HomeMy WebLinkAbout1317RESOLUTION NO. /317 A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1993-1998. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 1993 to 1998, as set forth in the attachments hereto and herewith filed with the City Clerk, is hereby adopted. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this 0 I day of ~ kd~ , 1992. Concurred in by the Mayo~ of the City of Kent, this OJ. ,;t. Qq.Jhr , 1992. . (/ ' "' day of '., -~~ \\'--~ ~\_____,-- DAN\KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: ~~--&-) BRENDA JACOBER,( CI APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. !3 I 1 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 02..( day of ~ , 1992. trans imp. res 2 CLCt~ (SEAL) CITY CLERK CITY OF J<ENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1993 -1998 Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Uirector of Public Works CI1Y OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 1993 THROUGH 1998 PROJECT USTING FIRST YEAR ANNUAL ELEMENT 1993 1 272nd/277th Street-Auburn Way to Kent-Kangley Road 2 196th/200th Street Corridor Project (West Leg) 3 192nd/196th Street Corridor Project (Middle leg) 4 Metro Park and Ride Lot 5 Canyon Drive Median Barrier 6 S.E. 260th Street at 104th Avenue S.E. Intersection Improvements 7 76th Ave S. at S. 212th Street Intersection Improvements 8 Reith Road/Meeker Street at Kent-Des Moines Road Intersection Improvements 9 ?2nd Ave S. at S. 212th Street Intersection Improvements 10 Central Avenue at S. 259th Street Intersection Improvements 11 Central Avenue at SR 167 Signal Improvements 12 Central Avenue -Willis Street to Smith Street 13 ?2nd Ave S. -S. 194th Street to S. 196th Street 14 S. 212th Street-West Valley Hwy. to SR 167 15 Commute Trip Reduction 16 S.E. 256th Street-Kent-Kangley Road to 116th Ave. S.E. 17 Crow Road By-Pass (SR 516) 18 Valley Signal Coordination 19 64th Ave. S.-S. 216th Street to S. 226th Street 20 James Street Safety Improvements (incl. 100th Ave. S.E. at S. 240th Street Signal Improvements) 21 VMS Upgrade 22 Neighborhood Traffic Control Program 23 West Valley Hwy. -S. 180th Street to S. 189th Street 23a West Meeker Street-SR 516 to West Valley Highway SECOND/THIRD YEAR 1994 -1995 24 Lincoln Avenue at James Street Traffic Signal 25 James Street at Central Avenue Intersection Improvements 26 Kent-Kangley Road at lllth Avenue S.E. Intersection Improvements 27 Smith Street at 4th Avenue Intersection Improvements 28 Willis Street at 4th Avenue Signal Modifications (1995) 29 James Street -Jason Avenue to 94th Avenue S. 30 Lind Avenue-S. 180th Street to East Valley Hwy. FOURTH/FIFTH/SIXTH YEAR 1996, 1997, 1998 31 S. 224th Street/S. 228th Street Corridor Project (West Leg) 32 S. 192nd Street/S. 196th Street Corridor Project (East Leg) 33 N. Central Avenue at Smith Street Intersection Improvements 34 94th Avenue South-Canyon Drive to James Street 35 248th Street -94th Ave S.E. to 116th Ave. S.E. 36 84th Avenue South-S. 212th St. to SR 167 37 James Street at 104th Ave S.E. Acceleration Lanes 38 72nd Avenue S. -S. 196th Street to S. 200th Street 1993-1998 6 YEAR TRANSPORTATIO~ IMPROVEMENT PROGRA~ )~:>::;· ':v'••i -:• City/County Kent. Washingtor City No 0615 Countv Nc. 17 Hearing Date ______________ _ Adoption Date _____________ _ ============================================================================================================================~ D 0 t y Nc PROJECT IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Street name or number. Co. road name or numoer. term~ni beginning & end. Describe work to be done.) PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FUNDING SOURC~ !TOTA~ OBLIGATION SC14EDULE ~------------------------------1 . . Y E A R ! FEDERA~ ! FUNDS 1993 1994 1995 '96-'98! 1 st 2 nc 3 rd 4th,5th! Pro-!AMT !Annual Year vear and 6th!AMT gram! Yea~ ! ============================================================================================================================! 1 !S. 272nd Street/ S. 277th Street Corrido~ !Auburn Way to Kent-Kangley Road !Construct a new four/five 1ane roadway from Auburn! !Way to the Kent-Kangley Road. including a !bridge across the Green River, and a traffic !signal system at the intersection of the J Kent-Kang ·ley Roac. 2 !S.196th/S.200th Street Co"rido~ Project !Orillia Road to West Valley Highway !Widen S.200th Street from Orillia Road tc !Russell Road. ana rechannelize Russell Roaa/ !S. 196th Street from tne Green River to West ! Va 11 ey Highway. !S.192nd/S.196th Street Corridor Project !West Valley Hignway to East Va1.iey Highway !Construct a new four/five lane roadway, incl. !pavement widening on S.196th Street from West !Valley Highway to E Valley Hwy, incluaing a new !bridge over the Union Pacific and Burlingto~ !Northern Railroad tracks, and a traffic signal- !ization system at tne East Valley Hwy and S.196t~ 4 !Metro Park and Ride lo: !Expansion of the present Metro facility !located at SR516 and Military Road tc accomodate !an additional 200 to 300 vehicles. 5 !Canyon Drive Median Barrier !Extend the existing concrete median barrier or !Canyon Drive from its current terminus near !Weiland Street to 101st Ave SE: and widen Canyor !Drive. including: pavement. curbs and gutters, and! !siaewc:'k. 4200 5800 !10000 10000 2575 ! [8425]! !1\.inq C! ! p'lus !City 5000 2000 5000 1116 1284 .300 1200 9000 !Doimary! !Alternat 1200 JSTA! 8140 TIA! 21860 30000 3205 TIA![7795J ! 11000 !King Co! !plus ~City 10500 TIA! 1 1500 1920 TIA! 480 ! METRO! 1200 UAT! 300 300 22000 240C 1500 or '500 1993-1998 6 YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT SUMMARv City/County Kent. Washingtor City No 0615 County No. 17 Hearing Date ______________ _ Adoption Date _____________ _ Resolution Nc. ============================================================================================================================' p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS DESCRIPTION OF WORK OBLIGATION FUNDING SOURCE ! TOTA!_ 0 SCHEDULE '------------------------------' n ' (Street name or number. Co. road name or number. termini beginning & end. Y E A R ! FEDERAL ! FUNDS 1993 1994 1995 '96-'98! 