HomeMy WebLinkAbout1433RESOLUTION NO. Jt/33 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, authorizing City staff to submit an application to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission to seek a determination that an above-grade railroad crossing should be constructed as part of the City's proposed 196th Street Corridor. WHEREAS, the Green River Valley in the City of Kent, and also the cities of Renton and Auburn, has experienced significant, unprecedented growth and urbanization in the second half of the twentieth century and should continue to experience similar urbanization and growth well into the twenty-first century; and WHEREAS, this valley area, specifically including and affecting the City of Kent, has developed significant commercial and industrial centers in Kent, Tukwila, Renton and Auburn that serve the greater Seattle region, the Pacific Northwest, and the Pacific Rim nations; and WHEREAS, as part of this urbanization and growth, the City, neighboring jurisdictions, the State of Washington and other regional agencies have developed major transportation routes, including the I-5 and I-405 corridors, SR 18 and SR 167, and the East and West Valley Highways, all of which serve these commercial and industrial centers, the greater Seattle region, the Pacific Northwest, and the Pacific Rim nations through the ports of Seattle and Tacoma; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent and other local jurisdictions within the Green River Valley support these major transportation routes with a network of major and minor arterial roadways; and 1 WHEREAS, the City of Kent's transportation and utility infrastructure within the Green River Valley serves and will continue to serve as a crucial link to the flow of commerce in this significant region; and WHEREAS, the current roadway infrastructure within the City's Green River Valley area does not sufficiently serve local and regional needs for efficient east-west transportation in a manner that effectively accommodates this unprecedented urbanization and growth; and WHEREAS, in order to address the established need for improved east-west transportation facilities in and across the Green River Valley, the City, both on its own and in conjunction with neighboring cities, Metropolitan King County, and the State of Washington, has undertaken various studies and developed various plans to address these needs; and WHEREAS, as a result of these studies and plans, which are ongoing in nature, the City, in cooperation with neighboring cities, Metropolitan King County, and the State of Washington, has determined the need for certain east-west highway arterial corridors across the Green River Valley; and WHEREAS, one of the east-west corridors proposed for development as a result of these studies is the City's proposed II 196th Street Corridor, II which shall extend from the East Valley Highway on the east to Orillia Road on the west; and WHEREAS, the City is currently conducting environmental review in the form of an Environmental Impact Statement on the 196th Street Corridor, which evaluates the significant impacts and proposed mitigation measures for this project; and WHEREAS, the City's proposed 196th Street Corridor project will cross the north- south mainline routes routes of the Union Pacific Railroad Company (one mainline track) and the Burlington Northern Railroad Company (two mainline tracks) 2 WHEREAS, the City, and in fact most of the Green River Valley, is bisected by the north-south mainline routes of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Burlington Northern Railroad Company; and WHEREAS, rail traffic in the City of Kent and the Green River Valley has also increased concurrently with this unprecedented urbanization and growth, forming part of the overall transportation network that facilitates and serves this commercial and industrial certter; and WHEREAS, rail traffic in the City of Kent and the Green River Valley is expected to increase in the future and, in particular, passenger rail traffic is expected to increase significantly over one or more of these north-south rail mainlines through "heavy rail" passenger commuter service, which will likely be implemented as part of an overall regional effort to mitigate existing and future traffic congestion; and WHEREAS, the construction of rail spur tracks from these mainlines that serve railroad customers in the City of Kent and the Green River Valley has also significantly increased, along with rail traffic on these spurs, in order to serve the businesses that have located here, by supplying those businesses with materials and supplies and by distributing their products; and WHEREAS, no grade separated railroad crossings of any east-west routes across these north-south railroad mainlines exist within the city limits of the City of Kent; and WHEREAS, no grade separated railroad crossings of any east-west routes in the Green River Valley across these north-south railroad mainline routes exist from I-405 in the City of Renton to 15th Street NW in the City of Auburn, which area encompasses the majority of the urbanized Green River Valley; and 3 WHEREAS, the lack of any grade separated crossings in Kent and most of the Green River Valley, in light of the increased traffic from the significant growth and urbanization that has and will continue to occur in this area, has caused significant increases in rail and vehicular traffic congestion at existing at-grade crossings, thereby constituting a public life and safety hazard not only for the citizens of this region, but also for the respective railroad companies; and WHEREAS, the lack of any grade separated crossings in Kent and the Green River Valley, in light of the increased traffic from the significant growth that has and will continue to occur in this area, has caused significant increases in rail and vehicular traffic congestion at existing at-grade crossings, thereby impeding the efficient flow of vehicular traffic in this area and restricting the travelling speeds of rail traffic in this area; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the development of grade separated rail crossings over certain east-west routes is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that constructing a grade separated crossing at an existing east-west route would cause the City to temporarily close that east-west crossing (and temporarily close access from adjoining collector arterials) during construction, thereby creating an unacceptable obstruction to traffic flows in the region, because the existing east- west corridors cannot adequately serve existing demands; and WHEREAS, the City's proposed 196th Street Corridor, if adopted following completion of the environmental review process, would create a new right of way over that portion of 196th Street affecting the railroad mainlines; and WHEREAS, construction of an above-grade crossing as part of the 196th Street Corridor would not affect current traffic flow on existing east -west routes or their connecting 4 collector arterials during construction of the above-grade crossing, because the 196th Street crossing would be part of an entirely new route in the crossing area; and WHEREAS, construction of an at-grade crossing on the City's proposed 196th Street Corridor would only further degrade the City's, the railroads' and the region's transportation and public safety problems; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the City should construct an above- grade overpass crossing for that portion of the City's proposed 196th Street Corridor where the railroad tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Burlington Northern Railroad Company intersect the City's proposed roadway. NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. The City Council finds that the foregoing recitals are true and correct in all respects and are incorporated into the body of this Resolution. Section 2. The City should construct an above-grade railroad overpass crossing for that portion of the City's proposed 196th Street Corridor where the railroad tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Burlington Northern Railroad Company intersect the City's proposed roadway. Section 3. The City of Kent, on its own and in conjunction with various other agencies, has conducted feasibility studies and environmental review related to the construction of an at-grade crossing or an underpass, and the City has determined that an at-grade crossing or an underpass is not practical or feasible. Section 4. In order to promote public safety, the flow of vehicular traffic, the flow of rail traffic, and the flow of commerce in the City of Kent and throughout the region, the 5 construction of an overpass over the tracks of the Burlington Northern Railroad Company and the Union Pacific Railroad Company as part of the City's proposed 196th Street Corridor would be the most feasible and financially sound alternative. Section 5. The City of Kent, pursuant to Chapter 81.53 of the Revised Code of Washington (particularly including, without limitation, RCW 81.53.020, -.030, -.060, -.110, and -.130), shall file a proper application with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission for authority to construct an overpass for vehicular traffic over the railroad tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Burlington Northern Railroad Company where those tracks intersect the City's proposed roadway. Section 6. The City Council's determination to file this application before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission constitutes additional preliminary planning as authorized under WAC 197-11-070(4). The City is not at this time committing itself to proceed with its 196th Street Corridor project. The City will decide whether or not to proceed with the construction of the 196th Street Corridor following completion of the environmental review process. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this ?o day of o-~ , 1995. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this ..2/ day o(} tvv-J-· , 1995. 6 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I Lf 3 3 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, on the d-0 day of (} L• /l6JI..---, 1995. EAL) 1960PASS.pwk 7