HomeMy WebLinkAbout931I ~I <p-. \.} RES 0 L U T I 0 N N 0 . 9 _<;j A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 1982 through 1987 revision of the City of Kent's Six Year Transportation Im- provement Program. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has, in accordance with RCW 35.77.010 previously adopted a Six Year Transportation Improve- ment Program, and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington re- quire annual review and revision of said program, and WHEREAS, the City did prepare a revised and extend- ed Six Year Transportation Program covering the years 1982 through 1987, and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the City Council on July 20, 1981 after due and proper notice thereof to consider revisions to said program for the years 1982 through 1987, and WHEREAS, after said public hearings the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program attached hereto as Exhibit 11 A11 and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth here- in was approved as the official revised and extended Six Year Transportation and Improvement Program for the City of Kent for the years 1982 through 1987, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. The Six Year Transportation Improve- ment Program for the years 1982 through 1987 attached hereto as Exhibit 11 A11 and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein be and the same hereby is approved. Section 2. The Director of Public Works is autho- rized and directed to transmit to the District State Aid Engineer and the Chairman of the Urban Arterial Board a copy of this Reso- lution and the appropriate plans. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 20th day of July;~s~' ~ ~ .c-~~E~n'R I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Reso- lution No. cz:__;;j , passed by the City Council of the City of I Kent, Washington, the 20th day of July, 1981. - 2 - t;T~l ,_, L{b COT6lii5J 3-" 51 X YEAR TRANSPORTATION ItviPROVEMENT PROGRAM ~OBLIGATION PROGRAtv1- Ketjpt.;nching ~,!ote: Data entered in cols 1-8 rnu5t be on att cards punched from 19..E_ TO 19~ Heorlng Po.te July 20, 1981 Adop!-ion Dn.te Resolution Number __ _ i -:-y/County ~:·7~ No ~ounty No. ~ thi5 forrYJ. _ f~!s:lsl PR00E.CT COSTS lN THO_U.SANDS OF DOLLARS ; I PROJECT IDENTIFICATION :g~ T I ll~!]'l~~~~~AT10N SCHEDULE I FUNDING 50URCE -::: ' lit Je, Rout~, Road ~og No.") Section No., .2 ~ Work ota. c ,:5 t1 Y E A R F EOE R A.L ---, _;: t Beg1nnmg M:lepo5t t} Br1dge No. co ~ (tvltles) 5 5 ~(Annua.l c? G th AMOUNTijPROGRAM -1 2 u..jC:Z:CJrEiement)1 1 , TOTAL FUND5 ~ / Loc~tio_n/Te~mini.,De5cripiionofWork'> -~~ Code' le~gth i~:~~~~. 