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4th.5th 1 Pro-!AMT TIA!Loca 1 y Describe work to be done.) 1 Annual Year Year and 6th!AMT gram! No ! E'lement Yea~ ! . ============================================================================================================================' !SE 260th Street at 104th Ave SE lntersectior ! Improvements !Construct minor widening on 104th Ave SE to provid 1 ~a separate left turn lane on 104th Ave SE. and !install a new traffic signalization svstem. !76th AvenueS at S 212th Street Intersection ! Improvements !Reconstruct the channelization en the southeast !and southwest corners of the intersection to !construct of an additional left tur~ lane. 8 !Reith Road/ Meeker Street at Kent-Des Moines !Read Intersection Improvements !Widen Reith Road/ Meeker Street: reconstruct the !channelizing islands on the northwest. nortneast. !and southeast corners of the intersection: and !modify the traffic signalization system. !72nd AveS. at S 212th Street intersection ! I mpr ovemen t s !Widen oavement to permit construction of a right !tur~ lane on the northeast corner of the inte~­ !section. 1 0 !Central. Ayenue at S. 259th Street Intersection !Improvements !Installation or a traffic signalization system. 350 50 45 100 180 '1 !Central Avenue at SR 167 Traff~c Signal Improvemen! 40 !Construct improvements to the traffic siaanlizatio! 'system(s) at the SR 167 ramos to Centra~ Avenue. !PrQiect inc~udes revisions to provide protective/ 1 1 oermissive ]eft turn pnasing, replacement of the !WSDOT t~affic signal controllers with Citv of Kent! !standard equipment. and interconnection. 10 ~~mary! !Alternate 140 ISTA! 210 UAT! 350 HES 35 ISTAI 50 12 ISTA! 45 83 JSTA! 11 . ' 1QQ 33 UAT! 17 '00 150 ISTA! 30 180 33 ISTA! 40 1993-1998 6 YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRA~ DROJECT SUMMARY City/County Kent, Washinato~ City No 0615 CountY No. 1" Hearing DatE ______________ _ Adoption Date _____________ _ Resolution lie. ============================================================================================================================I p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS DESCRIPTION OF WORK OBLIGATION FUNDING SOURCE !TOTAL SCHEDULE !------------------------------! (Street name or numbe~. Co. road name or number. termini beginning & end. Y E A R ! FEDERAL ! FUNDS t y No Describe work to be done. l 1993 1994 1995 '96-'98! 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4th.5th 1 Pro-!AMT TIA!Loca1 !Annual Year Year and 6th!AMT gram! !Element Yea~ ! ============================================================================================================================! 12 !Central Avenue -Willis Street to Smith Street !Widen Central Avenue to provide left turn lanes !from Gowe Street to Titus Street. and right turr !lanes at Smith Street and E. Gowe, and reconstruct! !the traffic signalization svstem at the Central 'Avenue intersection with E. Gcwe. 854 '3 !?2nd Ave South-S. 194th Street to S. 196th Stree! 390 !Construct new two iane roadway fro~ S. 194th St. !to S. 196th Street. 150 :4 !S. 212th Street -West Valley Highway to SR 161 !Widen existing roadway to add HOV lanes fro~ !West Valley Hwy to SR 167. Includes $200,000 for !HOY studv in 1993 Annual Element 200*! 1000 ! 3000 !Project! 1* (HOV Study) 15 !Commute Trio Reduction !Prepare parking policy review oer the Nashington !State Commute Trip Reduction ·iaw. incl. review !~f supply, cost, and design guidelines; and !administrative processes. 25 16 !SE 256th Street-Kent-Kangley Road to 116th Ave SE! 2900 !Widen existing roadway from Kent-Kangley Road to ! ! 116th Ave SE. 17 !Crow Road By-pass -97th P.l S, SE 260th Street. 1and 108th Ave SE !Widen existing roadways, from Canyon Drive throuar! !to the Kent-Kangley Road, including traffic signal! !-ization svstem at the 108th Ave SE intersectior !with the Kent-Kangiey Road. 1 8 !Valley Signal Coordination !Design report for interagency signal coordinatior 1 !on West Valley Hwy. and S 180th Street. Coordinate! !with Tukwila. Renton. WSDOT. and King Cc. 1000 628 UAT! 226 540 2200 ISTA! 1800 160 ISTA! TIA/UATA! 40 20 ISTA! 5 1450 UAT! 1450 600 UAT 1 400 854 540 1000 200 ! 25 2900 1000 5 1993-1998 6 YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT SUMMARY City/County Kent, Washington Sity No 0615 County No. 17 Hearing Date ______________ _ Adoption Date _____________ _ Resolution No. ============================================================================================================================! p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 0 t y DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Street name or numoe~. Co. road name or number. termini beginning & end. Describe work to be dane. l 1993 1 st :Annual OBLIGATION SCHEDULE y E A R 1994 1995 2 nd 3 rd Year Year FUNDING SOURCE !TOTA~ 1------------------------------1 . . !FEDERAL '96-'98! 4th. 5th! and 6th!AMT Pra-!AMT gram! !FUNDS TIA! Lac a 1 No ! E·iement Yea~ ' ============================================================================================================================! 19 !64th AveS. -S 216th S~ree: :8 5 226th Street !Construct a new four lane rcacway ~-o~ 5 2'5:~ !Street to S 226th Street. 20 !James Street Safety Improvements -Central Avenue !to 94th Ave S !Construct pedestrian safety improvements ajon~ !James Street tS 240th Street) from Centra1 Avenue !to 94th Avenue S. and modify the traffic signa~­ !~zation system at the James Street intersection !with 100th Ave SE. 21 !VMS System Update !Replace the City's Master Traffic Signal Control !computer with a new computer system. 22 !Neighborhood Traffic Control Program (City-Wide) !Modify local residential streets to promote safe ! !and appropriate levels of traffic flows. 23 !West Valley Highway-S 180th Street to S 189th !Street !Widen West Valley Highway to seven lanes tram So. !180th Street to S 189th Street, including moaif- !ications tc the traffic signalization systems. 2200 300 50 25 140 20 20 20 250 750 1700 60 270 HES I 42 ISTAJ 137 ISTA! 108 HES 2200 30 8 28 12 2160 UAT! 540 2200 300 50 165 120 ! 2700 I ----------,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23a!West Meeker Street-SR 516 (Kent-Des Moines Road)! 4000 2000 1500 !to West Valley Highway !Widen Meeker Street to five lanes from SR 515 !(Kent-Des Maines Road) to West Valley Hwy. includi! !replacing the existing bridge across the Green Riv 1 24 !Lincoln Avenue at James Street Traffic Signa~ :Install traffic signalization system at the !Lincoln Avenue at James Street intersection. incl.! !vehicle detection. and interconnection to the !existing pedestriar and railroad crossing systems. 1 130 4000 ISTA! 2000 TIA! 1500 130 ! !(METRO)! 7500 1 993-1998 6 YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT SUMMARv City/County Kent. Washington City No 0615 Hearing Date ______________ _ Adoption Date _____________ _ County No. 17 Resolution No. ============================================================================================================================! p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ~ DESCRIPTION OF WORK OBLIGATION FUNDING SOURCE !TOTAL 0 SCHEDULE 1------------------------------1 . . r (Street name or number. y E A R !FEDERAL ! FUNDS Co. road name or number. 