HomeMy WebLinkAbout1481Please return to City Clerk 220 4th Avenue s. Kent WA 98032 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Finance Director to segregate assessment number 5 levied under L.I.D. 330. I ~ • : ' ~ r j ~·1 ( c - WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent established assessment number 5 of Local Improvement District 330 ( " LID 3 3 0 " ) ; and WHEREAS, The Lakes L.L.C., has requested segregation of the property subject to assessment number 5, which shall be designated assessment numbers 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, and 5-A, and which property is described in the LID segregation application certificates, attached hereto as Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, respectively; and WHEREAS, the application certificate is in all respects proper; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The original tract of assessment number 5 of LID 330, which is legally described in the LID segregation application certificates filed by The Lakes L.L.C., attached hereto as Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 and .:.:r.:: .... , 2:: C"") -' tt• ·I incorporated herein by this reference (indicated as "Exhibit A" of application certificate Exhibit 1), shall have ten parcels segregated from the assessment tract, creating new Assessment Nos. 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, and 5-A, in accordance with the applications. Section 2. The legal descriptions of the segregated parcels are described in the attached LID segregation application certificates (indicated as "Exhibit B" on the each application certificate) . Section 3. There is no remainder of the tract of assessment number 5 following segregation of the ten parcels as ~ set forth in the attached LID segregation application ... ~ certificates. 0 N N ~ Section 4. The new assessment amount for the newly ~ ~ segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-1 shall be r:n $3,461.78; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-2 shall be $11,558.00; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-3 shall be $22,220.00; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-4 shall be $32,718.00; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-5 shall be $18,834.00; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-6 shall be $13,493.00; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-7 shall be 2 $10,207.00; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-8 shall be $12,466.00; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-9 shall be $1,362.59; the new assessment amount for the newly segregated tract that will be subject to assessment 5-A shall be $8,169.09; Section 5. The City Clerk shall deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Finance Director who shall proceed with the segregation upon being tendered a fee of ten dollars for each tract of land for which segregation is to be made together 0 ~ with payment to the City for its reasonable engineering and If.) 0 clerical costs, as determined by the City's Public Works N ~ Department, that were incurred in making this segregation. 0 .... ~ ·~ Section 6. The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to segregate assessment number 5 of LID 330 according to the terms stated herein. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this 3~ day of ~~, 1996. ' I Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of ~~ , 1996. 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy 0 ..... lf.) 0 N N 0 of Resolution No. /t.f-<6/ of Kent, Washington, the ..-4 segass#5.330.res C.() a'J , passed by the ;;zJ ._) day of 4 City Council of the City b~, 1996. IJw1 r· Wld\~:lrorn, 1'.1 ., l)llot:lor oll'uhllc Work~; M/\ I L ·r 0: PllOPEHTY r1/\II/\GU1EII I TlleCityof/(entcotoul:rtesttsFilsttVVYonrscliY OF KEIH ENGINEEHHIG UEPI 220 4111 /\VEIIUE SOUllf KENT, H/\Sfl HIGTOII 98031 1\THI: JERHY 1-lCC/\UGII/\rl CITY OF KENT LID SEGFlEGATION CEHTIFICATE &ic--2/~ d Requested by:t)G. ~~-24.. or..t?l:!. IJaLe: ~}ij-' LJIJ II 330 1\ssess II e sz.z. ·??oo . 7/ 01~ner & 1\Jdress ~ OIUGIN/\L IJESCIUI'IION !Ae ~ J./.e !liM: ~ U)~ 70J'cJ c/f.'M.dk!Mr ~ 20/ ~.f ~~ 1Jt f?oi} .. (if IIIUt'e space neeJeJ, atluch desct·iptiun and refer to Exhibit"/\") 0\'/ller & /\ddress ri} t!d&-r~-I J.f.'C 70 3o /,(. M !J&,/ AE II zo I . /(t1 j' /a, _)' 114 $40.00 ~lilliiiiUIIt Fe,.e Received/ _<0 I J.); l9__f!o Hece i p t II _!_1!1.]0 01~ner & 1\Jdress 6J hrs at $40.00 per hour~ __ less $40.00 fee Total Due __ _ Tl894 NEH IJESCIUPTION New /\ssesstnent No. s--I Ne~1 1\ssessrnent /\rut.$ ]'f&(, 17 .J? (If tnore space neeJeJ, atlaciJ JescripL iun and refer Lu Exldbi L "U") 1\EH/\ I NOEl\ DESCIU I'TI ON He111. /\ssess111enl llu. (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and conditions and certifies to the correctness herein. 1\ppruved uy 1\esolution II ____ _ EXHIBIT .1. ??n 41h AVF SO I KENT WASil lNG ION 98032-5895 I ENGINEEnJNG (206)859·3303 I OPEilA liONS J20G)B59 339S I f/\X r 959 3JJ4 " I That portion of the DavitS A. Neily Donation Land Claim No. s; and Sediun 14, Townsflip 22 North, Range 4: E.ast, W.M., In King County, Washington descril>ed ~"follows: eeGINNING at the northeast comer of Lot 6, C1ty or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Lakes at ! Kent DiVision No.4) recorded under Auditor's flle No. 9605o70817,records of said county: thenoe ! soo•s2•s1"W, along the east line of said Lot 6, a distance of 418.48 feet to the southeast corner of said ! Lot e thence Na;oo1~1"W. along tna south line of said Lot G, a distance of 1177.38 feet: to the northerty ~ prolongation Of the east line Of Lot 7 Of said short plat; thence S00°52.'22"W, along said Blat line of Lot 7! and :stUd: northerly prolongation, ~7¢.00 feet to the southeast comer ofsaid Lot 7; thence N89.04'02W, along_the south line of said Lot 1 and lot 4 of said short plat. 727.30 feet; thence tne following 4 courses · slid distances along the sbutt1 line of said Lot 4; thence No7~-i7'54"W62.92 fetti thence ss3o54•33•w 70.87 feet; thence 877'14•38-.W 103.28 feet; t~en~ SS8 11 18'~0"W 100.75feet; thence, leaving said &Quth line, N82'40'00"5 85.00 feet; thence N50a50'00"E 103.00 feet; thence N03°30'00"W BO.OO feet; . thence N33°40'00"W 1 oa.oo feet; thence N51 8 2o·oo"W e.es feet to the north line of said Lot 4; thence ; continuing, along the boUndary of Parcel A, cit~ of Kent Lot Line Adjustment No. 88-29, recorded under i Auditor'$ f!l' No. 8811141040, records of said county; thence the fell owing 11 courses and distances ! ~long the boundary of said Parcel A: t~ence N51'20'00"W 105.35 feet; thence N74.30'oo•w BS.OO feet; . thenc:e SB1'1!'0011 W !8.00 feet; thence S14 6 55'00''W 135.00 feet; thence SS6'30'00"W 125.01 feet; thence S78 1 45'00"W 87.00 feet; then.fe N8BQ25'00"W ao.oo feet; thence N80'30'00"W 61.48 feet; . the nee N58°!0'00"W 223.08 feet; the pee NS7ese•3o~w 40.00 feet to the east right of way margin of 53rd · Ave. South (Russell Road), thence N92°03'30"e, along said margin, 762.84 feel to the south right of way . margin of South 228th street: thence~the following 1 courses, along said soutll margtn, thence sss•27'57 .. E 420.14 feet to a point of.itangency with a 1,1 86.28 foot radl us curve to the left; thence . northeasterly, 'long ssld curve, through a central angie of 21 '1 9'12", an arc distance of 441.42 feet to a : point of tangency; thence N70'12'51 11~ 86.~2 feet; thence N74'01 '42 .. ~ 150.33 feet; thence N70 11 12'51~ ...... .s 358.44 feet; thence N86"24'00"E 150~3:3 feet; thence N70~12'51"E 279.95 feet to the east line or Lot 5 or:--· said shott plat; thence S00'62'22"W, along said east line, 577.75 feet to the north line of Lot 6 of said short plat; thence SS9°04'22NE, along·,said north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ~··, . ~· ·. Contatns 2,S08,606t square feet (57 . .5897:!: acres). Th;s ISQa1 description supersedes the description attached to Account No. 000620-0007 for ULI0-330 . .. I I / I £XII/Il!T B f\ That portion of Lot 1, City of: 1 Kent Short Plat No. SP<>95-29 {AKA The Lakes at Kent, Division No.4) recor~rd under auditor's file N¢. 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, rrscribed as follows: ',; BEGINNING at the northe~~~ comer of Lot 1 of said~hort plat, said comer being common to Lots 1 and 2 of said short plat, said corner also being on the south Jll . right of way margin of Sout~!228th street; thence N88°27'57"W along the north llne of said Lot 1 and said ~.outh margin, 32.04 feet .to the east right of way margin of 53rd Avenue SouJh (Russell Road); thenc~ S02 11 03'30''W, along said east margin, 473.67 feet to 1he north margin of a striJ?. of land dedicated to the City of Kent by deed recorded under auditor's file Nc)~ 9605030886, records of said county, ~aid point belnp; a non-radiallntersectid~ with a 380.00 foot radius curve to the nght, the center:of which bears S55°18'1:?"E; thence northeasterly, a~ong said curve and margi~J through a central angl~of 53°14'05", an arc distance of 353.07 feet; theq~e N02°04'12"W 88.00 feet; thence N61°26'52"W 283.23 feet; thence N01 °32'R3"E 85.77 feet to the P~JNT OF BEGINNING. ;;1 F, I' I . ~ Contains 64,572± square fe¢t (1.4824± Acres). !; ~ ' ~ lf d !; .j :.· 1 oo i-,: I ' ~ ·. ! ! '· I I That portion of the OavltJ A. Neely 0 nation Land Claim No. Si' and Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4:East, W.M., In King County Washington described art follows: ' ·- ee~INNING at the northeast corner-' f t,bt e. City of Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Like. 1t ! Kent Division No.4) tecoroed under udltol's flle No. 9G05o70817,recoms of said county; thenoe i soo•s2•S1"W, along the east line or id Lot 6, a distance of 418.46 reet to the southeast corner of said ! Lot 6 thenee Ns;oo1'31"W, along th outh line of said Lots. a distance or 1177.38 reet: to the norther1y : prolongation or the east line ot Lot 7 · r said short JJiat; thenc~ soo·52.'22"W, along said e11t line of Lot 7· and :stilid: northerly p~Jongation, e74. teet to lht aouthtast com«r of said Lot T; thence N89.04'02W, along the south line or 1ald Lot 7 an ot 4 ot said short plat. 727.30 feet; tt1ence the following 4 courses arid distances along the south line o aid Lot 4; thence No7~~7'54"W 82.9.2 rett; thence sa3•54•33•w . 70.87 teet; thence S77•14'38"W 103 B feet· t~en~ se~·HrfJIJ"W 10fJ.75feet; Ulence, leaving $aid . sguth line, _N82"40'00"E SJ5.00 feet; I~ nee NS0"50'00"E 103.00 feet; thence N03"30'00"W BO.OO feet; thence N33"40'00"W i 08.00 feet; th ·_.w N51"20'00"W 9.65 feet to the north line of said Lot 4; thence . cotJtlhUing, along the boUndary of Ptl el A, City of Ken~ Lot Line Adjusttnanl No. 88-29, recorded under i Auditor'~ f!l' No. 8811141040, reoo ·of said oounty; thence the fgllowing 11 couroes and distanCH ; along the boundary of said Parcel A:· ence Ns1•2o'OO"W 105.35 feet; thence N74"30'00"W ee.oo feet; · then~ S8f'15'00"W ae.OO feet; the S74"55'00''W 135.00 feeli thence S6e'30'00"W 125.01 feet; thenCE~ S7e•.fs•oo"\\V 137.00 teet; the e N86"25'00"W so.oo feet; thence N80'30'00"W S1.4e feet; . lhenee N~eoso•oo•w 223.08 re,t; th ce. NS7 6 58'30"W 40.00 feet to U1e east right of way margin of 53rd Ave. South (Rt.lsseli Roid), thence N •o3'30"E, along said margin, 762.84 reef to the south right or way. margin of So lith 2.28th street: thence e following 1 courses, along said soutfl margin, thence S88"27'57"E 4.2.o.14 tee I to a point o. ~angency with a 1,186.28 foot radius cur:vt to tha l~ft; thence northeaster1y, ~long ssld ~i.IIVEI, throu h a ~ntral angle of 21'19'12", an arc d~tlance of 441.42 reel to a · point offangency; thence N70'12'S1"~86.82 feet; thence N74'01'42"~ 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'51"E ~ 358.44 feet; thence N66•24'00"E 150• 3 feet; thence N70.12'51"E 279.95 feet to the east line ortot So"'..,.. 0 said shot! plat; thEJnea S00'52'22"W, orig said t!ast line, 577.15 f~et to the north line or Lot 6 or ~id .-4 short plat; thence SS9•04'22"E, along aid north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ~ ' . 0 [,cc..epi-~-< ~ ({ ~' ()""rc... pp+~ . ~ That portion of Lot 1, City Kent Short Plat No. 9 (AKA The Lakes at O Kent, Division No.4) under auditor's file · 9605070817, records of .-4 King County, Washington, d as follows: '-D en ort plat, said comer being also being on the south 0 27'57"W along the north · the east right of way S02"03'3D''W, along said of land dedicated to the 9605030886, records of thence northeasterly, · 53.14'05", an arc ; thence N61"26'52"W NT OF l3EGINNING. . ·!~ .~.,/ CITY OF l.f.S'.lfnli\:f11~ Uu11 E. Wici<Silulll, f'.E., Uiwc1o1 of Public Wo•ks 1·11\1 L TO: PJWPEI\TY 1~1\fii\GHIEIIT I ho City ol I< en/ Celebli!IOS Irs f'iiS/ IOU \'elliS c 1 n OF KEIH [fiG lfi[[H ltiG UEP T 220 4111 1\VEfiUE SOUIII KEIIT, \·11\SIIItiGTOII 98031 1\11 II: JEHHY IICCI\UGIIflll CITY OF KENT LID SEGilEGATION CEilTIFICATE ~4/~d J{equested by:~ ;,t?a:,f".i!d.. cr.r:t::. lJaLe: ~p~ L1lJ 11 330 Assess 11 e az.z. •77oo . 0\'mer & 1\uut·ess (/) OI(JGJNI\L OES~IUI'I10N $ "-J?f.e AIM:~ V~ 70 3 (} elf It#. !iW M ~-> Mzo; ~.fA~ iJt! f?oJJ 01·1ner & /\duress (j) $40.00 l·linimUill fee Heceiveu / ~/ :l)flg__!fl:, neceipt II ..Jil.JO 01'111er & At.luress (j) hrs at $40.00 per hour~ _·_ less $40.00 fee Total Uue __ _ Tl894 (if 111on! spa.'ce IICr!ueu, allacll ul!scriplioll a11u t·efel· to Exhibit "fl") ; 'I NE\·1 UESCH II'T ION Nevi 1\ssesstllenl No. New /\ssesstllenl fltnl.$ (1f more space neeueu, allaclt uescriplio11 ant.l refer lu Exhiuil "U") 1\EH/\ l NOLH DE SCI(! I' II ON Hem. Assessment flu. __ 5 __ _ ·• (if more space neeueu, allach description and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby. accepts above terms and conr.11tions and certifies to the correctness herein. Approved by 1\eso Jul ion II ____ _ SIGNED -"Autl10ri zedSl gnalure EXHIBIT.Z (:2 N':) " _____ , ... , ' That portion of the David A. Neely Q nation Land Olslm No. S7 and Sedion 14, Township 22 North, Range 4: east, W.M., In King Count~· W~shington descril>ed u follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner f ~ot 6, City or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Llkea tt ~ Keni DIVision No.4) recol\:led under udltol's nle No. 9B05o70817,records of said county: thenoe : S00'52'S1"W, along the east line o( id Lots, s distance or 418.48 feet to the southeast corner or said ~ Lot e the nee N8i0 01 '31"W, along th outh line or said Lot s. a distance or 1 177.38 reet: to the northerly ~ prolongation Of the 8B!t line Of lot 1. f Aid short plat; thence S00o52'22''W, along Safd east line of lot 7• and :Jiilid: ntnther1y prolongation, ~74. 0 teet to thmsoulhtast comer of said Lot T; thence N89"04'02W, along the south line ot nld Lot 1 an ot4 ot said short plat. 727.30 feet; thence the following 4 courses · srtd distances along the south line o aid Lot4; U1ertce N07°47'54"W 62.92 fett; thtnet S83~54'33"W 70.87 t&i!ti thence S77•14'38"W 103 8 feet· t~en~ S$ij 0 18'50"W 100.75 feet; thence. leaving said south line, N82"40'00"E SJ5.00 feet: t' nee N50"50'00"E 103.00 feet; thence N03°30'00"W 80.00 reef; thence N33°40'00"W ioa.oo teet; th ce N51"20'00"W g.es feet to the north line of sald Lot 4; thence . cot'JtlhUI~g; along tr1e bo.Undary of P el A, city of ken~ Lot Lint Adjustment Nc>. 