HomeMy WebLinkAbout1601RESOLUTION NO I t-ot A RESOLUTION of the C1ty Council of the City of Kent, Waslnngton, adoptmg the 2002 -2007 Six Year TransportatiOn Improvement Plan WHEREAS, after proper notice, the C1ty Council of the City of Kent held a pubhc hearmg at the regular meetmg of the City Council at 7·00 p m on September 4, 2001, to consider pubhc testimony on the City's proposed 2002-2007 S1x Year Transportation Improvement Plan and, havmg considered pubhc testimony to the Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS. SECTION 1 The 2002 through 2007 SIX Year Transportation Improvement Plan, set forth m Exlnbit "A" attached hereto and herewith filed with the City Clerk, IS hereby adopted PASSED at a regular meetmg of the City Council of the City of Kent, W ashmgton tlns__f_dayof 4~ ,2001 1 Six Year Transportation Plan tJ,.. 4 CONCURRED m by the Mayor of the C1ty of Kent, th1s _.,.. ft,_1 t<JM 2001. S day of JIM ATTEST· htL,_,~~ BRENDA JACOBE CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM ----.. / y I hereby cerl!fy that this IS a true and correct copy of ResolutiOn No I {,o f , passed by the C1ty Counc!l of the C1ty of Kent, Washmgton, the _j___ day of ~~ ,2001 ~ .;2.._, '(it~ (SEAL) BRENDAJACOBER~YCLERK P \Cm\\ResoluMniSIXYEAR-2002 RES doc 2 Six Year Transportation Plan CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2002-2007 •• KENT WASHINGTON Mayor Jim White Don E. Wickstrom, P.E. Director of Public Works CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Project Name Number ProJect Locatron and E<tent Page 132"" Avenue Southeast Widening 1 Southeast 2451h Street to Southeast 252"d Street 2 Washington Avenue (SR 181) HOY Lanes 2 James Street to Green Rzve1 Brzdge 3 Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOY Lanes -North Phase 3 Kent-Des Mornes Road (SR 516) to South 25 2"d St1 eet 4 Canyon Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Alvord Avenue to 97'" Place South 4 5 West Meeker Street Widening-Phase I 5 Washzngton Avenue (SR 181) to 64th Avenue South 6 Southeast 2561h Street Widening-Phase I 6 • 116'h Avenue Southeast to 136'" Avenue Southeast 7 94'h Avenue South at Canyon Drive (SR 516) 7 Traffic Szgnal System Improvement 8 James Street at Central Avenue 8 Intersectzon Improvement 9 Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOY Lanes-South Phase South 252"d Street to South 272"d Street 9 10 132"d Avenue Southeast at Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) 10 Intersectzon Improvement 11 South 212'h Street Pavement Rehabilitation 11 Green Rzver Brzdge to West Valley Hzghway (SR 181) 12 72"" Avenue South Extension 12 South 196'" Street to South 20d1' Street CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Project Name Number Pro1ect Locatzon & Extent Page 13 South 277 111 Street Corridor -Phase II 13 SR 167 to Auburn Way North 14 Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect 14 West Meeker Street and West Sm1th Street 15 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements 15 Ongozng C1tyw1de Program 16 Guardrail and Safety Improvements 16 Ongozng Cztyw1de Program 17 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad/Union Pacific 17 Railroad Grade Separation South 21 f' Street, James Street and/or Wz/lls Street!SR 516, and • South 228'" Street 18 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair 18 And Rehabilitation Ongozng Cltywzde Program 19 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus 19 Ongozng Cltywzde Program 20 Willis Street (SR 516) at 4'11 Avenue Roundabout Construction 20 Replace Szgnal at lntersectzon wzth Roundabout 21 84'11 Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation 21 South 212'" Street to SR 167 22 West Valley Highway at South 277'11 Street 22 llltersectzon Improvement 23 South 228th Street Corridor-Phase I 23 Mzlztmy Road to 54'" Avenue South II • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Project Name Pro;ect Locatzon & Extent 116'h Avenue Southeast Widening Southeast 2561h Street to Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) Military Road at Reith Road lntersectzon Improvement Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Wzlbs Street (SR 516) to the Green Rzver Brzdge South 272"d Street Widening-Phase I M1htary Road to 26'h Avenue South Military Road Widening -Phase I Rezth Road to Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) South 228th Street Corridor-Phase III 84 1h Avenue South to Benson Road (SR 515) 80th Avenue South Widening South 196th Street to South 188th Street South 272"d Street Widening-Phase II 26'h Avenue South to Pac1fic H1ghway South (SR 99) South 272"d Street Widening-Phase III Mzbtary Road to Pacific Hzghway and 1-5 HOV Loop-Ramp 4'h Avenue & Smith Street Intersection Improvements lntersectzon Improvement Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements V1c1mty of I" Avenue North and Temperance Street MAP OF THE PROJECTS lll Page 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ------------------------------~-------·------------------ CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 132"d Avenue Southeast Widening Southeast 245'h Street to Southeast 252nd Street Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a three-lane roadway, mcludmg two general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, paved shoulders, storm dramage and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way AcquiSitiOn Constructwn . .. $250,000 0 .. $1,000,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,250,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City ofKent, AlP, STP (U) PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectiOn of 132"d Avenue Southeast has reached the pomt where a consistent three-lane roadway sectiOn IS reqmred to provide safe left-tum access mto the