HomeMy WebLinkAbout1563RESOLUTION NO. I 5"1::> 3 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting a Wellhead Protection Program to assist with the protection and preservation of the City of Kent's drinking water sources. WHEREAS, the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and the Washington State Drinking Water regulations mandate that the City of Kent create a Wellhead Protection Program to preserve and protect the City of Kent's drinking water source; and WHEREAS, the City has delineated the Soos Creek Basin Wellhead Protection Area in cooperation with the Covington Water District and King County Water District No. 111 ; and WHEREAS, Kent's aquifer re-charge area for its main water sources, the Clark, Kent, and Armstrong Springs, exist almost entirely outside Kent city limits, mainly with the jurisdictions of unincorporated King County, Black Diamond, and the newly incorporated cities of Covington and Maple Valley; and WHEREAS, the Wellhead Protection Plan is designed to ensure protection of our ground water resources through cooperation with these jurisdictions in order to develop a policy that will ensure a high quality drinking water source for future use; NOW THEREFORE, 1 Wellhead Protection Program THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Recitals Incorporated. The recitals set forth in this Resolution are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. Wellhead Protection Program Adopted. The City of Kent Wellhead Protection Program, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, is hereby adopted. SECTION 3. Severabilitv. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 4; Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. PASS ED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City ofKent, Washington, this lfi day of,~ , 2000. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this //., day of ~/ ,2000. 2 Wellhead Protection Program ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~c?~ ~ :;c;;R A. LUBOVIc:l y ATTORNE I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /.5b3 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the IS day of ~ ;:J..A.. ,. ,. 7J , 2000. ITYCLERK P:\Civil\Resolution\ Wel\beadProtectionPrg.doc 3 Wellhead Protection Program r City of Kent Wellhead Protection Program Clark, Kent, and Atmstrong Springs Prep~red for City of Kent J-3508-01 April2, 1996 Funded through a Centennial Fund Grant No. G9400034 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope of Kent's WHPP and Report Organization 1.2 Coordination of Wellhead Protection Program Development 1.3 Existing Data Sources 1.4 The Groundwater Sources Hart Crowser J-3508-01 vii 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 2.0 HYDROGEOLOGY 2-1 2.1 Topography and Drainage 2-1 2.2 Surface Water Features 2-1 2.3 Suificial Geology 2-2 2.4 Recharge and Infiltration Potential 2-2 2.5 Water Quality 2-3 2.6 Principal Geologic Units 2-4 2. 7 Subsurface Geology and Groundwater Flow 2-6 3.0 WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA (WHPA) DELINEATION 3-1 3.1 Capture Zones Based on Numerical Modeling 3-1 3.2 Surface Water Divide as Recharge Area 3-3 3.3 Assessment of Data Uncertainties 3-3 3.4 Comporite Wellhead Management Area -Kent/Covington WHPA 3-4 3.5 Areas Highly Susceptible to Contamination 3-7 4.0 POTENTIAL SOURCES OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION 4-1 4.1 Contaminant Source Inventory Methodology 4-1 4.2 Historical and Current Land Use 4-1 4.3 Potential Contaminant Sources Identified in Regulatory Databases 4-3 4.4 Other Groundwater Quality Concerns 4-8 4.5 Establishing Risk Priority for Potential Contaminant Sources within the WHPA4-12 5.0 EXISTING REGULA:I'ORY PROGRAMS 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Existing Regulatory Programs 5.3 South King County GWMP Strategies Pllmned for Risk Reduction 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-9 Page i CONTENTS (Continued) 6.0 WELLHEAD PROTECTION MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Wellhead Protection Tasks 6.3 Management and Cooperation Strategies 6.4 lAnd Use Strategies 6.5 Regulatory Strategies 6.6 Planning Strategies 6.7 Data Management Strategies 6.8 Education Strategies ,..... 7.0 MONITORING PLAN r 7.1 Water Level and Water Quality Monitoring Recommendations 7.2 Future Model Refinement ,..... 8.0 SPILL RESPONSE 8.1 Introduction ,..... 8.2 National, State, and l.Acal Spill Response Plans 8.3 Spill Response Organizations 9.0 KENT WHPP CONTINGENCY OPTIONS 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Short-Term Contingency Plan 9.3 lAng-Term Contingency Plan 9.4 Permanent Replacement Contingency Plan 9.5 Contingency Procedures and Emergency Phone Numbers 10.0 REFERENCES Hart Crowser J-3508-01 £m 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-6 7-1 7-1 7-5 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-2 9-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 10-1 Pageii r- r- ! Hart Crowser J-3508-01 CONTENTS (Continued) Page TABLES 2-1 Nitrate Levels in Kent's Water Sources 2-4 4-1 Potential Contaminant Sources Listed by Type 4-19 4-2 Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites 4-20 4-3 Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites 4-20 4-4 Operational Underground Storage Tank Sites 4-21 4-5 Current and Former Contaminated Underground Storage Tank Sites 4-21 4-6 Solid Waste Landfill Sites 4-22 4-7 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Sites 4-22 4-8 Pesticides Used in WHPA 4-23 4-9 Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection Program Overall Risk Prioritization 4-13 4-10 Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection Program Risk Sub-Prioritization -4-13 Proximity to Source 4-11 Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection· Program Risk Sub-Prioritization -4-14 Type of Contamination 4-12 Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection Program Risk Sub-Prioritization -4-16 Contaminated Media 4-13 Risk Ranking for Kent Springs 4-24 4-14 Risk Ranking for Clark Springs 4-25 4-15 Risk Ranking for Armstrong Springs 4-26 4-16 Overall Risk Ranking for WHP As 4-18 5-1 Programs Related to Groundwater Quality and Quantity 5-12 5-2 Programs Related to Groundwater Quality Only 5-13 5-3 Programs Related to Groundwater Quantity Only 5-15 6-1 Wellhead Management Tasks 6-7 6-2 Three Main Ways to Organize Wellhead Protection Tasks 6-10 6-3 Common Tasks for All Risk Areas 6-11 6-4 Tasks for Residential Risk Areas 6-12 6-5 Tasks for Transportation/Pipeline Corridors Risk Areas 6-13 6-6 Tasks for Industrial Commercial Risk Areas 6-14 6-7 Tasks for Mining Risk Area 6-15 6-8 Tasks for Forestry Risk Area 6-16 6-9 Management Strategies 6-17 Page iii CONTENTS (Continued) FlGURES 1-1 Site Vicinity Map 2-1 Surficial Geology and Cross Section Location Map 2-2 Clark Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section Cl-Cl' and C2-C2' 2-3 Clark Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cros~ Section C3-C3' and C4-C4' 2-4 Kent Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section Kl-Kl' and K2-K2' 2-5 Kent Springs Area Generalized Cross Section K3-K3' 2-6 Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section Al-AI' 2-7 Armstrong Spring Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section A2-A2' -2-8 Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section A3-A3' 2-9 Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Cross Section A4-A4' 2-10 Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Cross Section A5-A5' 2-11 Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section A6-A6' 2-12 Groundwater Elevation Contour Map 3-1 Modeled Capture Zones and Surface Water Divide Map 3-2 Kent/Covington Wellhead Protection Area Map 3-3 Aquifer Susceptibility Map Kent/Covington WHP A 4-1 Land Use Zoning and Relevant Features Map 4-2 Potential Sources -Regulatory Database Listings 4-3 Other Potential Sources 7-1 Groundwater Monitoring Plan Map 8-1 Fire Districts Spill Response Jurisdiction Map Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page Page iv CONTENTS (Continued) APPENDIX A HYDROGEOLOGIC DATA ANALYSIS Precipitation Data Summary and Analysis Water Level DaJa Collection Groundwater Elevation Data and Water Level Hydrographs Groundwater Production Data TABLES A-1 Landsburg Monthly Total Precipitation A-2 Summary of Well Construction Data for Wells Monitored A-3 Monthly Monitoring Data from Kent Watersheds A-4 Groundwater Elevation Data -City of Kent Monitoring Program A-5 Armstrong Springs Water Production Summary A-6 Kent Springs Water Production Summary A-7 Clark Springs Water Production and Streamflow Summary FIGURES A-1 Monthly Total Precipitation and Cumulative Departure Landsburg Station A-2 Armstrong Springs Water Levels A-3 Kent Springs Water Levels A-4 Clark Springs Well No. 1 A-5 Armstrong Springs Water Production A-6 Kent Springs Water Production A-7 Clark Springs Water Production APPENDIXB GROUNDWATER MODELING PROCEDURES Approach and Parameter Selection Model Calibration Capture Zone Delineation Sensitivity Analysis and Model Limitations Hart Crowser J-3508-01 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-2 A-2 A-4 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-ll A-13 B-1 B-1 B-7 B-8 B-9 Pagev - - - CONTENTS (Continued) TABLES B-1 Runoff Zone Calculations for Kent Numerical Model B-2 River Node Parameters FIGURES B-1 Model Boundaries B-2 Pumping Test Transmissivity Data B-3 Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution B-4 Bottom Elevation Distribution B-5 Recharge Distribution B-6 Precipitation-Recharge-Runoff Relations Used in Groundwater Model B-7 Predicted versus Observed Groundwater Elevation APPENDIX C MANAGEMENT TASK DATABASE APPENDIXD CITY OF KENT SPILL RESPONSE PLAN Hart Crowser J-3508-01 B-12 B-13 Page vi - - - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Han Crowser J-3508-01 A wellhead protection program (WHPP) is being developed by the City of Kent (City) for the Clark, Kent, and Armstrong Springs water supply sources. The wellhead protection program is designed to protect groundwater resources supplying public wells used for drinking water. Development of the wellhead protection program is mandated by the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Washington State Drinking Water Regulations (WAC 246-290- 135). The wellhead protection program builds on the South King County Groundwater Management planning process and is an important local tool for protecting groundwater quality. Delineation of wellhead protection areas helps to identify the most important areas of focus for protecting water supplies and the most appropriate areas to focus limited funding resources. This project began in 1991 when the City applied to the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) for a Centennial Fund Grant to help fund the program development. A Grant was awarded in 1992. The City is conducting program development efforts with the Covington Water District and Water District No. 111 who are simultaneously developing wellhead protection programs. Coordination efforts have occurred through a Project Review Committee set up for review and input to the process and including representatives from the three purveyors as well as the Seattle-King County Health Department, the State Department of Health, and Ecology's Water Quality Program. Hvdrouology and Wellhead Protection Area Delineation The City derives its water from shallow, highly transmissive, glacial outwash aquifers without significant confining layers between ground surface and the depth of groundwater withdrawal. Infiltration of precipitation is the principal source of recharge to the groundwater system in the study area. InfJ.ltration is high in the permeable outwash sediments that comprise much of the area, particularly in the eastern foothills where precipitation averages 58 inches per year. The till-capped uplands provide recharge through runoff to the surrounding, highly permeable outwash channel deposits. Surface water features like Lake Sawyer provide some additional recharge to the groundwater system. Groundwater flow in the area is predominantly east to west from the high recharge area of the foothills east of Clark Springs through two principal aquifers, the Vashon Recessional Outwash (Qvr} and the deeper, older Qc(2) glacial deposits. In the western area, till lies between the recessional outwash and the deeper Qc(2) aquifer in some locations; however, at the City's Kent Springs and Armstrong Springs properties the till seems to be absent, and these two aquifers are connected. In these areas the aquifer is more highly susceptible to contamination. The east to west flow pattern creates capture zones that extend eastward from the wellheads. The wellhead capture zones were delineated through development of a regional groundwater flow model. The groundwater flow model, based in MODFLOW, was used in conjunction with a particle tracking model, PATH3D, to define 1-, S-, and 10-year time of travel zones. An assessment of data uncertainties and coordination of management efforts with the area water Page vii - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 districts resulted in development of a composite Kent/Covington Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA). Potential Contaminant Sources With the WHPA defined, effort was focused on identifying potential groundwater contaminant sources within the WHP A and ranking the risks associated with those contaminant sources. Potential contaminant sources were identified based on review of current and historical land uses within the WHPA, review of regulatory agency database lists and files, and a windshield survey to reconnaissance for other unknown sites. Inventory considerations and methodology were reviewed by the Wellhead Protection Project Review Committee. Potential sources of contamination were identified and ranked according to their potential risk. The ranking was performed in general accordance with the EPA Guidance Document entitled Managing Groundwater Contamination Sources in Wellhead Protection Areas: A Priority Setting Approach. The highest ranked risks to groundwater quality within the WHPA, in order of decreasing priority, were: .. Residential -medium-density land uses; .. Residential -rural land uses; .. Transportation corridors; .. Industrial/Commercial sites; .. Forestry land uses; and .. Mining land uses. Proximity to the wellhead was given the highest priority level risk for each of the sources considered. This was followed by the type of contamination and the severity of the contamination, respectively, as the next priority levels. Contaminated sites identified in the regulatory databases ranked as the top priority risk for the Armstrong Springs source. For the Kent Springs source medium-density residential, rural residential, and transportation corridors ranked as top priority risks. The Landsburg mine ranked as the top priority risk for the Clark Springs source, followed by medium-density and rural residential land uses. Management Strategies Wellhead protection management tasks were developed based on our review of the tasks included in the South King County Groundwater Management Plan and our technical knowledge of the WHPA issues. Forty-eight tasks were developed in consort with the Wellhead Protection Project Review Committee. These tasks were created to help mitigate high priority risks to groundwater quality as identified above. Management strategies were then developed, based on the concept that an implementation steering group would need to "manage" the tasks in certain ways to implement the program. The management strategies were developed as follows: .. Management and Cooperation Strategies • Establish a WHP steering group. Page viii • Manage large land parcels using Best Management Practices. ~ Land Use Strategies • Consider special protection area designations for the WHPA. ~ Regulatory Strategies • Perform hydrogeologic analyses for parcels which trigger SEPA review. Hart Crowser J-3508-01 • Delegate well drilling oversight authority to King County. Encourage frequent inspection of well installation. • Require engineering as-builts of septic systems to be recorded with the property deed. ~ Planning Strategies • Require industrial and commercial facilities to connect to sanitary sewer. Develop emergency plans for sewer breaks. • Encourage funding of farm plans such that groundwater protection issues are identified and managed. • Encourage research of storm water discharge on aquifer quantity and quality. Evaluate the adequacy of storm water facilities. • Document the location and use of petroleum pipelines. Ensure that emergency response efforts are coordinated. • Investigate the feasibility of re-routing hazardous materials transport out of Zone 1 of the WHPA. • Establish formal communication with first responders for transportation hazardous materials incidents. ~ Data Management Strategies • Participate in regional and local groundwater monitoring strategies. Implement the monitoring plan. • Conduct herbicide and pesticide use surveys. Encourage vegetation management practices which do not use chemicals. • Inventory underground storage tanks (including exempt tanks) within Zone 1 of the WHPA. • Encourage King County to monitor dry wells within the WHPA. • Inventory abandoned wells within the WHPA. ~ Education Strategies • Continue public education program with focus toward protection of the WHPA. Other WHPP Elements There are three other elements of this WHPP which are required by the state program. They include a monitoring plan, spill response plan, and a water supply contingency plan. The monitoring plan identifies a program for water level and water quality monitoring in · selected areas throughout the WHPA. These data will be used to measure any water quality Page ix - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 degradation and will provide an early warning of groundwater quality changes. The monitoring plan also describes focused hydrogeologic studies that will be needed to more accurately interpret the monitoring data and refine the regional groundwater flow model developed for this project. Refinement of the regional flow model will provide a management tool for making both groundwater quality and quantity decisions into the future. Spill response planning exists throughout national, state, and local programs. Depending on the nature and location of the spill incident, the local Fire Department and the State Patrol are normally the first responders for highway-related incidents, and Ecology is the lead agency for environmental pollution (i.e., hazardous waste spill). Locally, the City of Kent is responsible for assisting the local fire districts with Hazardous Material Response within the WHPA. The City has a hazardous material response plan which identifies the personnel and procedures that are used in response to a hazardous materials incident within the WHPA. A copy of the response plan is included in Appendix D. The water supply contingency plan identifies possible steps that could be taken to seek alternate supplies of water if one of the sources within the WHPA becomes contaminated. These steps include activating existing interties, treating contaminated groundwater at the source, or exploring for new sources of groundwater. Page x - CITY OF KENT WELLHEAD PROTECTION PROGRAM FOR CLARK, KENT, AND ARMSTRONG SPRINGS 1.0 INTRODUCTION Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The City of Kent began development of a wellhea!l protection program in August of 1993 for the Clark Springs, Kent Springs, and Armstrong Spri!lgs water supply source areas. The purpose of the wellhead protection project is to develop a program to protect long-term water quality at these three groundwater sources. These sources r~resent approximately 95% of the City's water supply. The Kent Wellhead Protection Program (WHPP) was developed in four parts, generally consistent with the Washington State Department of Health guidelines as follows: ~ Evaluation of the hydrogeologic framework for the area around the springs; ~ Delineation of Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPAs) based on time-related capture zones for each of the spring sources; ~ Identification of potential and known sources of groundwater contamination within the WHPA;and ~ Development of management strategies to minimize the threat of those potential and known sources of most concern. The City's three spring source areas are located in the southeastern portion of King County as shown on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1-1. The springs source areas are within small land parcels owned by the City of Kent but surrounded by uniqcorporated King County. Most of the study area falls within the south half of Township 22 North, Range 6 East, but also includes an area of 1 to 2 square miles west, south, and east of this Township and Range. The need for this work was recognized by the City because of the high susceptibility of the spring sources to contamination. The springs are fed by groundwater from shallow, highly transmissive glacial outwash aquifers surrounded by till and bedrock. These aquifers are rapidly recharged, often lack significant confining units, and are located in low lying, confined basins that tend to funnel surface water into the aquifer recharge area. In 1991 the City began a proactive effort to evaluate ways to protect these high-quality, yet vulnerable, water supply sources. A Centennial FUnd grant was applied for to assist in the effort of developing wellhead protection prior to the state's completion of a statewide wellhead program. A grant (09400034) was awarded in 1992 from the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) and is helping to fund this program development. Page 1-1 1.1 Scope of Kent's WHPP and Report Organization Hart Crowser J-3508-01 This report documents the program developed over the past two years under the Centennial Fund grant and as a cooperative effort among the local purveyors which included Covington Water District, Water District No. 111, as well as the City of Kent. Specifically, this report begins by describing the hydrogeology of the area and the Jllethods and analyses used for delineating the Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) around the three spring sources (Sections 2.0 and 3.0). The known and potential contaminant sources within the WHPA, and their relative risk to groundwater quality, are presented in Section 4.0. Section 5.0 describes existing regulatory programs and how they work to protect groundw$.ter quality. Management strategies and recommended tasks for protecting the WHPA are presented in Section 6.0. Section 7.0 contains the monitoring plan for the WHPA. The spill response plan and water supply contingency plan are contained in Sections 8.0 and 9.0, respectively. Section 10.0 presents a list of references cited in this report. Tables and figures supporting these sections are numbered to correspond to and are presented within or at the end of their re~tive sections. There are four appendices included in the document. Appendix A includes the hydrogeologic data analysis. Appendix B includes the groundwater modeling procedures. The management tasks database is included in Appendix C; Appendix D contains a copy of the City of Kent Hazardous Materials Response Plan. 1.2 Coordination of Wellhead Protection Pregram Development The City of Kent is coordinating WHPP elements with the Covington Water District and Water District No. 111 who are simultaneously developing wellhead protection programs for the Lake Sawyer Wellfield and North Meridian Aquifer, respectively. Covington's Lake Sawyer wellfield is located approximately I ,000 feet southwest of the City's Kent Springs source area. Water District No. 111 's North Meridian Aquifer study IU'ea is located approximately 1 mile northwest of the Armstrong Springs Source, in area soon to be annexed by the City of Kent. Technical data were shared and regular meetings were held to coordinate source inventory efforts and to develop consistent management strategies. A Project Review Committee was set up by Covington and Water District No. 111 to provide input to the projects and to review and comment throughout the course of program development. The review committee includes the three main water purveyors on the Covington Upland: Kent, Covington, and Water District No. 111, as well as representatives from the Ecology Water Quality Program, the State Department of Health, Seattle-King County Health Department, consultants Hart Crowser, Robinson & Noble, and Economic & Engineering Services Inc., and other local invitees. 1.3 Existing Data Sources The work completed for this project relied on a n11mber of important existing data sources. For the hydrogeologic analyses we used the South King County Groundwater Management Plan Page 1-2 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 (SKCGWMP), Grant No.I Background Data Collection and Management Report Issues (1989) as our starting point for the regional hydrogeologic framework. Likewise, the draft South King County GWMP (March 1995) was used in development of the management strategies. USGS geologic maps and more current geologic mapping conducted for King County's Cedar River Current and Future Conditions Report (1993) were used for geologic and hydrologic information east of the SKCGWMP study area boundary which falls near the Clark Springs. Several other published and unpublished reports prepared for the City of Kent and others provided valuable local information on hydrogeologic conditions. All significant documents used are listed in Section 10.0 References. 1.4 The Groundwater Sources While the City's water sources are referred to Clark Springs, Kent Springs, and Armstrong Springs, the water supply derived from these three areas is actually a combination of spring inftltration galleries and wells. Production record$ maintained by the City indicate the following usage: Clark Springs ~ Provides 2,800 to 4,000 gpm (4 to 6 MGD) source of supply. ~ Production is primarily from an inftltration gallery with occasional supplementation by production wells. Kent Springs ~ Provides 700 to 2,300 gpm (I to 3.3 MGD) source of supply. ~ Production is primarily from the infiltration gallery with peak demand (late summer) supply from Well Nos. 1 and 2. Armstrong Springs ~ Provides 70 to 700 gpm (0.1 to 1 MGD) source of supply. ~ Production is from Well Nos. 1 and 2. The City's Operations staff provided a substantial amount of information on the production from each of the spring areas as well as water level data and wellhead survey information for each of the three Spring properties. The City Engineering Department provided several consulting reports on their facilities, well construction, and well testing activities associated with each of the Spring properties. Data used to characterize the City's spring sources is discussed further in Appendix A. Page 1-3 ..... .... ! .... ! r ' ! r ! r r r ! r ' r ' r I ' r r ! r r i ,... ' r ,... r i-:e ~ ·-.5 u ·-:::=.; -.. ~ i ~ 2 ~ u J-3508-01 ·. Figure 1-1 11/95 2.0 HYDROGEOLOGY Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The hydrogeologic setting provides the basis for the delineation of the wellhead protection area and assessment of the management strategies for aquifer protection. The hydrogeology in the 7 to 8 square mile area between Armstrong Springs in the west and Clark Springs in the east is complex because of the multiple geologic layers, varying recharge rates, and surface water- groundwater interactions. This section descnbes the conceptual hydrogeologic model that formed the basis for development of a regional groundwater flow model that allowed us to better understand the area's complexities, delineate the wellhead protection areas, and identify areas for more focused hydrogeologic study. 2.1 Topography and Drainage The project area lies within the central portion of the Covington Upland (SKCGWMP, 1989) physiographic area (Figure 1-1). The Covington Upland is a glacial drift plain bounded on the north by the Cedar River Valley, the south and west by the Green River Valley, and on the east by the foothills of the Cascades. The topography of the central upland area ranges from bedrock foothills at elevations of almost 1,000 feet in the east study area (near the Clark Springs property) to gently sloping outwash plain at elevations of 500 to 400 feet in the west project area (between the Kent Springs and Armstrong Springs properties). Occasional till-capped knobs break up the outwash channels and several small kettle lakes and local marshy areas occur within the study area. The eastern portion of the study area lies within the middle portion of the Cedar River Drainage Basin and the western portion of the study area lies within the Soos Creek Basin. Figure 2-12 shows the surface water divide between these two major drainage basins. The surface water divides are important in defining potential rainfall runoff areas which contribute recharge to the aquifers supplying the springs and in analysis of the overall system water budget. 2.2 Surface Water Features The dominant surface water features of the study area include creeks which internally drain the outwash plain area and numerous lakes scattered throughout (See Figure 2-12). Rock Creek is the principal drainage feature in the east study area draining to the Cedar River. Rock Creek was identified by King County (1993) originating in the southeastern comer of the study area near Lake 12 with flow north then west through the City's Clark Springs property, eventually flowing northward to the Cedar River. Ravensdale Creek, Covington Creek, Jenkins Creek, and the Little Soos Creek all originate in the drift plain west of Clark Springs. Each of these streams has a predominantly southwest flow pattern and eventually discharges to Soos Creek which flows into the Green River near Auburn. Little is known about the hydraulic connection of the creeks to the groundwater system but it is suspected that a substantial relationship exists between the creeks and the shallow aquifer in the study area. For example, during the wet winter months the streams may be recharging the Page 2-1 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 groundwater system, while during the drier summer/early fall months the groundwater may be discharging to streams providing baseflows. These relationships may affect the amount of recharge to the aquifer system and groundwater flow patterns, particularly in the vicinity of the streams. Runoff from the till and bedrock knobs in the study area drains either into these streams or directly into the coarse-grained outwash deposits which surround the base of these till-capped hills. Lake Sawyer is the largest lake in the study area. Ravensdale Creek flows into the lake on its east side and Covington Creek flows out from the lake on its west side. The lake, situated very close to the Covington and Kent Springs supply sources, appears to be situated in till over much of its subsurface area; however, a recessional outwash channel appears to occur in the northeast and southwest lake areas hydraulically connecting the lake to the recessional outwash aquifer. A hydrogeologic study of the Lake Sawyer area (Hart Crowser, 1990) identifies at least 10 times as much outflow to the groundwater system as inflow indicating the lake as a source of recharge to the groundwater system. The study estimates an average outflow of between 1 and 4 cfs (range of 0.4 to 40 cfs) with the higher amount occurring during the dry season. Flow from the lake to the groundwater occurs primarily in the north and west sides of the lake. Several smaller lakes including Retreat Lake, Ravensdale Lake, Wilderness Lake, and Pipe Lake occur within the project area and may also provide recharge to the groundwater system. 2.3 Surficial Geology The geology of the study area is characterized by Tertiary bedrock uplands in the eastern portion of the study area and a thick sequence of Quaternary glacial and alluvial sediments in the western portion of the study area. The bedrock is commonly mantled by till and interspersed with former drainage channels now infilled with glacial meltwater deposits. Moving westward, the bedrock dives deep beneath the subsurface, and a thick and variable sequence of glacial and interglacial sediments occur. The west half of the study area is dominated by recessional outwash deposits at the surface. These deposits mark a major drainage pathway for meltwater streams during retreat of the last major glacial advance, the Vashon. Till-capped knobs underlain by pre-Vashon glacial and interglacial sequences are interspersed within the outwash of the western drift plain. Figure 2-1 presents a surficial geologic map for the study area. 2.4 Recharge and Infiltration Potential Precipitation is the principal source of recharge to the groundwater system. The surficial geology plays a major role in the amount of precipitation that infiltrates the ground to become recharge. Likewise the surficial geology and infiltration potential help define the susceptibility of the groundwater system to water quality impacts and the ease with which contaminants can move into the subsurface. In terms of infiltration potential and aquifer vulnerability, there are two distinct surficial geologic material groups in the study area: Page 2-2 - Han Crowser J-3508-01 ... The outwash plain deposits which are relatively permeable and allow good infiltration of precipitation. Recharge is likely highest in these areas as is aquifer vulnerability to contamination. Recharge rates in these deposits are estimated to range between 30 and 40 inches per year. ... The bedrock and till-capped hills, which are relatively low in permeability, have a lower infiltration potential. However, these areas provide good recharge because the relatively low infiltration capacity and steeper slopes cause runoff to the permeable outwash deposits surrounding these hills. In terms of aquifer susceptibility, these materials are imponant where they occur in the subsurface because they can provide some protection to deeper aquifers. An aquifer susceptibility map is developed for the WHPA as discussed in Section 3.5. 2.5 Water Quality The groundwater quality from the spring and wells sources is good. Regular water quality monitoring conducted under the state Department of Health (DOH) regulations includes analyses for inorganic and volatile organic compounds every three years. The last inorganics analyses was conducted at each of the sources in 1993; the last volatile organics analyses conducted at each of the sources was in 1994. No contaminant concerns were indicated by the sampling results. No volatile organics were detected. No inorganics were detected above the drinking water standards. Other special sampling conducted voluntarily by the City included 1/90, 8/91, and 8/93 priority pollutant analysis for metals, volatile organics, semivolatile organics, cyanide, PCBs and pesticides at the Clark Springs because of concerns about the Landsburg mine contamination. None of these compounds of potential concern were detected during these sampling events. The City also panicipated in a voluntary DOH Area-Wide Groundwater Monitoring Project for Synthetic Organic Compounds. No synthetic organic compounds were detected during this sampling. Nitrate levels were reviewed for all three water sources to assess any potential degradation. The nitrate data available are presented in Table 2-1. Page 2-3 - - Table 2-1 -Nitrate Levels in Kent's Water Sources Year Clark Springs Kent Springs Armstrong Springs Nitrate Concentration in mg/L 1983 1.09 0.4 - 1986 0.7 0.4 0.2 1989 0.7 0.9 0.7 1993 1.1 0.7 1.1 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 While these data are well within the drinking water standard of 10 mg/L, there is some indication that nitrate levels may be increasing. Additional data are needed to evaluate whether this is a statistically significant increase. 2.6 Principal Geologic Units The surface and subsurface geology are evaluated and characterized by interpretation of geologic units using the SKCGWMP Background Data report and well drilling records (SKCGWAC, 1989). The geologic units identified in this report are consistent with the nomenclature used in the SKCGWMP Background Data Report. Geologic conditions in the area east of the SKCGWMP area were based on USGS reports (Vine, 1969) and work completed by Derek Booth for the King County Cedar Basin Study (1993). The major units delineated and described for this study and their characteristics are outlined below and delineated significantly on Figure 2-1. Vashon Recessional Outwash (Qvr) ~ Consists predominantly of well-sorted sand and gravel; ~ Occurs at the surface as outwash plain throughout the study area with local areas of terrace and valley train deposits in the easternmost study area; ~ Has a relatively high iniiltration capacity; and ~ Is an important aquifer supplying water to the City's spring sources. Vashon Ice-Contact Deposits (Qvi) ~ Consist primarily of sand and gravel but less sorted than the Qvr deposits; ~ Occur at the surface east of Clark Springs; ~ Have a moderate to high iniiltration capacity; and ~ Are likely an important source of recharge for the Qvr aquifer in the eastern portion of the study area. Page 2-4 - Vashon Till (Qvt) "' Consists of a dense, unsorted mixture of clay, silt, sand, and gravel; Hart Crowser J-3508-01 "' Occurs at the surface throughout the area capping bedrock knobs and uplands, and in the subsurface beneath the Qvr in many areas; "' Has low infiltration capacity restricting local recharge; and "' Provides a protective layer to deeper aquifers from contaminant migration where it occurs in the subsurface. Second Coarse-Grained Unit Qc(2) "' Older (than Vashon) glacial sequence possibly correlative with the Possession Drift sequence; "' Consists predominantly of granular soils and may include till layers; "' Occurs at depth in western portion of the study area and in outcrops at a few locations in the southwest and northern portion of the study area; and "' Is an important aquifer tapped by the Armstrong Springs, Kent Springs, and Covington wells. Second Fine-Grained Unit Qf(2) "' Older interglacial sequence possibly correlative with the Whidbey Formation or the Kitsap Formation; "' Consists primarily of fme-grained alluvial and lacustrine sand, silt, clay, and peat; and "' Occurs primarily in the subsurface below the Qc(2) deposits and forms the lower boundary of the Qc(2) aquifer tapped by the City's wells. Third Coarse-Grained Unit Qc(3) "' Next older glacial sequence may be correlative with the Salmon Springs Drift; "' Consists predominantly of coarse-grained materials and includes layers of till; "' Occurs at depth below the Qc(2) aquifer tapped by the City's wells and· is typically recognized by its oxidized condition; and ~> Next principal aquifer below the Qc(2). Third Fine-Grained Unit Qf(3) "' Next older fme-grained sequence may be correlative with the Puyallup Formation; and "' Consists of a thick sequence of sand, silt, clay, and peat-difficult to distinguish from the Qf(2). Tertiary Bedrock (Tbr) "' Primarily sedimentary bedrock of the Puget Group but also includes local outcrops of igneous rock; "' Occurs at shallow depths and at ground surface in the eastern portion of the study area but dives steeply to the west so that it is not a signifJCant unit in the western portion of the study area; and ,. Has low infiltration capacity restricting local recharge and generally considered to bound the area aquifers. Page 2-5 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 In addition to these primary units there are several other geologic units defmed on the maps and cross sections prepared for this report. These include the Recent Alluvium (Qal) which occurs in the major river valleys along the margins of the study area, thin peat layers (Qp) which occur locally throughout, and the Vashon Advance Outwash (Qva) which, except for some minor deposits beneath the Pipe Lake area, is largely absent from this area. Because these deposits have no significant effect on the supply and transport of groundwater to the Kent supply sources, they are not discussed much further herein. 2. 7 Subsurface Geology and Groundwater Flow As the surficial geology is important to the infiltration of precipitation, the characteristics and distribution of geologic deposits in the subsurface are important to the movement of groundwater to the wellhead. Subsurface cross sections were developed around each of the City's Springs properties to provide additional information on the subsurface stratigraphy, the layering and occurrence of geologic units which defme the aquifers, and the transport pathways for potential contaminant movement to the wellheads. The subsurface geology and its effect on groundwater flow around each of the source areas are discussed below. Refer to the Surficial Geologic Map (Figure 2-1) and the Cross Sections (Figures 2-2 through 2-11) which support the discussions. 2.7.1 Clark Springs Area The Clark Springs are situated in a narrow, sediment-fJ.!led channel bounded by till-capped bedrock knobs to the north and south. The infJ.!led materials are very coarse-grained recessional outwash sand and gravel deposited as the last glacier retreated from this area. These coarse- grained glacial deposits, mapped as Qvr and Qvi on Figure 2-1, extend due east of the Clark Springs property, then fan out to the north and south just beyond the Georgetown area. The Qvr and Qvi comprise the aquifer which provides groundwater flow to Clark Springs. Cross sections Cl-Cl' through C4-C4' (Figures 2-2 and 2-3) depict the generalized hydrogeology through the Clark Springs aquifer area. Bedrock confmement of the permeable outwash deposits to a narrow channel at the Clark Springs property may be the cause of the springs which naturally emanate in this area. As shown on Figure 2-1, bedrock surfaces again east, southeast, and southwest of Retreat Lake over 2 miles east of Clark Springs. In the area by Retreat Lake and southwestward, shallowing bedrock causes the Qvr and Qvi to rise in elevation (See Well group 32A, Figure 2-3). This rise distinguishes a northwest -southeast trending trough of recessional outwash that occurs along the east side of the bedrock knobs north and south of Georgetown and west of Retreat Lake. This trough may represent former meltwater discharge pathways to the Cedar and Green Rivers and a preferred pathway for groundwater flow through this area today. Groundwater flow through the glacial deposits east of Clark Springs appears to be predominantly east to west as shown on the Groundwater Elevation Contour Map, Figure 2-12. However, Page 2-6 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 within the trough of recessional deposits along the east side of the bedrock knobs north and south of Georgetown, a northward flow pattern is indicated. There appears to be significant volume of groundwater flow moving through this foothills recharge area. In addition to the groundwater flow toward the Clark Springs area (over 3,000 gpm), the existing data indicate there is a component of groundwater flow northward that discharges to the Cedar River, and a component of flow southwestward moving through the Ravensdale area toward the Kent Springs and Covington wellfields. In addition to supporting these large water supply systems, King County (1993) maintains that the groundwater in this area also provides a significant contribution to Rock Creek flow, the only major surface water drainage in the eastern portion of the study area and an important fishery resource stream in the Cedar River Basin. 2. 7.2 Kent Springs Area The Kent Springs property lies just north of Lake Sawyer within the glacial drift plain in the western portion of the study area. In this area the bedrock dives steeply beneath a thick sequence of glacial and interglacial sediments. The surficial deposits are predominantly Qvr, the permeable recessional outwash deposits seen further east. Till-capped knobs are interspersed within the flatter outwash channels. In this area the subsurface stratigraphy becomes more complex with a thicker sequence of variable material types. Cross sections K1-K1' through K3-K3' (Figures 2-4 and 2-5) show interpreted subsurface stratigraphy around the Kent Springs area. The Kent Springs aquifer appears to be made up of two coarse-grained glacial sequences, the Qvr and the Qc(2) units. At the Kent Springs property these units appear to be in direct contact with each other, while to the north, east, and south, till typically separates these units. The till occurrence is illustrated on Figures 2-4 and 2-5. Till appears to occur beneath the Covington wells (Figure 2-4, Section K2-K2'), parts of Lake Sawyer (Figure 2-5, Section K3-K3'), and stretches beneath the ground surface between till-capped knobs to the northeast (Figure 2-1). However, as you near the Kent Springs property, the till deposits thin or are absent. Limited data also suggest that the till may also be absent for some distance west -southwest of the Kent Springs (Figure 2-4, Section K1-K1 '). Geologic materials and seasonal behavior suggest the Kent Springs are derived from the shallower recessional outwash (Qvr) and the wells are completed in the Qc(2) deposits. Use of the springs occurs primarily in the wetter months of year and this would correlate with renewed recharge of the shallower Qvr deposits. In the drier summer and early fall months the deeper and more continuous Qc(2) unit provides a more reliable source. Well log data indicate the Qc(2) extends throughout the area beneath the till-capped knobs while the extent of the Qvr aquifer is limited by the till. Groundwater flow through the Kent Springs vicinity is a continuation of the east to west flow pattern discussed for the Clark Springs property. Moving westward from the Georgetown area toward the Kent Springs property, groundwater passes through the bedrock-bounded recessional Page 2-7 - - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 outwash channel around Ravensdale Lake into the drift plain in the western portion of the study area. Water level and well log data suggest that much of the groundwater supplying the Kent Springs property flows through the Ravensdale channel toward Lake Sawyer. Near Lake Sawyer, the groundwater flow bends slightly northwest as it flows toward the Kent Springs property. The aquifer supplying the Kent Springs also supplies the Covington Lake Sawyer wellfield just south of the Kent Springs property (see Figure 2-1). The effect of Lake Sawyer on groundwater flow is not well-studied. In the area of the Kent Springs, the geologic data suggest hydraulic separation; however, as previously discussed, some recharge (range between 0.4 and 40 cfs) to the groundwater system occurs. 2. 7.3 Annstrong Springs Area The geology around the Armstrong Springs property is similar to the Kent Springs property. The property lies within the recessional outwash plain and the wells appear to tap into the deeper Qc(2), lying below the Qvr, in an area where the till seems to be thin or absent. Till occurs on hills to the southeast and northwest and till-like material appears to extend beneath the Qvr in these same directions away from the Armstrong Springs property. The till also appears eroded away in the area 1-1/2 miles to northeast of the property within the recessional outwash channel. Cross sections Al-AI' through A6-A6' (Figures 2-6 through 2-11) present generalized geologic cross sections through the area around the Armstrong Springs. Sections Al-AI', A2-A2', and A3-A3' (Figures 2-6, 2-7, and 2-8) illustrate the apparent thinning of the till at the well site and along the outwash channel to the northeast of Armstrong Springs. Figures 2-9, 2-10, and 2-11 indicate significant thicknesses of till to the east and west of the property. Groundwater flow patterns around the Armstrong Springs property are more complex than at the other properties because of multiple hydrogeologic boundary conditions. That is, several regional recharge and discharge factors appear to affect groundwater flow in this area. Regional recharge from the Lake Youngs area (SKCGWMP, 1989) creates a north to south flow pattern toward the Armstrong Springs property. This flow pattern converges with the regional east to west flow (dominating the Kent Springs property) in this same area. The Soos Creek valley, located less than a mile west of the spring property, is a central discharge area for both of these regional groundwater flow systems. Further complicating the groundwater flow interpretation is the likely location of a groundwater divide two miles to the northeast of Armstrong Springs where groundwater flow may be directed toward the Cedar River. Page 2-8 ; ; 3 'l ' ~ m ; '~ ,N ~0 ~~ '~ Surficial Geology and Cross Section Location Map ' " 0 Q::J ~ Recent Alluvium Vashon Recessional Outwash (Local Peat Areas Noted as Qp) Vashon Ice-contact Deposits -~ r -~ [lJ Older Fine-grained Deposits Older Coarse-grained Deposits Vashon Till Tertiary Volcanic and Sedimentary Bedrock tA-A't ·- S20H03 Cross Section Location and Designation Wells with Logs used for Cross Section Development (from South King County GWMP Database) Monitoring We!! Location and Number 0 4000 Scale in Feet BB 8000 -- ~ J-3508-01 Figure 2·1 11195 - Q. u Q. -..; r 0 0 0 N II -"' 0> ..... 0 "' "' ..... 0 -i5 ~ ., 0 u "' .., Clark Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section C1-C1' and C2-C2' C1 700 ~ 650 ...J (/) :::1! ~ -., 600 ., ... . 5 c: 550 0 :;:; 0 > ., ;:;::; 500 450 C2 800 750 ....... 700 ...J (/) :::1! ~ -., 650 ., ... . 5 c: 600 .2 -0 > ., ;:;::; 550 500 450 , j!5 Well Number Well Location Approximate Water Level (AlD or as measured by USGS, 1986 or Hart Crowser, 1994) Screened Interval (if an record) @] Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs Aquifer Zane ~ C1' ~ <1 C2' Horizontal Scale in Feet 0. 2000 4000 0 Vertical Vertical 100 200 Scale in Feet Exaggeration x 20 Notes: 1. See Figure 2 for geologic nomendoture. 88 2. Contacts between geologic units are based upan interpalatlan between wells and represent aur Interpretation of subsurface canditlans based on currently avaUable data. J-3508-01 Figure 2-2 11/95 . . • . . . . . . . . . --·-" . -·--"- Clark Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section C3-C3' and C4-C4' C3 800 750 ~ _J Ul 2. 700 - ""' ~ Q) Qi Q) '-;;:: 0 ""' .. 0> " c: 0 ·;::: lk: a. " Ul " u. _, .£ 650 '-0 u c: ~ 0 :;; 600 > .. 0 IL "' " .. w 550 500 450 C4 900 850 BOO :.:;- Ul 2. 750 -" " LL .£ 700 c 0 0 :;; 650 lil > " w 600 Qvr 550 Tbr 500 c: 0 :;::; c: u ., 0 Ul :;::; 0 £ " ~ Ul Ul "0 -c: .£ ~ "' 0 w "0 c: 0 N " 0 0 w "' < ~ .... I .. .. 0 0 II. < "' "' .., .., %~-1\("fg'\rof·······.· ... ·.·.· .. · ... ·.·······.· .. ·.···.=?%''77 ~.?"··· ·--. --?- Cross Section C3-C3' w .. <') .. 0 IL .. .., Cross Section C4-C4' Bend in Section ~ ~ " E E ~ w ~ .. 0 0 N .., .. I "' rn:J ~ :::; ... < ~ @] 1i: ... C3' ~ ... Tbr .. ~ g: Well Number Well Location Approximate Water Level (A TO or as mecsured by USGS, 1986 or Hart Crowser, 1994 Screened Interval (if on record) @] Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs ~ Aquifer Zone Notes: 1. ~ee Figure 2 for gealogic nomenclcturc . 2. Contacts between geologic unit$ Qre based upon lnterp.olatlon between wells and represent our interpretation of subsurface conditions based on cutTently available data. Horizon tal Scale in Feel 0 2000 4000 0 100 Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggerotian x 20 C4' [ill BB 200 ~ J-3608-01 Figure 2-3 11196 I - 0-v 0-u _, ~ N • Kent Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section K1-K1' and K2-K2' 600 550 ~ ::IE ~ 500 ~ .. .. ... . E 450 c 0 :z; g 400 .. G:i ~ -' Vl 350 300 600 ~ 550 ~ .. .. ... 500 .E c 0 :z; g 450 .. G:i .. 400 K1 K2 .. :il • .. 0 c 10 c 10 Well Number Well Location Qc(2) .. 0 z t') t') Approximate Water Level (A TO or as measured by USGS, 1986 or Hart Crawoer, 1994) Screened Interval (If on record) Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs Kent Springs A reo t') 0 a. t') t') Qf(3) Deep A1-A1' %, Aquifer Zone Nate: 1. See Figu•• 2 far geologic nomenclature 2. Contacts between geologic units are' based upon interpolation between wello and repr-t our Interpretation of subsurface conditions. .. 0 0 • t') ~ z ·o 0 0 "' ~ .. 0 A. ... Cll .. 0 a: • t') K1' Horizontal Scale in Feet 0 2000 4000 0 Vertical Vertical 100 200 Scale in Feet Exaggeration x 20 8B J-3608-01 Figure 2-4 11/96 - - 0. u 0. u -:c 0 0 0 N II -"' '" ' 0 .., :! ' 0 "0 ., 0 > "' u .., Kent Springs Area Generalized Cross Section K3-K3' ~ -' Ill :::;; ~ -., ., "- .!: " 0 :;::; c > ., w K3 550 500 450 400 350 N Q .., .., ~ 'ii 3: ., "'~ c"' "i:-c: Q.-0~ Ill~ C."- -~ .E= N "N > ., 0 "'o 03: Q .::.~~.. u~ .., _.., Ill .., lilt') ., Qvr .......... _ _,.-- Qvt_.../ Qc(2) @) []]Qf(3) K1-K1' K2-K2' Well Number Well Location Approximate Water Level (A ltl or os meooured by USGS, 1986 or Hort Crowser. 1994) Screened Interval (If on record) Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs ~ Seep/Spring Aquifer Zone ... ~ 1: c Ill ., ~ c -' Note: 1. See Figure 2 for geologic nornencloture. 2. Contacts between g~ogic units are based upon interpolation between wells and reprU«\l our interpretation of subsurface conditions. -0 ll: ., ... ~ 1: c Ill -., 0 .>< w c 0 K3' ....J - Horizon tal Scale in Feet 0 2000 4000 0 100 Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration x 20 BB J-3508-01 Figure 2·5 200 11/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section A 1-A 1' A1 600 550 500 ~ -' Ul ~ 450 -" " "- .E 400 c 0 :g 350 0. u 0. u I 0 g N " "' ~ > " w ~g ::;; "' ~~ u"' 300 250 200 150 <') 0 .., ... "' @] ~ w z 0 ... I{) • 0> • ~ ~ u -0 • C!J 0 ... 0 ... <II Qc(2) -----@] rn:J [I] ?----. '"'\ . Well Number Well Loco lion Approximate Water Level (ATD or OS measured by uses, 1986 or Hart Crowser, 1994) Screened Interval (if on record) Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs '-..._ -0 Ill 0 "' ~ w z Kent Springs Area 0 ~ 0 3: ... 0 ~ (f) 0 ~ .., 0 ..,..; 00 -0 -0 C!J 0 "' .., .., GO a: ~ -...,.., GO 0 "'"' "' "' "' ~ u .., .., //ff_&'&"P"j Qc(2) ~---~?[Q) ---_..-/ ----~--- Qf(2)/Qf(3) A3-A3' A6-A6' Kl-Kl' K2-K2' ~ ~ Note: I _ I I I Aquifer Zone 1. See Figure 2 for geologic nomenclature. 