88-29, recorded under ! Audito.r'$ ~''No. 8811141040, reco of said oounty; thence the fgllowlng 11 courses and distances ' along the boundary of said Parcel A; ence Ns1•2o'oo·w 105.35 feet; thence N74"30'00"W ea.oo feet; · thence 881 '1!'00"W 88.00 feet; the S74 6 55'00''W 135.00 fseli thence Sl3e'30'00"W 125.01 feel; thence S78 1 45'00"W 87.00 teet; the e N86°.25'00"W 80.00 feet; thence N80"30'00"W 51.45 feel; . thence Nse•so·oo·w 223.08 fe&l; th CEI, NS7 4 56'30"W 40.00 feet to till! east right of way margin of S3rd Ave. South (RUsseli Roid), thence N •o3'30"E, along said margin, 762.84 feel to the south right or way. margin of South 228fh street: thence he following 1 courses, along said soutf1 margin, thence sss•27'57"E 42.o.14 teet to a point o angency with a 1, 186 .. 28 foot radius curv1 to the left; thence northeasterly, afo11g said c;iJiVEI, throu h a central ahgle of 21 '19'12", an arc distance of 441.42 feet to a · point of tangency; thence N70"12'51"1 ... 86 .. 82 feet; thence N74"01'42~r= 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'51·E~ .. -'. 358.44 feet; thence Nee·24'00"E 150 31eet; thence N70.12'51"E 279.95 feet to !he east line or Lot 5 or:-· said shott plat; thence S00"52'22"W, · orig said east litie, 577.75 fQet to the north line or Lor 6 or said short plat; thence S89"04'2.2"E, along aid norlh IJne, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ·tl(c.err "th-e + ((o . ~, D-Rs-c.,. PP~. That portion of Lot 1, City :Kent Short Plat No. S (AKA The Lakes at Kent, Division No.4) under auditor's file 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, · · cribed as follows: :ll " ., \1. ), .·. plat, said corner being also being on the south Lot 2, City of Kent Short Plat 95-29 (AKA The Lakes at Kent, Division No. 4) recorded under auditor's file No. 9605070817, records of King County, Washington. 9~133L33.doc; 06/18/96; Pg: 5 0 ~ l/) 0 N N 0 ... ~ ·<n That portion of the David A. Neely D nation Land Clslm No. s; and section 14, Township 2.2 North, Range 4:E.ast, W.M., In King County: Wbhington described u follows: ' ·- BEGINNING at the narthii!ast corner f ~ot e, City or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Likes 1t ' Keni Division No.4) teeoroed under udlto(s file No. 9a05070817,records of said county; Utenoe : soo•s2•s1 "W, along the east line or id Lot 6, a distance of 418.46 feet to the southeast torner or said i Lot 8 thence N8!ii"01'31''W, along th outh line or said lot e. a distance of 1177.38 reel: to the northerly ! prolongation or the east line of Lot 7 r said short plat; thenc6' soo·sz'22"W, along sald eBJt line of Lot 7· and "~id: northerly pro.longation, ~74. 0 teet to ths southeast comsr of said Lot T; thence N89"04'02W, alopg.the south line or said Lot 7 an ot 4 ot said short plat. 727.30 feet; thence the following 4 courses · art~ distances along the sbuth line of aid Lor4; thence N07°.47'54"W 62.92 feet; thtnet SB3.54'33"W 70.87 teirl; thence S77'14'38~w 103 8 fee(; l~ttmc9 S6~"1&'50"W 100.75 feel; then~. leaving said south line, ,Ne2•4o'OO"E SJ5.00 feet: t nee Nso·so·oo~e 103.00 feet; thence N03°30'00"W so.oo reet; thence N33"40'00"W i oa.oo reet; th ce N51"20'00"W e.e5 feet to the north line of .sah1 Lot 4; thence cotrtlill.llng, aiong the boundary of PIJ. el A, city of ken~ Lot Lint Adjustmtnl No. SS-29, recorded under i Auditor'~ f!h~ No. 8811141040, reco of said county; thence the foflcwing 11 courses and dlstanei& ; along the boundary of said Parcel A:' ence N51'20'00"W 105.35 feet: thence N74"30'00"We8.00 feet; · thenge S81'15'00"W ee.Oo feet; the S74"55'00''W 135.00 feeli thence S68'30'00"W 125.01 feel; · thence S78'45'00"W 137.00 feet; the e N86°25'00"W 80.00 feet; thence N80'~0'00'W 81.48 feet; . thence Nse•eo·oo•w 223.08 fett; th ce. Ntl7"56'30"W 40.00 feet to U1e east right of way margin of 53rd Ave. South (FtrJsseli Road), thence "03'30"!, a1on9 said margin, 762.84 feet to the south ri9ht or way margin of Sottth 228th street: then he following 1 courses, along said south margin, thence sss•.27'57"E 42.0.14 teet to a point o angency with a 1,186.28 foot radius curve to the ltft; thence . northeasterly, ~long said <;iJtve, throUgh a central angle of 21'19'12", an ere distance of 441.42 feet to a · poinl qttangency; thince N70'12'51"1 88.82 teet; thence N74'01'42"~ 150.33 feet; thence N70.12'511; 358.44 feet; thence N66"24'00''E 150~3feet; thence N70.12'51"E 279.95 feet to the east line or Lot 5 orf".t ~id sho~ plat; th.,nce S00"62'22."W, llong said east line, 577.75 feel to the north line or Lot 6 or ~<~id short plit; thence SS9"04'22"E, alongflald north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. "£,cc..ePt ~-< ~ Uo'ii!~ j ()-4"S"C..· pp+~ . That port!o~ of Lot 1, City qt1 Kent Short Plat No. St'.U-bl::h"bl (AKA The Lakes at Kent, Dlvrs1on No. 4) recor~rd under auditor's file 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, ~~~escribed as follows: I BEGINNING at the northealt comer of Lot 1 of · plat, said corner being common to Lots 1 and 2 of ~id short plat, said also being on the south r.ight of w~y margin of Soul. !22Bth street; thence N 27'57"W along the north line of sard Lot 1 and said ~~.uth margin, 32.04 feet the east right of way margin of ~3rd Avenue So~~ (Russell Road); the •o3'30"W, along said east margin, 473.67 feet fO re north margin Of 8 I Of land dedicated !0 the City of Kent by deed recorded under auditor's file records of said county, said point belnP,! a non-radial with a 380.00 foot radius curve to the right, the cente~:br which bears 555"18' · thence northeasterly, along said curve and margin through a central 53"14'05" an arc distance of 353.07 feet; theq e N02°04'12"W 88. · thence N's1 "26'52"W 283.23 feet; thence N01"32'' 3"E 85.77 feet to the OF 13EGINNJNG. Pt'JP £J(CEP/ f._6(Z KEAIT f,.O 9'.5-j '? ,&c-.:..# Y~tJs-o ,. l' I ,.1 l L ,. j.r I I. Uo11 E. Wicl\slro11r, I'. E., Director of Public Works HI\ I L TO: PI\OPERTY IWIAGEI·tEIIT llw C,ity of /(ent Celabrntes Its Filst too Yonrs c !TY OF KENT UIG!tiEERIIIG DEPT 220 4111 /\VEIIUE SOUfll KENT, 1-/ASIIItlGTOII 9803 I 1\ TTil: JEHRY IICC/\UGII/\11 CITY OF I<.ENT LID SEGnEGATION CEFITIFICATE ~D..d4-d Requested by:~ ~~k r;t;.[?!!. lJale: ~pt. LllJ II 33() 1\ssess II @ sz.z. · 7 7oa · r $ ~ J?f.e ;1/M: Ck tJ~ 70 3 tJ c/#. M. ;Jt/ M--I %¥: I dl'U.t ,cJ Mzo; ~.~fa~~ fftJij 01·1ner & Address cf) $40.00 HitliiiiUIII F),e Received/ _r.o I 2 f" /19 _'ljp Hece i p t # ..f..J..J..JC> 01mer & llddt·ess 6J hrs at $40.00 per hout· ~ __ less $40.00 fee Total lJue __ _ Tl894 1. Gldd" /? (if ntore spac~ tter:ded, allacli description and refet· to Exhibit "!I") NE\·1 lJESCIU PTlUN Ne~1 Assessment r·lo. ..5'"-3 New /\ssesstnettl !lntl.$ 22-(Z2.0.0 0 c •. J.J. r.(,.,, (If 111ore space needed, allacli descripliott and refer Lu [xliibil "IJ") HCH/\ I Nbm lJESCH I PI I UN i(ent. !lssess111enl llu. (iF more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby. accepts above terms and conditions and certifies to the correctness herein. !lppt·oved by Hesoluliun II ______ _ Signulure EXHlBITl. 'trr~tT ~~'"C''n~r,....,., ... , r..rHvl'"l r:nr-.r· 1 r:tdrt.,1Cr:t111\lr' 1"1/"U:'\Ot::n 'l'ln'l, nnr:nr. 11nt.1C::: ,.,nr.1nr.n 'l'lnt::: 1 r11v, nr.o '1'1'1~ • ~ ' . f/#$11. q . I That porlfon of the Oavlcf A. Neely 0 nation Land Clslm No. S? and section 14, Township Z2 North, Range 4: East, W.M., In King Caunty~ W~shinglan descrii,Jed u follows: ee~INNING at the nortl!~ast corner f ~bt 6, City or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Lakea 11 ~ Kent Division No.4) reeorded under udltor's file No. 9M5o70817,records of said county; thenoe : S00'52'!i"W, along the east line of id Lot 6, a distance of 418.48 feet to the southeast corner of said ! Lot 8 the nee N8i"01'31"W, along th . oulh line or said lot 6, a distance of 1177.38 reel: to the northerly ! prolongation of lh• I!IB!lllne of Lot 1 f fald short plat; thenc& S00"52'22''W, along said BBit line of Lot 7· and ~~tid: northetfy prolongation, ~74: teet lo.the southeast comsr ofsald Lot T; thence NS9"04'02W, along.the south line or uld Lot 7 an . ot 4 ot said short plat. 727.30 feet: thence the following 4 courses · arid dlst~nces along the sbuth line of aid Lot 4; thence No7"47'54"W 62.92 feet; thenct ss3~54·n·w . 70.87 teef; thenoe sn•14'38~w 103 8 teet· t~ertt;t se~"18'50"W 1013.75 feet; thence. leaving said south line, NB2"40'00"E 95.00 feet: I nee N!10"50'00"E 103.00 feet; thence N03"30'00"W 80.00 reef; thence N33"40'00"W 1011.00 reel; th ce Ns1•2o'OO"W e.e5 feet to the north line of sald Lot 4; thence . comlhUing, along the boUndary of Pa el A, city of ken~ Lot Lint Adjushn(lnl Na. BS-29, recorded under ; Auditor'~ ~le No. 8611141040, rect1 ·of said county; thence the following 11 courses and distances ! along the boundary of said Parcel A; ence N51'20'00"W 105.35 feet: thence N74'30'00'W es.oo fe!t; · thencs 981 '1!i'OO"W eiB.OO feet; the S74•ss·oo·w 135.00 fgeli thence S68'30'00"W 125.01 feel; thence S7e•4s•oo"W 87.00 teet; the . ~ N86"25'00"W ao.oo reel; thence N80'30'00"W 61.45 feet; . lhane8 NS6°!0'00"W 223.08 reel; th ce. Na7•56'3o•w 40.00 feet to the easl right or way margin of 53rd Ave. South (Russell Road), thence N "Q3'30"1:, along said maryin, 762.84 reel to the south right orwsy. ma!llln of South 228th street: thence e following 1 courses, along said south me~rgln, thence 688 • .27'57"1: 42.0. i 4 teet to a pofnt 0 ansency with a 1 '1 86.28 foot radius curvtt to the I~ It; thence northeasterly, ~long said c;iJive, til roll ·h a central angle of 21'19'12", an arc distance of 441.42 feet loa : poinl qftangency; the. nee N70'12'l31"t. 89.82 teet; thence N74'01'42''~ 150.23 feet; thence N70"12'51"E~.!-.;. 358.44 feet; thence Nee·24'00"E 150 ~feet; thence N7o·unwE 279.95 feet to the east line orLot S or"" · said Shott plat; thEmca S00'52'22"W, ~orig said east llrie, 577.75 feel to the north line or Lot 6 or lK!id short plat; thenC! sse•o4'22"e, along· aid north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. . . . "£lCupi-~-c + Ho'1\!~ j D~S'<> pp+~. That portion of Lot 1, City fj Kent Short Plat No. ·-95-29 (AJ<A The Lakes at Kent, Division No. 4) recor I. d under auditor's file 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, · ascribed as follows: BEGINNING a! tt1e nortf1e~ 'l comer of Lot 1 of said ~omrnon to Lots 1. and 2 of 1 ~fd short plat, said r.rght of w~y margrn of Sout~.!22Bth street; thence N irne of sard Lot 1 and said q, ,uth margin, 32.04 feet margin of ?3rd Avenue So~ b (RtJssell Road); then east margrn, 473.67 feet to re north margin of a s Clly of Kant by deed recorded under auditor's file said county, safd point belnP,! a non-radial curve to the right, the centeribf which bears S55°18' along said curve and margin' througl1 a central ang distance of 353.07 feet; the~ e N02°04'12"W 88 00 ~ . 283.23 feet; thence N01"32' 3"E. 05.77 feet to the /..OT 2 KEA1r .5'..0 '?.S-.j 9 ,ec-.::.. #" J'C.cJs-o ,, ) !•l :,1 1., ,,, ''I I· t"i :·1 ,, . ~~ .. 'i t ~ hort plat, said corner being also being on the south 27'57"W along the north tt1e east rlght of way .S02.03'3D''W, along said , of land dedicated to the 9605030886, records of with a 380.00 foot radius ; thence northeasterly, 53"14'05", an arc et; thence N61"26'52"W OF BEGINNING. fltt!P G"'ICEPr Lot 5, City of l<ent Short Plat 95-29 (AI<A The Lal<es at l<ent, Division No. 4) recorded under auditor's file No. 9605070817, records of l<ing County, Washington. 9413JLJJ.doc; OG/18/96; Pg: 3 . sa ±L .s ·-·· .. .. illS( . - fi'#Y5'/rte, . f ~­*""'· That portion of the David A. Neely q nation Liind Claim No. S? and section 111, Township 22 North, Range n:ast, W.M., In King County W~shington descrit>ed a& follows: BeGINNING at the rrotlll~ast corner f Lbl 6, Clly ot Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Likes 11 ~ Kent Division No. 4) rec:orded under udltor's file No. 9M5070817,records of said courrty; Utenoe : S00'52'51"W, along the east line of ld Lot 6, a distance or 418.45 feet to the southeast rorner or said ! Lot 8 the net! N8i"01 '31''W, along th . outh line of said Lots, a distance of 1177.39 r~l: to Ute northerty ~ prolongation or the e&!t line of Lot 7 t said short plat; thence S00"52'22''VV, along said a sst line ot Lot 1· and ~~ld: northerly prolongation, 574. 0 teet lo.lht southeast comer ofsald Lot 7; thence NS9"04'02W, along.lhe soiJlh line ot .said Lot 1 an . ot 4 ot said short plat. 727.30 feet; tllence the following 4 courses · arid distances along the sbuth line ot aid Lot 4; lherlce No7"47'54"W 82.92 feet; the net SB3"54'33"W . 70.87 teet; thence sn•14'38~w 103 8 tee~· thence se~·1fr~o"VV 106.7~ feel; lhenCii!, leavin9 said . south line, ,NS2"40'00"E 95.00 feet; t nee N!SO"SO'OO"'E 103.00 reet; thence N03°30'00"W eo.oo feet; . thence N33"40'00"W 108.00 reet; lh Gti N51"20'00"W e.e5 feat to the north line of said Lot 4; !hence . contUilllng, along the boUndary of Ps. el A, city or ken~ Lot Lint Adjustm(!nl No. BS-29, recorded under i Audit.or'~ f!le No. SS11141 040, reco ·of said county;thence the following 11 couiSes ami distances ! along the boundary of said Parcel A; enc:e Ns1•.2o'OO"W 10S.35 reel; thence N74 ·so·oo·w es.oo fe!l; · thence SB1'15'0D"W ea.Oo feet; the S74"55'00''W 135.00 fgeli thanes S68'30'DO"W 125.01 feel; then~ S76 145'00"\\V 87.00 teet; the . e Nse•2S'OO"W ao.oo feet; I hence NS0'30'00"W 61.46 feet; . then~ N56"150'00"W 223.08 reel; th cEi N87•sa·so·W 4o.ao feet to the east right of way margin of 53 ref Ava. South (Rtlsseli ~old), thence N °03 130"1:, aton9 said marvin, 762.84 feel to U1e south right of way. margin of So lith 228th street: thence he' following 1 courses, along said soutr1 margin, thence 58S'.27'57"1: 4.2.0. i 4 teet to S point 0 angency with a 1,186.28 fOOt radiUS CUM! to tha f!ft; thence northeasterly, along said Gi.live, UiroU ·h a central ahgle of 21"19'12",.an arc distance of 441.42 reel to a : point oftangancy; !hence N70"12'51"~· a~.a2 feel; thence N74"01'42''~ 150.~3 feet; thence N70"12'51"E. <...c. 358.44 feet; thence N66"24'00''E 150 ~teet; theitce N7o•12'51"E :279.95 feet lo lhe east line of lot 5 or~ s.ild shoti plat; thence S00"62'22."W, ~orig said east llrie. 577.75 feello the north line of Lot 6 9f S<lid short plat; thenc! S89"04'22"e, along· aid north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. . . -[)Cu~ th-e ---~ Uo~~~ j l).efl> ppf-~ . , That portion ot Lot 1, City fj Kent Short Plat No. -95-29 (AKA The Lakes at Kent, Division No.4) recor 'rd under audltor's rile 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, ascribed as follows: BEGINNING at lf1e northe~ ~~comer of Lot ·t of said:. plat, said corner being common to Lots 1 and 2 of aid short plat, said also being on the south r_ight of w.ay margin of Sout~~-228th street; thence 0 27'57"W along the nortt1 line of sard Lot 1 and said~ ,uth margin, 32.04 feet· the east right of way margin of 53rd Avenue SOLl.