1st .I 2nd 3rd 4.,5 ' 1 U.A.B.ILOCAL .-~ 2. .-3j 4 s ~:7(si s 10 11 12. 13 14 l 15 1 lb 1 · I 1 i "-5 I 9 35 31;: 37 40 ': 44 li<o'M 147 ~48 Sl 5Z ~5 !:G S9 GO G3 G4 G"T ;~ 11 112 i5l7G 7$ [ ~ 1 1 s. r~ I I 1 T. H 1 : s 1 T 1 , A 1 T 1 I J. A, s 1 o IN I 1~ v 1 E1 . 1 1 1 1 2M A s .10 .1H o _ll _lo r-1 ru x 1 . ~L12 1 1 , , 1 : 1 L : : : , 1 1 1 l "2_~L5_L_I 1 1 I ·Grading, drainage paving, widen for left turn lanes I I ·~~~ I I ' I I I ' 2)sl 12;2:31tlh' ,AIT, rNt ICIEINITIR.Jhl,. ~rrlu xil 517171 I I I II I I I I I I I ll....l:_'J:O! IFIAISI I' I New signal at 228th and northbound offramp SR 167. 1 Grading, drainage, paving, widen for turn lane. J (Joint oroiect with WSDOT) · 14 I 7 ;7 '0,1SDOT) _j__L _1_5 ,7 I 7 i 3 s.TI .R u,s.S:E,L·L ·l·i·AISI I ' 12,</1' I ~~ml 1''818 .L4.1 I I I I • I I 1 ~-~~~...,'"! paving, 3-lane widen I I 1LI'9 ·SIF 1/\ til ·S 3 ·8 16 I I 181814 _j___J l _l 1312 19~ 5 f-E 121410 t:h 1 1 CJ1A1M1E,S.)1 1A1T 1 :.h_0,21n 1d 1 1 SIE]3[!A 1 -B-1 D,Fl~~2-1-21S!U!~) ,4 10 101 , 1 : , .I · d d · d · · b · d 1 k I G r-1 -rn /'j, en, gra 1ng, ra1nage, pav1ng, cur , s1 evJa , I l__LI I I l 4 n 0 ! I I ,4 O_D . 1 landscaping 6:s,MII,T,HI 1 S,T, .4~t~~L~IINICIO;L"-N' 1 1 11 ,_1 1 Widen, grading, drainage, paving, sidewalk, curbs, 2j1~A I B~~_LO_j]~C: u I X I I---1~Q__( __ j_ 8 I 0 I 0 I I I I G H J K I L_j_~ I I I I I 1814101 I I 18141~ I illumination, landscaping, undergrounding, RR cross- -• jno. new connection to Lincoln Ave._ .. __ u_ u ___ • 7 i l I 0 I 1 I s I t I s E s E 2 5 6 I t I h -I l I 0 ' 4 t h A ' v E s I E 2 0 • 4 I 0 I.C.-44.-II I 0 I >L5 ;_::I 4y.j __l_l -'---'----t__.l_--'---'---t----'----'---'---lr--'- j Grading, drainage, paving, sidewalk, curb, illuminat-. J .1 ~· ion, landscaping (LID 300) siN, lciE.N;TIR.AILI ,A1V1E1:. IJ.A_JLL~-_j_..2_L2..~..4~t~h~ 2 ~lliBJ.Ii~ :~~..1..:-o~-ilul-1-~-4~~-L-sl21313'2 , Widen, grading, drainage, paving, sidewalk, curbs, G H J K __ I illumination, landscaping, undergrounding. ~~ r1 I ' I ' I I I I I I I L_J I 11·0·5 1£tl ' I) I Q 15 ILl: I I _l_.l_ _l___J l__.:___.L__j_l ! ;:> l 5 Lll7L...t.2..illiO] l L2_t~7 0151R:BUilON I :oPy \:Ji5-:"R\CT STATE AID '?'-JG',NEER ~>J49 '. -........ I =•JP'{ C.!=?-~ 5, ':::.JU!