HomeMy WebLinkAbout1542RESOLUTION NO. J 5 L/-J. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, regarding the vacation of a portion of 32"d Avenue South, a dedicated, unopened street lying generally north of that street's intersection with South 240th Street, and setting the public hearing on the proposed street vacation for July 6, 1999. WHEREAS, a petition, attached as Exhibit A, has been filed by Highline Water District to vacate a portion of 32"d Avenue South, a dedicated, unopened street lying generally north of that street's intersection with South 2401h Street, in the City of Kent, King County, Washington; and WHEREAS, the petition is signed by the owners of at least two-thirds of the property abutting that portion of 32"d A venue South that is now being sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the petition is in all respects proper; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. A public hearing on the street vacation petition requesting the vacation of a portion of 3 2"d A venue South shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00p.m., Tuesday, July 6, 1999, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. 1 32"d Avenue South Vacation SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of the hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Ch. 35.79 RCW. SECTION 3. The Planning Director shall obtain the necessary approval or rejection or other information from the Public Works Department and other appropriate departments and shall transmit information to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on July 6, 1999. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this _L_ day of~ , 1999. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of ~...I '1999. u ATTEST: ;Q~}.I};)A Ji\COBER, CITY CLERK 1 'D E.P'-{ TY I>oPJVA SWAW APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /St.J;J.., passed by the City Council ofthe City ofKent, Washington, on the _._I __ day of (1-"¥ G/ , 1 999. (7 P :\Civil\R.!'S<J""Iion \STY A C. 3 2ndAv,:,South. doc 2 ~"' L,M,,r (SEAL) BRENDA MCOBBR, CITY CLERK, 'XP~rY 'DoAJJJI'l SWAW 32"d Avenue South Vacation .. .:.tv OF ill:l.IDk~~ g . . ~.ua-·-MAil, '1'0: COPY RECEIVED APR 2 91999 Kent City Attorrtfl'l CITY OF KENT Property Management 220 So. 4th Ave. Kent, WA 98032 Attn: JEti.Y M, CAvG;IItf.N APPLICAN'r: NAME: Address: ~~~Y~~~z ______ __ /IGNr; IVA 9tOJ:4-3fc. 7 Phone: ~) V.'/-0]7£ S'rREET AND/OR ALI.EY VACATION APPLICATION AND PE'r!TION Dear Mayor and Kent city council: We, the undersigned abutting property owners, hereby respectfully request that certain 36~ /lv~ • .s; hereby be vacated. (General Location) Legal description (Must Contain Total Square Feet of Area Sought To Be Vacated) BRIEl'' S'rA'l'EMEN'l' WHY VACA'l'ION IS BEING SOUGH'!' sufficient proof, copy of deed ·'t::&mtract etc. supported by King County Tax Rolls shall be submitted fo' ved.fication of signatures. Without these a "CURRENT" title report shalJ be required. When Corporations, Partnerships etc. are being signed for, then proof of individual's authority to sign for'same shall also be submitted. Attach a color coded map of a scale of.not less than 1" = 200 1 of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond with legal description. ABU'r'l'IHG PROPEH'l"i 01-lNERS SIGNATURES AND ADDRESSES /llt.IIV~ Mtirt'lt. "/)IS)ftt{r Q .:ZJt~f-Jci!!l~vt.S", -I ;P~ J(&IT, WA 912?.1., m -4· 6J4 Ml'b<"-t'( S't:wl'tt.. btS'I'721Cr 3o:ro s-. :~.vel!! n-. ·JJ4 ~ 7/.. Ja:_~ jJ/A 9tOi'.:Z. -.-~<: / $150.00 Fee Paid Appraisal Fee Paid Land Value Paid · Deed Accepted •rrade Accepted 5224·33A TAX LO'l' f LO'l', ar..ocK & PI.A'l'/SEC. •rwN. RG Lor I 11 $u.c" ~ (B! 1/~o~y AD'I>~vJ~~-If. • .z:z.. '{ /.or I:Z, IJuc.~ ~ f:Er>..~/wy,/l~b'N./ S"~·f(. ·.Z:<. • tf 'l'reasurer • s Receipt No. f"?-tJtJtlf.J- Treasurer•s Receipt No. Treasurer's Receipt No. Date ______________________________ ___ Date ______________________________ _ 220 41h AVE SO., I KENT. WASIIINGTON 98032 5895 I ENGINEERING (2061859·3383 I OI'EIIAIIONS tl061859 3:!95 I r AX I 859 3334 / i F:\HOME\PAT\Citles-FD-\.-cer-Sewer\Vacatlon-32 Ave.doc Street and/or Allay Vacation Application and p .. ~J @ & ll 'f!/ @ ru~) (32nd Ave. S.) UiJ t F'?. 2 9 •c·c,~g . ' r ... -. Legal Description CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK Starting at the SE comer of Section 16, Township 22N, 4E, W.M., proceed north 30 feet along Section Line to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence North along said Section Line approximately 391.77 feet; Thence North 88°38'46.3" West 30 feet to the West boundary of 32nd Ave. S; ,, · · Thence South parallel to the Section Line to the North boundary of S. ... . v 240th St.; Thence East to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING [area = 11,753.1 sq. ft.]