HomeMy WebLinkAbout902C'') lO 0 ~ 0 N 0 co b.1 • .4 5.:'~·~ f',~ .;: ........ ;_;·' ~-~ ! "'-· ~~' >', .J •-\• A l.'('l' (':: ( '} ' : ~ , ... ~ r ·;• "( .. ! C;~-v of Kent ~--~- r~~.,~~:! .···:· ~-,.: .<:~-~ . .-1~Jc::ment L)etJt.. }~·. ( ·i. ~--;~ ~--~ 1. () ::.:u :;_ 'tth Avo. Kent, WA Atl11: Carol Iscwk RECEIVED CJTY ENGlNEER • ! .• :··.··-• A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, regarding vacation of Strain's First Addition, a plat in the City of Kent. '. ,\, ._ WHEREAS, a proper petition has been filed requesting vacation of Strain's First Addition, a plat in the City of Kent, as recorded in Volume 65 of Plats, Page 93, Records of King County Washington, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the hearing on the aforesaid vaca- tion shall be at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council to be held at 8 o'clock p.m. August 4, 1980 in the Council Chambers in Kent City Hall, Kent, Washington. Section 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of the hearing and cause notice to be posted as provided by law. Section 3. The Planning Director shall obtain the necessary approval or rejection of the water, sewer and street departments and shall transmit said information to the City Coun- cil so the matter can be considered by the City Council at a reg- ular meeting of August 4, 1980. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council this 7th day of July, 19 80. / ATTEST: tion No. / -~~~~dHol.~~-.' HfCOROED THIS ilAY nee· 4 II 02 M~~ 'qn I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolu- ---9~0~~~~---' passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 7th day of July, 1980. ~-----. j·~ • • • ·, <.-., · -"'__,;.__ (SEAL} --' Y•~ ':=---.( /~ , --~ ------~MA~R~I~E~J~E~N=S~E=N~,-c=I=]~y=-c=L~E==RK=------ / ('f) LJ) '::> v 0 N -0 a:> CITY OF IE~~ Present: Councilpersons Bailey, Hamilton, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Mastersr McCaughan and Mooney, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney r-Hrk, Public Works Direcotr Wickstrom, and Planning Director Harris. Also present: Administrative Assistant Webby, Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Baer, and URS representative Abed. Approximately 50 people were in attendance at the meeting. Strain's First Addition. As attached. STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I, Marie Jensen, the undersigned, as City Clerk in and for the City of Kent, Washington, do hereby certify that the above and/or attached is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 4th day of ~ust , 19_~· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 2nd day of December , 19liQ__ ~~~ Marie Jen~CMC City Cler -------------- -("") Lf') 0 ~ 0 C\J -0 co STREET VACATION PLAT VACATION ANNEXATIONS PLANNING COMMISSION August 4, 1980 on the Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation request for vacation of certain cul-de-sacs located in the Southcenter Corporate Park Plat. Strain's First Addition. On July 7, 1980 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 902 which sets this date for a hearing on the vacation of this plat. The Planning Department recommends approval of the vacation of Strain's First Addition with the following conditions: 1) Grant to the City an easement for utility and drainage purposes on the westerly 15' of Lots 6, 7 and 15 of Strain's First Addition as re- corded in Volume 65 of Plats, page 93, records of King County, Washington. 2) C:rant to the City a temporary construction easement on the easterly 20' of the westerly 35' of Lots 6, 7 and 15 of Strain's First Addition as recorded in Volume 65 of Plats, page 93, records of King County, Washington. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no corres- pondence has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the public hearing be closed, Mooney seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Strain's First Addition Plat vacation application be approved with the conditions noted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried with Bailey abstaining. {CON>ENT CALENDAR ITEM 51) Kess~y Proposed Annexation. ACCEPTANCE of the 10% notice of intention to petition for annexation for a portion of land east of 104th Avenue SE between S. 240th Street and S. 252nd Street containing approximately 128 acres of land and SETTING of a meeting with the proponents for 7:00 o'clock p.m. at the workshop of August 11, 1980. The signatures have been certified as sufficient by the Property Manaaer. {CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) Resignation. ACCEPTANCE with regret, resignation of Terrence Burns from the Planning Commission. -12 -