\!TlE5 0~\..Y) j lsiAI:-z 5! X YEAR TRANSPORTATION HviPROVEMENT PROGRAM -OBLlGATION PROGRAM- l9____ig TO 19£ ·: ':"y/Cc5unty ·,· ___ No. Heor!na D;J.te July 20,1981 Adoph-;n Date Resolution Number -- :::>~nt~ No. CIJif 7-B Ke'::)pc:nching '-Jote: Data entered in cols 1-8 mu5t be on all cards punched from this form. ~rT~ PRO.JE.CT COSTS 1N THOU8AND5 OF DOLLARS FUNDING SOURCE 0 I ~ 1'--'f--= · · · -;rE,:ROJECT IDENTIFICATION ~.:.:: ~~_g!l/ OBLIGATiON SCHEDUl!:: . _ ;~ 1 Ti't:e,f~::J~t~,Ro~d_l..og No~~ Section No., 8t Work. Toto.,! g15 ~~ Y E A R .------FEDERAL J IOTAL ::.I Loc~tio_n/Termln!.,De5CrtpiionofWork, 63; Code J--e~gt)n ~~~~1st 2nd 3rd 4 5 1 1 U.A.B. LOCAL FUND5 1 i I Beg~nn 1 ng ;vJ i!epo.st '*-Br1dge No. "6 <; • ~_tvlt le 5 ~I.~ ~~ (Annua.l t? G th AMOUNTI'PROGRAM i -< I 2 ~Ct:: U! Element) _ j 11 2. ---.~3 -4 5 ~17.81 9 I 10 11 12. I 13,1 14_~ 15 ~,!G .. 17 i 0 I E A· s' J, i v' A' I ' ' H' rr y'' i s l ' 9' 2' n I d' -' s I l 8' 0.;. Is I u i 13 I 9 I 612' 5 '3 '0 1 -j ' ,. i ' '-j ' r 6 3 '31 2 9 3 I I 2 ~ g p 1 , \>Iiden, grading, drainage, paving, sidevJalks, curb, I I 11 j illumination, landscaping, undergrounding, bridge 1 . -t 9 -35;3~ 37 4c)k~ 44i:l.5''46i•n:<".B Sl .~z ~5 ,5~ S9 GO 63,G4 ~:!.;~ ,I··" "75 m ,9,/lD 85 101S.EI215,6,t,h, ,A,T, ,111161tlh!SI~L-.Ls I G N A L I .-,~~I I'-+-' r I:·--'-~--r ~' I , Span-wire signal installation with controller, illum- h.nl I I .S.OIF:A,U,SI I ' I l I I 11-Q, I I I e. 0 i o u 1 6 o I ination, detection installation. 1 h.nl , I I ! 5 ' 0 ! F I A : u s I _ _L_ ll.S.E~2,5,2n d.& S.R9.9, IS,I,G.N 1A.L 1 1 11 _I_Ltl_LL-OJ_[ MIU ·~ ~ ,-----1 ~nAn-wire signal installation with controller, 1 1nat1on, detection installation I ~.~I i I I ~ 0 ! 6 o 1 12 1 ~1, E. E1 K E R, 1 S~R U -s-.-s-.-E_L_L---~·-1 --:A_S_H------t--.n~>+ .• -A-B_D_J-+--0-6-~-+-S--!!-iU I I 1 , 1 ! 1 , 1 jl, l_1_J.J21 1 1 1 5-lane, widen, grading, drainage, paving., sidewalks, F G HI curbs, illumination, landscaping, undergrounding. ,K M _j_ _ _L_l ' _L__L_+-1~4__J_ I 1 1 21 1 11 ,1 11 15 13! K1 E1 N1 T1-DL11__ R D 1 : G' Rt E• E1 N1 R1 I: V, -1 R• U1 S• S1 E, L1Lj2b~A1B 1 D 1 LI , O,LL,5/S!U F G H I I I I I , LLllLl-:.CL-21-LL_J_J , 1 1 1 · LL._:_2· 2j . 6, 8. o! ,1 11 p 12 1 Widen to 4 lanes, grading, drainage, paving, sidewalk I ~~C~~.illumination, landscaping, underground bike J K M 0 14 ~ 61 41 t, h 'AI VI L ' sl Q. ~MI I, Tl H, -I 2-~.hl h 2/rt·t full. J I I o. 2, 5W-U i Grading, drainage, paving, sidewalk, curb, illumina-F G H K 1 tion, landscaping, underground M i i Grading, drainage, paving, sidewalk, curb, I I ____L_j__!