2. Contacts between geologic units ore based upon interpolation between wells and represent our interpretation of subsurface conditions. Horizontal Scale in Feet 0 2000 4000 0 -----100 200 Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration x 20 --;;: "0 " -Ul ~ " >. ,. 0 (f) " ~ 0 -' ~ ... 0 == ::E ~ w z ~ w 0 z 0 " 0 ~ 0 Ol -~ A1' n [Q) BB ~ J-3508-01 Figure 2-6 11/95 I I I l CVO 11/30/95 1=2000 HC.pcp I l 35080101 Armstrong Spring Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section A2-A2' HI 88 !~ • 0 1\,)'P •o ...,_ ill A2 550 500 450 ~ ...J Ul ~ 400 -.. .. LL. ,!; 350 c:: 0 ~ 300 .. GJ 250 200 150 ... tOO 0 ~ .!!! "'~ c:: 0 Ill .!::.,. me: E'c ... a. <(U) r"l ....:..1101 ~ ., Well Number "' ~ Well Location Approximate Water Level (A lD or os measured by USGS, 1986 or Hart Crowser, 1994) t Screened Interval (If on record) @) Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs ----------- Qf(2)/Qf(3) m % Aquifer Zone Note: 1. See Figure 2 for geolo9ic nomenclature. 2. Contacts between geologic units ore based upon lnterpolatlon t;etween wells and represent our interpretation of subsurface conditions. C\1 0 a "' "' l A2' Horizontal Scale in Feet 0 2000 0 100 4000 -200 Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration x 20 I l I l CVO 11/30/95 1=2000 HC.pcp l J l J J J 35080104 Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Geologic Cross Section A3-A3' A3 500 r 450 r ~ vl 400 :::;; ~ -:: 350 .... . 5 a 3oo :;: §! .. w 250 t 200 :!!'i ~ C4 ... 01 • 0 1\)~ •o 01-& ... ~ 01 150 88 ~ .,-c .. 03: !>UI UIO> E.S ...... <(0. ~VI "' 0 !liD "' ~ Cl "' @) Qvr --------- Qo(2)/Qo(3) Qf(3) Well Number Well Location Approximate Water Level (AlD or as measured by USGS. 1986 or Hort Crowser, 1994) Screened Interval (II on record) Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs ~ w VI 0 ·~-----? Qf(3) [1] A4-A4' Al-AI' I I ~ Aquifer Zone Notes: 1. See Figure 2 for geologic nomenclature. 2. Contacts between geologic units ore based upon interpolation between wells and represent our Interpretation of subsurface conditions based on currently available dolo. 0 -.j- ~ l ~ w VI 0 0 <0 ~ ... A3' 0 D ... N Qvr iii~···.··· ,Jb-·····-~·..- Horizontal Scale in Feet 0 2000 4000 0 100 Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration x 20 200 ~ ~ - Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Cross Section A4-A4' ~ --' Vl ::::;; ~ -Q) Q) u.. .E c: .Q -~ ., ;:;:; A4 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 ... 0 Ill o Well Number ... Well Location Approximate Water Level (A Tll or as measured by USGS, 1986 or Hart Crowser, 1994) Screened Interval ~ ~ (/) 0 0 ,.., ~ A3-A3' ~ w A4' z 0 0 N ~ ? Horizontal Scale in Feet 0 2000 4000 0 100 Vertical Scale in Feet Vertical Exaggeration x 20 200 (if on record} Notes: 1. See Figure 2 for geologic nomenclature. Q. u Q. cJ l: g "' II Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs Aquifer Zone 2. Contacts between geologic units are bOHd upon interpolation between wells and represent our Interpretation of aubsurface concfitions based on currently available data. BB J-3508-01 Figure 2-9 11195 GVU 111/3Uf""11=2!JUU Jcpcp 1 1 1 1 35080103 Armstrong Springs Area Generalized Cross Section A5-A5' Well ·Number ~ l3 VI :z ~ Well Location Approximate Water Level (A TO or as meooured by USGS, 1986 or Hart Crowser, 1994) Screened Interval (If on record) Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs 1 1 1 % Aquifer Zone 1 1 1 1 1 A5' Qc(2) @] Horizontal Scale in Feet 0 2000 4000 0 100 200 Vertical Scale In Feel Vertical Exaggeration x 20 Notes: 1. See Figure 2 for geologic nomenclature. 2. Contacts between geologic units ore based upon interpolation between wells and represent our interpretation of subsurface conditions. 1 1 '"'"'-' ~1/3v/.,) 1=1~v 35080115 lc.pce Armstrong Springs Area 1 1 Generalized Geologic Cross Section A6-A6' A6 600 1 u u Ill u 1 1 1 1 ~ LLi ui "' 0 ~ 0 A6' ,.._ 0 ~ " ...J -500 " " "- .!:; " 0 = .··. :·.:·.··.:·:·:' .\rL#~~} Qvr · ....•..••.•.••• ;: #f::781 .. ·. ·:·.·. ·: .>?:. ------------ --i ··•••·••••••••••·•·· ---- ... 0 X ... N :!!'i IQ(I) !; 01 . ~ ~· •o ...... ... ... ... ., 01 0 > ..!! 400 w 300 200 Qc(2) m A2-A2'A1-A1' ... ~ Well Number Well Location Approximate Water Level (ATD or as measured by USGS, 1986 or Hart Crawser, 1994) Screened Interval _ (If on record) @] Approx. Specific Capacity from Well Logs I I % ?- [I] Qf(2) Aquifer Zone Qc(2)/Qc(3) , -~ rn -? 0 ?/ ?__..... /' Qf(2) @] 100 200 -Scale in Feet Notes: 1. See Figure 2 for geologic nomenclature. 2. Contacts between geologic units ore based upon interpolation between wells and represent our in terpretotion of subsurface conditions . 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I & c 0 0 I i " " I ~ ~ 0 "'" '"' :::a I 0 ~ >on un Groundwater Elevation Contour Map ----~~------~,--------------------------~~---------------. L 510 . ...., ---400--- --700 Monitoring Well Location and Number Groundwater Elevation in Feet {April 1994) Well Location and Number from Well Log Records. Groundwater Elevation Contour from April 1994 Groundwater Elevation Contour from Well Log Location of Low Permeability Geologic Materials (Pnmarily Qvt and rbr) Considered to form Aquifer Boundary Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction , I I ····-i- 1 ..,o 'H· 6 ._ .-·-41< "<----~--./ l -:"~"-Y' ~~~. ·-· .,...___: I -~··-······•···-' ·:o77',;:_: .(-. -: 2.!1" -.-I 0 4000 Scale in Feet 8000 --8B ~~ J-3508-01 Figure 2-12 11/95 I - - 3.0 WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA (WHPA) DELINEATION Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The hydrogeology described around each of the spring sources fonns the basis for delineation of the wellhead protection areas. A wellhead protection area is defmed as the surface and · subsurface area surrounding a well (or spring) that supplies a public water supply through which potential contaminants are likely to pass and eventually reach the water source (DOH, 1993). Detennination of the wellhead protection area (WHPA) is the first step toward development of a wellhead protection program (WHPP) to manage the quality of groundwater-based drinking water supplies. Delineation of the WHP A is an important component of the WHPP to ensure that the area managed will be protective of water quality and that no undue burden is placed on land use. Under the state's guidelines, the WHPA is detennined based primarily on time-of-travel capture zones. Time-of-travel capture zones are estimates of the area constituting the most likely travel paths (based on travel times) of a hypothetical particle of water moving through the aquifer to the pumping well. Three travel time zones are defmed; the 1-, 5-, and 10-year time-of-travel capture zones. In addition, a buffer zone is considered to provide additional protection and compensate for any errors in calculating the WHP A. The intent of protection within each of these areas is outlined below. .. 1-Year Capture Zone. This zone is managed to protect the drinking water supply from viral, microbial, and direct chemical contamination, and is the most intensely managed zone. The !-year zone corresponds to the area with the most acute need for protection because there is not a great deal of time to identify a problem and take remedial action if a contaminant enters the aquifer. .. 5-Year Capture Zone. This zone should be actively managed to control potential chemical contaminants with an emphasis on pollution prevention. While there is more time for response within the 5-year zone, all potential sources should be identified and controlled. .. 10-Year Capture Zone. Within this zone, existing medium and high risk potential contaminant sources should be targeted to receive increased regulatory attention and technical assistance to prevent pollution and reduce risk. .. Buffer Zone. This zone includes the area upgradient of the groundwater capture zones which may include the remaining area of contribution and· the recharge area to the aquifer providing the water supply. 3.1 Capture Zones Based on Numerical Modeling The wellhead protection area for the City of Kent's spring sources was delineated primarily . using numerical modeling and hydrogeologic mapping. A numerical modeling approach was used because of the size of the water system, the complexity of the hydrogeology and boundary Page 3-1 - Han Crowser J-3508-01 conditions in the vicinity of the City's Spring propenies, and the susceptibility of the water sources to contamination. Results of the numerical modeling were, used to define time-related capture zones. The 1-, 5-, and 10-year capture zones were based primarily on development of a groundwater flow model using MODFLOW. The hydrogeologic conditions discussed previously and presented in the surficial geologic map, in subsurface cross section diagrams, and water level contour data formed the basis for the model construction. To accommodate the expected overlap of capture zones between the three spring sources, we developed an approximately 53-square- mile model. The model was calibrated to the measured water level data and achievement of a reasonable water balance for the overall system. Appendix B describes the numerical modeling approach and presents the model configuration. The groundwater flow model was linked to a panicle tracking model, PATH3D, to defme the time-related capture zones. This particle tracking model releases panicles from the wellhead and tracks the movement of these particles backward in time to their point of origin. The analysis was performed at each source area for a 1-, 5-, and 10-year period. The results of this analysis are presented on Figure 3-1. Because groundwater flow is generally from east to west in the study region, the predicted capture zones generally extend east from the groundwater production areas. Because of the relatively high hydraulic conductivities of the aquifers providing the supply, the capture zones for the three City Springs sources overlap each other. The specific capture zone modeling results for each of the City's Springs propenies are described below. 3.1.1 Annstrong Springs The 1-year capture zone for Armstrong Springs extends approximately 5,000 to 6,000 feet east of the production area. The 5-year zone extends another 6,000 feet east of the 1-year zone. The 10-year zone extends roughly 10,000 feet further east in its northern ponion and almost to Ravensdale along its southern ponion. Lower groundwater velocities predicted southeast of Lucerne Lake and the till knob south of Clark Springs limit the northern ponion of the 10-year zone, while higher permeability sediments east of the Kent Springs area cause the capture zone to extend further east in this area. The Armstrong 10-year capture zone overlaps with the Kent Springs 1-and 5-year capture zones. 3.1.2 Kent Springs The 1-year capture zone for the Kent Springs source also extends approximately 5,000 to 6,000 feet east of the source area. Following the course of highly permeable recessional outwash deposits, the 5-year capture zone for Kent Springs extends east to the vicinity of Retreat Lake1 • The 10-year capture zone moves further down the valley south of Retreat Lake in the area of the glacial meltwater trough. The 10-year zone may extend as far as the surface water divide between the Green River and the Rock Creek drainage basin where a groundwater divide is also suspected to occur. Page 3-2 - - ,..... - - 3.1.3 Clark Springs Han Crowser J-3508-01 The 1-year capture zone for Clark Springs is approximately 11,000 feet, approximately twice as long as the 1-year zone for the other source areas. The Clark Springs 1-year zone is substantially longer than the others because more groundwater is produced from Clark Springs and more permeable sediments were encountered east of Clark Springs compared to those encountered in the other two production areas. The 5-year capture zone for Clark Springs extends further east, ending in an area where the aquifer thins rapidly as the bedrock shallows. Bedrock outcrops on the eastern edge of the study region form the eastern limit of the 10-year capture zones. The 1-, 5-, and 10-year capture zones from Clark Springs probably overlap the 5-and 10-year capture zones from Kent Springs. The dividing line drawn on the map is based on the concept of a dividing streamline. In reality, natural mixing in the aquifer, seasonal changes in groundwater elevation, and variable groundwater withdrawals will cause this dividing line to move somewhat north and south from the fixed position shown on Figure 3-1. 3.2 Surface Water Divide as Recharge Area The surface water divide is used to distinguish the area providing recharge to the recessional outwash channel areas surrounding the spring sources. This divide is delineated where surface water runoff would move toward the capture zones. This area is particularly important in areas where till and bedrock hills occur because of the potential for runoff and infiltration into the more permeable recessional outwash deposits which surround these hills. The surface water divides were identified based on review of King County Surface Water Management group maps, local topography, and the predicted locations of the groundwater capture zones. The surface water divides are depicted on Figure 3-1 by a bounding dash-dot line and shading. 3.3 Assessment of Data Uncertainties There are a number of areas within the study area where hydrogeologic data are limited or lacking. In these areas, hydrogeologic judgement based on experience in other similar environments and interpretations presented in the SKCGWMP Background Data report were used as the basis for our conceptual and numerical modeling. There are only a few areas where limited data are most likely to impact the capture zones. These are discussed below. 3.3.1 Groundwater Flow North-Northeast ofAnnnrong Springs Little data exist on the aquifer properties north-northeast of Armstrong Springs. The relative magnitude of the groundwater flow contribution from the north versus the east influences the size and orientation of the capture zones. If more flow is derived from the northern area, the Armstrong Springs capture zone could orient more northeasterly. Additional data need to be developed in this area to better understand the flow contribution and its potential effect on groundwater capture at the Armstrong Springs property, particularly since till may be absent in a portion of this area. We address this uncertainty in development of a wellhead management area Page 3-3 - - - - - - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 discussed later and with additional data collection recommendations in Section 7. 0 Monitoring Plan. 3.3.2 Quantity of Recharge The groundwater moving through the aquifers is wholly derived from precipitation recharge. The amount of recharge will have a significant effect on overall development of the groundwater flow model. Recharge rates are, at best, rough estimates. Precipitation amount and patterns, soil types, topography, and land use all affect the amount of recharge to the groundwater system. We relied primarily on Landsburg precipitation data and the USGS summary graph of precipitation-recharge relationships (USGS, 1993). Since the summary graph was based on a recharge model for the Covington Upland area, this document should be reviewed when available and consideration given to updating the groundwater flow model and capture zone delineation using these data. 3.3.3 Aquifer Interaction with Surface Waters A better understanding of surface water-groundwater interactions is needed to develop a more accurate hydrologic budget for the area. Aquifer-surface water interactions could also impact capture zones. For example, if we underestimated the degree to which Lake Sawyer is a source of groundwater to the underlying aquifers, the actual Kent Springs and Lake Sawyer wellfield capture zones may be substantially smaller than predicted. Likewise, a hazardous materials spill or release to a stream could adversely affect groundwater quality in losing reaches of the stream. Stream gaging with nearby groundwater level monitoring such as has been completed on Rock Creek (a weir has been installed and is being monitored by the City of Kent) should be conducted on Ravensdale, Covington, Jenkins, and the Little Soos Creeks for better understanding of the surface water-groundwater interactions in the area. 3.3.4 Retreat Lake Area Groundwater Flow Groundwater elevations, water table gradients, and groundwater flow rates through the drainage leading from Lake 12 past Retreat Lake toward the Georgetown area and nonhward to the Cedar River are not well known. Because the predicted capture zones for both the Kent Springs and Clark Springs properties extend into this area, additional data need to be developed to more accurately assess flow rates through this area and boundaries of the 5-and 10-year capture zones for the Clark Springs, Kent Springs, and Covington sources. 3.4 Composite WeUhead Management Area -Kent/Covington WHPA A composite map was made for wellhead protection management purposes to address uncertainties in the hydrogeologic data and to include the capture zones for Covington's Lake Sawyer wellfield. Coordination of the wellhead protection activities has been a goal of program development since the work began and is particularly important for the Kent Springs and Lake Sawyer wellfields because of their close proximity. Additionally, capture zone delineation Page 3-4 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 indicates overlap of the three City sources and the Lake Sawyer wellfield. To accommodate these factors a proposed composite wellhead protection management area, the Kent/Covington (after the two major purveyors) Wellhead Protection Area, is identified. This proposed Kent/Covington Wellhead Protection Area is presented on Figure 3-2 and discussed below. The specific time-of-travel capture zones for this proposed composite Wellhead Protection Area, are delineated as Zone 1 (1-year zone), Zone 2 (5-year zone), and Zone 3 (10-year zone). 3.4.1 Armstrong Springs Zone 1 at Armstrong Springs includes the 1-year capture zone plus the area to the northeast where the till appears to be thin or absent. As shown on Figure 3-2, Zone 1 is expanded northward to the surface water divide. Without any confining layers berween ground surface and the aquifer supplying water to the Armstrong wells, the Qvr and Qc(2) aquifers are highly vulnerable to any contaminant release. Given the absence of till, the lack of pumping test data, and a poorly understood groundwater flow pattern, we believe inclusion of this area is appropriate to ensure adequate protection. Zones 2 and 3 use this same concept of expanding the 5-year and 10-year zones toward the surface water divide to incorporate uncertainties. 3.4.2 Kent Springs/Lake Sawver Wellfield Because of the proximity of the Kent and Lake Sawyer wellfield water supply sources we have developed composite Zones 1, 2, and 3, based on the 1-, 5-, and 10-year capture zones delineated by Hart Crowser and Robinson & Noble for their respective study areas. The Zone 1 boundary of both the Kent Springs and Lake Sawyer wellfield capture zones are slightly expanded beyond the 1-year capture area to account for the more southerly location of the Lake Sawyer wellfield, the more northerly location of the Kent wellfield, and to err on the conservative side with respect to uncertainty in the outer 1-year boundary. The composite protection area for Zone 2 also expands Kent's 5-year capture zone to the south to account for the more southerly location of the Lake Sawyer wellfield. Precipitation on the small till-capped bedrock knob north of Ravensdale is likely to drain water into the highly permeable ourwash deposits around Clark Springs and within the Ravensdale -ourwash channel. For this reason the protection area boundaries are extended to the surface water divide in this area for both the Kent Springs/Lake Sawyer Zone 2 and the Clark Springs Zone 1. Zone 2 for the Kent Springs/Lake Sawyer wellfield source extends the 5-year zone modeled for the Kent Springs source roughly 4,000 to 5,000 feet further south of Retreat Lake. Zone 2 is thus a composite of the modeled 5-year boundary for the Kent Springs and the modeled 5-year boundary for the Lake Sawyer wellfield. Differences in the 5-year boundary for the Kent Springs and Lake Sawyer wellfield stem from uncertainties in the amount of recharge occurring in this area and a lack of good water level and hydraulic conductivity data. Page 3-5 - - 3.4.3 Clark Springs Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Zone 1 for the Clark Springs source is proposed to include the City's property and north and south to the surface water divides. The surface water divide boundary is included based on the likelihood that runoff from the low permeability till-capped bedrock surrounding the property infiltrates into the high permeability outwash deposits comprising the aquifer. Because this could happen over a very short period of time, we have extended these boundaries outward to include this area. The boundary of the Clark Springs Zone 2 is extended northward to the Rock Creek surface water divide and bedrock outcrop. This larger area is proposed to account for uncertainties in the amount of flow to the Cedar River through this area. 3.4.4 Consider Sur(ace Water Divide as a Buffer Zone The surface water divide should be considered a buffer zone for groundwater quality protection. The hydrogeologic conditions indicate the potential for land use practices on adjacent upland areas to affect groundwater quality by degrading surface water recharge quality. Examples include; urban street runoff containing traces of gasoline or other petroleum products in areas providing surface water recharge to the Armstrong Springs, and surface water runoff from agricultural areas upland of the Clark Springs containing traces of fertilizers or pesticides. The surface water boundary provides a margin of safety that addresses data uncertainties and natural variability in aquifer characteristics. Incorporating surface water recharge into the wellhead protection area is particularly important near Clark Springs. Because till-capped upland areas and bedrock outcrops dominate the recharge area for the Clark Springs and Kent Springs/Lake Sawyer wellfield source areas, runoff is a significant contributing factor to groundwater quality as well as quantity. 3.4.5 Future Data Collection Nee4s Additional data could be collected to refine our understanding of groundwater flow to the water supply source areas. Hydrogeologic data collection should primarily include water level measurements, aquifer characteristics data, streamflow data, and water quality information. These data will provide a means to more accurately describe the groundwater flow system and refme the area model; thus providing a better tool for making groundwater-related decisions. The primary data needs include: .,. Water level and aquifer characteristics data (geologic description and transmissivity estimates) north and west of Armstrong Springs in the Zone 1 area; .,. Water level and aquifer characteristics data in the eastern portion of the Clark Springs Zone 1 to understand groundwater movement toward the Cedar River. Page 3-6 - - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 ~ Review the USGS recharge model for the Covington Upland when it is available and assess any model revisions that may be desirable; ~ Water level and aquifer characteristics data in the Kent Springs/Lake Sawyer Zone 2 around Retreat Lake; and ~ Streamflows gaging water level measurements around the Ravensdale, Covington, Jenkins, and Little Soos Creeks to better understand the interaction of surface water with groundwater. Additional water quality monitoring is also recommended. Collection of regular water quality data from appropriately placed wells could help provide an early warning of potential water quality impacts as well as additional data for aquifer characterization. These data collection efforts are discussed in more detail in Section 7.0 Groundwater Monitoring Plan. 3.5 Areas Highly Susceptible to Contamination An evaluation of the aquifer susceptibility was performed to characterize the WHP A in accordance with the Seattle/King County Health Department's Sensitive Aquifer Recharge Area designations. Although a portion of the study area was already tnapped for susceptibility in the South King County groundwater management planning process, more detailed hydrogeologic analyses have been conducted for this wellhead protection study. Furthermore a significant portion of the recharge area and WHP A extends beyond the eastern boundary of the South King County Groundwater Management Planning area and the area mapped by King County. We used the County's methodology to delineate areas of high, moderate, and low infiltration potential. This map will be used to achieve County recognition of the sensitive nature of the wellhead area. The methodology used was consistent with the predominant method used by the Seattle/King County Health Department in the groundwater management planning process to differentiate areas of high, moderate, and low infiltration potential. The analysis included tnapping of four hydrogeologic criteria over the wellhead protection area. The criteria included: ~ Surficial Geology. Areas where the Qvr occurs at ground surface were considered areas of high infiltration potential, areas where Qvi occurs at ground surface were considered as moderate in infiltration potential, and areas where Qvt and Tbr occurred were considered to have a low infiltration potential. ~ Soils. Soils units as defined by the Soil Conservation Service were tnapped as high, moderate, and low based on the description provided in the Soil Survey of the King County Area ( 1973). Generally the soil types corresponded directly with the surficial geologic unit; with Qvr and Qvi forming Everett soils which are excessively drained, and Qvr and Tbr forming moderately well-drained Alderwood Association soils. Page 3-7 - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 ... Slope. Percent slope was obtained from topographic maps and the King County Soil Survey and the criteria used for the Redmond-Bear Creek Groundwater Management Area. High infiltration was assumed to occur when slopes were less than 40%. Moderate infiltration was assumed to occur with slopes between 40% and 80%, and low infiltration was assumed for slopes greater than 80%. ... Depth to Groundwater. The depth to groundwater is an important factor in determining the amount of time it would take a contaminant to reach the aquifer. High potential susceptibility was assumed where the depth to water is less than 25 feet. A moderate susceptibility factor was assumed where the depth to water is between 25 and 75 feet, and a low factor was assumed where the depth to water was greater than 75 feet. An Aquifer Susceptibility Map was created by overlaying the four maps developed for each of the criteria outlined above. The resulting map is presented on Figure 3-3. The entire WHPA is either high or moderate in susceptibility with over 66 percent of the area being potentially Highly Susceptible to Groundwater Contamination. King County recognition of the highly susceptible areas within this portion of the county is extremely important to future land use decisions. The King County Comprehensive Plan acknowledges the special level of protection needed for Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas and Areas Highly Susceptible to Groundwater Contamination. The information on the hydrogeology, the recharge area for the wellheads of these major City of Kent and Covington water sources, and the susceptibility mapping, illustrate the importance of protecting these wellhead areas. This will be particularly important given that much of the Armstrong Springs, Kent Springs, and Lake Sawyer wellfield protection zones fall within the county's proposed Urban Growth Boundary area where expedited permit reviews are planned. Page 3-8 I I Modeled Capture Zones and Surface Water Divide Map I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 0 0 I " g ~ II I t ,_ ::&1 I S!fil u"' l ~ Armstrong Springs Kent Springs Clark Springs 1-, 5-, and 10-Yeor Capture Zones Based on Numerical Modeling 0 4000 Seale in Feel Surface Water Divide (Area likely contributing recharge to capture zones.) 8000 ;;;;;;;; 8B ~~ J-3508-0f Figure 3-1 11196 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kent/Covington Wellhead Protection Area Map ~ u ~ c c 0 u 0 0 0 .. • "' ~ _., '"' :::o "' l!::il "'"' L ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 1-Year Capture Zone 2-Year Capture Zone 3-Year Capture Zone D 4DDD Scale in Feet Surface Water Divide BODO iiii 8B ~ J-3508-01 Figure 3-2 11/95 I -. ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! • ~ I 5 I " ., ~~ =s ~~ Un Aquifer Susceptibility Map Kent/Covington WHPA ~~ .. , ( /-) ~ / !( ! ' .• i ~ "-.. ; . -----...... "-............ ~ t.' '''"f-! I 'I '.c Relative Susceptibility (HHHH, HHHM, and HHMM) 1::::::::::::::::::::1 Moderate (MHLM, MHLL) D Low (None in WHPA Area) Designation MHLM is the relative rating af the areas susceptibility ta Groundwater contamination based on a high (H). moderate (M), or low (L) rating of physical parameters in the following order: Soil Permeability Geologic Materials Depth to Water Topography (Percent Slope) Note: ./ Methodology for rating from Seattle/ King County Health Dept.; King County Dept. of Development end Environmental Services; and the Groundwater Mona~ement Area Tect)n!col Reports (1994) ' ' 0 4000 Scale in Feet BODO ... -.. ··"-~"'" = m I ~ ~ J-3508-01 Figure 3-3 11195 I - I 4.0 POTENTIAL SOURCES OF GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION 4.1 Contaminant Source Inventory Methodology Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The inventory of potential contaminant sources within the WHP A was conducted according to the Washington State Department of Health guidance document entitled "Inventory of Potential Contaminant Sources in Washington's Wellhead Protection Areas," December 1993. This document summarizes the basic steps for conducting an inventory including review and identification of potential contaminant sources and prioritization of the risks to the WHP A. A summary of potential contaminant sources is provided in Table 4-1. These potential sources were considered when performing the contaminant inventory for the three WHPA's in this study area. There were four primary activities conducted for the inventory of potential sources of contamination. These included: .. Review of current and historical land use practices in the study area; .. Compilation of available databases from EPA and Ecology; .. Windshield survey to confum database site locations, land uses, and identify other potentially unregulated or unidentified sites; and .. Review of the source inventory methodology with the Wellhead Protection Committee as it was developed to allow locaJ and county-wide input into the process. A discussion of the inventory process and the findings are summarized below. A prioritization of these concerns follows the discussion of potential contaminant sources. Tables and figures at the back of the text in this section further identify the potential contaminant sources identified in the study area. Identification of a site on one of the regulatory database listings does not necessarily indicate contamination associated with the listed site. Several of the lists, e.g., the RCRIS merely identify sites that generate, transport, or dispose of hazardous waste. Section 4.3 summarizes our fmdings of known sites of contamination based on the regulatory database listings. 4.2 Historical and Current Land Use Hydrogeologic conditions indicate that long-term quality of the relatively shallow groundwater system is susceptible to contamination by historical and current land use activities throughout the WHPA. Knowledge of these land use practices is important to understand the potential concerns associated with the release of chemical constituents, such as pesticides, nitrates, or petroleum compounds associated with those land uses. Historical land uses were evaluated by review of historical aerial photographs from 1965, 1970, 1974, 1981, and 1988, and historical maps dating back to the late 1960s and revised to the early 1990s. Our review indicated the historical land uses were primarily residential, mining, and logging. A general review of historical and recent land use activities are described below. · Page 4-1 4.2.1 Residential!Commercialllntiustrial Land Use Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Most of the residential/commercial/industrial lands uses are found west of the Maple Valley Black Diamond Road near its intersection with SR-516. Map and aerial photo review indicate that residential developments appear by the mid-1960s, but the majority of residential developments were constructed in the 1970s and 1980s. During the 1960s, several commercial and industrial uses appear. These land uses included, but are not limited to: sand and gravel mines; a rock quarry; an asphalt batch plant; gasoline stations; and a BPA substation. Most of these commercial and industrial land uses still exist today. Potential contaminants associated with these types of land use include petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, explosives, metals, and PCBs. Specific sites which are known or suspected to be contaminated based on regulatory files are discussed in Section 4.3. Figure 4-1 presents the current land use zoning based on 1993 King County mapping. Electronic information was not available for the area around Armstrong Springs so it is not included on the map. 4.2.2 Mining and Foresrrv Coal Mining Activities. Coal mining operations have occurred mostly east of the Maple Valley-Black Diamond Road. Coal was initially found in King County in the mid-1800s. Several coal mines in the Landsburg and Ravensdale areas opened in the late 1890s, along the Burlington rail line. The coal mines in this area included the Landsburg mine (formerly operated by the Palmer Coking Coal Company; Tobacco Prospect); the Raven and Ravensdale mines; the Dale mine; the McKay mine; the Anderson mine; Black Beauty and Okay mines; and the Section 6 mine (USGS). Most of these mines are no longer in operation although abandoned mine workings have been used for waste disposal in the past and provide a conduit for groundwater flow in an otherwise very low permeability strata. The Landsburg mine, located northeast of Clark Springs, is a known area of waste disposal in a former coal mine. The only current coal mining operation known to occur in the area is located near Lake 12 and is operated by the Pacific Coast Company. A Special Use Landfill and a Confirmed and/or Suspected Contaminants Site are listed in regulatory databases within the current mining area of the Pacific Coast Coal and Palmer Coking Coal Company (see Section 4.3) Other Mining Activities. Sand and gravel mines have operated throughout the study area at various times, dating back to at least the 1940s. The Lake Wilderness Golf Course is located on a former gravel pit and at least two current sand and gravel mines exist in the west project area (see Figure 4-3). L-Bar Products/Reserve Silica Corporation currently operates a silica mine southwest of Ravensdale Lake. Forestry. Forestry operations occur in the southeast portion of the study area, within Zone 2 of the Lake Sawyer/Kent Springs WHPA as shown on Figure 4-1. Herbicides and fertilizers may be used in these areas to eliminate competition from unwanted species and to encourage growth of planted species, respectively. Page 4-2 - 4.2.3 Current Zoning Han Crowser J-3508-01 Current land use in the WHP A ranges from rural residential to urban medium density and includes commercial, industrial, mining, and forestry uses. The WHPA is situated in a transitional location as King County's proposed Urban Growth Boundary falls in the west-central portion of the WHPA (see Figure 4-1). The Clark Springs wellhead, which is located roughly in the middle of the wellhead protection management area, is located at a breakpoint between the areas of differing land use. The western area is zoned primarily for urban medium-density and rural residential; a significantly smaller proportion of the area is zoned for commercial and industrial uses. In the eastern area, roughly equal portions of the land are zoned for rural residential development and forestry practices. Several localized areas are zoned for mining activities in both the eastern and western portions of the WHP A. 4.3 Potential Contaminant Sources Identified in Regulatory Databases 4.3.1 Regullltorv Database Search To search for potential point sources of groundwater contamination in the WHPA, existing information from various environmental databases was obtained and mapped. The following databases were reviewed and are discussed in order of descending importance relative to the potential for risk to the WHPA. Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) Conrmned and Suspected Contaminated Sites Report. This report contains a list of sites investigated under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA). Sites on this list have been reported to Ecology. Ecology then typically performs a site hazard assessment (SHA) and determines whether further investigation is necessary. Other sites included on this list may be investigated and cleaned up under Ecology's Independent Remedial Action Program (IRAP). Owners or operators of these sites perform investigations and remedial actions independently of Ecology's review. The inclusion of sites on these lists indicates that a release of chemical constituents has occurred, or is suspected to have occurred, at the facility. The database provides information on type of contaminants believed to have been released and the types of media which has been impacted. Table 4-2 contains the sites that were included on this list. Significant sites identified on the Conf'rrmed and Suspected Contaminants list within the WHPA include: t Landsburg Mine .. L-Bar Products Inc (Reserve Silica Corporation) .. Northwest Pipeline .. Palmer Coking Coal Zone 1-Clark Springs Zone 2-Kent Springs/Lake Sawyer Zone 2 -Armstrong Springs South of Zone 2 -Kent Springs/Lake Sawyer The approximate location of these sites are identified on Figure 4-2, and the status of selected sites, based on a review of Ecology files, is discussed in Section 4.3.2. Page 4-3 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Ecology Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) List. Releases from USTs to the soil and groundwater which have been reported to Ecology's Northwest Regional Office (NWRO) are recorded on this list (Table 4-3). We have also included UST sites which have been contaminated (Table 4-5). The starus of the investigation and cleanup for the contaminated UST sites is also recorded. Owners and operators of registered USTs are required to report a conftrmed release in accordance with Chapter 173-360 WAC (Washington State Department of Ecology's Underground Storage Tank Regulations) within twenty-four hours. Under the MTCA Cleanup Regulation, Chapter 173-340 WAC, even UST owners that are exempt from registering their UST with the State of Washington (e.g., heating oil UST) are required to report a release from their UST which may pose a threat to human health and the environment. Tables 4-3 and 4-5 contain sites in the area of the WHPA that were included on the LUST and Contaminated UST Sites lists. The LUST and Contaminated UST sites identified within the WHPA (Figure 4-2) include: .,. Junior High No. 6 .,. Multicare .,. Arco Station Zone 2 -Armstrong Springs Zone 1 -Armstrong Springs Zone 1 -Armstrong Springs Ecology Underground Storage Tank (UST) Registration. This report contains a list of regulated USTs as defined in Chapter 173-360 WAC, which are registered with Ecology's NWRO. State UST regulations have been in effect since 1986. New USTs are required to meet all of the leak detection requirements as defined under Chapter 173-360 WAC by December 1993. Existing UST systems have until December 1998 to be in compliance with the corrosion protection and spill/overf!ll prevention requirements as defined in Chapter 173-360 WAC. All newly installed and registered USTs are likely to be in compliance with the leak detection requirements; leaks should be detected in time and corrective action can be taken immediately. Sites within the WHPA included on this list are identified on Figure 4-2 and listed on Table 4-4. Exempt USTs (e.g., home heating oil USTs) as defmed in Chapter 173-360 WAC are not typically included on this list. Because of these exemptions, this list may or may not represent the complete risk of environmental contamination from USTs. Ecology Solid Waste Facility List (SWFL). This list contains a summary of information pertaining to solid waste landfills pennitted by the County Health Department. No municipal landf!lls are present within the WHPA. One special waste landf!ll was found within the WHPA at the Reserve Silica Corporation site. Two other special waste landfills were found just outside the WHP A boundaries at Iddings and the Pacific Coast Coal Company. Table 4-6 contains the sites included on the SWFL list. Figure 4-2 illustrates the locations of these landfills. EPA Region 10 CERCUS. This list contains sites reviewed by EPA under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). Four sites within the srudy area were investigated under CERCLA including: Page 4-4 ~ Landsburg Mine; ~ L-Bar Products; ~ BP A Covington Substation; and ~ Toomey Property. Han Crowser J-3508-01 None of these sites were placed on the CERCLA National Priorities List (NPL). However, three of these sites are now being investigated and are also listed under the State's MTCA program. Of the three sites, only two are actually within the WHPA, the Landsburg Mine and L-Bar Products sites. All sites are identified on Figure 4-2. EPA Region 10 Toxics Release Inventory System (TRIS) List. This list contains an inventory of toxic chemical emissions from certain facilities. The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA, or SARA Title ill) requires facilities that release chemicals above threshold amounts to report to EPA the annual amount released. Releases include releases to air, water, and soil. No facilities within the WHPAs are on the TRIS list. EPA Region 10 RCRA Notifiers List. This list contains information on generators, transporters, and disposers of hazardous wastes. The inclusion of facilities on the RCRA list indicates that there is a potential risk for mishandling materials or spills at these facilities. Eighteen facilities were identified on the RCRA list. Six of those facilities are listed as conditionally exempt small quantity generators; these facilities generate less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month. Eight facilities were identified as small quantity generators; these facilities generate between 220 and 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste per month. There are four large quantity generators listed, including: ~ Bremmeyer Logging Company; ~ Covington Medical Park; ~ Landsburg Mine; and ~ Ravensdale Sand Pit. Two sites were listed as commercial transporters. There were no permitted storage, treatment, or disposal sites identified on the list. The RCRA sites are listed in Table 4-7 and the locations of the large quantity generators, listed above, are illustrated on Figure 4-2. 4.3.2 Regulatorv File Review of Selected Sites Landsburg Mine. The Landsburg mine site is the location of a former underground coal mine located in Sections 24 and 25 (T22N, R6E) less than a mile northeast of Clark Springs (Figure 4-2). The mined section, the Rogers Seam, has a near vertical dip and was mined to a depth of up to 750 feet. Subsidence of the overburden left a trench roughly 60 to 100 feet wide, 20 to 60 feet deep, and approximately 3/4-mile long that was subsequently used in the late 1960s to the early 1980s for disposal of industrial wastes, and construction and land clearing debris. Drums, liquids from tanker trucks, and industrial wastes materials were disposed of in the northern portion of the trench. · Page 4-5 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The Landsburg mine site is under an Agreed Order with Ecology to cleanup the former mine site. The responsible parties are conducting a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) to determine and evaluate cleanup alternatives, and Golder and Associates is the consultant conducting much of the work. The site has confmned soil contamination and suspected groundwater and surface water contamination. Constituents detected include volatile and semivolatile organic compounds, PCBs, metals, and cyanide. An expedited cleanup removed over 100 drums from the site in 1991. A Phase I site characterization has been completed, which included the installation of 7 monitoring wells. Two of the wells (installed adjacent to each other and screened in different zones) and a surface water seep near the south portal of the Rogers Seam mine are located within the Clark Springs Zone 1. The monitoring wells, the mine portals, and 15 private water supply wells in the surrounding area (including Clark Springs) have been sampled quarterly over the past year for a complete suite of priority pollutants. Another year of quarterly monitoring is planned before the RI/FS is completed. No water quality concerns have been identified at Clark Springs, the surface water seep, or the monitoring wells within the Clark Springs Zone 1. L-Bar Products/Reserve Silica Corporation. This site is located within Zone 2 of the Lake Sawyer/Kent Springs wellhead. It is the site of former underground and strip coal mines which operated between the early 1900s and 1947. No mining activities occurred at this site between 1947 and 1968. The 380-acre site is currently an operating sandstone mine with three active mining areas and one abandoned mine. Operations at the site include strip mining of the sandstone from elongated pits, a sand washing plant, and settling ponds for the wash water. The sand is used primarily for glass and concrete manufacture. The primary areas of interest at the site are the abandoned mine and the active cement kiln dust disposal area. Between 1979 and 1982 Ideal Basic Industries disposed of 180,000 tons of cement kiln dust into the abandoned mine. Cement kiln dust typically has a high pH (approximately 12) and may contain heavy metals. Contamination is suspected in the area of the -abandoned mine in soil, groundwater, and surface water and the site is awaiting Site Hazard Assessment by Ecology. Listed contaminants include metals and corrosives. - The facility received a notice of violation from the Washington State DOH in 1986. Leachate from the cement kiln dust disposal area was found surfacing through an adjacent road bed and discharging down an embankment. The abandoned mine was closed in 1990 and capped with 4 feet of clay and 3 feet of soil cover. Cement kiln dust is still being disposed of at this site into the Dale Number 4 Strip Pit. Laboratory analysis of the disposed material indicate that at least 1 sample failed the Extraction Procedure Toxicity (EP Tox) test for lead. However, Ideal Basic Industries has obtained an exemption from the State Dangerous Waste Regulations for disposal of this material. The exemption includes requirements for groundwater and portal (old mine shaft) monitoring around the disposal area. Page 4-6 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Four groundwater monitoring wells have been installed around the Dale Number 4 Pit. Referenced reports indicate that groundwater is found at depths of approximately 15 to 200 feet below ground surface. Groundwater likely flows to the southwest toward Lake Sawyer, but groundwater flow direction at the site may be complex because of mining influences and naturally occurring fractures in the sandstone. Review of analytical data from the spring of 1992 indicate that pH in the monitoring wells is only slightly elevated above neutral (up to 8.0). Metals were detected in wells with lead being measured at 0.017 ppm, slightly above the EPA at-the-tap action level for lead of 0.015 ppm. Northwest Pipeline. This site is included in the Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated site database and awaiting SHA by Ecology. The site was reported to Ecology when failure of a mercury flow meter released mercury to the soil. Northwest Pipeline performed an independent remedial action to remove the soil contamination. However, verification soil samples indicated that up to 92 ppm of mercury remained in the soil after the initial cleanup effort. Because Northwest Pipeline is performing an independent cleanup action, there was little information in Ecology files. Palmer Coking Coal Company. This site is located just south of Zone 2 of the Lake Sawyer/Kent Springs wellhead. The principal concerns at this site involve historical disposal of wastewaters from coal washing operations and disposal of coal-coking slag and oily sludges from off site into a series of pits. Newly mined coal was transported to the Palmer site from coal mines in the area. This coal was placed into tanks and washed to sort the lightweight coal fragments from heavier soil and rock particles. The heavier soil and rock materials which fell to the bottom to the tank were considered spoil materials and were scraped from the bottom of the tank and spread to dry in a 4-acre pit. Between 1969 and 1971, approximately 40,000 of oily wastewater (generated from steam cleaning of ship bilges and apartment house oil tanks) was also disposed of in the spoil disposal area. Water remaining in the tank after coal washing operations was discharged to a much larger pond along the western boundary of the site. Discharge to this pond was permitted by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (No. 3822). E&E performed a site investigation for EPA in 1986, and URS performed a Level 1 Site Prioritization Inspection of the site in 1993. During the E&E study, surficial geologic materials were described as 25 to 35 feet of fill material overlying 2 to 6 feet of glacial till. Sandstone deposits were generally encountered in the bottom of the borings. Groundwater was found at depths of between 25 and 30 feet below ground surface. Soil and groundwater sampling conf"lrffied the presence of elevated concentrations of metals including As and Pb, aromatic and chlorinated solvents, and PCBs in the oily sludge disposal area. E&E (1986) concluded that additional information was needed, however, because of underlying bedrock they suspected only limited migration of waste materials from the disposal area may have occurred. Page 4-7 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Minimal investigation has been conducted on the impact from the wastewaters and slag disposal. EPA concluded that no further action was required under CERCLA at this site in 1993. The site is currently being reclaimed as required by the Washington State Surface Mining Act. 4.4 Other Groundwater Quality Concerns The relatively shallow depths to groundwater and the coarse-grained deposits identified at ground surface within most of the study area produce relatively susceptible conditions for groundwater contamination. The following discussion briefly summarizes the potential groundwater quality concerns associated with the land uses and sites of known contamination within each of the three WHPAs. 4.4.1 Nitrates in Groundwater There are multiple potential sources of nitrates which could be released to groundwater in the WHPAs. These potential sources include septic systems, livestock keeping operations, and fertilizer applications to lawns, golf courses, and timber growing sites. These potential sources are discussed briefly below. Septic systems are used in areas which are not served by sewers. The eastern portion of the WHPA is outside the proposed Urban Growth Boundary in King County and will likely remain unsewered for the foreseeable future. Wastewaters released from septic systems contain bacteria, nutrients, and may contain household chemicals which are flushed down the drain. However, the principal concern from properly maintained and used septic systems is the impact of nitrogen, which is converted in the environment and transported as nitrate in the groundwater system. Nitrate is the primary constituent of concern because of its relatively high mobility in groundwater systems and its potential toxicity to humans. Regional studies have shown that groundwater quality impacts from septic systems used in residential developments vary widely based on hydrogeologic setting and housing density. · Nitrates originating from golf courses are identified concerns in a variety of locations in Washington. Nitrate concentrations above the federal drinking water standard (of 10 mg/L) have been reported in groundwater collected near principal golf course fertilization sites such as putting greens. Agriculture, forestry, and livestock keeping are additional land use practices within the eastern portion of the WHPAs which could result in the release of nitrates into the· groundwater system. Multiple livestock keeping areas are located around the Retreat Lake area according to King County records. Properly designed and operated livestock facilities can mitigate the potential for nitrate releases by implementing best management practices defined by the US Soil Conservation Service (1990). Poorly managed facilities can release nitrates via surficial runoff and infiltration to the underlying groundwater system. Within the WHPAs in this study area, agricultural practices are limited primarily to small-scale operations and do not occupy a large identifiable blocks of land; however, they are numerous. Page 4-8 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Forestry practice, which includes much of the undeveloped land in the eastern portion of the WHPAs apparently uses fertilizers to encourage tree growth in newly planted areas. Nitrogen, in the form of urea, is generally used at the rate of 300 pounds per acre. The presence of multiple sources of nitrate in the WHP A results in the potential for additive nitrate loadings to the groundwater system resulting in a progressive decline in water quality. To date, nitrates have not been a detectable problem in the samples collected from the water supply sources. 