HomeMy WebLinkAbout921tf RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the ·city of Kent, Washington regarding the adoption of Transportation Study policies within a portion of the City of Kent. WHEREAS, Transportation Study policies have been proposed in the attached Appendix "A", and are commonly referred to as Transportation Study policies, and WHEREAS, public hearings were held before the Planning Commission of the City of Kent, after notice of said hearings were duly published, and WHEREAS, after the final hearing of the Planning Commission on November 12, 1980, the proposed Transportation Study policies were forwarded to the City Council with the recommendation that they be adopted, and WHEREAS, the City Council held hearings on the Transportation Study policies on December 11 and 22, 1980; January 8, 15 and 26, 1981, and February 17, 1981, and following said hearings either approved, disapproved or modified the recommendation of the Planning Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1: That the Transportation Study policies attached hereto as Appendix "A" and commonly referred to as Transportation Study policies for a portion of Kent, be and hereby are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein and the same hereby is adopted. Section 2: That the Transportation Study policies be filed with the City Clerk and in the office of the Public Works Depart- ment and be made available for public inspection upon request. -------- PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 2nd day of March, 1981. /] d~d' ~- . ~ ISABEL HOGAN, i=DR ATTEST: TO FORM: ~ DONALD E MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certified that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ~2-/ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 2nd day of March, 1981. ~ MARIE SEN, CITY CLERK (SEAL} Appendix A Transportation Policies 1. Employment Densities a) Dir~ct the staff to coordinate with other governments and agencies to further research and develop transportation mitigation programs including but not limited to the · following: private van pool operation transit/van pool fare subsidy elimination of free parking as a fringe benefit provision of subscription bus services capital improvements for transit services provision of shuttle service from park & ride lots preferential parking for car pools and van pools participation in ride-matching p~ograms linkage to major bicycle paths bicycle parking facilties b) Direct the staff to prepare an analysis of the parking code and suggest revisions and specific code changes for Council approval that would provide incentives to utilize alter- native modes of transportation. 2. Arterial Plan a) Adopt the Capital Improvement Program of the Valley Studies Transportation study as a guideline for future capital improvements. b) Direct the staff to coordinate with property owners in the study area so that the final alignment on the planned arterials may be identified and so that the required rights- of-way may be officially mapped. 3. Bicycle Routes a) Approve Figure IV-5 Bicycle Routes as the official bicycle plan for the study area with the provision that final alignment of bicycle routes along arterials be adjusted to the alignment of the arterial plan. b) Direct the staff to develop design standards for Council approval for bicycle paths to insure that the b1cycle paths are utilized for their intended purpose. (1) Bicycle paths along arterials shall be designed pri- marily to accommodate commuters. -i- (2) Bicycle paths which coincide with pedestrian paths and/or recreation corridors shall be designed for recreation bicycling. 4. Pedestrian Paths a) Approve Figure IV-6 Pedestrian Paths and Sidewalks as the official pedestrian circulat1on plan for the study area. b) Direct the staff to develop design standards for Council approval for pedestrian paths according to their intended use; single purpose uses (pedestrian only) or multi-purpose uses (pedestrian and bicycle) • 5. Horse Trails Horse trails shall be included where adequate rights-of-way exist. Staff is to develop design standards to insure that horse trails are compatible with other trails, streets and nearby land use. 6. Future Transportation Planning Direct the staff to incorporate the data presented in the Transportation Study when preparing a city-wide transporta- tion plan so that the W.. plans may be consistent with one another. -ii- • ·- 3L S IMTMif I :--r-;- 0 I ' ·~;·-----1 . . . -. ; : 5L I IHI~HIIIIUUr r t •• ··~•••••• .• 4L .. ·~ .· : : : :3L ! ,. City of Kent I I I I r l r I I VALLEY STUDIES PROGRAM • LEGEND -Principal ......... Minor Collector 4L Number of lanes ---Study area boundary Note: Plan incorporates pre.ent functional street classification Source: URS Company and William E. Popp Associates. 1980. Valley Studies Program Transportation Scudy. -iii- ., " n I, ~~- ..~~ :; CltyofKent ~----------~~--~ I \ VALLEY STUDIES PROGRAM • LEGEND -Bicycle routes Study area boundary -iv- ' I I I Bic.yc:le Rovtes Source: URS Company and William E. Popp Associates. 1980. Valley Studies Program Transporrarion Srudy. Figure IV-5 l '< I / :! ,. il ,I 'j I CityofKent 'I ' I ~ .... /.'/ ,I :I ~I -, \ ( " \ \ \ '-, J \ n~ . \ \ " ' ' -._! -~----l:', \ VALLEY STUDIES PROGRAM LEGEND -Sidewalks Pedestrian paths Study area boundary -v- ( I Source: URS Company and William E. Popp Associates. 1980. Valley Studies Program Transoortar1on Srudv. Figure IV-6