM (! 0 c ..... ~ :) r.'3 ..... ~ 0:: Element) 3 ~-JO. 11 12. ia -14 15 t6 17 1 .z ._:_:g 4 5 ~ 7 8 ~3 t-s !5 !~ .. 3'1 40 14r 44 4G 147 48 . ~ 5'Z.__-_-. 55 S4 59 c;o G3 ~4 -,, "11 ~ "15 71<. 19 80 8.5 l'l I s, C T R, A F1 Fr I, C 1 S E RJ V, I1 C B St 1 r 1 1 1 ~ I I I .1. I t I rl I ( . I 1 I(\ '1 10 t ..13 rO I I I I ..1 _l J I I I 1610 I I 6 JO •. I, 5 4 V A R 6 "7 ~· I •' l l_l_l_L 1 ,., I 1. I I J I _L L I ~ _L 1 1 I _I l I I I I I l _]_ I I I t I ..1 I I l_ ,. ..1 ..1 _l _L I I I I J _j I I I I I I I I ~ l J ~..1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ..1 ..1 I I . I l __l _l I I I I l_l I ~ I _l I l I I I ..1 I I I I [ I _I -J I I 1 I I I I I 1..1 J j_ _l I I I I I I I I J I I I I I ~ I _LI I t 1 l_ I I I I J I l_ I I I 1 J I I I I I I I I I I _t . I I I I I I I I I .I w J I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I l I I I I I I I I _j_ _j_ I I I I ' I ..1 J J I I I l I I [ I ~ I I .... I I I l J I I I I J J l _l I I I J I I I I I I I _l ~ - l_l_l_j__l _I I I J I I I J. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0\5iR!BUTION I COPY PI5'TRICT STATE AID 'ENGINE'ER t CIJPY C.R.A.5, (COU~TlE5 CIJLY) OCT 14C>·049 ••• .., 'C"' c ,..._ .... -"'*'!if,•'B'-·:P: Eiij ~~~-......,...~-----,..,-.,_, __ ,... ®4P >. _-• ..,.,.,...,. ,.. -~-"'1!11 e a a. t e a •a • ~ t.'"'•-..r:-~::"1~ INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NOTE: This form is set up in "Elite" typewriter format (12 characters per inch) for coding computer input. Only that informatio. appearing in the coding blocks will be entered on the computer. Additional information may be included on the form f" the Agency's convenience but will not be placed on the computer file. A. An obligation program indicated the allocation of funds to major phases of project development i.e. preliminary engineerin right-of-way and construction. Show the funding amount for the entire phase. or phases in the expected year of obligation eve though the expenditure of funds may take place over several years. · :o;;.-:--- B. Include all proposed projects regardless of location or source of funds, however, urban arterial trust fund projects need to b included only in six-year transportation improvement programs beginning in _9.~_numbered years. C. Complete the form for the six-year program in accordance with the following instructions: HEADING ~ity/County: .............. . County Number: ........... . City Number: ............. . Enter name of local agency and appropriate county. Enter the O.F.M. assigned number in code blocks 7 & 8. Enter the O.F.M. assigned number in code blocks 3 thru 6. Hearing Date: ............. . Adoption: ................ . Resolution Number: Enter the date of action by the CityCouncil or County Legislative Authority. Enter the date of action by the City Council or County Legislative Authority. Enter City Council or Co. Legislative Auth. resolution number (if applicable). COLUMN NO. 1. Item No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enter local agency project identifying numbers in chronological order. 2. Project Identification . . . . . . Enter appropriate information noted in column heading. Enter Route Name an termini in code blocks 9 thru 35. 3. Major Class of Work . . . . . . . Enter the appropriate code number(s). Enter major code in block 36. 1. New construction on new alignment 6. Traffic control 2. Major widening (additional lanes) 7. Capital purchases 3. Minor widening ·(increase lane width, add shoulders) 8. Non capital improvements 4. Rehabilitation/reconstruction 9. Non Motor Vehicle use · 5. Resurfacing 4. Work Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enter appropriate code letter(s). Enter major items of work in code blocks 37 thru 4l A. Grading L. Bridge B. Draining C. Light Bituminous Surface D. A.C. or P.C.C. Pavement E. Sealcoat F. Curbs & Gutters G. Sidewalks M. Landscaping N. Paths & Trails 0. Bikeways P. Transit Facility G. Commuter Pool R. High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes H. Channelization S. Surveillance Control & Driver Information I. Signalization T. Ferry Facility J. Lighting U. Project Studies K. Signing 5. Total Length in Miles Enter Length of project to nearest hundredth in code blocks 41 thru 44. 6. Functional Class . . . . . . . . . . Enter one appropriate code letter in code block 45. M -Major Arterial (Principal) S-Secondary Arterial (Minor) C-Collector Arterial (Collector) A -ACCI' 7. Rural-Urban. . . . . . . . . . . . Enter the appropriate letter: R-Rural U -Urban ih code block 46. 8. Carryover Project . . . . . . . . . Enter (x) if project is carried over from previous years annual element. (Funds we. not.obligated during previous year). Enter in code block 4 7. 9. 1st Year (Annual Element) Enter total project costs to be obligated in the first calendar year of the six·y(' program in code blocks 48 thru 51. 10 . 12. (2nd, 3rd; 4, 5 & 6th ye~rs) .,. :'-Enter estimated project costs to be obligated in each year or years in code bloc' 52 thru 55. 13, 15, & 16. Funding by Source.... Enter the dollar amount to be obligated under applicable funding source column ' appropriate code blocks. 14. Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enter the funding source program. (FAUS, FAS, SOS, etc.) in code blocks 68 thru 7 17. Total Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . Enter total project cost in code blocks 80 thru 85.