HomeMy WebLinkAbout1374RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, regarding the vacation of a portion of South 23lst Street (commonly referred to as Landing Way South) as petitioned for by Birtcher VOL Land Partnership, owner of property abutting said street sought to be vacated, and setting a public hearing on the proposed street vacation for January 4, 1994. WHEREAS, a proper petition has been filed by Birtcher VOL Land Partnership, owner of property abutting portions of South 231st Street (commonly referred to as Landing Way South), to vacate a portion thereof to accommodate large distribution uses in the Van Doren's Landing Industrial Park; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A public hearing on the street vacation petition (attached hereto with related documents as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference) shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7 o'clock p.m. , Tuesday, January 4, 1994, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032. Section 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by law. Section 3. The Planning Director shall obtain the necessary approval or rejection or other information from the Public Works Department and other appropriate departments, and shall transmit information to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on January 4, 1994. Passed at a regular meeting of the.kity Council of the City of Kent, Washington this 2 day of J!)...e_~ , 1993. ~Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of~~, 1993. ATTEST: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /3 7 Y-, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 7 ~a of /Jg~, 1993. ~ tt~ (SEAL) BRENDA JAC ER, CITY CLERK vacate. res 2 I j /\(I L 1 VI \I I I , .~ ........ ' ··· '· ·• •· . /0-. rlcC~rul\iln. or: KUH/ llulllc: Birtcher VDL Land Partnership. .J So. 1tll 1\ve. /\duress: 22613 68th Avenue South J<cnt, HI\ 90032 Kent, Washington 98032 Phone: (206) 395-3400 /iU~~n~ NOV lv. 1993 STHCU /\llll/01\ /\\.LEY Y/\CI\l!OII 1\\lPLlCI\TlOII./\IIIl I'ETITIOII . · ~Nn Dcilr l·lilyor iliid l~t~nt C! ty Cour1cll: /South 23lst Str:-eel: (r:cmronly ncferred"Clt~~Fr..~/9 -.,------------Way South) CLE'RK lie, the undcrs11]rlcd/iJIJttLLin0 properly U\·11\e!·s, hereby respectfully I'CCJucsL that certain I hereby be v,lcil ted. ( Gcncril 1 Loc,, t 1011) !lf\IEI-ST/\HI·IEIIT \illY Yi\CI\TIOII IS DCIIIG SOUGIIT L/IAJI>!Al G l.U-i 'y Birtcher VDL Land Partnership is seeking to vacate SoldL 1 ·~ n 1 :d· &t.t:ect fr:-on 6~ th !\venue South to South 22Bth Street to accarm0<1ate large distribution uses as shown in Exhibit B attached. Vacation of ~~0~t Street will. provide Van D:Jren 's Landing wi.th the opportunity to canpete for large distribu~ion uses which cannot be a:;cnrno:iate0 on any_ other area of the industrial park. Sufficient proof I copy of deed cor1Lrilcl etc. supror·Led by l:in(] County Tox Rolls sliull be sub111itted for ve1·\ficution of si~niltures. l·liLhout these il "CUI\HEIH" li tlr. l·erort shull be re(juired. l·lhcn Corporulions I Purtnerships clc. a1·c IJein~ siqncd for, thc11 p1·oof of individual's <Juthority to SiCJI1 for Sullie shull olso be suillllittod. Attach a color coded lllilfl of u scule of r1ol less tl\un l" = 200' of the ilrca sought for YilCu ti 011. ( IIOH) llufl IIIllS l correspond Ylilh 1 eaul cle scrlpl ion. -i ,\!: LQT // AOUTTIIIG l'fWPl:RTY 01/liEilS S lGIJi\TURES AIID 1\DOili:SSlS 1.01, 111.00: !, PLt\T/S[C. f\11:. f!G 1Jirtc!1er VOL Land Partnership, Kent, Washington 98032 22613 68th !\venue South !\ rortion of the N.E. 1/4 and the S.E. 1/4 of Section 14, '[WP. 22 N., R. •1 E., ~1.1·\. Block Three' Lot Ono, Lot Two, Lot Three. Lot Four, Tract A, :az:~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~;~e, ~,U-/~t-f.?~ /t.:e-<e~..,.Je~ Four, ../"""'l Lot F:i.ve, ~,?--:~ V---<-1/ r.___/ 4__ ~A--~ 1'1." ZIC t [], Tax No. Tax No. Tax No. Tax No. Tax No. Tax No. Tax Ho. Tax No. Tax No. Tax No. Tux. l<o. ~...V~t.--0.---"9--J :. l 50. 00 r ce i'd lei _/L_(.)_::l.l_ hie:.; ll I'\';·' •. ~ <'( C: I): i i: ;~' 887980-0200 887980·0210 887980-0220 887980-0230 887980-0290 887980-0210 887980-0250 887980-0260 887980-0270 807980-0200 007980-0300 ;".T•!H c I s i1 l 1: c: o r o1 i d L u n d \' u 1 u c l\1 I d Deed kceptcd T··,Hir. Jl.cc cp ted 0 ,, L e -------····----------_____ ,.L. ____ -----------· EXHIBIT A