1993 1994 1995 '96-'98! t termini beginning & end. 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4th.5th! Pro-!AMT TIA! Local y Describe work to be done.) !Annual Year Year and 6th!AMT gram! No ! E-lement Yea~ ! ============================================================================================================================! 25 !James Street IS 240th Street) at Central Avenue !Intersection Improvements !Widen intersection to construct a right turn lane !for westbound traffic. 26 !Kent-Kangley Road at 111th Avenue SE Intersection ! !Improvements !Install traffic signalization interconnection cabl! !between the 104th Ave SEat SE 256th Street !and the Kent-Kangley Road at 111th Ave SE ! intersections. 27 !Smith Street at S 4th Avenue lntersectior ! Improvements !Widen Smith Street and S 4th Avenue to provide !exclusive left turn 1ane channelization. modify th! !existing traffic signalization system to provide !protected left turn phasing, and improve the curb ! !return radii for right turning vehicles. 28 !Willis Street at S 4th Avenue Signal Modifications! !Modify the existing traffic signalization system !at the Willis Street (SR 5161 at S 4th Avenue !intersection. 29 !James Street -Jason Avenue to 94th Ave S !Widen pavement to provide exclusive le't turn lane! !along James Street from Jason Street to 94th AveS! 30 !Lind Avenue-S 180th Street to East Valley Hwy !Construct new fi\'e ·lane roadway from S 180th St :to East Valley Hwy. 350 !Primary! !Alternate 15 500 25 :ooo :soo 280 ISTA! 70 350 250 UAT! 100 350 12 ISTA! 3 15 416 ISTA! 84 500 21 ISTA! 4 25 900 UAT 100 1000 750 TIA! 750 1500 1993-1998 6 YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRA~ PROJECT SUMMARY City/County Kent. Washington City No 0615 County No. 17 Hearing Date ______________ _ Adoption Date _____________ _ Resolution No. ============================================================================================================================! p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 0 r t y No DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Street name or number. Co. road name or number, termini beginning & end. Describe work to be done.) 1993 1 st !Annual !Element OBLIGATION SCHEDULE y E A R 1994 1995 2 nd 3 rc Year Year FUNDING SOURCE !TOTAL 1------------------------------1 . . !FEDERA~ '96-'98! 4th, 5th! and 6th!AMT Year ! !FUNDS Pro-!AMT TIA!Local gram! ============================================================================================================================! 31 !S 224th/ S 228th Street Corridor Project ! S 228th Street -Military Road to 54th AveS ! Military Road -S 228th St to Kent-Des Moines !Construct a new four/five lane roadway from !Military Road to 54th AveS, including a new bridg! !across the Green River, and widen Military Read !from S 228th Street to Kent-Des Moines Road. 32 !S 192nd/S 196th Street Corridor Project - !East Valley Highway (SR 181) to 92nd Ave S !Construct new four/five lane roadway, including !pavement widening to S 196th Street from East Vall! !Hwy to 92nd Ave S. including a new bridge over the! !Valley Freeway (SR 167). 33 !N Central Avenue at Smith Street Intersection !Improvements !Widen pavement to construct an additional left tur! !lane. and modify the existing traffic signalizatio! !system. 34 !94th Ave S -Canyon Drive to James Street !Widen 94th Ave S to a three lane roadway from Jame! :Street to Canyon Drive. 35 !SE 248th Street -94th Ave SE to 116th Ave SE !Widen SE 248th Street to three lanes from 94th Ave! !SE to 116th Ave SE. 36 !84th AveS -S 212th Street to SR 167 !Widen 84th Ave S to seven lanes from S 212th Stree! !to SR 167. 37 !James Street at 104th Ave SE Acceleration Lanes !Construct an acceleration lane for eastbound traft! 1along James Street (S 240th Street) from 104th Ave! !SE. easteriy a distance of 600 feet. 9558 8749 500 300 2000 2950 7646 TIA! 1912 9558 6999 TIA! 1750 8749 499 ISTA! 101 600 640 UAT! 160 800 1600 UAT! 400 2000 2360 UAT! 590 2950 125 25 150 1993-1998 6 YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT SUMMARY City/County Kent, Washington City No 0615 County No. 17 Hearing Date ______________ _ Adoption Date _____________ _ Resolution No. ============================================================================================================================! p PROJECT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS DESCRIPTION OF WORK OBLIGATION FUNDING SOURCE !TOTA~ 0 r SCHEDULE 1------------------------------1 . . t y No (Street npme or number. Co. road name or number, termini beginning & end. Describe work to be done.) !993 1 st !Annual !Element y E 1994 2 nd Year A R 1995 3 rd Year !FEDERAL '96-'98! 4th, 5th! and 6th!AMT Yea~ ! Pro-!AMT gram! ! FUNDS TIA! Local ============================================================================================================================! 38 !72nd AvenueS-S 196th Street to S 200th Street !Construct a new two lane roadway from S 196th !Street to S 200th Street. !TOTAL PROJECT COSTS (Primary Funding on Project Numbers 5, 9, and 25: U:t::I:**OR****** !TOTAL PROJECT COSTS (Alternate Funding on Project Numbers • 9. and 25) "• !26125 ! or !26125 540 540 540 !25154 !23395 44407 9643 53808 55640 119091 ! or ! or or or or or or !25164 !23395 44407 10480 52941 55670 !19091 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ·gg3 199.1 1 st 2 nc .~nnua 1 Year Element l0_1 0oOE10h12vsb3Tl3aOE11oOE10h12vsb3T 1 1X2064D46W@$&-fPc 1995 '96-'98 3 rd 4th.5th Year and 6th Year CIIT OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: S.272nd /S.277th Street Corridor Project-Auburn Way to Kent-Kangley Road DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four/five lane roadway from Auburn Way to the Kent-Kangley Road, including a new bridge across the Green River, and a traffic signal system at the intersection with the Kent-Kangley Road. Project will include construction of full width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, street lighting, and street channelization. COST SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 1, 900,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 4,600,000 Construction ........................................... $ 23,500,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $30,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CIIT PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 4,200,000 5,800,000 10,000,000 Jr~:,_,.,.lf:~~·s,f.J 10,000,000 "'ot~,.J?n TOTAL ---;rr~-~---n-\-B~g~n-AI-Ign-me~i~ ----.---=---~-=--c----~---LL,_--'--!~~~~d--,---.----.---.