-__j I I 11 I 3 ' 1 1 Q I 1 I I I _L_l .1 _l __l___L___i I I Jll 3~1 I 11 13 11 p I l I ! I I I ' ' I ' 5 I 9 ' 01 I I 15 19 10 __L__;__J_ I 1 ~~ 1, 61 3, 1L_L1LLL 1 1l 18 1l ,2 ~ 5 ,1 0 4 ~t 1h s rE I S1 E.L2L6: a t1 h: -IS: E. I L.6.1.D . :w~;~ L_j __ _L__Ll' 5 9 0 i tion, landscaping, undergrounding. --} rd z, 6. t, h · A 'IJ E1 s. 01 1 s1 2. 21 2~ ru._ili.:.L~_lllit 1 h, 1 fuBj_Dt ~J_ 1~ o-~ u -~-~ ~~ ----------1 8~1~ il----+-----+-- , Grading, drainage, paving, sid~walk, curb, illuminat-F G H K 1 ·ion, 1 andscapi ng, undergroundi ng n I DISIRtBUI:ON l COPY D':5"7R\CT STATE AtD 'EN.3~NE'ER ~::-.::49 ::> ::-') I CC?Y C.R A.5, (COU~~:"IE5 O~LY) J [SIAl:-z 51 X YEAR 'TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM -OBLIGATION PROGRA~- lSJU__ TO 19_1?1 Heoring :Jo.te July 20, 1981 Adop!-ion DQte :i-ry/Cour{ty Ke'::Jpunching \!Qte: Data entered in co!s !-8 rT1u5t :i;tJ No. 3-<:> be 1:ln all cards punched from Resolution Nurr1 be;:------------------- 0 L I I I I "TOTAL I FUND5 _::,)l;nty No. fhi5 form. _j~i>:!st ___ PROJE.CT COSTS lN THOU5ANDS OF DOLLARS ~:.£ 11 2::l_~i£r--o-eli-GAT10N SCHEDUlE I FUNDING 50URCE bL Tota.l d1L ,.J---=-=-:. y E A R u-9 Work ,..., g1::J ~~ ______ FEDER.A.L '~-~· • ''''""' ~~ """-~ • L~ Code Le:~gth 11:.::!~ ~ 1 -t · -::> d I :< d 4 · U A B 'OCAL · o<+-(MI.oc;) u'ClJ _:;:, t:..-r1 vr .,5 .! ··-.., I )5/ 1-t:lrld9e NO· ,.6 c • ' '-~ S 13 ~~ (Annua..l t? G th AMOUNT: PROGRAM -~ I __ 2 .;:_/cr. U1 Element) 1 _ _ I 17 M .-[9 2. ._,~ 3 "'3 37 4 40 !: 5 .u~!Z~~I 48 S !>!!;:: 10 ~5 s:a II <;Ho 12. 63 ,G 4 13 ,).-5 14 ,J:: 15 15 7., lb ~5 !80 ·· 1 7 ! R 1 E . I .J.J:L __ . R D 1 1 S 2 5 ) , r d 1 -, tLLl-1 I 1 T , A R , Y 1 _L_L_ 12 M A .B _p .J .0 7 10 CRJ _L_j___ Ll..........~--. _e 6 4 0 . : : 1 , 1 l2 3 .7 .6 2 6 4 .1 2 6A :0 _. Widen, grading, drainage, paving, sidewalks, curb, F G H K I j illumination, landscaping, undergrounding. t 1 -~-- l~i den bridge to 4 lanes f I . I _ _ ____ J 19!GIRIE·E,N· -R1I v, :B R·D·G' ~o,N: .s. ,c:E·~-l~T·R·A,L 2V:L L_L __ . .10111 s u!t. 1 _!__,, 1 :, !3,7,4.01 ~ 1 1 ',. 3 3 6.6 3.7,41 i ~3~7,4,oi i ''' "'" h,.; rloe to 4 lanes I ! ----t" ---I 20'1 12th s E ~2~3~2~n~d,-~s~E 1 2141o,t 1 h_t l 1 12~"A,B,D J 10 15 10 A u~L ... L 1 I ...L...L.... 15jslo , I 1 , I, 1 ,5 s.o ,5 s~oj j Grading, drainage, paving, sidev1alk, curb, illumin-F G H K II 11 I I I 1 ation, landscaping, undergrounding M 2lilLI s,cl S:T.RIEIE,TI ,I~r~.P,R~O,V~E.r~~E.NIT,sl 1 1 1 k/~ L__L_!.I .• ~TJUJ f __ _l_~~ol~ ~L~AJL~~...J~&~~~-~-_l_LLII 1 I 1 6 OJ 1 1 1 16,0 ! 