~ (Russell Road); lh S02"03'3D"W, along said east margin, 473.67 feel to· 1e north margin of a of land dedicated to t11e City of Kent by deed record d under auditor's file · 9605030886 records of 'd J.!' ' sat county, said point belnMt a non-radiallnterse with a 380.00 foot radius curve to the right, the cenl~(//br which bears S55°1 B' · ; thence northeasterly, along said curve and rnargr~ through a central ang 53"14'05", an arc distance of 353.07 reel; the~: e N02"04'12"W 88.00 et; thence N61"26'52"W 283.23feet; thence N01"32' 3"E_{J5.77 feet to the OF 13EGINNING. f/tiiP £fCEP/ J...O{ Z /('t::#T fP 'j'S"'-.j '1 ,&--c:.. #' f"~cJ!ro PI? ;J~·;:> /lL.JJ cxcc.:.-1' 7' l.tJ T ..f ~'ri mt'.,l' _}/' : r:-? 7 ''I '·'1 ,, ., ,, -<' Oo11 E Wicl<slrolll, I'.E., Uireclor ol Public Works 1·1/\l L TO: PHOPEHTY 11/\llAGEI·1EIIT 1/roCi/yof/((!tr(CeleiJwtesltsriiSI IUO\'rWIS Cl'l'! or KEIH EllG!IlEEIUIIG DEPT 220 4111 /\VEIIUE SOUIII KENT, l·IASII !riG TOll 98031 f\1 Ill: JEIWY IICC/\UGII!\11 CITY OF I<ENT LID SEGF\EGATION Ct.:nTIFICATE &c--V~ d HelJUested by:~ ~aA'k J:/'f:. D~Le: ~r,;}rt LID II 330 1\ssess II @8t.z.-??oo · // Olmer & /\ddt·ess (j) OHICIN/\L lJESCitll'llON -%" J?/.e 11/M: ~ tJ~ 70.3tJ c/f.d#. dWM.r-. ~ ZDI fd/.!b,~ ib f!oJJ (ir more space 11eeded, aLLaclt destxipLiun and refer to Exhibit "A") 01·1ner & Address @ $40.00 1-iilli!IIUIII Fee lleceived ~/ ))flg_fl:, Hece i p t # .J.:L.:l.JO 01mer & Address 6J hrs at $40.00 per hour~ __ 1 ess $40.00 fee Total Due __ _ T1894 NEl-l UESCIU I'T ION New /\ssessmenL llu. .5""-if- New /\ssessntenl 1\tnL.$ 32 7 18,!»wA, .. ,;, c. f,ud (II' 111ure space needed, aLLaclt desct·ipLiun and refer Lu Exhibil "lJ") HEM/\ I NbEH. DESCIU PilON Item. Assessment llu. (if 111ore space needed, attach descripl ion and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned here by. accepts above ter111s and cond 1t ions a nil certifies to the correctness herein. /\ppruved by ltesulution 1/ -----· SIGNED Alitli"ilr'i zedSl gna ture EXHIBIT !:f. ' ' ' ' ·---'' -• ·-'•' • ~ • ''' ·~ ·• -• ' --~ --~--~ • -• '-~" ,..,... ..,,, ,,... '"'"~',., ,.,.. ,... ...,,.. •• • .-.. ,..,,... •• • o-or-..• ,,... ''"'"'"' nr" ..,...,,1!'" t r-" v • I"~,.. -., .. A 0 ~ 1n 0 N N 0 .... ~ (1J 0 h ii ;t $1 r( ( i(( 0\• per les rot Tl8 ~/11$/T. q --·· I Tltat portion of the David A. Neely Q ndilon Land Clslrn Nc:1. 37 and section 111. 1 uwnstlip 22 North. Range 4: East, W.M., In King County W~shinglon dest:ri!Jed ~s !ollowe: BEGINNING at the nodh~asi co111er f Lbt 6, City or kent Shod Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Llke5 at : Kent Olvislon t~o. 4) recoti1ed under udllor's flle No. 9605o70017,records of said county; Ut!nce : S00'52'~1"W, along the east line o( ld Lot 6, a distance of 416.46 reet to Ute southeast tl:lrner or said ! Lot e the net! Ns;•o1'31"W, along th .. oulh line of said Lola, a distance or 1177.38 r~X~I; lo Ute northerly ~ prolongaUou or the ee!lllna of Lol7 · r said shorl plat; thence soo·s2'22"W, along said eut line of Lot 7· and :sMid: northerly prolori~atiort, ~74. d teet lo_lhat southeasl comi!lr or sald Lot 7; tltence Nas•Q4'0ZW, along .Ute solJUtllne ot ~aid Lot 7 an ot 4 ot said s11ort plat. 727.30 re~t; tt1ence tt1e following 4 cournss arid distances elong the sbuth line ot aid Lot 4; lherlce No7•47'54"W e2.g2 feet; the net SB3"54'33"W . 70.e7 teet; thence 877"14'38'W 103 a teet· t~ell!;ii se~·is·~trW 1013.75 feel; thence, leaving said south line, _N82•40'00"E 95.UO feet: I nee N50"SO'OO"i:: 103.00 feet; thence N03"30'00"W BO.OO reel; thence N33"40'00"W 108.00 reel; th G~ N5·t"2D'OO"W 9.85 real to the north lfrte of .9altf Lot 4; UH!nce . cofrtlhlllng, along I he boUndary of P~. el A; city ot l<;en~ Lot Llntt AdjusLnttnl No. 88-29, recordeil under i Audilo_r'~ f!l~ No. ssi 1141040, ~cor . ot said county; thence the following 11 COUISes arxJ dlsiances i along the boundary of iald Parcel A; lance N51 °20'00"W 105.35 reel; thence N74 ·so·oo·w es.oo feet; lhencs S81 °1!i'OO"W ee.Oo feel; the S74•5S'OD''W 135.00 fgel; thence S55'30'00"W 125.01 feel; thence S78 145'00"W 87.00 teet; tliet . e N86°25'0tJ"W 80.00 feel; thence N80'30'00"VV 61.46 feel; . !.hence NS6°6d•oo·~ 223.os re&t; th cei_ Na7•sa·3o·w 4o.oo reet tu tlw east riyht of way margin of 53rd Ave. Solllh (Rtlssell ~oid), thence N "Q3 130"I:, along said margin, 762.84 feel to U1e south right or way. rnargl_n of South 228Ht street: thence he following 1 courses, along said soutr1 rnargln, thence 688"27'.57"!: 42.0.14 tee I to a point o angency with a 1, 166 .. 28 foot radius curvl! to the l~rt; thence_ rrurtheaslerly, along seld GUive, tllro h a central ahgle of 21.19'12", an arc di&lance of 441.42 feetlo;] : point ortangency; thence N70"12'51 11~ 86.82 feet; thence N74"01'42''!: 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'51·E . 358_.4-4 feet; thence N66·24 ·ou··~: 15d~p feet; tr1chc.:e N7o•t2'51'"E 279.95 feet to tile e est tine or Lot 5 of~~ said shott pial; thencB 900"52'22"W, ~-011g .said !:last fine, 577.75 fe9L to ll1e north line or Lot 6 .or ~ld shorl plat; thence ~S9"04'21"E, elong~teld norlh line, 1,177.441eet to the POIN r OF BEGINNING. . {J(eepi-i~-.: ,...~ Uo~~~ j ().e5'l> pp-/~ . That port!o~ of Lot 1, City qfj Kent Short Plat No. ·-95-29 (AI<A The Lakes at Kent, DiviSion No. 4) rscor [d under auditor's file . 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, · escrilled as follows: . J· jl BEGINNING at tf1e nortllei'jl ~comer of Lot ·1 of said r t plat. said corner being cornrnon to Lots 1 :3nd 2 of 1 aid st1ort plat, said cor also being on the soul11 "27'57"W along the norlt1 line of said Lot 1 '.311d said ~ ·'uth margin, 32.04 feet· 1t1e east rlgflt of way rnargin of 53rd !'.venue SOL{~' (Russell Road); 02.03'30''W, along said east margin, 47 3.67 feel to· 1e north margin of a of land dedicated Ia U1e Clly or l<ent by deed record J under auditor's rile · 9605030886, records of said county, S'.ild point !Jeln@.l a non-radial Inters with a 380.00 fool radius curve lo the r 1ght, the cent~r!1of which bears S55° ·IS' "E; thence northeasterly, along said c Jrve and rnargu::t through a central ang 53•1 4'05", an arc distance or .353.07 feet; tlla,J· ,e N02°04'12"W 88.00 el; thence NG1"26'52"W 283.23 fee.; ther1ce N01 "32''' 3"E 05.77 feet to 1t1e P NT OF 13EGINNING. !1tJP ,q;<cEP I f_.O{ z /JI :,.v r f ,..0 77.5-j " -,8cc.. # J'~C)s-o ()PI 1 ;1-<-•.t? ,.q.t..; () E><C c: f> r (, . 0 ~ in 0 N ~~ 0 ~ :,cJ a) I t e rl p 3 s; sf -LotS, City of l<ent Short Plat 95-29 (AI<A The Lakes at l<ent, Division No. 4) recorded under auditor's file No. 9605070817, records of l<ing County, Washington. c . . ~li/$ II~ t ._ . ... . . I I . Tftal ~orUon of the DavlrJ A. l~ul?ly Q ndtlon L£1nd Ololrtl Nu. 37 rHit1 Sl'clirHr It!, lowrr£flip 22 Nurlh, Rang~ 4: Easl, W.M., In l~fniJ cuunty: W~sliir19lun t!csc1ibed ~~~follows: 8eGltmiNG at the nudl1aas! cuwer f Lut 6, City or kent Shod Plut No. SPG-95-29 (AKA The Like& II ! Keni lJiv!slufl t~o. 4) tecQided under udllor's flle No. 96050700 l7,recards of said county; U11!11ce ! S00'52'S1"W, slong the e~st line of id Lot G, !I dls!artc:e of 41S.461ee! to Ute southeast corner of :~aid i Lot 6 thoncd Nlli0 01':31"W, along !h '• ol!lh line ot s;iid Lot G, ;t dist<liiCt! ur 1177.38 rgel; loUt~ northerly . prolongaUorl of lbw e!J!llltuj t.lr Lot 7' t ltald slwd pill!; thence StJU"52'22'W, !llung sold esst 11119 or lol7· and :3Hid rwrtlrctfy f.nolurluatlon, ei14. d feel to Ill$ south&ast corni!lr ofsalcJ Lot 7; tltence N89'04'D2W, along !Ita sotJU1 line ot tald Lot 7 au ot 4 ot !!aid sllott plu!. 727.30 reet; t11ence \ftc following 4 courMs arid diahmcaa lllong the sbuth line of aid Lot 4; lhcrlcu No7"47'54"W 62.g2 fetl; tll!nct S03"54'33"W 70.t!7 teel; l~en~a 877"14'38''W 103 a teet; ti.tb!lt;i1 s~~·hr~t.l"W 106:75 reel; tile/Ice. ieavin\l saiJ souUtlille, N82"40'00"t: $15.00 teC!t; ~·nee l~so·so·oo·r: ·lo:uo feet thence N03"3o·oo·w ao.oo feel; ltlen~ N~3·4o·Oo"W loa.ou teet; ~h ~e N!W20'00"W 9.65 rsi3t tu tire rrorllllfne or !lnlu Lot IS; tJwnu.> . corrtlltlli~Jg, along tr1e bo.Und!i1ry ofl='a el, A; city ot l<en~ Lot Lintt Adjuslm~nt No. 013-29, recor~ed undr:r ' Audilo.r~ f!l~ t~O. 881114 i 040, t-eCOI or Said COUIJiy; tiJertce I/Jt! follt.JWirty 11 COUISeS Bfl~ UIBI BIICSS ! alonij the boundary or said I'SJcel A; 1911C~ N61°20'00"W 105.35 r~et; tlreur.;e N74"30'00'W ee.oo feet; . thence SSt '1S'OO"W ele.bo feel; the c S74oss·oo··w ·135.00 f~el; llwnce S6S'30'tXJ"W 125.01 feel; . UJence S78 1 ~~·oo·w 87.00 t~el; itier ·e N86":25'UU"W !ltJ.UU feet; lhetlt:e N80'30'0t.J"W 61.46 reel; . !hence N56"150'00"W 223.08 re~t; lh ca N87"S6':3U"W 4o.oo feBl tu llru t!:lslriylll of way lltdrgln or S:3rd Ave. Sol.llh ~RUsseli ~oad), tlleJ1c~ N · "Q3 1jo"l:1 along said margin, 702.84 feel to Ute south right of way tria!~ hi of South 228111 street: !heli~ lte rollowlll!J 7 eo lases, Hlorr!J snlrJ suutiJ rmn~:~in, thence saa•.2t57"1! 42,0. 14 leal to a polnl 0 iiltl{HlllCY with a ·I I 106.,20 foot radlu!i curv! to tho l~fl; thence rrorllreasterly, t!IOII$1 a aid GUtve, tllro ·h a oelltral altule or 21 '19'12",. all arc distance or 441.~ 2 itwi to a • poinl otfangt!Jlcy; lhetJ~ N70°12'5i II .· a6.82 teet; !lienee N7 4 '01'42"1: 150.33 feel; tlll?IICC N7U"1Z'S f'E . 35a,.H tee!; thence Nes·.z<i·ou··t.: ·t 5tJ~i: 3 hid; titellc.:e N7W 12'51 "E 279.95 reat lo tits east line or Lot 5 of~~ said sho~l pial; thane!! sod•S2'22"W, ~~:oJI~J s.giJ ens I lint!, 577.75 I eel to the norlh llr!e of Lot 6 ~~ .s<1i<l sllorl pial; I benet! ~M"04'22"E, olong~ald norlh line, l ,177.411ecl !o llw PO IN 1 Ol· l3EGINNING. [J( ce p-I-·t ~ <= --~ U o ~~ ;, j l>f'H_... p pi :J . That pori!o~l of Lot 1, City f.jl\ent Sltorl Plat No. ·-95-29 (AI<A The Lakes af l<enl, DIYISIOil No. 4) racor rd under aud/lor's rile . 9G0507U817, records of l<lng County, Washlnytot1, /escri!Jed 8S follows: BEGINNII~G atti1e nurtho~ ~ coltter of Lot ·1 of said ~ammon to lots ~ <Jnd 2 of', ~ld shor~ plat, said cor rrght of way rnargrr 1 or Sout.~·I22Bih slreel; thence N line of said Lot 1 !Jild said ri, ~uth rnargin, 32.04 feet· rrrargl11 or _53rd /\venue SoLI~, I (f~usselll~oad); lh east rnarg1n, 473.67 feet to· 1e north rnargin of a st Clly ot !<ant by deed record d under auditor's rile N said county, 5 1 .:lid point baln~'l a norHadial/n!etseoli curve lo the r',ghl, tim cell IE! l'ar which beflrs 855° ·Is' along ssld c·Jrve and tnargir1' throuoh a cent tal an(J cJislsnce or 353.07 reel; theii .e i~o2oo,l'·I2"W 88.00 283.23 fee 1.; theJlce NO 1"32' · 3"l: 05.77 feet to tl1e fJ . L-or z /ft?;.vr ..>.P '?.S-1 · ~-.:. p<-r~os-rp"'"l ,, , .. LoT .f-,.-,.; m-<':1 .J/' ' .r:-z; ~·!? '15-21 . ; I hor t plat, snitl corner beirrg also being orr the sou!l1 7'57"W alo11Q !he north lite east right or way S02"03'30''W, nlo11g said ·of l;:md dedicated to lite 9B0503088G, records of with <1 380. tJO foot radius ; tlte11ca norllteasferly, 53•1Lf'U5", a11 ore · tire nee NG I "26'52"W 1' OF BEGINNING. p,oJP FJ(CEP/ Uu11 E. Wickslror11, I'.E., Uireclor ul Public Works 1·1/\l L TO: PHOPEIHY t1AtlAGEt1EtiT llro City ot /(ent Colevwtes Its Filst too Ye.11s c II y OF KEIH EHG JIIEEHIIIG UEPT 220 4111 1\VEIIUE SOUlll KEIH, HAS II !IIGTOil 9803 I ATHI: J[IUlY I·ICCAUGIINI CITY OF I(ENT LID SEGiiEGATION CEiiTIFICATE ~LV.d4..-d 1\etjuested by:~ ;,L-'~4 oC,l.'i!. lJale: ~r-~ LIIJ II 33() 1\ssess II 6 sz.z .. '?loa · 01mer & Aud1·ess (j) OHIGINI\L UES,CIUI'IIUN Jh" J?/.c !liM:~ tJ~ 7fo ,J o cl/f. M. MM. r- M zo/ fd~ .&~ iJ« fife}]] 01·111er & 1\uuress rf) $4 0 . 00 1·1 i 11 i II!UI!I I e_.e Hece i ved/ _'=>I J.>;tg...f!p neceipt # ...f1.J.JO 01mer & 1\Jdt·ess (j) ht·s at $40.00 per hour~ __ less $40.00 fee Tolal Uue __ _ T1894 {ifn1ore space nec;Jeu, illlilcli description and refer to Exhibit"/\") NEH lJESCIU PTI ON Nevi llssessl!lenl No. s--.S- New llssesSIII!.'Ill !Incl.$ 18, (?3'1. ob LAP"1t 1f~,J (Jr I!IOt'e space needed, allach uesc1·ipliu11 a11u refe1· lo [xhiiJil "ll") HE Mil I NUEH UESCI(! I'T ION i(el!l. /\ssessl!lelll llo. (if 111ore space neeJeJ, attach Jescriplion and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby accepts above tenus and conultlons and certifies to the correctness herein. /\pproveu by i(eso rut i Oil II ------ SIGNED AU11iarlzed S1gnature EXHIBIT£ (~J-~./ ~<' "-"f.,,, . .... That portion of the OavlcJ A. Neely . nation Land Claim No. ~; and section 111. 1 own~hip 22 North, Range 4:East, W.M., In King Count Washington described ai follows: BeGINNING at the north~:~ast comer 1 f Lot e. City or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Lakes 11 ! Kent Division No. 4) teeoroed under udltor's file No. 9GOS070817,recorns of said county; thl!!noe ! S00'52'51"W, along the eest line of id Lot 6, a distance of 418.48 feet to the southeast corner of said ! Lot e thence N8i0 01'31''W, along th outh line or said lot 6, a distance or 1177.38 riel: to the northerly · prolongation or the ea21t line of Lot 7.· r 'aid short plat; thence S00"5Z'22''W, along safd east line of Let 7· and :sl!!id mnthet1y prolongation, !174. 0 teet to ths southeast comer of said Lot 7; thence NS9""''02W, arorg.the south line ot $aid Lot 1 an , ot 4 ot said short plat. 727.30 feet; tt1ence the following 4 rourses arid distances along the south line o aid Lot 4; thence N07"47'54"W 62.Sl2 feet; thence SS3°54'33"W 70.e7 teeti thence S77•14'38~W 103 . 8 feet; thenr;!l sea"15'5tJ"W 1013.75feeli thence. leaving S<li<l south line, ,Ni32"40'00"E 515.00 feet: t. ·nee Nso·so·oo·E 103.00 feet; thence N03"30'00"W eo.oo reet; thence N33"40'00"W ~ OS.OO feet; th ce N51"20'00"W 9.e5 feet to the north line of said Lot 4; thence cofrtlitlJing, aiong the boUndary ofF's el A, city or ken~ Lot Lint Adjustm<tnl No. 88-29, recorded under i Auditor'~ f!le No. 8811141040, reco or said countri thence lhe following 11 cou1ses and dislanes11 i along the boundary of said Parcel A:· ence N51.20'00"W 105.35 feet; thenc;e N74"30'00"W es.oo feet; · then~ S81'1!'00"W ee.Oo feet; then S74 6 55'0tr'W 135.00 frtel; thence Sf56'30'00'W 125.01 feel; · then~ S76•45'00"\\V 87.00 teet; tllerl e N88°25'00"W 80.00 feet; thence N80'30'00"VV 51 .49;,feet; . thence Nse•eo•oo·~ 223.08 feet; th . ce. NS7 6 56'30'W 4o.oo feet tu Uw easl rig hi of way margin of S3rd Ave. South (Rusnll Roid), thence N, . 0 Q3'30"1:, along said margin, 762.84 feel to the south right or way margin of So lith 228th Street: thence e following 1 L"(.)tuses, along said soutll matgln, thence S8B"27'57"E 42,0.14 teet to a point of ngency with a 1,186.28 foot radius curve to the lert; thence norlheaslerly, ~long seld GiJive, tflroU i central angle of 21'19'12", an arc distanc;e of 441.42 feet to a : point of tangency; thence N70"12'51"~SS.S2 teet; thence N74"01'42''1: 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'51"E :358 . .44 feet; thence Nes·~4'00''E 150 3feet; thei1ce N7o•12'51 "E 279.95 feet to tt1e east rlne or LotS or~ said shoJi plat; thence S00'52'22"W, · ong said ust line, 577.75 feel to the north line or lor 6 ~r said short plat; thence SS9"04'22"~. along aid north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. _ [~eepl-·(h~e r-~ Uo~J~~' j l>f7n> PF{:J. t;J lllal porl!o~1 of Lot 1, Cily q{j l<elll Sl10rt Plat No. SP1 ~-95-28 (AI\.A Tile Lakes ul l<enf, DlvJSrotl No. tl) racorl. fd under Rud/!or's fllo Ny. 9005070817, rrocorcfs of f<lng County, Wasl1lngtotr, 1 {escriiJed 85 follows: 1.1 BEGINNIUG of tf10 nodlw<jll~ coJtlcir ol Loll of Sclic.l ./1o.rt plat, snicJ corner being r~ormnon to Lots 1 und 2 of 1 ?ld short pit:t!, said cor . ai!Jo belr 1[] on the sou! I r rrght of way rnargiJ 1 of Sout~·i22BII1 sll·eat; thence 7'57"W nlor 1g I he norlf1 line of said Lo! I Hnd said q, ~uth trJ8r(lin, 32.04 feet· ll1e east right of way east rnargill, 47 3.67 feet to· 1e 11orllr 111mgin of~~ sl of I;:H rtl dedicnlecJ lo II 1e rrrargin of 53rcl !'