HomeMy WebLinkAbout1331RESOLUTION NO. I 3 3 I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, regarding the vacation of a nine foot street easement abutting 104th Avenue, as petitioned for by Emma Platz Company, owner of property abutting upon said street easement sought to be vacated, and setting a public hearing on the proposed street vacation for November 17, 1992. WHEREAS, a proper petition has been filed by Emma Platz Company, owner of property abutting 104th Avenue, to vacate a street easement situated upon petitioner's property abutting 104th Avenue; and WHEREAS, the petitioner, as predecessor in interest, was required to deed a nine foot strip of property fronting on 104th Avenue to the County for future street and utility improvements when the area was unincorporated King County; and WHEREAS, the County had not made any improvements at the time the City annexed the area; and WHEREAS, the City has subsequently made utility and street improvements along 104th Avenue, but has not utilized the deeded right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the petitioners are now requesting that the city vacate the street easement and return it to their ownership; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A public hearing on the street vacation petition (attached hereto with related documents as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference) shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00p.m., Tuesday, November 17, 1992, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032. Section 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by law. Section 3. The Planning Director shall obtain the necessary approval or rejection or other information from the Public Works Department and other appropriate departments and shall transmit information to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on November 17, 1992. Passed at a regular meeting of the c:~~~~n~il of the City of Kent, washington this ~ day of aJ~ , 1992. ~.oncurred in by the Mayor of the city of Kent, this c;)._/ U/c~N , 1992. day of ATTEST: JACOBER, 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /3 3 ( , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the a.£) day of ({)cb/J·-elv, 1992. easevac.res J!J'--. =--·=--· ~~.;....;_::cf6u=:........,..;.~Ct-'-~=---~--( SEAL) BRENDA JACOBlR, CITY CLERK 3 HAIL TO: APPLICANT: . Gerald B; McCaughan CITY OF KENT Name: D. Al..-A-KI ~or-.1 D H(:. PAR\1-It::R. ~--~~~~------------- 220 So. 4th Ave. Kent, WA 98032 Address: ct·-'H'\1'\ PLA1'"'l... Go Q.o ~X 6oJ9 Phone: t)~ll...QJ~, Wa. ~<i-1 , "til II q ~oo8 STREET AND/OR AL.LEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION . , ~J,../ Dear t1ayor and K.ent City Council: . f 01 "' '·/ · We, the undersigned abutting property owners, hereby ~espectfully re~uest that ·certain fft/t:A/t/G" hereby be vacated. (General Location) !d4 ~ ,h't/e ;ll/1?4r-.S:I? • .2 s-:z~o /.?LociY. . Legal Description 0EL' LEc;A-·L D~sc.'Rt~lt Ci "-.J ts...xl,. l b·, T ''-A '• "T1 Ac.t+ C:..]) tt-:S . .,.,.'\7\ p IJY l} JT l~) sF.r 1 7 1992 Gil \' · )! ~~ t:N l :PEl Hllili I.:Ei'-Irf':Fl rn I' BRIEF. STATEI~ENT WHY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT To S"ISS5cc -..1 c>F P~<-6f'~~~'{ T-A,/<.ct--( F<:> R.. f. \u c \.1 Jo A 2-o j...j E. r-L o rll..c. ,.<T~ 11/IS qf:,..sT et:>t.OC'!... ,PAI(<EC... 'r 'A-"-' Ctt~u<..~. /o v-r1 5 r-. (Jr=._,.tfjot-1 !{~ ... ,) Thb :S.T(c:tEI 'y rotA.~ l::.M p,HV ~~ :Sub)t.::::"<::...T 7 k) [ T+l UTILI\! r=..s A ...... o s, DR lc..l ,A-L.(C.. -,-a-..~::­ Pf\1-{CC.C... I y PIS-T'-0 (S,~<.) "f"l....,-t S\1> ~ LUA-LlC A o...1 i) PA , I' 6-ll-"t "-/ • T t.....z t'tVflLc K N't5 Sufficient proof; copy of deed contract etc. supported by King County Tax Rolls shall be submitted for verification of signatures. Without these a "CURRENT" title report shall be required. When Corporati.ons, Partnerships etc. are be.ing signed for, then proof of individual's authority to sign for same shall also be submitted. Attach a color coded map of a scale of not less than 111 = 200' of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond with legal description. Land Value Paid Deed Accepted Trade Accepted 5224-33A TWN. RG ~~~~~~~~T~re~a;sl:rer' s Receipt No. Treasurer's Receipt No. Treasurer's Receipt No .. Date ·---------------------------Date ________________________ ___ EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE HEST 9 FEET OF THE EAST 50 FEET OF THE NORTH 171.08 FEET OF THE EAST 1/2 OF THE SH 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 20 1 TWP. 22N, RGE. 5E, WM .. ALL IN KING COUNTY STATE OF WASHINGTON.