HomeMy WebLinkAbout1329RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring its intent to join with King County and other cities to form the South County Area Transportation Board to manage multijurisdictional transportation issues in the South County region. WHEREAS, south King County has a history of multi- jurisdictional transportation planning dating back to the late 1970's including the Green River Valley Transportation Action Plan (GRVTAP} which was a multijurisdictional effort coordinated by the Puget Sound Council of Governments (now Puget Sound Regional Council} and involving King County, the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT} and the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila; and WHEREAS, each of the jurisdictions in the south King County area has experienced significant population growth and economic development in the last decade and project continued growth and development in the future; and WHEREAS, the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, and Tukwila have changed in geographic area since the late 1970's; and WHEREAS, the cities of Algona, Des Moines, Enumclaw, Milton, Normandy Park, and Pacific did not participate in the GRVTAP because they were outside the study area, but are clearly impacted by traffic congestion problems in the South County Area; and WHEREAS, the cities of Burien, Federal Way, and SeaTac did not exist during most of the transportation planning history in South King County; and WHEREAS, King county, Metro, WSDOT, and the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, and SeaTac have demonstrated through the South County Area Transportation Benefit District Steering committee and program development effort, the benefits which can be achieved by regional coordination; and WHEREAS, the enormous cost of many of the needed transportation improvements and their importance to South King County as a whole demonstrate the need for a cooperative approach to the planning, financing and construction of these improvements; and WHEREAS, many of the transportation problems which were identified in GRVTAP still exist and new transportation management issues have emerged, including Commute Trip Reduction Act of 1990, the transportation planning and financing requirements of the Growth Management Act of 1990, and the regional high capacity transportation plan; and WHEREAS, a cooperative approach to the transportation problems will facilitate application of the south King County jurisdictions for funding from the State of washington and the United states; and WHEREAS, a proposal has been made to reorganize and expand the South County Area Transportation Benefit District Steering Committee to form the South County Area Transportation Board as described in Exhibit A to serve as a central forum for solving transportation issues affecting the South County area jurisdictions; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 2 Section 1. The city of Kent will join together with King County and the other cities of South King County that may choose to do so to form the South County Area Transportation Board as described in Exhibit A and will designate an elected official representative and an alternative to represent the City on the Board. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this ~' day of (} c;J_-z~-1:>-efJ 1992. Councurred in by the May r of the City of Kent, this day of [)c J-t,__{/-cJt/, 1992. KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: A '1J2 __ t/L f) ~_,_) I c:t (_.e,'--e~-~ BRENDA JACOBER,~ CLERK l I APPROVED AS T6-~: I hereby certify ~hat this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. I 3 _;2_ c( , passed the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the day of Och--e-...;_..-Lj , 1992. B~,,fl~J BRENDA JACOBE~, 3 / l C~J--t~J (SEAL) TY CLERK EXHIBIT A SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSPORTATION BOARD Purpose: Th~ Board shall serve as a central forum for information shartng, consensus building, and coordination to resolve transportation issues implement transportation programs and projects that benefit the South County . area jurisdictions and region. Membership: Membership shall be extended to: King County; the cities of South King County including Algona, Auburn, Black Diamond, Burien, Des Moines, Enumclaw, Federal Way, Kent, Milton, Normandy Park, Pacific, Renton, SeaTac, and Tukwila; METRO, the Port of Seattle, Puget Sound Regional Council {PSRC), Valley Area Transportation Alliance {VATA), and Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT}; and others as the Board may later determine. Each Board member shall serve for a term of two years or until the member's term of office expires, whichever occurs first. Board Representation: Each city member shall be entitled to one position on the board. King County shall be entitled to two positions. The· Port of Seattle, METRO, PSRC, VATA, and WSDOT shall be entitled to one position each. Each member should appoint one representative and one alternate to the Board. For the County and cities, the representative should be an elected official;: the alternate may be an elected official or high level