.venue Sou~,1 (fZussellli.oad); ther 02'03'3U"W, olong said Clly of l<enf by deed recot d d under audi1or's rile N · 9GO!.i0308BG records or said courrty, srJid pol11t lJeln~'/ a 1101.1 t tJdiallnter secli wit/1 <1 300.00 rool radius curve !o the ~',gh!, !he cet1le lor w/llch bems sss~·lf:l' "E; Ure11ca norllreaslerly, along said c·Jrve er1d tnorg;·,' thtounlr t1 ce11lral t:1t1~ 53"·1,1'05", an urc clis(Bnce or .353.07 feel; thai~ .e i~02°0•l'·I2"W B8.DO . tiJollCe NG I"2G'52"W 283.23 feer; fhe11ce NOI"32:C3"1.: U5.77 feet lo tile P l OF I:JEGINNING. !lrVP GfCEPr tor z /('t:-,vr ..5"1'7 ps-. 1. ,.&-c.#" r~os-CT'l. .. .. . . .. , L_() T J-,,-~ >Ci-l:/ 5/' : .r:-ZJ acc-pr LOT ? _r,() sr;l .)·? '15-21 . ; ''I ;;/ ., .,, I i I i I Lot 7 Legal Dcscriplioll That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in l<ing County Washington, described <JS follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 2, City of l<enl Short Plat No. 8706041575; thence N00"52'22"E, along the west right-of-way margin of Lakeside Boulevard East, 351.89 feet to a point or tangency with a 270.00 foot radius curve to the lert; thence northwesterly, leaving said right-of-way and along said curve, through a central angle of 43°25'30", an arc distance or 204.65 feet to a point of tangency; thence N42°33'16"W 127.50 feet to a point of tangency with a 370.00 foot rmJius curve to the lcfl; thence northwesterly, along said curve, through a central angel of 46°30'00", an arc distance of 300.28 feel; thence sooo56'4t1"W 202.0G feet; thence S03"t13'14"W 64.25 feet; thence S51"41'30"W 135.96 feet; thence S00°26'00"W 104.50 feet; thence S33°3t1'30"E 89.62 feet; thence S00°55'58"W 190.81 feet to the north line of said Lot 2; thence S89°04'02"E, along said north line, 5t17.30 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 351,317 1 square feet (U.OG5H <Jeres). 94133L22.doc; OJ/07/96; Pg: 1 \ i: ;;_-v 1/ //? /7~ /c-/1 lr :,u 11 ! c Till>~~ portion of thlil Oavld A. Neely D. nation Lrmd Olslm No. s; and section 14, 1 uwn~llip 22 NorHl, Range 4: E:as!, W.M., In King Count Washing I on dest:ri!Jetl ai follows: BEGINNING at !he mnHrl'!ast comer f lot 6, Clly or Kent Short Pial No_ SPC-95-29 (AKA 1he Like& 11 ! Kent Division No.4) tecoroed under udUor's file No. 9605070817,records of said county; lh!n~ : SOO'.'J2'51"W, along the east line or id Lot 6, a uistance or 418.46 reel to the southeasi corner of said : Lot 6 thence N8;"01'31''W, aiong th . oulh line ot said lot 13, a distarrw or 1177.38 f8el; to the northerly · prolongation or the ea.!ttllnEJ ot Lot 7 r 3ald shorl plat; thenc"' SOU"52'2ZW, along said east line of lot 7· and :!~id twitherly prolotlgatlon, ei74. 0 tee! to lhs southeast comi!ir of said Lot 7; ttlence NS9.04'02W, ai?P9.1he south line ot !Bid Lot 7 an< ot .4 ot sald short plat. 727.30 feet; ltJence the following 4 courses and distances along the s&ltth line o aid Lot 4; thence No7"47'54"W 62.92 fet!; the net SS3"54'3J"W 70.87 teet; 1henoe S77•14'38"W 103·. 8 fe~(i thenr;' SS~"1l''~Q"W 10e.75feet; thence. leaving said souU1Iine, NS2"40'00"E 95.00 reet; t · nee N!O"SO'OO"E 103.00 feel; thenct N03"30'00"W eo.oo reef; thence N33"40'00"W ·loa.oo feet; th ce N51"2D'OO"W e.e5 reel to Ute north line of said Lot4; thence . cor1Ui11Jing; aiorig the boUndary or F'8 el A; city of kent Lol Lfne Adjuslmt!nt No. S8-2P, reCQrded under i Auditor'~ f!l~ No. 8811141040, reco of said counfy; thence the following 11 coU/ses and distances ; Ji!long the ~oundary of said Parcel A;. 1e11ce N51'20'00"W 105.35 feet: tlrence N74'30'00'W ea.oo feet; · thence S81 'i!'OO"W e~.bo feet; then S74"55:oo·w 135.00 reel; thence S65'30'00"W 125.01 f~l; then~ S7e·~~·oo"W 87.00 teet; tllerl N8El"25'UO"W au.uu reet; 111e11ce N80'30'00"W 61.46 reel; . thence N!!e~!O'OO"~ 223.013 re~t; th ce, N87•56'3D"W 40.00 feettu Um gas! rig It! of way margin or S3rd Ave. aouth (Rllssell ~oad), thence N. •03'30"1:, along said margin, 762.84 reel to the south right or way margin ar Sot.tth 228111 Street: thelice Je.followlng 1 c.:otuses, along said soutr1 margin, thence 588"27'57"£: 42o.i4 teet to a point or ngency with a 1 '1 86.28 fool radius curv! loth~ l~fl; thence northeasterly, along said c;iJtve~, tltroll J a central ahgle of 21'1 9'12", an arc distance or 441.42 feellu a • point ot tangency; lh8hce N70°12'S1''1 86.82 feet; thence N74 •o1 '42''~ 150.33 feet; !hence N70"1Z'S 1"E 358_.44 feet; thence N66"24'00''E 150 . ~feet; trteilce N70.12'51"E 279.95 feet !o !lle eas!llne of lot 5 of~ ~ld shoti pie~!; thenca S00"52'22"W,. ollg said ti!ast line, 577.75 feet to the nortll line of Lo16 !Jf said short plat; thence SS9"04'22"E, along aid north line, 1, 177_44 foe! to the POINT OF BEGINNING. _t}(<A(JI~ ·!L-c -{bUo:·:.-.j ()en> P(J(:J.' ll1al purl/on of Loll, Cily l\ettl S/10rt P/Ell No. S -95-2~! (AI\J\ l/18 lolws al l<enl, tJivision No. tl) · ' d under mtdHor's r11o . 8GUG07UU I 7, r ucor ds uf l<lng CoUrtly, Wasl1lrryto11, scri/Jsd FJS follows: BEGINNING al tf10 nurllw hurl p/al, soill corner br.i11g coJtliiJon fo Lots ·1 und 2 ld slrorl pial, salc.J cou a/rJO be/rru on !lm soul/ r r ighl of WrJy 11 targir 1 of Sol.J · U 1 sli·eel; lhetJce 7'57"W olor rg I he nor! I r line of said Loll !Jfld said h 1narui11, 32.0tl reef ' ll1e oasl rluhl of way 111orgin of G31cl /'.vorruo ',1 (/Wsse/ll{oad); llror CJ2"DJ'JlJ''W, ulong :;<~iJ easi/JJaryill, 47J07Ieellu · e norlh IJHJr!)ill of cl s of lamJ clt~dicoled lo llw City or l<enf by c/eed /8CO/ under t:tUdilur's rile N 90050308lJG rucorcls of said county, st.:J/d pultJI be 1 tt/JoiJ rmJiL~IIn!e/secli wil/1 u 313D.UU fool rodius CUrve lu the t!gh/, !he celll · w/1/ci11Jems 805~·/[J' 1 "E; 1/JoiJCU ltorl/reosierly, alo11g seld cJrve Gild 1110 throuulr tt cerllr·<Jl r:111(/l r 53°H'U5". 811 me dislonce or .353.07 feel; !lr i~o2•o,I'I2"W Bi:J.DO . I; !lames NG I 0 2G'52"W 283.23 feer.; llrerrce 1~01"3 · "~ l35.77 ft~et lo ll1e P Nr UF Ut:G/NNING. r7t~JP E;(c~c:,or L_CJTZ /1'·,~-;t;r 5'P pJ-· · #-Y~oso· <JJ'I? ;'l:-i';7 /1/Ju EXCCI"'/ .c.. or ? __r,{) sr;i _;-.f? '1.5-z 1 Lot 7 Legal Description That portion of the southwest qwarter of Section 14, Township 22 North, Rsnge 4 East, W.M., in l<ing Cot111ty W8sl1ington, described CJS follows: Beginning at tile noJlllcCJst corner of Lot 2, City of l<ent Sholl Plat No. 8706041575; thence N00"52'22"E, CJiong the west right-of-way mmgin of Lakeside Doulevard East, 351.89 feet to a point of tangency with a 270.00 foot radius curve to the loft; thence northwesterly, leCJvinfJ said right-of-way and along said curve, through 8 central angle of <13°25'30", an arc distance of 20<1.65 feel to a point of tangency; thence Ntl2°33'16"W 127.50 feet to a point of tangency with 8 370.00 fool rrHlius curve to the left; thence no1li1westerly, 8\ong said curve, through a central angel of 46"30'00", an arc distance of 300.20 feet; thence S00°56'tltl"W 202.06 feet; thence S03°tl3'1 tl"W 6<1.25 feel; thence S51ot11'30"W 135.96 feel; thence S00"26'00"W "113<1.50 feel; thence S33"3tl'30"E 89.62 feet; thence S00"55'58"W 190.81 feet to the north line of said Lot 2; thence S89°04'02"E, along said north line, 547.30 feet to the Point of Beginning. 9413JL22.doc; 0)/07/96; Pg: I Uo11 E. Wicl1slro11r, P.E., UirGclor ol Public Works 11/\IL 10: PHOPEinY 11/\tlAGHlEIII lire Crty utt(ellt Colobrotes Its nrst too rears Cl 1 y OF KEIIT EIIGIIIEEIUIIG DEPT 220 4111 /\VCIIUE SOUIII KUH, \·1/\SIIJIIGTOII 98031 /\1111: J[I\HY IICC/\UGIIi\11 CITY OF KENT LID SEGFlEGATION CEiiTIFICATE &:c.-til..d.ev d 1\equesled !Jy:~ ~~84.. ,r,t.'!!. Uate: t;A1./f"C LllJ II 330 /\ssess II e az.z. ·??oo /' 01·111e1· & /\ddres s (/) $e" .!?ole /1/M: ~ tJ~ 70 3 tJ c/1: dJA. ;it/ M Mzo/ ~~fa,~ j)« f!()]J 0\'lller & 1\c.hlress rf) UHIGINIIL !JESCIUI'IION (if 111on~ spJce ne1~ded, aLLJch desct·ipLion and t·efet· lo Exllibit NHI OESCIU I'll ON Ne~1 1\s ses SHiell L No. .5"-~ l·le1·1 1\sseSSIIII:~nL /\111L. $ / i 'i9 =? .lfO rv>·'1u'!"' II{\ 11 ) { . .''•' $40.00 l·liniiiiUIII F)-e Hece i ved / _~<>I J.); 19_!l!p 1\ece ipl # ..i.1.J.JO (H 11101'1! space needed, aLLach description and refer lo Exhibit "U") hrs at $40.00 per hour-1, __ less $40.00 fee Total !Jue __ _ Tl894 H[H/\IN!J[I\ llESCIUI'IION 1\em. /\ssessme11l tlo. ( i r more space needed, a L tad description and refer Lo Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby accep ls a !Jove tenus and cond 1t ions an(! certifies to the correctness herein. Approved !Jy 1\eso lu Lion II SIGNED -11-utllori zedSi gna ture EXHIBIT.i 220 4ih AVE. SO., I KENT. WAS/liNG ION 90032 5895/ ENGINE[IliNG 1206)859 3303/ OI'FIIAJIONS (20G)B59 3395 I rAX • 859 3334 p H EJ'II /!}IT 11 That portion of the David A. Neely Donation Land Claim No. Si' and section 14, 1 uwnship 22 North, Range 4: East, W.M., In King County, Washington described ~i follows: BEGINNING at the notth~:~ast corner of Lot 6, City or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Likes 11 • Kent Division No. 4) teeoroed under Audllor'.s file No. 9605o70817,records of said county: lhtnoe i S00'52'51"W, along the east line of said Lol6, a distance of 418,45 feet to the southeast corner of said ! Lot 6 thence N8i"01'31•W, along the .south line of said lot G, a distance or 1177.38 feel: to the northerly ' prolongation orth• eut line ot I.Qt 1 of said short plat; thence S00"52.'22"W, along safd east line of Lot 7· and $l!lid. ttQrlherly prolongation, ~74.0() teet to ths southeast comsr of said Lot T; thence NS9"04'02W, along the south line or uld Lot 1 and lot 4 of said short plat. 727.30 feet; ttJence the following 4 coums and distances along the south line of said Lot 4; thence No7•47'54"W 62.92 fltti the net SB3°54'33"W 70.87 teet; thence S77•14'38~w 103.28 feet; then~ seS"1&'50"W 100.75 feet; thenCE!, leaving said SQUth line, N82"40'00"1: 85.00 reet: thence N50"50'00"E 103.00 feet; thence N03"30'00"W eo.oo feet; thence N33"40'00"W 108.00 feet; thertce N51"20'00"W e.es feet to the north line of said Lot4; thence . cotrtmurng, along the boUndary of Pereel A, cit)' of Ken~ Lot Line Adju.strn!nt Ne1. SS-29, recorded under i Auditor'~ f!IJJ No. 8911141040, records of said county; thence the following 11 courses and distances ; ~tong the boundary cf sa!d Parcel A; thence N51'20'00"W 10S.35 feet; thence N74"30'00'W es.oo feet; · thence 881 '1!'00"W SS.OO feet; thence S74°S5'0b"W 135.00 feeli thence S5e'30'00"W 125.01 f~l; · thence S?e•.t5'00"\tv 87.00 teet; therlbe N86°25'00"W 80.00 feet; thence NS0'30'00"W 61.46 feel; . . thence N.56°!0'00°W 223.08 re~t; th~nce N.S7"56'30'W 40.00 feet to Um east right of way margin of 53rd Ave. South (RUsull Roid), thence N02"03'30"E, along said margin, 762.84 feet to the south right or way. margin of South 228th Street: thence the following 1 courses, along said soutr1 margin, thence sse•27'57"E 4.20.14 teet to a point of tangency with a 1,1 BB.28 foot radius curvt to th& left; thence northeasterly, along said curve, through a ~ntral angle of 21'19'12", an arc distance of 441.42 feet to a · point qftangency; tl\ance N70"12'51"E 86.82 feet; thence N74"01'42''~ 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'51"E .. 358.44 feet; thence N66"24'00"E 150.331eet; thence N70.12'51 "E 279.95 feet to the east line or LotS or~ said short plat; thence 900'52'22-"W, along said east lirie. 577.75 feet to the north line or Lol 6 or pid short plat; thence sse•o4'22"E, along said north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. l!r.l tr: U? e 1--·tL-o: -{~ u o . ;, J ()r~ t> FF.I~ . tJ lllal porllon of Loll, Cily .1\elll Sliod PIE11 No. slw-~~-2~1 (!\/(/\ ~f/18 l.CJkes fll 1\en!, tJivisiol 1 /~u. ,j) 1 . lllldOI nudllur's 1/lo Nq. DUU~JU7UU I r, I !:!Clll lis uf l<lllg CuUrJiy, Wr:isliln~luiJ, criiJud us follows: )} fJEGINNIHG of (flo IIUitiJO CUJIIGi~ uf Loll or Stilcll~hud p/;:11, S<Jid COIIIl!l brill\} collliiiOillo Lots ·1 ;Jnd 2 o . d slloll!Jial, s::1ld cortl~}' <ll9o uf:lltrU urJ lim soui/1 1 ight of way 11 wrgill of s U!ll sllee~; lhellcP. Nt~o'J. 7'57"W fJiorJ\J l/18 IJorll 1 line of said Lol I Utid sdld · lh lllt::ll(llll, 32.0'1 feel·lJ ll1e oasl Iluhl of we1y II JorrJIII of G3i cJ /'.VUIIlld ~]0 . (IZUs!Je/lf{cmd); (lltll ~~~II' SU2 '()J'JlJ":tV, uk111g !><lid EJ[J5[111Llryitl, <l7J.G7Ieellu . IIOIIIIIIIOI&Jill or (I siJJJ.1ut lallli dt~dicolod lo 1/18 Clly ut l<etll by doed tecol Ulldr.rt!lldilur'~J li/8 Nl~900!.iUJU(IUl1, I ucu1 ds ul said cuutily, 5'.:1/d polllllJl:.dl 811tJ/.I-Incliullr~lr;lsoc.llu:. wil/.1 a :JU.U.UU fuultudius CUIVD [o the t',giJI, !IJIJ ceiJit~', fw!Jicl1 Uonrs SG5~/[J' f "E; !IIDI!C~l IJoJi)leosietl)', along sElld c;·.;rve Ellld trtmgl · lhtoUull tt ce11hnl t:IIJ[JIJ~Jf 5:3"),1'U!)". ,81lll!,c._ .. Jislance ol .353.07 reel; t11 . 8 Ho2"U,I'I2"W UO.OU j: el; IIIDIH:r~ 1-JG l"2b !.12 W _ . ~ 203.23 fee!.; lhertce NOI"32 3"l:.ll5.77 rrwllo tlJEJ j:J( INl UF UUWJNING. r:WP t;;<Ce.P! f_OrZ /(<?",l!r f~ p..f-·c_t;<· f'C:c:Js-o( clJ'/7 /fP17 /1/Jc) e_-XCL-1"( . . . . . I LrJ T J -c.-? Fr/c :/ 5"1> _;.,P '(;/""-z 1 /1)/ :I 'I r. " ·, .. I Wv EfL"cpr LoT ? £,{} J·(l l~z_) ·Ll.UXJ7.1;~~~% ·-• au Q Lot 7 Lc~ill Dosctipliott lila\ portion or \\re sou\\rwr>"l quarter of section \•\, Towns\ rip 22 Nort\r, nongo 4 East, W.M., In l<ilt\J Collllly Wctsltilt[Jiull, do scribed as !ulluws: Oegin,.ing a\ \he r"""'""'t ""'""' ot Lot 2, City ot l(ent Sho•t \'tal No 87 0604 1 57 G; 1\ •once NUO" G2'22"l', olo"g \he west dgl ,t-ol-way n> a' gin ol Lakeside ooole""U Cos\, 351.09 \eel to o point of tangency wi\il o 270.00 tool radios ctll" to t\re lc 1\; 1\rcncc nod \rwos\c dy, Icc>' in<J "''iU ,; gill o\ -way ami al cnrt said curve, ttrmugl• a control anglo or 43"25'30", on me dislm•ce ol 2U4.GS Joel lo a point or tanyency·, lli811C8 1~112"]3' 1 G''W 127.50 (eel lo 8 poir II or lallQOIICY wil11 a 370.00 fool r;1dius orrve \o \Ia~ \l)fi; lln~iiCO nuttllwr~sterly, <iiCJII\J ;.;1id curve, 1\rrouglr a central angel ol •IG"3U'UU", "" arc &;Jonroe ol 300.20 Joel; tllenco S00"5G''\'1"W 202.0G tool; l\JCilCO SBJ",1J' H'W G 1 1.25 teet: lltelrce S51 "41' 30"W 135. 9G I eel; \\'""co SU0"2G' UU"W Ill~ 511 I eel; II'" "c" S 33" H 30"1' B9. 62 reel; \1 •ence soo "55' 5\I"W I 90. II 1 I eel I o the ""' lh """ o I "' id L ol 7; \1 •ence S\19'04 '02"E, alo"g so id north line, 54 7. 30 I eo\ to the Point or Be ginning. 9~ 13JL22.uoc; oJ/07/%; l'g: I £;(/11/J!T g Lot 4, City of Kent short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Lakes at Kent Division No. 4) recorded under auditor's file No. 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, except that portion lying westerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at the westernmost corner of said Lot 4, said corner being common with the southernmost corner of Lot 3 of said short plat; thence N78.42'18E, along the line common to said Lots 3 and 4, a distance of318.