HomeMy WebLinkAbout1291RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to historic preservation and the State Environmental Policy Act, setting forth the City's SEPA policies with regard to historic preservation; preliminarily identifying certain properties of historic and cultural significance which may be worthy of preservation; and establishing the procedure for Planning Department notification of proposed demolition or destruction, to allow for review and possible conditioning under these SEPA policies. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has preliminarily identified certain properties within its jurisdiction that may have historic and cultural significance for the community; and WHEREAS, the Kent Planning Department is in the process of developing a historic preservation ordinance for the City which will provide site nomination and designation criteria for historic properties and specify preservation standards and enforcement procedures; and WHEREAS, in the interim period before any controls are adopted by ordinance, these properties which have been preliminarily identified for historic preservation may be in danger of demolition or destruction; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (RCW 43.12) and the City-adopted SEPA Ordinance (Ordinance 2667, codified at Kent City Code (KCC) Chapter 12.12A) allow City decisionmakers to exercise substantive authority to condition or deny proposals on the basis of compliance with SEPA policies; and WHEREAS, the Kent SEPA Ordinance (12.12A.510 D) already contains a specific policy promoting the preservation of important historic, cultural and natural aspects of our national heritage; and WHEREAS, the Kent SEPA Ordinance also adopts by reference the policies in the City's Comprehensive Plan as providing additional support for the exercise of SEPA substantive authority in the approval process, which additional policies are more specific with regard to the historic preservation; and 1 -------------------------------- WHEREAS, the Planning Department desires to exercise its authority to review demolition or destruction of these properties under the above mentioned SEPA policies and to contact the owners of property on the preliminary list to discuss historic preservation options; and WHEREAS, the present permit approval process does not always allow for Planning Department review; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Historic Preservation Policies. The following historic preservation policies, in large part specifically adopted by reference under the City's SEPA ordinance (Ordinance 2667, codified at Kent city Code (KCC) Chapter 12.12A), shall provide the basis for the City's exercise of SEPA substantive authority in the conditioning and approval of requests for demolition or destruction, consistent with the city's objective of preserving Kent's cultural and historic heritage. The City shall: 1. Develop and maintain a list of all important historical sites and buildings within Kent; 2. Ensure that sites and buildings of cultural and historical significance have high priority for preservation; 3. Encourage the restoration and designation of historical/cultural sites and buildings through public and private cooperation; 4. Encourage that access to historical and cultural sites be made available to the general public through public and private cooperation; 5. Preserve existing areas of unique scenic, cultural, historical or natural interest; and 6. Attempt to protect and otherwise prevent the destruction of features of historical and cultural significance of properties on the list of historic site and buildings by working with individual property owners to assist, encourage and provide incentives to preservation. Section 2. Adoption of Preliminary List. Consistent with Policy No. 1 above, the City hereby adopts the list of properties on Exhibit A to this Resolution as a preliminary list of properties within Kent that may have historic and cultural significance for the community. The list shall be known as the Kent Historic Sites Inventory. 2 Section 3. Review by Planninq Department of Demolition or Destruction Proposals for Properties on Preliminary List. The approval process for demolition permits or any proposal for destruction of properties on the Kent Historic Sites Inventory shall be changed to allow Planning Department review and possible conditioning of permits for properties contained on the preliminary list, all in a manner consistent with all general ordinances and Kent's adopted SEPA and historic preservation policies as set forth herein. Section 4. Findinqs on Historic Siqnificance to be Made in the Review Process. Prior to the conditioning and approval of any demolition or destruction of property on the preliminary list on the basis of the policies in Section 1 herein, the Planning Department shall make separate, written findings on the