staff member as best serves both the jurisdiction and the Board. Voting: The Board shall operate by consensus whenever possible, but in those matters requiring a vote, voting shall be assigned as follows: {1) King County shall have two votes and each of the city members of the Board shall have one vote each, and (2) the Port of Seattle, METRO, PSRC, VATA, and WSDOT shall be non-voting members of the Board. Board Conduct: A quorum of Board membership, that being at least fifty percent of the number of members plus one, shall be required to conduct business. At least fifty percent of the number of voting board members plus one affirmative votes are required to take action. The Board shall establish its own bylaws and rules of procedure. The Board may establish such . committees as are necessary to carry out its purpose including but not limited to a technical advisory committee as described in this Exhibit. Technical Advisory Committee: Each member jurisdiction or agency shall appoint an appropriate department director or division manager to the Technical Advisory Committee {TAC}. The City of Seattle, the Eastside Transportation Program, Pierce County, the City of Tacoma, and Pierce Transit may appoint similar level staff to the TAC. Other jurisdictions, agencies, or groups may be added as determined by the Board. The TAC shall provide technical assistance as requested by the Board and shall advise the Board of emergent transportation issues for the Board's consideration. To the extent possible, existing technical or other work groups with which South County jurisdictions are already participating should be used. South County area staff could, if necessary, form a subregional caucus for the purpose of assisting in bringing issues to the Technical Advisory Committee or the Board. EXHIBIT A Page Two Public Sector Participation: The Valley Area Transportation Alliance, as a broadly based business interest group with the goal of improving transportation problems in the South County area, shall be recognized as the body representing South County area business community interests and shall be represented on the Board and on the lAC. Citizen involvement in the Board shall be as follows: (1} Interested citizen groups shall be placed ori the mailing list for Board meetings to ensure that those groups are kept informed of Board activities; and (2} for Board undertakings for which citizen involvement can have a specifically identified purpose, the Board shall establish a citizens advisory committee (CAC) to which each voting member of the Board shall make an appointment. The chair of the CAC shall sit as a non-voting member of the Steering Committee and lAC for the duration of the CAC's existence. Staff Support: For the first year, King County will provide general administrative support for the Board and lAC. Each member jurisdiction is expected to contribute such staff as is necessary to accomplish Board agreed upon tasks. Work Program: The Board may undertake activities consistent with its purposes and shall prepare an annual work program for the following year and progress report on the year just completed ·for submittal to its member jurisdiction by December 31 of each year. Regional Arterial Plan: The Board shall develop a South County Area Transportation Action Plan (RAP) which describes the region's transportation conditions, identifies regional transportation needs, prioritizes those needs, identifies responsible agencies, identifies possible funding sources, and, where appropriate, recommends a funding strategy for specific projects or corridors. The RAP shall be submitted to member jurisdictions for adoption by resolution. The Board shall annually review the RAP and propose any necessary revisions to update the plan to reflect project implementation or changes in transportation needs and conditions. Board actions must be consistent with the RAP. Cost Sharing Guidelines: At such time that member jurisdictions agree that the Board requires on-going administrative support or that a specific undertaking of the Board requires specific support, these guidelines shall generally apply: (1) Annual Review of Financing: The Board shall determine by June 1 of each year whether a financial contribution will be requested of the Board jurisdictions, agencies, and organizations. (2) King County and City Members: Costs shall be shared among the County and cities in accordance with the degree of benefit received from the activity to be funded. Unless agreed to otherwise, administrative costs shall be distributed by the percent of population each jurisdiction has within the Board's boundaries according to the most recent population estimate of the Washington State Office of Financial Management. EXHIBIT A Page Three (3) Other Board-Members: The Port of Seattle, METRO, WSDOT, VATA, PSRC and other non-voting members shall be expected to make a direct f~nding or in~ kind contribution in accordance with their degree of benefit received. (4) Inter7oca7 Agreement Required: An interlocal agreement specifying cost-sharing, purpose, scope of work and other details is required to obligate a member jurisdiction to funding participation.