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; thence S51.20'00"E 9.65 feet; thence S33.40'00"E 108.00 feet; thence S03.30'00"E 80.00 feet; thence S50°50'00"W 103.00 feet; thence S82.40'00"W 95.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 4 and the terminus of said line description. Contains 251,680± square feet (5. 7778± Acres). 94 133132.doc; 06/20/%; Pg: 4 p H EJ'!II!JIT. C That portion of the David A. Neely Donation Land Claim No. S7 and s~clion 14, 1 uwnsl1ip 22 North, Range n:.ast, W.M., In King C<lunty, Washington descril>ed att follows: BEGINNING at the nodh~ast comer of Lot 6, City or Kent Shorl Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Ltkea 11 · Kent Division No.4} teeol\fe<f under Auditor's file No. 9605o70817,records of said county; th!!!noa ! S00'.52'51"W, along the east line of said Lot 6, a distance of 41 8.4S feet to the southeast corner or said ! Lot 8 the nee NSi"01 '31"W, along tha south line or said lot 6, a distance of 1177.38 feel: to the northerly ' prolongation or the eulllne o! Lot 7 ot Jldd short plat; thence S00"52'22"W. along said esst line of Lot 7· and :stlid: rtorthetly prolongation, ~74.00 feel to the southeast comer of said Lot 7; thence N89"04'02W, along the south line ot .said Lot 1 and lot 4 of said short plat. 727.30 feet; thence U1e following 4 courses snd distances along the south line ot said Lot 4; thence No7•47'54"W 62.92 ftttl; thence SB3"54'33"W 70.87 teitt; thence sn•14'38~w 103.28 feet; the11r;' se~"1&'50"W 106.75 feet; thence. leaving said soUU11ine, NS2"40'CO"E: 95.00 feet; thence N!!0"50'00.E 103.00 reet; thence N03°30'00"W so.oo feel; thence N33"40'00"W ioa.oo feet; thet1ce N51"20'00"W 9.e5 feat to the north line of said Lot 4; thence . colltlrtlJIIJg, along the boUndary of Parcel A, city of Kent Lot Lint Adjustm~nt No. SS...29, recorded under i Auditor~ ~Je No. S81114104!J, records of said county; thence the following 11 cowses arxJ distan~s ; ~long the boundary of said Parcel A; thence N51'20'00"W 105.35 reel; thence N74"30'00'W es.oo feet; · then~ S81 '1S'OO"W ee.oo feet; thence S74•ss·o~·w 135,00 feeli thence S6eJ'30'00"W 125.01 fe!l; . themcd S76 145'00"W 87.00 teet; ttJerlce Nse•25'0U"W ao.oo feet; thence N80'30'00"W 51.46 feet; thence N.JJ6°!0'00"W 223.08 fe~t; th~nce NS7"56'30"W 40.00 feet to Uu~ east right of way margin of 5Jrtf Ave. South (RUssell Road), thence N02"03'30"1:, along said mary in, 762.84 reel to the south right or way margin of Soltth .228th Street: thence tile following 1 courses, along said soutr1 margin, thence 586°27'57"!: 4.20.14 feet to 9 point of tangency With a 1,1 86.28 fool radiUS CUN! to th9 left; thence . northeaslerly, along salr;i GUivflJ, throUgh a ~ntral angle of 21'1 9'12", an arc dist~nce of M 1.42 feello a • poinl of tangency; thence N70'12'51"E SG.S2 teet; thence N74"01'42''~ 150.33 feel; thence N70"12'S1"E .. 358.44 teet; thence N86"Z4'00''E 150.3~ teet; tllettce N70.1.2'51"E 279.95 feel lo lite east line otlot S cif~~ said shott plat; thence soo•G2'22"W, along ssld east litie. 577.75 feet to the north line of Lol 6 of J<~id short plat; thence SS9"04'22"E, along sald north line, 1,177.44 feet tv tile POINT OF BEGINNING. llr.l 'tV-U?e(-!t~-c ~l~(~ot;1;/i'J (>en> Fel~,.tl _ . . 'lfwl pull!o~J uf Lui I, CJ(y 91/l<:elil S!IUII /Jil11,Nu. b/J,~-[:}~-2~1 (~/</\~l/10 _Luk~s ul l<:en!, DIVISIUII 1'/U. 'I) I I:ICOI!!"J tll!lltJJ nudf!or $ lllo N\J· !JGU~JlJI liU I r' I l!CUI d5 ur f\lllg Cuur II)', We~s/JIIrtJlull, /::!scli/J8d ns follows: IJ LlEGII'It·IIHU ul [/Jo IIUJI/w;~ rltcn/JIGI u/ Lui I or ~HJid 1 1,ud pled, s;Jid COIIrl!l bt>iJIU colllllloll to Lots I ;Jrld 2 or r./~lld !)/Joil pit!!, suld [){]1/ <li!Ju lwl/1\/ Ull lim sul!lll r ighl or way /II;:JrQill or GolJU~ i22fJI/ I sliei:J~; 1118/Jce o;u'S7"\f\/ ulolll} II If;! JJ[)IIIr line of said Lol I !.:J/Id sr:J/J -~~f.·.jullr /IIEJI[/1/J, 32.0'1 reel ,..llr.s,oa~lr!,ulrl ur we1y . rrrwofrl of u3rd /'.v_ulllW ~}ull1·' (I\U9!Jt?l/.l~u~rd); llr81 · vU,~ UJ J:J VY, ulurrv s~ml EHl!;!IJJElryill, ~73.07/eel tu ,In JJoriiJII!or!J/11 of cl st · ul I;:JIId dtJdlcu!IJd lo 1/Ju cl!y uf l<er 11 by dotJJ locol Ji clUJ nJer tll!dHur'a ri/8 N · m:o!ju::umm, 1 ucor ds :11 smJ counly, 5!J/d puln! /J!:lln~/u nul.l-ltJdJUIIJJlr~lsoc:l w1lll <1 :JUlJ.UU foul JudJliS curve !u lhe /',gh!, lim G81111:! lofwldch uenrs S55~) ; 1/JeliCliiiCJrl/reoslerl)', alo11g suld c·JIVG t:lllllJtJrJrglt.· tlrJoUolt u t:ollli<ll wr[J G:J" l,f'U[i''. CJrr urc clislonce ol 353.07 leal; lhoi1i:r.J t~o2ou,j· l.i"W Ull.UU I; !lrniiCU r'JG I "2()'!j2'W --. - 283.2:3 ree 1,; !llt?IJCG 1\1() I "32:b"~, 115.77 reullo 1/w fJ I' ur Ul:c;/NN/f.IC, ;1,[//J 6 ;<c l::fl/ f_O{Z /(t?;.vr .f/' ps-. -1 ,ec·c. ~'"". ?'C:cJs-o I#'TfOIT I ·· ,, ... , . . . . . ·~ilt/,t,(,(IIJl. ,...., 'c .-or .L o ;-? _r;u Y<:/ L<J T f-L>i J(J.( :/ .J/> iJ-ZJ ;'/IW'V.ifvro~f . n· 6 r _).;? '[;----2. 1 /1 )/ t: EX c E(O -&'&/ z.) Lot l Ley<tiiJuscJiplioJI o [I It! luwwlrlp 22 ~Jorllr, n<llll)O 'I Tllal porliurr uf llll! suullrwusl qu~ulor uf vc:c ur.r r'-. f II" .. -l::n~;l, W.M., frll<irrq Cutuily W~drirrl)l()IJ, dc!~;crrlwc .l~· cJ uws. . f I l 2 Ci!)r uf 1\crrl Silurl !'fat f·lu. Oegirllrirrg al IIi!~ rruillror!Sl corlrc:r ul __ o !1., . o··l r·lc'dil-uf-way lll<lll)ill uf r·'Ull"'-2'22"[ 'I UII\J 18 W " '-' f37UGU,11 570; tlror1ce ~ 0 ---:, ' , · • • illr 8 :uo 00 fuol LCJkesicJo Uouluvr:n cJ Ecd, JG 1. U9 fool to c1 poll J! :Jf Ll:_,\!~1,1~~ tuf-v:.,y-'IIJ.d <.llllillJ 1·.-,cJius curve lu lire lcfl; llll)I!CO l1oillrWl!Slerly, luuvlll\} ~,.Ill I' ul· . . <f ''[,Jtl G'i fal~l u 1 f IJ":?'-'JU" -11 , '"';lis .111ce o L . • -· sCJicJ cu~ V8, llilllll\)1! '' U!lili ;_d '11'\:; o~J' :I G"~ l2l ~)0 feD! lo rr point uf {alll)811CY to 8 jJOillf of [alll)ellC:y, ~~ 1811C8 f\),12 JJI ' f ·fl· llil'ilt:U liUIIirwns!url)r, cl!Uil\J ;.;lid W 'rllr ·1 'l70.UU loot r ndru~; c\l!Vc lu 1 rc c ' _ 1. ·l·r ·n of 'JlJU 2U foot· '-' . , , •I f ,lli":JU'UlJ'', ;r!J <II c 1 IS d ICc• • · -• curve, IIIIOU[Jir a cerrlr;JI _c~rr\t 0 . , . , ''trl",n' I,I"W t3,1.2S feel; llw11ce l lrerrco SUO"!JG',I,I"W 202 UlJ luol, llrLircu v , , -. I . ''JJ"J,I''1UT . "/[''UU"W I Uti '>[) f['l'l l JUI!Ce ,, ' -S!JI",II'JO"W t:J~i.9l)fec!l,llrc!licrJ0lJU J • "' • f ,. •. 1 lol 2 ,. ..,.,.,,.U"W I9U u I Joel lu tlw IIUillr 11118 u vdll -., U9.62 feel; llrerrco vOU 00 0 • ll 1·. r: 17 J() ft'ollo llie Poilll uf lleginniny thence S89oO,I'U2"E, alorru sa1u IIlli r 111e, J' . · ··-----·--.. ffiJO f:K_CtZPT Lot 4, City of l<ent sf101 t Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AI<A The Lakes at l<ent Division No.4) recorded under auditor's fife No. 96050701317, records of l<ing Counly, Washinglon, except that portion lying weslerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at tl1e westernmost corner of said Lot 4, said corner being cornrnon with the southernmost corner of Lot 3 of said short plat; thence N78o42'18E, along the fine common to said Lots 3 and 4, a distance of 318.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; thence S51 °20'00"E 9.65 feet; thence S33°40'00"E 108.00 feet; thence S03°30'00"E 80.00 feet; thence S50°50'00"W 103.00 feet; thence S82°40'00"W 95.00 feet to the soulh fine of said Lot 4 and the terminus of said line description. I: •. 1Jo11 E. Wici<slrorll, I'.E., Uircclor ol Public Works 1·1/\IL 10: PHOPEilTY I~AIIAGU1EIIT 1/w Crty 61 /(ent Celcvwtes Its rust too Years c 1 1 y OF KEfH EflG ltiEEHIIIG DEPT :. i/ 220 4111 /\VEIIUE SOU Ill i; I f" KENT' 1/ASflltfGTOif 98031 : /\TIN: JEHHY 1·\CC/\UGII/\tl CITY OF KENT LID St:GnEGATION CEIHIFICA TE ~IV.d4-d 1\equested by:~ ~~R<L cC,/'1!. Dale: ~r~t LID II 330 1\ssess II e az.z .. -?7oa . 7/ . 01'/1\el· & Address {f) UIUGIN/IL DE~~HIPIIUN I $" .J?/e /liM:~ u)~ 50 3 {) elf: dJA. dW All' M'zo/ !4-f ~..F JJ«. f?oH 01·mer & /\ddress ~ l?MmL~utlc Jl & &: ~ /!0 JO )-/r: Ml. dfvd i'l_... a-z_o; !(u lrla.l /vA--f! OTl $40.00 1•1ini111UIII Fey Heceived/ _ro I ;. S' /19 __j'jp l!ece i p t # ...ill..JO 01mer & Address 6J hrs at $40.00 j}e'r hour~ __ less $40.00 fee Tulal lJue __ _ Tl894 (if 111ure space rweded, aLLacfl descr·ipliun and rder lu Exhibit"/\") ! NH/ UESCIUPT!ON New /\ssessnre1rL Nu. New /\ssessme11 L 1\mt. $ s--7 / cl,Z 07. Ot• I (If' IIIUI'e space needed, aLLach description and refer tu Exhibit "U") HEt~/\ I Ni.Jm lJESCH I PT I ON l!ern. /\ssessment lfu. (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby. accepts above tenus and condl t ions and certifies to the correctness herein. /\ppruved by l!esolu L i 011 1/ ______ _ SIGNED -ilillliOr'iledSi gnulur·e EXHIBlT2 • u..-Lor '':j "'!'''~''"' '''"' """~~ .-~~ .. , ,.,,,..,,,,,.,..,..,j'i~"'• ·~ .. -............. .. . '''" ---·--.. -··--~~..:..::....::....;:: . .::..._-.,.:.-::..:_ ·--------- P.-7' y Jl 1/ EJ'JIIoll-• a ~/vi~! r~nu 111at portion of the David A. Neely tJonatlon Land Clalrn No. 37 and section 1..,, 1 uwll~l!ip 22 Nortlt, Range O:ast, W.M., In King County, Washington llescJi!Jed ali follows: 8EGINNING at the nudii~<J~t cu111er of Lot e. City or Kent Shod Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA 1he LtkerJ 11 · Kent Oivisiun No.4) t'9corded under Auditor's file No. 9605070017,records of said county; Uu!!noe ! SOO'.'J2'51 "W, along the east line o( said Lot G, n distance of 418,46 teet to tile sout!Jeast CQrner of said : Lot 6 thoncn N8i0 01'31"W, along th~ ~Oulh line or said Lot G. ;J uis!:JIIC(! or 1177.38 rG'el: to UuJ northerly prolonr;~alion of the M!l llnEJ of Lot 7 or $idd short pli!t; them;u SOU"52'22"W, along said east line or Lot 7· and ::sl:lid iwdherly prolongation, ~74.00 feel to lhlll southeast comin of said Lot 7; tf1ence N89"04'02W, along the souU1 line ot .said Lot 1 and lot 4 or said shod plat. 727.30 feet; ttTence U1e foHowlng 4 courses arid dishmefJs slong the sollth line of said Lor 4; thence No7"4i7'54"W6.2.g2 fett; thenct S83.54'33"W 70.e7 tei!ti 1henoe 877"14'38'W 103.28 fee(; thenc' sea•ur~l.l"W 106.75feel; thence, leavin9 said souUt line, N62"40'00"E es.uo feet; thence Nso·so·oo·e 103.00 feet; thence N03"3o·oo·w eo.oo feet; thence N:a3•4o·oo·w 108.00 reel; theltce N51"20'DO"W 9.65 reel to the north line or said Lot 4; thence coirtlltlllng, a!cmg the bo.Undary of Perce! A, city or Ken~ Lot Lint Adjustmanl No. SS-29, reC()rded under Audit.ot'~ file No. 9611141 04U, records of said county; theuce Uw followiny 11 courses and dislancss along the boundary of said Parcel A; thence NS1"20'00"W 105.35 reef; llreru:;e N74"30'oo·w ea.oo feet; thence S81 '1!'00"W ea.bo feel; thence S74"55'0D''W 135.00 r~el; thence S6ei'30'00'W 125.01 f~~l; thencei S7!3 1 45'00~W 87.00 teet; tlretlce N86"25'UU"W 80.00 feel; llrence NStl'~O'OO"W 61.46 reel; thence N!l6°!50'00"~ 223.08 fe~t; th~arrcs N87".58'30"W 40.00 fegt to llw uaslliyhl of way margrn or sjrd Ave. South (Rr.lsliell Road), thence N02"03;30"E, along said margin, 762.84 reel to U1e soutlr right or way margin of South 228tll street: thence the following 7 eotuses, along s£11<1 suuUt margin, thence sss•27'.57"[: 420.14 teet to a point or tangency with a 1,186.28 foot radius curve to the l~rt; then~ rJCJriheas!erty, along said Gi.Jtve~, til roUgh a central angle of 21"19'12",. an arc distance or M 1.42 feet lu a point of tangency; thence N70"12'51••e 86.82 teet; thence N74"01'42''1: 150.33 feel; !hence N70"12'SI·E .. 358.44 teet; thence Nee·~4'00"E 150.331eet; tnetrce N7u•1 :2'51 "E ;z 19.95 feet to IIJe east line ur Lot 5 of~~ said short pial; thence 900"52'22"W, alorig said east lirie, 577.75 feet to the north line or Lot 6 or S<lid short plat; thence SS9"04'22"E, along said north line, 1, 177.44-leel to t11e POIN I OF BEGrNNING. {r::cerJ(--·U~-" ,-f,; Un ., ~~~ ()f·s c-~~~~ f ~. {,j ll!al pot!ICJII ur Lu( I r Ci[y ' l\t:Jil( Sllod Plul Nu. ~;pi~( u~~ :!~) (;1'd(/\~l/1(1 LLII\GS ul l<:ord, Dlvisioll r·/u. rl) I f;ICUI .d [JIJdOI !lUtlllui'S llltJ Nq. !JfllnJUi (II\,,' /f'l'(tld•; ltf /<:IJTU CuUrl(y, W::!sld!ISJ(ufr, 1 .sui/Jod u~; (ollovv.•;: IJ I.Jt:GII·Ir·III·IU u( l/lo IIUI!IHJ, u!/lloi ol Lull ul !;(J/d 1f,1Judit1:11. ~::Jid 1.:1'11/UI lwiiiU collllllolr (o LoU; I :JiHl2 u( 1 /~ Gliud /Jidl, mild CIJIII~.I (JI~JU lw/iil/11/1 ll~tl ~;uLJIIi ligiJ( of WrJY iiWIQi/1 of ~)olll. 1!1 .!ili(JfJI;IIH:Jilct: ~~~~f}o:!i·'!J?"\IV n/ulllj !ill' IIIHIIT li11e of se1id Lol I •J/IJ s<.:1/J /1 111£1111111, ~J:Z.u~lleello U1e uns( Jluld ul wG)' lllWrJill or OJtd !'.VC!IIl/l.J :;ul I (1\LI:J!Jcl/l~u;:/(_/); IIIE1/l~j'f.0iJ;J'(!J'.JlJ''VV, ;i/uiiU ~;~lid enG! lll<ll yitl, -17 J.U7 leo I (u 1n I Iori I 1111<11 !)II 1 ol "' siJ 1 J.lo/1.-Jlld t!r-)dlc;IIud lu II II! Clly uf l<e11l by rluud liJCCJI J U11dc1 tll!dllul'nlilu Nrll~9l~U~i[).JIJ/IIIli, IUUJids ~11 !;uiJ cuurlly, !jrJ/d pultJ!IJt.dl UIIU/ilmJJUIIJdiJisuc:tlu,mwilli u JUl!.lJU luut iud1us curve [u ll1e /',girl, 1/Jn rxJidl!' wldci1Uuws S!!D"I,0'~1~('(''Ei. !llr'~'c:~.lltiiiiW<Jslt•rl)·, alo11g sEJkl c Jt ve tJi!d 111r11 gl II 11 ollull t1 em 111 nl w 1[}!1 •lJf !JJ I'' u:, . ~liT r11 1: r.li9fo11ce or JSJ.07 retJf; t/1 :u Hu:2"U,I' lJ."W Ull.UU ol, il1n11t u IJii I ''Lli'!iFVV 203.2:3 roc!_; IIIGIIC8 HOI"::J2 'J"/:_0!3.7? (l?f:J! lu tliu~'I,!~JI ur-lr~I)/1-JIIIHL; ;,~tjp f.-;(l~-U-'1 ;_orz /r'~vr 5 ,-e ps-G. N· y&os-o;'uW; i/"l' ,.,riiJ,J f xcLr'1 , , I L A ~ ,..'---• /J , p J~ '7l / 1fli/ .!X( t:: F ;-L. o 1 ? .z-;u J v' v I ..J t>r J r7 < -r ..-1 1 -c. : ;--. ~~ if--z 1 !l ;f) EX c t:--p r < i ~l.nl· /-=--) palt:tn.J.u:t~uo. 1.( ~f:.i~~p~·~~h .. r .1~ .. 1 ~riww·=m·.i I ;:d· •• ~ :~!1 ·1.:! . 11 •\ ··.,. 1111k~~~~:$f. I \~' I:H' [A,l!}J)' i . !i ~:~Sfi'*",!l.· ;,) Lot 4, City of l<ent short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AI\/\ I lle Lakes at l<ent Division No.4) recorded under auditor's file No. 96050701317, records of l<ing County, Washington, except ti!CJt porliorJiyir1n westerly of llw followiJJ[J described line· COMMENCING <1t lire wnslnlllll!rd cor/If~/ CJf :;;lid l.()t •I, s;Jirl corwn IJnirHJ conrrnon witlr tim soutlrOIIIIIIOSt co111er of Lot J uf said siJur t plat; t1 H.?llCIJ N78°42' !BE, alor1g tl m line collllllOil to snid Lots J <HJd •I, cl disi<Hrt:e uf J I U.ll I feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line descriplior1; thence S51 °20'00"[ 9.65 feet; thence S33°40'00"E "108.00 feet; thence S03°30'00"E 80.00 feel; thence S50°50'00"W 103.00 feet; thence S82°40'00"W 95 00 feel to the south line of said Lot 4 and the terminus of said line descriptiorr. Lot 3, City of Kent, Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Lakes at Kent, Division No. 4) recorded under auditors file No. 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, except that portion lying southerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at the most southerly corner of said lot 3, thence N15•oo·oo"W 105.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; said line being a portion of the boundary of Parcel A, City of Kent Lot Line adjustment No. 88-29 recorded under auditor's file No. 8811141040, records of said county; thence the following courses and distances along said line; thence N74.55'00"E130.73 feet; thence N81.15'00"E 66.00 feet; thence S74.30'00"E 68.00 feet; thence S51 •20'00"E 105.35 feet to the south line of said Lot 3 and the terminus of said line description. 