. WHY VACATION IS RING SOUGHT This request to vacate the 30 foot wide 32-1 Ave. S. will eliminate a substandard width In an unimproved rllht-of.way, which is at the present time a refuge for Illegal action. The vacation will reunite properties with common ownership and provide for future Improvements. I I :C§) GREEN ACRE'S INVESTUENT I 'fl ... ~ 125 10130010100 9 • ~ en 039 .'!; Jcn I I 23654 ~ ~J 2 ....: HARING -c:=::::J C7) ~ u.i f01300111~ C'-J .'5_ - <(I 23810 l:!:!!!.J «~ 0 -I ~ \ :r: 8 • I ,_:. ~ A VILLA TRAILER -N NT gJ 1ot30008' 8 g 0130001100 -I T ~~ --i f 11 ~ fOO I ' co 23820 I ti ~I I I ts~=188 ALA MARIA APTS. 8 I - 94 I I ~ c-., 23828 ~~ I I HIGHUNE WATER DISTRICT OmcE I~ Ill .. , ' Ill 1.' 0 ~I I I z SIN - J I I -f') -I I 2385. ~I BORON 1 ~ot30003•ool I I ~ 125 3012 3030 @ / TERRA VILLA MIDWAY SEWER 12 .... /// ' ~~ APAR'TUENTS "": -fOt30000IOO en -/ , . 10130002100 / / S. 240TH ST. »I / / ( ~ 185 400.75 L- Sl ~-i I -. ~ , ! ( l .. . • HIGHLINE WATER DISTRICT RECEIVED RESOLUTION 99-3-15C APR l 8 1999 PAop€ATY OF KENr RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VACATION OF 32N~VE. sr: MANAGEMENT o @©~~w~~---\ Background I APR 2 9 i:~·g The District Is acquiring the property directly behind Its CITY QF KENT headquarters building for materials storage. The vacatlorOfNS~RK Ave. S. will connect both parcels of land and the District will be able to put a security fence around the property. Action NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The General Manager Is authorized to sign the paperwork to complete the vacation of 32'"' Ave. S. ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS at a Regular Meeting held this 15th day of March 1999. Commissioner ., ... ' ( MIDWAY SEWER DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS MEETING MARCH 24, 1999 Commissioners Koester, Landon and Hendrickson were present. Read, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Kase. Also present: Mr. Grodt, Mr. The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:30p.m. fgi&©&H!~fo! APR 2 9 1999 Ll:!) M/S/C approving the minutes of the regular commissioners meeting ofMarch 8, ~ OF KENT CITY CLERK VOUCHERS: M/S/C approving Maintenance vouchers #99.0358 through #99.0426 in the amount of $69,018.77 including special vouchers #99.0382 through #99.0385 in the amount of$21,693.58~ Capital Improvement voucher #99.0015 through #99.0017 in the amount of$347,158.48~ 1998 PWTF voucher #99.0007 through #99.0009 in the amount of$175,695.00 . ~ . • FILING OF LIENS: 'M/S/C approving filing of liens as presented. RELEASE OF LIENS: M/S/C approving release of liens as presented. 32nd AVENUE STBEET VACATION:- ··~ The Manager said a petition was initiated by Highline Water District to vacate 32nd Avenue east·"\ ofMidway's office building. 'M/S/C authorizing .the Manager to sign the petition on condition no costs or fees that may be involved be borne by Midway. ~· ·-The Manager said he had reviewed the engineering services contract for the Marine Outfall design submitted by URS and recommended approving it. MIS/C accepting the recommendation. '.1 EMPLOYEE AUTOMOBILE REIMBURSEMENT POLICV: The Manager asked for a policy to be set on reimbursement to an employee for using his/her private automobile when a District automobile is available. MIS/C keeping the policy that each employee have the choice which mode of transportation to use and to be reimbursed for using his/her car. ... ' • ~· . Mi4way Sewer District Commissioner Meeting Minutes March 24, 1999 Page2 EDUCATIONAL REQUESTS: ~ §A~R ~ ~ ~99§ [Q) CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK I. Commissioner Koester said he thought approving educational requests should be left to the Manager's discretion without commissioner review. After discussion the suggestion was dropped. 2. The Manager asked for the following approvals: A. The Manager and Field Representative to attend a "Construction for Public Entities" course May 26th, in Seattle. B. For one employee to attend a "Handling Excuses and Getting Results" course May 121h, in Seattle. C. For 5 to 7 supervisory employees to attend a "Basics of Supervision" course June· 251h, in Seattle. MISIC approving the three requests . ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Grodt reported on the following: 3. Contract 97-2. Digester walls and basement walls have been poured and digester equipment has started to arrive on site. 4. Contract 98-1. Most of the emergency generator building has been completed and the contractor has been working on the drainage structures. 5. Marine Outfall. Final design for the marine outfall is in progress. Continuing to work on the permits. The next meeting will be on Monday, April 12, 1999, at the Office of the District at 9:00a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:13p.m. 'I EDWARD ATTEST: