HomeMy WebLinkAbout1544RESOLUTION NO. I 5 L/L/ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, establishing a policy for the use of the City's government access cable television channel for election information for the positions of Kent City Council Member, Mayor, and for certain ballot measures placed before the voters. WHEREAS, the positions of Mayor and City Councilmember are elected positions, and; WHEREAS, measures seeking voter approval of such items as excess property tax levies for the city are occasionally placed on the ballot for consideration, and; WHEREAS, the electorate votes every two years for candidates seeking election to the position of City Councilmember, and every four years for candidates seeking the office of Mayor, and; WHEREAS, the Kent City Council believes in the importance of an informed electorate, and; WHEREAS, the City of Kent operates a government access cable television channel for the purpose of informing citizens about city activities, and; WHEREAS, the government access channel may be used to inform citizens about election issues; NOW, THEREFORE, 1 Election lnfornudion Video THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. POLICY STATEMENT. It is the policy of the City of Kent that the City's government access cable television channel shall be utilized to inform the voters on City of Kent ballot measures including elections to the positions of Mayor, City Councilmember, and ballot measures placed on the ballot by action of the Kent City Council or by initiative or referendum of the voters. SECTION 2. INFORMATION ON CITY ELECTIONS. At each regular or special election of the City of Kent, the city shall prepare an election information videotape to be telecast on the city's government access cable television channel. The program shall be video taped by City of Kent video technicians utilizing city equipment and facilities as follows: A. The video shall consist of four ( 4) minute presentations by each candidate for the position of City Councilmember. Each candidate for Mayor shall have the opportunity to prepare a six ( 6) minute presentation. Candidates may use this time to introduce themselves and present their qualifications to the voters. B. Candidate presentations shall be video taped in the two week period following the official filing deadline for office. Each candidate will be contacted by Kent staff to arrange a convenient time for video taping. Candidates will be permitted no more than three takes, selecting one for presentation. C. Taped presentations of all candidates whose names will appear on the printed primary ballot will be assembled into one program grouped by position sought. This program will then be shown on the city's government access television channel beginning one month prior to the primary election, and shall run at least once each day at varying times of the day until the day before the primary election. Upon certification of candidates winning the primary election and moving on to the general election, those candidates not proceeding to the general election shall have their taped presentations removed from the program. The tapes of all remaining candidates whose names will appear on the printed general election ballot shall be shown on the city's government access television channel at varying times of the day beginning one 2 Election Information Video month before the general election until the day before the election at which time the presentations shall be removed from the city's television programming. D. Ballot measures may have a "vote yes" committee, and a "vote no" committee prepare three minute presentations representing their respective positions on the measure. Each side will then have the opportunity to present a two minute rebuttal to the other side's statement. The order of presentation and rebuttal shall be determined by lot. Video taping shall be conducted as outlined above. The presentations of each side shall be shown at least once each day at varying times of the day beginning one month before the election in which the measure will be voted upon, and shall terminate one day before the election. SECTION 3. INFORMATION ON BALLOT MEASURES. The City of Kent may prepare an informational video tape on a ballot measure to be shown on the city's government access television channel. The presentation must be informational only, and shall not advocate for or against any ballot measure. SECTION 4. ENCOURAGEMENT TO VOTE. The City of Kent may prepare for broadcast on the city's government access television channel video tapes encouraging individuals to register to vote, and to vote in primary, general or special elections. SECTION 5. CANDIDATE FORUMS. Candidate forums conducted by citizen groups, associations, or organizations may be video taped for presentation on the city's government access television channel under certain conditions. Any group wishing to have its candidates forum video taped for presentation must submit a request to the city's Director oflnformation Services on a form to be supplied by the director not later than thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled forum of its desire to have the forum taped. The director shall then determine if appropriate technical staff is available at the time requested, and the suitability of the location selected for video taping considering both audio and video production requirements. The director shall notify the applicant within one week of making application whether or not the city will be able to accommodate the request. 3 Election Information Video Should a candidate forum be video taped for later presentation, the director shall schedule the forum to be shown at varying times of the day prior to the election for a period not to exceed two (2) weeks. SECTION 6. FORMAT AND SCHEDULE MODIFICATIONS. The format and schedules of taped presentations may be modified by City staff as necessary, consistent with the intent of this resolution, to meet staffing and other scheduling demands. SECTION 7. Recitals Incor.porated. The recitals set forth in this resolution are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 8. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASS ED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City ofKent, Washington, this /5 day of ~ ~ , 1999. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this I 5 day of -~-rr ...... Ll.M"'"'-.... u-===--------'' 1999. 4 Election Information Video ATTEST: ERA. LUBOVICH, CITY TTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of ResolutioJLNO. /5 tft./ passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the I 5 day of r ,1999. P:\Civii\Resolution\ElectionlnfoVideo-redline.doc 5 Election Information Video