4.4.2 Pesticide APPlication Pesticides are typically used in residential areas, along transportation corridors, at electrical substations, golf courses, and in forestry operations. Pesticides may be most heavily used at electrical substations to prevent unwanted plant growth and risk of electrocution to workers. A summary of the pesticide applications inventoried during this study is provided in Table 4-8. The term "pesticide" is used here to describe a suite of related products which include insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Available pesticides include 19 varieties which are restricted to permitted use (by the Washington State Deparnnent of Agriculture) and a wide variety of commercially available products. When applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications, pesticides are relatively immobile because they are consumed by the pests or become adsorped to soil. Most of the products are toxic to humans and animals in small quantities, with specific risk-based toxicity data available for active ingredients in the commonly used products. Herbicides may be used in forestry operations in reseeded/replanted areas to limit the growth of competing weeds and trees such as alders. Spot applications of herbicides may also be used to remove tree stumps. Brush clearing operations are generally performed by burning or mechanical means rather than through the use of herbicides. This information was provided by communication with the Washington State University Extension Service. We were unable to discuss site-specific operations at these parcels with the timber companies who currently operate on the land. Herbicides are also used on transportation corridors. State and county transportation deparnnents are responsible for maintaining roads within the WHPA. Herbicides are used mainly to maintain highway shoulders to be free from plant growth. Oust, Escort, Round-Up, Diuron, and Garlon 3A, are used on the gravel along the shoulders. They are applied at rates between 4 oz per acre to 5.7 pounds per acre, depending on the herbicide. They are applied annually or more frequently as needed. Pesticides are also used by homeowners. They are used to kill garden and lawn pests, destroy weeds, kill tree stumps, and eliminate fungus or treat plant diseases. Homeowners are able to purchase only chemicals which have been approved for retail sale. Instructions are included. on container labels, but there are no further restrictions provided the chemicals are used as intended. Page 4-9 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The presence of multiple sources of pesticides in the WHP A results in the potential for additive loadings to the groundwater system resulting in a possible progressive decline in water quality. To date, pesticides have not been a detectable problem in the samples collected from the water supply sources. 4.4.3 Petroleum Hydrocarbons There are numerous potential sources for petroleum hydrocarbons within the WHPA. These include gasoline stations, industrial and commercial operations which fuel and maintain equipment and vehicles (including mining and forestry operations), and home and commercial heating oil tanks. Petroleum hydrocarbons are typically stored in USTs in volumes ranging for 300 gallons (residential use) to up to 10,000 per tank (gasoline service stations). Larger storage volume requirements, greater than 10,000 gallons, are typically stored above ground. Petroleum hydrocarbons are not highly soluble in water. Their solubility is related to the length of the hydrocarbon chains which comprise the material. Shon chain hydrocarbons, the types which are found in gasoline, are typically more soluble than longer chain hydrocarbons which are found in diesel fuel and heating oil. Because these materials are not highly soluble, they are not typically found to migrate very far from the source of the spill. The greatest potential threat to the wellhead could be from sources of petroleum hydrocarbons very close to the wellhead or large releases of petroleum hydrocarbons. Petroleum hydrocarbon releases may also be more of a threat at sites where other types of solvent have also been spilled: these materials could act as co-solvents and increase the solubility, and the likelihood of transport of the petroleum hydrocarbon to the wellhead. 4.4.4 Metals Groundwater contamination from metals is a potential threat from commercial and industrial sites which handle or use materials with significant metallic constituents (paints, waste oil, etc.), historical pesticide use areas (historical pesticides were typically metal-based compounds), and could be a potential threat from mining sites. Metals are not highly soluble in water. Their solubility is generally related to pH and oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) in the aquifer. Naturally occurring metals could be solubilized in an aquifer near a mining site because changes in the Eh/Ph relationships could be induced in the mining area. High concentrations of metals do not typically migrate far from their source areas because of their low solubility, tendency to adsorb to clay panicles or organic matter, or tendency to precipitate (depending of Eh/Ph relationships) or substitute to other minerals in the aquifer. 4.4.5 Corrosive MQierilllr Corrosive properties (acidic and basic compounds) may be present in some products used and in waste materials generated from industrial sites within the WHPA. As discussed in Section 4.3.2, 180,000 tons of cement kiln dust (pH of 12) have been disposed of at the Reserve Silica Corporation site. Changing the pH of shallow groundwater could induce corrosion problems in structures which are in contact with it (foundations, pipelines, etc.). Changing pH of Page 4-10 - - - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 groundwater could result in mobilizing and or immobilizing other constituents, like metals, as described above. Extreme changes in pH, away from neutral, may make groundwater unsuitable for use in industrial processes or for human consumption. However, the buffering capacity of native soils and rock may minimize migration of corrosive groundwater long distances from their source. 4.4.6 Potential Pathways for Groundwater Contamination As discussed above, the potential sources and types of contamination to the WHPA are important to understand for wellhead protection planning. However, potential pathways for contaminant migration are also important features to understand because these contaminant pathways can increase the vulnerability of an aquifer by changing travel time from a source to the wellhead. The following section briefly discusses the main mechanisms for transport of contaminants to the subsurface. Discharge onto the Ground Surface. One of the main mechanisms for discharge of contaminants to an aquifer is discharge to the ground surface. Direct discharge to the ground surface occurs when products or waste materials are spilled or placed onto the ground. Discharge to the ground surface occurs, for example, when materials or chemicals are accidently released from their containers, when waste materials are placed into a landfill, when wastewaters are stored in ponds, and when chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers are applied to the ground. With the help of rainfall infiltration, the materials percolate into the subsurface, and if sufficient volume of material is released, they eventually reach the water table and migrate in the aquifer in the downgradient direction. Direct Discharge to the Subsurface. Discharge into the subsurface is another important mechanism for transport of materials to the aquifer. Discharge into the subsurface occurs with septic systems and dry wells. Discharge into the subsurface is a more direct mechanism for transport to the aquifer because the contaminants are discharged closer to the water table and subsurface discharge bypasses the upper layers of soil and its ability to absorb and disperse the contaminants. Abandoned Wells. Groundwater monitoring wells and water production wells typically consist of a hole drilled into the ground into which metal or plastic pipe is inserted. The pipe is perforated at the interval or intervals where the groundwater will be extracted. Sand or gravel is typically placed in the space between the borehole and the perforated area of the pipe, and concrete or cement is placed between the pipe and the borehole up to ground surface. Wells which are no longer in use are currently abandoned by pressure injection of cement or overdrilling and removal of the well pipe followed by pressure filling with cement. Washington State has standards for construction and abandonment of wells. These standards are provided in Chapter 173-160 WAC. Water well drillers in the state must also be licensed. The requirements for that program are contained in Chapter 173-162 WAC. Because of these standards, newly constructed or recently abandoned wells pose little increased risk for contamination of an aquifer. However, old, improperly constructed or abandoned wells can act Page 4-11 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 as direct conduits for contaminant transport to the aquifer or as conduits between shallow and deeper aquifers as chemicals may be transmitted between the ground surface and aquifer zones through inadequately constructed seals. Storm Water Runoff. Storm water may contribute to groundwater contamination in that rainfall onto the ground either induces inf'iltration into the subsurface or induces runoff. The quality of the water which inf'iltrates or runs off is dependant on the type of land use which occurs and the contaminants which may be located on the ground surface. Storm water inf'iltration issues were discussed above, as discharge to the ground surface. Storm water runoff is considered differently as it runs over the surface of the ground, picks up and dissolves potential contaminants, and may eventually discharge those contaminants to groundwater via inf'iltration from ditches or ponds designed to percolate water. The potential constituents of concern present in inf'iltrated water or runoff are diverse and reflect the land use activities in the areas of interest. Improved roadways, parking areas, and residential developments can contribute heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons which originate primarily from automobiles. Industrial and commercial areas can discharge the same constituents in addition to a wide variety of organic pollutants commonly used in business practice (e.g., solvents, paints, dry cleaning solutions). The open space which dominates the eastern portion of the wellhead protection management area poses a different risk when considering constituents present in storm water runoff. Instead of metals and petroleum hydrocarbons, water quality concerns from runoff in these areas consist primarily of high silt content and nutrients. The potential for runoff is influenced greatly by the condition of vegetative cover, slope of the land surface, and the nutrients application practice. The largest quantities of storm water runoff are anticipated from the developed areas in the western portion of the WHP A where there is a higher percentage of impervious land surface cover. In the eastern portion of the management area, storm water runoff will originate from paved roadways, residential areas, and open spaces where vegetative cover has been removed -(often from agricultural or forestry practice). - 4.5 Establishing Risk Priority for Potential Contaminant Sources within the WHPA 4.5.1 Methodology for Establishing Risk Priority The methodology for prioritizing contaminant risks in the Covington/Kent WHPA was based on the EPA Guidance document entitled "Managing Groundwater Contamination Sources in Wellhead Protection Areas: a Priority Setting Approach," October 1991. The guidance methodology was used in part, but the ranking effort was also based on a level of confidence in data and information which currently are available for known and potential contamination sites as discussed previously in Sections 4.1 , 4. 2, and 4. 3. The ranking was based on the proximity of the source to the WHPA, the type of contamination at the site, the severity of the contamination, the straight line distance to the well field, and the Page 4-12 - - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 media which contained the contamination. The overall decision level ranking is summarized in Table 4-9. Table 4-9-Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection Program Overall Risk Prioritization Decision Level Available Dara and Information I Proximity of contaminated site to water source (!-year, 5-year, JO-y ear, Outside, DG) n Type of contamination per Ecology darabase (C&SCS, SWS, LUST) m Severity of conramination (toxicity + transpon risk); highest risk is represented by the greatest number. IV Straight-line distance from the source to the contaminated sire v Contaminated media (C-GW, GW, C-Soil, Soil, C-SW, SW) In the event that more than one known or potential contaminated sites fall within a given decision level, then the sites were then sub-prioritized within that decision level. The criteria for sub-prioritizing sites within each decision level are discussed below. Proximity to Source. For the first decision level (proximity to source), the sub-prioritization of contaminated sites was based on its location in the time-of-travel zone for each wellhead as shown on the GIS map. Known and potential contaminated sites were sub-prioritized as summarized on Table 4-10. Table 4-10-Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection Program Risk Sub-Prioritization- Proximity to Source Sub-Priority Level Proximity to Source 1.1 !-year time-of-travel from the source 1.2 5-year time-of-travel from the source 1.3 10-year time-of-travel from the source 1.4 Outside the time-of-travel region, but upgradient from the source 1.5 Downgradicnt from the source Type of Contamination. For the second decision level (type of contamination}, the sites were sub-prioritized as either known contamination or potential contamination sites. Known contamination sites were defined as sites located within the WHP A that have been identified in Ecology databases as discussed in Section 5.2. Potential contamination sites are sites or land areas of the WHP A that are known to used in ways which potentially could pose a risk to the water quality as discussed in Section 4.3. This category includes point and non-point sources. In the event that there are more than one contaminated site for a given type of contamination, then the sites are sub-prioritized based on contaminant severity (toxicity + transport risk), straight-line distance from the source, and contaminated media. The sub-prioritization hierarchy is summarized in Table 4-11. Page 4-13 -Han Crowser J-3508-01 Table 4-11 -Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection Program Risk Sub-Prioritization-Type of Contamination sub-Known or Type or Priority Suspected Contaminated Level Contamination Site Code Assumptions 11.1 Mown Conllrmed and c~c~ As a worst case scenano, contammation is assumed to be Suspected comprised of the most toxic chemical identified for the site. Contaminated based on information contained in the Ecology database. Sites 11 .• Mown Leakmg LUH All contammauon sttes assumed to contain petroleum Underground products. Storage Tanks 11.3 rotentJai ~•puc ~ystems Sepuc Potential contammatton sues are assumed to be located m residential communities. Nitrates and bacterial conr.amination are assumed to be health risks, but it is not known what the likelihood is for each site to contaminate the wellhead. 11.4 Potential rerttltZed Sttes rert This category mcludes terulrzed lawns, golt courses, and agricultural areas. Residential users are assumed to add the highest concentration of fertilizer, followed by golf courses, and then agriculrural users. 11., Potential Resource RCRA It tS a assumed that hazardous cnemtcals may be stored on Conservation and site, but contamination has not necessarily occurred. Recovery Act Sites 11.6 Potential Operauonal u-U~l it IS assumed mat petroleum proaucts are stored m Underground underground storage tanks on site, but contamination is not Storage Tanks eminent. Sites 11.7 rotentlal ~otto waste ~Ites ~w~ 11asea on a wmdow survey, the ~w~ m the WHl'A are assumed to contain low toxicity risk contaminants such as yard wastes, sand, and gravel. 11.~ Potential Pesuctae l'A Pesttctde use appears to be concentrated along Application transponation corridors, at electrical power substations, and one local golf course. For the purpose of this risk prioritization, pesticides were assumed to include chemicals such as aldicarb or dicamba. 11.9 rotenual ~torm water ~torm 1 nts category mc1uaes the potential release or lead, petroleum products, and/or solventS in residential areas, and the possible release of silt and nutrients in rural areas. 11.1U l'Otentlal ~ewer Mams sewer "lbts category mcludes restaenua• communmes ana assumes the potential release of nitrates and bacterial contaminants. The likelihood of an undetected release is assumed to be low. 11.11 l'otenuai ~pillS ~ptiiS 1nts category mctuaes htgnways ana railroad tracks that pass through the WHPA. The risk is based on the possibility of hazardous material spill (e.g., gasoline). Severity Risk. The severity risk was based on the EPA Risk Prioritization Model (1991). This model can be used to prioritize contaminated sites based on (1) the likelihood of well contamination and (2) the severity of well contamination. Page 4-14 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 (1) The likelihood of well contamination is based on the Likelihood of Release at the Source (how likely is it that the contaminant will be released from the source into the soil underlying the source) and the Likelihood of Reaching the Well (if the contaminant is released, how likely is it to reach the well within the planning period?). For this WHP A study, we assumed that the likelihood of well contamination was the same for all contaminated sites. The type of site (e.g., storage tank, landfill, UST) was not assigned a risk because the required information was not available for each site (e.g., number and size of tanks, existence of clay liner at landfill, etc.). Once a release occurs, the quantity of contaminant released and the likelihood of the contaminant reaching the water source were assumed to be the same for all contaminant sites and sources. (2) The severity of well contamination is based on the Quantity released at the Source (what is the amount of contaminant expected to be released from the source?), Attenuation during transport (what fraction of the contaminant released will reach the well at what concentration?), and Toxicity (how toxic is the contaminant?). For the WHP A study, we assumed that the quantity released was the same for all contaminated sites. The attenuation during transport was based on uniform, sandy gravel media, depth of aquifer of 50 to 100 feet, a straight line distance from the contaminant site to source, and the mobility and persistence scores assigned to representative chemicals included in the EPA model. The toxicity for each contaminant was based on toxicity scores included in the EPA model. For sites with multiple contaminants, the most toxic substance was used as the representative contaminant for that source. The contaminant substances for each site were based on Ecology databases. Straight-Line Distance from the Source. For contaminated sites with similar characteristics for prioritization levels I, II, and ill, the straight-line distance from the contaminated site to the water source was used to sub-prioritize the sites further. Those sites closest to the water source were given a higher priority. Contaminated Media. For contaminated sites with similar characteristics for prioritization levels I, II, ill, and IV, the information regarding contaminated media included in Ecology databases were used to sub-prioritize the sites further. These sites were sub-prioritized in the order shown on Table 4-12. Page 4-15 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Table 4-12-Covington/Kent Wellhead Protection Program Risk Sub-Prioritization- Contaminated Media Sub-Priority Level Contaminated Media V.l Confinned, ground water V.2 Confinned, soil V.3 Confinned, surface water V.4 Suspected, ground water v.s Suspected, soil V.6 Suspected, surface water 4.5.2 Results of the Risk Banking The following discussion summarizes the findings of the risk ranking for the Lake Sawyer/Kent, Clark Springs, and Armstrong Springs and wellheads. Tables 4-13 through 4-15 summarize the fmdings for each wellhead, respectively, while Table 4-16 prioritizes the risks to the whole study area. Kent Springs. The risk ranking found ten high priority sites/land uses within Zones 1, 2, and 3. Residential medium-density, residential rural, and transportation corridors were ranked as the top three risks, respectively, because they are all within Zone 1. There are no known contaminant sources within Zone 1; however, potential contaminant sources from the residential areas include nitrate loading from septic systems and fertilizer applications, and pesticide applications. Home heating oil tanks could also be present at the residential sites. The potential sources of contaminants from the transportation corridors include pesticide application, potential hazardous material spills, and runoff from these areas. The ranking analysis found six other high priority sites or types of land use within Zone 2. The Landsburg Mine, L-Bar Products, the Elk Run Golf Course, and Reserve Silica Corporation were ranked 4, 5, 6, and 8, respectively. The Landsburg Mine and the L-Bar Products site were ranked more highly than the other sites because of the type of site, the severity of contaminant, the distance from the wellhead, and because Ecology files indicated the soil contamination was suspected or confirmed on these properties. Section 4.3 contains detailed information on these sites. Land uses such as mining and forestry were ranked 7 and 9, respectively. Potential contaminants related to the facilities include pesticide and fertilizer application at forestry sites and petroleum hydrocarbon use and storm water pollution from mining activities. The only medium ranked site was the BPA substation on Retreat-Kanasat Road. This facility is within Zone 3 of the wellhead. This site was not listed as a contaminated site on any regulatory database, but it is likely that pesticides are used at this facility. Clark Springs. The Clark Springs wellhead has six high priority sites within Zone 1. The Landsburg Mine was ranked as the top site because of the type of site, the severity of the Page 4-16 Han Crowser J-3508-01 contaminants, the distance from the wellhead, and because Ecology databases indicated the soil contamination was suspected or confirmed on these properties. Section 4.3 contains more detailed information on the contamination at this site Residential medium-density and residential rural land uses were ranked as 2 and 3. As with the residential land uses for the Lake Sawyer/Kent Springs area, potential contaminant sources include nitrate loading from septic systems and fertilizer applications, and pesticide applications. Home heating oil tanks could also be present at the residential sites. Forest practices were ranked as number 4. Potential contaminants at forestry sites include pesticide and fertilizer applications described in Section 4. 4. 2. The transportation corridor was ranked as number 5. The potential sources of contaminants include pesticide application and potential hazardous material spills. Mining operations were the lowest of the high ranking sites and were ranked as number 6. Potential concerns include petroleum hydrocarbon use and storm water pollution. Armstrong Springs. The Armstrong Springs wellhead has seven high priority and four medium priority sites within Zones 1 , 2, and 3 . The high priority sites included the Multi care property and an Arco Service Station located on SE Wax Road. These sites were ranked as the two highest priority sites, respectively, because they are located within Zone 1 and because Ecology LUST database indicated the soil or groundwater contamination was suspected or confirmed on these properties. Residential medium-density and transportation corridors were ranked as 3 and 4 because they are found within Zone 1. As with the residential land uses for the Lake Sawyer/Kent Springs area, potential contaminant sources include nitrate loading from septic systems and fertilizer applications, and pesticide applications. Home heating oil tanks could also be present at the residential sites. The potential sources of contaminants from the transportation corridors include pesticide application and potential hazardous material spills. The next tier of high priority sites were located within Zone 2. These sites included the NW pipeline, Kent Junior High School No. 6 and residential rural land use. The NW Pipeline and Kent JHS No. 6 were ranked highly because of the type of site, the severity of the contaminants, the distance from the wellhead, and because Ecology databases indicated the soil or contamination was suspected or confirmed on these properties. The four medium priority sites all fall within Zone 3. These sites include L-Bar Products, the Elk Run Golf Course, the Reserve Silica Corporation, and mining land uses. These sites and land uses potentially impact the Armstrong Springs wellhead in the same way as described above for the other wellheads, except these sources are farther from Armstrong Springs wellhead than · they are to either Lake Sawyer or Clark Springs. Page 4-17 Han Crowser J-3508-01 4.5.3 Overall Risks to the WHPAs Table 4-16 summarizes the general risks to the study area based on the individual risk ranking in each of the WHPAs. This risk ranking was generated by summing up the risk ranking for each type of site WHP A: the highest ranked total score (lowest number) resulted in the highest overall risk. Table 4-16 -Overall Risk Ranking for WHPAs 2 Land Use/Site Lake ~awyer/ Clarle Annstrong UveraH Description Kent Ranking Residential Medium-1 3 3 7 Density Residential Rural 2 4 I 13 Transportation Corridors 3 () 4 13 Industnal/Commerc!al 6.25' 1' 6.5' 13.75 Sites Forestry H !) 1Y 2H MltuDg 10 7 11 :.!IS These scores are the averages of the ranks for all industrial/commercial sites with Zones 1, 2, and 3 for each WHPA. Forestry operations are not within the Armstrong Springs WHPA. This score was arbitrarily selected so that forestry land use was not anificially elevated in overall rank by having no score in the column. As illustrated in Table 4-16, residential medium-density land uses ranked highest overall, with a score of 7. Residential rural, transportation corridors, and the industrial/ commercial sites of known contanlination were ranked in the middle, while forestry and mining uses were ranked lowest of the high ranking land uses. Page 4-18 Table 4-1-Potential Contaminant Sources Listed by Type Hart Crowser J-3508-01 CATEGORY I Sources De.siped to Discharge SubstaDces Subsurface Percolation (e.g., septic tanks aod cesspools) Injection Wells Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste (e.g., brine disposal and drainage) Non-waste (e.g., enhanced recovery, artificial recharge solution mining, aod in •itu mining) Land Application Wastewater (e.g., spray irrigation) Wastewater byproducts (e.g., sludge) Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste CATEGORYU Sources De.siped to Store, Treat, and/or Dispose of Substances; Discharge through Unplanned Release Landfills Industrial hazardous waste Industrial non-hazardous waste Municipal sanitary Open Dumps, Including illegal Dumping (Waste) Residential (or Local) Disposal (Waste) Swface Impoundments Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste Waste Tailings Waste Piles Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste Materials Stockpiles (Non-waste) Graveyards Animal Burial Above-ground Storage Tanks Hazardous waste Noo-hazardous waste Non-waste Underground Storsge Tanks Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste Non-waste Cootainers Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste Non-waste Open Burning Sites Detonation Sites Radioactive Disposal Sites CATEGORYm Sources Desiped to Retain SubstaDces during Transport or Transmission Pipelioes Hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste Non-waste Materials Transport and Tnmsfer Operations Hazardous waste Noo-hazardous waste Non-waste CATEGORY IV Sources Discharging SubstaDces as a Consequence of Otber Planned Activities Jrrigatioo Practices (e.g., return flow) Pesticide Applications Fertilizer Appllications Animal Feeding Operations De-Icing Salts Applications Urban Runoff Percolation of Atmospheric Pollutants Mining and Mine Drainage Swface mine-related Underground mine-related CATEGORYV Sources Providing Conduit or Inducing Discharge tbrougb Altered Flow Patterns Prnductioo Wells Oil (and gas) wells Geothermal and heat recovery wells Water supply wells Other Wells (non-waste) Monitoring wells Exploratioo wells Coostructioo Excavatioo CATEGORY VI Naturally Occurring Sources whose Discharge is Created and/or E:ucerbated by Human Activity Groundwater -Surface Water Interactions Natural Leerbjng Saltwater lntrusion/Brac:Jrish Water Upconing (or intrusion of other poor-quality natural water) 3SOBOI'l>ot<:onLxls Page 4-19 1 Table ·4-l -Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites DXF·TEXT FACIUTY ADDRESS I Four Comen Auto Wm:lting 26615 Maple Valley Hwy. SE 2 lddinp, Inc. 2"25 Covinpon Way SE 3 [,Bu Producls lncJ 26000 Bladt Diamond· Ravensdale Rd SiUea Mine Area 4 Lanc1sburg Mine-Rosen Seam Kent-Kangley Rd. & 268th Ave. SE 5 Nortltwest Pipeline I Covinaton 19241 SE272ndAve. 6 Old Lawson Road 26115 Old LawsonRd 7 Palmer Coking Coal Co. 3147 Hwy 169 Table 4-3-Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites DXF-TEXT FACIUTY I BP Oil Company 101964 2 Covington Substation 3 Harris Enterprises Ill 4 Junior High #6 --------- Note: Refer lo Figure 4-2 for Site locations. 3 5080 [\cnlsite4.xlw ~ t 0 ADDRESS 16405 SE 272nd 28401 Covinpon WaySE 17239 SE 272nd 19600 SE 272nd ---- 1 CITY Maple Valley Kent Ravensdale Ravensdale Kent Black Diamond Black Diamond CITY Kent Kent Kent Kent 1 1 ZIP CODES COMMENTS 98038-8308 98042-9199 98051 98010 98042-8501 980[0 98010 ZIP CODES COMMENTS 98042-8211 98042-9106 98042-4900 98042- MEDIA Soii, Surface Water, Drinking Water, and Groundwater Soil and Surface Water Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Soi~ Drinking Water, and Surlace Water Soi~ Air, and Sediment Groundwater, Air, Sediment, and Soil Soi~ Orounclwater,llrinking Water, and Surfa<o Water MEDIA Groundwater and Soil Soil Groundwater and Soil Soil ---- SUBSTANCE SUBSTANCE ----- STATIJS STATIJS ------ ~ .... ~ W() ~a OO:l'! ' "' On ->; 1 l l Table 4-4-Operational Underground Storage Tank Sites DXF-TEXT FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODES COMMENTS 8 ARC0,68 174~0 SE 272nd St Kent 9 ARC0~~68 174~0 SE 272nd Sl Kent 10 ARC0~~68 174~0 SE 272nd Sl Kent I BP Oil Company N 01964 1640~ SE272nd Kent 2 BPOil Company# 01964 1640~ SE 272nd Kent 3 BP Oil Company N 01964 1640~ SE 272nd Kent II Cin:le K N 152~ 17624 SE 272nd Kent 12 Cin:le K N I ~2~ 17624 SE 272nd Kent 13 Circle K N 152~ 17624 SE 272nd Kent 14 Covington Substation 28401 Covington Way SE Kent I~ Covington Substation 28401 Covington Way SE Kent 16 Covin(llon Substation 28401 Covington Way SE Kent 17 Norman C. Grier DBA Crest 29300 I 79th Place SE Kent II Norman C. Grier DBA Crest 29300 I 79th Place SE Kent 19 Norman C. Grier DBA Crest 29300 I 79th Place SE Kent Table 4-S-Current and Former Contaminated Underground Storage Tank Sites DXF-TEXT 'FACILITY ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODES COMMENTS 3 An:o Station Covington Wax Rd. and SE 272nd Covington 98042 7 BP Oil Station NO 1964 1640~ SE 272nd Kent 98042-8211 I BP Oil Station W3144 26121 Maple Valley Hwy. Maple Valley 98031 8 BPA Covinpnn Substation 21401 Covington Way SE Kent 98042-9106 2 Exxon Station N7-346~ 26821 MapleValleyHwy. Maple Valley 98038 4 Kent School Jr. Higll #6 19600 SE 272nd St Kent 98042 6 Mufti..,. Propa1y CovinJinn 17141 SE Wax Rd. Covington 98042-49~4 ' Shell Station Kent 272nd 17239 SE 272nd Kent 98042-4900 "d cr.! (I Note: Refer to Figure 4-2 for Site locations. t ...... 3S0801\cn2site4.xlw l l l MEDIA SUBSTANCE Unleaded Gas Unleaded Gas Leaded Gas Unleaded Gas Unleaded Gas Leaded Gas Unleaded Gas Leaded. Gas Unleaded Gas Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel Unleaded Fuel Aviation Fuel Aviation Fuel Aviation Fuel MEDIA SUBSTANCE Soil Groundwater and Soil Soil Soil Groundwaler and Soil Soil Groundwater and Soil Groundwater and Soil ------------ l STATIJS STATIJS In Progress Conducted In Progress In Progress Conducted In Progress Conducted In Pro~ess I :X: ~S wn u.a ~~ ' "' Oro .......... I ~ ~ l Table 4-6-Solid Waste Landfill Sites DXF·TEXT FACIUTY ADDRESS CITY 3 Iddings 27S2S Covington Way SE Kent 2 Pacific Coast Coal Co. 30700 Black Diamond -Ravensdale Black Diamond I Reserve Silica Corporation 26000 Ravensdale-Black Diamond Ravensdale Table 4-7 -Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Sites DXF-TEXT FACIUTY I AC Cushion Molden 2 Ac:cCieanen 3 ARCO Products Co. SS68 Prestia< 4 Blair Industries s BP Oil Site 01964 7 Branmeyer U.gjng Co. 9 Clean Svc. Co. Inc. 10 Covington Medical Parlt 41 Elk Run OolfCoune II Exxon Co. USA 7346S 13 EZDozing 14 Four Comen Clemen 42 Lake Wildemess OolfCnune 19 Lakeridge Raving Co. 20 Wesidc Ind. Kent Div B l.andsburgMine 21 Landsburg Mine 22 Lees Cleaners 40 Meridian Valley Country Club 2S Northwest Pipeline Corp. 26 Ravensdale Sand Pit 28 Thomas C-. c Toomey Property Site 29 US T~issions Inc. 31 USOOE BPA Covington Substaticm D US DOE BPA Covington Substation Note: Refer to Figure 4-2 for Site locations. 3S080llcn2site4.xlw ADDRESS CITY 20169 SE 284th 26921 Maple Vly Black Diamond Rd. 174SO SE 272nd St. 26872 172nd PI SE 1640S SE 272nd 27204 Kent Kansley Rd. 23S09 SE 2S4th Sl 17700 SE 272nd St. 22SOO SE 27Sth Pl. Maple Valley 26821 Maple Valley Hwy 23024 SE 272nd 23900 SE Kent Kansley Rd. 2S400 Witte Rd. SE Maple Valley 19601 SE F-.se Rd. 26010 I BOth Ave SE Tl2N R6E S24 &: S2S Tl2N R6E S24 &: S2S !70S I SE 272nd 24830 !36th Ave. SE Kent 19241 SE 272nd St. 26000 RAvensdale Black Diamond Rd. 2640S Hwy 169 28836 !64th SE 27632 Covington Way SE 28401 Covington Way SE 21402 Cnvinston Way SE l l l ZIP CODES COMMENTS 98042 98010 98SOI ZIP CODES COMMENTS Small Qty Generator Conditionally Exempt Generator Small Qty <~mentor CondUionally Exempt Generator Conditionally Exempt Generator Large Qty Oenerator Comm. Transporter Larse Qty Oenerator 98038 Small Qty Generator Conun. Transporter Conditionally Exempt Generator 98038 Small Qty Geuerator Small Qty Generator Site Investigation perfonn 1988; NF A under CERCLA Large Qty Generator Conditionally Exempt Generator 98042 Small Qty Generator Large Qty Generator Conditionally Exempt Generator Preliminary Assessment performed 1985~ NF A under CERCLA Small Qty Generator Small Qty Generator, Self-Transporter Site Discovery 1984; no additional infonnation I l MEDIA SUBSTANCE MEDIA SUBSTANCE l STAllJS STAlUS I :r ~ r a ~ 'it ~ Table 4-8-Pesticides Used in WHPA Pesticide Use Constituents of Concern Residential Use Over-the-shelf products used for pest and weed control [fransportation Corridors Non-regulated pesticides applied seasonally and in accordance with Depanment guidance, including Roundup, Oust, Escort, Diuron, and Garlon 3A Power Lines/Substations Heavy pesticide use at substations; cutting and trimming used to maintain area under transmission lines. Pesticides potentially used beneath transmission lines over 10 years ago [i'orestry Practices Hetbicides commonly used in reseeding areas to control weeds and alders Elk Run Golf Course Non-regulated pesticide use in accordance with King County BMPs 350801\pestuse.xls - Information Sources Washington State Department of Ecology Hart Crowser J-3508-01 King County Roads Depanment, Washington State DOT Bonneville Power Administration Washington State University Agricultural Extension Office, Weyerhaeuser, Plum Creek Golf Course Maintenance Staff, King County Page 4-23 i ~ ~ ~ l 1 T: 4-l ---·--, ---Rankin -~ Ke' rln ·-· .. ..... .... . ... ., Site No. DacriJiflcnl NPS-3 Residential -Medium Density NPS4 Residential -Rural NPS-g Transportation Corridon PS4 Landsbura Mine PS-3 L-Bar Products NPS-1 Elk Run OolfCourse NPS-S Forestry PS-19 Reserve Silica Corp NPS-6 Minins NPS-2 BPA Substation PS-7 Palmer Coking Coal Co. PS-I Four Comer Auto Wrecking PS-6 Old Lawson Road PS-IS Exxon Station PS-14 BP Oil Station #03144 NPS-7 Aarioulture PS-18 Pacific Coast Coal Co. PS-12 Laferriere Property PS-S NWPipeline PS-2 lddiap,loc. PS-11 KentJrHS #6 PS-9 BPA Co>inaton Substation PS-13 Areo Station PS-16 Multicare Property PS-10 Shell Station PS-8 BP Oil Company #01964 PS-17 Iddinss __ Proximity I • !-year TOT S ·S-yearTOT 10-10-yearTOT 20-Outside SO -Downgradient C •Confined S-Suspected 3S0801fTABLES-S.xlo Proslmlty to Source I I I s s s s s s 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 so so so so so so so so so ---------- I Type of Site 3 3 8 I I 4 4 7 9 8 I I I 2 2 4 7 2 I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 Dlstmce from Contaminant Source Severity In Feet -1.8 0 -2.g 4,goo -1.8 0 -1.4 lg,ooo -6.2 14,400 -2.4 1,800 -3.7 10,800 -3.2 13,200 -20 9,600 -S.I 18,600 -I 12,000 -6.2 9,000 -6.4 17,400 -11.1 9,000 -11.1 9,000 -S.I 21,600 -3.2 13,200 -IS.6 -20,000 -62 9,000 -IS.6 18,000 -IS.6 9,600 -IS.6 IS,OOO -IS.6 16,200 -IS.6 16,goo -IS.6 17,400 -IS.6 19,200 -3.4 ____12.200 I Contaminated -Media -Not Known I Not Known 2 Not Known 3 C-Soil 4 8-Soil s Not Known 6 Not Known 7 Not Known 8 Not Known 9 Not Known 10 C-GW 11 C-Soil 12 C-GW 13 ow 14 Soil IS Not Known 16 Not Known 17 Soil 18 C-Soil 19 C.Soil 20 Soil 21 Soil 22 Soil 23 ow 24 ow 2S OW 26 --NotK.no~ 27 I Priority Priority High High High High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low I ' :I: .__.S ' W() v. ... oo 00~ ' "' Oo ~ ... "1:1 J:l () ~ ~ Table4 ~ -~ Site No. PS-4 NPS-3 NPS-4 NPS-5 NPS-8 N~ PS-12 PS-7 PS-3 PS-6 NPS-7 PS.I9 PS.I8 PS-I PS-5 PS-2 PS-14 PS-U PS.II PS.9 PS-13 PS-16 PS-10 PS-8 NPS-1 PS-17 NPS.2 Proximity I -1-yenr TOT S -S·yenr TOT I Risk fl .............. ..._......... ------ Dacrlllon Landsburg Mine Residential-Medium Den~ty Residential-Rurol Forestry Transportation Conidon: Minins Lofetriere Property Polmer Coking Cool Co. L-llar Products Old towson Rood Aariculture Resem> Sili<a Corp Pooific Coat Cool Co. Four Comer Auto Wreckins NW Pipeline lddinp.lnc. BP Oil Station N03144 Exxon Station KentJrHS N6 BPA Covington Substation Arco Station Multicare Property Shell Station BP Oil Compony NO 1964 Elk Run Golf Course Iddings BPA Substation I 0 -I 0-yenr TOT 20 -Outside SO -Downgradient C ~Confined S -Suspected 350101/TABW·bb I I ----- Prollimlty Type of to Source Site I I I 3 I 3 I 4 I 8 I 9 20 2 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 4 20 1 20 1 50 I 50 I 50 I 50 2 so 2 so 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 so 2 so 2 so 4 so 1 so 8 1 l Distance from Contaminant Source Severity htFeet -I 4,200 -1.8 0 -1.8 0 -2.8 4,800 -1.8 0 -20 3,600 -8.1 -30,000 -I 12,600 -6 3,000 -6.4 18,000 -5.1 27,600 -3 3,600 -3.2 10,800 -5.7 1,200 -6.2 14,400 -15.6 25,800 -6.S 1,200 -6.S 1,200 -IS.6 u,ooo -IS.6 22,200 -IS.6 22,200 -IS.6 22,800 -IS.6 23,400 -IS.6 2S,800 -3.7 5,400 -3.4 2S,200 -S.l 2S,400 l Contllllllnoted Medlo Ronk C-Soil I Not Known 2 Not Known 3 Not Known 4 Not Known 5 Not Known 6 Soil 1 C-OW 8 S-Soil 9 C-OW 10 Not Known II Not Known 12 Not Known 13 C-Soil 14 C-Soil 15 C-Soil 16 Soil 17 GW 18 Soil 19 Snil 20 Snil 21 GW 22 GW 23 GW 24 Not Known 2S Not Known 26 Not Known 27 I Priori High High High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low t :X: ...... s wn Vl'1 00 OO;E ' "' Oo -.... 1 i t 0\ 1 1 1 1 A ................ -...... -A9oll .. .,. ........ -.. .. ava .c-aaan.:raavn u a au .:r Site No. Description PS-16 Muhiurc Properly PS-13 Ar<o Station NPS-3 Residential -Medium Density NPS-B Tnnsportation Corridors PS-S NWPipeline PS-11 KentJrHSI6 NPS-4 Residentiol • Rural PS-3 L-Bor Products NPS-1 Elk Run Golf Course PS-19 Resme Silico Corp NPS-6 Minina PS-7 Palmer Coking Coal Co. PS-I Four Comer Auto Wrecking PS-6 Old Lawson Road PS-IS Exxon Station PS-14 BP Oil Station 103144 NPS-7 Apiculture NPS-S Forestry PS-18 Poeific Coast Cool Co. PS-12 Laferriere Property PS-4 Landshu'll Mine PS-2 lddinp.lnc. PS-10 Sheil Station PS-9 BPA Covin8ton Substation PS-I BP Oil Company 101964 PS-17 lddinss NPS-2 BPA Substation Proximity I o I -ycor TOT S -S·ycor TOT 10-10-ycorTOT 20-Outside SO -Downsradicnt C •Confined S -Suspected 3SOiio1nABLES.7.xls Proslmlly to Source I I I I s s s 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 so so so so so so 1 1 Type or Site 2 2 3 8 I 2 3 I 4 7 9 I I I 2 2 4 4 7 2 I I 2 2 2 7 8 1 Dlst•nce from Cont1mlnant Source Severity In feet -6.S 1,000 -6.S 1,200 -1.8 0 -1.8 0 -6.2 8,400 -IS.6 7,200 -2.4 2,400 -6.4 29,400 -3.7 13,200 -3.4 27,600 -20 26,000 -1.4 26,400 -6.4 21,000 -6.4 31,200 -lS.6 21,000 -lS.6 21,000 -S.l 28,800 -S.l 26,400 -3.4 28,800 -IS.6 31,200 -1.4 31,800 -7.1 2,400 -6.S 1,200 -8.1 3,600 -8.1 4,200 -3 3,000 -2.8 3600 Contomlnoted Medlo GW Soil Not Known Not Known C-Soil Soil NotKoown S-Soil NotKoown Not Known NotKoown C-GW C-Soil C-GW GW Soil Not Known NotKoown NotKoown Soil C-Soil C-Soil GW Soil GW Not Known Not Known Rook I 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 Prlorily Hish Hish Hish Hish Hish Hish Hish Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low ~ ..... ~ wn Vl"1 oo 00~ ' "' o,. ..... .,. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Land Use Zoning and Relavant Features Map 0. 0 0. " 0 0 0 'ii - ~ "' ' ~a ,..,. ::a ., "-a ~~ Ten-Year Capture Zone Sewered Area Sewer Line 1"-·r--;,·J#~f"''l':·l· · · ~---. ... -; ·-·-· """" .. .. ~-·-J~·~:~ .. vl-., ::i----f-~H~ ; • I 1 l ."! · I" . ' ;l 1---· :,::;:r.'.i. • • i......L-.io ----'--. -. . • -·--~ ~ Interim Urban Growth Bou ndory (from King County ... ) Commercial Center Commercial Outside Center Rural Neighborhood Rural Residential ,, ,. ' . ! .. ·, '\,_ . .> li!""lilllii"""" ~~~~~ Urban Medium Density Forestry ·-··- -Industry / ....... -· -·I : ~ :·-; .: ... \ •\ ~ I • 0.: o •' I.; 1 o.J.~ ~-• -·---''' '' ~-...:.r-- .· ~ N ' EfB .Mining ~f'§!JJNj,? -City of Block Diamond J-3608-01 Figure 4-1 11/96 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .! I i • i I I • <:. ~- I n Potential Sources Regulatory Database Listings Ten Year Capture Zone Potential Sources of Contamination as Identified in Regulatory Database $ Landfill • Leaking UST 2 Number corresponds to . listing in Tables It) Operational USTs ~ RCRA Lorge Quant•\y 4-2 through 4-7. Generators E& C01ifirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sil!l e Current and Former Contaminated UST 0 4000 Scale in Feet 8000 -BB ~ J-3508-01 Figure 4-2 11195 I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Other Potential Sources ~ • ~ ~ c " ~ .)! • ~ " "' C> " 0 "'"' ""' ;:o "' 'il:il u.-, ~ARMSTRO~ I il'!lM-aPRINOS ..........,, PROPERTY// J/ _l .--~ , . . _. : . I ' --Ten-Year Capture Zone Pesticide Use •q.•cV""''"'''"""' ~ Abandoned Mine Area m Current Mine Area .. , .. ,,_::..: ... , ... .r.,.li'······-,--u .•............... 0 4000 Scole in Feet 8000 ;o;;;l :·::::: ·.·:--i~ ~--+ 8B I l ~ J-3608-01 Figure 4-3 11/95 I 5.0 EXISTING REGULATORY PROGRAMS 5.1 Introduction Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The Potential Contaminant Source Inventory and Risk Ranking identified and ranked potential and known sources of contamination in the WHP A. This section examines existing regulatory programs designed to mitigate the risk associated with contaminant sources and identify management strategies which will be used to enhance the protection of groundwater within the WHPA. Federal, state, and local regulatory programs have been in place for many years to help control pollutants from development and human activity. These programs have been implemented, and continue to be implemented, relatively independently of each other. For example, programs for water pollution control, have not always been coordinated with those of air pollution control, solid waste and hazardous materials management, etc. Nevertheless, these programs constitute the basis for pollution control in general, and a framework for a more integrated approach. Wellhead protection programs offer an opportunity to integrate the existing regulatory programs into a more effective environmental protection effort. Specifically, wellhead protection programs have a limited geographic focus, they have specific risk-reduction priorities, and they are of considerable local interest and provide the opportunity for local control. These factors lend themselves to effective integration and focus of the many existing regulatory programs, with options for enhancement and new program development where the existing programs do not meet local needs. King County under Chapter 173-100 WAC, is developing the South King County Ground Water Management Plan (GWMP). The draft GWMP (March 1995) contains management strategies designed to address the perceived threats to groundwater quality and quantity in South King County. Summaries of the GWMP recommendations are discussed here to portray the county- wide concerns and resulting recommendations for groundwater protection. It will be important to support and enhance the GWMP as it provides the building block for wellhead protection particularly since the WHPA is within the county's jurisdiction for zoning land use and implementations activities. Finally, based on existing programs and the recommendation of the GWMP, we assessed possible enhancements to existing programs or the need for additional site-specific programs. These additional reqUirements are presented in the form of wellhead protection management strategies and associated tasks. These strategies are organized according to activity, and are presented in the next section of this report. 5.2 Existing Regu/lllory Programs The following section provides a brief discussion of the existing regulatory programs which are in place and are designed to protect groundwater from contamination. · Page 5-1 Han Crowser J-3508-01 5.2.1 Contaminated Site Investigation and Cleanup-CERCLA and MTCA The Federal "Superfund" legislation of 1980(Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act [CERCLA]) and the 1986 Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) were created to assure that the nation's most contaminated sites were cleaned up. The major provisions of CERCLA include: .. Facility owners/operators are required to identify and report sites where hazardous substances were deposited in the past, and they are required to report current releases of hazardous substances; .. EPA promulgated regulations which outline the investigation and remedial action process for identified sites. These regulations are included in the National Contingency Plan (NCP)(40 CFR Pan 300); .. EPA is authorized to investigate and inspect sites and use the information gathered during that process to "rank" sites to determine their priority. Sites that rank highly are placed on the National Priorities List (NPL); and .. EPA can use federal dollars to cleanup highly ranked contaminated sites, and can sue to recover dollars from the people who are responsible for the contamination, the Potentially Responsible Panies (PRPs). There were four sites identified in the WHP A vicinity that were inspected under CERCLA as discussed in Section 4.3. None of these sites were nominated for the NPL. The State of Washington had over 500 contaminated sites listed by the middle of the 1980s under CERCLA. In response to the need, Washington began a state cleanup effort. This effort was largely funded by general tax revenue, and because of the limited funding was targeted to only a few sites. The state legislature subsequently responded by providing a "State Superfund" legislation which was followed within two years (1988) by the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) -an initiative from the people (Initiative 97). While the procedural details of these programs differ somewhat, the thrust has been to make progress on what has become a list of over 900 sites in Washington. The basic differences between the Superfund and MTCA programs are as follows: .. MTCA includes provisions to encourage responsible panies to perform voluntary cleanup of a site; .,.. MTCA provides specified cleanup standards for hundreds of constituents, including petroleum products, in air, soil, surface water and groundwater; and ... MTCA encourages public input into the cleanup process at many points, unlike superfund which allows for public participation once a remedy is selected. Page 5-2 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Four sites; Landsburg Mine, L-Bar Products, Northwest Pipeline, and Palmer Coking Coal are located within the WHPA and are being addressed under MTCA as discussed in Section 4.3. Seven sites in the project area were identified. 5.2.2 Underground Storage Tanks Underground storage tanks (USTs) typically contain motor fuels or heating oil, but may also contain solvents or other compounds. Old or improperly installed or maintained tanks frequently leak. The most common causes of leaks are structural failure, corrosion, improper fittings, improper installation, and natural phenomena. Soil and groundwater have been contaminated by leaks from USTs and associated piping. Federal regulations (Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks, 40 CFR 290 Part 280) were developed by the EPA under Subtitle "I" of the RCRA to prevent leaks from USTs. The EPA regulations contain requirements for proper UST design, leak detection, overfill protection, tank inventory monitoring, financial responsibility, leak reporting, remedial action, and removal. In 1989, the State of Washington enacted legislation creating a comprehensive program for the regulation of USTs and a reinsurance program to assist owners and operators in demonstrating financial assurance under EPA's financial responsibility requirements. The Jaw contained in Chapter 90.76 RCW, required Ecology to develop UST rules as stringent as the EPA regulations. These rules are contained in Chapter 173-360 WAC. The existing Ecology program for USTs is comprehensive. Owners of all tanks covered by the regulations must apply for and obtain an annual permit to operate the tanks. The regulations and permit requirements include: .. Properly completing an installation checklist filled out by a licensed tank installation supervisor; .. Certification of compliance with corrosion protection for tanks and piping, financial responsibility requirements, and release detection requirements; .. Performance standards are provided for new tanks. Existing tanks must upgrade according to a schedule; .. Examination and licensing for firms and persons involved in UST-related activities; .. Authorized representatives of the State may gain access to the premises for inspection of records, to sample, or otherwise monitor operations; and .. Permits may be revoked for non-compliance. It is illegal for suppliers to deliver a product to a tank unless a valid permit is displayed. It is also illegal to deliver to a tank known to be leaking. Page 5-3 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Fifteen (15) tanks are registered with Ecology in the WHPA study area (see Table 4-4). The UST registration is discussed further in Section 4.3. It is important to note that the above state and federal UST regulatory programs do not cover all USTs. Notable exceptions are: ~ Farm or residential UST systems of 1, 100 gallons or Jess capacity used for storing motor fuel for non-commercial purposes; ~ UST systems used for storing heating oil for consumptive use on the premises where stored, except for systems with a capacity of more than 1,100 gallons have a reporting requirement; and ~ USTs with a capacity of 10,000 gallons or Jess are exempted from environmental review under SEPA. The first two exceptions noted above, however, are subject to local regulatory authority under Article 79 of the Uniform Fire Code (UFC). Installation and removal of abandoned home heating oil tanks is regulated by the King County Fire Marshal's Office, local fire districts, and cities under Article 79 of the UFC. The UFC requires that tanks which have been unused longer than a year be properly closed in a manner approved by the appropriate fire official. Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Leaking underground storage tanks (LUSTs) are handled by a separate (from the USTs or non-leaking tanks) regulatory approach by the federal and state regulators. Both EPA and Ecology have programs for cleaning up Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. For EPA, this has largely been a funding program to states to implement cleanup programs. For Ecology, the program has involved regulation development, reporting requirements, and cleanup standards. Releases of hazardous substances from USTs in this state are currently addressed by Ecology through oversight of voluntary cleanup actions by tank owners or through enforcement actions under MTCA. MTCA created the Taxies Control Account and describes the many possible uses of revenues, one of which is funding for the Ecology LUST Program cleanup activities. In cases where a fmancially solvent owner/operator cannot be identified or is unwilling to undertake appropriate cleanup actions, Ecology will directly undertake the cleanup of a site under this Act. If a fmancially solvent responsible party can be identified, Ecology will seek to recover costs incurred in any cleanup action. Jurisdiction for LUSTs in King County rests with Ecology. Four (4) LUSTs have been identified in the study area as discussed in Section 4.3 (Table 4-3) and shown on Figure 4-2. 