HomeMy WebLinkAbout933c I .. "J .,_., RESOLUTION NO. )'_::_c_:::-;; A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of an assessment levied under LID 288. WHEREAS, the Jack A. Benaroya Company has requested segregation of certain assessment levied against the property un- der Local Improvement District No. 288, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she is hereby directed to make segregation of the assessment re- quested by Jack A. Benaroya Company on application attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessment involved is #1 of Local Improvement District No. 288. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 8th day of September, 1981 .. ~. . ~ ~' -' ISABEL HOGAN, MAYO ATTEST: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolu- tion No. ·233 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 8th day of September, 1981. (SEAL) Owner & Address JACK A BENAROYA CO 5950 6th Ave So Seattle, WA 98108 .''.l'CL'il>l ;.! Date:: Local Imp. District No. 288 ------ ORIGINAL DESCRIPi'lON;· ·-Or] ginal Amount $ ;!. ~ .LfO Z .10 Refer to Exhibit "A" Attached ,...,, II Nn. 1-1 ----- AFlL. S /'g 79f :-\L\\' llLSl~l(ll'll()N I Refer to Exhibit "B" Attached I ---------1-----------------.r: r.irnt~ :,f'dCt) Jli'C(I(~ct, dL(aclJ d,. .. :;cr:,:·t.ion dJJd r•.·ft~.r tc1 1.'xl1ildt· ''11" tf~ hrsat$20 per hr = le::;s 20.00 fee Total due $ CO. o-o Total paid /~-4 /~ Receipt # 'f1DJ .. --------------------~ J(l:);i\1 i\llLI~ Jli~SCI~ 1 PT j llli IZt'Iii;Ii 11dt·r ;\:":"·~;~:I:!'Ill t:o. iZl'lll·lllulc L-tlr i (') II.il i\n,L • Refer to Exhibit "C'1 Attached 1 ~; 86 07. 33 Jr J:,•t'' ~i',J("I' Jlr'l·ljr)r;', ,l/.f 1 1C"}I ({l':.l·llj'/.JclJJ ,1/Jli }l'fc'J" lc 1 ixr'Jj],i( ''("'' -· 1 1 1 \ 1· ·-_;vl--__ 1~ __ (.t>1l} illl 1 .. 11111' \II l.ll )' I • I'•III'C'i' :1111 , J'!' IC;llll 1.111 ~; (/ ---~P:t~c..Jp .... y ---I ~~-~f2/ . N:!6 /;.l ~ 1\>J>l'UVt'd \1y l(l•.';l>lllll\lll 11 ___ :/ <>'__,3"---· • ( / (~ ,. ' ~~~--~- • __ l'r"l"'rt.:-.-!l;f '):,·r ___________ _ The undersigned hereby accepts above t~rms and conditions and certifies to the correctness herein. (Signature must be same as on application). Assessment #1 ( O(" i fj \ f\0. \) EXHIBIT 11 A11 That portion of Government Lot 1, in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 431.50 feet to t9e True Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 337.50 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies 330.00 feet sguth when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence N0 45 00 1 00 11 W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89 50 1 42 11 g and lies 195.05 East of said West line of Government Lot 1; thence S 01 13 1 42 11 W to a point which lies 230.06 feeb south when measured from the centerline of S. 208th Street; thence S 89 50 1 42 11 W a distance of 195.05 feet to the West line of Government Lot 1; thence south along the west line thereof a distance of 655.26 feet to the True Point of Beginning EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. Assessment #1-1 EXHIBIT 11 B11 That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Govern- ment Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the property herein gescribed; thence S 88°46'18 11 E a distance of 260.00 feet; thence N 01 13'42 11 E a distance of 446.29 feet; thence N 02 58'59 11 W a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 89°50'42 11 W a distance of 209.76 feet to the West line of said Government Lot; thence South along the West line thereof a distance of 581.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. Assessment #1 ( Ot i<3\ nC~..\ re'rt'A.\nder') EXHIBIT "C" That portion of Government Lot 1, in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 431.50 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; thence S 88°46 1 18" E a distance of 337.50 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies 330.00 feet ssuth when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence N0 45 00 1 00" W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89 50 142 11 E and 6ies 195.05 East of said West line of Government Lot 1; thence S 01 13 1 42" W to a point which lies 230.06 feet sou~h when measured from the centerline of S. 208th Street; thence S 89 50 1 42" W a distance of 195.05 feet to the West line of Government