HomeMy WebLinkAbout1482, Please return to RECEIVED THIS DAY city Clerk 220 4th Avenue s. Kent WA 98032 OcT \ sL+ PM '96 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Finance Director to segregate assessment number 50 levied under L.I.D. 336. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent 60 6) established assessment number ~of Local Improvement District 336 ("LID 336"); and ' ... · WHEREAS, Orillia Industrial District Associates No. 1, has requested segregation of a parcel from the property subject to assessment number 50, which parcel shall be designated assessment number 50-1, and which property is described in the LID segregation application certificate, attached hereto as Exhibit 1; and lJ, '~ ; \) WHEREAS, the application certificate is in all respects proper; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: >· .... Section 1. The original tract of assessment number 50 of LID 336, which is legally described in the LID segregation application certificate filed by Orillia Industrial District Associates No. 1, attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by this reference, shall have one parcel segregated from the assessment tract, creating new Assessment No. 50-1, in accordance with the application. Section 2. The legal description of the segregated parcel is described in the attached LID segregation application certificate (indicated as "Exhibit B" on the application certificate) • Section 3. The legal description of the remainder of the tract of assessment number 50 is described in the attached LID segregation application certificate (indicated as "Exhibit C" on the application certificate). Section 4. The new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 50-1 shall be $3,686.76; the new assessment amount for the remainder of the property originally subject to assessment number 50 shall be equal to the amount remaining due under the original assessment number 50 less the assessment amount now attributed to the tract subject to the newly formed assessment number 50-1. 2 Section 5. The City Clerk shall deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Finance Director who shall proceed with the segregation upon being tendered a fee of ten dollars for each tract of land for which segregation is to be made together with payment to the City for its reasonable engineering and clerical costs, as determined by the City's Public Works Department, that were incurred in making this segregation. Section 6. The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to segregate assessment number 50 of LID 336 according to the terms stated herein. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this 3J day of ~~ , 1996. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this 3,.,._/) day of ~ , 1996. ATTEST: 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. LY?;L , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ._r day of ~~ , 1996. segass#50.336.res 4 II•! ,-II UJ'! AUG 7 -1991i )0'-/1'-- \ ;1 rY OF I< EN I TRE'ASLJRV Dun E. Wicllslrom, P.E., Direclor of Public Works W\I L TO: PHOPEHTY IWIAGEI1EIIT 1/Je Cityofl(errrcetebrates rts Fitsttoo Years CIH OF KEIH ENGIIIEE!l.IIlG DEPT 220 4111 1\VEtlUE SQUill KENT, HASIIIIIGTOII 98031 ATTN: JERHY IKCAUGIII\tl CITY OF I<ENT LID SEGilEGATION CEilTIFICATE 01mer & Audress oR;t_u;9 JA0. /Jisr dsJ oc AJJ, I /v &ie/Jil /Uoo /f?-8 CJJ5F /?1. !tiEs/ SE!l!TL E /JdJtl, ff//tff ~ 1'02--g 01mer & /\duress $40.00 ~1illilllUIII Fee Heceiveu _1_ I t-t--; I 9 __!_!: Heceipt # 2-02-07 01me1· & 1\dut·ess ;;2.!: ht·s at $40.00 per hour ~ f tJD ·at> less $40.00 fee Total Due f'to. 00 ~ttrJu'-(tv Tl894 Dale: yz.~rt LID II 33!, Assess II s-o Olt!GIN/\L UESCIUI'IION Portion of north 1/2 of southeast 1/4 of northwest 1/4 lying westerly of state highway less county road less north 217.8 ft. 11 ' { ·. thereof and less beginning on soutij line Sou h 180th street west 300 ft. from westerly m~rgin state highway; Thence east ~long said south 1 ine 221.07 ft.; .Thence along curve to right radius. 40 ft. distance 88.14 ft. to westerly margin state highway; Thence southwesterly along said westerly margin 221.07 ft.; Thence North 52"49'05" west 60 ft.; Thence North 25"56 1 39" west 164.18 ft.; Thence North 00"55'47" east 60 ft. to point of beginning. (if tnore space 11eeded, aLLaciJ Uescripliun a11d refer lo Exhibit ·~A") NE\J lJESCIU I'T ION tlev1 Assessn1e11L llo. S6-/ Nevi /\ssessn1eJ1L Amt.$ 36f3C:,. 