5.2.3 On-Site Septic SVstems As described in Section 4.4, potential contaminants from septic tanks and drain fields include pathogenic organisms, toxic substances, and nitrogen compounds. Regulatory jurisdiction over Page 5-4 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 on-site sewage disposal systems depends on the type of waste and the size of the system. Industrial disposal, as well as large domestic on-site septic systems {14,500 gallons per day or more), is regulated by Ecology. DOH regulates systems with flows between 3,500 and 14,499 gallons per day, while the County Health Department has jurisdiction over smaller systems. The purpose of the State On-site Sewerage Regulations (Chapter 248-96 WAC) is two fold: ~ Minimize the potential for public exposure to sewage from on-site sewage systems; and ~ Minimize adverse effects to public health of discharges from on-site sewage systems to groundwater and surface water. Under this regulation, siting, design, construction, repair, and replacement of on-site sewerage system are controlled through the use of standards and permits. The goal is to achieve long-term sewage treatment and effluent disposal and to limit the discharge of contaminants to waters of the state. Both industrial and domestic systems must now comply with the state's Groundwater Standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC). 5.2.4 Hawdous Materials/Hazardous Waste Hazardous Materials Use. Commercial use of chemicals can present significant risk to groundwater. While there is always the possibility of chemical release to the environment when using and handling chemicals, significant releases of liquids frequently occur in one of two ways: ~ Accidental Releases or Spills. Handling materials always presents a risk of spills, but the risk can be reduced by proper handling methods, spill prevention measures, and spill response preparedness. ~ Improper Disposal. Most waste materials which could be construed to be hazardous are regulated by EPA and/or Ecology. For the regulated materials, disposal decisions must be documented and reported; and the disposal facility must be licensed. Hazardous Material Storage. The storage of hazardous materials is regulated under the Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This law, in additional to providing the extension and changes to CERCLA as described above, contains Title ill, provisions for "Community Right to Know" and Emergency Response. Community Right to Know -As required by this law, facilities handling hazardous materials must report quantities which are stored on site to notify the community (especially emergency response groups and agencies) of the types and amounts of chemicals on hand. "Reportable Quantities" vary from chemical to chemical and can go as low as one pound. In addition, facilities must report annually on any releases of these chemicals into the environment. EPA keeps a database of the reported releases which is entitled the Toxic Release Inventory. No releases were identified in this database within the WHPA. Page 5-5 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 State and local fire regulations also regulate amount and type of hazardous materials stored at any location. For example, above-ground storage of gasoline is generally prohibited in most counties. Under the Uniform Fire Code (Articles 79 and 80), heating oil tanks which are not in use must be closed, and spill prevention measures need to be taken for storage of materials above ground. Hazardous Material Transportation -Labeling, Placarding, Shipping Papers. Regulation of the transportation of hazardous materials is provided by the US Department of Transportation (DOT). DOT regulations are focused on three areas: Labeling, Placarding, and Shipping Papers (Manifests). The DOT has very specific requirements for labeling hazardous materials. Vehicles carrying these materials must be placarded with the appropriate DOT signage. Recent changes to DOT regulations require emergency information to be placed on shipping papers (such as a phone number where 24-hour emergency response information is available) and that emergency response information be maintained in the vehicle. Hazardous waste transportation, is partially regulated under RCRA, and utilizes a specific manifest form which was developed to track waste material from point of origin to disposal. There are no programs to provide notification to local government of special hazards related to transport of materials within their jurisdiction. Hazardous Waste. The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 (40 CFR 260), as amended in 1984, regulates hazardous waste. RCRA was termed the "Cradle to Grave" legislation regulating hazardous wastes because the legislation required controls on hazardous wastes from the time of their creation to their ultimate disposal. Washington was one of the first states to pass legislation and create regulations comprehensive enough to warrant partial "authorization by EPA to administer portions of RCRA." Under the state's Dangerous Waste Regulations (Chapter 173-303 WAC), waste materials thought to be hazardous must be "designated" through a process of determining the characteristics of the material. Large quantity hazardous waste generators must meet strict requirements for accumulation and storage of waste, recordkeeping, and disposal. Four large quantity RCRA facilities were identified in the study area as discussed in Section 4.3 (Table 4-7) and shown on Figure 4-2. Like the federal regulations, generation of small quantities of hazardous is exempt from most provisions of the state rules. The regulatory threshold amounts, however, are 10 times lower under the state rules than those of EPA. "Small quantity generators," companies who generate up to 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month, are relatively uncontrolled and free from requirements. Waste Reduction Planning is also required of Washington Businesses (Hazardous Waste Reduction Act of 1990). Under the terms of this legislation, large quantity generators of hazardous waste must develop plans for the reduction of hazardous wastes. The overall goa! of the legislation is for a 50% reduction of hazardous waste generated in the state by 1995. Page 5-6 Han Crowser J-3508-01 Emergency Response. The SARA Title m also required that local governments create a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and have an Emergency Response Coordinator on staff. Part of this committee's function is to assimilate information on chemical use and release in the area. In an attempt to improve emergency response, an emergency response organization was required for each state. Through the LEPC, topics such as training, chemical storage, and incident response are discussed. In this manner, close coordination is enhanced in the event of a release or spill. In all cases, except state highways, the local ftre district is the Incident Command Agency. For state highways, the State Patrol serves this role. Under Section I of SARA, there are provisions for worker protection relating to emergency response. Federal and state rules require any business which handles hazardous materials to provide training for their workers in emergency response. The training is required at different levels depending on the level of emergency response expected from the worker. 5.2.5 Use of Pesticides and Fertilizers The groundwater contamination potential from pesticides and fertilizers is discussed in Section 4.4. The use of pesticides is regulated under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (1975). In Washington, this activity has been delegated to the state Departtnent of Agriculture. FIFRA allows states authority to register or restrict pesticide use. Washington has its own statutory control under the Washington Pesticide Control Act (Chapter 15.58 RCW) and the Pesticide Application Act (Chapter 17.21 RCW). Washington Departtnent of Agriculture is responsible for pesticide registration, quality control sampling, and testing and licensing of applicators. Like many of Washington's counties, King County has an active Conservation District program which, with the assistance of the Washington State Cooperative Extension Service and the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, provides technical assistance to land owners. This assistance takes many forms. Fertilizer application rates, appropriate animal density, and animal waste disposal and utilization are common topics. In many cases, recommendations are formalized in a "Farm Plan." The Conservation District also provides a conduit for funding of soil and water conservation and environmental protection measures. 5.2.6 lAndfills Solid waste landfills are regulated by the federal, state, and local governments. Ecology regulations entitled Criteria of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills are included in Chapter 173-351 WAC. These regulations include standards for: ~ Location of landfills relative to flood plains, wetlands, unstable areas, and seismic impact zones. These standards apply to new landfills and lateral expansions of existing landfills; Page 5-7 - Han Crowser J-3508-01 .. Design criteria for new landfills including composite liners, leachate collection and removal systems, design of groundwater monitoring systems, groundwater sampling and analysis, reporting of groundwater monitoring data, groundwater modeling, hydrogeologic reports, and corrective action. The standards also include restrictions on the minimum separation between the bottom of the landfill and highest groundwater; and .. Operating the landfill. King County has jurisdiction over design, construction, operation, and closure of solid waste facilities in King County. These facilities are regulated under the Code of the King County Board of Health, Title 10. Two Limited Purpose "Special Use" landfills were identified in the study area; one at the Reserve Silica mine and one at the Pacific Coast Coal Company as discussed in Section 4.3 and shown on Figure 4-2. 5.2. 7 Storm Water As discussed in Section 4.4, storm water is not only a source of groundwater recharge, but is also a potential source of contamination. Storm water discharges are regulated by the federal government under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act. Federal regulations were promulgated in 40 CFR Pan 122. The intent of the federal program is to minimize the concentrations of pollutants which are discharged with storm water from industrial and construction sites. The federal program includes the following basic components: .. Permits are required for "storm water discharges associated with industrial activities." For example, industrial facilities which store raw materials, manufacture goods, or store products which may come in contact with storm water, must apply for a general permit; .. The permit requires that facilities implement a storm water pollution prevention (SWPP) plan and utilize best management practices (BMPs) to control the quality of storm water discharges. The SWPP plan summarizes BMPs including practices like covering raw material stockpiles, sweeping the site to minimize pollutants which could be carried by storm water runoff, or installing and maintaining sediment detention sumps or basins. The SWPP plan also summarizes reporting requirements, inspection and maintenance requirements, and establishes a team of people at each site who are responsible for implementation of the plan. .. The federal program also requires that construction sites which disturb more than 5 acres must apply for a general storm water permit. The intent behind this requirement is minimize sediment-laden storm water runoff from construction sites. Ecology has jurisdiction over the storm water program in the state. Ecology has authored a general permit for discharges associated with industrial activity, which would typically apply to industrial facilities within the WHP A. They have written some industrial category-specific permits such as for sand and gravel mining sites. They have also authored a draft permit for construction sites. Page 5-8 - - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 The Ecology program goes somewhat farther than the federal program as it requires that permit holders monitor storm water quality at the point of discharge to surface water or groundwater. However, Ecology does not require the installation of groundwater monitoring wells to determine potential impact to groundwater from storm water infiltration practices. King County also has jurisdiction over storm water runoff quality and quantity. The Storm Water Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin outlines the best management practices that should be used in King County to control storm water from facilities during and after construction. 5.2.8 Monitoring Well Construction As discussed in Section 4.4, groundwater monitoring wells can be a conduit for contaminant transport between the ground surface and an aquifer if they are improperly constructed or abandoned. Regulation of wells in Washington began in 1971 under the direction of Ecology. Two areas of focus of this program are well construction standards (Chapter 173-160 WAC- Minimum Standards for Construction and Maintenance of Wells) and licensing (Chapter 173-162 WAC Regulation and Licensing of Well Contractors and Operators). The Minimum Standards for Construction and Maintenance of Wells includes: ~>-General requirements for well construction notification, design and construction of wells, sealing of casings, and capping requirements; ~>-Specific requirements for water supply wells including well location, design and construction of the well and seal, well testing, and well abandonments procedures; and ~>-Specific requirements of resource protection (monitoring) wells including design and construction standards for the casing, surface protection, seals, well screen, filter pack, development and abandonment procedures. The Regulation and Licensing of Well Contractors and Operators includes requirements for licensing water well drillers, examination requirements, and the responsibilities of licensed well contractors. 5.3 South King County GWMP Strategies Planned for Iask Reduction The South King County Ground Water Management Plan (GWMP) identified the topics or potential problems of concern and, as part of the planning process, will adopt groundwater management strategies. The GWMP (March 1995 Draft) identified the following topics for consideration: ~>-Special Area Designations to Enhance Ground Water Protection; "" Storm Water Management; ~>-Hazardous Materials Management; Page 5-9 - .. Underground Storage Tank Management; .. On-site Sewage Disposal System Use; .. Pesticides and Fenilizers; .. Well Construction and Abandonment; .. Sewer Pipes; .. Solid Waste Landfills; .. Burial of Human Remains; .. Sand and Gravel Mining; .. Land Application of Biosolids and Effluent; and Han Crowser J-3508-01 -.. Ground Water Quantity. - These topics were analyzed in an issue paper fonnat, developed by South King County Health Department (SKCHD) and project consultants. The issue papers contained technical information about the topic, a description of the existing regulations and any existing programs, and then identified issues that could be addressed by one or more management strategies. A Ground Water Advisory Committee (GWAC), discussed and modified these to become strategy recommendations. In developing the management strategies, the South King County GW AC attempted to make maximum use of existing governmental programs and regulatory structures. The management strategies were based upon thorough research into the problems as presented in the issue papers. Each strategy was evaluated for feasibility, including implementation cost. The South King County GW AC preferred strategies that could be understood and supported by the citizens in the South King County area. As the South King County GW AC considered each issue, data collection and management, and educational management strategies were adopted for many of the issues. These were compiled into a Data Collection and Management Program and an Education Program. The South King County GW AC realized that the adopted strategies would not completely prevent contamination problems from occurring in the South King County aquifers, but that it should greatly limit the frequency and severity of such problems. The South King County Ground Water Management Plan is intended to provide a framework to assist cooperation between various regulatory agencies through implementation of the adopted groundwater protection measures. It is also intended to serve as a guide to further focused research on the aquifers in addressing data and regulatory protection gaps. The GWMP discussion of strategies is organized in the following way: .. Programs Related to Ground Water Quality and Quantity; .. Programs Related to Ground Water Quality; and .. Programs Related to Ground Water Quantity. Tables 5-1 through 5-3 summarizes the groundwater management strategies listed in the GWMP. Page 5-10 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The strategies that are presented in the GWMP were used as a basis for the strategies considered for this WHP A. The consultant team reviewed the strategies provided by the GWMP and augmented them with additional strategies which are specific and strategic to this WHPA. The following section presents the recommended wellhead protection strategies for this WHP A. Page 5-11 1 1 1 Table S-1-Programs Related to Groundwater Quality and Quantity ? Ul I .... N Special Area Designations Areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water per RCW 36.70A Growth Management. Wellhead Protection Areas per the 1986 amendments to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. Environmentally Sensitive Areas per Chapter 197-11 WAC State Environmental Policy Act Rules. Special Protection Areas per Chapter 173-200 WAC Water Quality Standards for Ground Waters of the State of Washington. Sole Source Aquifers per the federal Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974. Aquifer Protection Areas per RCW 36.36. Stonn Water Amendment or adoption of the King County surface water design manuals to require infiltration, treatment, and no net reduction in recharge as appropriate. Maintenance of rural and open space in high potential aquifer recharge areas. Pretreatment of infiltrated storm water in high potential aquifer recharge areas. Sponsor research on long-term groundwater impacts. Coordination between Department of Ecology, Pugel Sound Water Quality Authority, and King County surface water and groundwater quality planning efforts. Assess adequacy of existing storm water systems/establish priority for upgrades. Roadway runoff -priority to recharge areas for implementation of new standards. Evaluate effects of soil amendments on storm water moisture and nutrient retention. 1 1 Education Cooperation in including groundwater education in existing programs. Assess and report on adequacy of all education programs. Supplemental program development (New education elements). Coordinate implementation of education efforts (Joint groundwater education programs). 1 Data Continued data collection, analysis, and management. :::0 "' ..... ::t ~n u. ... 00 00~ I V> On ......... 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Table 5-2 -Programs Related to Groundwater Quality Only Sheet 1 of 2 Land On-Site Sewage Burial of Applkollon or Hazardous Underground Treatment and Pesticide and WeD Construction Sewer Pipe Solid Waste Human Sand and BlosoUds and Materials StonceTanb Disposal Systems Use Fertillzer Use and Abando11111ent Concuns Landrdls Remalrd Gruel Mining Emuent Support slate Provide local Require water systems Fund Farm Plan Support enforcement Encoumge Determine existing Search for and Regulatory Re-use hazardous wask: implemcnlation of to conduct nitrate development. of standards. Adoption of level of ground-evaluated compliance with Guideline plan UodC'!IIOUod loading analysis. routine leak walcr protection. infonnational NPDES aod Revision- implemenlation. Storase Tank Require allemativc Evaluale pesticide Seck delegation of detection and Improve regularions studies on the Ecology General Limirs within Regulations. disposal in areas of reduction program well drilling repair programs. if necessary. subject. Penn it Aquifer Areas. Require vertical high ( > 5 mg/L) of Extension program. requirements. separation from Add control nitrate. Service. Require Prohibit siting or groundwater for requirements Regulate well •leakproof' expansion of Support dangerous waste within County. Initiate a hazardous Cities and County location piping for new landfills in high regulatory management units. materials management to use low risk idenlific:ation. construction and potential recharge changes lo Regulate existing program for on-sile methods for accelerated areas by adoption provide better Develop speciftc •exempt• tanks. systems. vesetation Explore fundins for proJram for of Chapter 173-3Sl protection of zones for management. proper abandonment. replacemenl in WAC by reference. groundwater. treatment or Investigate local Prohibil sale of system aquifer areas. s10rage facilities. authority for c:leanen. Support strategies Promote an Evaluate waste Include Besl underground home for education and education program Improved screening Management Include assistance heating tanks. Prohibit use of systctn5 management on well construction. backfill to procedures. Practices in in site discovery for disposal of any reduce ground SEPA euidance and pobllc: Ameod Buildi"' materials except water Proceed with document. education. Code 10 include domestic SCWBJe. ttansmission. investigation of home underground abandoned sites. Carefully Implement the ranks (if Conduct household evaluate land use Unifonn Fire necessary). hazardous waste Education on waste of reclaimed Cnde (Artic:le 80). education. disposal and mines. groundwarer effects. Amend zoning code to protect groundwater from effects or use of reclaimed mines. :I: 'tl ..... s d'J ~n .. "''"' "' oo 0 00~ .... 0 "' w o,. ........ 1 1 Table 5-2 -Programs Related to Groundwater Quality (Continued) Hazardous Materials Implement SARA Tideru (Bmeqenc:y Piannina and Community Ri1ht to Know). Have water systems assess tnnsponation ristldevelop programs ror mitiaation. Work: with DOT on lrlnSpOdation risk mltiption. ? ..,. ' .... -"'- Underground Storace Taub Regulate heating oil lank abandonment and maintenance. Daoahase development on undel)round lanks. Educale owncn on tanks and their risks. -- On-Site Sewage Treatment and Pestldde and Well C'"'"'ructlon Disposal Systems Use FertWzer Use and Abondenmenl Education programs on proper system mainlenance. Requin: "As-buiils" of systems to be recorded wilh deed. ---- 1 Burial of Sewer Pipe Solid Waste lluman Concerns LandfDis Remaios 1 Sand and Gravel Mining Sheet 2 of 2 Land Application of Blosollds and Emuent II: .... s ~() ..,...., oo OO;E ' "' Oo .... ..., Table 5-3 -Programs Related to Groundwater Quantity Only Program Develop policies and ordinances: aquifer recharge/clearing/interim development standards/impervious cover. SEPA enhancements. Data needs -groundwater data program. Support seawater intrusion policy (Ecology). Utility pumping data to Ecology. Adoption of landscaping ordinance -.conservation. Group B -water conservation. Xeriscaping education. Conservation education to individual system owners. Investigate artificial recharge programs. Recommendations to establish decline limits/prevent decline. Han Crowser J-3508-01 Page 5-15 - - - r - 6.0 WELLHEAD PROTECTION MANAGEMENT STRATEGmS 6.1 Introduction Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The next step in completing the Wellhead Protection Plan is to develop Wellhead Protection Management Strategies. The management strategies should be developed with the following criteria in mind: ~ Geology and hydrogeology of the WHPA, keeping in mind the susceptibility of the aquifers to be protected, as discussed in Sections 2.0 and 3.0; ~ The potential and known sources of contamination and the relative risks associated with those sources as identified in Section 4. 0; ~ Existing regulatory programs which are designed to protect groundwater from contamination as discussed in Section 5.0; and ~ The desires of the local community which uses the water supply. This input was provided by the WHPA Advisory Committee during development of this program. 6.2 WeUhead Protection Tasks Using the above criteria, more than 70 separate Wellhead Protection Tasks were considered by the Project Review Committee. These tasks were developed primarily through review of the implementation tasks identified in the March 1995 Draft of the South King County Ground Water Management Plan, with additional consideration for the wellhead-specific criteria listed above. These tasks were presented to the WHPA Advisory Committee, who considered and modified them as appropriate. Table 6-1 lists the 48 tasks that were approved by the committee. 6.2.1 Task Orranimtion Each one of the 48 wellhead protection tasks perfonns a number of different functions. There are various ways in which the tasks could be organized. Three obvious ways the tasks could be considered include: Risk Area. Each task generally relates to one or more of the risk areas defmed in Section 4.0, such as the risk relating to the use of septic systems in residential areas or the risk of using herbicides along transportation corridors. Additionally, some of the tasks relate to many or all of the risk areas, such as the task which specifies implementing a wellhead protection steering group. Existing Programs. With many of the tasks, there is an existing regulatory program which, to some degree, is designed to minimize the risk to groundwater from regulated activities: such as federal and state regulations which apply to septic systems or to the manufacture, use, and · applications of herbicides (see Section 5.0). Page 6-1 - - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Type of Management Activity. The tasks could also be thought of in the framework with which they will be implemented: such as the task to implement a wellhead protection steering group is clearly a management function, while a task to document the type and amount of herbicide application on transportation corridors, forestry, agricultural, and recreational parcels is a data gathering task. The task which specifies participation in public education program to notify residents of the potential impact of septic systems within the WHP A is a education- oriented task. Table 6-2 illustrates these three main ways to organize the wellhead protection tasks. Because the tasks could be looked at from so many perspectives, we created a database using Microsoft Access to store the tasks. We flagged each task within the database to identify to following information: ~>-Name of the task; ~>-Lead implementation agency; ~>-If the task is included in the SKCGWMP; ~>-The risk area(s) to which the task applies (residential medium-density, residential rural, industrial/commercial sites, transportation corridors, mining, or forestry); ~>-The existing regulatory program(s) to which the task applies; and ~>-The type of "management activity" to which the task applies (management, land use, regulatory, planning, cooperative, data gathering, or education). Tables 6-3 through 6-8 present the tasks organized according to risk area. Table 6-3 includes the tasks which are common to all risk areas. The other tables include tasks which are common to one or more (but not all) risk areas. Organization of the tasks in this way, allows the implementation steering group to see how each task relates to the risks which were identified and prioritized in Section 4. 0. The following discussion on management strategies provides more insight into the intent of the wellhead protection management tasks. For the purposes of implementing this wellhead protection plan, we have organized the discussion into management strategies which are based on the type of "management activity" which will be performed. Table 6-9 illustrates how the strategies relate to management activities. Appendix C contains an electronic copy of the database as well as tables which sort the tasks according to management activity, and tables which sort the tasks according to lead implementation agency. Please refer to these tables when reviewing the following discussion. Page 6-2 - 6.3 Management and Cooperation Strategies Han Crowser J-3508-01 This WHPP must be implemented through continuing management activity. The plan will need to be adapted and to evolve as needed to meet future changes in the City's philosophies and/or changes in the physical or geochemical conditions of the aquifer system. As such, the management strategies and practices outlined within this study provide a general direction and tone, but will periodically need to be refined to fit future conditions. Additional adaptations may be needed to address future activities and regulations, or changes in current regulations, that may affect the WHPA. The following strategies are recommended to address the long-term management aspects of the plan. Strategy No. !-Establish a WHP Steering Group. The City should establish a WHP Steering Group. The group needs to meet periodically to: ~ Evaluate the implementation status of the WHP tasks; .,. Review federal, state, and local programs regarding the WHP; .,. Review changes in surface activities within the WHP A; and .,. Meet WHP regulations and requirements. The group should strive to focus existing and future applicable water quality and quantity resource programs toward the WHPA; should meet, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis for the first three years following Plan implementation; and should establish an appropriate meeting schedule for the following the 3-year period. The Group should include a representation similar to that established for the project development Review Committee which included representatives from the City of Kent, Covington Water District, King County Water District 111, Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Health, King County Health, the Chamber of Commerce, and local citizens. Strategy No. 2-Land Management Activities. The City should encourage owners or operators responsible for large land parcels and developments to use and monitor best management practices (BMP) for control of potential groundwater contaminants into the WHP A. 6.4 Land Use Strategies City of Kent has no authority to directly control land use within the WHPA. Therefore, the City must develop a cooperative relationship with those state and local agencies which do administer land use programs. At the present time, the best strategy for the City is to seek appropriate special designations for the WHPA. Accordingly, the following is recommended. Strategy No. 3-5pecial Protection Area Designation. The City should consider having the WHP A designated as a special protection area. Since various state and local regulations exist for designating special protection areas, the City should evaluate and seek the designation(s) which may be most beneficial. Specifically, the City could pursue any of the following: a. Special Protection Area designation under the state Ground Water Quality Standards (Chapter 173-200 WAC), designation of Special Use Area by the Department of Agriculture, or Page 6-3 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 designation as an Environmentally Sensitive Area and/or a Critical Aquifer Recharge Area (CARA) under various King County programs. At a minimum the City should ensure that the WHPA is identified and mapped by the County as an Area of High Susceptibility to Groundwater Contamination. 6.5 Regulatory Strategies This WHPP is designed to use the existing statutory rules and regulations to protect groundwater quality. The Steering Group, in coordination with state and local agencies having statutory authority in the area, will need to assist with monitoring regulated activities conducted under existing programs within the WHP A. Based on a preliminary review of the existing regulatory activities, the following regulatory strategies are recommended. Strategy No. 4-SEPA/Hydrogeologic Evaluations. The City should request King County ODES to require hydrogeologic.evaluations for any development within the WHPA which triggers SEPA action. Additionally, the City should agree upon a MOU with DOES requiring City comment on the effects such development will have on the groundwater system. Designation of the area as a Critical Aquifer Recharge Area will be the first step toward gaining such an agreement. Strategy No. 5-WHPA Well Drilling. The City should encourage the delegation of well construction inspection authority be transferred from Ecology to the King County Health Department. With or without this transfer of authority, the City should encourage more frequent well construction inspections than currently occur. Strategy No. 6-Septic Tanks. The City should request King County to require that engineering as-builts of new septic systems be recorded with property deeds. Additionally, the City needs to support the implementation of laws and regulations requiring proper inspection and maintenance of septic systems. 6.6 Planning Strategies A substantial degree of future protection for the WHPA will be achieved through present-day planning and coordination. In order to maximize future protection, the following strategies are recommended. Strategy No. 7-Sewers. The City should encourage the County to require all industrial and commercial facilities within the WHPA to connect to sanitary sewers, if such services are reasonably available. The City, in coordination with the managers of local sewer systems, need to develop emergency plans to be implemented in the advent of sewage leaks or spills. Strategy No. 8-Farm Planning. The City and the County Conservation Districts in the area · should discuss how farming practices can affect groundwater. The City should encourage and · support the County Conservation Districts in their farm planning, such that farm plans include items specifically designed to protect groundwater quality. Page 6-4 - - r - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Strategy No. 9-Storm Water Management. The City should promote research on the impact of storm water discharge on water quantity and quality. Additionally, the City, in coordination with the responsible agencies, need to evaluate the adequacy of storm water facilities, including proper routing, retention, and detention. A balance must be found that allows optimum recharge of storm water to groundwater systetns while adequately protecting the water quality of the aquifers. Strategy No. 10-Petroleum Pipelines. The City needs to document the location and use of petroleum pipelines and to establish emergency response plans for pipeline failure. These efforts should be coordinated with the pipeline companies and the federal, state, and county agencies responsible for emergency petroleum-product spill response. Strategy No. 11-Hazardous Material Transport. The City should investigate the feasibility of re-routing the transport of hazardous materials away from the 1-year time of travel zone. Strategy No. 12-Emergency Response for Transportation Corridors. The City shall notify the appropriate emergency response organizations on the location of the WHP A and establish formal communication protocols with the first-response emergency units. 6. 7 DoJa Management Strategies One of the principal goals of the WHPP is the development of a data collection network and analysis plan capable of providing the City with advance warning of coDtamination to the City's water supply. The following data management strategies seek to establish and maintain scientific data upon which future WHPP actions can be based. Strategy No. 13-Groundwater Monitoring. The City should actively participate in the collection and analysis of regional and local groundwater information. This can be accomplished by cooperating with the other local purveyors (Covington and Water District No. 111), the South King County Regional Water Association, King County Health Department, Ecology, and other entities seeking to monitor the groundwater resources of the region and by following the WHP A monitoring plan detailed in this study. The monitoring plan has been designed to provide the City with long-term information on groundwater quality and quantity and to also serve as a central network system alerting the City of potential groundwater quality probletns. The data collected through the network should be summarized and reviewed annually to resolve any identified probletns and evaluate the effectiveness of the network. Strategy No. 14-Herbicide and Pesticide Survey. The City should inventory and monitor major herbicide and pesticide use within the WHPA. This inventory may be used to guide future groundwater monitoring and WHP-related education progratns. In addition, the City should encourage county, state, and private land managers to use vegetation management practices which protect groundwater quality. Strategy No. IS-Underground Storage Tanks Inventory. The City needs to inventory aDd locate underground storage tanks within the 1-year time of travel zone. Besides those presently Page 6-5 - ,.... Han Crowser J-3508-01 identified by the current hazard inventory, this inventory should include new tanks placed after the hazard inventory was finished, and residential home heating oil USTs and/or other tanks that were not previously identified. Strategy No. 16-Drywell Monitoring. The City needs to encourage King County Surface Water Management to develop an evaluation and monitoring plan for drywells within the WHPA. Strategy No. 17-Abandoned Wells Inventory. The City needs to locate and inventory abandoned or unused wells. Owners of these wells should be notified of the potential liability such wells cause and be educated on the benefits of well decommissioning. ,.... 6. 8 Education Strategies ,.... Education of the public and industrial/commercial occupants of the WHPA concerning groundwater protection is a critical portion of the WHPP. Through proper education, the degree and potential for future contamination can be greatly reduced; therefore,. the following recommendations are made. Strategy No. 18-WHP Education Programs. The City has already begun groundwater educational programs and should continue to educate the WHPA residents, particularly on groundwater quality issues. The WHPA should be targeted for distribution of literature regarding septic tank maintenance, fuel oil storage tank maintenance and abandonment, residential use of herbicides and pesticides, and hazardous material use, disposal, and storage. In addition to City-run programs, the City should strive to participate in and suppon small- quantity waste disposal programs and actively work with state and local government in developing and creating public education programs concerning groundwater. Page 6-6 - ,..... - Table 6-1 Wellhead Management Tasks Sheet I of3 Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of nitrate according to groundwater monitoring plan. Establish nitrate early warning valve (EWV) to allow for timely action in the event of increasing nitrate concentrations. Promote and coordinate public education program for household hazardous materials use, storage, and disposal within the WHP A. Survey pesticide and herbicide usc/work with Cooperative Extension and County with available data to modify future monitoring and education plans. Inventory forest ownership, the extent of harvesting, and the harvesting practices used with the WHP A. Document the location and use of petroleum pipelines within the WHP A, and develop appropriate emergency procedures. Document use of hazardous materials in mining suppon activity Establish formal communication with first responders Update emergency response organizations on WHP A location. Develop emergency response procedures for sewer force main brealcs within the I -year zone. Coordinate and promote the evaluation of possible storm water routing, detention, retention priorities. Work with responsible parties to assess adequacy of facilities and establish joint priority for storm water upgrades. Consider seeking designation of aquifer(s) as "special protection areas" or other special designations. Encourage requirement of as-builts of new septic systems (prepared by designer) to be recorded with the deed. Suppon the implementation of state Jaw/regulation on septic system inspection and maintenance programs. Participate in education program to notify public of impact of septic systems to the WHP A. Promote and coordinate public education program for proper septic system maintenance and hazardous waste disposal. Review annual repons produced under SARA Tide ill to document inventory of chemicals used in the WHPA. Develop data on number and size of exempt underground tanks within !-year time of travel zone. Han Crowser J-3508-01 Page 6-7 - ,... - - - Table 6-1 Wellhead Management Tasks Sheet 2 of3 Promote and coordinate public program to educate owners of exempt underground tanks of the hazards they represent, methods of leak detection, proper removal and closure procedures. Fund Farm Plans through the local Conservation District which focus in wellhead zones. Request County, State, and private land owners/managers to utilize vegetation management practices which protect water quality within the WHP A. Encourage development and use of BMPs for large land units (large residential developments, schools, golf courses, parks, mining, and forest parcels). Monitor use of BMPs on large land parcels. Support King County in seeking delegation of well drilling regulatory program for advance notice of drilling and inspection of well construction. Inventory abandoned or unused wells in the 1-and 5-year time of travel zones. Educate owners about proper well construction and abandonment within the WHP A. Review routine leak detection procedures for sewer lines in the WHP A. Request utilities to use "leakproof' piping for sewer for any new construction in wellhead zones - accelerate upgrade and replacement of existing risky lines. Encourage careful analysis and adequate requirements for siting, operation, and reclaimation of mining in the WHP A during SEP A review. Assure that the hydrogeologic impact of development of parcels within wellhead protection areas is adequately analyzed during SEPA review. Participate in a regional groundwater data development and management effort to assure that an adequate regional groundwater monitoring program is developed. Provide continual coordination of environmental education efforts in the County. Create and operate an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP to assure focus of applicable state and local programs to wellhead protection areas. Review management strategies to incorporate new data; requirements, and approaches. Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of pesticides and herbicides according to groundwater monitoring plan. · Promote research on the impacts of storm water discharge from residential areas. Document the rype and amount of herbicide application with focus on transportation corridors, forestry, agriculture, and recreation parcels. Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page 6-8 - Table 6-1 Wellhead Management Tasks Sheet 3 of3 Investigate the need for re-routing transpon of hazardous materials to areas outside of wellhead zones. Locate signs within the WHPA along transponation routes· "Wellhead Protection Area." Communicate location of the WHP A and wellhead protection concerns to mine operators. Require mine operators to install monitoring wells capable to assess potential impacts from site operations for sites within the WHPA. Prioritize investigation of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites within the WHP A. Review MTCA, RCRA notifiers, and LUST sites files for sites within the WHPA annually. Monitor Ecology's progress on the cleanup of MTCA and LUST sites within the WHP A. Encourage Ecology and County inspections of RCRA hazardous waste generator facilities within the WHPA. Communicate location ofWHPA to industriaVcommercial site owners. Communicate the extent of wellhead protection areas to the County Planning Dcpanment for consideration in critical areas regulation, susceptibility mapping, and permitting. -Require sewer hook up for all industriaVcommercial facilities within the WHPA, if sewer service is reasonably available. Encourage periodic monitoring of dry wells in the WHP A. Review water quality data generated under the general NPDES Storm Water Permit. - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 Page 6-9 - - ,.... ,.... ,.... ,.... - Table 6-2 · Three Main Ways to Organize Wellhead Protection Tasks Risk Area Existing Regulatory Program Residential -Medium Density Housing Hazardous Waste Generation Residential-Rural Housinl!: Underground Storal!;C Tanks Industrial/Commercial Sites Landfills Transportation Corridors CERCLAIMTCA Sites Mining Land Use ~ES Process Water/Stonn Water Forestry LaJid Use Type of Activity Manal!;ernent ~dUse Regulatory Planninl!; Cooperative Data Manal!;ement Education 350801~mlnlng-p.xlw]'Drg.xls Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page 6-10 - Table 6-3 -Common Tasks for All Risk Areas Task Create and operate an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP to assure focus of applicable state and local programs to wellhead areas. Review management strategies to incorporate new data, requirements, and approaches. Communicate the extent of wellhead protection areas to the County Planning Depanment for consideration in critical areas regulation, suscepbbility mapping, and permitting. Consider seekin~ desil018tion of aquifer(s) as "SDCcial Protection Areas." Assure that the hydrogeologic impact of development of parcels within wellhead areas is adequately analyzed during SEPA review. Encourage development and use of BMPs for large land units (large residential developments, schools, golf courses, parks, mining, and forest parcels). Monitor use ofBMPs on large land parcels. Participate in a regional groundwater data development and management effort to assure that an adequate regional groundwater monitoring program is developed Provide continual coordination of environmental education efforts in the County. Encourage periodic monitoring of drywells in the WHP A. Inventory abandoned or unused wells in the 1-and 5-year time of travel zones. Educate owners about proper well construction and abandonment within the WHP A. Support King County in seeking delegation of well drilling regulatory program for advance notice of drilling and inspection of well construction. - Implementation Lead Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors County Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors County County Purveyors County Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Included in the SKCGWMP No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Page 6-11 - Table 6-4 -Tasks for Residential Risk Areas Task SEPTIC SYSTEMS Encourage requirement of as-builts of new septic systems (prepared by designer) to be recorded with the deed. Support the implementation of state law/regulation on septic system inspection and maintenance programs. Participate in education program tp notify public of impact of septic systerru totheWHPA. Promote and coordinate public education program for proper septic system maintenance and hazardous waste disposal. Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of nitrate according to groundwater monitoring plan. Establish nitrate early warning valve (EWV to allow for timely action in the event of increasing nitrate concentrations. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ,.... Promote and coordinate public education program for household hazardous materials use, storage, and disposal within the WHP A. ,.... STORM WATER Promote research on the impacts of storm water discharge from residential areas. USTs Develop data on number and size of exempt underground tanks within 1- year time of travel zone. Promote and coordinate public program to educate owners of exempt ,.... underground tanks of the hazards they represent, methods of leak detection, proper removal and closure procedures. PESTICIDES/HERBICIDES Survey pesticide and herbicide use/work with Cooperative Extension and County with available data to modify future monitoring and education ,.... plans. Fund Farm Plans through the local Conservation District which focus in wellhead zones. 350801\[miniDg-p.xlw]IRESJDENT ..... County-Health Purveyors County-Health County-Health Purveyors County County Purveyors County Purveyors . County Inc!~~ in I SKCGWMP Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Han Crowser J-3508-01 Page 6-12 - Table 6-5 -Tasks for Transportation/Pipeline Corridors Risk Areas Task PUBLIC EDUCATION Locate signs within the WHP A along transportation routes -"Wellhead Protection Area HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Investigate the nee4 for re-routing transpon of hazardous materials to areas outside of wellhead zones. EMERGENCY RESPONSE Document the location and use of petroleum pipelines within the WHP A, and develop appropriate emergen_<:yproce4ures. Establish formal communication with first responders -Update emergency response organizations on WHP A location. STORM WATER Work with responsible parties to assess adequacy of facilities and establish joint priority for storm water upgrades. Coordinate and promote the evaluation of possible storm water routing, detention, retention priorities. PESTICIDES/HERBICIDES Document the type and amount of herbicide application with focus on transportation corridors, forestry, agriculture, and recreation parcels. Request County, State, and private land owners/managers to utilize vegetation management practices which protect water quality within the WHP A. Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of pesticides and herbicides according to groundwater monitoring plan. SEWERS Request utilities to use "leakproof'' piping for sewer for any new construction in wellhead zones -accelerate upgrade and replacement of existing risky lines. Develop emergency response p1oc00ures for seven force main breaks within the !-year zone. 3 5080 I lmining-p.xlw Implementation Lead Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Hart Crowser J-3508-01 llncludoo in the I SKCGWMP No No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Page 6-13 - Table 6-6-Tasks for Industrial Commercial Risk Areas Task SITE REVIEW Prioritize investigation of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites within the WHP A. -Review MTCA, RCRA notifiers, and LUST sites files for sites within the WHPA annually. Monitor Ecology's progress on the cleanup of MTCA and LUST sites withili theWHPA. Communicate location ofWHP A to industriaUcommercial site owners. SEWERS -Require sewer hook up for all industrial/commercial facilities within the WHP A, if sewer service is reasonably available. STORM WATER Review water quality data generated under the general NPDES Storm Water Permit. Work with responsible parties to assess adequacy of facilities and establish ·oint priority for storm water upgrades. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/HAZARDOUS WASTE Review annual reports produced under SARA Title ill to document inventory of chemicals used in the WHP A. Encourage Ecology and County inspections ofRCRA hazardous waste generator facilities within the WHP A. PESTICIDES/HERBICIDES Survey pesticide and herbicide uselworlc with Cooperative Extension and County with available data to modify future monitoring and education plans. Request County, State, and private land owners/managers to utilize vegetation management practices which protect water quality within the WHPA. 35010 I 'miniDJ11.xlw Implementation Lead Ecology Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors County-Health Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Ecology PUrveyors Purveyors Han Crowser J-3508-01 I Included in the I SKCGWMP No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes Page 6-14 - Table 6-7 -Tasks for Mining Risk Areas Task -SEPA Encourage careful analysis and adequate requirements for siting, operation, and reclaimation of mining in the WHP A during SEPA review. GROUNDWATER Require mine operators to install monitoring wells capable to assess potential impacts from site operations for sites within the WHP A. SITE REVIEW Monitor Ecology's progress on the cleanup ofMTCA and LUST sites within the WHPA. Prioritize investigation of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites within theWHPA. Communicate location of the WHP A and wellhead protection concerns to mine [Qllerators. Encourage Ecology and County inspections ofRCRA hazardous waste -generator facilities within the WHP A. Review MTCA, RCRA notifiers, and LUST sites files for sites within the WHPA annually. STORM WATER ..... Review water quality data generated under the general NPDES Storm Water Permit. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/HAZARDOUS WASTE !Document use of hazardous materials in mining support activity - Implementation Lead County Ecology Purveyors Ecology Purveyors Ecology Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Han Crowser J-3508-01 I Included in the I SCKGWMP Yes Yes No No No No No No Page 6-15 Table 6-8 • Tasks for Forestry Risk Areas ,... Task FOREST PRACTICES Inventory forest ownership, the extent of harvesting, and the b.arvestiDg practices used with the WHP A. PESTICIDES/HERBICIDES Request County, State, and private land owners/managers to utilize vegetation management practices which protect water quality within the WHP A. Document the type and amount of herbicide application with focus on transportation corridors, forestry, agriculture, and recreation parcels. Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of pesticides and herbicides according to groundwater monitoring plan. - ..... hnplementation Lead Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Purveyors Hart Crowser J-3508-01 lmcl-md<l SKCGWMP No Yes No No Page 6-16 - Table 6-9 -Management Strategies Management and Cooperative Land Use Regulatory On-going WIIP Evaluate Special WeD driUing steering group Protection Area oversight at Coumy designations level Land management activities (BMPs) Hydrogeologic evaluations for developments which trigger SEPA Septic tank insWlation documemation aod mairuenance - ,..... - Planning Emergency rcspoD$C plannillg for sewer breaks Farm pl>nning Stonn water management Emergency response pl>nning for peaoleum pipeliDe failure Emeflency response for transportation incidents within tbc WIIPA Re-route hazardous materials aansponation Data Management Groundwater monitoring within the smdy area Locau: and inventory abandoned wells Survey herbicide and pesticide usc Inspect and monitor dry wells Locau: and inventory USTs Han Crowser J-3508-01 Education Target public education programs 10 WIIPA Page 6-17 - - - 7.0 MONITORING PLAN Hart Crowser J-3508-01 This monitoring plan is developed based on current understanding of the hydrogeology around the City • s Springs sources and the land use and potential contaminant concerns identified within the WHPA. A groundwater monitoring program for the source springs and wells (outside of Department of Health rules) is proposed to measure groundwater quality degradation and allow early detection of groundwater quality changes. Monitoring provides a means of identifying trends and detecting problems before they reach the wellhead. Monitoring data can support protective regulatory actions and allow mitigative measures to be enacted before the wells are impacted. Focused hydrogeologic studies are also recommended for some areas where uncertainties exist in understanding the groundwater travel pathways. These studies will help the City more accurately interpret the monitoring data and provide a framework for refmement of the regional groundwater model. The data collection and monitoring are an important part of regional groundwater management as they provide the basis for making appropriate groundwater-related decisions that ensure the long-term water quality and quantity. 7.1 Water Level and Water Quality Monitoring Recommendations Groundwater monitoring includes water level measurement and groundwater quality sampling and analysis. Water level data are used to defme flow directions and gradients and to detect seasonal and other temporal variations in groundwater flow. These data help defme the migration pathway of any detected contaminants. Groundwater quality data collected from selected wells and streams can help identify any water quality degradation and serve as an early warning of water quality changes. Together these data can be used to identify a problem and assess the impact to the water supply. Surface water monitoring is also recommended to characterize bedrock nmoff quality, particularly around mining areas, and to better characterize the groundwater-surface water interactions. In the eastern study area bedrock outcrops are believed to generate runoff that infiltrates the aquifer within the Clark and Kent Springs Zones 1 and 2. Surface water monitoring includes measurement of flow and water quality sampling. Elevation data should be collected at all groundwater and surface water monitoring points. Sentinel wells located near the protection zone boundaries can help to detect degradation in time to allow response. The water quality parameters selected for monitoring should include general indicators and specific analyses based on local land uses. Where possible, existing wells should be used for monitoring. Use of an existing well network is not only cost effective but helps to involve the community in understanding and protecting their water supplies. It will be necessary to inventory the areas planned for monitoring, ftnd a well that's properly constructed and in the aquifer, and develop an agreement with the well owner for long-term access. If wells do not exist in recommended areas, then new wells dedicated to monitoring can be installed. Area" specific monitoring is discussed below. Page 7-1 - -7.1.1 Annstrong Springs Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Develop Four Sentinel Well System. Within Armstrong Zone 1, four (4) monitoring wells are recommended to serve as sentinel wells, providing an early warning of water quality changes. Three wells would be located within Zone 1, and one well would be located within Zone 2. Recommended locations for the wells are shown on Figure 7-1 and the rationale is outlined below. ~ The north well would be situated in an area northeast of Armstrong Springs on the Zone 1 boundary. In this location, limited data indicate the protective till layer may be absent between ground surface and the aquifer. Additionally, this area is located near Highway 18 and within the King County Urban Growth Boundary and will be useful for monitoring non- point sources such as runoff and pesticides. The existing database indicates there may be several wells in this area already that could be pursued as potential monitoring wells (See 30A1 and 30B01 on Figure 7-1). ~ The east well would lie along Kent Kangley Road on the Zone 1 boundary. This location monitors for transportation corridor issues and lies within commercial land use zoning. The highway right-of-way provides a good location for locating a new well. ~ A third well is recommended for Armstrong Zone 1 and would lie along Kent Kangley Road between the Armstrong Springs property and the Zone 1 boundary. A well is recommended in this area because of the high density commercial and residential development and to assist with better identification of groundwater flow patterns around Armstrong Springs. Again, the well could be located within the highway right-of-way. ~ A fourth well would be situated on the Zone 2 boundary just downstream of Kent Springs. This well would be located near the railroad and on the Urban Growth boundary and would monitor for water quality changes. Water Quality Parameters. Water samples collected from the sentinel wells should be analyzed for general water quality parameters twice a year. The general water quality analyses should include field testing for pH, specific conductivity, and temperature, and laboratory testing for bacteria, nitrates, chloride, lead, turbidity, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. Because of the urban land use of the area and the number of regulatory database sites listed in the vicinity we also recommend an annual monitoring for volatile organic compounds including· both the aromatics and halogenated compounds and pesticides. Focused Hydrogeologic Study in Armstrong Springs Area. A focused hydrogeologic study is recommended in the Armstrong Springs area to better characterize the flow patterns, the relationship of Jenkins Creek with the aquifer, and the potential for impact from the contaminant database sites identified near the springs. The study should include detailed review of Ecology · files on the contaminated sites located in this area, noting particularly if monitoring wells already exist for some of these sites, the current monitoring plan for those wells, and any remediation planned. Areas for focused studies are also shown on Figure 7-1. Page 7-2 Han Crowser J-3508-01 We also recommend a focused study of the flow patterns to the northeast of Armstrong Springs. For this study we would develop a water level measurement network using existing wells and survey the elevations of the wells in the network. The wells used for this study should be included along with another 5 to 10 additional wells, as possible. The water levels should be measured at least quanerly for several years. These data will help determine where the groundwater divide is between the Cedar River and the Soos Creek system and will be needed for future model updates and regional groundwater management decisions. 7.1.2 Kent Springs Coordinate with Covington's Lake Sawyer Monitoring. Monitoring for the Kent Springs area should include coordination with Covington to share data and avoid duplication of efforts. The Lake Sawyer Wellhead Protection Plan (Robinson and Noble et al., 1995) proposes monitoring of 21 wells, 4 of which are referred to as sentinel wells because they are planning expanded water quality sampling of these. They have also proposed monitoring at 6 surface water locations. The monitoring plan we recommend for the Kent Springs is consistent with Covington's plan as follows: ~ The Four Sentinel Wells proposed for the Lake Sawyer wellfield will provide adequate information to identify any regional water quality degradation that may be occurring. These wells include one near the Zone 1 boundary, one well between Zones 1 and 2, and two wells near Zone 2 boundary (See Figure 7-1). Existing wells are proposed for use at these monitoring locations. Information on the well owner is presented in the Monitoring Well Network Plan of the Covington WHPP report (Robinson & Noble, 1995). ~ The Six Surface Water Monitoring Points planned will be useful for evaluating impacts from mining and forestry activities as well as provide information on aquifer recharge rates. The surface water monitoring points include a monitoring location at Lake Sawyer, Ravensdale Lake, and Lake Retreat, along with monitoring of surface water flows from three drainages; the Ravensdale Draw (Reserve Silica Mine area), the Retreat Draw west of Retreat Lake, and the Sugarloaf Draw southeast of Retreat Lake as shown on Figure 7-1. Review of the data from the other 17 wells planned for monitoring by Covington will also be useful, panicularly for the focused hydrogeologic study work and future modeling as part of a regional groundwater management. Again, cooperative and coordinated efforts are recommended for all the monitoring activities associated with the Kent Springs and the Clark Springs protection areas in conjunction with Covington's Lake Sawyer monitoring. Monitoring in Addition to Covington's Lake Sawyer Plan. We recommend the following additions be made to the Covington's monitoring plan for the Kent Springs: ~ Monitor Ravensdale Lake at the outlet in a location where lake discharge to Ravensdale Creek can also be measured. These data can indicate any water quality impacts from the Page 7-3 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Lake on the aquifer as well as provide valuable data on surface water-groundwater interactions for future modeling efforts. .. Include flowrate measurements at the three surface water quality data collection locations (Draws). These data will be needed to help establish recharge rates for the eastern area. .. Establish a water quality and flow rate monitoring point on Rock Creek near the Zone 2 boundary. These data can provide information on the interaction of Rock Creek and the aquifer as well as early warning of water quality changes from mining and forestry activities. .. Monitor for metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in the surface water samples in addition to the parameters planned by Covington because of the mining activities in these areas. Focused Hydrogeologic Study of Retreat Lake and Zone 2/3. A focused study of the hydrogeology within the outer half of Zone 2 and Zone 3; particularly around and south of Retreat Lake is recommended. Data collection should include elevation control on wells and measurement of water levels, and information on hydraulic conductivity gained from pumping tests. Covington's Lake Sawyer plan includes water level monitoring in six wells around Retreat Lake. Collection and use of these data should be a coordinated effort between Covington and Kent. To better understand the effect of Lake Sawyer on recharge to the aquifer and provide a better water balance for the regional model we recommend monitoring the flow out of Lake Sawyer to Covington Creek. 7.1.3 Clark Springs Coordinate with Kent Springs/Lake Sawyer Monitoring. The data being collected for the Kent Springs/Covington Lake Sawyer wellhead protection within Zones 2 and 3 will also be useful for understanding the groundwater conditions at the Clark Springs facility. In addition to the monitoring discussed above, we recommend the following specific monitoring for the Clark Springs area. Develop 1 Sentinel Well. Share data with Covington on the two wells proposed in the Georgetown area (CWD Ravensdale and Bremmeyer wells) and the 6 proposed for the Retreat Lake area and develop I more; at the Zone 1 boundary as shown on Figure 7-1. Establish Surface Water Quality Monitoring Plan. Surface water quality data are currently being collected as part of the Landsburg Mine Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RifFS). We recommend monitoring the progress and data collected for this investigation which includes monitoring of a seep near the south portal of the Rogers No. 3 mine. As part of the wellhead protection program, Ecology should be requested to continue monitoring the seep to identify any long-term break-through of contaminants identified in the abandoned mine area. The surface water flowrates should be measured as well as water quality. The approximate location of the seep is shown on Figure 7-1. Page 7-4 Han Crowser J-3508-01 We recommend establishment of a monitoring point on Rock Creek upstream of the Clark Springs property. This location should be selected in cooperation with King County so that any on-going monitoring of streamflow and water quality is understood and the data shared as appropriate. Focused Hydrogeologic Study in Clark Springs Area. We recommend a focused water level monitoring study in the north-half of Section 30 as shown on Figure 7-1 to establish the groundwater divide in this area. This study will require establishing 8 to 10 existing wells as monitoring points and making quarterly measurements in these wells for several years. In addition, we also recommend performing pumping test on selected wells to better quantify estimates of groundwater flow to the Cedar River in this area. The focused study recommended for the Kent Springs area in the vicinity of Retreat Lake will also be useful for the-Clark Springs area. 7.2 Future Model Refinement The data collection recommended above can provide the basis for refmement of the numerical model developed for this project. Long-term aquifer management will require this type of tool for decision-making purposes and many of these data are essential for better calibration of the model. With a regional groundwater flow model, better decisions can be made. These decisions might relate to a water quality concern that becomes apparent during monitoring or decisions about developing a new water supply well. Section 3.0 and Appendix B provide additional information on the model that currently exists and discussions on future model refmement needs. Page 7-5 I. Q v Q 0 r 0 8 v II '" '2:. ·-N '-v ~o ~~ "'"' Groundwater Monitoring Plan Map E9 :a.~ ~ @ Proposed Monitoring Well Locations Sentinel Wells Planned for Covington's Lake Sawyer WHPP Proposed Surface Water Monitoring Location ~ Areos for Future Focused Hydrogeologic Study ., ' , ~--,~yj I 'ZTE01 0 4000 8000 Scale in Feet 8!3 ~~ J-3508-01 Figure 7-1 11/95 ·.,. 8.0 SPll..L RESPONSE 8.1 Introduction Han Crowser J-3508-01 The purpose of this section is to outline spill response procedures and capability for the WHPA. To conduct this evaluation, major spill response organizations were identified. Local response organizations were contacted to determine their response capabilities, back-up assistance, and general understanding of wellhead protection issues. Spill events can be large or small and can consist of highly toxic to inert materials. Events can occur under conditions and in locations which are easily contained or where time is plentiful, or can be such that surface water, waterways, or groundwater are under immediate threat. This range has prompted a spill response (and emergency response) system which is nationwide in scope, which can involve federal agencies, yet one which is designed to handle the more common, small scale (yet potentially dangerous) spills. This assessment takes into account this range of systems. However, the ability of the City to affect the protocols and procedures of the national and state response systems is limited. Also, the majority of spills are small and require local response. Therefore, for the purposes of this effort, focus is given to local response capabilities and needs associated with these local response systems. 8.2 National, State, and Local Spill Response Plans Spill response planning has been ongoing throughout King County (County) and within Washington State for many years. As a result, there are many plans in existence, each focusing on a specific geographical area or type of substance. In addition, parties involved in the storage and transportation of hazardous materials have been required to develop contingency plans. Each of these contingency plans should be consistent with each other, and fit within the context of the response plans listed and described below. The following spill responses are in effect in Washington State and cover inland, or non-marine areas, such as wellhead protection areas and aquifer recharge areas: .. National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution and Contingency Plan (NCP) -prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); .. Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan for Federal Region 10 (RCP) - prepared by Region 10 of EPA; .. Washington Statewide Master Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill Contingency Plan - prepared by Ecology; .. Washington State Emergency Response Plan-prepared by the Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED); and .. Local Emergency Response Plans-prepared by city and county governments. Page 8-1 8.3 Spill Response Organizations Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Depending on the magnitude of the spill event, numerous organizations at all levels of government, some voluntary organizations, and the private sector may have a role in spill response and cleanup. Each of the plans mentioned above describes the relationship and roles of these organizations in terms of the particular concern. Some of the organizations listed below might be, depending on the size and nature of the release, involved in a spill response in WHPA. Spill response plans stress that spill response procedures be effectively executed. For that to be accomplished, each party must be fully aware of their specific roles and responsibilities. Moreover, there must be an understanding of the roles of other parties involved in response activities, as well as effective coordination, cooperation, and communication among responding agencies, organizations, and individuals. The discussion below briefly summarizes the organizations that may be involved in spill response within the WHP A and describes their roles and responsibilities. The discussion below is organized in order from federal to local jurisdictions. 8.3.1 Federal Spill Resoonse Teams The EPA has primary responsibility for spills that occur on inland U.S. waters not under USCG jurisdiction, and all land spills. As directed by the NCP, the EPA is pre-designated as on-scene commander (OSC) for spills occurring under its jurisdiction. The EPA may call on the following response teams to assist them in responding to a spill. National Response Team. The National Response Team (NRT) consists of representatives from the various federal agencies (such as EPA, the US Coast Guard, Fish and Wildlife Service, etc). It serves as the national body for planning and preparedness actions prior to a spill and as an emergency advisory center when a spill occurs. Regional Response Team. The Regional Response Team (RRT}, consisting of representatives from selected federal and state agencies, performs fUnctions similar to those performed nationally by the NRT. Essentially, the RRT is the regional body responsible for planning and preparedness before an oil spill occurs, and provides advice to the OSC following such incidents. Technical Assistance Team. The Technical Assistance Team (TAT) is a contractor used by the EPA Region 10 Office to provide technical oversight for spill response. Requests for the TAT are made via the EPA. Once on site, the TAT will report the situation to the EPA duty officer who then decides whether an EPA OSC needs to be on scene. EPA Environmental Response Team. The Environmental Response Team (ERT), based in Edison, New Jersey, is established to advise the OSC and RRT on environmental issues surrounding spill containment, cleanup, and damage assessment, with personnel expertise in areas such as treatment technology, biology, chemistry, hydrology, geology, and engineering. Page 8-2 - 8.3.2 State Spill Resoonse Organi711iinns Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Department of Ecology. Ecology is the lead state agency for environmental pollution response within the State of Washington. As such, it has pre-designated the state OSC and the Incident Commander (IC) for many spills occurring in state jurisdiction. In the event of a spill occurring on a state highway, Ecology coordinates with the Washington State Patrol (State Patrol), which assumes responsibility as IC, and Ecology acts as the lead agency responsible for cleanup activities. Ecology may utilize the following spill response teams or coordinate with the following state organizations. Ecology Spill Response Team. The Ecology Spill Response Team consists of Ecology regional office personnel. This team is responsible for determining the source, cause, and responsible party, as well as initiating enforcement action as appropriate. Additional responsibilities include ensuring containment, cleanup, and disposal are carried out adequately. The team coordinates its actions with other state, federal, and local agencies. Natural Resource Damage Assessment Team. The resource damage assessment program is an Ecology-led effort designed to organize the state natural resource trustee agencies into an effective resource damage assessment ask force. The state Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) team consists of representatives from Ecology, the Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW), the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED), and the Department of Health (DOH). In the event of a major pollution event which damages natural resources, this committee's mission is to organize personnel, materials, and equipment necessary to conduct reconnaissance evaluations and initiate detailed assessments of natural resource damages. State Patrol. The State Patrol acts as the designated Incident Command Agency for incidents on interstate and state highways, and other roads and jurisdictions as delegated. When a spill occurs on a state highway, Ecology joins the Unified Command and acts as the lead agency for cleanup response. Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED)-Emergency Management Division. Washington State Emergency Management Division (EMD) is responsible for the following: ... Developing and maintaining a state Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. ... Maintaining a 24-hour capability to receive notification of incidents and request for assistance and initial notification to local, state, federal response agencies. ... Activating the state Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as needed to coordinate state resource identification and acquisition in support of Ecology response. ... Providing Public Information Officer (PIO) support to the Incident Command. ... Maintaining an updated list of NRDA team members submitted by participating agencies. ... Maintaining and updating a notification list of local, state, and federal agencies involved in emergency response. Page 8-3 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 .. Coordinating the procurement of state resources for use by the OSC or as requested by local EMD or other designated local response agency or state response agencies. .. Participating in the NRDA team. Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). The DFW is a state agency with trustee responsibilities for wildlife, game fish, food fish, non-game fish, shellfish, and associated habitats. The agency is also responsible for state facilities (hatcheries, properties, launching ramps, and related facilities), and assorted equipment. Of special concern are high-value habitats which may be used as nursery grounds for fish or wildlife. Department of Health (DOH). The DOH has the responsibility for beach closures for human health and safety purposes, public health concerns from contaminated food supply (e.g., shellfish), and general health-related matters for the safety of the public. In addition, DOH is to render all appropriate laboratory support and services to the OSC. DOH is a participant in the NRDA team. Department of Transportation (DOT). The Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT) may provide traffic control, equipment, and personnel for non-hazardous cleanup activities on state and interstate highways. The DOT may provide and mobilize equipment necessary in a major spills incident. 8.3.3 Local Remonse Local governments have a duty to be prepared for all disaster emergencies. The county's Emergency Management Division (EMD) is charged with establishing Local Emergency Planning Districts (LEPD) and Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) to facilitate planning efforts. LEPCs have the responsibility to create local emergency response plans. General requirements for local response plans are contained in Title m of the Superfund Amendments and Re- authorization Act of 1986 (SARA). Generally, local agencies, particularly fire services and law enforcement agencies, can be activated to provide emergency response services when there is a threat to life and property. Emergency response services may include: fire and explosion controls investigation and documentation, perimeter control, evacuation, traffic controls, and initial containment or even removal, depending on the nature of the incident. The "first responders" for the majority of spills are these local entities. They provide for immediate protection of health, property, and the environment. It is this group of responders who determine the need for additional assistance and mobilization of the additional resources provided by the state and federal government. Local Spill Response Capability for the City of Kent WHPA. Local response to hazardous material spills is under the jurisdiction of local flre departments or districts. Local spill response for the WHPA is handled by Fire District Nos. 37, 43, and 17, as illustrated on Figure 8-1. Page 8-4 Han Crowser J-3508-01 Two additional Fire Districts (Nos. 44 and 47) are also shown in the study area but fall outside the WHPA. These districts rely on the City of Kent HAZMAT team for hazardous materials response. Currently, the City of Kent has a mutual aid agreement with Fire District No. 43, and an agreement is under consideration with District Nos. 17 and 37. The City of Kent has prepared a Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan. The Plan which is included as Appendix D contains the following information: .. Legal and regulatory authority; .. Map of high risk areas and list of facilities which require an emergency response plan; .. Operations plan; .. List for notification of response agencies; .. Incident information summary sheet; .. Public information/communication procedures; .. Resource list; .. Health and safety procedures; .. Containment and cleanup procedures; and .. Training requirements. 8.3.4 The Responsible Party The primary responsibility for assessing, responding to, and containing an oil spill or discharge falls upon the individual, agency, and/or company responsible for the spill incident. The responsible party (RP), whether there is an approved contingency plan or not, is responsible for containment and cleanup of the spill, disposal of contaminated debris, restoration of the environment, and payment of damages. State and federal Jaw specifically require that the removal of a discharge of oil or hazardous substance should be immediate. Page 8-5 - - - -a. ca ::E r:: 0 ·--(.) -·-b U) ·-... -:::s ...., CD U) -r:: 0 a. U) -CD a: ---·-~ U) --(.) ·;: -U) &+Q ·-0 e ~"3 ~~ ·-ll.. .. .. HMlTCROWSER J-3508-01 11/95 Figure 8-1 - - 9.0 KENT WHPP CONTINGENCY OPTIONS 9.1 Introduction Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Subsection 1428(a)(5) of the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act specifies that State WHP programs require public water systems develop contingency plans " ... for the location and provisions of alternative drinking water supplies for each public water system in the event of well or wellfield contamination. . . " Contingency plans are also required by the State of Washington under the Water System Plan (CWSP) pursuant to Chapter 246-290-100 WAC and the Small Water System Management Program under Chapter 246-290-410 WAC. Contingency plans are considered important because, even with careful planning, unforeseen incidents can occur. A proper contingency plan helps ensure that the City is prepared to respond to an emergency situation. Equally important is the fact that, should the City not be able to identify economically feasible alternatives for its supply, the protection plan and management strategies should be much more stringent. The City of Kent updated its Water System Plan in 1990. As part of that process, overall source and storage of the system were examined to assure that minimum DOH standards were met. The Water System Plan includes: .. History of the current system; .. Description of the existing system including hydraulic analyses, storage facilities, and water supply; .. Water demand projections; .. Evaluation of the expansion options of the existing system's capacity to meet future demands for water in the service area; .. Capital improvement program; and .. Financial plan for future improvements. The above planning requirements have been expanded as part of the state's Wellhead Protection Program (WHPP). Consistent with the SDW A requirements and according to the "Wellhead Protection Program" by DOH, additional contingency planning is being required as part of all future WSPs pursuant to Chapter 246-290 WAC. To meet these WHPP and WSP requirements, the following additional items are now included (Department of Health Wellhead Protection Program Guidance-1993 and 1995): .. Identification of existing or potential interties with other public water systems and evaluation of the ability to deliver water assuming the loss of the largest we!Uwellfield. .. Identification of future potential sources of drinking water and description of quality assurances and control methods to be applied to ensure protection of water quality prior to utilization of potential sources as a drinking water supply. Page 9-1 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 ~ Evaluation of current procedures and the development of recommendations on contingency plans for emergency events. ~ Maintenance of a current list of appropriate emergency phone numbers. The purpose of this section is to address each of these current and proposed contingency plan requirements based on current guidance. The contingency plan developed for the City of Kent has both short-and long-term alternatives. Clark Springs wellfield represents about 40 percent of the City's production capacity (approximately 4 to 6 MGD). The loss of this field, even for a short period of time, would necessitate a series of dramatic changes in system operation and public use patterns. It is assumed that, if a problem is identified in the Clark Springs wellfield, the City must enact a stringent water use restriction policy and institute an extensive public education program to increase customer awareness of the problem and to reduce overall water use. The alternative resource contingency plans for the City of Kent have been divided into the following three categories: 1) short-term; 2) long-term; and 3) permanent replacement. Each of · these is described and expanded in the following sections. 9.2 Short-Term Contingency Plan The short-term plan presumes that Clark Springs wellfield production will be lost for not more than 90 days. This time frame will probably not allow the drilling and/or development of additional wells, particularly considering permitting requirements, to achieve replacement of the 2,800 gpm produced by the Clark Springs wellfield. As a result, the short-term contingency plan is heavily dependent upon the purchase of water from neighboring water districts. The short-term plan consists of the following items. 9.2.1 Activate lnterties Pursuant to Existing Amements Kent has existing intertie agreements with neighboring purveyors that could be enacted in the event of a short-term interruption of the Clarks Spring supply source. These include: ~ An open-ended agreement with the City of Tukwila to provide water on 10 days notice or on an emergency basis. This intertie was envisioned primarily to provide Kent with up to 2 MGD in additional supply to help meet peak demands; ~ An agreement with the Highline Water District (formerly Water District No. 75) for the later to provide continuous water service up to 1.42 MGD on request; ~ An intertie agreement with the City of Renton for up to 6 MGD of supply. The City should ensure that each of these agreements can provide as much water as possible under emergency situations. This option has a minimal up-front cost, but the actual cost of the water used may be substantially higher than the City's current costs for water, especially if Page 9-2 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 -purchased under emergency conditions. These existing intertie agreements should be able to compensate for the total loss of the Clark Springs wellfield production, at least in the short-term. This contingency item would presume a concurrent maximum conservation effort. - 9.2.2 Activate lnterties with Other Area Purvevors There are existing interties with the Soos Creek Water and Sewer District (formerly Water District No. 58) and the City of Auburn which could be activated. An intertie exists with Soos Creek SE 227th Street and 113th Avenue SE. Although no agreement governing its use has been pursued, the possibility could be further explored. An intertie with the Auburn Water System exists via the dissolution of Water District No. 87 but no agreement has been executed. Because of the hydraulics of the system, the flow from this intertie is only about 200 to 300 gpm. The City could explore the possibility of obtaining additional emergency supplies through these sources by establishing intertie agreements and evaluating the infrastructure upgrades which would be required to use the interties under emergency conditions. 9.3 Long-Term Contingency Plan The long-term plan presumes the Clark Springs production will be lost for a period of up to three years. For this scenario, it is presumed that other sources could be brought on-line which are more economical or more consistently available than those presented in the short-term contingency plan. It is also presumed that the long-term plan would be used to offset the emergency use authority under which most of the short-term usage would be based. Options discussed below include installation of a treatment system and replacement with new sources. 9.3.1 Treatment and Use of the Clark Springs The City could establish a testing program to evaluate the potential for removing the contaminant from the groundwater and then using the treated water as a potable water supply. This option may involve a relatively high cost in the evaluation of the treatment alternatives and construction of the treatment facilities. 9.3.2 Clark Springs Replacement Should the circumstance that led to the closure of the Clark Springs be located sufficiently downgradient in the current wellfield capture zone, it may be possible to perform a groundwater exploration and production program in the upper capture zone to identify areas where non- contaminated groundwater could be produced. The Georgetown area is considered a potentially productive source although limited by seasonal precipitation lows. The Covington Water District currently has a supplemental well in this area that reportedly has limited capacity some years during the dry season. More detailed investigation such as seismic and test drilling surveys would be needed farther out in the capture zone area prior to pursuing any other groundwater development in this area. This option would also involve significant transmission main costs and land acquisition costs, although transferring existing water rights to the new facility is like! y feasible. Page 9-3 9.3.3 Other GroundwqJer Source Exploration Hart Crowser J-3508-01 The following groundwater exploration has occurred in the Kent area. These sites could be considered as potential sources for long-term contingency supply. .. The Ravensdale area and west to the Kent Springs source is considered a potentially productive aquifer area because of its geological setting. However, the site has not been adequately explored. Development of an additional source in this area is currently being considered to fully utilize the water rights for the Kent Springs source. .. Another possible source of water could be provided by wells drilled at the site of the proposed storage impoundment. A hydrogeologic study of the site indicated a potential year- round flow of about 900 gpm (1.3 MGD); however, the water had unacceptably high levels of manganese, iron, and turbidity, and so would require treatment. It is not considered an economically attractive source, however, may be a considered as a long-term contingency source. .. Another possible source is the Ranney well field explored for on a bend of the Green River near the former confluence of the Green and White Rivers. Tests have indicated a potential yield of 10 MGD, however, because the water is hydraulically connected to the Green River, production would be tied to the Green River low flow regulations. With production limited to 7 months out of the year, capacity would be limited to an average annual yield of 5. 8 MGD if storage is provided to offset pumping restrictions during low flow periods. 9.3.4 Current Water Rights Moratorium It may be difficult to develop new water sources that require obtaining new water rights. Ecology has placed what is essentially a moratorium on issuance of new water rights for the Soos Creek Basin as a result of its recent Green/Duwamish River Basin Assessment. This basin assessment closes the Green-Duwamish River Basins to further groundwater appropriations because of critical low flows in streams (including Soos Creek) during the late summer/fall period. At the current large-scale level of assessment, all wells within the Covington upland are assessed to be hydraulically connected to local streamflows which eventually end up in the Green-Duwamish system. A data collection and monitoring program as outlined in Section 7.0 will be needed to better assess the inter-relationship of groundwater and surface water. These data provide the framework for refinement of the regional groundwater flow model that can be used as a tool for making future decisions on additional groundwater development. 9.4 Permanent Replacement Contingency Plan In the event that the Clark Springs Source is lost to production for a period of longer than three years, it is probable that the City may consider the wellfield permanently lost. As a result,· it would be advisable to seek a permanent transfer of the water certificate to the appropriate Page 9-4 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 supplies developed under the short-or long-term plans. The viability of other groundwater sources will be based on having developable amounts of water and the cost of bringing that water into the distribution system. Additionally, the current water rights situation (discussed above) could make it very difficult to develop new sources. Other, more specific, permanent alternatives concern conjunctive use options. These options generally involve the development of a storage mechanism to allow the City to collect and store winter surplus water for use during the drier summer months. These types of projects are generally large in scale and could require regional participation. Several potential alternatives are discussed below. 9.4.1 Aquifer Storage and Recovery The City could explore for an aquifer that is capable of storing excess winter water until it could be utilized during the summer. At the present time, no such aquifers have been explicitly defmed in the Kent area, although there is the possibility that such an aquifer exists around the Ravensdale area. This type of project has a high degree of infrastructure cost and would require a substantial degree of permitting. Additionally, a source of reliable surplus winter water must be identified and transported to the storage aquifer. 9.4.2 Surface Reservoir Storage The City has identified a site suitable for the construction of a surface reservoir to hold excess winter water for later use. The land has been purchased and the soils investigation completed for development of a surface water impoundment. The need for a permanent water supply replacement could propel completion of this project. The City's transmission main runs through this area, as does Tacoma's Pipeline 5. The reservoir would be designed to work conjunctively with the Ranney wellfield development, or one of the other potential groundwater sources discussed above. Pipeline #5 could also be called on to provide permanent replacement should the need arise. 9.5 Contingency Procedures and Emergency Phone Numbers Contingency procedures for fires, earthquakes, chlorine gas leaks, mechanical failures, bomb threats, major power outages, personnel accidents or illness, and subzero weather are included in the WSP starting on page 152. Emergency phone numbers are also included on page 151 of the WSP. Page 9-5 - 10.0 REFERENCES Han Crowser J-3508-01 Brown and Caldwell, 1978. Cedar River Well Field Study, Final Report, Prepared for the Seattle Water Department, November 1978. City of Kent, Department of Public Works, 1990. Water System Plan. City of Kent, 1991. Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan. EPA, 1991. Managing Groundwater Contamination Sources in Wellhead Protection Areas: A Priority Setting Approach. Hall, J.B., and K.L. Othberg, 1974. Thickness of unconsolidated sediments, Puget Lowland, Washington: Department of Natural Resources, Geologic Map GM-12. Han Crowser, 1990. Lake Sawyer Hydrogeologic Study, Black Diamond, Washington, prepared for Washington State Department of Ecology, October 5, 1990, J-2484. King County, 1993. Cedar River Current and Future Conditions Report, King County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Division, Seattle, November 1993. King County, 1991. Soos Creek Basin Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement.: Basin Planning Program, Seattle, 330 p. Luzier, J.E., 1969. Geology and Groundwater Resources of Southwestern King County, Washington. Washington State Department of Ecology, Water Supply Bulletin 28. McDonald, M.G., and A.W. Harbaugh, 1988. A Modular Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Groundwater Flow Model, USGS Open-File Report 83-875. Mullineaux, D.R., 1965a. Geologic Map of the Renton Quadrangle, King County, Washington. U.S. Geologic Survey, Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ 405, scale 1:24,000. Mullineaux, D.R., 1965b. Geologic Map of the Black Diamond Quadrangle, King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Quadrangle Map GQ 407, scale 1:24,000. Mullineaux, D.R., 1970. Geology of the Renton, Auburn, and Black Diamond Quadrangles, King County, Washington. USGS Professional Paper No. 672. Robinson & Noble, 1995. Covington Water District Lake Sawyer Wellhead Protection Plan. South King County Ground Water Advisory Committee (SKCGWAC), EES, Inc., Han Crowser, Inc., Pacific Groundwater Group, and Robinson & Noble, Inc., 1989. South King County Groundwater Management Plan, Grant Number 1: Background Data Collection and Management Issues, Volumes I and ll, June 1989. Page 10-1 - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 USGS, 1995. DRAFr Geohydrology and Quality of Groundwater Report for the East King County, Ground Water Advisory Committee. 1995. Vine, J.D., 1969. Geology and coal resources of the Cumberland, Hobart, and Maple Valley quadrangles, King County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 624, 67 p, map scale 1:24,000. Walsh, T.J., 1984. Geology and coal resources of central King County, Washington: Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources, Open-File Report 84-3, scale 1:24,000. Washington State Department of Health (DOH), 1993, Washington State Proposed Wellhead Protection Program, Environmental Health Programs, June 1993. Washington State Department of Health, 1993. Inventory of Potential Contaminant Sources in Washington's Wellhead Protection Areas. Washington State Department of Ecology NWRO, et al., 1995. Initial Watershed Assessment Water Resources Inventory Area 9, Green-Duwamish Watershed, Open-File Report 95-01, January 20, 1995. Zheng, C., 1992. "PATH3D, A Ground-Water Path and Travel-Time Simulator, Version 3.2", S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc. WHPPDFI'.fr Page 10-2 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 APPENDIX A HYDROGEOLOGIC DATA ANALYSIS - APPENDIX A HYDROGEOLOGIC DATA ANALYSIS Hart Crowser J-3508-01 This appendix presents information on the hydrogeologic data collected and analyzed as part of the wellhead protection area delineation. Specifically we present precipitation data, database and well information, groundwater elevation data, and production information for the City's supply sources. Precipitation Data. Summary and Analysis Monthly total precipitation recorded at Landsburg, Washington, between January 1989 and February 1994 is presented in Table A-1. Landsburg is located approximately 20 miles east of Kent on the Cedar River (Figure 1-1). Precipitation data from the Landsburg station are believed to more accurately represent precipitation trends in the study area than SeaTac data although long-term trends were observed to be similar between the two stations. Figure A-1 graphically depicts monthly total precipitation and the cumulative departure from the average monthly precipitation. The average monthly precipitation was calculated by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The cumulative departure curve on Figure A-1 was calculated beginning in January 1989 as the difference between the recorded total monthly precipitation and the calculated average monthly precipitation. As illustrated on Figure A-1, average monthly total precipitation at Landsburg is approximately 4.8 inches. Annual average precipitation at Landsburg is approximately 58 inches. As indicated by the cumulative departure curve, generally lower than average precipitation was observed at Landsburg beginning in the winter of 1991. The total departure at Landsburg is approximately 20 inches for the two-year period ending in January 1994. Water Level Data. Collection Water level data were collected throughout the study area to provide a better understanding of the groundwater flow and gradients, their variability, and to provide data for flow model calibration. Two rounds of water level measurements were made in a selected set of wells. The computerized database program developed for the SKCGWMP was accessed for well information. Approximately 216 wells were identified within the study area. A subset of these wells were field checked and used in this study for water level measurements. These wells and the available information are presented in Table A-2. Criteria for selection generally included availability of a well log and construction information, accessibility, and location within the aquifer of interest. The plan included collecting a seasonal low water level expected to occur in early Fall and a seasonal high water level expected in the Spring. Water levels were measured over a two-to three-day period between October 19 and 22, 1993, and between April 13 and 14, 1994. In addition to depth to water, elevation was estimated for each well based on USGS 71h-minute Page A-1 Han Crowser J-3508-01 Quadrangle map elevations and altimeter measurements obtained during the period of water level measurement. The water level data are presented in Table A-4. The wells are referenced to the State Plane Coordinate System as· identified in the database with the following exceptions: .,. Several of the wells field-located during this study were assigned a new coordinates based on our relocation of these wells on the study area map. These are noted (f) in Table A-2. ... As a part of this study the City Engineering Department surveyed the Kent Springs Wells I and 2. These wells are identified as 33POI and 33P02 on the table and maps. The State Plane Coordinates on these wells can be used as a fixed reference point. Groundwater Elevation Data and Water Level Hydrographs Table A-3 presents monthly water level monitoring data collected from one well at each of the three springs properties between August 1990 and October 1993. Figures A-2 through A-4 present hydrographs for the wells monitored monthly (Well A3 at Armstrong Springs, Well No. 1 at Kent Springs, and Well No. 1 at Clark Springs). Additional data collected by the City of Kent Operations group during routine daily or near daily monitoring of the water supply system are also graphically presented on Figures A-2 and A-3 for Armstrong Springs Well Nos. 1 and 2 and Kent Springs Well No. 1. For comparison purposes, the hydrographs are plotted on the same scale as the precipitation plot (Figure A-1). A review of the hydrographs suggests a slight trend of decreasing water levels in wells at each of the three watersheds possibly as a result of the lower precipitation observed in the area after the winter of 1991. The hydrographs also illustrate seasonal fluctuations in water levels at the three water sheds which amount to approximately 5 feet at Clark Springs and as much as 10 feet at Armstrong Springs and Kent Springs. Table A-4 presents water level monitoring data collected in October 1993 and April 1994 at selected wells distributed throughout the study area. In general the water levels measured . in the Fall of 1993 and Spring of 1994 differ by less than 2 feet. This magnitude of difference may not reflect the range of groundwater elevation fluctuations during wetter years such as those prior to 1991 because of the lower precipitation noted more recently. Figure 2-12 presents a groundwater elevation contour map for the April 1994 water level data. Groundwater Production DaJil The City of Kent Operations group maintains a computer database of monitoring data for each of the Kent properties. Data collected include pumping rate, hours of operation, volume pumped, water levels in selected wells, and limited water quality parameters (pH, chloride concentration, and temperature). Data for each of the supply sources are tabulated in Tables A-5, A-6, and A-7 and summarized graphically on Figures A-5 through A-7. Page A-2 - -Annstrong Springs Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Table A-5 summarizes water production data for the period January 1989 to April1994. Figure A-5 depicts individual and combined total water production from the rwo wells, Nos. 1 and 2, used for groundwater extraction at Armstrong Springs. The rwo wells have generally only been used for meeting additional peak demand in late summer. However, the wells produced approximately 100 million gallons (mg) of water in the fall/winter of 1993/1994. Well No. 2 has been producing water at a higher peak rate of approximately 30 mg per month (roughly 1 million gallons per day [MGD]) compared to approximately 20 mg per month (0.67 MGD) for well No. 1. Production from both wells was down in 1993 compared to previous years. Kent Springs Table A-6 summarizes water production data for the period January 1989 to April 1994. Figure A-6 depicts individual and combined total water production from the rwo wells, Nos. 1 and 2, and the infiltration gallery used for groundwater extraction at Kent Springs. The bulk of the water production is from the infiltration gallery with average yields of approximately 60 mg per month (2 MGD). The rwo wells have generally only been used for meeting additional peak demand in late summer and fall with peak production rates of 40 to 60 mg per month (1.3 to 2 MGD). The calculated 1-year running average total combined production rate suggests a slight decline in production from a high of approximately 90 mg per month in 1991 to approximately 70 mg per month in 1993. CWrk Sorings Table A-7 summarizes water production data for the period January 1989 to April1994. Figure A-7 depicts individual and combined total water production from the three wells, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and the infiltration gallery used for groundwater extraction at Clark Springs. The bulk of the water production is from the infiltration gallery with average yields of approximately 120 mg per month (4 MGD). The three wells were only used for rwo months in 1989. The calculated 1- year running average total combined production rate suggests a slight decline in production from a high of approximately 130 mg per month in 1991 to approximately 110 mg per month in 1993. Page A-3 Table A·l . Landsburg Monthly Total Precipitation Values in inches = Monthly Average Decimal Total Monthly Year Month Date Precioitation Precioitation 1989 I 1989.042 7.46 7.93 1989 2 1989.125 4.1 5.93 1989 3 1989.208 8.31 5.3 1989 4 1989.292 4.46 4.3 1989 5 1989.375 4.15 3.2 1989 6 1989.458 2.29 2.99 1989 7 1989.542 1.08 1.49 1989 8 1989.625 1.12 2.06 1989 9 1989.708 0.85 3.3 1989 10 1989.792 3.15 4.87 1989 II 1989.875 7.34 7.48 1989 12 1989.958 5.93 8.71 1990 I 1990.042 11.07 7.93 1990 2 1990.125 6.23 5.93 1990 3 1990.208 5.42 5.3 1990 4 1990.292 3.35 4.3 1990 5 1990.375 4.57 3.2 1990 6 1990.458 6.66 2.99 1990 7 1990.542 1.48 1.49 1990 8 1990.625 2.95 2.06 1990 9 1990.708 0.28 3.3 1990 10 1990.792 9.71 4.87 1990 11 1990.875 14.66 7.48 1990 12 1990.958 4.65 8.71 1991 I 1991.042 6.87 7.93 1991 2 1991.125 8.59 5.93 1991 3 1991.208 6.21 5.3 1991 4 1991.292 8.62 4.3 1991 5 1991.375 3.02 3.2 1991 6 1991.458 2.15 2.99 1991 7 1991.542 0.54 1.49 1991 8 1991.625 1.85 2.06 1991 9 1991.708 0.1 3.3 1991 10 1991.792 2.1 4.87 1991 11 1991.875 9.68 7.48 1991 12 1991.958 4.59 8.71 1992 I 1992.042 8.14 7.93 1992 2 1992.125 3.9 5.93 Departure from Average -0.47 -1.83 3.01 0.16 0.95 -0.7 -0.41 -0.94 -2.45 -1.72 -0.14 -2.78 3.14 0.3 0.12 -0.95 1.37 3.67 -0.01 0.89 -3 4.84 7.18 -4.06 -1.06 2.66 0.91 4.32 -0.18 -0.84 -0.95 -0.21 -3.2 -2.77 2.2 -4.12 0.21 -2.03 Cumulative Depanure from Average -0.47 -2.3 0.71 0.87 1.82 1.12 0.71 -0.23 -2.68 -4.4 -4.54 -7.32 -4.18 -3.88 -3.76 -4.71 -3.34 0.33 0.32 1.21 -1.79 3.05 10.23 6.17 5.11 7.77 8.68 13 12.82 11.98 11.03 10.82 7.62 4.85 7.05 2.93 3.14 1.11 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page A-4 Table A-I -Landsburg Monthly Total Precipitation = Monthly Total Month 3 4 5 0.89 6 2.09 7 3.16 8 0.86 9 2.35 10 3.24 II 12 1993 I 1993 2 0.49 1993 3 5.85 1993 4 7.05 1993 5 5.15 1993 6 4.32 1993 7 2.87 1993 8 0.94 1993 9 0.04 1993 10 4.31 2.99 1.49 2.06 3.3 4.87 5.93 5.3 4.3 3.2 2.99 1.49 2.06 3.3 4.87 Departure -2.31 -0.9 1.67 -1.2 -0.95 -5.44 0.55 2.75 1.95 1.33 1.38 -1.12 -3.26 -0.56 Cumulative Han Crowser J-3508-01 Page A-5 - - - Table A-2-Summary of Well Construction Data for Wells Monitored State Plane Coordinates (I) Northing Easting in feet in feet 131794 140439 142104 (f) 141509 (f) 141243 141026 141021 (f) 135893 (f) 131922 131309 1695931 128700 (f) 127943 of Kent Well I 128271 (s) of Kent Well 128491 (s) Svedarsky 130231 Lasher 127915 128093 129412 (f) 128046 (f) 22N/06E-26POI of Kent Well 22N/06E-26P02 of Kent Well 22N/06E-26P03 of Kent Well District #43 Well Head Elevation in feetMSL 410 560 510 515 476 517 531 574 599 591 475 525 524 623 617 577 591 577 (s) (s) Han Crowser J-3508-01 Well Depth 138 77 30 50 200 138 106 87 99 52 91 135 160 57 75 72 !55 98 • Screen Elevation 308 305 310 365 468 519 (I) State Plane Coordinates derived from the SKCGWMP database except as nored (f) where relocated based on field observations or (s) where surveyed. (2) Elevation estimated from USGS topography and field altimeter measurements except as noted (s) where surveyed. (3) Owner identified at time of field sampling; may not be same as owner on original Water Well Report. * No log available. 35080 I \kentwell.xls Page A-6 Table A-3. Monthly Monitoring Data from Kent Watersheds Armstrong Springs Kent Springs Well A3 · · 22N/5E · 36AOI Well No. I · • 22N/6E-33POI Date Depth to Groundwater Depth to Groundwater Measured Groundwater Elevation Groundwater Elevation 8/14/90 20.22 349.78 55.81 469.59 -9/17/90 20.26 349.74 51.94 473.46 10/15/90 10.05 359.95 52.68 472.72 11/13/90 8.37 361.63 45.74 479.66 12117/90 7.78 362.22 43.57 481.83 115191 7.54 362.46 44.01 481.39 2112191 8.14 361.86 44.27 481.13 3/15/91 7.56 362.44 43.82 481.58 412/91 8.34 361.66 44.15 481.25 5/17/91 8.71 361.29 46.79 478.61 6/17/91 9.23 360.77 45.44 479.96 7/16/91 20.41 349.59 50.77 474.63 8113/91 20.95 349.05 53.49 471.91 9/16/91 17.45 352.55 49.84 475.56 10122191 19.89 350.11 57.16 468.24 1213/91 16.61 353.39 47.86 477.54 1121/92 9.79 360.21 45.25 480.15 2121/92 8.76 361.24 44.1 481.3 3/19/92 9.14 360.86 44.17 481.23 5/4/92 9.16 360.84 44.69 480.71 6122192 19.97 350.03 46.87 478.53 10/12192 20.22 349.78 51.14 474.26 11/17/92 16.53 353.47 49.53 475.87 1n193 9.92 360.08 45.03 480.37 4127/93 8.71 361.29 44.47 480.93 10/5/93 19.98 350.02 51 474.4 350801\ecology.xls - Clark Springs Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Well No. I · • 22N/6E-26P03 Depth to Groundwater Groundwater Elevation 9.62 550.38 7.94 552.06 9.54 550.46 6.44 553.56 5.06 554.94 4.7 555.3 5.47 554.53 4.65 555.35 6.24 553.76 8.54 551.46 9.43 550.57 9.4 550.6 9.99 550.01 10.14 549.86 7.42 552.58 6.09 553.91 9.73 550.27 6.1 553.9 6.28 553.72 7.72 552.28 10.41 549.59 10.34 549.66 7.24 552.76 8.47 551.53 7.59 552.41 10.15 549.85 Page A-7 "d "' IQ "' > ' ')0 1 1 1 I Table A-4-Groundwater Elevation Data-City of Kent Monitoring Program Well Designation 22N/05E-36AOI 22N/05E-36A03 22N/06E-19K03 22N/06E-20EOI 22N/06E-20GOI 22N/06E-20H03 22N/06E-20H06 22N/06E-201..03 22N/06E-29<JOI 22N/06E-32A02 22N/06E-32H03 22N/06E-32Q03 21 N/06E-04803 21N/06E-04KOI 21 N/06E-04Q03 22N/061!-271'01 22N/06E-33J02 22N/06E-33J04 22N/06E-33NOI 22N/06E-33POI 22N/061!-33P02 22N/06E-34HOI 22N/06E-34QOI 22N/06E-34Q02 22N/06E-34ROI 22N/061!-34R02 22N/06E-25M02 22N/06E-26POI 22N/06E-26P02 22N/061!-26P03 22N/06E-36AOJ 22NI071!-32C03 Elevations in feet MSL 350801\watrlevl.xls Well Head Elevation 370 370 394 450 443 387 395 410 560 510 515 476 538 517 531 574 599 591 475 525 524 623 617 577 591 571 600 560 560 560 620 660 Historic Data Depth to ~~roundwater -~~ate Water (ft) Elevation (ft) Measured Wells Monitored at Annstrong Springs 8.57 361.43 8/12/82 14.73 355.27 8/17/82 14.00 380.00 9118/79 70.00 380.00 114/83 70.00 373.00 5118184 0.00 f 387.14 5n5ns 4.00 391.00 8/27/83 37.00 373.00 8/23/85 107.31 452.69 1/25/63 104.00 406.00 5/1/80 84.00 431.00 9116175 37.00 439.00 10/25171 Wells Monitored at Kent Springs 27.47 510.53 8/16/62 40.00 476.73 10126/83 25.00 506.00 9118175 65.00 509.15 9121179 117.00 481.75 11/26/74 110.00 480.55 11122/77 3.00 472.00 2/18/83 45.25 480.15 I 1117/77 42.00 482.24 12118/77 119.00 504.36 114180 53.00 563.80 6/20178 na na na 40.00 550.55 6/17/80 ·30.00 547.43 6/9183 Wells Monitored at Clark Springs 11.44 588.56 8/16/62 4.00 556.00 1/l/68 4.50 555.50 2/5/68 7.00 553.00 12/1167 10.00 610.00 2/15/82 45.00 615.00 8/16/89 f-Howing well I October 1993 Data April 1994 Data Depth to -~Groundwater Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) Water (ft) 12.75 k 357.25 10.55 k 13.30 k 356.70 11.50 k 11.05 382.95 na 70.83 379.17 69.02 41.70 401.30 39.09 2.75 384.39 0.00 f 4.32 390.68 2.41 20.80 389.20 18.95 188.20 371.80 187.62 105.29 404.71 102.91 109.55 405.45 107.61 36.27 439.73 na 38.00 500.00 32.86 18.20 498.53 14.54 21.37 509.63 18.11 61.88 512.27 56.28 120.10 478.65 115.55 110.76 479.79 107.45 3.17 471.83 2.70 46.44 k 478.96 44.74 k 51.00 473.24 16.80 s 118.35 505.01 115.68 55.46 561.34 53.14 52.96 524.47 50.25 31.44 559.11 28.71 31.94 545.49 29.02 11.50 588.50 9.42 10.15 549.85 7.63 na na 32.90 s na na 37.60 s 27.18 592.82 17.54 38.45 621.55 34.16 s -water level in ft above suction 1 ~~roundwaler Elevation (ft) 359.45 358.5 na 380.98 403.91 387.14 392.59 391.05 372.38 407.09 407.39 na 505.14 502.19 512.89 517.87 483.20 483.10 472.30 480.66 na 507.68 563.66 527.18 561.84 548.41 590.58 552.37 602.46 625.84 k -City of Kent data 1 Change Fall to Spring 2.2 1.8 na 1.81 2.61 >2.75 1.91 1.85 0.58 2.38 1.94 na 5.14 3.66 3.26 5.6 4.55 3.31 0.47 1.7 na 2.67 2.32 2.71 2.73 2.92 2.08 2.52 9.64 4.29 ~ '-< -wr "''"' oc OO;E 6K ........ Table A·S ·Armstrong Springs Water Production Summary Monthly Water Production in Million of Gallons Date Total I Well No. II Well No.2 Jan-89 0.00 0.00 0.00 Feb-89 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mar-89 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-89 0.00 0.00 0.00 May-89 0.01 0.00 0.00 Jun-89 12.60 5.04 7.57 Jul-89 49.09 17.45 31.64 Aug-89 58.84 23.15 35.69 Sep-89 52.12 20.46 31.68 Oct-89 26.31 10.69 15.62 Nov-89 0.92 0.00 0.92 Dec-89 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jan-90 O.ol 0.00 0.00 Feb-90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mar-90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-90 0.01 O.QI O.QI May-90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jun-90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jul-90 33.37 12.54 20.84 Aug-90 49.53 18.18 31.35 Sep-90 42.83 16.43 26.41 Oct-90 19.11 7.34 11.76 Nov-90 1.46 0.57 0.90 Dec-90 0.01 0.00 0.01 Jan-91 0.00 0.00 0.00 Feb-91 0.03 0.01 0.02 Mar-91 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-91 0.00 0.00 0.00 May-91 O.ol 0.00 0.01 Jun-91 0.02 O.QJ 0.01 Jul-91 41.97 14.69 27.28 Aug-91 50.85 19.08 31.77 Sep-91 47.72 18.34 29.38 Oct-91 35.63 13.78 21.84 Nov-91 32.79 11.88 20.91 Dec-91 9.35 0.00 9.35 -Jan-92 0.00 0.00 0.00 Feb-92 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mar-92 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-92 0.00 0.00 0.00 May-92 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jun-92 33.80 10.01 23.78 Ju1-92 44.70 17.11 27.58 Aug-92 49.21 18.67 30.54 Sep-92 42.81 16.18 26.63 Oct-92 38.35 14.03 24.33 Nov-92 30.72 7.57 23.15 Dec-92 9.33 1.07 8.26 1-Ycar Running Average Total 16.66 16.66 16.66 16.66 16.66 16.66 15.61 14.30 13.52 12.75 12.15 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.20 12.20 12.19 12.20 12.20 12.91 13.02 13.43 14.81 17.42 18.20 18.20 18.19 18.19 18.19 18.19 21.01 21.23 21.10 20.69 2Q.92 20.74 20.74 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page A-9 Table A-5 -Armstroag Springs Water Production Summary - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page A-10 .... Table A-6 • Kent Springs Water Production Summary Monthly Willer Production in Millions of Gallons Combined Well Well Total Date Total Gallery No.I No.2 Wells Jan-89 41.11 41.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 Feb-89 43.79 43.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mar-89 64.90 64.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-89 59.70 59.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 May-89 76.82 76.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jun-89 64.69 58.13 2.77 3.79 6.57 Jul-89 109.16 46.79 25.43 36.94 62.37 Aug-89 83.75 36.82 17.57 29.36 46.93 Sep-89 61.44 30.65 11.00 19.79 30.79 Oct-89 81.26 35.17 16.97 29.13 46.10 Nov-89 85.71 35.88 17.67 32.16 49.83 Dec-89 109.53 47.49 25.05 36.99 62.04 Jan-90 129.99 57.37 29.22 43.40 72.62 Feb-90 110.05 49.46 24.10 36.49 60.59 Mar-90 77.16 66.22 4.39 6.54 10.93 Apr-90 71.84 71.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 May-90 75.65 75.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 .... Jun-90 73.36 73.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jul-90 114.31 72.91 22.68 18.72 41.40 Aug-90 87.16 42.81 20.96 23.39 44.35 Sep-90 106.02 47.27 31.30 27.45 58.75 Oct-90 113.95 52.11 32.23 29.61 61.84 Nov-90 90.17 58.19 17.38 14.60 31.98 Dec-90 77.72 77.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jan-91 98.03 98.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 Feb-91 88.00 88.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mar-91 89.50 89.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr-91 95.08 95.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 May-91 98.17 98.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jun-91 74.33 74.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jul-91 108.77 61.29 24.55 22.93 47.48 .... Aug-91 73.92 41.20 4.86 27.86 32.72 Sep-91 65.08 32.82 10.56 21.70 32.26 Oct-91 85.20 32.45 5.12 47.63 52.75 Nov-91 30.90 27.41 1.69 1.80 3.49 Dec-91 78.72 54.37 11.52 12.83 24.35 Jan-92 83.02 83.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 Feb-92 74.90 74.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mar-92 83.86 83.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 Apr·92 79.91 79.82 0.07 0.02 0.09 May-92 78.03 78.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jun-92 80.10 65.74 7.27 7.08 14.36 Jul-92 120.94 61.78 28.87 30.29 59.16 Aug-92 72.26 37.17 5.72 29.38 35.09 Sep-92 46.78 23.39 0.79 22.60 23.39 Oct-92 57.02 29.11 5.84 22.07 27.91 Nov-92 84.35 44.70 18.26 21.39 39.65 Dec-92 56.09 51.38 2.16 2.56 4.72 I· Year Running Averages Total Gallery 73.49 48.10 80.90 49.46 86.42 49.93 87.44 50.04 88.45 51.05 88.35 50.96 89.07 52.23 89.50 54.40 89.79 54.90 93.50 56.29 96.23 57.70 96.60 59.56 93.95 62.08 91.29 65.47 89.45 68.68 90.48 70.62 92.41 72.55 94.29 74.43 94.37 74.51 93.91 73.54 92.81 73.41 89.39 72.20 87.00 70.57 82.06 68.00 82.14 66.05 80.89 64.80 79.80 63.71 79.33 63.24 78.06 61.97 76.39 60.29 76.87 59.58 77.88 59.62 77.74 59.28 76.22 58.49 73.87 58.22 78.32 59.66 76.44 59.41 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Wells 25.38 31.44 36.49 37.40 37.40 37.40 36.85 35.10 34.89 37.22 38.53 37.04 31.87 25.82 20.77 19.86 19:86 19.86 19.86 20.37 19.40 17.19 16.43 14.06 16.09 16.09 16.09 16.09 16.09 16.09 17.29 18.26 18.46 17.72 15.65 18.67 17.Q3 Page A-ll - Table A·6 • Kent Springs Water Production Summary Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page A-12 Table A-7 -Clark Springs Water Production and Streamnow Summary Mar-91 Apr-91 May-91 Jun-91 Jul-91 Aug-91 Sep-91 Oct-91 Han Crowser J-3508-01 Page A-13 - Table A-7 -Clark Springs Water Production and Streamflow Summary Monthly Water Production in Millions of Gallons Combined Date Total Jan-Y3 120.5"/ Feb-93 106.23 Mar-93 129.16 Apr-93 122.63 May-93 90.13 Jun-93 118.34 Jul-93 96.55 Aug-93 118.57 Sep-93 108.88 Oct-93 98.62 Nov-93 113.78 Dec-93 82.98 • Of Combined Total 350801 \clarlcsum.xls !-Year Running Well Average* Gallery No.I 118.Q2 120.57 0.00 117.13 106.18 0.00 117.08 127.32 0.09 117.17 122.56 0.02 114.74 90.09 0.01 114.25 118.24 0.01 112.81 96.51 O.ot 112.91 118.50 O.ot 112.61 108.88 0.00 111.90 98.58 O.ot 112.62 113.77 0.00 108.87 82.98 0.00 Well Well No.2 No.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.52 1.23 0.02 0.03 O.ot O.ot 0.01 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Wells 0.00 0.04 1.85 O.Q7 0.04 0.10 0.04 O.Q7 0.00 0.04 0.01 0.00 Han Crowser J-3508-01 Rock Creek Aow Rate in CFS !-Year Monthly A vg. Running Average Average 10.21 7.79 13.23 7.31 8.51 6.91 14.58 7.16 15.57 7.64 14.12 8.27 10.08 8.73 5.84 8.94 4.62 9.13 4.17 9.30 3.72 9.32 5.22 9.16 Page A-14 Cb 5 t CQ ~ Q ~ ..... .... .! :::s = § .!2 -.!!! 0 Cll c.o ... ~ = ., "' c: ""0 c CQ :l c: () ..... .... CQ .... ..... . s. (,) Cb ct ..... !! ~ ~ ~ c: ~ ··. ~ .... :::.:: ...... . .· ·········.::::: .. ····· -.-.-·.-::::: .. "':::: .........•......... _ .... ·:--=:::····~,;~E-1:.. - . . ~ - ~ - "' "' "' -.. HNri'CROWSER J-3508-D 1 11/95 F/gureA-1 - ac ~0 J~g ouc ~ ....... ~ \ 0 Co 0 t! c c c 9 ~ 8~ "ciS 1!!1 :::t ;;:IIIII .{ ~ .... c • co co 0 0 0 0 ..,. .., .., "' "' - N "' "' - -"' "' - 0 "' "' - "' .. 2: .. .. "" 0 z ~ 0 0 z ~ 0 '"' < ~ I ' HIJRTCROWSER J-3508-D 111/95 FlgureA-2 .... c: ~ 0 aJ .... It) Cl) .... 0 0 Cl) .... It) ,... .... 0 ,... .... It) co .... 0 0 0 ·~ .... "' "' .... "' "' - N "' ~ -"' "' - 0 "' "' - -.. .. '; 0 .. c ·= 0 ·'§ 0 ::; ~ c .E ;; ~ ~ c.. 0 " .: ;; 0 "' 0 • ;; c .. c ·c c -~ 0 ::; ~ i" g 0 ::; ~ -I .J. ' ~ Hl.lRTCROWSER J-3508-01 11/95 Figure A-3 • {' .::: C_ ~ a:::;._, v ~~ 0 "' "' - - - - "" "' "' "' "' "' - -"' "' - 0 "' "' - g; "' - -.. !l • c .. c ·c " '" c " ::!1 :2' " " ::!1 + IIJJRTCROWS'ER J-3508-D 1 11/95 F/gureA-4 J J J l l J l Armstrong Springs Water Production £f .5 1 Il-l ... !! "' ~ ~ ~ ~ '~-i':ICI c:t:~ ~0 ~'f' &to "4- ~~ Combined Total 60 - sol .lll ol Rl 4ol Ill Ill 111 J\1 I I 30 I I I I I I I I II I 91 I I ...... .. ·······'I ... \I 20 I I I I I k I I II r········n.. \ II 1- 10 0 1989 · .. 1990 1991 1-Year Running Average (Cm},iueA lot:.l) •. !'tL), . 1992 1993 I I .. · .... I 1994 1995 I 1f .5 j l f r .!! g I l! ~ >. ~ 0 " J l J , Well No. 1 Production 60 50 40 30 . 20 (\ t\ 10 0 Jh.~ ~ ,., 1998 1991 1991 199) tt9t .... Well No. 2 Production 60 so 40 30 20 l f\ 10 0 I~ '""'" • .. Ill 1!119 1990 '"' 1m rm JPH '"l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I Kent Springs Water Production Combined Total 140 120 r.Jr-ul bll I ~ I I I e 'i' .s 100 c:: I ~--+ ·rJ II I II I A I I .9 . . ~ -p /-····· II •. b R I ~ n 80 R ! \,Pt b I H "V-·· · .. ·• .. l I..!" 13. · .. Rl ' .. ' · ... I) ' !;j 60 ! y; :;: . >. 1.,1 ' :a 1 -40 -I c:: 0 ~ 20 ' 0 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 ~t~l~l §~ • 01 ~~ 0104 ~~ -'B-Gallery Production ~ Tolal Well Production Gallery Production 140 6' 120 .s t g 100 ._, i 80 ~ 60 ~ " 40 ~ 0 ~ >lt. 0 :~ 1/1 'B'\ ~-:r ~ ~ ~ v ~r 'll" hi " 20 0 '-' ' ' 1019 19110 1991 1992 199] ltN Well Production 140 .. e 120 .5 g 100 ., i 80 I 60 " 40 ~ 0 " 20 ~~ Jl X Ill 1\41 -~ ' . .. .. . .. .. t~ ... 0 1919 19110 1991 1992 lm 1 ... 1-Year Running Average (COtnbine4 T otaf) ' 199, 199, ll'r IQC4 §u. •o tt ....... _ ~~ l l l l l Clark Springs Water Production Combined Total 160 bl) e c ·~ 120 c 0 ·.;~ 0 ~ p.. 80 ~ :;:: ~ -40 c 0 ~ 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 ~~ --6--Gallery Produclion ~ Tolnl Well Produclion l I!' .e g ) ~ .. 1994 ~ ~ 160 120 80 40 1l 0 .... ,.., 1-Year Running Average (Combined TGbf) Well Production '"' "" '"' , ... - ,.... Hart Crowser J-3508-01 APPENDIXB GROUNDWATER MODELING PROCEDURES - APPENDIXB GROUNDWATER MODELING PROCEDURES Hart Crowser J-3508-01 This appendix discusses procedures used for developing the groundwater flow and capture zone evaluation model. For this modeling work we used the U.S.G.S. MODFLOW code (McDonald and A.W. Harbaugh, 1988) for groundwater flow simulation and PATH3D (Zheng, 1992), a discrete particle tracking code, for capture zone evaluation. Both computer codes are recognized in the literature as standards for this kind of work. We obtained these particular versions MODFLOW (386/486 Extended Memory Version) and PATH3D (Ver. 3.0) from S.S. Papadopulos & Associates, Inc., of Bethesda, Maryland. Approach and Parameter Selection .We used a hydrogeologic mapping approach to developing the basic model grid for the City's watersheds. We began with development of available geologic information by constructing a map of the surficial geology of the area to identify till and bedrock outcrops (aquifer boundaries) and to identify areas where recessional outwash or other coarse-grained sediments (potential aquifer materials) were likely present (see Figure 2-1). Geologic cross sections were then developed to identify the depth, extent, and nature of aquifer materials in the subsurface. These are presented on Figures 2-2 through 2-11. Groundwater elevation contour maps spanning the three watersheds were developed based on water levels measured in selected wells in October 1993 and April1994. The contouring was based on these water levels, inferred regional boundary conditions, and groundwater flow patterns indicated by similar mapping performed for the South King County Ground Water Management Plan (SKCGWAC et al, 1989). Finally, we approximated the likely areal limits of the aquifers tapped by the Kent production wells based on the location and depth extent of till and bedrock units, sand and gravel horizons, and rivers and lakes (most importantly the Cedar River and Little Soos Creek). The boundaries of several portions of the model domain were determined by (inferred) bounding groundwater flow streamlines. Figure B-1 shows the model grid and associated boundaries. Conceptual Basis for Numerical Model For the purposes of assessing wellhead protection capture zones, we established a numerical representation of the groundwater flow system. For the model, water-bearing zones above the Qf(2)/Qf(3) fmc-grained horizons were represented as a single vertically homogenized water- bearing zone. This is incorrect in some places where till is present between layers of recessional gravels (Qvr) and older sands and gravels [Qc(2)] but probably does not introduce significant error into the model because the Qvr is often unsaturated in those areas. -Potential water-bearing zones below the Qf(2)/Qf(3) fmc-grained horizons in the western part of the model grid and bedrock underlying the eastern part of the model grid were not explicitly Page B-1 - - - - - - - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 represented in the model. We did this to simplify the overall model. Because a generally downward vertical gradient appears to exist between the shallow aquifer zone and deeper water- bearing zones, any vertical groundwater flow component is probably downward. As discussed in the SKCGW AC, groundwater in the deeper water-bearing zones most likely drains to the Green and Cedar Rivers. Downward groundwater flow to deeper water-bearing zones could have been represented explicitly by adding one or more additional layers to the model. Instead, because the downward flow appears to simply exit the shallow aquifer zone, we represented this component by simply reducing the areal recharge by an amount equivalent to the downward loss. The results of the unpublished USGS recharge model indicated that on the average some 2 inches of the total annual precipitation fmds its way down to the deeper water-bearing zones from the shallower water-bearing zones. We used no flow cells (cells in which head and flow are not computed) to represent bedrock and till outcrops in the eastern portion of the model domain. Because of the large difference between the hydraulic conductivity of the outwash deposits and till or bedrock, horizontal groundwater flow in these units should be negligible. The low permeability units are more important for their effect on flow directions and rates in the adjacent outwash deposits, e.g., channeling flow through the Clark Springs area. An implicit assumption of this approach is that the till outcrops in the eastern portion of the model domain are underlain by bedrock which, as noted above is assumed to discharge out of the model domain to the Green and Cedar River. In fact, some portion of the precipitation recharge infiltrating the till probably infiltrates adjacent outwash deposits. As a result, the model may underestimate the total water budget. If the USGS recharge model results are taken at face value, then the model may underestimate the water budget over the area of the eastern till outcrops. The eastern till outcrops do not cover a large area of the model domain. Coal seams and other conductive horizons within the bedrock may locally increase downward flow above the 2-inch per year average value. The model domain was assumed to be bounded on the east by bedrock outcrops (east of Retreat Lake) and on the west by Soos Creek and its tributaries (the Boundary Conditions Set section describes model boundary conditions in more detail). Groundwater flow is generally from east to west, principally driven by precipitation recharge in the Covington Uplands. Explicit groundwater discharge from the model occurs via Rock Creek and a short stretch of the Cedar River on the north and to Soos Creek and its tributaries on the west. All westward groundwater flow is assumed to be intercepted by Soos Creek and its tributaries (Little Soos Creek and Jenkins Creek). This is consistent with the topography of the area (the basal elevation of Soos Creek is below the bottom of the shallow aquifer zone throughout most of the model domain). Several surface water bodies, namely Covington and Ravensdale Creeks, may play some role in water transfers within the model domain and out of the study area. Because we had no data regarding base flow In these streams, they are not represented in the model. Page B-2 - - - Steady State Model Selected Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Principally because backward particle tracking (tracking a hypothetical contaminant particle from its point of capture at a City extraction well backward to its point of origin) requires a steady state groundwater flow model, the groundwater model is a steady state model. We also simplified the model setup by making all model cells unconfined. Because the water level changes observed at the site during routine monitoring are not substantial, this simplification has little effect on the accuracy of the model. For the model, water-bearing zones above the Qf(2)/Qf(3) fmc-grained horizons were represented as a single vertically homogenized water-bearing zone. This is incorrect in some places where till is present between layers of recessional gravels (Qvr) and older sands and gravels [Qc(2)] but probably does not introduce significant error into the model because the Qvr is often unsaturated in those areas. Spatial variations in aquifer permeability are represented by varying hydraulic conductivity values across the model grid. MODFLOW automatically computes aquifer transmissivity as the product of the hydraulic conductivity and saturated thickness (water level at start of time step minus bottom elevation) for each cell in the model grid. Model Grid Constructed For this study, we developed a model grid consisting of 53 rows and 82 columns in one layer. The grid spans a distance of 55,492 feet from west to east and 27,000 feet from north to south. The row spacings range from 200 feet in the City watersheds to as much as 1,650 feet on the northern boundary of the grid. The column spacings likewise range from 200 feet in the City watersheds to as much as 2,000 feet on the eastern boundary of the grid. Water-bearing materials are represented in the grid by model cells with spatially varying hydraulic conductivity and other properties. Areas where glacial till and bedrock are believed to largely inhibit groundwater flow were represented by inactive cells within the model grid. Figure B-1 presents our model grid with selected boundary conditions. Model Parameters Identified The principal parameters affecting groundwater flow include: .. Hydraulic conductivity; .. Bottom elevation; and .. Precipitation recharge. Because it affects groundwater migration rates, porosity is a significant additional parameter affecting potential contaminant migration rates. Our evaluation of each of these parameters is discussed below. Hydraulic Conductivity. We initially set out to delineate hydraulic conductivity within the modeled region using a combination of aquifer pumping test data, specific capacity data as Page B-3 - - - - - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 reported on driller's logs, and professional judgement based on materials identified on driller's logs and our experience with similar materials at other locations in the Puget Sound area. Much of the available pumping test data and specific capacity data are presented on the subsurface geologic cross sections presented on Figures 2-2 through 2-11. The production well-specific capacity data turned out to be less useful than expected. After reviewing a number of well logs and comparing the specific capacity data to presumably more representative pumping test results, we concluded that the specific capacity results more likely reflected the effects of variations in well completion (continuous slot versus torch cut or open bottom casing) than the effects of variations in aquifer hydraulic properties. In the end, we primarily relied on pumping test results augmented with professional judgement during the model calibration process. Figure B-2 presents the available pumping test data. These data were used in conjunction with Golden Software's SURFER program and the bottom elevation of the aquifer (discussed below) to generate our starting hydraulic conductivity grid. Hydraulic conductivity values used in the model were adjusted during the calibration process described in the Model Calibration section below. Figure B-3 shows the final calibrated hydraulic conductivity distribution as used in model. Bottom Elevation. Aquifer bottom elevation values were calculated for the model by reviewing Ecology well logs from the South King County Ground Water Management Plan database and additional information provided by Robinson & Noble and others to develop a map of the bottom of the shallow water-bearing zones [mainly Qvr and Qc(2)]. For this analysis, individual wells were located on a 1:24000 USGS topographic map of the area. When available, wellhead survey data were used to calculate the bottom elevation based on the depth at which a lower fme-grained unit (typically Qf(2) or Qf(3) in the west study area or Qvt or Tbr in the east study area) was reported on the driller's log. More generally, the wellhead elevation was estimated from the U.S.G.S. topographic quadrangle maps for the study area. Please note that the topography on the 1949 USGS, photorevised 1968 and 1973 Quadrangle map for Maple Valley, Washington, is off by 40 feet relative to field survey data referenced to NGVD and the newer 1983 metric 7 1hx15 minute Quadrangle map for Auburn, Washington. The well locations in Lambert (State-Plane) coordinates and the estimated bottom elevation values were then input into Golden Software's SURFER program to generate a bottom elevation contour map. The bottom elevation values were changed in some places during the model calibration process, principally because of initial data gaps in portions of the eastern third of the model grid and the narrow valley between Ravensdale Lake and Lake Sawyer where fewer well logs were available to review. Figure B-4 illustrates the final distribution of bottom elevation ·used in the model. Precipitation Recharge. Precipitation recharge values for the model were developed in a three- step process. First, we used precipitation data for Landsburg, Washington, to develop a plot of monthly total precipitation versus time. Figure A-1 presents monthly total precipitation for this station for the period 1989 to July 1994. Discussion with David Hartley of the King County Surface Water Management group (Hartley, 1994) indicated that precipitation over the area, including and east of the Clark Springs property, would likely be comparable to that recorded at Page B-4 - - - - - - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 the Landsburg station while precipitation in the western portion of the study area would probably be on the order of 80 percent of that recorded at the Landsburg station. Our next step was a review of the precipitation-recharge relationship developed by the USGS through recharge modeling work conducted for the Covington Upland area for the South King County GWAC. Although the modeling results are in press and not currently available, a relationship between precipitation and recharge, derived from the model results is presented in the DRAFT Geohydrology and Quality of Ground Water report for the East King County area. We initially considered this relationship (See Figure B-6) to estimate groundwater recharge rates for the till and outwash areas in the model. During the model calibration process we reduced the recharge rates to 20 inches in the western area and 30 inches in the eastern area to improve the match between the water budget of the numerical model and our conceptual model of the site. Recharge values for the outwash sands and gravels followed directly from this relationship. In the till-capped bedrock upland areas some portion of the incident precipitation becomes groundwater recharge and a larger portion most likely becomes runoff. Because of their likely low hydraulic conductivity, we assumed that groundwater flow in the till and bedrock upland areas need not be considered in the groundwater model. For areas in which surface water drainage is toward the City's aquifers, the runoff from these upland areas probably does need to be considered. We incorporated the effect of runoff from upland areas by calculating the runoff from upland areas as precipitation minus recharge minus evapotranspiration. Figure B-5 shows the surface water catchment areas associated with the City's aquifers that we treated as Runoff Zones. For this analysis we divided the catchment areas into subregions. Then we took the runoff (runoff rate in feet/day times the subregion area in ff) and distributed this volume over several adjacent active cells in the groundwater model. This approach may not be the most accurate for fmc- scale analysis but does incorporate the basic water balance for the region reasonably well. Table B-1 details the subregions identified, estimated areas, and model cells used to inject the upland runoff into the active portions of the model. Boundary Conditions Set The study area encompasses a relatively complex groundwater flow dotnain which we . represented using noflow, river, and drain nodes. Figure B-1 illustrates boundary conditions used in the model. Noflow Boundaries. Based on our hydrogeologic mapping we identified several areas across which limited groundwater flow occurs. These principally include till and bedrock uplands but also include portions of the southwest and northwest model boundaries across which the groundwater elevation contour maps indicate little potential for groundwater flow. Noflow boundaries are the default in MODFLOW (no flow across model grid boundaries unless specified as constant flux). Irregular noflow boundaries internal to the grid are created making selected cells inactive. Page B-5 - - .... - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 River Boundaries. Portions of the Cedar River, Lake Sawyer, and Soos Creek were represented in the model by means of river node boundary conditions. Figure B-1 shows the locations of river node boundary cells. Table B-2 summarizes the values assigned to each of the nodes. In MODFLOW, each river node has three properties: " Stage; " Bottom elevation; and " Conductance. River node properties can vary with time in MODFLOW, but lacking data to characterize possible variations, we used fixed values for this steady-state simulation. Stage was generally set by reference to elevations presented on the USGS topographic maps for the study area. Information regarding the elevation of Lake Sawyer was obtained from the Lake Sawyer Hydrogeologic Study (Hart Crowser, 1990). Because we generally did not have specific information, bottom elevation for the river nodes was generally set to 20 to 30 feet below the river stage elevation. We also did not have data regarding river bed conductance. Consequently we developed conductance values during the model calibration process in terms of the best fit to observed groundwater elevation data for the study area. Pumping Well Nodes. Two pumping well nodes each at Armstrong Springs and Kent Springs and one at Clark Springs were used to represent the City's groundwater withdrawal. Because the Covington Water District produces a significant quantity of groundwater, we added a fourth pumping well node near Covington's Lake Sawyer wellfield. For the steady-state model, the pumping rate for each node was set to the annual average daily pumping rate for the period from January 1989 to April 1994. This appears likely to yield conservatively high pumping rates for long-term capture zone evaluations because actual well yields at the Armstrong, Kent, and Covington wellfields appear to have decreased slightly over the period of record (See Appendix A for discussion). This yields the following pumping rate values in ft3/day (gpm): Armstrong Springs Kent Springs Covington Clark Springs 64,123 (333) 340,378 (1768) 384,531 (1997) 526,597 (2735) To represent southerly groundwater flow from the Lake Youngs area, a specified flux boundary was specified along a portion of the northern boundary of the model grid. For this boundary, fixed rate injection wells were specified in ten fmite difference cells to inject an aggregate total of 115,500 ft3/day (600 gpm). This flow rate was estimated based on the prevailing water table gradient, saturated thickness, and hydraulic conductivity in that area. Drain Nodes. Drain nodes were used in the model to represent the interaction between the City's aquifers and Rock Creek north of Clark Springs. Drain nodes in MODFLOW have two Page B-6 - - - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 properties: conductance and elevation. The elevation of the drain nodes was set to 550 feet based on topography near the Clarlc Springs property. The conductance of the drain nodes was set to 400,000 ft 2/day during the model calibration process. Just three drain nodes were used to represent the aquifer discharge at Rock Creek. Based on discussions with David Hartley of the King County Surface Water Management group, Rock Creek does not appear to interact with the aquifer in its reach north of Clark Springs. Model Calibration The groundwater flow model was calibrated in an iterative process during which various model parameters were adjusted until satisfactory agreement was obtained between observed and predicted groundwater elevations. In some cases compromises had to be made. Because the most reliable groundwater elevation data were obtained generally closer to the three City properties, more weight was assigned to water levels in these areas than to areas to the north and east for which there are little data. Similarly, we did not adjust hydraulic conductivity substantially in areas for which we had fairly good pumping test data while we were somewhat more liberal in areas where only boring logs or specific capacity data were available. Near the water supply sources, the predicted groundwater elevation values agree to within plus or minus five feet of the observed groundwater elevations in April 1994 (Figure B-7). In other areas, the variability is between 10 and 20 feet. The accuracy of the predicted elevations is consistent with the measured data, given the accuracy of the water level monitoring data points. Near the production wells where the monitoring points are surveyed, the accuracy is greater, while further out, monitoring point elevations were estimated from USGS topographic maps and are accurate to plus or minus 10 to 20 feet. In the Retreat Lake area, the model overpredicted groundwater elevations by as much as 80 feet. Predicted groundwater elevations in this area are strongly dependent on assumed recharge rates and the estimated hydraulic conductivity of soils transmitting water from this area to areas to the west. This pan of the model grid is difficult to calibrate because areas of inferred low saturated thickness east of Retreat Lake and up Sugarloaf Mountain are directly adjacent to areas of high hydraulic conductivity west of Retreat Lake. The high predicted groundwater elevations are the result of our attempt to control the total rate of groundwater flow in the model. For this we adjusted recharge rates.and hydraulic conductivity values to reduce the total flow to improve the correspondence between predicted groundwater discharge rates at Soos Creek and observed values. Future data collection effons in this area should focus on assessing the extent and saturated thickness of the aquifer south and east of Retreat Lake, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater elevation, baseflow in Rock Creek, and precipitation recharge to the area. Recalibration of the model may need to consider seasonal fluctuations in water levels and possibly seasonally dry aquifer areas. Page B-7 - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 r The water budget for the numerical model is summarized as follows: Inflow ftl/day cfs Precipitation Recharge 5,462,055 63.2 Lake Sawyer 48,675 .6 Lake Youngs specified flux 115,500 1.3 Total 5,626,230 65.1 Outflow ft3/day cfs Cedar River 787,280 9.1 Rock Creek Drain 244,041 2.8 Water Supply Withdrawals 1,315,630 15.2 Soos Creek and Tributaries 3,318,772 38.4 Total 5,665,723 65.5 The difference between inflow and outflow in the fmal steady-state model amounts to approximately 0.7% of the total water budget. Many of the values are consistent with available monitoring data and conceptual assessment. For example, a baseflow of about 2 to 4 cfs, derived from groundwater discharge has been estimated for Rock Creek based on stream gaging data. Low flow baseflows for the Soos Creek alone have been estimated at between 20 and 35 cfs (Ecology, 1995). Although the Soos Creek value may·be a little high, the differences may be attributed to Jack of a deeper layer in the model to account for deeper recharge, additional domestic groundwater withdrawals that occur in the area, and failure to incorporate groundwater discharge to Jenkins, Little Soos, and Covington Creeks (for which no data were identified). Capture Zone Delineation Using the calibrated groundwater flow model as a base, 1-, 5-, and 10-year capture zones were calculated for each of the three City groundwater extraction areas (Armstrong, Kent, and Clark Springs). We used PATH3D, a general particle tracking program, which can be used for calculating groundwater flow paths and travel times in steady-state or transient, two-or three- dimensional flow fields. Generally speaking, capture zones can be delineated using this software by releasing a number of particles at the groundwater extraction wellheads and tracking the movement of these particles backward in time to their point of origin. Because the three City groundwater extraction areas are located in areas of relatively high hydraulic conductivity, releasing tracking particles at the wellheads would likely predict relatively tightly focused, narrow capture zones. Particularly for the Armstrong and Kent Springs properties, these capture zones could be unconservatively narrow because the regions of Page B-8 - - ,.... - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 higher conductivity are in tum surrounded by regions of lower hydraulic conductivity (capture zones tend to spread out more laterally in regions with lower hydraulic conductivity). To mitigate the effect of these high conductivity regions, we developed a hybrid approach in which tracking particles were released in a broader area around the extraction wells roughly corresponding to the dimensions of the higher hydraulic conductivity regions. This results in a larger starting area and consequently yields a broader capture zone. In addition to the hydraulic parameters developed for the groundwater flow model, capture zone evaluation using PATH3D requires specification of aquifer porosity, saturated thickness, and top elevation. Porosity Specific data regarding the porosity of the City aquifers were not identified. We used a value of 0.25 (25%) based on our experience with similar materials at other sites in the area. Saturated Thickness We set a default value of 100 feet for saturated thickness. This value was based on the maximum saturated thickness in the model grid. Because PATH3D calculates saturated thickness at runtime for an unconfmed aquifer this value was only indicated as a default value. Top Elevation We set a default value of 710 feet (10 feet higher than the highest groundwater elevation in the model grid) for the elevation of the top of the City aquifers in PATH3D. Because finite difference cells in the groundwater flow model are all unconfmed, PATH3D automatically limits particle travel to top of the water table in individual cells. Therefore, this parameter has little effect on the capture zone evaluation discussed herein. Sensitivity Analysis and Model Limitations After obtaining a satisfactory calibration, we performed a limited sensitivity analysis to assess the dependence of the model predicted groundwater elevations and capture zones on various input parameters. This was accomplished by incrementally adjusting the value of one parameter or group of parameters by a small amount, typically 10%, and noting the effect this change had on predicted water levels or capture zones. We were not able to perform a first order error analysis on the model parameter set. There are too many basic parameters and the values of the parameters vary from location to location across the study area. Adjustment of some key parameters and groups of parameters such as pumping rate at one of the spring sources or river bed conductance for the Cedar River did show the sensitivity of the predicted capture zones to varying parameter values. Page B-9 - Han Crowser J-3508-01 The sensitivity analysis indicated that the capture zones are not particularly sensitive to changes in the groundwater influx from the Lake Youngs area or discharge to the Cedar River. This is a fortunate result because the magnitudes of those fluxes are not well known. The capture zones for individual spring sources are not particularly sensitive to changes in pumping rates at the other spring sources. This is a result of the high hydraulic conductivities characteristic of the glacial deposits encountered in the study area and the relatively large spacing between spring sources. The predicted capture zones are very sensitive to changes in parameters that affect groundwater flow and velocity. These include porosity, hydraulic conductivity, recharge, water table gradient, and surface water flows. • Porosity is a difficult parameter to measure but is not likely to be a major factor in the accuracy of the predicted capture zones. This is because although halving the soil porosity doubles the predicted capture zone, actual porosity values do not typically vary substantially for the types of sediments encountered in the study area. In the study area, porosity values probably range from 0.2 to 0.3 with a mean of 0.25. • Hydraulic conductivity is more readily measured in the field and does substantially affect predicted capture zones. Halving the hydraulic conductivity in an area; e.g., east of Kent Springs, halves the upgradient length of the predicted capture zone. This is a parameter that must be measured because typical values in the study area probably range from 10 to greater than 10,000 ft/day (0.0035 to 3.5 em/sec). Fortunately, some 15 pumping tests with hydraulic conductivity estimates were identified in the study area. Additional testing may be needed in some key areas where pumping tests have not been performed in the past (e.g., north of Armstrong Springs, southwest of Ravensdale Lake, and south of Retreat Lake). • Recharge is not easily measured and based on the modeling analysis greatly affects predicted capture zones. Because recharge is distributed over an area, the effect of a change in recharge is not directly proportional as it is for porosity or hydraulic conductivity. However our sensitivity analysis indicated that increasing the recharge rate from 30 inlyr to 40 inlyr in the Retreat Lake area nearly doubled the length of the capture zones from Clark and Kent -Springs. This is significant because our uncertainty in the recharge rate for this area is probably on the order of 10 to 15 inlyr for precipitation falling on the outwash areas and 5 to 15 inlyr for the surrounding bedrock and till-capped upland areas. • Water table gradient is readily measured in locations where suitable wells are available and greatly affects predicted capture zones. Here doubling the water table gradient from 0.002 to 0.004 near Armstrong Springs doubles the length of predicted capture zones. Water table gradient varies seasonally and probably varies on longer cycles (years to decades in length) in response to changes in precipitation recharge in the study area. For this reason, quarterly monitoring over a several year period may be needed to statistically characterize the expected value and extremes for water table gradient. These data could then be built into a groundwater model to better characterize mean and extreme values for capture zones. Page B-10 - - - Han Crowser J-3508-01 ~ Surface water flows are readily measured but it takes some effort to evaluate their effect on underlying groundwater. Surface water flows indirectly affect capture zones. For example, numerical models and hydrogeologic mapping predict capture zones from Kent Springs and the Covington wellfield which extend well up to Retreat Lake when groundwater discharge from Lake Sawyer is assumed minimal. If the groundwater discharge from Lake Sawyer was found to be a substantial portion of the local water budget (at least 5 cfs), which is conceivable based on the Lake Sawyer study (Han Crowser, 1990), then the model sensitivity analysis indicated that the wells get more water from the lake. This alters and shortens the predicted capture zones. Similarly, if baseflow from Ravensdale Creek is a significant fraction of the local water budget, then the capture zones could be cut off west of Ravensdale Creek. One final parameter which was not evaluated for this modeling effort is the sensitivity to downward flow to deeper aquifers and into bedrock. Lacking any real data on gradients, hydrogeologic units at depth, hydraulic properties, or vertical flow rates, we elected not to build this into the current numerical model. A review of the water budget of the current model indicates that the model predicts a groundwater discharge rate to Soos Creek of some 38 cfs. This may be high by 20 cfs or more. Some portion of the "extra" water may in fact be carried out of the basin in other surface water drainages; e.g., Covington Creek. A larger portion could be migrating downward to deeper aquifers which discharge to the Green River. The effect of this extra discharge to Soos Creek is to exaggerate the groundwater flow rate in the western portion of the model. If we are 20 cfs high on our estimate of discharge to Soos Creek (half of the total discharge) then we are probably a factor of two high on our estimated groundwater flow rates near Armstrong Springs. This means that the predicted capture zones may be twice what they should be. We do not think that the modeled capture zones are this far off because the groundwater elevations and water table gradients in the western half of the model are reasonably close to observed values. However, this issue does need further exploration. Page B-11 ? trJ ... N 1 1 1 1 1 Table B-1 • Runoff Zone Calculations for Kent Numerical Model Surface Water( I) Runoff from(2) Catchment Precipitation Injection (3) Recharge(4) Model Zone Areafl2 inlyr Area fl2 Rate ft/day 5 14,544,722 10 4,030,000 0.0082 6 19,293,292 10 1,738,000 0.0253 7 9,259,117 10 1,273,000 0.0166 8 18,034,260 10 1,455,000 0.0283 13 13,835,176 10 6,375,000 0.0050 14 81,038,073 10 3,268,000 0.0566 15 23,158,910 10 10,060,000 0.0053 16 71,436,861 10 2,886,000 0.0565 17 10,271,963 10 2,155,000 0.0109 20 41,838,457 10 1,383,000 0.0690 ------ Notes: I · Estimated area of contributing surface water subbasin. 2 -Calculated as precipitation falling on low permeability area minus groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration. 3 -Total area of model cells receiving runoff from adjacent low permeability area. 4 • Calculated as ratio of calc)lment area to injection area times runoff rate. 1 1 Model Zone(5) e Recharge Rate ft/day 0.0151 0.0322 0.0234 0.0351 0.0118 0.0634 0.0121 0.0633 0.0177 0.0759 5-Calculated as r~te (4) plus areal recharge rate for Clark Springs area (0.0068 ft/day [30 inlyr)). 350801\recharge.xls 1 1 1 ~1 1 ::c .. ..... ::t ~() v.a ~~ by.: ......... 1 - Table B-2 -River Node Parameters Row Column Stage (ft) Cedar River 6 72 541.5 I 48 427.3 2 48 430.7 2 49 435.3 2 50 441 2 51 446.6 3 51 451.5 3 52 456.1 3 53 468.5 3 54 471.8 3 55 474.9 3 56 476.4 3 57 477.7 3 58 479.2 3 59 481 3 60 483 3 61 485 3 62 487 3 63 488.9 3 64 491.2 3 65 494.2 3 66 498.6 4 52 460.4 4 53 464.4 4 66 504.8 4 67 509.7 4 68 515.4 4 69 522.7 5 69 526.7 5 70 530.8 6 70 536.3 6 71 539 I 39 415 I 40 415 I 41 415 I 42 415 I 43 415 I 44 415 I 45 415 I 46 415 I 47 415 Conductance (1/Day) 50000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 10000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 Bottom Elevation (ft) 501.3 402.2 405.4 409.9 415.3 420.7 425.3 429.7 441.7 444.8 447.7 449.2 450.5 451.9 453.6 455.5 457.4 459.3 461.2 463.4 466.2 470.4 433.9 437.7 476.3 481 486.5 493.4 497.3 501.2 506.5 509.1 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 Han Crowser J-3508-01 Page B-13 Table B-2 • River Node Parameters Row Column Stage (ft) Soos Creek 53 I 340 52 I 340 14 5 340 15 5 340 16 5 340 18 5 340 19 5 340 20 5 340 17 5 340 51 I 340 50 I 340 49 I 340 48 I 340 47 I 340 46 I 340 45 I 340 21 4 340 22 4 340 23 4 340 24 3 340 25 3 340 27 3 340 26 3 340 28 3 340 29 3 340 30 3 340 31 3 340 32 3 340 33 3 340 34 2 340 35 I 340 36 I 340 38 I 340 40 I 340 39 .I 340 41 I 340 42 I 340 37 I 340 43 I 340 44 I 340 3 16 380 4 17 380 2 14 380 5 14 360 6 9 360 Conductance (!/Day) 10000 10000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 15000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 3000 1000 3000 1000 3000. Bottom Elevation (ft) 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 330 330 330 330 330 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page B-14 Table B-2-River Node Parameters - Row Column Stage (ft) Soos Creek, Continued 10 7 350 9 7 350 II 7 350 8 8 355 7 9 355 12 6 345 13 6 345 I 12 380 Lake Sawyer 45 41 517 45 42 517 46 42 517 46 43 517 46 44 517 47 44 517 47 45 517 48 44 517 48 45 517 49 44 517 49 45 517 49 43 517 45 40 517 45 39 517 46 41 517 45 44 517 350801\rivemod.xls Conductance (I /Day) 20000 20000 20000 3000 3000 20000 20000 3000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Bottom Elevation (ft) 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 470 Hart Crowser J-3508-01 Page B-15 - - ,-(j- Q. l 0 .c 0 0 .-o "' II "' 0> ' -o ..., ' " > 0 tl) Q) ·-.... as "0 c:: ~ 0 en -0 Q) ..., "0 0 ., 0 0 "' ..., ~ 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 <0 0 " , 0 z ·"' 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 o; ~ • ~ "' ., u.. " " 0 u (/) " , " 0 , z 0 z " ·"' ~ ~ " u ·"' 0 a:: E Ill l§lj t::::iO CJ[J ~ J-3608-01 11196 Figure S-1 1 1 1 1 cvd 11/30/95 1:6000 he-pep 1 1 1 1 35080128 Pumping Test Transmissivity Data ..... ~ fl, .. 01 • 0 IDOl .:,~ .. ~ 01 B8 •••• Well Location and Number 1sooo Transmissivity in gpd/ft (Value Averaged from Several Pumping Tests) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6000 12000 Scale in Feet 1 1 CVO 11/30/95 1~6000 HC-PCP 35080131 1 1 1 1 Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution ::!!~ ~t: • 0 .. ,. 10 (o)-o .. ~ 01 88 Hydraulic Conductivity in ft/doy D 10 -1oo IJ 150 -500 ~ 600-1000 m 1500 -3ooo g >3ooo 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 l I 0 6000 12000 Scale in Feet N I I l evd 11/J0/95 1=6000 he-pep J50801JJ l l I l Bottom Elevation Distribution Bottom Elevation in feet MSL HI~ 1 240 -3oo D 460 -500 'li!C4 .. 01 ~ 310 -350 1 510 -550 • 0 ID~ oQ 1 360 -400 1 s6o -600 ....... . . ~~I 1 410 -450 1 610 -no CD 01 l l l 1 l l I ~ 0 6000 12000 Scale in Feet N ' - ,.... - - - a. u a. I u -:I: 8 0 "' II c: 0 ·--:;, .Q ·-'--U) ·-Q CD C) '-as .c: () CD a: "' "" I : 8 0 "" 0 0 0 "' •'. 0 , ••• ~ • rl' """ . ,. ·=·1"(, !i o.: i I 6 i~ . 1-1 ~ ,1\ ~· • • :t -.... ··I • ~_...# ' -Ill Ill ..... . 5 Ill "'6 tX ... 0 ., ~ Ul ., .t:: 0 .E :z ., 0 ~"" 0 .t:: 0 ., a:: J-3508-01 Figure B·S X " "" ., c 0 Ul .,-c: I o"' N " _:o -0 o"'" c: " :::> " a::~ 11/95 - - - Precipitation-Recharge-Runoff Relations Used in Groundwater Model 45 40 -;;;-35 -5 30 ~ 25 ~ 20 .£ 15 &! 10 5 e.--- --e.---- -- 0 30 40 50 Precipitation lincheal ••r--r.ll --D--Outwash *From Figure 8, Draft Geohydrology and Quality of Groundwater Report for East King County Ground Water Advisory Committee; after work completed for the South King County Groundwater Management Plan for the Covington Upland (USGS, 19941. Rates in in/yr _n -1 60 Evapo· Outwash Till/Bedrock Uplands Model Area Precipitationl11 transpiration(21 -Eastern landsburg 58 19 Western 80% of Landsburg 46.4 21 .!'i!!ln; ( 11 From data collected by NOAA. 121 South King County Ground Water Management Plan. -(31 Read from figure above. (41 Calculated as P -Et -R. Recharge(31 40 30 Recharge (31 26 20 Runoff 141 .. .. 13 5.4 H4RTCROWSER J-3501-01 11/95 · FlgureB-6 5!:llJOlJI~2 l l l l l l 1 l l 1 1 l Predicted versus Observed Groundwater Elevation "'110:.. 6' c: Co) .. 01 • Q ~~~~ IQ ....... ... ... co 01 B8 eo4aoa '" Monitoring Well Location and Number Groundwater Elevation in Feet (April 1994) Well Location and Number from ·-Well Log Records. ---4 oo---Groundwater Elevation Contour in Feet from April 1994 --100 -=- Groundwater Elevation Contour in Feet from Well Log Predicted Groundwater Elevation in Feet Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction -...... . --. ......... l l 0 6000 Scale in Feet -'1 ! l 12000 -- l l ·rw - - - Hart Crowser J-3508-01 APPENDIX C MANAGEMENT TASK DATABASE 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ·TASK/COOPERATIVE 31-0ct-95 Task Implementation Lood Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining Rnldontlal Transportation Corridor Conduct groundwater monitoring for anolysls of ~rate Purveyors No No No Yes No according to groundwater monitoring plan. Establish nitrate early wamlng valva (EWV) to ..-for tlmoly acUon In lho event ollncreaslng nitrate ooncontratlons. Promoto and coordinate public education program lor hoosahokl County No No No Yes No hazardous mstorlals usa, storage, and disposal within lhe WHPA. Inventory forest ownership, lha extent of harvesting, and lho Purveyors Vas No No No No harvesting practices used wllh lhe WHPA. Establish formal communication wllh ftrst responders Purveyors No No No No Yes Update emorgancy response organizations on WHPA location. Purveyors No No No No Yes Work wllh responsible parlin to assess adequacy ollac11111es Purveyors No Yes No No Yes and M8bflsh )oint prlotfly lor storm-· upgrades. Consider soaking designation of oqulfar(s) as 'spsdal protacUon Purveyors No No No Yes No areas' or-spsdal designations. Support lholmplamentatlon olstatolaw/rogllatlon on sepllc Purveyors No No No Yes No system Inspection and maintenance programs. Rovlaw amual r8p0fls produced under SARA T111e Ill to Purveyors No Yes No No No document Inventory of chemicals used In lhe WHPA. Develop data on number and size of exempt underground tanks Purveyors No Yes No Yes No within 1-yaar lime of travel zone. Fund Farm Plans lhrough lho local Conservation District Which County No No No Yes No focus In wellhead zonn. Request County, State, and prlvate land owners/managers lo Purveyors Yes Yes No No Yes utitize vegetation management pracllcas which protect water quetity wllhln lhe WHPA. Encourage dovelopmant and use of BMPs for large land units Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes No (large rasklentief developments, schools, golf oourses, parks, mining, and fornt parcels). Monitor use ol BMPs on largo land parcels. Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes No Support King County In soeklng delegation of well drlnlng County No Yes No Yes No regulatory program for advance notice of drlnlng and Inspection of wall construction. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Task Implementation Lead Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining Residential Transportation Corridor Review routine leek detection procedures for sewer lines In the Purveyors No No No Yes No WHPA. Request utilities to use "feakproor piping lor sewer for any new Purveyors No Yes No Yes No conslrucUon In wellhead zones -accelerate upgrade and replacement of existing risky llnas. Participate In a regional groundwater data development and Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes management effort to assure that an adequete regional groundwater monitoring program Is developed. Provtde conffnual coonllnallon of environmental education County No No No Yes No efforts In tha County. Create end operate en IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to assure locus of applicable alate and local programs to wallheed protection areas. Review management strategies to Incorporate naw dela, requirements, and approaches. Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of pesticides and Purveyors Yes Yes No Yes Yes herblcldas according to groundwater monitoring plan. Promote research on the Impacts of storm water discharge from County No No No Yes No residential areas. Document the type end amount of herbicide application with Purveyors Yes No No No Yes focus on transportation corridors, forastry, agriculture, end recreetion percals. Investigate the naed lor re-routing transport of hazerdous Purvey<HB No No No No Yes materials to areas outside of -lhead zones. Locale signs within the WHPA along transportstion routes -Purveyors No No No No Yes "Wellhead Protection Area .• Communicate location of the WHPA and wellhead protection Purveyors No No Yes No No cooooems to mlna operators. Prioritize Investigation ol contaninated and potentially Ecology Yes Yes Yes No Yes contaninalad Illes wllhfn the WHPA. Monitor Ecology's progress on the cleanup of MTCA end LUST Purveyors No Yes Yes No No sHes wllhfn the WHPA. Communicate locatton of WHPA to Industrial/commercial lite Purveyors No Yes No No No owners. Communicate the extent of wenhead protection areas to the Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes County Planning Department for oonslderaHon In criUcal areas regulation, susceptibility mapping, and permHting. Review water quaiHy deta generated under the general NPDES Purveyors No Yes Yes No No Storm Water PermH. 2 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 l 1 I TASK/REGULATORY 31-C}ct-95 Task Implementation Lead Forestry Industrial Commorclel Mining RasldenUal TransportsUon Corridors Encourage requirement of as-bulhs of new septic systems County-Health No No No Yes No (JH'OPOrad by designer) to be recorded wllh lha deed. Ravlaw annual reports produced under SARA T1Ue IIIIo Purveyors No Vas No No No doclmant lnvenlofy of chemicals used In lha WHPA. Support King County In saaldng delegation of wall drilling County No Yes No Vas No regulatory program tor advance nollca of drlllng and Inspection of wei construction. Encourage careful analysis and adequate raqukamanls for County No No Yes No No slUng, operation, and reclalmation of mining In lha WHPA during SEPA review. Assure lhat lha hydmgaologlc Impact of dsvelopmant of parcels County Yes Yes Yes Vas Yes wtlhln wellhead protacllon areas Is adequately analyzed durtng SEPA review. Create and operata an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to assure locus of appllc:abla state and local programs to wellhead protacllon areas. Ravlaw managamant strataglasto lnco<porata now dsta, requirements, and approaches. Require mine operators to Install monUodng wels capable to Ecology No No Yes No No assess potential Impacts from alia operations for silas within lha WHPA. PrlorttlzalnvasUgation of contaminated and potanUalty Ecology Vas Yes Yes No Yes conlamlnalad silas within lha WHPA. Communlcalalha extant of welhaad protacllon areas to lhe County Planning Department lor consideration In crillcal areas Purveyors Yeo Vas Vas Vas Yes regulation, suscepUbiDty mapping, and pemiiUng. Encourage periodic monltot1ng of drywellsln lha WHPA. County No Yes No Yes Vas l l l l l l l l l l l ·TASK/PLANNING 3H}ct·95 Tuk Implementation Lead Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining ResldenUal Transportation Corridors Conduct groundwater monitoring lor analysts of nitrate Purveyors No No No Yes No ll<lCOrdlng to groundwater monitoring plan. Establish nitrate eerly wamlng valve (EWV) lo allow lor timely action In the event of Increasing nitrate concentrations. Consider saetdng designation of equller(s) as "spacial protacllon Purveyors No No No Yes No areas• or other spacial designations. Encourage careful analysis and adequate requirements lor County No No Yes No No alting, operation, and rsclalmaUon of mining In the WHPA du~ng SEPA review. Assure thet the hydrogeologic Impact of development of parcels County Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes within wellhead protacllon areas Is adequately analyzed du~ng SEPA review. Create and operate an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to assure locus of applicable state and local programs to welhead protacllon arau. Review management strategies to lnoorporate new data, requirements, and approaches. Conduct groundwater monitoring lor analysis of pesticides and Purveyors Yes Yes No Yes Yes herbtddas according to groundwater monitoring plan. Investigate the need lor re-rouUng transport of hazardous Purveyors No No No No Yes ma-to areas outside of welhead zones. Communicate the extent of weUhead protection areas to the Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes County Planning Departmant lor consideration In c~tlcal areas ragulation, susceptibility mapping, and permitting. Review water quality data ganerated under the general NPOES Purveyors No Yes Yes No No Storm Water Pennlt. 1 1 l l l l 1 l 1 ·TASK/LAND USE 31-C)cl-95 Teak Implementation Lead Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining Rasldentlal TransportaUon Corridors Consider seeking dsslgnallon of aquifer(s) as 'special protection Purveyors No No No Yes No areas' or other special designations. Encourage careful analysis and adequate requirements for County No No Yes No No siting, operalon, and raclalmaUon of mining In the WHPA during SEPA review. Assure thai the hydrogeologic Impact of development of parcels County Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes wltl*l walllead pooleclon areas Is adequately analyzed during SEPA revieW. Create and operate an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes fo assure focus of applicable state and local programs to walllead prolaclon areas. Review managemant strategies to •ICOfpl)lllte new data, requirements, and approaches. Communicate location of tha WHPA and wellhead protection Purveyors No No Yes No No concama to mine operators. Communicate the extant of waRhead protection areas to the Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes County Planning Department lor con-.eUon In criUcsl areas ragulation, susceptibility mapping, and parmlltlng. Review-quality-getM&ted under the general NPDES Purveyors No Yes Vas No No Storm Water Penni!. 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 l l l 1 1 ) ·TASK/DATA/DATA MANAGEMENT 31-{)cf·95 Task lmplemenllltlon Lead Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining ResldonUal TransportaUon Corridors Conduct groundwater monitoring lor analysis of nitrate Purveyors No No No Yes No according to groundwater monitoring plan. Establish nitrate early wamlng valve (EWV) to allow lor Umaly action In the event of Increasing nitrate concenlrallona. SUrvey pesticide and herbk:lda usalwolk with Cooperaffve Purvayors No Yes No Yes No Extension and County with avaHabla dolll to modily future monitoring and education plans. lnventoly loresl ownership, the extant of harvesting, and the Purveyors Yes No No No No harvesUng pracUces used with the WHPA. Docunent the location and use of petroleum pipelines within the Purvayors No No No No Yes WHPA, and dev81op appropriate emergency procedures. Document use of hazanlous materials In mining support ac\Mty Purvayors No No Yes No No Develop emergency reeponse procedures fo< sewer Ioree main Purveyors No No No Yes No breaks within the l·yaar zone. Coordinate and promote the ovaluaUon of possible storm water Purvayors No No No No Yes routing, detention, retanllon priorities. Consider aeeldng designation of aqufler(s) as 'spacial protection Purveyors No No No Yes No areas' cw-opeclal dwlgnatloie. Develop dote on number and size of exempt underground tanks Purvayors No Yes No Yes No within t·yaar ame of travel zone. Monitor use of BMPs on large land parceto. Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes No Support King County In saeldng delegation of well drilling County No Yes No Yes No regulatory program lor -..:a noaca of drilling and Inspection of wei construction. lnvantory abandoned or unused walls In tho 1· and 5-year arne Purveyors No Yes No Yes No of travel zones. Educate owners about propar well construction and abandonment within the WHPA. PerUclpate In a regional groundwater data development and Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes management effort to assure that an adequate regional groundwater monitoring program Is davaloped. Create and operate an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to assure locus of applicable state and local programs to -head protection areas. Review management strategies to Incorporate new data, requirements, and IIJlllf08dles. I l I l l I J I I 1 l l l l l I THk tmelemenlatlon Lead Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining Residential Transportation Corridors Conduct groundwater monitoring lor analysis of pasUcldas and Purveyors Yes Yes No Yes Yes herbicides according to groundwater monitoring plan. Promote research on the Impacts ol stonn water discharge from County No No No Yes No residential areas. Document the type and amount of herbicide application with Purveyors Yes No No No Yes focus on transpottaUon corridors, foreshy, agriculture, and recreation parcels. Require mk1e opareton1 to lnstan monitoring wels capable to Ecology No No Yes No No ........ potanUallmpacts from site oparaUons for sites within the WHPA. Prioritize lnvasUgaUon of conlanninated snd potentiaMy Ecology Yes Yes Yes No Yes contaminated sites within the WHPA. Monitor Ecology's progress on the cleanup ol MTCA and LUST Purveyors No Yes Yes No No sHes within the WHPA. Communicate the extant of wahhaed protection areas to the Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes County Planning "-rtrnant lor conslderaUon In critical areas regulaUon, susceptlbiHty mapping, and psnntttlng. Encourage periodic monHoring of drywaHsln the WHPA. County No Yes No Yes Yes R..._ water quality dela generated under the general NPDES Purveyors No Yes Yes No No Storm Water Pennlt. 2 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l ) TASK/EDUCATION 31-0ct-95 T•sk lmplernentallon Lead Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining ResldanUal TransportaUon Corridors Promote and coordinate public education program lor household County No No No Yes No hazardous materials use, storage, and disposal within the WHPA. Consider seeking dastgnallon ofaqulle~s) as "special pmtactlon Purveyors No No No Vas No areas• or other spacial daslgnaHons. Support the Implementation of state law/regulation on septic Purveyors No No No Yes No syslam Inspection and maintenance programs. Participate In education program to notify public of Impact of County-Health No No No Yes No septic systems to the WHPA. Promote and coordinate pubRc education program lor proper County-Health No No No Yes No sepllc system maintenance and hazardous waste disposal. Review annual reports produced under SARA TIUe IIIIo Purveyors No Vas No No No document Inventory of chemicals used In the WHPA. Develop data on number and size of exsmpt underground tanks Purveyors No Yes No Yes No within 1-year Uma ollra""' zone. Promote and coordinate public program to educate owners of County No Yes No Yes No exempt underground tanks of the hazards they represent, me1hods of leak datecUon, proper removal and closure procedures. Fund Farm Plans through the local ConservaUon District which County No No No Yes No locus In wellhead zonas. Encourage development and use of BMPs lor large land units Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes No (large rasldanUal ~nts, schools, golf courses, parl<s, mining, and lorast parcels). Monitor use of BMPs on large land parcels. Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes No lnventooy abandoned or unused wells In the I· and 5-year time Purveyors No Yes No Yes No of Ira""' zonas. Educate owners about proper well construction and abandonment within the WHPA. Review routine leak detection procedures lor sewer lines In the Purveyors No No No Yes No WHPA. Request utilities to use "leakproof" piping lor sewer lor any new Purveyors No Yes No Yes No construction In wellhead zones -acceterste upgrade and replaoament of existing risky lnes. l l l 1 1 l l l l 1 1 1 l l 1 1 l Task Implementation Lead Forestry Industrial Commercial Mining Residential Transportation Corridors PI'O'IIde ecntinual coonllnalion of envlrormental education County No No No Yes No ellorls lnthe County. Craale and operate an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ia asstlnllocus of applicable alete and local programs 1o welhead protection areas. Review managementstralegleslo Incorporate new data, roqulremsnts, and approaches. Locate signs wtlhin lhe WHPA along transportation routes -Purveyors No No No No Yes "Wallhead Protection Area. • Communicate localion ollhe WHPA and wellhead protection Purveyors No No Yes No No concams Ia mine operators. Communicate location of WHPA to lndustriaVcomrnerclal site Purveyors No Yes No No No owners. Communicate lhe extent of waRhead protection areas 1o lhe Purveyors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes County l'tannlng Department for consideration In critical areas regulation, suscepUblllty mapping, and pennlttlng. 2 - - - TASKS TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY COUNTY/COUNTY-HEALTH 31-0ct-95 Task: Promote and coordinate public education program for household hazardous materials use, storage, and disposal within the WHP A. Task: Encourage requirement of as-builts of new septic systems (prepared by designer) to be recorded with the deed. Task: Participate in education program to notify public of impact of septic systems to the WHPA. Task: Promote and coordinate public education program for proper septic system maintenance and hazardous waste disposal. Task: Promote and coordinate public program to educate owners of exempt underground tanks of the hazards they represent, methods of leak detection, proper removal and closure procedures. Task: Fund Farm Plans through the local Conservation District which focus in wellhead zones. Task: Support King County in seeking delegation of well drilling regulatory program for advance notice of drilling and inspection of well construction. Task: Encourage careful analysis and adequate requirements for siting, operation, and reclaimation of mining in the WHP A during SEPA review. Task: Assure that the hydrogeologic impact of development of parcels within wellhead protection areas is adequately analyzed during SEP A review. Task: Provide continual coordination of environmental education efforts in the County. Task: Promote research on the impacts of storm water discharge from residential areas. Task: Require sewer hook up for all industrial/commercial facilities within the WHP A, if sewer service is reasonably available. Task: Encourage periodic monitoring of drywells in the WHPA. - - ,..... ,..... TASKS TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY ECOLOGY 31-0ct-95 Task: Require mine operators to install monitoring wells capable to assess potential impacts from site operations for sites within the WHP A. Task: Prioritize investigation of contaminated and potentially contaminated sites within the WHPA. Task: Encourage Ecology and County inspections of RCRA hazardous waste generator facilities within the WHP A. - TASKS TO BE IMPLEMENTED BY PURVEYORS 31-0ct-95 Task: Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of nitrate according to groundwater monitoring plan. Establish nitrate early warning valve (EWV) to allow for timely action in the event of increasing nitrate concentrations. Task: Survey pesticide and herbicide use/work with Cooperative Extension and County with available data to modify future monitoring and education plans. Task: Inventory forest ownership, the extent of harvesting, and the harvesting practices used with the WHP A. Task: Document the location and use of petroleum pipelines within the WHP A, and develop appropriate emergency procedures. Task: Document use of hazardous materials in mining support activity Task: Establish formal communication with first responders Task: Update emergency response organizations on WHPA location. Task: Develop emergency response procedures for sewer force main breaks within the !-year zone. Task: Coordinate and promote the evaluation of possible storm water routing, detention, retention priorities. Task: Work with responsible parties to assess adequacy of facilities and establish joint priority for storm water upgrades. Task: Consider seeking designation of aquifer(s) as "special protection areas" or other special designations. Task: Support the implementation of state law/regulation on septic system inspection and maintenance programs. Task: Review annual reports produced under SARA Title ill to document inventory of chemicals used in the WHPA. Task: Develop data on number and size of exempt underground tanks within !- year time of travel zone. r - - Task: Request County, State, and private land owners/managers to utilize vegetation management practices which protect water quality within the WHPA. Task: Encourage development and use of BMPs for large land units (large residential developments, schools, golf courses, parks, mining, and forest parcels). Task: Monitor use of BMPs on large land parcels. Task: Inventory abandoned or unused wells in the 1-and 5-year time of travel zones. Educate owners about proper well construction and abandonment within the WHP A. Task: Review routine leak detection procedures for sewer lines in the WHP A. Task: Request utilities to use "leakproof' piping for sewer for any new construction in wellhead zones -accelerate upgrade and replacement of existing risky lines. Task: Participate in a regional groundwater data development and management effort to assure that an adequate regional groundwater monitoring program is developed. Task: Create and operate an IMPLEMENTATION STEERING GROUP to assure focus of applicable state and local programs to wellhead protection areas. Review management strategies to incorporate new data, requirements, and approaches. Task: Conduct groundwater monitoring for analysis of pesticides and herbicides according to groundwater monitoring plan. Task: Document the type and amount of herbicide application with focus on transportation corridors, forestry, agriculture, and recreation parcels. Task: Investigate the need for re-routing transport of hazardous materials to areas outside of wellhead zones. Task: Locate signs within the WHPA along transportation routes-"Wellhead Protection Area." Task: Communicate location of the WHP A and wellhead protection concerns to mine operators. - - - - Task: Review MfCA, RCRA notifiers, and LUST sites files for sites within the WHP A annually. Task: Monitor Ecology's progress on the cleanup of MfCA and LUST sites within the WHPA. Task: Communicate location ofWHPA to industrial/commercial site owners. Task: Communicate the extent of wellhead protection areas to the County Planning Department for consideration in critical areas regulation, susceptibility mapping, and permitting. Task: Review water quality data generated under the general NPDES Storm Water Permit. Han Crowser J-3508-01 APPENDIXD CITY OF KENT SPll..L RESPONSE PLAN - - CITY OF KENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY PLAN CITY OP UliT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BHBRGBNCY PLAN ,.... - - - TABLE OF COHTEHTS RECORD OF RE'V:CS:IONS •••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• 1 PURPOSE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 STATEMENT OF INTENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . . . . . . .3 LEGAL AU'l'HORXTY AND RESPONSXBXLXTY FOR RESPONDXNG ••••••• . . ·" S:ITUATI:ON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 4 HIGH RISE AREA MAP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II 2 5 SARA TXTLE XXX FACXLXTXES REQUXRXNG PLANNXNG. . . . . . . . . . . . .27 CONCEPT OF OPERATXONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..29 TESTXNG '1'HE PLAN ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 UPDATXNG THE PLAN •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..32 DXRECTXON AND COHTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 RESPONSE FUNCTXONS •••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE TELEPHONE ROSTER. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .38 :INC:IDENT :IHFORMAT:ION SUMMARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 40 COMMOHZCATIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .••• 41 PUBLXC XNFORMATXON/COMMUNXTY RELATXONS •••••••••••• . . . . . • •• 43 WARNING SYSTEMS AND EMERGENCY PUBLIC NOTIFICATION. . . . . . . ...... RESOURCE MANAGEMEN'l' •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 HEALTH AND MEDICAL ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .so RESPONSE PERSONNEL SAFETY ••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 PERSONAL PROTECTION OF CITXZENS ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 SERVZCES •••••••••••••••••••••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • •••• 54 LOCAL AMERICAN RED CROSS SHELTERS ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 55 ONGOXNG INCXDEN'l' ASSESSMEN'l'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .56 CONTAINMENT AND CLBAH UP •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 57 TRAZNZHG •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 0 ATTACHMEHT A (KEHT FIRE DEPT. HAZARDOUS KA'l'ERXAL RESPONSE GUIDE ATTACHMEHT B (HAZARDOUS KA'l'ERIALS ANALYSIS) RECORD OP REVISIONS -"'.ev. No. Nature or Change Date or Change Change Made By I SARA Title III Facilities and Map (Pages 26·28) 7/17/90 Lyn Hoffman-Gross .... I Apparatus Inventory (Pages 47-49) 7/17/90 Lyn Hoffman-Gross 2 Update SARA Title Ill Facilities/Map (Pages 27-29) 8/08/91 Michelle R. Hale 2 Update Emergency Telephone Roster (Pages 37-39) 8/08/91 Michelle R. Hale 8/08/91 1 - PURPOSE The Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan is intended for the use of the responding agencies of the City of Kent when responding to a hazardous material emergency of siqnificant proportion. This plan is the guide for coordinating all resources, both public and private toward preparedness, response and mitigation efforts. These efforts may be utilized in fixed facility or transportation related hazardous material emergencies. This plan shall be used in conjunction with the City of Kent Disaster Plan. This plan may also be used in conjunction with the King county Emergency operations Plan, the King county Hazardous Materials Plan and state and Federal Emergency Plans when the incident is of siqnificant proportion to exhaust local resources. 6/13/89 2 STATEMENT OF INTENT 1. To provide a basic plan for the City of Kent that will result in minimizing, to the greatest degree possible, hazardous material emergencies. 2. To provide a basic plan to be used in conjunction with established facility plans, which will minimize the impact of a hazardous materials release associated with site specific emergencies. 3. To utilize present City Government structure and identify the responsibility of each department: who does what, when and where in a hazardous material emergency. 4. To recognize our responsibility to support other Government agencies as well as to receive their support if and when conditions warrant and resources are available. 5. To assure that maximum resources (public and private) are used effectively to cope with a hazardous materials emergency. 6. To be consistent with County, State and Federal regulations and procedures. 7. To establish procedures for direction, control and coordination of emergency apparatus to the type, magnitude and phase of the hazardous materials emergency. 8. To provide for dissemination of warning and evacuation information to all Department Heads and personnel of the City of Kent and to the general population of the city of Kent. 9. To include. an adequate damage assessment system for decision making, direction, control and reporting purposes. 10. To provide an evacuation plan in a hazardous materials emergency. 11. 6/13/89 To pre-determine the types of hazardous material emergencies which pose the greatest threat to life and property in the City of Kent. 3 LEGAL AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR RESPONDING This Hazardous Material Emergency Response Plan is published consistent with the Superfund Amendment andRe- authorization Act of 1986, Public Law 99-499; and the Revised Code of Washington, Title 38, Chapter 38.52.070 as revised, Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 118- 40, RCW 34. 04, Administrative Procedures Act, Law of Washington and Ordinance of the City of Kent. The Chief Elected Officer has designated the Chief of the Fire Department to be the Director of Emergency Operations. He has further designated that the Fire Department will be the Incident Commander in responding to Hazardous Material Incidents within the boundaries of the City of Kent. 6/13/89 Chapter 118-40 WAC HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING AND COMMUNITY RIGHT-TO-KNOW REPORTING WAC 118-40-010 118-40-020 118-40-030 118-40-040 118-40-050 118-40-060 118-40-070 118-40-080 118-40-090 118-40-100 118-40-150 118-40-160 118-40-170 118-40-180 118-40-190 118-40-300 118-40-400 Introduction. Purpose and scope. Definitions. State emergency response commission-- Establishment, membership, chairperson. Commission--Purpose, responsibilities. Department of community development--Title III responsibilities. Department of ecology--Title III responsibilities. Washington State Patrol--Title III responsibilities. Hazardous materials advisory committee-- establishment, membership. Hazardous materials advisory committee-- Purpose, responsibilities. Emergency planning districts--Designation. Local committee--organization, membership. Local committee--Responsibilities. Hazardous material emergency response plan-- Content, guidelines, evaluation process. Emergency response training. Title III--Facilities compliance. Title III--Enforcement, penalties. WAC 118-40-010 INTRODUCTION On October 17, 1986, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) was signed into law (P.L. 99-499). one part of the SARA provisions is Title III: "The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986." Title III establishes requirements for federal, state, and local governments, and industry regarding emergency response planning and community right-to-know on hazardous chemicals. The emergency planning provisions of Title III (Sections 301- 305) are designed to develop state and local government hazardous chemical emergency preparedness and response capabilities through better coordination and planning, especially at the local level. 6/13/89 5 - Community right-to-know provisions of Title III (Sections 311, 312, and 313) require the owners andjor operators of facilities to provide information about the nature, quantity, and location of chemicals manufactured, processed, stored, or used at their facility sites. The purpose of these provisions is to increase public knowledge of the presence of hazardous chemicals in communities and to better prepare for potential emergencies. WAC 118-40-020 PURPOSE AND SCOPE It is the purpose of this chapter to implement the prov~s~ons of Title III in the State of Washington to establish a mechanism for compliance by state and local governmental agencies and industry with the provisions of Title III. This chapter is promulgated under the general policy and rule- making authority of the department of community development as established by RCW 38.52.030(2); 38.52.050 (1) and (3); and 43.63A.060. Compliance with the requirements of Title III, as recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, is regarded as compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Where federal regulations are duplicated or referred to in this chapter, Title III citations are provided. This chapter is not intended to mandate any new compliance requirements beyond those required by Title III. WAC 118-40-030 DEFINITIONS "SARA" means the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, as amended. "CERCLA" means the Comprehensive Emergency Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended. "Commission" means the emergency response commission for Washington State. "Local committee" means the local emergency planning committee established for each state emergency planning district established by the commission. "Title III" means Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986; also titled the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, as amended. "Administrator" means the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 6/13/89 6 - - "Environment" includes water, air, and land and the interrelationship which exists among and between water, air, and land and all living things. "Extremely hazardous in Section 302 (a) hereafter amended. substances" means a substance described (2) of Title III as now authorized or "Facility" means all buildings, equipment, structures, and other stationary items which are located on a single site or on contiguous or adjacent sites and which are owned or operated by the same person (or by any person which controls, is controlled by, or under common control with such person). For the purpose of Section 304, Title III, the term includes motor vehicles, rolling stock and aircraft, shipping, and pipelines. "Hazardous chemical" means any chemical which is a physical hazard or a health hazard as defined by OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Exceptions to the definition of "hazardous chemical" in Title III and in 29 CFR 1910.1200 shall also apply in this chapter. "Health hazard" means a chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence based on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed individuals. The term health hazard includes chemicals which are carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic agents which act on the hematopoietic system, and agents which damage the lungs, skin, eyes, or mucous membrane. "Physical hazard" means a chemical for which there is scientifically valid evidence that it is a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, explosive, flammable, or organic peroxide, an oxidizer, pyrophoric, unstable (reactive), or water reactive. "Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)" means the sheet required to be developed under Section 1910.1200 (q) of Title 29 CFR, as that section may be amended from time to time. "NRT-1 guidebook" means the Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide published by the National Response Team, March 1987. "NPT-1 guidelines" means the guidance outlined in the Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide. "OSHA" means occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. "Person" means any individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, corporation (including a government corporation) , partnership, association, state, municipality, commission, political subdivision of state, or interstate body. 6/13/89 7 "Release" emitting, leaching, hazardous chemical. means any spill, leaking, pumping, pour~ng, emptying, discharging, injecting, escap~ng, dumping, or disposing to the environment of any chemical, extremely hazardous substance, or toxic "Toxic chemical" means a substance described in Section 313 (c) of Title III, as now authorized or hereafter amended. "WISHA" means Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act of 1973. WAC 118-40-040 STATE EMERGENCY BESPONSE COMMISSION-- ESTABLISHMENT, MEMBERSHIP, CJIAJ:RPERSON. (1) In keeping with the provisions of Section 301 (a) of Title III, the governor of Washington state has established a state emergency response commission composed of the following members of their designees: (a) Director of the department of community development. (b) Director of the department of ecology. (c) Chief of the Washington state patrol. (2) The director of the department of community development shall be the chairperson of the commission. (3) The assistant director, division of emergency management, department of community development, shall serve as alternate chairperson of the commission in the absence of the chairperson. WAC 118-40-050 COMMISSION--PUBPOSE, RESPONSJ:Bl:Ll:Tl:ES. The purpose of the state emergency response commission is to coordinate hazardous material issues and carry out the mandate of Title III (P.L. 99-499), as now authorized or hereafter amended. The commission shall be responsible for the establishment of a state hazardous materials emergency preparedness, response, and community right-to-know program as required by Title III. Specific duties of the commission include: (1) Establishment of a state level hazardous materials advisory committee. (2) Designation of local emergency planning districts. (3) Appointment of members to local committees established for each of the local emergency planning districts designated by the commission. 6/13/89 8 - - (4) Reception and evaluation of local emergency response plans. (5) Delegation of responsibilities between the department of ecology, the Washington state patrol, and the department of community development in implementing the Title III program in Washington State. (6) Establishment of a single address, telephone number and the procedures for the receipt of, management and access to all notifications, reports, plans and all other information required by Title III. WAC 118-40-060 DEPARTMENT OF coMMUNITY DEYELOPME:NT--TITLE III RESPONSIBILITIES. Specific responsibilities of the department of community development include, but are not limited to, the following duties: (1) Receive and record verbal emergency toxic chemical release reports through the twenty-four-hour duty officer system. Track and maintain records of events annually. (2) Develop emergency planning guidance and provide assistance to local committees in the development of an emergency response plan for their district. Advise and assist industry in the planning process. (3) Coordinate the review of each emergency plan as it is submitted. (4) Serve as repository agency for the local emergency response plans. (5) Set up community right-to-know program to allow citizens to view emergency response plans, upon request. (6) Provide staff to commission and hazardous material advisory committee to develop agendas, prepare minutes, coordinate meeting places, draft policy letters, and carry out other support functions as needed. (7) Prepare and respond to correspondence for signature by the chairperson of the commission. (8) Receive and coordinate the distribution of correspondence, information, and written reports to offices in the departments of community development and ecology and the Washington State patrol, and local committees, as well as other state agencies when appropriate. 6/13/89 9 - - - (9) Serve as chairperson of the training subcommittee of the hazardous materials advisory committee. (10) Develop and apply for training grants, as authorized and provided under section 305 of Title III. (11) Provide training and maintain training records for the state hazardous materials training program as authorized and funded through Section 305 of Title III. WAC 118-40-070 DEPARTMENT OP ECOLOGY--TITLE III RESPONSIBILITIES. Specific responsibilities of the department of ecology include, but are not limited to, the following duties: (l) serve as advisor to the commission on emergency spill response and environmental restoration issues. (2) Serve as advisor for emergency responder equipment and training needs at the state and local levels. (3) Serve as advisor for on-scene spill response and environmental needs at the state and local levels. (4) Serve as advisor to the commission on community right- to-know issues. (5) Develop, implement, and maintain a Title III Community Right-to-Know Program which may include, but is not limited to: (a) Data management of reports and notifications submitted by businesses. (b) Technical assistance to businesses regarding compliance with Title III. (c) Accessing and communicating information to the public. (d) outreach to businesses and the public about Title III. (6) Serve as chairperson or member of the community right- to-know subcommittee of the hazardous materials advisory committee. (7) Serve as liaison between the commission Environmental Protection Agency on community know issues. and the right-to- (8) Provide training for hazardous substances spill response and cleanup. 6/13/89 10 - WAC 118-40-080 WASHINGTQN STATE PATROL--TITLE III RESPONSIBILITIES. Specific Responsibilities of the Washington State patrol include, but are not limited to, the following duties; (1) Serve as advisor to the commission on emergency response and coordination of on-scene activities on state and interstate highways and other areas where it has been designated incident command agency. ( 2) Serve as chairperson of the emergency response subcommittee of the hazardous materials advisory committee. (3) Serve as advisor for emergency responder equipment and training needs at the state and local levels. (4) Serve as a member of the training subcommittee of the hazardous materials advisory committee. WAC 118-40-090 HAZARDQUS MJ.TERIALS APVISORY COMMITTEE-- ESTABLISHMENT. MEMBERSHIP. In order to achieve a broader· representation of hazardous materials interests in state emergency response planning and community right-to-know, the commission may establish a state level hazardous materials advisory committee. At a minimum, the committee membership shall consist of members appointed by the commission from the following interest groups: (1) Four state legislators. One from each caucus in the House of Representatives and one from each caucus in the Senate. (2) One representative of the Washington association of counties. (3) One representative of the association of Washington cities. (4) One representative of the Washington state emergency management association. (5) One representative of the Washington state association of fire chiefs. (6) One representative of the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs. 6/13/89 11 - - (7) One representative of the Washington State utilities and transportation commission. (B) One representative of the Washington State department of agriculture. (9) One representative of the Washington State council of firefighters. (10) Two representatives of the association of Washington businesses. (11) Two representatives of the Washington environmental council. (12) Others may be appointed as appropriate. WAC 118-40-100 HAZARDQUS MATERIALS ADVJ:SORY COMMI'l''l'EE-- PURPOSE, BESPONSIBIL+'l'IES. (1) The purpose of the hazardous materials advisory committee is to serve as a policy advisory body regarding hazardous chemical emergencies and community right-to-know. (2) The members of the hazardous materials advisory committee shall serve the commission in a technical advisory capacity regarding the development and implementation of a hazardous chemical emergency response process and community right-to-know functions. The committee's responsibilities include, but are not limited to, providing advice on the following topics: (a) Contingency planning at the state and local levels. (b) Enhances hazardous materials training. (c) Assessment of emergency response equipment needs at the state and local levels. (d) Enhancement of emergency response capabilities at the state and local levels. (e) State and federal hazardous waste programs. (f) Interstate planning and agreements. (g) Joint purchase of equipment and specialized materials. (h) Develop and propose legislation to meet future needs. (3) The hazardous materials advisory committee shall provide advice to the commission regarding the establishment of a community right-to-know program including procedures for the receipt of hazardous and toxic chemical information and the release of such information to the general public. 6/13/89 12 - - - WAC 118-40-150 EMERGENCY PLANNING DISTRICTS--DESIGNATION. (1) Emergency planning districts shall be based on the statutory requirement set forth in RCW 38.52.070 which authorized local emergency management organizations. (2) Cities and towns that do not have active emergency management organizations as required by chapter 38. 52 RCW are considered part of the county planning district in which they are located for the purposed of Title III emergency response planning. (3) If the provision in WAC 118-40-150 (2) is unacceptable to a jurisdiction, the presiding official or officials of that jurisdiction may request that the commission designate that jurisdiction as a Title III emergency planning district. WAC 118-40-160 LOCAL COMMITTEB--ORGINIZATION, MEMBERSHIP. (1) Each local committee shall include, at a minimum, representatives from each of the following groups or types of organizations as specified by Section 301 (c) of Title III: (a) State and local officials. (b) Law enforcement. (c) Emergency management. (d) Firefighting. (e) First aid. (f) Health profession. (g) Local environment. (h) Hospital. (i) Transportation personnel. (j) Broadcast and print media. (k) Community groups. (1) Owners and operators of facilities subject to the requirements of Section 302 (b) of Title III. (2) Each local emergency planning committee shall appoint a chairperson and establish rules by which the committee shall· operate. (3) Committee rules shall include provJ.sJ.ons for public notification of committee activities, public meetings to discuss the emergency plan, public comments, response to such comments by the committee, and distribution of emergency response plans to the general public. 6/13/89 13 - - - - WAC 118-40-170 LOCAL COMMITTEE--RESPONSIBILITIES (1) Not later than October 17, 1988, each local committee shall complete the preparation of a hazardous materials emergency response plan. In the development of the plan, as specified by Sections 303 (a), (b), (c) and 324 (a), (b), Title III, committee duties include, but are not limited to: (a) Forming a local planning team. (b) Designating a team leader. (c) Evaluating the resources needed to develop, implement, and exercise the emergency plan. (d) Identifying existing emergency response equipment and personnel. (e) Conducting a needs assessment of emergency response equipment and personnel requirements. (f) Providing oversight for preparation of the plan by the local planning team. (2) Each local committee shall establish procedures for receiving and processing requests from the general public for information under Section 324 (including Tier II information under Section 312) Title III. such procedures shall include the designation of an official to serve as committee coordinator for all information requests. WAC 118-40-180 HAZARDQUS MATJRIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN- -CONTENT, GUIDELINES, EVALUATION PROCESS. (1) Each local committee shall complete a hazardous materials emergency response plan as required by Section 303 (a), (b), (c), Title III. (2) The committee shall transmit three copies of the completed plan to: Chairperson Washington State Emergency Response Commission Department of Community Development 9th and Columbia Building, GH-51 Olympia, Washington 98504-4151 (3) At a minimum, the plan shall include the requirements of Title III, the standards of the NRT-1 guidelines, and the concepts of the Washington state comprehensive emergency plan as it is written. 6/13/89 14 - - - - ( 4) Upon receipt of a local committee hazardous ·material emergency response plan, the state emergency response commission shall: 6/13/89 (a) Send a letter to the local committee formally acknowledging the receipt of the plan and informing them of the review process. (b) Copies of the plan will then be sent to the following organizations for review and comment. (i) The state division of emergency management, department of community development, to review it against required federal criteria and the state comprehensive emergency management plan. (ii) The hazardous materials advisory committee's subcommittee for contingency planning. (iii)The hazardous materials advisory committee's subcommittee for emergency response. (c) The above organizations shall review the plan and within ninety days submit their comments and recommendations, if any, to the state emergency response commission on whether the plan meets the requirements of Title III, the recommendations of the NRT-1 guidelines and the concepts of the Washington State comprehensive emergency management plan. In the event that there are significant differences in the recommendations of the committees, the full state hazardous materials advisory committee will be asked to resolve the differences and make its recommendation to the emergency response commission within forty-five days of the date of referral to the state hazardous materials advisory committee. (d) Within forty-five days of the receipt of the recommendations, the state emergency response commission will review the recommendations. Upon completion of this review the commission shall, as appropriate, send a letter to the submitting local committee stating one of the following alternative evaluations of the local committee's plan: (i) The plan has been reviewed and is considered to meet the requirements of Title III, the standards of the NRT-1 guidelines, and the concepts of the state comprehensive emergency management plan as it is written. 15 (ii) The plan has been reviewed and is considered to meet the standards of the NRT-1 guidelines, Title III requirements and the comprehensive emergency management plan concept, but suggestions are included on how it may be improved at its nest revision. (iii) Serious omissions are apparent in the plan. Please note the following suggestions on the changes. that are needed to meet the Title III requirements, the guidelines of the NRT-1 guidebook and the concept of the Washington State comprehensive emergency management plan. (5) The local committees shall review and update their plans annually, and submit them to the commission for review under the procedures and guidelines prescribed in this section. WAC 118-40-190 EMERGENCY RESPQNSE TRAINING (1) The department of community development, division of fire protection services, shall provide training as authorized by Section 305, Title III, for emergency first responders, including firefighters, law enforcement, and emergency medical personnel. Other constituencies to be trained may include federal, state, and local governmental employees who may directly or indirectly involve themselves in a hazardous materials incident. Such personnel may include health officials, public works personnel, elected officials, emergency and city managers, and personnel employed by private industry. (2) Emergency training programs shall be designed to improve emergency planning, preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery capabilities. Such programs shall provide special emphasis with respect to emergencies and responsibilities associated with hazardous materials and Title III. (3) The division of fire protection services may officially schedule, conduct, and/or contract for courses throughout the state, and may also provide training sessions upon written or verbal request from public or private organizations, agencies, or departments. 6/13/89 16 WAC 118-40-300 TITLE III--PACtLITIES COMPLIANCE The owner or operator of a facility shall meet all of the applicable requirements of Title III, or of rules adopted by the administrator to implement Title III, as now authorized or hereafter amended, including the planning, notification, reporting, access, and information availability requirements as specified by Sections 301, 302, 303, 304, 311, 312, 313, 324 of Title III. WAC 118-40-400 TzTLI III--ENrOBCEMIHT• PEHALTZES. Enforcement of all Title III provisions and the administration of penalties for violations of the provisions shall be pursuant to Section 325 of Title III, as now authorized or hereafter amended. 6/13/89 17 - - - - - Title 70 RCW: 70.136.010 Legislative Intent It is the intent of the legislature to promote and encourage advance planning, cooperation, and mutual assistance between applicable political subdivisions of the state and persons with equipment, personnel, and expertise in the handling of hazardous materials incidents, by establishing limitations on liability for those persons responding in accordance with the provisions of RCW 70.136.020 through 70.136.070 [1982 c 172 § 1.] 70.136.020 Definitions The definitions set forth in this section apply throughout RCW 70.136.010 through 70.136.070. 1) "Hazardous materials" means: 2) a) Materials which, if not contained may cause unacceptable risks to human life within a specified area adjacent to the spill, seepage, fire, explosion, or other release, and will, consequently, require evacuation; b) Materials that, if spilled, could cause unusual risks to the general public and to emergency response personnel responding at the scene; c) Materials that, if involved in a fire will pose unusual risks to emergency response personnel; d) Materials requiring unusual transportation conditions to containment; or storage or assure safe e) Materials requiring unusual treatment, packaging, or vehicles during transportation to . assure safe containment. "Applicable political subdivisions of the state" means cities, towns, counties, fire districts, and those port authorities with emergency response capabilities. 3) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, or association. 6/13/89 18 - - - 4) "Public agency" means any agency, political subdivision, or unit of local government of this state including, but not limited to, municipal corporations, quasimunicipal corporations, special purpose districts, and local service districts; any agency of the state government; any agency of the United States; any Indian tribe recognized as such by the federal government; and any political subdivision of another state. 5) "Hazardous materials incident" means an incident creating a danger to persons, property, or the environment as a result of spillage, seepage, fire, explosion, or release of hazardous materials, or the possibility thereof. 6) "Governing body" means the elected legislative council, board, or commission or the chief executive of the applicable political subdivision of the state with public safety responsibility. 7) "Incident command agency" means the predesignated or appointed agency charged with coordinating all activities and resources at the incident scene. 8) "Representative" means an agent from the designated hazardous materials incident command agency with the authority to secure the services of persons with hazardous materials expertise or equipment. 9) "Profit" means compensation for rendering care, assistance, or advise in excess of expenses actually incurred. [1987 c 238 § 1; 1982 c 172 § 2.) 