9-1 133132.doc; 06/20/96; Pg: 3 ~ ¥!._ ~,#~! rf}t_U That portion of the Davld A. Neely Donation Land olalrn No. 37 and section 1tl, 1 uvv11ship 22 NorH1, R::!nge 4: t:ast, W.M., In King Olunty, Washington descritu~d ali follows: • 13£:GINNING at the nudhaast comer of Lot 6, City or Kent Shod Plat No. SPG-95-29 (AKA The Llkes 11 • Kent Division No. 4) t-eeortied under Auditor's file No. 9605070817,records of said county; lh!!n~ ! 500'52'51 "W, along the east line of .said Lot 6, a distance or 418.46 feet to the southeast corner of said f Lot 6 thence NSi"01'31"W, along lhll t;Oulh line or said Lot 6, a distaucl! or 1177_3S reel; lo U1e northerfy • prolongation or thw ea3l line ot Lot 7 ot $aid short plat; thenc~ SOO"SZ'22''W, along said ent line of Lot 7· and .:s~id ttorihe1ly ptulungation, !174.00 fset to !he southaast comer of said Lot T; them;e NS9"04'02W, along the soulh line ot $aid Lot 7 end lot 4 of said sl101t plat. 727.30 feet; t11ence t11e following 4 coums Srid distances along the south line ot said Lot 4; thence No7~47'54"W 62.£l2fetl; thenct S63"54'33"W 70.e7 tehli 1hence 677'14'38~w 103.28 feet; thellr;e sea"1&'~o~w 10e.75 feel; thence, leavin9 saki souUrlina, ,NS2"40'00"E $15.00 feet: thence N50"50'00"E 103.00 feet; thence No3•3o·oo·w eo.oo feet; thence N33"40'00"W 108.00 reel; thellce N51.20'00"W e.e5 feet to the nor1h line of sald Lot 4; thence coirtllllllng, along the boUndary of Perce! A, city ot Ken~ Lot Lint Adjustrnttnl No. SS-29, recorded under i Auditor'$ f!l~ No. 8611141040, records of said courtly; thence the following 11 cou1ses and dis!sncss ; along the boundary of said Parcel A; fhet1ce N51'20'00"W 105.35 feet; tlwnc;e N74"30'oo·w ea.oo feel; then~ SB1'1!'00"W eiB.bO feet; thence S74"55'0Cl"W 135.00 feel; thence S66'30'DO"W 125.01 feel; . thenr;fJ S7e•45'00"W tnoo teet; tlletlce N86°25'0U"W 80.00 fee!; !hence N80'30'00"W e 1.46 lee!; . thence N.56°!50'00"W 223.08 fe~t; thence Na7•56'30'W 40.00 feet lu llw east riylll of way rnargln of S3ro Ave. South (RUsPiell Rotid), thence N02"03'30"E, along said marvin, 762.84 feel to the south right or way margin of South 228111 street: !hence the following 7 t..'OiJrses, along salu sou111 margin, thenca SIW27'57"~ 420.14 teet to a point of tangency with a 1,1 86 .. 28 foot radius curv! to the l~n; thence noriheaslerly, along said c;iJtve, through a cer~tral angle of 21"19'12", an arc di&!ance or 441-"2 feeltu a poin! oftangency; thence N70"12'51"E 86.82 teet; thence N74"01'42''~ 150.33 feet; !lienee N70°12'Sf"E .. 351t44 teet; thence N66"~4'00''E 150.3~ teet; tt1e11ce N70.12'51"E 279.95 feet lo 111e east line or Lot 5 of~::'j,_ ~ld sho~t pial; thence S00'52'22"W, alorig said east litie, 577_75 f~elto lhe north line of Lol 6 of ~id shorl plat; thence SS9"04'2.2"E, along Mid north line, 1,177_44 feet to tf1e POIN I OF BEGINNING. lrf:l [Y-ceel-!L.: -{~ Uo :· ~··j ()('s~· [Jtyi~J .).:J . · 11181 pur!!o!' ufLul I, Cily ·l\1.:!111 S!Jud P/f:tl No. ~!1>1 ~(-U~~ :2~1 (/\/(/\ ~//1(! Lulws ul 1\Ellll, tJivlSIUtll'lu. ,J; 1 !d lJiJ(kll mJdllu1's /lltl Nq. !JI,U!)U/IIU I r, if'L:tJitl~; uf l\111£1 CuUrJiy, W::l,;l i/IJV(u/1, sc1 i/)uJ nc; lolluw.•J: IJ cuiiJoi ul Lui I uf ~;~Jill !/ 1ud pl:d, !';Jid L:t>IIJl'l lwilll} collllliUII (o Luis I ;Jrid 2 id s)JolljJk!l, mtld ur!ll · <ilsu lw/111} Ull 1/m suul/1 rig/J( of way rrwrgill or ~)olJ ' ·uu, ,<Jiio8i; llwiJcc N 'on'57"\fV ulu11g lin' tJuiiiJ li11e uf sflid Lol I !JJ1d srJJd ul/1 /IIEHI/111, 32.0 1 1 feel l11o n~Js( rlplil uf wei)' /IIUirJII I ur [j;JI d /\VUilllcJ !)U , ,I (/.{L/9!Je/ll\o~ll/); !'!ell i SlJ:.:"UJ'JlJ''VV, n/uii~J !;~lid enG( /lltlryirl, ..J7J.07)eel (u · n /loliltiiiDrUlll ol ::1 sl· . ollat!ll drJd/culud lu 1/ru Cl~y ull<stll by duud I13COI d 1 li/Jdcl uudllul 'n liltJ 1\lt, 9l~U~iu::()LJ1Jli: I ()CUI ds :J( !i<JIJ coU/ lly, S!J/d j;u//1[ IJr:ll/1 u 1 tul.l 1 rllllulllllt31 snell . w1il1 u JUlJ. UU lout r ut!Jlls curvalu fhel',glll, Um c;ciJIU · w/J/ciJ Uems S!!5~IG'·. "L=; !liuiJcl!IJuJtlroCJslerlr. a(UIIQ stJ/d C'JIV£3 r:ltld IIIIJIQ · 1/tjotJ(IIIU corlli<JI Uli[J/ ' f !JJ'H'U[i", :lll lllc cl!Efmtce ol .353.07 re~l; 1/w · n I,JU2"U,I' 12"W UU.UU I; ll1n1 1t:u l~ll I '2G'!.i2'W .· 283.2:3 rocr.; llm/lcl~ f,lcJI"J2 · "l':_ll[5.771eu! lu tiJEJ I' Ul' UF !Jll;I~HIIHG. ;;WP r;,-<c~n f..()/ 2 /r' ~It r .Y ,.0 -c::. ?';'--. 7 &cJ s-o : cJ ;:; 7 i/J' /' ,<7 /.J ,) t_' X c-tJ' i @f?il':ilililllllii- LrJT 'T ;.I Lot 7 Leu<lf Uuscrip liorr ,. ·[! 1,1 l WIJ~iilp n t•Joillr, 1\<JJJUO 'I TIICJl porlioll of tire suuiiiWCd qtlrlllur ul vOC ur. l ' 0 . w· Erd, W.M., Ill l<irrq CrJI!IIIy Wri~dlillf}lull, tlr}SCIIIJrJtl ''" lollt•V\ .•. . . , " . ". of I ut :2, Cily ul I',L!IIl ~I lull I 'i<ll. l·lu Ueglllliiii\J CJt tile llotlllrJd~~--~·u'~.~~~ ·I -, lin' wusl riq!Jl-of-.w<.Jy lllCll~/111 ol 07UGU 11IS7t)· llie/JC:rJ t•JUU .J2D I_, dOII.J , . . . 'II · 21UlllJ luul ' . I r· l y I U!J ft>c•t lu ;I pull" uf blitJf?l I( y WI l d . . Lakeside Uouluv<lll :as ' • J · , · . . 1,. . , .. ·id 1 iqlrl uf -W<I)' <.111d ;.ilulll} r.,Jius curve lo !IJelcll; !IJellce IJolllrwrJ~,[uily.' L.JVIIIU ·"' I' ·t· . I .,u-'',~,;feel "' J fiJ"2''JU"'i/l'lll'l/SdllCDOL -'-'0 said cu!ve, lluoUb)ll '.' C(J/Ilr;:JI_ ~11~\~ ~J "~:l~IG"~ l2l.~U ~e~l lo o poirJl or totlS/t!llr;Y to 8 porn[ ullanyellcy, ~llellCL tJ 12 ·,·,-• I ·II· II ··11\'l' tJc>ililwusluily, ;dollU ~;;ml 'II , J70 ()() fuu[ I ;Hflll~; Clll V<! tu IL L ' IL . . -. ' lJ 21J f >[ WI I cl . >I f tJG"'J()'l)U" ~Ill Lil C tfr~;[<IIICD of JU . -Bl. ' curve, l111oUUI1 <1 ;;r?llti.<JI.;IIJ~!'o :J,. I', . , ',,B'l",ll' H"W (}tl2G foul; lili!IICfJ llle/ICO SUCJ"SG',Ir1 W 2U2.Ul' il.Ll, lJLilCL d • ·. . II . '"'J"'J,I''JUT ''lJU"2G'UU"W Ill'! ~(J fr•r'l ll'IICC v.J , • ·· ''SI"'II'JU"WI:JG.~Jl!lr!r{lilullCCv · · .,, .· I ·'II 12 d t tl ''UCJ"'''''I'U"W I9Ulll raellu_ tile /1111111 111m lJ s,l/l .0 ' l.l9 62 lee; JOilCO ,, :..JJ :J . l II I'·. l r [Je(jillllillV llr~nce S£39"0,1'02"1:, ::doll~J s;:Jiu lrorllrlino, 5d7.3U foul IJ ra Ol/1 o . . ftiJ D EKC£'Pf Lot 4, City of l<ent short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AI<A The Lakes at l<ent Division No. 4) recorded under auditor's file No. 9605070817, records of l<ing County, Washington, except that portion lying westerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at the westernmost corner of suid Lot 4, said corner being common with the southernmost corner of Lot 3 of said short plat; thence N78o42'18E, along the line common to said Lots 3 and 4, a distance of 318.01 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNfNG of said line description; thence S51 °20'00"E 9.65 feet; thence S33°40'00"E '108.00 feet; thence S03°30'00"E 80.00 feel; thence S50°50'00"W 103.00 feel; thence S82°40'00"W 95.00 feet to the south line of said Lo14 and the terminus of said line description. iifi)JJ C:.i.C. E/"'( Lot 3, City of Kent, Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Lakes at Kent, Division No.4) recorded under auditors file No. 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, except that portion lying southerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at the most southerly corner of said lot 3, thence N15°00'00"W 105.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; said line being a portion of the boundary of Parcel A, City of Kent Lot Line adjustment No. 88-29 recorded under auditor's fife No. 8811141040, records of said county; thence the following courses and distances along said line; thence N74°55'00"E130.73 feet; thence N81°15'00"E 66.00 feet; thence S74°30'00"E 68.00 feet; thence S51 °20'00"E 105.35 feet to the south line of said Lot 3 and the terminus of said line description. ,/ ' 11'? 1 i'rjl) 11\jfVj i l CITY or ~.L!:!Jd!\J L_1 1Jo11 E. Wicksl1o111, I'.F., llil!~clor of Public Works 1·1/\IL 10: i'IWI'LHIY 111\III\GH1E!II llloCilyoff(en/Coi!!IJI:I/Os/is/il,;/i(JO\'r>:IISCJI'( or Yt:l/1 [Jf(;IIJ[[JUIIG U[Pl ZZU IJ Ill /\VUIU[ SOU Ill WI!. HI\SIIIIJGIOI/ 98031 1\ I ill: .JJIUU 11CCI\Ut;lll\ll CITY 01= I(L:NT LID SEGHEGATION CllriiFICATE ~IV~d J(equesled by:~ ~,vf"4 of:.[.'!!_ ll<1le: ;;4j,;Jrt: LIU II 330 1\ssess II @ BZZ--??tJo · // -------------~--------------------~-------------- U1111~1' (', 1\ddn~ss (j) Oltll;IIJ/11 IJI SCIUI'IIOII --------------------------------l/ze ~ J.f.e lilA~ U)~ ~o 3 o c/f. dk ;til M ., ~ ZO/ ;fd-fAJ,~ 1# fifc)]J 01mer & /\ddress r;f;J ;!it~vJ-R-~~ J..j'e. irzo/ ~ 3 {) Ll( IJ4. ~ AI~ /adfa,~l it 1f tlJ l 01·111e1· & /\dd1·ess 6J (ifllllll'l! spucl' llePdt!d, aLLacli dl'scripliun a11d ~-~fe1· Lu [xlii!Jil 11{\'1) NE\·1 lJESCIU I' r JUN New !lssPsSIIII~Ill J·lo. ..5--:;:::; Ne1-1 l\ssr•ss1111~11l 1\1111.. $ __ _;_,:·;_'-'~fL,!f~ :· 1 ,,.(, I'; (II lllol·e space 11eedud, allacli dusu·ipliu11 a11d refur lu [xlii!Jil "IJ") IU:I-1/\ I NUllt UE SCit II' I I Uti lte111. /\ssesslllelil llo. -------------------1-------------------------------------------------------- hrs al $1JU.UU jJe'r hour~ ___ _ less $40.00 fee lulal lJue ___ _ li!J94 (if 111ure space 11eeded, aLLacli descriplio11 and refer Lu Exhibil "C") The undersIgned here by. ilccep t s nhove l: en11s ilnd cond 1t i un s and cet·llfies to the coiTectness lierelll. 1\ppruved by J(i?Sululioll 1/ __________ _ SIGNEU EXHIBIT j_ .ii ..•• , •.•.. '·'''!' ,., / I' tl E~!II!JIT 11 j--~ A-,_ ~/xJLt/1 ctJLU That portion of the David A. Neely Donation Lend Claim No. 37 and section 14, I uwns!lip 22 North, Range 4: East, W.M., In King County, Washington describe:d as follows: BEGINNING at !he rJottiJE:~ast corner of Lot e. City or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The Lake& 11 · Kent Division No. 4) recoroed under Auditor's me No. 9M5o70817,records of said coumy; th!noe i 500"52'51 "W, along the east line of said Lot 6, a distance of 418.45 feet to the southeast corner of said ! Lot 6 thence N851°01'31"W, along tM aouth line or said LoiS, a distance of 1177.38 fiel: to the northerfy · prolongation or the t!BJJlllne of Lot 7 of said short plat; thence SOOo5Z'22"W, along said esst line of Lot 7· anrJ :ulid notilterly pr-olongation, ~74.00 rset to ths !oulheast comer of said Lot 7; thence N89"04'02W, along lhe soulh line of ~aid Lot 1 and lot 4 ot said short plat. 727.30 feet; thence the following 4 courses and distances elong the sollth line ot said Lot 4; thence N07°~7'54"W 62.92 fetl; thtnct S83°54'33"W 70.87 teet; thence S77•14'38"W 103.28 feeti thenr;' Sel;i•HniO"W 10!'J.75feel; thence, leaving said !.iouth line, N62"40'00"E 95.00 feet: thence Nso·so·oo·E 103.00 feet; thence Na3~3o·oo·w Bo.oo feet; thence N33"40'00"W 108.00 feet; ther1ce N51"20'00"W g_e5 feat to the north line or said Lot 4; U1ence corrtllllllng, along the boUndary of Parcel A, cltt or Kent Lot L.lnt Adjustmant No. 88-29, recorded under i Auditor'~ f!le No. 8811141 04U. records of said county; thence the following 11 courses and distances ~long the boundary of sa!d Parcel A; thence N51'20'00"W 105.35 feel; thence N74 "30'00"W ea.oo feel; thene6 S8P1!i'OO"W ee.Oo feet; thence S74"S5'00''W 135.00 feeli thence Sf3S'30'00'W 125.01 feel; thenCEi S7e•45 100"W 87.00 teet; thence N8B 0 .25'00"W 80.00 feet; thence NSO'~O'OO"W 61.46 reel; . than~ Nse~so•oo•w 223.08 fe&t; thl!ince NS7°56'30'W 4o.oo feet to Uw east right of way margin of 53rd Ave. South (Rllsnli Roid), thence No2•03'30"E, along said maryin, 762.84 feet to the south right or way ma~ln or South 22sth Street: thence Ute following 1 cour"Ses, along said soutll margin, thence SSS"27'57"~ 420.14 tee:t to a point of tangency with a 1,166.28 foot radius curve to tha l~ft; then~ northeasterly, ~long said curve, throUgh a C(!ntral angle of 21"19'12", an arc dhJ!ance of 441.42 feel to a point of tangency; thence N70'12'51"E SB.82 feet; thence N74'01'42''~ 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'S1"E . 358.44 feet; thence N66"24'00''E 150.33feet; thence N70.12'51"E 279.95 feet to tfle east line or Lot 5 or~~ said short plat; thenea soo•62'22"W, along said east litie, 577.75 fMt to 1M north line or Lot 6 or ~id short plat; thence SSe"04'22"E, along said north line, 1,177.44 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. tr::<Ael~ ·H,-<: ~\u Uot~1;1;~j ()esc-FFI'J .. i _ . . ll1al por!lm1 ur Lu! !, Cily ~rjl\tJJJ! SIMI /Jiul No. s -8S-2U (/\1()1 /11e L;JkGs ul l<:en!, !Jivisiurii'Ju. ,1) r~:Jcor~'pclur.Jdtll mrdllor's illo . DGU0CJ7UIJ 17, 1uccJJds of l\l11g Cuur 1ly, WasllllttJ(ul 1, ~osul/;oJ ll5 lolluw~;: , lJEGINf.IIHU ul (flO r/UIIIJO;~ ~~ curllor ol Lul·l uf 1;~rid lwil pl;:d, suid col Ill!/ bco/11~ cui11111Uil !u l.ol1; I :JIId ~ ufr,lr;tld dJoii!Jktl, r.uld t~u/1 .}~~~J;~ldlt\J U/1 lllll ~utJIIJ 1i~ll! of way rllt:HtJill or 0ollll:ti:22UII1 !!lier:J~; llwiJce /.r !:JI W uloiJ\1 ll1tJ J;utlll line of said Lol I '.:llJd sEIIJ t1~~julh rnmnl11, ::J2.u,j fee[ li1e o::Jsl rluiJI of we1y . I JlnrrJII 1 of G:Jr d /\voiiLIU ~;uU:'i·' (I (L/9!le/ll1u;:rd); IIi ttl · SU2 'U:J'JlJ''W, nlotr\} !;~Ill} ear;[ Jlltlr~ill, ·17J.07Ieellu' JOIJoJliJ IIIBI!Jill of <1 s ull<llld dmJicaled lo 1/w Clly of l<:e11f by dooJ IGcultlf J Ulldertlllditur'~l filr:J 9lJO!.JUJUOLlG! 1ucoJds ol !JaiJ ClJlHJiy, S'Jid pu/rJl!JtJlll!l)u nul.l-lndiul /'Jl;i_s_~cl,,_ w~~/.1 <J JU:J.UU fuu.l}udiu~ curve !o !he l',[}hl, tim cel1lr~ !ofw/J/cli uon1s ~Jb!J ll3 · , llrollclJ Jmri/Jeoslerl), alo11g sEJid c'JJV8 Elllcl lllr.Jrgrt · U1(oU(III u cordlrJI w !JJ'H'U(i''. 811 tile clislonco ol .353.07 let.J(; !11urli ;o t'IU2°U'l'I2"W UU.OU ; II wr teo I~G I '2li'02'Yo/ 283.23 foe'-; IIJGtJce f,IU[":Ut 3"t?,U5.77.1e~::Jt lu l/1o}:! · I' UF IJL:GJNNING f,WP E,<ct'Pf- /rt~AJr ,5',0 ps-. -1 ~-c_ ;'?'' ;rt:os-o e:xo.:r"( . . ~ . ,, . i ! 'I ''I' ;J .... .,. ~ J--=-z I Jf.u¥1!#111'1 Exc~:::;ol ( !=-:,(!f/6'//-.-Q '"' ,,,,, Lot 4, City of l<ent short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (/\1</\ Tl1o Lakes all<erJt Oivisior1 No.4) recordod under auditor's file No. 960507013/7, records of l<irlSJ County, Washington, except lila! portion lying weslerly of II J8 following described line COMMENCING at the westerrHrJosl con1er of S(lid Lot''· said co111er being common with the soulhe111most corner of Lot 3 of said sl1or t pial; II 1ence N78°42'H3E, along the line common to said Lots 3 and 4, o distar1ce of 3113.0 I feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; I hence S51 °2CJ'OO"E 9.65 feel; thence S33otJO'OO"E "108.00 feet; thence S03o30'00"E 80.00 feel; thence S50°50'00"W "103.00 feet; thence S82°40'00"W 95.00 feel to the souiiJ line of said Lot 4 and tile terr11inus of said line descriplior1 RfJ.O ~y:c EFT Lot 3, City of l<ent, Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AI<A The Lal~es at Kent, Division No. 4) recorded under auditors file No. 9605070817, records of King County, Washington, except that portion lying southerly of the following described line: COMMENCING at the most southerly corner of said lot 3, thence N15°00'00"W 105.