historic and cultural significance of the property, and specifically state the policy and basis for any exercise of such substantive authority under SEPA. Such findings shall compare and determine the property's historic significance on the following preservation designation criteria: (1) That the object, improvement, site, landscape, or district is more than forty years old and possesses integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association, and: (a) is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of national, state or local history; or (b) is associated with the lives of persons significant in national, state or local history; or (c) embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, style, or method of architectural design, landscape design or construction, or that represents a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or (d) has yielded or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history; or (e) is an outstanding work of a designer or builder who has made a substantial contribution to the art; or (2) Cemeteries, birthplaces, or graves of historical figures, properties owned by religious institutions or used for religious purposes, structures that have been moved from their original locations, reconstructed historic buildings, properties primarily commemorative in nature, and properties that have achieved significance within the past forty years shall not be considered eligible for designation. However, such a property will qualify if they are integral parts of districts that meet the criteria set out in Section 4.(1) above or if it is: (a) a religious property deriving primary significance from architectural or artistic distinction or historical importance; or 3 (b) a building or structure removed from its original location but which is significant primarily for its architectural value, or which is the surviving structure most importantly associated with a historic person or event; or (c) a birthplace, grave or residence of a historical figure of outstanding importance if there is no other appropriate site or building directly associated with his or her productive life; or (d) a cemetery that derives its primary significance from graves of persons of transcendent importance, from age, from distinctive design features, or from association with historic events; or (e) a reconstructed building when accurately executed in a suitable environment and presented in a dignified manner (or) as part of restoration master plan, and when no other building or structure with the same association has survived; or (f) a property primarily commemorative in intent if design, age, tradition, or symbolic value has invested it with its own historical significance; or (g) a property achieving significance within the past forty years if it is of exceptional importance. 4 Passed at a regular meeting of the C~l of the City of Kent, Washington this day of --~~~~~~-' 1991. City of Kent, this d<! Concu:r:red in by the day of a(J~ or of the ELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: · BRENDA JACOBER,; D i / l_/ APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ;-::<9 I , passed by the city Council of the city of Kent, Washington, the dQ day of ~~ , 1991. ly \ histpres2 x . ~-7-< ~f'-t::£e..../ a_ u~--le.r,_./( SEAL) BRENDA JACOB R, EPUTY CITY CLERK 5 J I 1 2 3 1\ 5 6 7 n 9 10 11 1.2 13 1<1. ] 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 26 :n y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Kent No. 57,56H 57H 55H 60,45H 44H 47H 46H 58 55,58II 48H 49H l7S l9S 53H 59,l5AII 43H 3-5A 95,54H 16-17AII 42II 3 0 II 73,22\II 72,12\H 37II EXHIBI'l' A KENT HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY Original Townsite Sites and Buildings still in use King Cty No. Name KC-0627 I<C-014 9 KC-0159 I<C-0079 l<C-0050 l<C-0157 Charles Marlowe House J.A. Oliver House K.E. Erickson House W. Boundy (Eaton) House Mrs. Berg House , Young House Robert Young House I.P. Calhoun House Baldwin (Little) House Atwood Bungalow W.W. Rader House F.B. Churchill House Marshall House E.W. Bereiter House Homer Clark House Burdic's (Keck) I.e. Clark House Judge Dalton House Dier House E.F. Hanson De. l!offman Jlouse Dr. Owen Taylor (Curran) House I.T. Alvord (Drake) House II.M. Shaffer (Frazier) House 1 Address 722·N Alvord ·746 N Hazel 714 N Hazel 322 Hazel Ave 347 N Hazel 438 N Prospect 426 N rrospect 413 N. ·Prospect 623 E James 602 Jason Ave 29 N Jason Ave 414 N Jason -438 lJ Clark 412 N Clark 617-Temperance . 