Lot 1; thence south along the west line thereof a distance of 655.26 feet to the True Point of Beginning EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. AND EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, ~Jashington de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along teh West line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet to tge True Point of Beginning of the property herein described; thence S 88 46 1 18" E a distance of 220.00 feet; thence N 01°13 1 42" E a distance of 4~6.29 feet; thence N 02°58 1 59" W a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S89 50 1 42" \4 a distance of 209.76 feet to the West line of said Govern- ment Lot; thence South along the West line thereof a distance of 581.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. ['( -' l.-,, ,, ,0 .'1 I i . l- '" I.JI ' ,. ; 11// ~"' ..... ,, _ _/ ~\]> I •I ,, (P d r· ,. ,,.. ·-'~ ~0 I) - ·~ (IJ II " LEGEND I 4 / .. 111111111 11 1 =ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION ~~~~ :c: SEGREGATED PTN. # 1-1 '/////=REMAINDER PORT10N -------~--~'I I, \. I AMOu t..lf C A l.C. u L AT & tL _ ~ (Z~>r.H!I) 100 ')( 5)!1.1~ = 5~,17b ~6 X Yil. lb :: ,_/G 51./u.':Z 4-(Z~Ni2..) ) 5li_l7b_.X. O.l~'i'6lb'-l5 :::~li,OYJ.?fo '-tb,SJ,~D.S!~x O.ll.t:.S'I'{3"" 1J 5,'H9.4l \c\o..l ~1"'1\.o~n.\"' ~ \b,q3i?. ,2.3 II -- ~; ' 0 Local lmp. District No._2_8_8 ___ _ RGq.LiesL:d by:. j~ A 0fi\JA:R-o~t\ ( c Date tfa,1H1 ASSESSMFNT NO. ------- fq.(b ~fL~ ~-~ <.J A-~ fi...:.......l o-=-'f __________ _ Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION;~ Original Amount $ ~ bD?. 33 I ! '\JACK A. BENAROYA C 5950 6th Ave. So. !seattle, WA 98108 1 I I I \ ~----------------1 :, 1: !11-.'tl<' r 1: I /l<J , ______ --- I ::·'. t· c: c> i \' l ;I _______ _ I \. 01.:nPr {, ~~ hrs at $20 per hr = less 20.00 fee Total due.$ SO. 00 Total paid I ;2!1_;~ .Receipt # 410~ Refer to Exhibit "A" Attached )'' 1-2 NJ:\\' lll'.SCIZII'llUN S3EO.o6 Refer to Exhibit "B" Attached ~--,------'. ~; 3-<.:r 7 56 Refer to Exhibit "C" Attached 1.' J:-''''' ~·}',J('f' J/l'(·,j,,,j~ \1Lt·,Jr·/1 r!r'.'·c:..~J·!·;·( j(lJI <1111i .'''tc'!' tc1 ixiJi1~il ''~''' ----------------~ f---------------- The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and to the correctness herein, (Signature must be Assessment #1 EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Government Lot 1, in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 431.50 feet to tee True Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 337.50 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies 330.00 feet Sguth when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence~ 45 00 1 00" W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89 50 1 42" E ang lies 195.05 East of said West line of Government Lot 1; thence S 01 13 1 42" W to a point which lies 230.06 feet soubh when measured from the centerline of S. 208th Street; thence S 89 50 1 42" W a distance of 195.05 feet to the West line of Government Lot 1; thence south along the west line thereof a distance of 655.26 feet to the True Point of Beginning EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. AND EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet to tse True Point of Beginning of the property hereiB described; thence S 88 46 1 18" E a distance of 220.00 f 0et; thence N 01 13 1 42" E a distance of 446.29 feet; thence N 02 58 1 59" W a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 89°50 1 42" W a distance of 209.76 feet to the West line of said Government Lot; thence South along the West line thereof a distance of 581.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portions thereof lying with public right-of-way. Assessment #1-2 EXHIBIT 11 B11 That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East vJ.