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; said line being a portion of the boundary of Parcel A, City of l<ent Lot Line adjustment No. 88-29 recorded under auditor's file No. 8811141040, records of said county; thence the following courses and distances along said line; thence N74°55'00"E130.73 feet; thence N81"15'00"E 66.00 feet; t11ence S74"30'00"E 68.00 feet; thence S51 °20'00"E 105.35 feet to the south line of said Lot 3 and the terminus of said line description. DODDS ENGINEERS, INC. BELLEVUE, WA 98007 DEl Project No: 94133 6/20/96 LI.D. ASSESSMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS Promenade 1 That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., and the David A Neely Donation Land Claim No. 37, all in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Tract L-3, City of Kent Short Plat No. 86- 21, as recorded under King County Recording No. 8706041575, also being a point on the east line of Tract L-1, The Lakes at Kent, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 136 of Plats, pages 41 through 45, inclusive, records of said county; thence along the north line of said Tact L-1 the following courses and distances; thence N07"47'54"W 62.92 feet; thence S83.54'33'W 70.67 feet; thence S77"14'39"W 103.28 feet; thence S88.18'50"W 106.75 feet; thence S79.24'00"W 70.95 feet; thence S58.09'11"W 102.94 feet; thence leaving said north line N22°37'30"W 108.22 feet; thence N67"22'00"E 40.93 feet; thence N20.43'00"W 105.45 feet; thence N15·oo·oo"W 161.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence N39.23'06"E 19.79 feet; thence N02.00'16"E 187.98 feet; thence N45•oo'OO"W 17.32 feet; thence N02.00'16"E 87.97 feet; thence N11 •30'02"E 12.93 feet; thence N27"35'46"E 65.84 feet; thence N00.56'48"E 66.74 feet; t11ence N89.03'16"W 284.06 feet to a point of tangency with a 320.00 foot radius circular curve to the left; thence southwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 88.53'14", an arc distance of 496.44 feet to a point of tangency; said point being on the westerly right of way margin of 53rd Place South (Russell Road); thence S02.03'30"W, along said margin, 80.00 feet; thence S87"56'30"E 40.00 feet; thence S56.50'00"E 54.04 feet; thence S87"59'44"E 302.06 feet; thence S50.25'00"E 108.27 feet; thence N66.30'00"E 90.94 feet; thence N39.23'00"E 21.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 232,524± square feet (5.3380± acres). 94133132.doc; 06/20/'16; Pg: I That portion of the Pavld A. Nettly Donation Lrmd Claim Nu. ~~ :md sec!ioo 111, 1 owJlj;llip 22 North, Range 4:East, W.M., In Klny County, Washington tlescril1~:u (IIJ follows: SEGINNING at the nurll1aast wmer of Lol6, City or Kent Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AKA 1he L•keJ II Kent Oivisloll No.4) reo.oruad under Auditor's flle No. 9605o70017,records of said county: th~noe : S00'52'51 "W, along the east line or said Lot 6, u l.fistanc:e of 416.48 feet to the southeast CQrner or said : Lolethencn N8i"01'31"W, along the south line or said Lol6, a distance of 1177.38 r~el; to the nortr-Jerly · proiongation of lhw t!S!t line of Lot 7 of eald short pl&lt; thence S00°5Z'22''W, along said esilline of Lot 7· and :sl:!id: no1therly prolongation, !i74.d0 reel to lh& southeast comi!lr of said Lot 7; thence NS9"0l'02W, along lhe south line ot !iBid Lot 7 and lot 4 or said short pial. 727.30 feet: tllence tt1e following 4 courses arid distances elong the south line ot said Lot 4; thence Nor4 7'54"W 62. ~2 Jut; the net SB3.54'33'W 70.87 teet; thence S77"14'38~W 103.28 feeti theru;' Se~·unHJ"VV 10~.75 feet; thence, leavin9 sai<l south line, .Na2•4o'OO"E 95.UO feet: thence N50"50'00~E 103.00 feet; thence N03"30'00"W BO.OO feet; thence N33"40'00"W 108.00 feet; ther1ce N51"20'00"W 9.55 feat to the north line or said Lot4; uwnce comln\.llng, along the boUndary of Ferc~l A, city of Kent Lot Line Adjustm~nt No. 68-29, recorded under Auditor'~ ~le No. 8611141 041J, records of said county; thence the following 11 courses and distances i ~long lhe boundary of said Parcel A; thence N51"20'00"W 105.35 feel; tlrem;e N74 •3o·oo·w ea.oo feel; thence S81 '1S'OO"W ee.OO feel; thence S74 6 55'00''W 135.00 feet; tr-Jence S56'30'DO'W 125.01 feel; then~ S76 1 45'00"W 87.00 teet; thence N8B"25'UU"W ao.ou feet; thence N80'30'00"W 81.46 feel; . thence N56"50'00"W 223.08 fe(lt; lhl:lnce N87"56'30"W 40.00 feel tu tlu~ easl riglil of w-ay margin of 53rd Ave. Soulh (RUsfiell Road), ~hence N02"03'30"E, along said margin, 762.84 feel to tile south right or way mar~ In of South 2281h street: thence Ute following 7 L'OiHses, along said sout11 margin, thence S8S"27'57"E 420.14 re~t to a point of tangency with a 1,166.26 foot radius curv! to the left; thence northeasterly, ~long said ci.av~. tftroUgh a central ai1gle of 21'19'12", an arc dis lance or 441 A2 feet to a point of tangency; thence N70"12'51"E 86.82 teet; thence N74"01'42''~ 1 S0.23 feet; thence N70"12'5 t·E . 358.44 feet; thence Nee·24'0U"E 15U.:l3ftict; tflence N 7!J.12'51 "E 279.95 feet to tt1e east line or Lot 5 ar~::':l said sho~t pial; thence S00'52'2:2"W, alorig Bald east line. 577 75 fe~lto the north line or Lot 6 or S-3id short plat; thence SS9"04'22"E!, along said north line, 1,177.44 feet to tfle POINl OF BEGINNING. llv.l [KurJI-lL-o: ,{,~ Uot;1;f''J l>(·n:· FFI~ ./'.) . . 1/wl poll!on uf Lu! !, City qfjl\vlll S/1url /J/ui,Nu. SP1 ~(-U~-:2~J (~IV\,IIJEJ L~kos ul I<:EJnl, tJivrsiull 1'/u. 'I) 11:1cor~fJ lll.idOI nudllur s 11/o Nq. Dlill~JU 1 Ulll r, rucu1 ds uf l<:lr1g CuUrrl)', Ww"l JIIJS)[uli, ~!J~H;JJ/Jud nc; lulluw.';: /f Ut:G/111·/ii,IU llllilu IIUI tllll~~ tl[cuiiiUi·n! Lul I ur !illidl{:lrurltd:ll. :::lid C:l'IIIUI l·r>iii~J CUilliiiUII.lU Lul!; I :Jr al 2 ur ijl:!ildG/!urljJid.l, uuld t.:tJIII!~r .'d.!:•:_,.'::''lrli} U/1 Iilli qllJIIi 1 iwl1l or way rll8rSJill or SulJlH I22UU 1 rJ!IeuJ; llw1 1ce Nt P" ,! r G 1 \IV ulu11~ II It' r JuJII' lil18 or SElic! Lui I !jJIJ .'5c1IJ 'i.l:jul/i llltll[/l/1, :.:12./JI/ /Gel· tJ 1/iG D~Jslil~i/il of \\'8)' . r.IIUI rJIII or [j:Jr d /1,Vl!IIUO ~)UL\1.1 (I (US!Jl?i!.l{o~JL/); u lOire .. r!-~jU2 'UJ'JlJ''VY, uiuii\J ~;~Ill} etJG[ lll<lryill, ~73.07/eellu m llodlilllBrUlll ul ::1 ~drn1 uii<JIId dudlculud !u ll1e Gil}' uii<EJ 11! by dcmJ I ocUI dj J Ll11der tltlditul ·~r li/8 ~~l:J~ ~JOl)~lJ:JlJ[JlJG, I UCl!llis u/ uaiJ couJr!)', s'Jid pol11t IJui/111/EIIrutHmllul i11h~.i_s_.ucll~;m ~vil/1 <l JUl!.UU fuul rudius curvu lu ll1e 1 ',g/1(, [/m c.;ol!lt~ !'of wlllclt Uom!> S!.Jb~·ly~1~('(. !:;. :lla~ll.::~. lloi!Iwus!eil)', afcJflg sf:llcJ c·'.JIV8 t:Jild ltlrJrUit. !/ijOti(IIIU cerJiin/ Wll}/J 'J( !JJ j,j li[J. ::JIIlllc Jiglnrrce ul .353. U 7 1 l1!:Jf; II will :o t,/u2•u,j• ·/2"\IV Utl. UU o I; l/llJIIt:u I,JG I '7.l!'!j;r\tV _ . , 28:3.2:3 fEJe 1.; lire/Ice f,lrJ I"J2:t 3"1~ 0~. 77. lesllu i/ru /Jt. )N I' UF Ul~l11NI·IIriG. ;;~tiP t: ;<c u 1 torzlr/'~~~~ f~ p..J-. -1 ~-~ r<'· ;?t:os-of,,,J'/7 ;_;',(!/) /?f..;,J t.:.xccr''l ~eTrMr: ·· ·· ... · · ·· · · · ·· ' . _ .---u J, l. d r _{ -L>i J () ' :(' 5 (') i r:. 2/ j/{J!Jt.{#lllff I 1(/{l i':l c t: ? r L 0 I ,;: J. ' ( 7 ~-.;,) '15...--z 1 !?:V'LJ, Exc.c.-pl < iKl &/c,_f-7-) ' ~~H.tJ;I.l:;U;trJd.:tilitttU t.( ...... ~~.,........ I . 1 ~ ~.l.NIJ.Jo,·.t~· : · ;' ,r;(:"'~~~.~t ·~l'iiv~:f: · /; Af/;(.v . :.1· : • :t . .. f, J•l I : /:, ,.Ill ·,~,'.1. ~ ~ [o l{2 . \:4 •• ' : /}) i ll,)~ • •. -1~ 1111·il.\.~~.:,(' I : 1 ~ , • • •' a() \~' ~~{j;'L}..tl\) ·' i . ·1 . ~J!II1~S HI~~ ! . i(, tum~~rvq~:u r Lot 4, City of l<ent short Plat No. SF'C-95-29 (/\1(/\ ·r lm Lakes at l<er1t Division No.4) recorded under auditor's rile No. 9605070017, records of l<ing County, Washington, except that porlior1 lying westerly of the following described line: COMMENCING <Jt the westerniiJosl corner uf said Lot •1, said collwr beir1g common willlllle soulhernrnost corner of Lot 3 of said sl1or I plat; thence N7Bo42'18E, along tile line common to said Lots 3 and tJ, a distance of 3W.O I feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line descriptior1; ther1ce S51 °20'00"E 9.65 feet; thence S33",10'UO"E "108.00 feet; the11ce S03"30'UO"E 00 00 feet; thence S50°50'00"W "103.00 feGI; thence S82°40'00"W 95.00 feet to tile south line of said Lot tj and 1118 tcrlllinus of said fine descripliull R f.} D ~)(.{_ c p r Lot 3, City of l<ent, Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AI<A The Lal~es at Kent, Division No. 4) recorded under auditors file No. 9605070817, records of l<ing County, Washington, except that portion lying southerly of tile following described line: COMMENCING at t11e most southerly corner of said lot 3, thence N15°00'00"W 105.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; said line being a portion of the boundary of Parcel A, City of l<ent Lot Line adjustment No. 88-29 recorded under auditor's file No. 8811141040, records of said county; thence the following courses and distances along said line; tl1ence N74°55'00"E130.73 feet; thence N81°"15'00"E 66.00 feet; thence S74°30'00"E 68.00 feet; thence S51°20'00"E 105.35 feet to the south line of said Lot3 and the terminus of said line description. fl;JP EX c Ef' / fl ~3 Ex!ft/J!T ~ That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., and the David A. Neely Donation Land Claim No. 37, all in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Tract L-3, City of Kent Short Plat No. 86- 21, as recorded under King County Recording No. 8706041575, also being a point on the east line of Tract L-1, The Lakes at Kent, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 136 of Plats, pages 41 through 45, inclusive, records of said county; thence along the north line of said Tact L-1 the following courses and distances; thence N07"47'54"W 62.92 feet; thence S83°54'33'W 70.67 feet; thence S77"14'39"W 103.28 feet; thence S88°18'50"W 106.75 feet; thence S79°24'00"W 70.95 feet; thence S58"09'11"W 102.94 feet; thence leaving said north line N22°37'30"W 108.22 feet; thence N67"22'00"E 40.93 feet; thence N20°43'00"W 105.45 feet; thence N15°00'00"W 161.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence N39"23'06"E 19.79 feet; thence N02°00'16"E 187.98 feet; thence N45°00'00"W 17.32 feet; thence N02°00'16"E 87.97 feet; thence N11 °30'02"E 12.93 feet; thence N27"35'46"E 65.84 feet; thence N00°56'48"E 66.74 feet; t11ence N89°03'16"W 284.06 feet to a point of tangency with a 320.00 foot radius circular curve to the left; thence southwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 88"53'14", an arc distance of 496.44 feet to a point of tangency; said point being on the westerly right of way margin of 53rd Place South (Russell Road); thence S02°03'30"W, along said margin, 80.00 feet; thence S87"56'30"E 40.00 feet; thence S56°50'00"E 54.04 feet; thence S87"59'44"E 302.06 feet; thence S50°25'00"E 108.27 feet; thence N66°30'00"E 90.94 feet; thence N39°23'00"E 21.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Uo11 E. Wicl<slroflr, P.E., Uireclor of Public Works !~AIL TO: PIWPERTY I~AIIAGEI1EIIT llreCilyall<entcetelJiatesltsFilsttoo Years CIH OF KEIH EIIGltiEEIUIIG DEPT 220 4"111 /\VEIIUE SOUTII KENT, HAS II INGTOII 98031 1\ flll: JEHHY IKC/\UGIII\tl CITY OF KENT.LID SEGilEGATION CEilTIFICATE ~d/~d 1\e<.JUested by:~ ~~.f24.. oC.f?/!. lJale: ~>'~' LllJ II 33() Assess II @ azz .. -??ao · // l)e ~ J./.e AIM:~ tJ~ 70.3cJ cCf.M.JiWM M ZOI f:df fa,~ iJt fftJ]j 01·111er & Address @ $40.00 l•linilllUm F~e 1\eceived / _~<>I ))fl9..1fp Receipt # ~JO 01mer & Address 6J hrs at $40.00 per hour~ __ 1 ess $40.00 fee Total Due __ _ Tl894 UI(]GIN/\L lJ[SCIUI'IlON (if more space ne1~ded, aLLacil description and refer to Exllibit "A") NEH lJESCHII'T!JUN New /\ssess111ent No. s--9 Ne~1 /\ssesslllenl /\Jut.$ ____ _ (If 111ore space 111~eded, atlacli descripliun ami refer Lo Exllibil "U") HEI·IAINDEI\ DESCIUI'TION l\e111. Assessment flo. /}f/2, '£'( fi_M11 tll-?i tftu 1 I/ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby. accep Ls above tenus and conditions and certifies to the cot·rectness herein. Approved liy J(esolution II ____ _ Au thori zedS1 gna ture EXHIBIT!i 220 4th AVE. SO .. I KENT. WASil lNG ION 98032-509S I ENGINE ElliNG (206)859 33031 OPEIIATIONS (206)859-33951 rAX # B59 3JJ4 / ,jlf ' ~ Z~(!j 1/J 17-"II q That portion of the David A. Neely Donallon L9nd Olslm Nu. 37 antJ Sl'c!ion I if, r uw11~llip 22 NorH1, 11ange 4'Easr, W.M., 111 l<lng County, Witsllington ucscritH~tl R~ !ullows: BEGINNING at lhe 11utll1oa~l c;oiJler or Lot 6, City or Kent Shod Pint No. SPC-95-29 (AKA The llkes II • Keni Oivisluu No.4) racorued under Auditor's file No. 9805070817,records of said county; ltuwoe : S00'52'51 "W, along tile east line o( sald Lot 6, H distance or 418.48 feet to the southeast corner or said : Lot 6 thencl! N8SI"01 '31"W, along IM south line of said Lot o. a distance or 1177.38 reel: to U1e northerly · proiongation or llnr I!IB!IIIne ot Lot 7 ot ~aid short Pl31t; then<:& SOU052'22"W, along said esil line or Lot 7· and ~Mid nortlrerly prulollgation, !!74.0CI reel to lhs southeast comi!lr of said Lot 7; H1ence N89'04'02W, along I he souU1 line or .said Lot 7 and lot 4 or said short plat. 727.30 reel: tt1ence tr1e foHowlng 4 couroes arid distances elong the sbltth line of said Lot 4; thence Nor47'54"W e.2.92 feel; th~nct SB3.54'33"W 70.87 teet; thence 977"14'38'W 103.28 feet; th~rt~;~ seij•1lf~Q"W 106.75 feet; thence, leaving said soutr11ine, N82.40'00"E 95.00 feet: thence N50"50'00"t: 103.00 feet; thence N03"30'00"W 80.00 feel; ihen~ N33•40'00"W 108.00 feet; theiiGe N51"20'00"W 9.65 real to the north line of said Lot4; t11ence cotrtltllJing, along the boUndary of Perce-1 A, city of Kent Lot Line Adjuslrn4nl No. SS-29, recorded under i Audifor'~ f!le No. 8611141 04U, records or said county; thence lhe following 11 courses and dislancss ; ~ron~ the boundary of said Parcel A; fiJence N51"20'00"W 105.35 fe£!1; thence N74'3D'oo·w ea.oo f~~r: thence S81"15'00"W M.OO feet; thence S74•55'0CJ''W ·135.00 f~el; !hence S66'30'00"W 125.01 reel; then~ S78'45'00"VV i37.00 teet; tiJerll:e N8B"25'UU"W BU.OU feel; !lienee Neo•30'00"W 81.46 feel; then~ N.55"80'00"W 223.08 re(:lt; lh~nca N87"56'30'W o1o.oo fegl tu llw uast riuht of w;1y margin of sjrd Ave. SoultJ ~RUsliell Rofid), thence No2•03'30"E, along said margin, 762.84 feel to tile south rigll! or way rnargln or Solllh 2.281tt Street: thence the rollowlnu 1 cowses, along said soutrr margin, thence SBS"27'57"E 4.20.14 tee I to a polnl or tangency with a 1,186.28 foot radlut curve to the lefl; thence rrortllea5lerly, along said GUIYEI, through a ~entral angle of 21.19'12'', arr arc ~i8tance or 441 A2 feellu a point of tangl!ncy; then~ N70"1.2'51"E S6.S2 feet; thence N74 "01'42''~ 150.33 feet; !lienee N70"12'5 !"E . 358.44 reel; thence Nee·24'00''E 150.331Ct.!l; trJellce N10."12'51 "E 219.95 feet to Ills east line of Lot 5 or~~ said sho~t plat; thencm soo•s2'22"W, alorig said east litie, 577.75 f~~~ to the north line of lol 6 or said short pli'i1; !hence SS9"04'22"E:, along said north line, 1,177.44 feet tv ttJe PO IN r OF BEGINNING. II!~{ Lr-cerJI-(L, ,{,~Uo~···~··j ()esc· !'ei:J ./:} 11181 polilon uf Lull, Cily ')\UI!I s/wrl Plul Nr:J, SPI!?-[J:J;l_U (/\I\/\~1/JO Lulws ul /<:o1Ji, tJ/visio111'/u. 