HomeMy WebLinkAbout937RESOLUriON NO. w A RESOLUI'ION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington relating to surface water drainage and intent to create a storm drainage utility. A RESOLUTION relating to surface water drainage. WIEREAS, the City Cou~il is responsible for the public health, safety, and general welfare and has determined, based upon past technical studies arrl staff reports, that the provision of public storm drainage systems is necessary for the health, safety, arrl general welfare of the people of Kent arrl, WHEREAS, the City Council recognized the problems associated with storm water drainage arrl as such has had several reports prepared, i~luding a 1978 GREEN RIVER BASIN PLAN, 1979 MILL CREEK BASIN PROFILE, 1980 EASI' SIDE WATER &!ED PROJ'ECI', 1980 FlOOD INSU~E srUDY, and the 1980 CITY OF KENI' SURFACE WATER .MANAGEMENI' S'rUDY ~ arrl, \~, the studies completed to date have verified that properties within a specific drainage basin or subbasin contribute directly to roth quantity and qua.li ty problems of the stream draining that basin; arrl, VHEREAS, a uniform policy must be established by the City for the equitable financing of storm drainage facilities~ NCNl THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF KENI', as follows: Section 1. The Council finds that surface water drainage is an area-wide problem that exterrls beyond the City limits arrl that the several reports prepared evid~e many of the problems associated with storm water drainage and some probable solutions. Section 2. The Council further hereby expresses its intent to seek solutions to the problems of surface water drainage as a legitimate, desirable and necessary objective of City government. Section 3. The Council further firrls that all properties within a drainage basin or subbasin contribute directly or irrlirectly to roth water quantity and quality problems of the streams draining that basin; that all such properties are served with drainage services by the City when drainage problems within the basin or subbasin are corrected~ arrl that the owners or occupiers of all such properties should share in the finarx::ial burden to:Jether with other agerx::ies or fuming souiCes when available in the correction of drainage problems within their basin or subbasin in exchange for the drainage for the drainage services toose properties receive. 0 Section 4. A CDMI?REHENSIVE DRAINAGE PIAN will be developed and as this plan and new plans are adopted arrl expan:ied upon which outline drainage basin or subbasin water quantity and quality problems in detail and the necessary improvements that are required to correct the problems, the City Coun:::il states its intent, on behalf of itself and its staff, to pursue diligently the implementation of such plans on a finan:::ially sound and equitable basis. Section 5. The Council herepy declares its intent to create a storm drainage utility in:::orporating the elements set forth herein and instructs staff to prepare the necessary ordinances for consideration. The service area of the utility may extend beyond the corporate city limits provided corresponding inter-agen:::y agreements are entered into with the respective goveming b<xly. ADOPI'ED at a regular session of the Council of the City of Kent, this S day of ---'M:~~........_ ___ , 1981. ATI'EST: ~~~ DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATI'ORNEY 704-Q9A