HomeMy WebLinkAbout1324RESOLUTION NO. 13 ,:)__ j A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, regarding the vacation of portions of Pioneer and Kennebeck Streets, as petitioned for by Kent School District No. 415, owners of property abutting upon said streets sought to be vacated, and setting the public hearing on the proposed street vacation for October 20, 1992. WHEREAS, a proper petition has been filed by Kent School District No. 415, owners of property abutting portions of Pioneer and Kennebeck Streets, to vacate said portions situated next to Kent Junior High School to connect newly purchased property by petitioners to the existing Kent Junior High School site and to use the vacated right-of-way for parking facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A public hearing on the street vacation petition (attached hereto with related documents as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference) shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00p.m., Tuesday, October 20, 1992, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington 98032. Section 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by law. Section 3. The Planning Director shall obtain the necessary approval or rejection or other information from the Public Works Department and other appropriate departments and shall transmit information to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on October 20, 1992. City of Passed at a regular meeting of the ~ty Council of the Kent, Washington this IS day of /(J.¥ , 1992. ~rred in by the Mayor o '.-m.i'-f./1.-, 19 9 2 . the City of Kent, this /~ day of APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~ I hereby certify that this is Resolution No. t3J.. Lj , passed by the Kent, Washington, the /~ day of strvac.res 2 MAYOR a true and correct copy of City council of the City of A-~ , 1992. CL~(SEAL) CITY CLERK BARGHAUSEN CoNsULTING ENGINI;ERs·;--tNC. CITY OF KENT AUG 2 4 \992. "Land Planning, Survey, and Design Specialis: --~--------~-. ( /_/ ·---.__""• / \ ENGINEERING ~EPT. i / August 18, 1992 } ~~~/ Mr. Jerry McCaughan 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, W A 98032 _/ 11 x/of£ / ;v RE: Vacation Application for Pioneer Street and Kennebeck Street for the New Kent Junior High Parking Facility Our Job No. 4479 Dear Jerry: I am enclosing the following documents concerning the proposed vacation of a portion of Pioneer Street and Kennebeck Street for the new Kent Junior High School parking lot facility which is scheduled to be under construction sometime early this fall: 1. A completed and signed street vacation application and petition. This application has been signed by the School District which has a 60 percent fee ownership interest in the abutting properties, which includes Lots 1 through 7 along the west half of the site. The City has a 14 percent ownership abutting Kennebeck Street. All other property owners have a 26 percent ownership interest (none of which have signed the petition). We understand that the City can proceed forward with the vacation with only 66 percent of the adjacent owners approval. Since the City appears to be in favor of the vacation, a total of 74 percent of the adjacent property owners support the vacation. 2. Exhibit "A" is the attached legal description for the entire property which includes a portion of Kennebeck Street and Pioneer Street to be vacated. 3. Exhibit "B" is the signature blocks, addresses and tax lot and block numbers for the adjacent and abutting property owners to the vacated out-of-way. 4. An exhibit showing the physical location of the portions of Kennebeck Street and Pioneer Street to be vacated. 5. Copies of the latest title reports from Lots 1 through 11 (the adjacent properties relative to the rights-of-way to be vacated). Please process this vacation petition at your earliest convenience. In accordance with our meeting last week, the legal description which combines all of the area of Kennebeck Street and Pioneer Street together will be acceptable to the City. Therefore, separate legal descriptions for the separate rights-of-way are not required. EXHIBIT .A. Home Office: 18215 ?2nd Avenue South· Kent, Washington 98032 • (206) 251-6222 • Fax (206) 251-8782 California Office: 4612 Roseville Road, Suite #1 03 ·North Highlands, California 95660 • (916) 348-3057 ·Fax (916) 348-0953 i.. Mr. Jerry McCaughan -2-August 18, 1992 If you need any additional information please do not hesitate to call. As you know, we are in the process of finalizing our engineering design plans with the engineering department, and we will be glad to provide any assistance to your department, if necessary, in order to expedite this petition as much as possible. DBM/ps 4479C.009 ~rely, (l)v/?-~---~~B. Mower, P.E. Vice President cc: Mr. Jerry Winkle, Kent School District Mr. Glen Anderson, Kent School District Mr. Fred Long, Kent School District Mr. Bill Ruth, W.E. Ruth Real Estate, Inc. Mr. Doug Conyers, Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. EXHIBIT A., \~. MAIL TO: G·anld c. McCaughan CITY OF KENT 220 So. 4th Ave. Kent, WA 98032 1'1 w,~I\Gtll.t. RtCH~tO G~~-C(-Z-_ ___._,..-~ l)l\1t. _ ... .-·-- . . STREET AND/OR ALLEY Dear f~ayor and Kent City Councfl: APPLICANT: Name: Barghausen Consulting Engineers/ Dana B. Mower, Vice-President Address: 18215 -72nd Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Phone: (206) 251-6222 VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION We, the undersigned abutting property owners, hereby respectfully request that ·certain Right-of-Way hereby be vacated. (General Location) A portion of Pioneer street and K~nnebeck Street LNext to Kent Jr. High School) Legal Description See Attached Exhibit "A" j.!P '). RECEIVED PROPERlY. MAI1AGtMENT {• &'-) 5/-'f.::Z-___ _ o,\lf ---~--- .. ' ~ : BRIEF~STATEMENT WHY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT To connect newly purchased property (by Kent School District) to existing Kent Jr. High School site and to use vacated right-of-way for facility parking. Sufficient proof; copy of deed contract etc. supported by King County Tax Rolls shall be submitted for verification of signatures. Without these a "CURRENT" title report sha1l be required. When Corporations, Partnerships. etc. are being signed for, then proof of individual's authority to sign for same shall also be submitted. / Attach a color coded map of a scale of not less than 1" = 200' of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond with legal description. ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURES AND ADDRESSES TAX LOT # LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC. TWN. RG i' . J; Tax #917960-2035-08 -Irons Group site Tax # 538560-0005 -Kent Jr. site $150,00 Fee Paid Appraisal Fee Paid Land Value Paid Deed Accepted Trade Accepted 5224-33A Treasurer's Receipt No. Treasurer's Receipt No. Treasurer's Receipt No. Date __________________________ __ Date __________________________ __ £KHIBITA EXHIBIT "A" PRQPOSED VACATk.~ OF A PORTION OF PIONEER STREET AND KENNEBECK AVENUE LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of said Section 24; THENCE South 01 ° 15' 23" West, along the East line of said Section 24, a distance of 645.97 feet, to the North line of Pioneer Street as established in McMillin's Addition to Kent, according to the plat recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, page 58, Records of King County, Washington, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING South 01 ° 15' 23" West along the East line of said Section 24, a distance of 1 24.42 feet, to the intersection of the Easterly extension of the South line of Lots 1 through 11, Block 20, of Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition to Kent, according to the plat recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, page 97, Records of King County, Washington; THENCE South 89° 49' 47" West, along said extension of the South fine of Lots 1 through 11, a distance of 33.46 feet, to the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 20 of said Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition; THENCE North 00° 42' 00" East, along the East line of said Lot 11 and the extension thereof, 95.33 feet, to South fine of Pioneer Street as established in said McMillin's Addition to Kent; THENCE North 88° 38' 12" West along said South line of Pioneer Street, 340.07 feet, to the intersection of a Northerly extension of the West fine of Lot 1, Block 20 of said Washington Central Improvement Company's First Addition; THENCE North 00° 47' 04" East along said extension, 30.00 feet. to the North 'line of Pioneer Street as established in said McMillin's Addition to Kent; THENCE South 88° 38' 12" East, along said North line of Pioneer Street, 374.69 feet, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Said tract contains 14,455 square feet or 0.332 acres, more or less. Project: Kent Junior High School Parking Lot Expansion July 20, 1992 4479L.001 CWS/ps EXHIBIT A -·-·DIIIo.·B .,.,.. KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 415 RESOLUTION NO. 787 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of Kent School District No. 415, that in accordance with WAC 180-29-120, the following district personnel whose certified signatures are noted below, are hereby authorized to sign any and all forms of district authorization(s), as required by Chapter 180-29 WAC. This Resolution No. 787, supersedes and cancels Resolution No. 722, adopted by the Board of Directors on the 12th of September, 1 990. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL: Superintendent: Assistant Superintendent for Business Services: Administrative Assistant for Finance: Director of Plant and Facilities: 1L~_.L:fl~-f -----mes L. Hager, Ph.l . • t:d.d_M!J --~- Gerald M~Winkle Glen H. Anderson ADOPTED by the Board of Directors at a regular open meeting thereof held the 8th of July, 1992; the following Directors being present and voting therefor. BY: A114~~~g~_:__ ~~L. Hager, Ph.D. Secretary to the Board KEN~OOL DISTRICT NO.· 415 -----~~ ~~~~-4 -~ll-~~P Its Directors EXHIBIT .A l I . :; >--\3 ·~ ~ rn ' ~ t3 -, '-". I ) rued fo"r R«Qrd at Request of: ~orweat Eacrow Company, !nc. AFTER RECORDING MAIL. TO: AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO N~e ~ent School DLatrict 415 Ad~~ 12033 Southeast 256th City, State Zip ~ent, WA 98031 E5crow Number: 10855 Statutory Warranty Deed ! TilE GRANTOR Betty ;J. Acheaon, Leroy H. Irons, and Barbara J. Willi6JIIa, each •• to their .... uparate estate, who do not utilize prcperty as primary residence. for and in coasideratio11 ofTEN DOI.LAJ\S AND OTHEJ{ GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDI!AATION in hand paid, cou~ys and warrants to Jten.t, ~~hool Dhtrict 415 the following ducribed real estllte, iituated ill the Coonty of King, St1te ofW&shlnaton: LarS 1 THROUGH i AND THE WEST 10 FEET OF LOT B, B~ 20, WASHINGTON C!KTAAL IKPR~ CO'S 1ST ADDITION TO JO'!NT, ACCORDING TOT HE PLAT THEJ!ZOF JI.ECO!U:l!D IN VOLUME 3 OP PLATS, PAGE 97 JI.ECORDS OF ~ING COUNTY, KASBlJIGTON; TOGETHER WITH AN UNPLATTED STRIP ADJACENT NORTH OF SAID BLOCX AND SOUTH OF EAST PlONZIR STl'tLET; EXCEPT THE EAST 20 fEET OF LOT 8; ARD EXCEPT THAT PORTIN OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 5 AS OOHVETID TO THE CITY OF !tENT FOR ALLEY BY DEED RECORDED UNDER UNG COtnri'Y JU'JCORDING NO. 6423052. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF JtiNG, STATE OF WASHINGTON Dated this 10 day of July, 1992. l By STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNfY OF KINC } I cuti!y that l know or have satisfactory ~iden~ that~~~,f..L.t.J?~~~W.~:~a.<1...2~pi:I.'.IU.~~~---­ the perso~:' appeared before me, and said peno~ acknowl it to be ~ free and voluntary act for the uses and p Dated: ? -Jo _f :J1.... Ei258372 07/20/i992 .oo e72soo.oo EXHIBIT - ... 8