'I) 1 ~ICOI d Ui!dUt <JUdllui'S /1/o 1'/q ~JGll~JU/(IlJ I r, I L'CCJ/115 ul /(IIJU Cu\JIJiy, WcJsiJIIIV{u/J, sr:liiJud us lullown: )J IJ(:J]/1/UI/,/U rli 1/i'' 1111(1/HJ 1 UJ/I!UI o//rd I ol !il!ld 1 ;~/,ud p/~11. <:;lid Cllllll'f hl'illll I;UtJJIIIUII !u Lui!; I :.!lid:-! i/11 ciJut! j>lt.ll, !iUid IJIJJtlrit :dn1J IJI•/111/ Ulllltu ~-c•tJI/1 r if:) ill of way 11 WI uitl or ~)oll . :22/JU 1 !11/ GuJ; Uw/tct? Ntj~"U'Dl"\i\1 11luJJU lilt' 1 'url/1 liil8 ur SCJid Lui I ~lllrl suld Lilli //IUII/111, ~J2.Ut) ftwl r(J ll!o n;Jsltluld of 1\'~1)' lllillf)IIJ of (i:Jid /1,VOIILJU !)IJ ,I (/_Wci!Jt?/llluc'ld); !II(IIJi' ~}I,:;();!''() I'J()''VV, nlti/IU qjt} eaG! /llr.liSJill, ·ll 3.07/ee( (u · lliJJ!Ii/llrJJUill uf <=I s!Ji. 1uii<JJ!d tbJ/cullJd In 1/w Clly uf/(EJIJI by dotJd lecuiJ l/Jidr.t tllidi!Lll'~l /i/r:J Nr)Bm:u!iUJIJUIJli, 1ucoJds :11 !ICJid cuurti)', s·J/d pu/1Jl /Jt.J/1 U llU/IIm.J/u/IJJlr3ISOUilu1~J Willi <J JUIJ.UU luu( tlldillS Cl/IVU /u ll1e l'ru/rl, !/il~ GOIJII! w/J/ci!/JGfJJ~; ~)!5!//,U'~1~l'("l~~ :/il'~ll;_l~'IIUII/Jcu:./f!tl)', along suld c .11 vG 81Jcilllr11 ul U 11 ollull u cot dr rd w r[Jit •)A !JJ I ·I u,, . m r w c dislotJco ul JGJ.U7 reef; tlw 1 ;o i'lo?"U•I' 1/."VV UtUJU ol, 1/w~wul ~() 1•7.(!'!~_)"\'~ 203.23 roc'; IIJGI/C() l\/rJI":J2' J"L~Ufi.??.lt?llllu IIJo /'1 IN/ U/ lll.l,/1'-11/1/-/(, ;,,1)/) t:;,"(O 1'1 ~ 1.. or 2 If"!:'"~(! r ..5-~ "G /;~· s-·o r ,, ;;; I ;"/JI/7 /? /_) ,) ex c c ,n I , I J-::-2 ' jfl/¥{#(1/ff I /;(i/ [f'C I.'P F L ,, 7 (. _]-:() _!"(// F!? '15~-:. z '7 EXft::;7/ (-t.k'.) "''lrr-1 7-) j)H.Il.tl:;r.I.J:JJi:b:tJkiftJ. I{ / ~~'17'"-I "!. ~~f.!!~),'kt : / "~;··a w11aJ,.:~;r. · L / . ! ~~~~:·~:V u ·; ~I , :.t-:! 1 •v :"II . " ; t>l i!./ ~~l~ ••• ,p T 9 .. ~¥); • , ·•: ' .•• ~!1Ht~~··~0 1 ' I · /./1 ,1 /~l.v .. i ./?::rn ~ 1:1 ""''qtJ ·' ; ;vv-4,~~"" i ··/ . Pill~$ IU'/~2./~· . . 1; ltwJ.~'tJ:rl,W.Jt,>:~ 4·1, ' . (tJ/'!)·/tj(r, u Lui l Lr~u;d Uu~;t:illdioll ,. ' ·II I ·I It lv\'11 •;I lip n l·ILll Ill, H <II 1\JO •I '(/lui puiliull ullllu :;ulli/lwr~:;l qll:/l!tJI ul >Jt.c till ' . . , .. l.:u:;l, W.rv1., 1111(/IH/ r>nllily VV;i:dilll~/lull, di!:;t:ill,,·d <1'. l"llllw .. I I I :; l'il)' ,,r f(r;id ~;!Jilli l'l;il l·lll. IJr~ldillliiiiJ cd !11 1 ~ II< Jill Jll~l:;[ cull 11?1 11 l .u [/ ., j 1,,., 1·/r)llilll w:l)' 111<11 [jill ol "' . /J ,., .. ,,TJ"!-'lrJilt} Jl' W--• IJ/UGU•ff ~~~j; !IIUIICIJ , 1/U ·_'" , , ' 'f .. · ' [. f l'llll/1'1.11')' wil/1 ~I ) /I) l)lJ fuu! . I I I r. ··! '!' I IJ!J lr•l >( II <1 I JIJIII {) ' . . . L<ilwsldiJ luL/I!v;llt. :.~.,, ··' · · 1-· ( I I. il 1 , .. 1idlil)lllu/-w;l)'<llld;dull\) IJdill" CIIIVU lu 1/ICJ lull, 1/itJIIU! 1/ull IWu:; ul )', l!.JV 1\ ·" I' .l . I ''lJ'I l.J,. IFr'l J I I IT''>I'''lU" 'ill <Ill; I 1:; <IIICI~ u /. . ) .. S<Jiu cu!w, !lllrJliUII <_lt:r!lili<il. :"~\!lu":) :1,13'~~·1/l 'LiU /uu! !u '' puililul 1;111\JPIII:)' fu a IJUIIIf uf (r!II[}UIIt.)l, ~~1:-/ICC f)' f '\'i' /t>f(· i!l;~llt;tl /IUiiliWll~;(r:il)', ;drllll) :;;llrl will1 ~~ J7U.UU ICJul l<ldlll:. LII/Vt. " IL · · 1 .. 1. . 1 'J(J(J ''I! !cui I I /('"'J(J'(J(]" 'Ill <ilr; r 1:. ,IIIU~ u , , , CUIVC, 1/IIUlll)li <I crJiili;il .""~!'~ IJ .' 1'' . :.;JT'•JJ' 1•1"1/V (}tl )~j ll!l!f, 1111?/llT 1/JDIJ('[l ')lJ()"'jt)'.-[ii"IIV /lU {)(, lt!rd, [ll!IILU " . . ... " I' "F --• · -. 1 1 11 . ''tJtJ"''t''tJLI"'AJ IU,I'itJ lt!ld· IIH!Ilcu ;,JJ .J· Ju -0S I 0 til ':JlJ"IIV I :J~.% Ul! ; IUIIUJ ". [ ) v. ' ' . ~· ' •. I. II ' . ' ''lJU"'., . .,.U"W I UU.U I lrwl lo II H! IIIJilli IIIII~ ul ,,.lid. l.r~l 7, U9.G2 fee, ICIICC " J,J.J. , 1 •.• 1 ,11 II , l'uilil uf lJC!CJIIIIJIIIV !1181/CO SUUoO,j'(J2''[, ;:J!oll\} !;<iirJ 1/tJillill/10, Yl1 Jl) CL iJ ll ~ f11JO EKccP7 Lot •I, City of l<enl short Pial No. SPC-95-29 (/\1(/\ T/1r: L<:~lws <:~ll<e11t IJivisiun No. '') recorded Lll 1der cillclitor's tile Nu. 9G050701J 17, 1 oco1 ds of l<il lLJ County, Wasliinglon, except Ilia! portio11lying weslcnly of tile following described li118: COMMENCING at tl1e wester I HilUS( COl/JOt of snid Lui •1, s~1irl coi/JGI i.JoiiiCJ common wil/1 1118 sou!IJGIIII!lost corner of Lot J of said silO! I plat; tlleiiCe N78°42'18E, along tile line common to said Lots 3 and iJ, a distance of 318.0 I feet to the POII'-IT OF BEGINNiNG of said line descriptiu11; lllence S51 "20'00"E 9.65 feet; thence S33"'10'0U"E ·to8.00 feet; thence S03"30'00"E 80.00 feet; thence S50o50'00"W 103.00 feel; thence SD2"-'IO'OO"W 95.00 feet lo tile souliJ line of said Lot '' and t/ 1e terminus of said li110 closcription ftf) 1J ~X. c. c F' T Lot 3, City of !<ent, Short Plat No. SPC-95-29 (AI<A The Lal\es at l<ent, Division No.4) recorded under auditors file No. 9605070817, records of l<ing County, Washington, except that portion lying southerly of tile followiiiQ described line: COMMENCING at tile most southerly corner of said lot 3, thence N15°00'00"W 105.83 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said line description; said line being a portion of the boundary of Parcel A, City of l<ent Lot Line adjuslrnenl No. 88-29 recorded under auditor's file No. 8811141040, records of said county; thence the following courses and distances along said line; thence N74°55'00"E130.73 feet; thence N81°15'00"E 66.00 feet; !lienee S74°30'00"E 68.00 feet; thence S51 o20'00"E 105.35 feet to the south line of said Lot 3 and !he terminus of said line description. R ;{} p EX c E;:' T £x!ft!3!T a That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., and the David A. Neely Donation Land Clairn No. 37, all in King County, Washington, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Tract L-3, City of Kent Short Plat No. 86- 21, as recorded under King County Recording No. 8706041575, also being a point on the east line of Tract L-1, The Lakes at Kent, Division No. 1, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 136 of Plats, pages 41 through 45, inclusive, records of said county; thence along the north line of said Tact L-1 the following courses and distances; thence N07"47'54"W 62.92 feet; thence S83°54'33'W 70.67 feet; thence S77o14'39"W 103.28 feet; thence S88"18'50"W 106.75 feet; thence S79°24'00"W 70.95 feet; thence S58°09' 11 "W 102.94 feet; thence leaving said north line N22°37'30"W 108.22 feet; thence N67"22'00"E 40.93 feet; thence N20°43'00"W 105.45 feet; thence N15°00'00"W 161.85 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence N39°23'06"E 19.79 feet; thence N02°00'16"E 187.98 feet; thence N45°00'00"W 17.32 feet; thence N02°00'16"E 87.97 feet; thence N11°30'02"E 12.93 feet; thence N27"35'46"E 65.84 feet; thence NOOo56'48"E 66.7 4 feet; the11ce N89°03'16"'W 284.06 feet to a point of tangency with a 320.00 foot radius circular curve to the left; thence sout11westerly, along said curve, through a central angle of 88°53'14", an arc distance of 496.44 feet to a point of tangency; said point being on the westerly right of way margin of 53rd Place South (Russell Road); thence S02°03'30"W, along said margin, 80.00 feet; thence S87"56'30"E <WOO feet; thence S56°50'00"E 54.04 feet; thence S87"59'44"E 302.06 feet; thence S50°25'00"E 108.27 feet; thence N66°30'00"E 90.94 feet; thence N39°23'00"E 21.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ') /.) West Bay COMMENCING at the northwest corner of West Bay, according to the Binding Site Plan (BSP-95-1) recorded in Volume 124 or condominiums, pages 35 through 37, records of King County, Washington; said corner being on the east right of way margin of 53rd Place South (Russell Road) ; thence S87"59'44"E, along the north line of said Binding Site Plan, 86.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence continuing S87"59'44"E, along said north line, 302.06 feet; thence S50.25'00"E, along the northerly boundary of said Binding Site Plan, 108.27 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; thence S66.30'00"W 20.37 feet; thence S76.45'00"W 87.00 feet; thence N86.25'00"W 80.00 feet; thence N80.30'00"W 61.46 feet; thence N56.50'00"W 169.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH: COMMENCING at the aforementioned Point "A"; thence N66.30'00"E 90.94 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; thence continuing N66.30'00"E 13.70 feet; thence N1s·oo'OO"W 10.73 feet; thence S39.23'00"W 21.91 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 25,416± square feet (0.5835± Acres). 94133112.doc; O(i/17/%: Pg: 2 ) " ' ° CITY Of lli:JEk~1li 1Jo11 1: Wicl<slrollr, 1'.1:., Uireclor of l'ublrc Works 1·1/\IL 10: PHOPEHTY 1-IAII/\GEI·IEIII 1/ro Cityol/(errt CnloiJwtes Its F11st tOo \'e<Jfs CI"IY OF I<EIH EIIGIIIEEI!IIIG [)Ef'l 220 4111 /\VEIIUE SOUIII KENT, \·1/\SIIIIIGTOII 9803 J /\Till: JEI!HY IICC/\UGit/\11 CITY OF KENT LID SEGnEGATION CEnTIFICATE :A-<-c. '4/ d~ o?f ~ / llequesleu i.Jy: z;(p /d~ /J. s;Y. Uale: ?s; fl, L!U II J3o 1\ssess II ..5--- ~ 2 Dta-Ji' l. <--.-, 77 o--cJ / ' '24 litf:"b J~' c_(J) (it(. £~ !Jdlv fOJt /( /rJq.!1l~-l ;(IC trtz f;/ltt/ il~ f f {/(JJ OIU r; l N/IL LJ[SCIU I' II ON (il IIIUI'e space IICI!dud, allac/i dtcscripliull <111u 1·efe1· to Exliii.Jil "/\") {~ J ~f@ ;f}-cufa/ ducfc/4,-c{O'l ~/~·c"--&;J ;vrd;__ /4 ;;£tv/ i //16" //?IrE .5-/l T ffE Ill r: S /ltl;? T j7L /JT ,u';t/!JidA) IF 1-: .s .P rs-z_ ;7 $40.00 l·lillillllllll lee l(ecei veu __ / ___ /19_ l(eceipl # 01mer & !ludress hrs at $40.00 per hour~ __ less $40.00 lee lutal [)ue ~-~ Tl894 (If" llllll'e spac1c lll?edud, al.l.ach dt?StTipt.iun and refr!r Lu [xlriiJil "IJ'')~ l~e111. /\ssesslllenl llu. (if IIIOI'e space needed, <1llaciJ Jescriplioll anu l'efer lo Exhibit "C") The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and conditions und certifies to the cotTectne~s herein. !lpp1·oved by l(l'sululiull II SIGNElJ EXHIBIT J!! 'I"' I j"'' I' II ,!~(/! //}/!-/1 Tl1al portion of t11e David A. Neely Donation L11nd Clslrn No. ~7 and section 111, I uwrrsllip 22 North, Range 4: E:ast, W.M., In l~lng County, Washington descrilled as follows: SI:GINNINIJ at !he nu1llr~ust comer of Lot 6, City or Kent Sltorf Pint No. SPC-95-29 (AKA 1 he Lakes ll · Ke11t Division t~o. 4) tacorded under Auditor's file No. 9605070817,records of said county; th!noe ! S00'52'51 MW, along the east line of said Lot 6, a distance of 418.46 feet to t11e southeast corner of said : Lot fl the ned Nagoo1 ':31''W, aiong tha south line ot said Lor o. a distance or 1177.38 reel: to the northerly · prolongaUon or thw t!B!tllne of Lot 7 ot $aid short plllt; thence S00"52'22"'W. along said esst line of Lot 7 · and .:s!.iid t1oriherly prolutigation, el74.0d teet to the southeast corni!lr or said Lot 7; tllence N89"04'02W, along lhe soutllllne or Mid Lot 7 and lot 4 ot said short plul. 727.30 reel; tllcltce tfJC following 4 counJes arid distances efong the sollth line of said Lor 4; thence No7~47'54"W e2.g2 fett; th~tnce S83"54'33"W 70.87 te!i; 1hen9e S_77"~4'39'W.1 03.28 feet; then~;' SS~"H!.'~O"W 10e.75 fe~l; thence, leaving sakl soutllline, N82"40'00"E 95.00 feet; thence N50"50'00"E 103.00 feel; thence N03"30'00"W Bo.oo reef; I hence N33 •4o·oo·w I 08.00 feet; the~H;e Nsi •2o'OO"W 9.e5 real to the north line of said Lot 4; ttwnce cotltllll!lng, along the boUndary of ~~reel A, city or kent Lot Lint Adjustm~nl No. SS-29, recorded under Auditor'~ f!le No. 8811141040. records of said county; thence the following 11 courses and distances ~lon~ the ~oundary of said Parcel A; lhence N51"20'00"W 105.35 reel; tlrenc;e N74"30'00"W SS.OO feel; the nos S81 '15'00"W ee.oo feet; thence S74~55'00''W ·135.00 r~el; thence S65'30'00'W 125.01 fe!l; thence S7e•4s•oo~w 87.00 teet; thence N8B"25'00"W ao.ou reel; thence Nao·~o·oo"VY 61.46 reel; . thence N.se•I50'00"W 223.08 fe~t; thsnce N87"58'30'W 40.00 hwt to llw l:!aslriylit or way margin or 53rd Ave. South (RUss eli Road), thence No2•o3'30"E:, along said margin, 762.84 feel to tire sout11 right or way margin or South 228111 street: !llellce the following? eoiHses, along snlu suutll margin, thence S8S"27'57"r: 420.14 teet to a polnl of tangency with a 1,186.28 foot radlu!i cUJVA to the le}l; thence nudheaslerly, along said GUin, throUgh i r;~mlral angle ot 21'19'12", an arc dislance of 441.42 feello a point of tang11ncy; thence N70°12'51"f: 86.82 teet; thence N74"01'42''~ 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'S1"E . 35B.44 feet; thence N66"24'00"E 150.~~ teet; tllellce N7o·t2'51"E 219.95 feet to t11e eagt lfne or lot 5 or~~ said shott plat; thenca soo•62'.22"W, alorig said ~sslfille, 577.75 feel to llle norH1Iine of Lor 6 or said short plat; thenC! S89"04'22"E, along said north line, 1,177.44 feet to tile POINT or BEGINNING. Contains .2,SOS,G06± square reel (57.5897± acres). £Yilll31! 8 That portion of the David A. Neely Donation Lrmd Claim No. ~;and Section' 111, Township 22 North, Range n:ast, W.M., In King County, Washington descriiJed as; follows: BEGINNING at the nurllioast corner of Lol6, Clty or Kent Short Plat No. SJ;C-95~29 {Af<A.The Lakes 11 · Kent Division No. 4) recor\Jed under Auditor's file No. 9M5o70817,recoil:Js of said county; th!noe ! S00'52'51 "W, along the east line of said Lol6, a distance of 418.48 feet to the southeast corner of said ! Lot 6 thence N8i"01'31"W, along the south lil'le or said Lot 6, a distance of 1 177_38 reel: to the northerty ' prolongation or the ea!lllne of Lot 7 or $aid short plat; thence SOOD52'22''W, along said east line of Lot 7 · an!.l :sl1id northerly prolongation, ~7".00 feet to th& soulhtast comer of said Lot 7; thence N89"04'02W, along lhe south line or .said Lot 1 and lot 4 of said short plat. 727.30 feet; t11ence the following 4 courses and distances elong the south line of said Lot 4; thence No7~47'54"W 62.92 feet; thtn~ S83.54'33"W 70.e7 f8et; thence 977•14'38,;-W 103.28 fceli thent;t1 SSt;I"15'!JO"W 106.75 feet; thence, leaving said suut111ine, NB2"40'00"E; 95.00 feet; thence N50"50'00"E 103.00 feet; thence N03°30'00"W BO.OO feel; thence N33"40'00"W I 08.00 reel; the11ce N51.20'00"W 9.85 feet to t11e north line of said Lot 4; thence contiiiUing, along the boundary Of P!rcel A, City of Kent Lot Lint Adjustrn~nl No. 88-29, recorded under 1 Auditor'$ file No. 6811141040, records of said county; thence the following 11 cowses and distances ~long the boundary of said Parcel A; thence N51.20'00"W 10S.35 feet; thrmc;e N74"30'00"W 68.00 feet; lhencs S81'15'00"W ee.OO feet; thence S74"55'00"W ·135.00 fseli thence S6ei'30'00"W 125.01 feel; thence S76 1 45'00"W 87.00 feet; tlterlte N86°25'00"W 80.00 feet; thence N80'30'00"W 61.46 feet; . than~ N56"!50'00"W 223.08 feet; thence N87•56'30'W 40.00 feet lo the easlrighl of way margin of 53rd Ave. South (RUBI.iell Road), thence N02"03'30"e, along said margin, 762.84 feet to the south right or way rnargln of South 228th Street: thence the following 1 eowses, along salt! soutll m~ryln, thence ssa•27'57"E 420.14 feet to a point of tangency with a 1,166.28 foot radius curve to the l~ft; thence northeasterly, ~long said curve, through a central angle of 21"1 9'12", an arc dis lance of 441 A2 feet to a point of tangency; thence N70"12'51"E ae.a2 feet; thence N74"01'42''~ 150.33 feet; thence N70"12'51.E . 358.44 feet; thence N66"24'00''E 150.33 kiet; thence N7o•12'51 "E 279.95 feet to the east line o!Lot 5 of~~ said short plat; thence S00"62'22"W, along said east line. 577.75 feetlo the nortllline of Lot6 or said short plat; thence SB9"04'22"E:, along said north line, 1,17744 1cet to tlw POINT OF BEGINNING. ;\.'c\i-1() ). ,;:_}t:. t..: /1C._,.D /Y':lJ,_).·c 1:C t_·)c.-;J/( I/(._: f_; v / . . ;'i,--tr '-)F r;~,;.,~;-L ,u ;.J·£ ~· /)I .t(·b~J/ 5~//t..."iA_' 7 f~ /17··