HomeMy WebLinkAbout1232RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, resulting from the Planning Department Housing Element Work Program, amending the Valley Floor Subarea Comprehensive Plan Map, instituting a single family designated area overlay and amending ~he designations for three areas within the Valley Floor (amending Resolution 1128, as amended by Resolution 1170). WHEREAS, the city Council, by Resolution 1123, evidenced a desire to achieve reduction in the density of multifamily housing through revisions to Kent's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution 1172, directed the Planning Department to conduct a study and proposed update of the housing element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, including an area by area analysis of multifamily density for East Hill, West Hill and Valley Floor Planning Areas; and WHEREAS, the Council directed that the results of said area-wide study are to be proposed for implementation through text and/or map zoning amendments to be presented to the Council; and WHEREAS, the Council had directed that the Planning Department work with the City Council to develop a work program for the area by area analysis; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.63.020, RCW 35A.63.073 and RCW 35A.63.100(5) empowers a city council to authorize the Planning Commission to hear and make recommendations to the City council on Comprehensive Plan Map amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council by Ordinance 2796 granted to the Planning Commission authority to consider and make recommendations on Comprehensive Plan Map amendments, and authorizing Comprehensive Plan Map amendments to be made simultaneously with or prior to amendments to the zoning code; and WHEREAS, public notice and opportunity for input on the Work Program process, procedure and results has been of the highest priority to the City Council; and WHEREAS, changes to the Valley Floor Subarea Comprehensive Plan Map a part of the Comprehensive Plan Map, amending certain designations within the Valley Floor and adding a "single family designated" area overlay were recommended to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of RCW 35A.63.070 and RCW 35A.63.073 of the Revised Code of Washington and Kent City Ordinance 2796, hearings were held before the Planning Commission of the City of Kent on September 25, October 23, November 20 and November 27, 1989 to consider the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, after the final hearing of the Planning Commission and its final deliberations, the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and recommendations for proposed amendments were issued by the Planning Commission on December 11, 1989; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and recommendations of the Planning Commission at a public meeting on January 30, 1990; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and recommendations of the Kent Planning Commission dated December 11, 1989 are adopted by reference in totality. Section 2. Areas MF-06, MF-11 and 0-04A are legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Section 3. The Kent Valley Floor Subarea Comprehensive Plan Map (Resolution 1128 as amended by Resolution 1170) is amended to change the designation for areas MF-06, MF-11 and 0-04A - 2 - as indicated on Appendix B -"Valley Floor Plan Map" incorporated herein by reference as follows: a. Amend Area MF-06 designation from MF to SF. b. Amend Area MF-11 designation from MF to SF. c. Amend Area 0-04A designation from IBP to MF. Section 4. The Kent Valley Floor Subarea Comprehensive Plan Map (Resolution 1128 as amended by Resolution 1170) is amended to add a Single Family Designated Area Overlay to that area described in Section 2(b) herein, and as shown on Appendix C -Valley Floor Plan Map, incorporated herein by reference. The Single Family Designated Area Overlay designation is defined in the Kent Comprehensive Plan, Valley Floor Land Use Plan. Section 5. The City of Kent Valley Floor Subarea Plan Map and its appendices and maps are amended to provide that all references to said areas MF-06, MF-11 and 0-04A, and that area included within the single family designated area overlay shall be in conformity with the changes in those area designations as set out in Sections Three and Four. Section 6. The amendments to the Valley Floor Subarea Plan Map, and associated Map amendments shall be filed with the City Clerk and in the office of the Planning Department and made available for public inspection upon request. Passed at a regular meeting of the ~Council of the City of Kent, Washington this ~ day of ~~ 1990. (\~red in by the day of >;: , 1990. Mayor of the City of Kent, \:-~~~~ this cJ_ 1 DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: - 3 - I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /~3d-. , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ;)..._Q day of c..J-cW , 1990. 08200-290 - 4 - ~(SEAL) DEPUTY CITY CLERK EXHIBIT A VALLEY FLOOR AREA MF-6 That portion of theSE ~ of Section 13, Township 22 N., Range 4 E., W.M., King County, Washington, defined as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Subdivision; Thence west along the south line of said Subdivision to a point of intersection with the west margin of Northern Pacific Railway, being the True Point of Beginning of property herein described; Thence continuing west along the south line of said Subdivision to the southwest corner thereof; Thence north along the west line of said Subdivision to a point which is 255 feet north of the north margin of Cloudy Street; Thence east parallel with said north margin to the center line of Fourth Avenue N., Thence north along said center line to the center line of S. 234th Street; Thence east along the center line of s. 234th Street to said west margin; Thence south along said west margin to the True Point of Beginning. VALLEY FLOOR AREA MF-11 That portion of the NE ~ of the SW ~ of Section 7, Township 22 N., Range 5 E., W.M., King County, Washington, defined as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Subdivision; Thence east along the south line of said Subdivision a distance of 20 feet to the west margin of 92nd Avenue s, being the True Point of Beginning of property herein described; Thence continuing west along said south line to the easterly margin of SR 167; Thence in a northeasterly direction along said easterly margin to the south margin of s. 218th Street; Thence east along said south margin to said west margin; Thence south along said west margin to the True Point of Beginning. 1 VALLEY FLOOR AREA 0-4A That portion of theSE ~ of Section 14, Township 22 N., Range 4 E., W.M., King County, Washington and Meeker's Supplemental Plat of the First Addition to the Town of Kent, recorded in Volume 5, Plat Page 96, Records of King county, Washington, defined as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said plat, being the True Point of Beginning of property herein described; Thence north along the west line of said plat to the northwest corner thereof; Thence east along the north line of said plat to the northeast corner of Lot 1 of said Plat; Thence south along the east line of said lot to the north line of the south 128 feet of Lot 2 of said plat; Thence east along the north line of the south 128 feet of said Lot 2 a distance of 386 feet; Thence south parallel with the west line of said Lot 2 to the center line of s. 238th Street (aka Morton Street); Thence east along said center line to the northerly produced line of Lot 6 of said Plat; Thence south along said produced line to the northwest corner of said Lot 6; Thence continuing south along the west line of said Lot 6 to the south line of said Section; Thence west along the south line of said Section to the True Point of Beginning. 2 APPENDIX 8 · ---STUDY AREA.BOUNDARY -KENT CITY LIMITS VALLEY FLOOR STUDY AREA 0 500 1000 2000 <1000 ~ APPENDIX C ---- SINGLE FAMILY DESIGNATED AREA STUDY AREA.BOUNDAnY KENT OITY LIMITS VALLEY FLOOR STUDY AREA 0 600 1000 2000 <4000 ~