221-:1-~-I-, -s-~-c-1 -, T--1 R-~ A-., F, F I I I c I 1 s , E 1 R, v 1 I , cl E 1 sj___l__, , , ·, 1 f0q_j_J I 1 1 ~ Lt -tu++-...1-.LJLQ~ ,1 1 o I 1 11 10 I 1 13 ,a__~ _ __l I I I I I _l _ _L_~ 16 10 I I I I I 6 I 0 +-I I ' I m _l__t__L 1 I " I I ! I I I I I I__L_l__: I I I I I . . , I I l I --I I . __L--==Ll?Zl~~-=~:j-=-~----±uj_~-~~-=t==~~--t I t, l_l I l I I I I I I I __j__...J.____l_ . ·--I I I ! I J.--L _t_L..L.....-L ·-· j_l __ ~-=---:-=--:--:-:---------j_j_ _ _L____u__LL_ _ __L _ __l_ _ _J_ _ _j_ _ __l__ _ _j__ _ _l.__ _ __i._ __ 0151R!oUTION .l ...l..._1 .::>.::49 7:' ,") I COPY C151R\CT STATE A!D '2:N3;NE'ER I COPY C.R .'...5, (COU~lT!E5 Q)\JLY) lrJSTfnJCTIONS UH PHEPAniNG SIX-YEA!\ THANSPO In ATIU J li\1Pf10VEMENT PHD G llAM NOTE: Tlus form '-' St't l!fJ in "FI1te" IVf!Uwriter fonnat ( i ',·n,Jracters ;n•r ind1) for <:r!r!tn:; r:nnt{Jut."t inf!llt. Only that tnfn:rnatio• iJf!fii!,J/inq 111 !ilL' 1:oc!in[/ /1/ud,s 1vi//ln• entered on lu• COIIIflll(r•r. /lililltwnal f;J!tJ/1!/:JIIUII 1/I,J)' lu:• inclutfuli 011 t/1<! form f01 (/J(' /,[}1.'/lr:~' 's CUIIVI.'IIit.'lli.'l.' /J/1[ \Vi// fl(}[ fn• f!/;u:t.'rf Oil t/11: ClJIIIfUI(t•r fr/e. f\. 1\n ol>l:q.Jtior\ pruqrarn indicat~td the ;dloc;ltiOn of fllil(h ttl ltldjOr plr~·.•:s uf l'l<>:•:ct dr:vt:lopilll:rrt i.t:. preliirlllliliY enqincerinr r HJilhJf \'.'<~'/ ar1rl t:<Jil'>lrur:tior •. Siluw tilt' funrilfltJ ;:rrltJ•JJrt fu1 til<: t:Jllilt: piJ.,;t: "' pf,,.,, . ., 111 the r:xp<lCtt:tl Y<'.Ji of ol,li<JiltioJJ cv,•r thuu<Jil tile r:xpentliltJJe uf fuJltl:, illcJY t<Jkt: p!act: over ~···J•"JI Y''"''· B. lnclud•· :1ll [li<>PU'>Ild prt•J<'t:l' i<'(j.Jidless of loc.ilillil u1 :.llllit:l: of frill•ls. lwwt:v<·J, '"''"II ;llt<•ri." t111S\ fund pruJ<'cts il<~<~d to lJ. lll<:IU<it•d tllliy Ill ;IX·YI~dl \ldibiJ<li\,1111Jil 1111fliUV<~Iilt:ill flitllJIJIIIS llt!lJiilllil\~jll'ltJ•Jd lllfillllt'lt:d '(l',liS. C.· Complete tire f"rrn fur tlw '>IX·ye<H proqram in accortlar1c:e 1-vith tile tulluw.rltJ illStiiJL:Iiurls: H l' /\,[)I NG C1tv C<l\llltv: Cou11tv r~ur11l1•;r: City N111l>i":r: H<:dili"OIJ Dc~tc: fltJupliUil: Resulutiun Numl1er: 1. lkrn N<!. 2. f)i o ject i tl<:n ti ticatltJrl t:nt1:r ncHlle of it_.CJ! a:J~-~ncy d;1d z:ppruplt.Ht~ CliU!1l'f. L lllt!r the o.r: ,\1. cl'iSi<Jiot'd 1\llildJ•!I Ill I:CH!' Ll()d.:; /,"-,_ IL [rlt<:r tilt: O.F :,1. dssiqrl•:tlnUiliili~J ill <:till<' !Luck•, 3 tl.ru G. I 11\t•r tl11: ddtl' o: actitJt< l>y tl11~ Cil',' Cr•ur:t:ri lli r;,llll<l'f Lt'•Jisl;rtrvc /'\1Jtil"r1ty. f:r11t:r tlH: d.i\1~ ,Jl c~c\lull ilv tlw City c;,lllll•:ll CJi CtHIIIIY l.