+---"-!1-...,~-rl -~~~ STA. 10.00 ~~~~~~~~~~ c;\;, \) c )\ II nilC,1 ~~~,~·,_•,_~-~ -~ ~,,\•,or- ~. ""'· ~ PROJECT 1 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: S.196th/S.200th Street Corridor Project-Orillia Road to West Valley Highway (WEST LEG -192nd/196th/200th Street Corridor Project) DESCRIPTION: Widen S. 200th Street from Orillia Road to Russell Road, and construct a new bridge over the Green River, and widen/rechannelize Russell Road/S. 196th Street from the Green River to West Valley Hwy. Project will include the constmction of full width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, street lighting, landscaping, grading, and channelization . NOTE: This is a joint project with King County SUM:MARY: CITY KING COUNTY Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 390,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........................ $1,185,000 Constmction .............................................. $4,000,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $5,575,000 $5,425,000 TOTAL PROJECf COST ····························-············· $11,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CITY, COUNTY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2,575,000 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: S.192nd/S.196th Street Corridor Project-West Valley Highway (SR181) to East Valley Highway (MIDDLE LEG-S.l92nd/S.l96th/S.200th Street Corridor Project) DESCRIPTION: Construct new four/five lane roadway, including pavement widening to S. 196th Street from West Valley Highway to 72nd Ave. South, including a new bridge over the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Railroad tracks, and a traffic signalization system for the intersection of East Valley Highway at S. 196th Street. Project will include the construction of full-width pavement, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, landscaping, and channelization. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ...... $ 1,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $ 4,700,000 Construction $15,800,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $22,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 5,000,000 2nd Year 2,000,000 3rd Year 6,000,000 PROJECT 3 4th/5th & 6th Year 9,000,000 TOTAL 22,000,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: Metro Park and Ride Lot DESCRIPTION: Expansion of the present Metro facility located at SRS16 and Military Road to accommodate an additional 200 to 300 vehicles SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 400,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction $2,000,000 TOTAL ..................................................... $2,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, METRO PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 1,116,000 H/CHL/NE C 0/"1/"IUN IT r rrfl 1 .e-re- 1,284;000 3rd Year -----------..,;r PROJECT 4 4th/5th & 6th Year LflNOF ILL TOTAL 2,400,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: Canyon Drive Median Barrier DESCRIPTION: Extend the existing concrete median barrier on Canyon Drive, from near Weiland Street to 101st Ave SE. Project will include the construction of a concrete median barrier; pavement widening to accomodate the barrier; and curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 200,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $ 100,000 Construction ........................................... $ 1,200,000 TOTAL ....................................................... $ 1,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, HES, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 300,000 2nd Year 1,200,000 3rd Year PROJECT 5 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL -_. ·-2.-" "' > <( 1,500,000 -0-. a:.: .., 0 SE 252NC ST CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: SE 260th Street at 104th Avenue SE Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Construct minor widening on 104th Ave SE to provide a separate left tum lane on northboun_<il04th Avenue SE, and install a new traffic signalization system. Project will include the construction of pavement, curbs and gutters, and sidewalks. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 52,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction $ 298,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 350,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 350,000 :111 ~ MAPLE ST KENT 1ETE!Ir 1111111111111~ illlllllllllllllllll~ iu111n11m.lie.fN I C II ILL ~ ELE] SCHaff£ PROJECT 6 SEOU/JI/1 §JR. 11/CII SCII~L TOTAL 350,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: 76th Avenue S. at S. 212th Street Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct the channelization on the southeast and southwest comers of the intersection to permit the construction of an additional northbound left tum lane. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 8,000 Right of Way Acquisition ................ $ Construction $ 42,000 TOTAL ..................................................... $ 50,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY P~OJEq COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 50,000 tJ'BRIEN ELEff. 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/5th & 6th Year TOTAL 50,000 !TH ST SCHtJ(JL 212TH ST UJ > a: :r ..... "' "' 216TH ST w > a: 0 z "' ,.. UJ > a: :r ... PROJECT 7 S 216TH ST \ 2!8TH ST CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Reith Road/ Meeker Street at Kent-Des Moines Road Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Widen Reith Road/ Meeker Street; reconstruct the channelizing islands on the northwest, northeast, and southeast comers of the intersection; and modify the traffic signalization system. Project will include pavement widening, and channelization modifications. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 5,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction $ 40,000 TOTAL ..................................................... $ 45,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 45,000 2nd Year 3rd Year PROJECT 8 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 11/VEIIBENO CrJLF CrJUf/5E TOTAL 45,000 I CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: 72nd Ave. S at S 212th Street Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Widen pavement to permit construction of a right tum lane on the northeast comer of the intersection. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 20,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ........................................... $ 80,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 100,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/5th & 6th Year 100,000 lU > a: -.... ··--· :c "' u.J ,. a: :t: .... r r PROJECT 9 S 2l6TH ST TOTAL 100,000 2l2TH ST ~ ~=====~{ 2l8TH ! CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Central Avenue at S 259th Street Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Installation of traffic signalization system. Project includes installation of street lighting, and channelization modification. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 14,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ........................................... $ 166,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 180,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 180,000 (J "', w' > C[ w > cr .... Ill 3rd Year PROJECT 10 4th/ 5th & 6th Year I(ENT CE!tETERT TOTAL 180,000 illlllfllll!llllllll~ ""o ~ (-9-1- 5CEN/C IfiLL c ?RRK ' ~lllllllllii!.M".fN/C Iff ELE-~ SCHO CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Central Avenue at SR 167 Traffic Signal Improvements DESCRIPTION: Construct improvements to the traffic signalization system(s) at the SR 167 ramps to Central Avenue. Project includes revisions to provide protective/permissive left tum phasing, replacement of the WSDOT traffic signal controllers with City of Kent standard equipment, interconnection to the City's Master Traffic Control System, and interconnection to the adjacent traffic signals at S. 224th Street and S. 228th Street SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... S 12,000 Right of Way Acquisition .......................... $ Construction ........................................... $ 28,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 40,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 40,000 w S 22BTH Sf ST ~ w > a: 0 z N w > cr TOTAL 40,000 "' w > cr -i=l ~I s 22BTH -1111111111111111111 "' 1\1!111111111\1111~ w > cr -J: I ~ --~ t .... tD -"' z l UJ \0 , > :t: cr >-;;/ ro :r: NOVAC LN "'' >-) tD ) z _f S 232NO PROJECT 11 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Central Avenue -Willis Street to Smith Street DESCRIPTION: Widen to provide left turn lanes from Gowe Street to Titus Street, and right turn lanes at Smith Street and East Gowe, and reconstruct traffic signalization system at the Central Avenue intersection with Gowe Street. Project will include construction/reconstruction of paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalk, street lighting, storm drainage, street channelization, and landscaping. NOTE: Project construction in progress -Summer 1992 SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 43,000 (Not included in 1993 Annual Element) Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $210,000 (Not included in 1993 Annual Element) Construction ........................................... $ 854,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $1,107,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, CITY, STATE PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 854,000 (Construction Cost Only) J I Jo 2nd Year 3rd Year PROJECT 12 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL CIIT OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: 72nd Avenue S -S 194th Street to S 196th Street DESCRIPTION: Construct new two lane roadway from S 194th Street to S 196th Street. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, channelization, grading, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 80,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 216,000 Construction ............................................ $244,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 540,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) CIIT PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 390,000 2nd Year 4th/5th 3rd Year & 6th Year 150,000 w~ 0 If "' w ;.. 0:: "' ,_.I ~ PROJECT 13 TOTAL 540,000 LJ [:J >-:r "' UJ .... > w .JI 0: .J .... 0: "' > "' w rl CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: S. 212th Street -West Valley Highway to SR 167 DESCRJPTION: Widen existing roadway to add HOV lanes from West Valley Highway (SR 181) to SR 167, and modify traffic signalization systems at 84th Avenue S and SR 167. Project will include the construction of full width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, traffic signalization system modification, underground utilities, street channelization, and landscaping. The Annual Element reflects a joint HOV Needs/ Feasibilty Study with King County for HOV on this route; from I-5, past SR's 181 and 167, through to SR 515. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 600,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ............................................ $ 3,600,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 4,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CITY, COUNTY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 200,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 4,200,000 . ·--I J S~ST 5 2t5TH ST 1r PROJECT 14 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Commute Trip Reduction DESCRIPTION: Prepare the parking policy review per the Washington State Commute Trip Reduction law; including a review of the City's parking supply, parking costs, and parking design guidelines; and implement policies to encourage reductions in commuter trips. COST SUMMARY: Administration and Analysis Costs ........... $ 25,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 25,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 25,000 2nd Year 3rd Year PROJECT 15 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 25,000 = CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: SE 256th Street -Kent-Kangley Road to 116th Ave SE DESCRIPTION: Widen existing roadway from the Kent-Kangley Road to 116th Avenue SE. Project will include widening of the existing 2 lane roadway to 5 lanes with pavement, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 434,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 928,000 Construction ............................................ $ 1,538,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 2,900,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 2,900,000 UJ UJ G > a: "' :c UJ " 5 2S2ND ST .... > =r a: -::P :::: "' z <T\ .... "' ~=~ ~ w w w "'I "' "' KENT "'' w ~I > f!ER!OIRN a: H!CH SCHOOL EflST ~ ST PROJECT 16 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Crowe Road By-Pass -97th Place S, SE 260th Street, and 108th Ave SE DESCRIPTION: Widen existing roadways, from Canyon Drive through to the Kent-Kangley Road, including traffic signalization system at the 108th Ave SE intersection with the Kent-Kangley Road. Project will include the installation of pavement to improve the turning radii at the 97th Place SE and Canyon Drive, and SE 260th Street and 108th Ave SE intersections; curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, and grading. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 150,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 167,000 Construction ............................................ $ 683,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, DEVELOPER, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 1,000,000 trENT CEtfETERf EIJIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MAPLE ST illlllllllli!IIIJIII~ iuuuuJuuh!i'.fNIC HJL L ELE,SCHOm KENT HERJOJRN HJCH SCHOOL E/?51 1,000,000 5EOU(Jff1 §/R. H!CH 5CHrL &u~1 1JUitlnm«.1 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111i PROJECT 17 CI1Y OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: Green River Valley Signal Coordination Project DESCRIPTION: Prepare the design report for an interagency signal coordination project between the City of Kent with the Cities of Renton and Tukwila; the Washington State Department of Transportation, and King County. Signal coordination recommendations to be made for the traffic signalization systems on West Valley Hwy between SR 516 and I-405, and on S 180th Street (SW 43rd) bet<.veen West Valley Hwy and . Report to recommend necessary equipment modifications to accomodate proposed coordination measures, and potential funding sources for these modifications. COST SUMMARY: Administration and Analysis Costs ........... $ 5,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 5,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) CI1Y PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 5,000 2nd Year 3rd Year PROJECT 18 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 5,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: 64th Avenue S. -S. 216th Street to S. 226th Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four lane roadway from S. 216th Street to S. 226th Street. Project will include full-width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ...... $ 104,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 148,000 Construction ............................................. $ 1,948,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 2,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE($) LID PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2,200,000 2nd Year 3rd Year l ~ 4th/ 5th & 6th Year S Jl-;~·6TH S T Lf?COON I ~ ill s ,_I 220TH ST ,-- w ..J ..J cr > ::< 1 -11 ~ S 226TH ST lr=4l PROJECT 19 TOTAL 2,200,000 J "' UJ > a: :r: .... 1.0 ,... CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: James Street Safety Improvements -Central Avenue to 94th Avenue S. DESCIUPTION: Construct pedestrian safety improvements along James Street (S. 240th Street) from Central Avenue to 94th Ave S., and modify the traffic signalization system at the James Street intersection at lOOth Avenue SE. Project will include the provision of pedestrian protection for the north and south legs of the James Street at lOOth Avenue SE traffic signalization system, signalization system interconnection between the traffic signal systems at the James Street at 94th Avenue S. and James Street at lOOth Avenue SE; and traffic activated detection at those two intersections. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 62,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ............................................. $ 288,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 350,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) HES, ISTEA, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL UJ > 350,000 KENT a: liEiiu!?JRL I ')L ~4TH Fl PROJECT 20 UJ "' UJ > a: 350,000 ~t,;===; "' 0 SE 2' CIIT OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: VMS System Upgrade DESCRIPTION: Replace the City's Master Traffic Signal Control computer with a new computer system. SUMMARY: Preliminary Engineering ......................... $ Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ............................................. $ 165,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 165,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CIIT PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 165,000 2nd Year 3rd Year PROJECT 21 4th/5th & 6th Year TOTAL 165,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: Neighborhood Traffic Control Program (City-Wide) DESCRIPTION: Modify local residential streets to promote safe and appropriate levels of traffic flows SUMMARY: Preliminary Engineering ......................... $ 18,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 102,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 120,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) HES, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 20,000 2nd Year 20,000 3rd Year 20,000 PROJECT 22 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 60,000 \ TOTAL 120,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHIKGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: West Valley Highway -S. 180th Street to S. 189th Street DESCRIPTION: Widen West Valley Highway to seven lanes from S. 180th Street to S. 189th Street, including modifications to the traffic signalization systems. Project will include construction of full- width pavement, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street channelization, street lighting, grading, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 65,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 505,000 Construction ............................................. $ 2,130,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 2,700,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 250,000 TUKN/!..!1 '~\\,\\\'IIIIVflltflllt/4:,.- 2nd Year 750,000 ;!' ~ $ %/. GLACIER ST ~ 'l.-, 5 llllllllllllllltllllllllflllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf ~ -,,,,, Jri!JftiJIIlffJt/J/1 ,,,,/// ~- S l90TH ST 3rd Year 1,700,000 ]; PROJECT 23 4th/5th & 6th Year ST TOTAL 2,700,000 S l88TH ST S l90TH ST w > a: :I: ~ 0 <D CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: West Meeker Street-SR 516 (Kent-Des Moines Road) to West Valley Highway DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to five lanes, from SR 516 (Kent-Des Moines Road) to West Valley Highway. Phase 1 of the project will include the replacement of the existing bridge over the Green River and minor widening of Meeker Street on either side of the structure. Phase 2 of the Project will include construction of full-width paving (to five lanes), curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, minor modifications to the traffic signalization systems at the intersections of W. Meeker at SR 516 (Kent -Des Moines Road) and West Valley Hwy., drainage, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary Design and Engineering ...... $ 950,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 1,500,000 Construction ............................................ $ 5,050,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 7,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, ISTEA, STATE, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 4,000,000 2nd Year 2,000,000 3rd Year 1,500,000 !1USSELL 11fJRO f'/1/1/( 4th/5th & 6th Year w > a: TOTAL 7,500,000 SHITH ST ;:: ~~'::!::!:!:~====::: 111 YEI18ENO PROJECT 21a "'" <D z f'/111/( ~ RNO u .= !110E ..J CI1Y OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Lincoln Avenue at James Street Traffic Signal DESCRIPTION: Install traffic signalization system at the Lincoln Avenue at James Street intersection. Project will include vehicle actuation system, emergency vehicle pre-emption capability; and will include interconnection to the existing pedestrian signalization system and the Union pacific Railroad at-grade crossing approximately 100 feet easterly. NOTE: Requested by Metro to accommodate transit vehicles SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 19,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ............................................ $ 111,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 130,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) METRO PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 155ELL 17110 'fi/( HEEKEA ST 130,000 JAMES ST 130,000 KENT w ( ffEffuf11RL PROJECT 24 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: James Street (S.240th Street) at Central Avenue Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Widen intersection to construct a right tum lane for westbound traffic. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 25,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 100,000 Construction .............................................. $ 225,000 TOTAL ....................................................... $ 350,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, TIA, CITY PROJECT COST: ' First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 350,000 3rd Year PROJECT 25 4th/5th & 6th Year TOTAL 350,000 CI1Y OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Kent-Kangley Road at lllth Avenue SE Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Install traffic signalization interconnection cable between the 104th Ave SE at SE 256th Street and the Kent-Kangley Road at 111 th Ave SE intersections. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ...... $ Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ............................................. $ 15,000 TOTAL ....................................................... $ 15,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CI1Y PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 15,000 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 15,000 SE 256TH ST SE SE 260TH ST 11111n~J,fN/C HILL SEOMIR §JR. H!CH 5CHfL SE 265TH ST PROJECT 26 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECT: Smith Street at 4th Avenue Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Widen Smith Street and 4th Avenue to provide exclusive left tum lane channelization, modify the existing traffic signalization system to provide protected left tum phasing, and improve the radii for right turning vehicles. Project will include construction of paving, reconstruction of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, modification of street channelization, and traffic signalization system modifications. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 167,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction .............................................. $ 333,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 500,000 3rd Year PROJECT 27 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 500,000 MACLIN GU!BERSON ST CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Willis Street at S. 4th Avenue Signal Modifications DESCRIPTION: Modify existing traffic signalization system at the Willis Street (SR 516) at S. 4th Ave intersection. Project will include modifying the signal mast arm for westbound traffic, installing protected/permitted phasing, and installing actuated vehicle detection equipment. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ............................................ $ 25,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 25,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/5th & 6th Year TOTAL H !TH ST 25,000 "' > cr 0 a:: "' ST cu > cr PROJECT 28 25,000 GUfBEASutl ST S E R TTL ;-;-;;nr E CH!CRGO ST ...,[ LRUREL ST ~~~ HE,~LOCK ST ~II FILBERT ST II I CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: James Street -Jason Avenue to 94th Avenue South DESCRIPTION: Widen pavement to provide exclusive left tum lanes along James Street-from Jason Avenue to 94th Ave S. Project will include the construction of pavement, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and street channelization. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ...... $ 40,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 200,000 Construction ............................................ $ 760,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) HES, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL ttET/117 z f'Rif!( rS RNO u ~ !flOE "' > cr 0 a: ,.., W COLE w ST > a: 0 Z! N z If=-=<?==( I w > 1,000,000 a: HEHfJfllflL -' a: a: >-z w u ?fill!( PROJECT 29 1,000,000 ~4TH PL S 243RO ST w > a: CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: Lind Avenue -S. 180th Street to East Valley Highway DESCRIPTION: Construct new five lane roadway from S. 180th Street to East Valley Highway. Project will include construction of full-width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 150,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 550,000 Construction .............................................. $ 800,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 1,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year TOTAL 82NO 51 = 1,500,000 1,500,000 PROJECT 30 CilY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: S 224th/ S 228th Street Corridor Project • S. 228th Street -Military Road to 54th Ave S • Military Road -S. 228th Street to Kent-Des Moines Road ( WEST LEG -224th/ 228th Street Corridor Project ) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four/five lane roadway from Military Road to 54th Avenue S, including a new bridge across the Green River, and widen Military Road from S 228th Street to Kent-Des Moines Road. Project will include construction of full width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, grading, drainage, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Enginerring ...... $ 1,021,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 833,000 Construction ............................................ $ 7,704,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 9,558,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CilY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year LflNOF.!LL PROJECT 31 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 9,558,000 TOTAL 9,558,000 J wl ~I :r: CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: S.192nd/S.196th Street Corridor Project -East Valley Highway (SR181) to 92nd Avenue (EAST LEG -S.192nd/S.196th/S.200th Street Corridor Project) DESCRIPTION: Construct new four/five lane roadway, including pavement widening to S. 196th Street from East Valley Highway to 92nd Ave. South, including a new bridge over the Valley Freeway (SR 167). Project will include the construction of full-width pavement, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, landscaping, and channelization. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 1,300,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........................ $ 1,000,000 Construction ............................................ $ 5,449,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 8,749,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year I ~ aOE/NG REi!05PRC£ 3rd Year ~t J PROJECT 32 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 8,749,000 TOTAL 8,749,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: N. Central Avenue at Smith Street Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: Widen pavement to construct an additional left tum lane, and modify the existing traffic signalization system. Project will include construction of additional paving, curbs and gutters, street lighting, modifying the existing traffic signalization system and street channelization. SUMMARY: Preliminary and Design Engineering ..... $ 90,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 120,000 Construction .............................................. $ 390,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 600,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year PROJECT 33 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 600,000 TOTAL 600,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: 94th Avenue S. -Canyon Drive to James Street DESCRIPTION: Widen 94th Avenue S. to a three lane roadway from James Street to Canyon Drive. Project will include construction of paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary Design and Engineering ..... $ 120,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........................ $ Construction ............................................. $ 680,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 800,000 S 2ti3AD ST TOTAL 800,000 SE 24 GU!BERSON ST PROJECT 34 w > cr SE 248TH ST r ) I . CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: SE 248th Street -94th Ave SE to 116th Ave SE DESCRIPTION: Widen SE 248th Street to three lanes from 94th Avenue SE to 116th Avenue SE. Project will include construction of paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, drainage, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary Design and Engineering ...... $ 300,000 Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ Construction ............................................. $ 1,700,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 2,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, LID, CITY PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 2,000,000 TOTAL 2,000,000 3 =--=~r=~~==--=S~E=2~4~4~TH~ST~~~~~==~==~~ ~ ST w "' w "' w > a: >- "' ~ - J :r: ~~ w 252NO F >-;i~ "' 0 w w "' "' PROJECT 35 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: 84th Avenue S. -S. 212th Street to SR 167 DESCRIPTION: Widen 84th Avenue S. to seven lanes from S. 212th Street to SR 167. Project will include construction of full-width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, modification to the existing traffic signalization systems, street channelization, drainage, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary Design and Engineering ...... $ 320,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........................ $ 800,000 Construction ............................................ $ 1,830,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 2,950,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) TIA, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT >- <n . ·(j ~ I 2nd Year 3rd Year PROJECT 36 4th/ 5th & 6th Year 2,950,000 .... <n :r >-ro N N TOTAL 2,950,000 S 3A~ H188 w ~I 0.. 0 ,_ ..J ..J :J:: J :X:' :x:l :::> "' CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: James Street at 104th Avenue SE Acceleration Lanes DESCRJPTION: Construct an acceleration lane for eastbound traffic along James Street ( S. 240th Street); from 104th Ave S, easterly a distance of 600 feet. Project will include the construction of additional paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, and minor modifications to the existing traffic signalization system. SUMMARY: Preliminary Design and Engineering ...... $ 15,000 Right of Way Acquisition ........................ $ Construction ............................................ $ 135,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 150,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ISTEA, CITY PROJECT COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/5th & 6th Year TOTAL ~ u> 234TH Pl V1 5 24 NO 5 2ll3RD ST uJ > a: :J:: .... en en ~I :'.I w V1 UJ > a: ~!?==:=::< N, 0 150,000 I 150,000 _l () ~ o~ co~" = I E = = 3 § I % I I ~ SE 244TH ST I e-==::l==~~=~i PROJECT 37 CIIT OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BUDGET PROJECf: 72nd Avenue South -S 196th Street to S 200th Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new two lane roadway from S 196th Street to S 200th Street. Project will include construction of full-width paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, street channelization, grading, and landscaping. SUMMARY: Preliminary Design and Engineering ...... $ SO,OO.G_ Right of Way Acquisition ......................... $ 216,000 Construction ............................................ $ 244,000 TOTAL ...................................................... $ 540,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S) CIIT PROJECf COST: First Year ANNUAL ELEMENT 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th/5th & 6th Year TOTAL "" "' "' M ... "' a z N ~ H.J.Otl ~ "' -... "' s lAY .l.S t1l <! >-w (/) 0:: :::J <! 0 z S lAY H.LS£ ~ 8 "' "' 540,000 lAY H.l.Otl .. • NORJH(RN BURLiNGTON, -_::.-~ .. -----·--- PROJECT Jg ... .. 540,000 S lAY