421 N State 855 E Smith ·623 E Smith 203 E Smith 120 N Kennebeck 520 s Kennebeck 506 Vandevanter 1J.32 E Chicago 4 4 n l\lp~_ne Way 300 Scenic Way 302 Scenic Way 458 Scenic Way Kent Historic Register Original Townsite 28 y 71,36H I<C-0049 A.N. Berlin (Irwin) 424 Scenic Way .. House 29 y 35H ·KC-0158 T.N. Berlin (Martinez) 412 Scenic Way s House 30 y 34H CoffinjW.H. Overlock 406 scenic Way House 31 y 32H,33H Dow / Anderson House 310 Scenic .Way 32 y JlH W.L. Fulp/W."M. Morrill 304 Scenic Way House JJ y 39H Fetter ley Iiouse 603 s Bridges 34 y 102,30H I<C-0129 Berlin Brothers' Store 100 Railroad s (Dragness) 35 y 14AH I<C-0153 Northern Pacific Meeker and Railroad (Burl.) Depot :36 y 84,26-KC-0128 Carnation Co. (Oliver 119 lst Ave 29H Box, Stokley) 37 y 88 KC-0051 M.M. Morrill Bldg. 201 lst Ave s (Stewart's) • 38 89 11 Naden Bldg. (Rattle's) 205-207 1st Ave s 39 y 6-12AH M.R. Hardy Bldg. 211 lst Ave s 40 6-12AH Adolf ·Neibling Bldg. 213 1st Ave s ·11 6-12AH Bereiter Bldg. 215 1st Ave s •12 y 6-12AH Hempy Bldg. 219 1st Ave s 43 6-12AII Louis Hardy Bldg·. 225-229 lst Ave s •14 y 90 KC-0051 Guiberson Bldg. 235-231 1st Ave s (Tyson's) 45 y. Harman Rice Bldg. 218-222 lst Ave s (Antiques) 46 2S 328 s 1st Ave ·17 y JS 340 s 1st Ave 48 91,1H l<C-0151 Ida/Charles Gu:i.berson 323 s 1st Ave 'House ·El 2TI -M.H. Reynolds House 41.9 .lst Ave s 50 y Courneya House 316.2nd Ave s ~i l y 5S 410 s 2nd Ave ,-") .> .. y 420 s 2nd Ave 53 y 5H Haden House 536 s 2nd·Ave 54 y 6II ,Jenkins House 626 s 2nd Ave 55 y 51\II St. Anthony Catholic 310 3rd Ave s Church 56 41\II KC-0152 Chicago Milwaukee St. 331 3rd Ave s Paul Depot 2 Kent Historic Register Original Townsite 57 50 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6B Ci9 70 71 72 73 77 78 79 no Ill 1!2 UJ Btl y y y y y y y y y y J y y y y y y y y y y y lOH 9H 8H 7H 2A 15H 8S 7S 96,50H 51II,52H 13AH 2,25II 4.,2<1ll 5 6,23H 22II 21II 20II 9,171-I 6A 15S 311 4H l1II I<C-0054 KC-0077 I<C-007 8 I<C-0148 I<C-0053 I<C-0156 KC-0636 Overlock House J.J. Crow House Judge Madsen House Rev. Jay Bolvee House Valley ·school Elementary Chittenden House Mi~ner House Farmer John Townhouse Penberthy Block Bouldron Building Nelson F. Arney (Arney Bros.) Bldg. (Joyful Sound) Rodney Arney Bldg. (Stewart Jwlry) Odd Fellow 1 s Building- rooF (Hoffman's) Cavanaugh Hardware Bldg. (Ben Franklin Store) E.L. Merrifield House (Edline-Yahn Funeral Home) Rasmussen Blacksmith Shop W. lT. Davies (Leeper Y House Pozzi Bros. Transfer P. Rasmussen (Straub) House L.V. , Moll ·· & Clark Grocery Higgins Residence Gonnason Building (Hestern Sign) Lysander-Smith House Rev. Arney House Alex Playford House 3 "· 503 S 3rd 515 3rd Ave S 618 S 3rd Ave 630 s 3rd Ave W of S 4th at Titus 333 s 5th Ave 503· s -5th Ave 509 .s 5th Ave 431 E Meeker 409 -413 E Meeker 214-220 W Meeker 302-304 W Meeker St 308-312 W Meeker St .. 316 .~v Meeker St 324 H Meeker St 424 W Meeker St 303 W Meeker St 512 \'J Meeker 635 \'J Meeker 711 W Meeker 908 W Meeker St 1038 H Meeker 215 E Titus 616 \v •ritus .626 J~ .. rr~.tns 214 H Willis 234 w wi"llis 422 \v Hillis Kent Historic Register original Townsite 85 y 12H Whitehurst House 624 w Willis 86 y 13H Leroy Titus House 704 w Willis 87 y 9S 531·6th.Ave s 88 y 19H Simplex Bed Co. (Howard 421 6th Ave N Mfg.·) 89 y 12S KC-0624 .Maddox House 206"S Naden 90 KC-0625 Fisher House. 240 s Naden 91 y lOS , 320 s Naden 92 y 14H Alvord (Sells) House 332 s Naden 93 y l4S 903 W Harrison 94 y KC-Desmet House 909 Harrison St 0623A 95 y 18H KC-0130 Madison (W. Nelson) 203 w Madison House 96 y KC-0635 Harmon House 121 Thompson .c: newtowns. rev 4 97· 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Photo y y y y y y y KENT HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY.. North of James Street Sites and Buildings still in use Kent King Cty No. No. Name 23 24 19 20 18 16 51 48 53 49 KC-0244 KC-0614 KC-0639 I<C-0613 KC-0633 KC-0608 KC-0612 KC-0147 KC-0602 KC-0009 KC-0642 KC-0237 KC-0631 KC-0132 Orillia School Farner Tin Shop and House Burlington Northern Farm (Christian Bros.) Kent Highlands House II Pat Flaherty (Biggar) House Voogt Farm II Voogt Farm E. Emerson (Greene) House Maddoxville Landing a.k.a. Van Doren's Landing State Register Dvorak House and Barn D.F. Neely (Soames) House State Register United Asset Property K.B. Anderson House Root House G.W. Burke House Mauritsen Residence Wm~ & Fred Stephenson House Peter Saar Cemetary ly II I NJAMES:REV Address 7103 S 180th St 7209 s 1soth st 18201 80th Pl S 4219 s 216th 4854 s 216th 20833 Frager Rd 21061 Frager R 21839 Frager Rd S Eastside of Green River approx. between S 216th and · s· 2~oth 22262 Russell Rd 23691 Russell Rd 23222 Russell Rd 808 W. Morton S. of 21255 76th S on 4th Ave s 21404 E Valley Hwy 21703 ··84th Ave S 21823 E Valley Hwy N.···side of S. 212 st~ between Valley Freeway· & 92nd Ave. s. Kent Photo No. 115 67 116 117 118 119 ly II I SJAMES.REV KENT HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY south of.James street Sites and Buildings still in use King Cty No. Name KC-0243 Kent Cemetary Hill~rest Burial Park KC-0492 Leigh (Albrech}.) House KC-0821 A.lvord T Bridge Clinton Farm KC-0238 Ponnson House ..... Address 1005 Reiten Rd 10446 SE 244th over Green River at Kent on 78th Ave S and s 258th st. 24322 -94th Ave.S 8103 S. Central Ave.