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the west line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet; thence S 88°46'18'' E a distance of 220.00 feet to the Tsue Point of Beginning of the property herein de 0cribed; thence N 80 13'29 11 E a distance of 91.68 feet; thence S 88 46'18 11 E a distance of 25.82 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies a distance of 330.00 feet SoHth, when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence N 45 00'00 11 W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89°50'42 11 E a9d lies 195.05 East of the West line of said Government Lot; thence S 01 13'42 11 W to a point which lies 230.06 f~et South, when measured from the centerline of ~ 208th Street; thence N 89 50'42 11 E a distan 0e of 14.17 feet; thence S 02 58'59 11 E a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 01 13'42 11 t·J a distance of 446.29 feet to the True Point of Beginning, EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. Assessment #1 EXHIBIT 11 C11 That portion of Government Lot 1, in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, \~ashington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 431.50 feet to tee True Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 337.50 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies 330.00 feet S8uth when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence N 45 00 1 00 11 ~J to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89°50 1 42 11 g and lies 195.05 1 East of said West line of Government Lot 1; thence S 01 13 1 42 11 W to a point which lies 230.06 feet sou~h when measured from the centerline of S. 208th Street; thence S 89 50 1 42 11 W a distance of 195.05 feet to the West line of Government Lot 1; thence south along the west line thereof a distance of 655.26 feet to the True Point of Beginning EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right of way. AND EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet to tge True Point of Beginning of the property hereiB described; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 0 220.00 feet; thence N 01 13 1 42 11 E a distance of 4~6.29 feet; thence N 02 58 1 59 11 W a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 89 50 1 42 11 W a distance of 209.76 feet to the ~Jest line of said Govern- ment Lot; thence South along teh West line thereof a distance of 581.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7 Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Govern- ment Lot; thence ~orth along the west line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 220.00 feet to th@ True Point of Beginning of the property 9erein described; thence N 80°13 1 29 11 E a distance of 91.68 feet; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 25.82 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies a distance of 330.00 feet sauth, when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; th 0nce N 45 00 1 00 11 W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89 50 1 42 11 E a9d lies 195.05 East of the West line of said Government Lot; thence S 01 13 1 42 11 W to a point which lies 230.06 feet South, when measured from the centerline of S. 208th Street; thence N 89° 50 1 42 11 E a distan 0e of 14.17 feet; thence S 02°58 1 59 11 E a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 01 13 1 42 11 W a distance of 446.29 feet to the True Point of Beginning, EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. J-[ __ _ '' ,, ,, :'l 1 1 I l ·I 1\ ·~ n '' ',: ' 11 ; ' fll r I· I 'I •• (~' <I t· ,. I -k I'. (\ n '[\ h t 'I [• < rn l}l I . , ~ ('-\l, T_ ·J f) \) < tn '' ; ,. r. Ill '-J n .C· r·, - 1!: }l " ~ rn T I r ~ l ·l ~, t • ~ ~ ,. t,\ Ill u 'J ' tJ -~ (, () 6· ,, ,. t::: .-,- t- p,--:::--:-:c::::-::-:=:--' I %oN€ I zo)J€: 2. I fc.dor = Fac.-1-ac-II O. l'i'l '6 lb4S C,t46S'1'13 ( -~ I \ 1 1-.I r iii I I ; I, :l ( I =~ t· II It ""'- Iii~ ··--·-----· ~~~ .. =~ I l> \ ~ \ ) ' I .. I r: 1'.1 £11 '-'1 " I \) LEGEND ............ ""~..,~ ///// :: 0 R \ G I N A L 0 E 5 C R I PT I 0 ~J == SEGREGATED PTN. #\-2_ = REMAlNDE.R PORT\ON ~DXlOO = ;looo~. (Zll~U?2.\ !1D,llLl0: lb007;(::'gOC._ ('ZONe-A.) .2.0 X 'ib'f.'3],:9~Vb.<f (2otJI£~) To+a.L SI,)Fr. ZOMfti?." 1~1 0'ilb ... 10011 I.(C:,'i,3]. .,. 4&.,'1 3 1.. .. (z4N1Hl 100 X 100.:: ID,oooJ. -:'}.: 5000:1 (loNII'J) 20)<. 100 = J.OOo-i-.2.," ll"'O lo ta.t Sq F(, 20Nf: 3::: 5 :J., "/3:l ._ 5 :J.., "'( 3 .l. t. )( 0 , 0 (. ~~ 7 ~IS = J$ ?>3 17. 'I 1 .>. .Js 1;2.,Dg" X 6.f~{,S443-= IS .l"l,'-/ I lo-tc...l A-rno ~ ... + ;: a Li ~ ~ b .<t 0 ,, ,- L.l 1 r u-1\LJ : 1 L I 1 I L' I 0L' ' H:: ·_: ll :·-] U: I) I 11-l U' I t :;:~e~:~ed;y-: (}_~(a ~~~ ,J'ff / ~ ~ \~---1 ASSESSMENT NO·------ L~~al 1mp. District No. -------288 ~~1) ~ f\_ ~ ~ ~ vJ A-____,·Cf_-~(_o_Y ______ _ Owner & Address iJACK A.BE~AROYA CO. 5950 6th Ave. So. Seattle, WA 98108 I' : I /B 1--------- 1: ,Jvccit't i.1 _______ _ I 21, hr> at $20 \ per hr = less 20.00 fee Total due. 50. 00 Total paid ;~&( Receipt # <{70} ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION;··· Refer to Exhibit "A" Attached i'\L\1' DLSCJ\ll'TlON Refer to Exhi_bi_t "B" Attached Refer to Ex hi bi_t "C" Attached Original Amount $ 3 ~27. 2b I J f /:j l[ I ' : I', J ('I' J ]I. ( j j I 'I j, 'It. t· ,J ( ·11 ( l ( ': ·l. ]" _i I, l. i ( )j I (Ill! j .r f. I I,,. t (, i ;, :I i l) i l " ., \ 1--------------- The undersigned hereby accept~ above terms and conditions and certifies to the correctness herein. (Signature must be same as on application). Assec;sme:nt #1 EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Government Lot 1, in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 431.50 feet to the True Psint of Beginning of the herein described tract; thence S 88 46'18" E a distance of 337.50 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies 330.00 feet South when ~easured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence N 45 00'08'' W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89 50'42" E and lies 198.05 East of said ~Jest line of Government Lot 1; thence S 01 13'42" t~ to a point which lies 230.06 feet south when ~easured from the centerline of S. 208th Street; thence S 89 50'42" ~J a distance of 195.05 feet to the West line of Government Lot 1; thence south along the west line thereof a distance of 655.26 feet to the True Point of Beginning EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right of way. AND EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, ~J.M. in King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning of the property herein described; thence S 88°46'18" E a distance of 220.00 fset; thence N 01°13'42" E a distance of 446.29 fest; thence N 02 58'59" W a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 89 50'42" W a distance of 209.76 feet to the West line of said Government Lot; thence South along the West line thereof a distance of 581.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East W.M., in King County, Washington~ described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence Norts along the west line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet; thence S 88 46'18" E a distance of 220.00 feet to the 6rue Point of Beginning of the property herein d0scribed; thence N 80 13'29" E a distance of 91.68 feet; thence S 88 46'18" E a distance of 25.82 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies a distance of 330.00 feet South, when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence N 4~0 oo•oo" W to a point of )ntersection with a line which bears N 89 50 1 42" E and lie0 195.05 1 East of the West line of said Government Lot; thence S 01 13 1 42" \~to a point which lies 230.06 feet South,0 when measured from the centerline of S 208th Sbreet; thence N 89 50 1 42" E a distance of 14.17 feet; thence S 02 58 1 59" E a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 01°13 1 42" W a distance of 446.29 feet to the True Point of Beginning, EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way Assessmen·t #1-3 EXHIBIT 11 811 That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East H.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the west line thereof a distance of 445.00 feet to tse True Point of Beginning of the property hereiB described; thence S 88 46'18'' E a distance of 220.00 teet; thence N 80 13'29 11 E a distance of 91.68 feet; thence S 88 46'18 11 E a distance of 25.82 feet; thence North parallel to tse west line of said Government Lot a distance of 6g.oo feet; thence N 88 46'18 11 W a distance of 28.82 feet; thence S 80 13'29 11 W a distance of 91.68 feet; thence N 88 46'18 11 vJ a distance of 220.00 feet to the west line of Government Lot 1; thence South along the west line thereof a distance of 60.00 feet to the Tr-ue Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portion thereof lying within public right-of-way. Assessment #1 EXHIBIT 11 C11 That portion of Government Lot 1, in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 431.50 feet to tee True Point of Beginning of the herein described tract; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 337.50 