<~~:.si:Jiivc: /\ulltOiil'/. Erl\er Citv Courn.;ii u1 Co. L••q,sl,it;ve /\ut11. r<•:.oltlt.ull rw:nl1er (:1 dJiplicatJlr~). lcntr~r apprup""''' irl1o11nrr:l,lll rwkrl 111 coluillll lw,,:inlJ. Erltt:r tloute I~Jme a:H' ltellllllll rn curk iJiocks 0 thr u 35. ' 3. :\1Jjor Cl:1c,s of Wc1rk l'ntei the C!JlJl~<IPriJte cud<; nurnlwris!. Er1t<:1 llldjur co.!c• 111bluck 3i3. 1. Nev.~ C()rlStrucLoll011 n1~\/V alJqrHnent G. T:.J:f1c cur1tro! '2 ~.1.1i'" v .. tlt·!liiliJ (.Hirl:ti<lll,ll lc~t:,•;,) 7. C.Jt~::.,i Jllllcil.JSf:<; 3. ~-~11\rlr \\'!li.::li:HJ (tll<'lt'.IS<! latlt~ wrdth, Jdd shuulckrs) H. Nu:1 L,~piLd ilnpiUVt'rilt~llts ~~-~Jui\ r-.~utul Vt:hiCi.: USl! 4. 5. G. 7. 4. f) l'l1,:! J rJ1 \:J[ i <)11/ I <~CUll!> t I UC:t I Oil ~-fl,;sur fucirHJ r~.. C.lr .It! II II] ll. D1 .1 111111'1 C. L11Jht Uiiumi11n11S Suri.Jce D. AC. or f'.C.C. PiiV~IIH'Ilt I . Cu1IJS & Ciutt1~rs H. Ch:ll :;1.,: 11:Jtiu11 1. s.,p~.d:!dtiu:1 J L1~;ht1:iq 1\.. St<JiliiHJ Tot.il l.t:IHJth 111 rv'liles FunctiorJ;tl Class ... lv1 r.-1aJllt /\r t<:tiJI (f'r itlt:ipi!l) RurJI · UtlJi.lll ........... . 8. Carryovr~r f'r oject ........ . 9. 1st Yei.lr (Annual Element) ... 1Cl · 12. (2nd, 3rd, 4, 5 & Gth yec~r:;) . 13, lS, & lG. Ft:ll(hr~J by Source .... 14. Pt o<p dill .............. . 1 7. Total Fund-, ....... . Entl.'l .JjlJHopri<lte codt~ lettt~r(s). lrlll!l m,,jul itt:lll'> of wu1 k 1r1 c"rl<: I docks 37 thru 40. I_ ll I ,, :'I'' M. l.lii.:· .• :.l)idlfl N. I'' ti I>,, .... , I I d II" 0. U,kn·;:,v:. P. Trc~rl'.it FJcil:ty (). Co:tlfltiJtt~l Pou! n. lliijl1 l)t:CIIjlJilC'/ v.:l:tc:c Li111t!<, S. Stllvv,ll.!iH:t! Co11trui & Dr:v.:r lnfolrn:•tiOII T. h:t 1 V f':Jcliot)' U. f'ruJ<'Ct ~;t1:tl:c:, lntur lerHJth ol p1 ojcct to ne<JII~st huiHiredth i11 CtH!e hlucks 41 thru 44. c Cui! <:t:(dl ;\r t<.'li :II i CtJI lector) A -1\cccs'- l::11ter the aprropriatL: letter: f\ -· Hur:il U -U1 iJ,1rl :tl cocll: J,lock 4G. Ent•:r (x) if prup:ct IS Cillli!!cl ovr•r ftorn Jl:t~viuiJ<; y,;;,:c, .J:<i1l'J,ll elt:m~nt. (Funds wen~ nut oilllljdlt:d dutill'J fHevious year). terJt<:r 111 co< I<! IJ!uck 4 7. · Enter totJI ptoj•:ct costs to IJc o!Jii<Jill<:d rrt tiH: first c;tiertdJr yr::~r uf the s;x·y~:Jr piU<j1Jil1 li1 COrit• lJlock<, 48 tliru ~1. ~-rlt•·r estlrnJt<:d project cost> to lw oiJiici<''''d 111 ec~ch vr!ar or yt:Jrs i11 code block··. !:>2 tllill ~~- Lrller the doll:1r ,11nount to uc ol)li~Jdlt:d Ulldt:r JpplicJi;!,; fundiiHJ source column 111 Jppt UflliJle C<Hi~ IJ!ucks. Enter the fun<fllliJ '>ource proqrc~1n. (FAUS, FAS, SOS, etc.) in cork ulucks GS th1u /1. Ent•:r tot:d i'IOJ<:Ct cost in code IJlucks 8\.J tl11u 8S.