7i. (Ir 111ure space IH!eded, allacll descripliu11 a11rJ refer lo Exhibil .. U .. ) i(em. /\ssessmenl flo. _3o_V ___ _ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby. accepts above terms and conditions an(! certifies to the conectness herein. /\pproveu by i(esolulioll ~~--~-o SIGNEDX ' ~ -~ror 1 ZeSlgtliltlJie EXHIBIT...l i EXHIBIT II B II All that certain real property situate in the Incorporated Territory of the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at a monument in case at the intersection of South 180th Street and East Valley Highway as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed in Book 63 of Surveys, Page 83 and recorded under Recorder's File No. 881 0139005, King County Records; Thence along the centerline of South 18oth Street, North 88°36'44" West 379.39 feet; Thence South 00°55'39" West 42.00 feet, to a point on the South Right-of-Way line of South 180th Street as described in King County Superior Court Cause No. 81-2-08117-7, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcel of land; THENCE parallel with and 42.00 feet Southerly from the centerline of South 180th Street, South 88°36~44" East 83.66 feet; ~ THENCE North 00°55'39" East 6.13 feet to the South Right-of-Way line of South 1BOth Street, as describ~d in Recorder's File No. 7 405290486; · THENCE parallel with and 33.50 feet Southerly from the North line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, SoUth 89°04 '2f" East 167.79 feet to a point on the Right-of-Way described in Recorder's File No. 3960406, King County Records; THENCE Southerly 71.27 feet, along the arc of a 40.00 foot radius curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radial bearing of South 25°04'28" West, through a central angle of 1 02°05'34", to a point of tangency; THENCE continuing along the Northwesterly Right-of-Way line of East Valley Highway, King County Records, parallel with and 35.00 feet Northwesterly from the centerline of East Valley Highway, South 3r1 0'02" West· 221.09 feet; THENCE North 52°49'58" West 7.00 feet, to the Northwesterly Right-of-Way line of East Valley Highway as described in Recorder's File No. 9107030733, King County Records; THENCE parallel with and 42.00 feet Northwesterly from the centerline of East Valley Highway, South 3r10'02" West 61.29 feet; · - THENCE leaving said Right-of-Way, North 52°49'58" West 117.50 feet; -1 £ THENCE North 00°55'39" East 208.84 feet to the True Point of Beginning. ~;>(cer+ the. t10 rrh Z.l{,f3 F r ikHf. ~\to. su..., d pll w S'o. '-.., • f :s ~ S' +. · ,. ' .. ... _. . . EXHIBIT .. C .. Portion of north 1/2 of southeast 1/4 of northwest 1/4 lying westerly of state highwfy less county road less north 217.8 ft. b 1. thereof and less beginning on soutn line South 180th street west 300 ft. from westerly margin state highway; Thence east along said south line 221.07 ft.; Thence along curve to right radius 40 ft. distance 88.14 ft. to westerly margin state highway; Thence southwesterly along said westerly margin 221.07 ft.; Thence North 52.49'05" west 60 ft.; Thence Nor~h 25"56'39" west 164.18 ft.; Thence North.\ 00"55'47" east 60 ft. to point of beginning. Ex.c. f(J . All that certain real property situate in the Incorporated Territory of the City of Kent, County of King, State of Washington, being a portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, Willamette Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at a monument in case at the intersection of South 18oth Street and East Valley Highway as shown on that certain Record of Survey filed in Book 63 of Surveys, Page 83 and recorded under Recorder's File No. 8810139005, King County Records; Thence along the centerline of South 18oth Street, North 88°36'44" West 379.39 feet; Thence South 00°55'39" West 42.00 feet, to a point on the South Right-of-Way line of South 180th Street as described in King County Superior Court Cause No. 81-2-08117-7, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcel of land; ~ 0 ~ 0 N THENCE parallel with and 42.00 feet Southerly from the centerline of South 180th Street, South 88°36'44" East N 83.66 feet; 0 THENCE North 00°55'39" East 6.13 feet to the South Right-of-Way line of South 1BOth Street, as described .-4 in Recorder's File No. 7 405290486; · ~ THENCE parallel with and 33.50 feet Southerly from the North fine of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest a'l Quarter of Section 31, South 89°04'21" East 167.79 feet to a point on the Right-of-Way described in Recorder's File No. 3960406, King County Records; THENCE Southerly 71.27 feet, along the arc of a 40.00 foot radius curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radial bearing of South 25°04'28" West, through a central angle of 102°05'34", to a point of tangency; THENCE continuing along the Northwesterly Right-of-Way line of East Valley Highway, King County Records, parallel with and 35.00 feet Northwesterly from the centerline of East Valley Highway, South 37°1 0'02" West 221 .09 feet; THENCE North 52°49'58" West 7.00 feet, to the Northwesterly"Rtfht-of-Way line. of East Valley Highway as described in Recorder's File No. 9107030733, King County Recorcfs; THENCE parallel with and 42.00 feet Northwesterly from the centerline of East Valley Highway, South 3r1 0'02" West 61.29 feet; - - THENCE leaving said Right-of-Way, North 52°49'58" West 117.50 feet; -J THENCE North 00°55'39" East 208.84 feet to the True Point of Beginning. ~~er+ thl!. 1'10 rfl'\ Z..l/.?3 F r ikebf. \1-tosu .. rd pllt.v So. c....., •f sq s-+.