HomeMy WebLinkAbout932ARESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing appli- cation for funding assistance for an outdoor project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash- ington has approved a "Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan" for the urban area which identifies a community park on the East Hill of the City; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the Marine Recreation Land Act, state and federal funding assistance has been authorized and made available to aid in financing the cost of land for parks and the construction of outdoor recreational facilities of local public bodies; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent considers it in the best public interest to acquire a community park on the East Hill of the city generally located near the Kent-Meridian High School campus; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Mayor be authorized to make formal application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation for fund assistance. 2. That any fund assistance so received be used in the acquisition of 9.39 acres of land on the East Hill of the City of Kent, Washington. 3. That the City's share for the project will be derived from the General Fund or the Environ- mental Excise Tax Fund. 4. That any property acquired with financial aid through the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation be placed in use as an outdoor rec- reation facility and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless as otherwise provided and agreed to by the City Council, the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation, and any af- fected federal agency. 5. That this resolution become part of a formal application to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. 6. That adequate notification has been given and opportunity provided for public input and that published notices have identified affected flood plains and/or wetlands, if applicable. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 8th day of September, ' ISABEL HOGAN, ~ OR ATTEST: ~ MARIEJ'ENS~ERK ~·AS TO FOR.""l: ~' :--/)_ . . . DONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolu- tion No. ~!t_ ~ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 8th day of September, 1981. - 2 - STATE OF WASHINGTON :;!9~1man ~ Governor Ms. Helen Adams Administrative Assistant Parks and Recreation Dept. P. 0. Box 31 0 · Kent, Washington 98031 Dear Ms. Adams: INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE ,-OR OUTDOOR RECREATION 48{X) Captlol Blvd.. KP-11, Tumwater, Washington 9Bc>CI4 206/753 7140 Robert L. Wilder, Administrator May 8, 1981 We have received your Letter of Intent to make application for the lAC Grant-in-Aid Program. Our records indicate that.your Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan has met the requirements for planning eligibility for the lAC's November fundir.g session, although to ensure Grant-in-Aid eligibility in future years, .it is essential that the lAC be notified of any major amendments to the Plan. We are enclosing a copy of the lAC Capital Improvement Program Form #062 (CIP). We would appreciate it if you would submit all updated CIP revisions to us as soon as possible on this form. Because your Plan will be used as part of the evaluation process, you should ensure that your Plan is consistent with your present community needs. Also, keep in mind that you need to update your Plan every five years. We are also enclosing Participation Manual #5, Application Policies and Procedures Manual, which should assist you in making application. If addi- tional copies are needed, forms in this manual and the CIP form may be xeroxed or may be obtained from our office. If you have any questions, please contact me at (206) 753-7140. GLORIA M. TARVER Recreation Resource Planner GMT:bq Enc 1 osu res ( 2) cc: Ron Taylor TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PARKS AND RECRFATION September 3, 1981 CITY COUNCIL AND CITY ADM[NISTRATION BARNEY WILSON ~tJ EAST HILL PARK SITE At the August 24th Council Workshop and the September 3 Council Corrnni ttee Meeting, we presented a proposal to purchase approximately 9~ acres of property adjacent to Kent-Meridian High School. At that time we stated our desire to apply for a 60% grant-in-aid assistance from the State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (IAC). The 40% local share would come from the City, King County and the Kent School District. A breakdown of the funding for the proposed acquisition project is as follows: 60% State lAC 40% Local: King County Forward Thrust City of Kent Kent School District Total $411,600 69,523 102,439 102,438 $686,000 The lAC deadline for receipt of our grant application is October 1, 1981. The funding session will be held in March, 1982. In order for the City to submit a grant application it is necessary for the Council to adopt a Resolution authorizing the request for lAC funding assistance and identifying the intended source of the local share. A copy of the proposed Resolution is attached. Both King County and the Kent School District are in the process of passing a like Resolution. Another requirement which we must meet is passage of an updated Capital Improve- ment Plan (see letter of May 8 from Gloria Tarver). It is imperative that our first priority is the project for which we seek funds. lAC is aware that we are in the process of updating our Comprehensive Park Plan and may need to revise our C.I.P. next year as a result of our new plan. A copy of the proposed C.I.P. is attached. This C.I.P. is based on our past Park and Recreation Plan and our knowledge of today's needs. In summary, it should be noted that the Council approval for submission of this application does not bind the City in any way. The project can be withdrawn at any time. The Parks Committee recommended at their September 3, 1981, meeting that the proposed C.I.P. and Resolution be brought before the Council for adoption at the September 8th Council meeting. CAP I T/\l 11\f'ROVU\ENT PROGk.~.~ (Six-Year Period) City of Kent Parks and Recreation lArplicant Agency) Authorizing Official: Project Na!T'e Kent East Hill Park Mayor (Title) G r ~ r: r . ~ q u e s t to be ~~,;:Jmi tted? Estimated Cost Yes ~o r--:---;;--:--;----:--~-;------:-t-r-:---;-;-·-------· --Acquisition Development (Indicate : Project Project Priority';_;....!------· 686,000 I 1 I _ __;__ ____ _ __ Se_m_· o_r_c_e_n_te_r _________ ---++--3_o_o_,o_o_o ___ -t-_z_,_5_0_o_,o_o_o __ .ll L--- ___ Ri_._ve_r_f_r_on_t __ G_r_ee_n ___ B_e_lt ___________ ~_3_,_o_oo_,_o_o_o ____ ~~-1-,0-0_o_,_oo_o ___ ~t----------~L___43 ___ _ Nnll Creek Park -Ph. I 120~000 ~ 700, ooo 5 I -----· -------+f-------f-~-,~~1(----=6--f----Lake Fenwick Park -Ph. I 500,000 Riverfront Park -Ph. I West Hill Community Park 1,000,000 7 Scenic Hill Neighborhood Park 150,000 8 Midway Park -Ph. I I II 9 1 300,000 1 1 II I i ,,( ron1 .::os?. i~~ .• ,,,.-,,1 ';,.-,.1 -i'"'l