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies 330.00 feet Sguth when measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence~ 45 oo•oon W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89 so• 42 11 band lies 195.05 East of said West line of Government Lot 1; thence S 01 13•42•• W to a point which lies 230.06 feet sou6h vJhen measured from the centerline of S. 208th Street; thence S 89 50 1 42 11 W a distance of 195.05 feet to the West line of Government Lot 1; thence south along the west line thereof a distance of 655.26 feet to the True Point of Beginning EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way AND EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the West line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet to tse True Point of Beginning of the property hereiB described; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 220.00 feet; thence N 01 13 1 42 11 E a distance of 4g6.29 feet; thence N 02°58 1 59 11 W a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 89 50•42•• ~J a distance of 209.76 feet to the West line of said Government Lot; thence South along the West line thereof a distance of 581.76 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portions thereof lying within public right-of-way. AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence 0 North along the west line thereof a distance of 505.00 feet; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 220.00 feet to the Tl)ue Point of Beginning of the property herein de 0cribed; thence N 80 13 1 29 11 E a distance of 91.68 feet; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 25.82 feet; thence North parallel to the West line of said Government Lot to a point which lies a distance of 330.00 feet South, ween measured from the centerline of South 208th Street; thence ~ 45 oo•oo•• W to a point of intersection with a line which bears N 89 so•42•• E a9d lies 195.05 1 East of the \~est line of said Government Lot; thence S 01 13 1 42 11 l-J to a point which lies 230.06 feet Souts, when measured from the centerline of S 208th Street; thence N 89 50 1 42 11 E a distance of 14.17 feet; thence South 02°58 1 59 11 E a distance of 140.18 feet; thence S 01°13.42 11 \~a distance of 446.29 feet to the True Point of Beginning, EXCEPT any portions thereof lying wihtin public right-of-way. AND ALSO EXCEPT that portion described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 1 in the Northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 22 North, Range 5 East W.M. in King County, Washington, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot; thence North along the west line thereof a distance of 445.00 feet to tse True Point of Beginning of the property herei8 described; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 220.00 6eet; thence N 80 13 1 29 11 E a distance of 91.68 feet; thence S 88 46 1 18 11 E a distance of 25.82 feet; thence North parallel to the west line of said Government Lot a distance of 6g.oo feet; thence N 88°46 1 18 11 W a distance of 2~.82 feet; thence S 80 13 1 29 11 W a distance of 91.68 feet; thence N 88 46 1 18 11 Wadis- tance of 220.00 feet to the west line of Government Lot 1; thence South along the west line thereof a distance of 60.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; EXCEPT any portion thereof lying within public right-of-way. ---. f"( J:. [ __ _ (' I) .(1 :'l I 1 l l 11' .-' -i 1\ .. ~ rJ '' •J r· '1 ,, {II r, ~- ··- ll 11 'n h I "l.. t• < (11 l]l .~ f> T. n < rn ., -1 r· 'l. Ill ~~ 1\ G\ r, -- (1\ ]l 7 ~ [11 T. t L -~ ~· L I'· , I ,., (l\ '4 I> I I i '_! --). I •.1 ,, n' ol I ----, ~ ' ~~ '" [iJ .u .~ • ll -~ ~ () 1\ H ,_ :.--,- !" . ---~-___ , \ ·\~ IV. (' I- l_l 11 I r. J (.I r II' J-rl /)'• t ,:( (!I t'- &" f>. I; I t' 1-o_ ' : : ll: LEGEND 14-'l. .• ·' OD . ·_:·t.--111111111111 :::. r.IG-INAL OESCRlPTION I 'TJ II n~ ,..,..,~ = SEGREGAI ED PTN. it l-:: y/////.A =-REMAINDER PO~TION \-~) Al'tOUN'i C.Al.C..OI..IC\"t"E D l.ox roo = h,ooo -1. bO X..JCJ().:: b,l)O<l~ ~0 X-I £nJ .: 6, ooo 1 (2oNE: ') (-z.DIJ6J..i ( zo AI'S ~) fcooo x o. t~'litbLIS:: 11'39."1~ ~oo t> ~ o. 1 Z."Sc.( 4~=> 751. 1.1 "ooo x o.ob"Si.7;l.l:5:-37#f.E..3 Tt>+rd"' $ ~~~71. '?? I} {\ I> ' Ill \_·i==--<L--" ' n 2f.8Z1 P~..,.-hn\.. ~Nl()uY\t ::. .l1 (:. l s. <n + pro "..._ +e.d pi-n: Tokl::. ./1 (:, ::t"t. :S'- ( \))