70.136.030 I:ncident co-and agencies --Designation by political sUbdivisions The governing body of each applicable political subdivision of this state shall designate a hazardous materials incident command agency within its respective boundaries, and file this designation with the director of community development. In designating an incident command agency, the political subdivision shall consider the training, manpower, expertise, and equipment of various available agencies as well as the Uniform Fire Code and other existing codes and regulations. Along state and interstate highway corridors, the Washington state patrol shall be the designated incident command agency unless by mutual agreement that role has been assumed by another designated incident command agency. 6/13/89 .19 - - If a political subdivision has not designated an incident command agency within six months after July 26, 1987, the Washington state patrol shall then assume the role of incident command agency by action of the chief until a designation has been made. [1987 c 238 § 2; 1986 c 266 § 50; 1985 c 7 § 132; 1984 c 165 § 1; 1982 c 172 § 4.] 70.136.035 Zncident command agencies --Assistance from state patrol. In political subdivisions where an incident command agency has been designated, the Washington state patrol shall continue to respond with a supervisor to provide assistance to the incident command agency. [1987 c 238 § 3.] 70.136.040 zncident command agencies assistance agreements. Emergency Hazardous materials incident command agencies, so designated by all applicable political subdivisions of the state, are authorized and encouraged, prior to a hazardous materials incident, to enter individually or jointly into written hazardous materials emergency assistance agreements with any person whose knowledge or expertise is deemed potentially useful. [1982 c 172 § 3.] 70.136.050 Persons and agencies rendering emergency aid in hazardous materials incidents --Zmmunity from liability --Limitations. An incident command agency in the good faith performance of its duties, is not liable for civil damages resulting from any act or omission in the performance of its duties, other than acts or omissions constituting gross negligence or wilful or wanton misconduct. Any person or public agency whose assistance has been requested by an incident command agency, who has entered into a written hazardous materials assistance agreement before or at the scene of the incident pursuant to RCW 70.136.060 and 70.136.070, and who, in good faith, renders emergency care, assistance, or advise with respect to a hazardous materials incident, is not liable for civil damages resulting from any act or omission in the rendering of such care, assistance, or advise, other than acts or omissions constituting gross negligence or wilful or wanton misconduct. [1987 c 238 § 4; 1984 c 165 § 2; 1982 c 172 § 5.] 6/13/89 20 - 70.136.055 Person transporting hazardous materials Responsil:lili ty for incident clean-up Lial:lility of person causing hazardous materials incident. See RCW 4.24.314. 70.136.060 Written emergency assistance agreements Terms and conditions --Records Hazardous materials emergency assistance agreements which are executed prior to a hazardous materials incident shall include the following terms and conditions: 1) The person or public agency requested to assist shall not be obligated to assist; 2) The person or public agency requested to assist may act only under the direction of the incident command agency or its representative; 3) The person or public agency requested to assist may withdraw its assistance if it deems the actions or directions of the incident command agency to be contrary to accepted hazardous materials response practices; 4) The person or public agency requested to assist shall not profit from rendering the assistance. 5) Any person responsible for causing the materials incident shall not be covered by the standard defined in RCW 70.136.050. hazardous liability It is the responsibility of both parties to ·ensure that mutually agreeable procedures are established for identifying the incident command agency when assistance is requested, for recording the name of the person or public agency whose assistance is requested, and the time and date of the request, which records shall be retained for three years by the incident command agency. A copy of the official incident command agency designation shall be a part of the assistance agreement specified in this section. [1987 c 238 § 5; 1982 c 172 § 6.] 6/13/89 21 - - - 70.136.070 Verbal emergency assistance agreements Notification --Form 1) Verbal hazardous materials emergency assistance agreements may be entered into at the scene of an incident where execution of a written agreement prior to the incident is not possible. A notification of the terms of this section shall be presented at the scene by the incident command agency or its representative to the person or public agency whose assistance is requested. The incident command agency and the person or public agency whose assistance is requested shall both sign the notification which appears in subsection (2) of this section, indicating the date and time of signature. If a requesting incident command agency deliberately misrepresents individual or agency status, that agency shall assume full liability for any damages resulting from the actions of the person or public agency whose assistance is requested, other than those damages resulting from gross negligence or wilful or wanton misconduct. 2) The notification required by subsection (1) of this section shall be in substantially the following form: 6/13/89 NOTIFICATION OF "GOOD SAMARITAN" LAW You have been requested to provide emergency assistance by a representative of a hazardous materials incident command agency. To encourage your assistance, the Washington state legislature has passed "Good samaritan" legislation (RCW 70.136.050) to protect you from potential liability. The law reads, in part: "Any person or public agency whose assistance has been requested by an incident command agency, who has entered into a written hazardous materials assistance agreement . • . at the scene of the incident pursuant to •.. RCW 70.136.070, and who, in good faith, renders emergency care, assistance, or advice with respect to a hazardous materials incident, is not liable for civil damages resulting from any act or omission in the rendering of such care, assistance, or advice, other than acts or omissions constituting gross negligence or wilful or wanton misconduct." The law requires that you be advised of certain conditions to ensure your protection: 1. You are not obligated to assist and you may withdraw your assistance at any time. 2. You cannot profit from assisting. 22 6/13/89 3. You must agree to act under the direction of the incident command agency. 4. You are not covered by this law if you caused the initial accident. I have read and understand the above. (Name) o=a~t~e~----------~T~i~m~e~----------- I am a representative of a designated hazardous materials incident command agency and I am authorized to make this request for assistance. (Name) (Agenc=y~)---------------------------- Date Time ____________ __ [1987 c 238 § 6; 1982 c 172 § 7.] 23 - - SITUATION The city of Kent is a rapidly developing urban area comprised of three main geographical areas. Two areas located on the east and west hills are primarily residential with community related commercial development intermingled. The third area consists of the valley floor area which includes heavy commercial and industrial development as well as single and multi-family residential areas. studies have been done in regard to the hazardous materials within the Kent area. A study done by the PUget sound Council of Governments revealed that the City of Kent has the third largest concentration of hazardous materials in the PUget Sound area. Another study, done by the Kent Fire Department in 1986-87 identified specific locations of these materials and further defined areas of potential risk. The subsequent enactment by the Federal Government of The Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act has assisted in identifying those facilities using "Extremely Hazardous Substances" which pose the greatest threat to the community. Transportation routes for hazardous materials include three state and one Interstate Highway and two railroad lines on which most of the hazardous materials transported north and south within the State of Washington travel. Additionally, there are two limited access roadways within Kent which are considered prime areas for a transportation related hazardous material incident. These are the primary routes for distribution of hazardous materials to local facilities. The valley area houses in excess of 200 facilities which use hazardous materials in their business activities. Of those facilities, 21 have been identified as SARA Planning Facilities. These facilities have above threshold planning quantities of "Extremely Hazardous Substances" as defined by SARA. The Kent Fire Department Haz-Mat Team responds to nearly 100 hazardous material incidents annually. It is further known that many on site incidents are handled by facility workers and are never reported to local authorities. In consideration of the facts provided both here and in the Hazardous Materials Analysis, it is apparent that an incident of significant proportion could occur within Kent. Response measures and the need for evacuation would depend upon the amount and type of material released. Additional information is provided in the Hazardous Material Analysis (Attachment B). 6/13/89 24 .. ~,~ : ~ . ' ' . '·,,' '• • ,,,.,. •• ,"I 1 . ' . -157 ___ ... _ ... _ .. _ ~~~·r.r1 i"oc:! !c. · ... -... -... ....:._ ... _ .. !:!UIIIr.gtc.n .No;I~H!rq I .·I . I I ' .,... / \ " • \ .. \ \ \ . . :~. j~ . ,. ,, '· ' ~ . ~· . ·: : · . " : , • : •' ' ·~ I "!.' SR-167 ·-. \ City Of Kent Hazardous Materials High Risk Area. Map Hi9h Risk Areas HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FACILITIES REQUIRING PLANNING 1 American National Can 1220 N. 2nd Ave. Kent, W A 98032 Jay Burton 854-9950 or 774-7327 2 Americold 8805 s. !90th Kent, W A 98031 Mark Fisk 251-9571 3 Ashland Chemical 831 5th Ave. S. P.O. Box 220 Kent, W A 98032 Gary Creme 850-1585 4 Boeing Space Center 20403 68th Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 P. O.Box 3999 MS-89-02 Seattle, WA 98124 Mary Armstrong-Russell 773-3528 5 Boeing Commercial Airplane Group Propulsion Systems Div 7615 s. 212th Kent, W A 98032 Yvette Barnett 237-9263 or 237-9900 6 Boeing-Kent Benaroya 20651 84th Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 Yvette Barnett 237-9263 or 237-9900 7 Borden Chemical 421 1st Ave. P.O. Box 428 Kent, WA 98031 William Kramer 852-9300 8 Chemical Processors Inc. 20245 77th AveS. Kent, W A 98032 Richard Lu 872-8030 or 821-5821 9 Continental Mills, Inc. 6320 S. !90th St. Kent P.O. Box 88176 Seatlle, WA 98138 872-8400 or 226-2841 8/08/91 10 Crain Industries !9635 78th Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 Mark Stuart 872-0170 or 838-2967 11 Crescent Foods 21612 88th Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 P.O. Box 3985 Seattle, W A 98124 Victor Dang 461-1440 12 Davis Wire Corp 19411 80th Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 Mike Hennan or Bob Wahlberg 872-8910 13*Emerald City Chemical 21000-77th Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 Glen Dodge 872-5511 14 Evergreen Engravers 1819 S. Central #24 Kent, W A 98032 Jeff Hilton 852-6766 15 Exotic Metals 5411 S. 226th St. Kent, W A 98032 Craig Adams 395-3710 16 Fisher Scientific· 8030 S. 228th St. Kent, WA 98032 Eli Burks 872-0330 17*Fumn Aern.•pace Component 7035 212th St. Bldg. 3,Kent 3711 S. Hudson St. P.O. Box 18319 Sc:atlle, WA 98118 Mary Downing 723-5600 26 18*Heath Teena Aerospace Co. Plants 1,2,3,4,6,6a 19819 84th Avenue South Kent, W A 98032 Roy Chandler 872-7500 19 Holman Distribution Center 22430 76th Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 Robert Downie Jr. 872-7140 20 Hytek Finishes Co. 8127 S. 216th St. Kent, W A 98032 Cliff Johnson 872-7160 21 Kent District Swimming Pool 25316 JOist Ave SE, Kent King County Parks Aquatics 2040 84th Ave SE Mercer Island, W A 98040 Steve Chavey 284-2555 22 City of Kent Water Department Clark Springs Well 24875 Kent Kangley Road 220 4th Ave.,Kent,WA 98032 Mr. Leland Fingerson 859-3395 23 City of Kent Water Department East Hill Well 24525 104th Ave SE 220 4th Ave S.,Kent,WA 98032 Mr. Leland Fingerson 859-3395 24 City of Kent Water Department Kent Springs Well 28600 216th Ave SE 220 4th Ave S.,Kent,WA 98032 Mr. Lel11nd Fingerson 859-3395 25 City of Kent Water Department Soos Creek Well 11834 Kent Kangley Road . 220 4tlt.Ave. S.,Kent,WA 98032 Mr. Leland Fingerson 859-3395 - - 26 City of Kent Water Department 212th St. Well 9001 S. 212th St. 220 4th Ave S.,Kent, WA 98032 · Mr. Leland Fingerson 859-3395 ·27 King Command Meats 7622 South !88th Kent, W A 98032 Bill Klosterman 251-6788 28 Liquid Air Corp. 8008 S. 222nd St. Kent, W A 98032 Dale Fix 872-7007 29 Matlack Inc. !9929 77th Ave.S. Kent, W A 98032 Vince Hell 872-8925 30 MCI Telecommunications Corp West Division 12001 SE 227th Place Kent, WA 98031 Anthony Fantham 631-8292 31 Oberto Sausage Company 7060 S. 238th St. Kent, W A 98032 Mr. Bnt<<: Fimhaber 228-2003 32 Paci lie Propeller Inc. 5802 S. 228tb St. P.O. Box 1187 Kent, W A 98035-I I 87 Greg McCarrel 872-7767 33 Protective Coatings Inc. 1215 North 2nd Ave. Kent, W A 98032 Dun De Yaney 854-9330 34 Reynolds Metals 27402 72nd Ave. S. P.O. Box 1108 Kent, W A 98035 Sum Hewlett 95-0790 35 Royal Reprographics 18817 E. Valley Hwy. Kent, W A 98032 Jay Stanton 251-8230 36 Sea-Kent Cold Storage 621 Railroad Ave. N. P.O. Box 368 Kent, W A 98035 Janet Larson 852-4400 37 Surftech Finishes 22436 72nd Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 Randy Haworth 872-0280 38 Tahoma District Swimming Pool 18230 SE 240th,Kent King County Parks Aquatics 2040 84th Ave SE Mercer Island, WA 98040 Tom Warren 284-2555 39 US West Communications Network Switching 206 S. State,Kent Steve Marczewski 1600 Seventh Ave.,Rm ISO! Seattle, WA 98191 623-2447 40 US West Communications Network Switching 19640 68th Ave S.,Kent Steve Marczewski 1600 Seventh Ave.,RM 1501 Seattle, WA 98191 623-2447 41 US West Communications Network Switching 7235 s. 228th, Kent Steve Marczewski I 600 Seventh Ave., Rm I 50 I Seattle, WA 98191 623-4032 42 Van Waters & Rogers 8201 S. 2121b St. Kent, WA 98032 Jack Datin 872-5000 _ *Facilities which have un Emergency Phm hut ure not SARA Title Ill sites 8/08/91 27 43 Western Processing Chemical Waste Management 20015 72nd Ave. S. Kent, W A 98032 Nicholas D. Lewis 395-0513 44 Wilbur Ellis Co. 8643 S. 212th St. Kent, WA 98031 John Hartman or Jim Lassen 872-6920 or 935-2701 ~.- " "' .. ·~ :'! -)·""1: ~~~· ·!~-' I / )> "0 "0 ... 0 )( 3" .... r+ CD en 0 !!!. CD :r ~ CD "' iJ !~ r ~ lil Si )> !!!. en a.c rn -n :s ... ~ == z "' ;'[ 0 ~"" -1 H rn '1:~ 0. &_S. -~ ... !.' r11 11 "tl --.-~ ~---o '·''' ~··I "· ·"'!; [)J :r :-: ,, I~·; -· :J !•. •n ~ lUI ,,, p_ tO lfl. I 1 .• 10 t•JI 1}1 ('Jf.) •• l:-/ '·: ')1 I .J .... ; ....... en } . ~ II 0 :r: -rn --· ~ (I), ,. ::J ~~ "JIC'J .. ,. ~ . , .. ~ .. -· ...;: .. .• '·'t,, J• rt-.... .... , 'J .,. :;.! r. .,, ... ..... ,..._ - CONCEPT OP OP~RATIONS CITY OP UNT The Mayor is the executive head of the city and is responsible for direction and control in an emergency to protect citizens in a disaster. The City council is the legis~ati ve body of the city. They are responsible for passing or~inances, resolutions and laws governing the city. Director of Emergency Services a. Plans for and coordinf!,tes emergency service activities carried out within the city before, during and following a hazardous material emergency or disaster. b. Acts as the coordinating agent for the government of the city to assure the ~est use of resources from the city, county, state ancl federal agencies as well as from the private secto~. c. Advises and assists other departments of the city and appropriate organizat~ons of the private sector in preparing a hazardous :materials emergency plan pertinent to their functi~n during a disaster. KING COUNTY King county Executive is re~ponsible for directing and controlling all county activ:ities to protect lives and property from the effects of any disaster. Director of Jmerqency services is appointed by the executive and is authorized to act in his behalf to coordinate with the State and Federal Government to mitigate the disaster satisfactorily. General Responsibilities shall be as defined in the King County Emergency Plan for Haza~dous Material Incidents. 6/13/89 29 - - - - - STATE OF WASHINGTON The Governor is legally responsible for the direction and control of all emergency servic~s activities within the State. His appointed Emergency Servi¢es Director is delegated the authority to act on his behalf .in coordinating all activities and organizations for emergenc1 services within the State and maintaining liaison.and cooper~ting in emergency matters with the Federal Government, the Plrovidence of British Columbia and other states. Department of 1mergency servia•• organizes state and district emergency services organizations to insure capability to accomplish emergency missions, Coordinates all state and local emergency services o~anizations during declared emergencies as defined in t'e Washington State Disaster Preparedness Plan. See Annex 0, Appendix 2, Section II B of the Washington State Disaster Preparedness Plan. Other State Agencies responsibtlities shall be as defined in the Washington state Disaster Preparedness Plan. They shall be assigned emergency responsibilities by the Department of Community Development, Division of Emergency services based on their respective capabilities. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FEMA Region Tep shall, under the guidance of the National Headquarters, Federal Emergenc~ Management Agency acting in concert with federal field es~ablishments and the military; Interpret national policy and ,program direction, coordinate mobilization activities of Fe~ral Field Offices and states to assure uniform applicati~n within the region, make emergency decisions on the use of resources and coordinate disaster relief activities ot the Federal Government in accordance with applicable p~lic laws, and coordinate the activities of other federal agencies. 4/23/90 30 - - .... .... TESTZNG THE PLAN PURPOSE To provide an adequate means o~ evaluating the effectiveness and feasibility of the plan and its standard operating procedures to ensure maximlll$ readiness of agencies and facilities involved in hazardoUs material incident response. OPERATZONAL CONCEPT "Testing" refers to the.e~ercise of all or part of the Hazardous Material Emeirgency Plan to ensure that all elements work in ha~ony. All or part of the organizations and agenci~s involved may be active participants in the testiing process. After the test, a critique by part~cipants shall be held to identify any elements in the plan that need to be revised or updated. This process shall assure that operational concepts are sound and resources are adequately prepared to car:j:y out necessary functions in a hazardous material e$ergency. 2. All agencies, organizat~ons and SARA Planning facilities will be inform~d of the testing and will be invited to partic~pate or observe, as appropriate, for the type of test planned. RESPONSZBZLZTY The Director of Emergency Serv~ces or his/her designee shall provide for and organize a $inimum of one test/exercise annually. This test or exercise may be in the form of a table top, functional drill, or full scale exercise • 6/13/89 31 ...... ...... - - UPDATING TaB PLAN PURPOSE To provide a satisfactory means of updating information and standard operating proced~res in the plan. Ensure that the plan is updated on an annual basis and that all plan holders are informed of the changes. OPERATIONAL CONCEPT 1. The plan shall be updated annually or following each test;exercise of the plan. Following the critique of the test/exercise, a.ny necessary changes as identified by the evaluat~ng group of the basic plan or its standard operating procedures shall be initiated. In addition to changes identified in the critique, all current i*formation in regards to personnel assignments, e)Dergency phone lists and resources shall be re~iewed for accuracy and updated • 2. Revisions to the plan sha+l be distributed by first class mail to all age~cies, organizations and facilities which hold copies of the plan within 30 days of the final revision. RESPONSIBILITY The Director of Emergency Sel"Vices or his designee shall provide for the plan to be updated following each testjexercise and distribute final revisions to all plan holders according to operational guidelines identified. 6/13/89 32 - - - -! DXRECTXON AND CONTROL 1. The City of Kent Fire Depa~ment has been appointed Incident Command Agency for hazardous material incidents within the City ~f Kent, except upon State and Interstate roadways, (Washington State Patrol will assume the role of Incident Command upon arrival at the scene.) 2 . The Incident Command structure shall be as published, by the Nation~l Fire Academy and the National Emergency Mana~ement Institute. The Incident Commander shall utilize the positions of the Incident Command Syst$m as deemed necessary at the time of the incident. 3 • Upon the request of the Incident Commander, the City of Kent Emergency Managem~nt Division will provide coordination between the Ihcident Commander and the various responding agencies. 4. The Incident Commander $hall determine if the incident has exhausted respurces or capabilities of local agencies. A unified, command with an on-Scene Commander from the Enviro~ental Protection Agency or the United States Coas~ Guard will be initiated upon their arrival at the scene. 5. When local resources have ~een exhausted, the Mayor or his designee will reque•t activation of the King County Emergency Plan. Upon activation, the Kent Division of Emergency Man~gement shall relinquish primary control of the qoordination of resource responsibilities to Kinq County Department of Emergency Management. 6/13/89 33 - - 6. 7. 8. - - 6/13/89 The command post will be .located at a safe area as near as practical to the incident scene. The Incident Commander may determine an alternate location more suitable t~ the type or size of the incident in progress. The operations functions 'lo(ill remain at the incident scene regardless of the location of the command post. It will be the respons~bility of the Incident commander to request ai¢t from outside agencies. Representatives from the following agencies may be located at the command post: Kent Emergency Management Kent Police Department Kent Fire Department Kent Public Works Department -operations Division Technical Advisors (as requested by the Incident Commander) Shippers (for transportat:ion related incident) Facility Coordinator (for fixed facility incident) County Agencies (as requested) State Agencies (as requested) Federal Agencies (as requ•sted) 34 - - 9. The Emergency operations Center will be located at Kent city Hall in the co~rtroom. Representatives of the following agencies may be located in the Emergency Operations center: Emergency Operations Center coordinator Mayor city council Members Public Information Offi.ce~ city of Kent Department Heads and/or their designee. Health Services. 10. The following guidelines may be used by the Incident commander as assistance in determining required resources to control a hazardous material incident: Response Level 1. Response Level 2. 6/13/89 Potential Emerg•ncy condition Description: An incident or threat of a release that can be controlled by city of Kent responders with advice from outside agencies. The incident is not an immediate threat to life or property. Evacuation is J,imited to the immediate area or involved structure only. contact: Kent Fire Depar1ment Kent Police Dep~rtment Kent Public Wor~ Department Washington Stat~ Department of Ecology Chemtrec (Transportation incident only) National Response Commission (NRC) Limited Emergency condition Description: ~ incident involving a greater hazard o~ potential for threat to life of propertr. May require limited evacuation of surrounding area. Contact: All agencies in level 1 City of Kent Emetgency Operations Center Staff King County Office of Emergency Management Washington State Patrol 35 Response Level 3. - 6/13/89 Full Emergency 'condition Description: An incident that poses a severe hazard to life and property or covers a large •rea requiring large scale evacuation. Th~ incident may require the resources of cpunty 1 state 1 Federal or private agenciels. contact: All agencies in level 1 & 2 Washington state Department of Emergency Management Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Environmental ~otection Agency (EPA) or United States coast Guard (USCG) 36 - - - RESPONSE PUNCTIONS INITIAL NOTIFICATION OF RESPONSE AGENCIES 1. 911 will be the telephone ~mber used to notify all local emergency response personnel of an emergency situation within the city limits of Kent. Tho~e calls originating outside the protection area must call (206) 852-2121. 2. Notification of potential problems should be reported by calling the business number of the Kent Fire Department. (206) 859-3322. 3. The city of Kent Emergency Management Division will be responsible for notification ,of the following agencies based on the nature and severity of the incident. 8/08/91 a. King County Agencies King County Police (206) 344-4080 King co. Dept. of Emergency Mgmt. (206) 344-3830 24 hour .nu~ber (206) 344-4080 METRO (Barbara Badger) (Renton Treatment Plant) b. State Agencies 24 hr. # Department of Response Team Department of Energy Radioactive Ecology 24 hr. # (206) 684-2404 (206) 226-3680 (206) 682-5327 (206) 649-7000 Dept. of Emergency Mgmt. 24 hr. # (206) 75'3-5990 1-(800)-262-5990 Washington State Patrol 24 hr. # (Commercial Vehicle Enfo~cement) c. Federal Agencies National Response Center United States coast Guard 24 hr. # d. Technical Assistance Chemtrec 37 (206) 455-7700 (206) 455-7903 1-(800)-424-8802 (206) 286-5400 1-(800) 424-9300 EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE 'TELEPHONE ROSTER '"" CITY ·i.re .ire Chief Norm Angelo Police :-Police Chief Ed crawford '""Engineering Don Wickstrom . Engineering Gary Gill Public Works Tim Heydon .-Local Emergency Planning committee Mayor-Dan Kelleher Environmental Protection Agency Department of Ecology '""Department of Transportation . Washington State Patrol Metro _Public Health King county Emergency Services · Wa. st. Dept. of Emer. Management National Response Center -chemtrec · . s. Coast Guard Jget Sound Air Pollution Control - CLEANUP CONTRACTORS ,.... Amalgamated Services Chemical Processors Northwest Enviroservice '""Chempro Env. Services Olympus Environmental RAILROADS Union Pacific - -Burlington Northern 8/08/91. -38 859-3322 859-3322 8159-4167 8:59-4167 8:59-4170 859-4170 859-3395 859-3322 872-3355 553-1263 649-7000 562-4000 455-7700 226-3680 361-2891 or or or or or or or 911 Home 630-4334 911 Home 627-5567 Home 852-5196 Home 432-0846 Home 527-1488 .296-3830 or 296-3311 753-5990 1-800-262-5990 1"-800-424-8802 1 .. 800-424-9300 286-5540 296-7330 8p4-6643 872-8030 622-.1090 838-1543 or 872-8030 854-5094 1•503-257-9188 collect or 1•800-228-9948 625-6246 939-1050 AGENCIES -HEDICAL Evergreen Hospital overlake Hospital · Auburn Hospital 1rien Hospital (Riverton) ~ ~mmunity Memorial Hospital Enumclaw Riverton Hospital Valley Medical center ..... King County Ambulance Shepard Ambulance ..... NEWS MEDIA KING ~ KIRO KOMO I<ASY KVI ..... KIRO KZOK I<JR ..-MAGIC KLSY - ..... TELEVISION 448-3850 728-7777 443-4145 NEWSPAPER 821-1111 454-4011 833-7711 244-9970 825-2505 244-0180 228-3450 872-6046 852-6030 RADIO 443-3981 728-7777 443-4101 833-5220 223-5700 728-7777 281-5627 454-6397 622-3251 455-1540 • \LLEY ..;:DERAL WAY 872-6600 or weekends 872-6604 839-0700 ..-SEATTLE TIMES POST INTELL. ASSOCIATED PRESS UPI 464-2200, 2239, 2272, or 2237 448-8303 682-:1812 283-3262 ..... OTHER - NORTHWEST PIPELINE WASHINGTON NATURAL GAS ..... PUGET POWER B/08/91 ..... 39 244-6605 464-1999 1-800-424-5555 255-2464 ... INCIDENT IHFORMA7ION SUMMARY DATE __________________________ _ TIME. ________________________ _ NAME OF PERSON RECEIVING CALL~-------------------------------- ON SCENE CONTACT: NAME __________________ __ PHONE ____________ __ INCIDENT LOCATION·---------------------------------------------- NEARBY POPULATIONS·--------------------------------------------- NATURE OF INCIDENT __________________________________________ ___ TIME OF RELEASE----------------------------------------------- POSSIBLE HEALTH EFFECTS ______________________________________ __ EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION ________________________________ __ NUMBER OF INJURED/DEAD-WHERE TAKEN __________________________ ___ NAME OF MATERIAL RELEASED ________________ PHY.SICAL STATE. ______ __ CHARACTERISTICS OF MATERIAL·------------------------------------ AMOUNT OF RELEASE·---------------------------------------------- POTENTIAL AMOUNT OF RELEASE __________________________________ __ OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN AREA~---------------------------- TYPE OF EXPOSURE TO ATMOSPHERE ______________________________ ___ PLUME INFORMATION---------------------------------------------- WEATHER CONDITION __________________________________________ ___ LOCAL TERRAIN------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL ON SCENE-------------------------------------------- 6/13/89 40 - - - COMMUNICATIONS 6/13/89 communications It is the responsibility ~f the communications personnel to organize, establish 'llnd maintain a communications capability sufficient td meet the emergency services requirements during a hazardous material incident in the City of Kent by use of land line, wire and radio service. Communications during a h$zardous material incident are, at best, difficult. The following information for radio frequency use is a recqmmendation based on standard operating procedures. It is not intended to limit the use of any radio frequenc~ available at the time of the incident. 1. In order to ease radio operations, portable radios will be used at the incident scene. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fire frequency 2 andjor 3 will directed by the Fire Operator Communications Cente~. be used as at Valley City frequency 8 will be used as the direct tie between the Inq:ident Commander and the Public Works Operati~ns Center or Public Works field personnel. Law Enforcement Agen¢ies may utilize the LEARN or MAARS frequencies. Communication betweem the Emergency Management Agencies may utilize the OSCAR frequency. 41 COMMON RADIO FREQUENCIES NAME FREQUENCY FIRE 1 154.070 FIRE 2 154.445 FIRE 3 154.310 ,.... FIRE 4 154.250 FIRE 5 (Federal Way Fire Dept.) FIRE 7 (HEAR) FIRE 8 (City Government) 156.000 TAC 1 155.685 TAC 2 155.250 TAC 3 155.925 TAC 4 155.535 TAC 5 (City Government) LEARN 155.370 MAARS Transmit 154.650 Receive 155.190 OSCAR 153.755 ,.... 6/13/89 - - - - PUBLIC INFORMATION / COMMDNXTY RELATIONS 6/13/89 PUblic +nformation Officer The Public Information Officer shall act as liaison between the Incident Comm~nder the media and the public in chemical emergency sitUations. The Public Information Officer will provide media representatives with new~ releases in order to provide incident information ana warning of danger to the community. This informa.tion is provided so that the public will be aware of any potential need for evacuation, shelter in place, or other emergency procedures necessary to protect themselves in a chemical emergency. All information from the Incident Commander shall be reported to the Public Information Officer for dissemination to the media and the public. community Relations The Local Emergency Plal).ning Committee shall provide public information to th~ community regarding chemical emergency planning and preparedness at least once annually by one of the methods listed below. Information regarding che.ical emergency planning and/or preparedness may be relea.ed to the public by any of the following methods. * Public Information Programs * Newspaper, radio, or television announcements * Pamphlets (utility bill mailers or handouts at co~unity events) * City Line publi~ation * * Facility (schools, etc.) specific training programs hospitals, public facilities Media coverage of training exercises. - WARNING SYSTEMS AND EMERGENCY PUBLIC NOTIFICATION 6/13/89 Warning systems The City of Kent has no emergency warning system designed to warn the comm~nity at large of a chemical or other type emergency cur~ently in place. Emergency Public Notification The City of Kent, utili~ing existing resources, will notify the public of an e•ergency situation to the best of its ability by one or •ore of the following methods: * * * * * Through utilized Officer sources. the established procedures by the Public Information to notify the various media Telephone populations in the site contact of vulnerable and facilities as identified spei::ific plans. Public announce•ents through the use of public address systems on radio equipped city vehicles. Door to door notification. Emergency Broadcast System. - - - - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 6/13/89 Fire service It is the responsibility of the Kent Fire Department to provide emergency response to hazardous material incidents within the City of Kent and act as Incident Commander (except on state and interstate highways where the Washington State Patr~l will assume incident command during the incident). Ef~ectively utilize all available city of Kent equipment and manpower, as well as mutual aid equipment and manpower to save lives and property. a. Provide coordination, and control of manpower and equipment thrQugh the communications center and at a command post near the scene. b. Provide manpower and equipment for decontamination and emergency medical aid at the scene of a hazar~ous material incident. c. Provide manpower and equipment for control and containment of a hazardous material release or fire involving hazardous materials whenever possible. Law Enforcement It is the responsibility of the Kent Police Department to provide effective coordination of the law enforcement agency during a hazardous material emergency. a. b. c. d. Provide a capability for effective traffic control and control of evacuation routes during a hazardous material emergency. Insure that law enforcement personnel are familiar with ,procedures for the identification and movement of essential personnel during a hazardous ·material emergency. Assist where nec$ssary in the rapid dissemination of 'li'arning and evacuation information to the ~lie as an augmentation segment of the established warning procedure. Perform evacuation vithin parameters established for specific incident action plan. - - ,... 6/13/89 Public Works a. b. Provide equipment the containment release. and manpower to assist in of a hazardous material Provide equipment ~nd manpower essential city facil~ties damaged of a hazardous material release. to repair as a result c. Provide assistance t~ the Police Department in regards to traffic control on evacuation routes and at the incident scene. d. Provide mitigation m•asures whenever possible for the protection of the city water and sewer systems. 46 - - Cl:TY OF XENT RESOURCES Fl:RE DEPARTMENT APPARATUS 750 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Binoculars D.O.T. Response Book Complete Tool Box 6 -Complete SCBA's APPARATUS 748 CAB, DRIVER'S SIDE I -Door Opener I -HM, CGI & 02 meter MSA I -HM, TLV, Probes, filters GLOVE BOX 3 -Flares, smoke I -Box, Ph paper I -Calculator I-Book, DOT, Emerg. Resp. Guide I -Book, FF's Handbook of HM • 911 Slickers I -Accident Report forms COMPARTMENT 2, MIDDLE I -SCBA. complete I -SCBA, spare bottle I -Axebelt with axe I -Dropbag with rope I -Bundle, Cedar shakes COMPARTMENT2,BOTTOM I -Wrench adjustable hydrant I -Come-a-!0111, with chains I -Wrench, PIV 3 -Metal bars • Denotes an Expendable Supply 7/17190 CLEAN•UP/CONT AINMENT EQUIPMENT Shovel, scoop (4) Broom, push (I) Tubs (4) Lath Absorbent pads Traffic COIIes (12) PB35 Visqueen (20 Foot) Water/Gas shut-off wrench Saw, circular CONSOLE I -Radio, Portable #705 I -Radio, case I-Lantern I -Book, Map, Kent I -Book, Map, Mutual aid 2 -Books, Apartment I -Clipboard COMPA&TMENT2,TOP I -Crate, COIItaining: Metro sampling kit 4 -Broom handles 1-"A"Box 5 -Duct tapes I -Box trash bags I -Box vinyl exam gloves 12-Pair boot covers 4 -Pair silver shield gloves • -Latex gloves 17-Pair Nitrile gloves I -Box Ph paper I-"E" Box 12-I piece Tyvek Saranex suits 4 -Tyvek Saranex Hoods COMPAiRTMENT 4 47 I -EMS, Aid kit 1 -EMS, Blanket 1 -Extinguilber. pressurized water 1 -Extinguisher. dry chemical 1 -Extinguisher. soda ash • -Ubrary, containing: 2 -CHRIS Manuals I -SAX Manuals 1 -Manual, Explosives, AARR 1 -Manual, H20, Emer. Resp. King Co~ 1 -Book, Dangerous Art. Emergency Guide - - ,..... COMPARTMENT 6 COMPARTMENT 4 4 -PB-35 Gallons, dry 1 -Recovery drum, small 1-•H• Box 6 -Fire Retardant Cotton Coveralls * -Library Continued: 1-Book, NFPA #49 1 -Fluorine Info Packet 1 -Clipboard, exposure sheets 1 -Conversion Tables 1 -SCAN Telephone Directory 1 -Liquid Air Pre-plan 1 -Fibercbem Pre-plan 15-Haz-Mat Incident Forms C-26 1 -NIOSH Pocket guide COMPARTMENT 8 COMPAltTMENT 5 *-SCBA, thread protectors 4 -Casc•de, Air, bottles 1 -Cascade, Air, valve assembly 1 -Cascade, Air, gauge 2 -Absorbant booms, 20' 3 -Visqueen, 20' • -Poly Propylene, Absorbant pads 4 -Decon, pools 1 -Decon, Layout visqueen 2 -Long handle scrub brushes 1 -Decon Kit: 2 -Garden hoses, w/nozzles 1 -5/8• Non-<:lappered wye 4 -Scrub brushes 5 -Waste baskets 1 -Eye wash bottle 2 -Decon diagrams 2 -Boxes trash bags 1 -Car wash soap * -Bamboo sticks I -Radiological monitoring kit 6-Flares 1 -Perimeter tape, box 4 -Bicycle helmets I -Spreader I -Gas clamp, Large 1 -Gas clamp, Small I 0-Gallons, Soda ash COMPAltTMENT 3 12-SCBA. spare bottles 16-Sprinkler wedge sets 1 -Extinguisher, C02, cartridge I -Rope, utility COMPARTMENT!, TOP 1 -Probe, Brass, CGI 1 -Wrench, 36• Pipe 1-•a• Box: 4 -Tyvek Saranex encapsulating suits 1 -Patch Kit, QUICK KIT 5 -Sprinkler wedges 1 -PVC, Couplers 2·, 1-112•, 3/4., 112" 4 -Brushes Acid 2 -Tubes, epoxy 1-Bag Oakum 2 -Teflon tape 2 -Joint compound 2-Galvanized pipe plugs, 1", 2-112", 2-3/4" 1-4" Pipe plug * -Pipe straps, -· 5 -Male plugs, aast. 1 -Bag aasorted Bungs 4 -Brass gate valves 4 -Hose clamps * Denotes an Expendable Supply 7117/90 48 - - - 1 -Tool Kit, QUICK KIT 1 -Wrench, Universal Bung 1 -Mallet, dead blow 1 -Mallet, rubber 2 -Grounding cables 1 -Caulking. gun, w/caulk 1 -Drum lift strap 1 -Lead wool, bag 1 -Plier, vice grip 1 -Tin snips 1-Dish soap 1 -Wire brush 1 -Wrench, 10" Crescent 1 -Wrench, 12 • Crescent 1 -Wrench, 16" Crescent 1 -Wrench, 5116" Crescent 1 -Pressure gauge 6 -Screwdrivers, Straight blade 1 -Pop Rivet gun, w/rivets 1 -Scissor 2 -Strap set, Rachel 1-"D" Box: 6 -Nitrile boots 1-"B" Box: 1 -Accessories Kit, QUICK KIT: 2-Goggles 4 -Nitrile gloves *-"T" Bolts 1 -Water Gauging Paste 1-Aqua Seal 1 -Petro Seal 2 -Mega Sticks 1 -PCB Screening Kit 1 -Mega Quick Syringe S -Ear Plugs, min. * -Asst. Wooden Plugs 3 -Tennis Balls * -Gasket material 1-Duct Tape 2 -Rubber Balls * -Patching Plates 3 -PVC, Hooded raincoats (green) 4 -Yellow raincoats 6 -Yellow raincoats 4 -Yellow Tyvek, Encap. suits COMPARTMENT1,MmDDLE 1 -SCBA, complete 1 -SCBA, spare bottle * Denotes an Expendable Supply PUBLIC WQRKS TRUCKS 7117/90 1 Ton Dump (1) S Ton Dump (2) Water Sanders (3) COMPARTMENT1,BOTTOM 1 -Chain, tow 1 -Chains, tire 4 -Brooms, push HEAVY EQUIPMENT Graders (2) Tractors (2) Dozer Backhoes (3) Forklift Front-ad Loader Vactor (3) (Super Suckers) 49 - .... ,.... - ,... - HEALTB AND MEDICAL 6/13/89 Ambulance Service Ambulance service shall be provided by local ambulance services and fire d~artment aid vehicles when appropriate. Mutual aiq services may be requested at the discretion of the Incident Commander, based on the scope of the incident, These services shall be dispatched through Vallet Communications at the request of the On Scene commande~ either by radio or telephone. Jmerqency Medical Treatmtpt On scene decontamination and emergency medical treatment shall be provided by fire' department personnel and other available emergency mediQal personnel dispatched through Valley Communications a$ requested by the on scene commander. All persons requ~r~ng medical treatment shall be decontaminated prior to $mergency medical treatment and transport to a hospital. or other emergency facility. Decontamination procedures are defined in the Kent Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Guide (Attachment 'A' to this plan). Bealth The Incident Commander, ~n cooperation with the Public Works Department, shall, to the best of their ability, take action to protect area water and sanitation resources from chemical contamination. Clean up and recovery fro• chemical contamination of the environment may require outside assistance from state or federal agencies and private contractors and consultants. Other Bealth and Medical Assistapce Health and medical assistance beyond the capabilities of existing local resource$ and mutual aid participants shall be under the dire~tion of the Director of the Seattle/King County Health Department, The State Department of Social and Health Services andjor the u.s. Department of Health, Education and Welfare as determined by the scope ~f the disaster and defined in Annex K of the City of Kent Disaster Plan. so RESPONSE PERSONNEL SAFETY 6/13/89 During any hazardous mate~ial emergency it is essential that response personnel are protected to the greatest degree possible from ad~erse effects resulting from exposure to hazardous mat,rials involved in an incident. In order to provide an acceptable standard of personnel safety, detailed standard operating procedures have been established. 1. Initial precautions a. protective clothing b. determination of hazardous material presence c. establishment of command post at safe distance d. approach to incident site 2. Incident size up a. isolate area b. identify hazardous material c. assess potential danger of incident 3. Call for resources a. identify resources needed b. request Haz Mat Team response 4. Safety a. rescue operations b. containment c. evacuation d. decontamination The procedures outlined ~eve are contained in the Kent Fire Department Hazardous Material Response Guide and may be reviewed in complete form in Attachment A of this plan. 51 - ,... PERSONAL PROTECTXON OF CXTXZEN$ 6/13/89 During any hazardous material emergency it is essential that the citizens of the community be protected to the greatest degree possible from the adverse effects of exposure to hazardous mat~rials involved in an incident. In order to provide for personal protection of the citizens located in an affected area the following guidelines have been esta~lished. 1. Shelter in Place Indoor protection shall be the preferred method whenever possible, to protect citizens from exposure to hazardous materials released during an incident. The decision to shelter in place shall be based on the quantity of material released, the hazardous properties of the material and technical expertise available at the time of the incident. The incident commander shall be re$ponsible for determining the need for sheltering in place and executing warning and communication procedures as outlined in the Warning and Emergency Notification section of this plan. The following instructions shall be given to citizens during a shelter in place situation: a. Stay inside until you are notified by television, rad~o, or other means that it is safe to go o~tside. b. Close all doors and windows. c. d. e. Turn off all heating, ventilation systems. cooling and Do not use the fireplace or woodstove. Put any burning fires out and close the damper. Listen to your ~ocal radio or television stations for further instructions. 52 - ,..... - ,..... ,..... 6/13/89 Additional information will need to be provided in the event it is necessary for citizens sheltering in place need to protect their breathing. The following instructions will shall be given: a. Cover mouth and nose with handkerchief ~r towel to breathing. Thin cloths should over several ti$es. a damp protect be folded b. Follow all inst+ructions for shelter in place. 2. Evacuation The following inst~ctions shall be given citizens when they ate notified to evacuate. volume of informat~on may be reduced if incident commande~ determines that circumstances, or warring methods to be used do allow for effective communication of information. a. Gather what you and your family will need. Pack only what you will need most. b. Turn off heating, ventilation and cooling systems and a~pliances. Leave the refrigerator on. c. Lock the house or building when you leave. d. Do not use the p~one unless it is urgent. Keep any emergency call very short. e. Take only one ca~ and drive safely. Keep all windows and vents closed, turn on the radio for evacul!tion routes and up to date information. f. Follow directions given by officials along evacuation routes. g. h. Carpool if po~sible to help· reduce traffic congesti~n during the evacuation. If you do not h!ave transportation ride with a neighbor, friend or relative. Do not call your children's school or go to pick them up. They will be the first ones moved if any evacuation is necessary in their location. You will be notified by radio or teleVision where you can pick them up. 53 to The the the not all - -HUMAN SERVICES 6/13/89 It is essential during any emergency situation, either chemical or otherwise, that persons which have been evacuated from their h~mes or businesses due to impending danger to life and health or actual destruction of property be provided with essential human services. These essential services should include but not be limited to food, shelter and clothing. In the event of an emerge~cy situation requiring human services, the City of Kent Director of Emergency Services or designee shall call the American Red Cross andjor The Salvation Army for assistance in this area. American Red cross The American Red Cross will provide temporary housing, mass care shelter and feeding facilities, emergency first aid and medical ·services, welfare inqu1.r1.es, information services and fina~cial assistance for essentials based on the immediate need at the time of the emergency. Salvation Army The Salvation Army w;ill assist the American Red Cross with food collection and distribution, provide clothing, bedding essential furnishings and spiritual and family counseling for displaqed individuals during an emergency situation. Other Agencies Other local agencies · may be called or may volunteer to assist w:i.th human services during times of emergency. ~ese agencies or citizen groups may include civic organizations, church groups, businesses e'l:fc. These agencies may provide human service$ support in the areas of shelter, food, cloth ling or other immediate needs during an emergency. · 54 - - ,.... - - ,.... LOCAL AMERICAN RED CROSS SHBLT8RS Schools Totem Jr. High Mt. Rainier High Pacific Middle School T. Jefferson High Auburn High School cascade Jr. High Kent Meridian High Kentridge Sr. High Kentwood Sr. High Kent Jr. High Mattson Jr. High Meeker Jr. High Meridian Jr. High Sequoia Jr. High Churches First Christian Church 26630 40th s. 22450 19th s. 22705 24th s. 4248 s. 288th 800 4th St. NE -Auburn 1015 24th NE -Auburn 9800 SE 256th 12430 SE 208th 25800 164th SE 620 N. Central 6400 SIE 25lst 12600 SE l92nd 23480 120th SE 11000 SE 264th 11717 SE 240th united Methodist Church 11010 SE 248th covington Comm. Church covington Baptist Kent Lutheran zion Lutheran 6/13/89 17455 Wax Rd. 21115 SE 272nd 336 s ~nd 25105 l32nd Ave. SE 55 852-5100 433-2441 433-2581 839-7490 931-4880 931-4995 859-7404 859-7345 859-7680 859-7446 859-7671 859-7284 859-7383 859-7542 852-2957 631-2564 631-9090 432-5330 630-9181 631-0942 - - - - ONGOING INCIDENT ASSESSMENT 6/13/89 The City of Kent has limited means of monitoring a hazardous materials emert.Jency. While the Kent Fire Department has the responsibility for this function, they will do so only to their capabilities. Beyond those capabilities, ttj.e Environmental Protection Agency's "Technical Assi!ltance Team" will be requested to monitor an emergency ~isk area. In some incidents, the specific facility ma~ be able to monitor their own release and will be used in those instances. Monitoring Equipment Kent Fire Department MSA c.G.I. and Oxygen meter T.L.V. meter Gas track Radiological Monitor~ng Kit Other Monitoring Age~cies Department of Ecology Metro United States Coast ~uard Washington Natural Gas 56 - ... - - - CONTAINMENT AND CLEAN UP 4/23/90 The containment and clean-up of a hazardous material spill or release is of vjtal concern to the citizens of Kent. The Kent Fire Department, being the agency responsible for the initial response shall perform to the best of its ability any necessary measures for the control of a hazardous material release. These efforts will focus on limiting the effects of a release on people, property and the environment. containment containment by the ~ent Fire Department of a hazardous material release shall consist of operations which limit the size of the initial release and attempt to mitigate adverse effects on the commUnity. Specific procedures for containment of a hazardous materials release can be found in the Kent Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Procedures,, Spill Control Section (Attachment A to this document). Clean-up and Disposal The clean-up and ~isposal of a hazardous materials release is the responsibility of the owner or transporte~ of the material. Title 4 RCW 4.24.314. Clean-up and disposal measures must be coordinated between the responsible party an~ state/federal regulatory agencies or private clean-up and disposal contractors as detetmined by the nature and severity of the release. Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) is the lead state agency for overseeing the"clean up and disposal of haza~dous materials and waste. In the event that the owner/spiller is unknown or unwilling, WDOE is authorized by state law to pay for the clean up and disposal of the spilled materials an~ pursue the owner/spiller for reimbursement. Authorization must be obtained through WOO~ prior to beginning clean up and disposal opetations in order for them to pay for clean up and disposal costs. 57 - - - Title 4 RCW: Civil Procedure 4.24.314 Person transportint hazardous materials -- Responsibility for i cident clean-up --Liability 1) of person causing ha ardous materials incident. Any person transporting h$zardous materials shall clean up any hazardous material~ incident that occurs during transportation, and shall take such additional action as may be reasonably necessary after consultation with the designated incident command agency in order to achieve compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Any person responsible for causing the hazardous materials incident, other than operating employees of a transportation company, is liable to the state or any political subdivision thereof for extraordinary costs incurred by the state or the political subdivision in the course of protecting the public from actual or threatened harm resulting from the hazardous materials incident. 2) "Extraordinary costs" as used in this section means those reasonable and ne~essary costs incurred by a governmental entity in the course of protecting life and property that exceed th$ normal and usual expenses anticipated for police aJ1d fire protection, emergency services, and public wor~. These shall include, but not be limited to, overtime for public employees, unusual fuel consumption requirements, any loss or damage to publicly owned equipment, and the purchase or lease of any special equipment or services required to protect the public during the hazardous materials incident. ( 1984 c 165 § 3. ) 6/13/89 58 - - r - - 6/13/89 DocUIIIeptatiop The Incident Commander shall be responsible for documentation qf a hazardous material incident by means of.the Fire Incident Report (WAFIRS) and the Haza~dous Material Data Sheet as well as necessary reports on injuries and casualties as appropriate for the specific incident. The individual or company responsible for the release shall submit; appropriate reports as determined by individual company procedures and state and federal regulations. Investigative Follow-up Investigative follQw-up shall be the responsibility of the individual and/or company responsible tor the release and state of federal regulat~ry agencies per their standard operating pttocedures, as appropriate for the specific incident. 59 - ,... ' r r ,..... I TJUliNING The Training Division of the Kent Fire Department shall act as coordinator and provide scheduling and record keeping for all inter-city hazardous materials training. Training schedules and information are available through the Training Officer. It is intended that all first responding members of the Fire Department and selected membe~rs of the Police and Public Works Departments will be trained to the First Responder - "Awareness Level" as defined in 29 CFR l.9l.O.l.20. First responding members of the Fire Department in addition to all members of the Hazardous Materials Team will receive all or part of the additional training as defined in 29 CFR l.9l.O.l.20 and outlined below. The City of Kent will also utilize training resources available through the National Fire Academy, the Washington state Department of Community Development and the Federal Government. Training which may become available from time to time through private agencies will be utilized and considered part of the regular training requirements. TRAINING LEYELS l.. First Responder -Awareness Level 2. * Recognition Materials and I~entification First Responder -OperatiQns Level of (24 hours training and de~onstrate competency) Hazardous * Knowledge of basic hazard and risk assessment techniques * Personal protective equipment for first responder level * Basic control, containment andjor confinement operations * Basic decontamination procedures * Understanding of Standard operating and Termination Procedures 3. Hazardous Materials Technician (Minimum 24 hours training and demonstrate competency) * Knowledge of leak repair. 4. Hazardous Materials Specia~ist 6/13/89 (Minimum 24 hours training and demonstrate competency) * Respond with, and p:r~ovide support for hazardous materials technician. * Act as on scene Commamder 60