adJommg properties Roadway Improvements are also reqmred to provide safe access for mcreased traffic and school age pedestnans to and from the East Hill Youth Sports Complex, and the Martm Sortun Elementary School Shoulder Improvements Will also provide contJ·ol of roadway dramage and prevent Impacts to adJacent property owners STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard EhmmatiOn, FMSIB-Fretght Mob1ltty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportallon Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, 4/P-Arlena] Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement District I • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2002 Washington Avenue (SR 181) HOY Lanes James Street to Green River Bndge Widen Washmgton Avenue (SR 181) to provide two general purpose lanes m each directiOn, one HOY (High Occupancy Vehicle) lane northbound between SR 516 and West Meeker Street, and southbound between West Smith Street and Willis Street. This prOJect will also mclude four general purpose lanes and a two way left tum lane between Smith Street and James Street and a new nght tum only lane from northbound Washmgton A venue to eastbound SR 516 The ex1stmg traffic signal systems at the mtersectwns ofWashmgton Avenue at West Meeker Street and Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) Will be modified The proJect will mclude constructiOn of full-width pavmg, Sidewalks, street hghtmg, stonn dramage, landscapmg, concrete curbs, gutters, utlhl!es, and appurtenances Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way AcquiSitiOn ConstructiOn $300,000 .. $630,000 $3,100,000 TOTAL ...................................... $4,030, 000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, TIB, C1ty of Kent, LID, WSDOT overlay, Funded, LID Formed PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect IS reqmred for compliance with the C1ty's concurrency ordmance It will reduce peak hour smgle occupant vehicle tnps by encouragmg high occupancy vehicle usage. Washmgton Avenue IS a regiOnally Significant north-south artenal used by commuters for access from SR 516 and SR 167, and to the mdustnal/cornrnercJa! land uses m the Green River Valley STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) u, ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, -UP-A.rtenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct 2 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOV Lanes-North Phase Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) to South 252"d Street Widen Pacific Highway South to provide a pair ofHOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes from the Kent-Des Momes Road (SR 516) to South 252"d Street The proJect will also provide a seven foot Wide concrete sidewalk and modify existmg traffic signal systems at the Kent-Des Momes Road, South 240'h Street, and at South 252"d Street. The project mcludes landscapmg, pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, storm dramage systems, utilities, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . . . $1,200,000 Right ofWay AcqulSltiOn. . ...... $530,000 ConstructiOn . $6,720,000 TOTAL ....................................... $8,450,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (U), TPP, AlP, City of Kent, WSDOT Funds Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This prOJect IS reqmred for compliance With the City's concurrency ordmance It will reduce peak hour smgle-occupant vehicle tnps by encouragmg high occupancy vehicle usage Pacific Highway South (SR 99) IS a regwnally sigmficant north-south artenal heavily used by commuters for access from South Kmg county to the employment centers m South Seattle, and provides alternative access to I-5 and Sea-Tac airport STP-Surface Transportal!on Program [Federal]; (U) U1 ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 3 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 Canyon Drive Bicycle and Pedestnan Facilities Alvord A venue to 97'h Place South Improve Canyon Dnve (SR 516) by extendmg the ex1stmg s1dewalks along the southerly s1de of Canyon Dnve, between Alvord Avenue and 97'h Avenue South, and w1den the pavement along the southerly s1de of the roadway to prov1de a b1cycle fac1hty The proJeCt Will mclude constructwn of pavmg, Sidewalks, street hghtmg, mmor storm dramage, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. $120,000 $30,000 $850,000 Right of Way Acqms1t10n ConstructiOn TOTAL ....................................... $1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Canyon Dnve 1s a c1ty des1gnated b1cycle route and 1s the key route to the east h1ll area It w1ll reduce peak hour smgle-occupant veh1cle tnps by encouragmg the use ofnon-motonzed transportatiOn modes STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) U1ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-HazaJd Ehmmat10n, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobl11ty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Trnnsportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatwn Improvement Board, ~IP-Artenal Improvement Pro1,•:ram (State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 4 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 West Meeker Street Widening-Phase I Washmgton Avenue (SR 181) to 64th Avenue South Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five-lane roadway mcludmg four general-purpose travel lanes, a center turn lane, and a bicycle facility The traffic Signal system at the mtersectwn of 64th Avenue South will also be modified The proJect Will mclude constructiOn of full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, street hghtmg, storm dramage, u!Jh!Jes and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way AcqulS!hon $110,000 $330,000 $1,800,000 ConstructiOn . . ..... . TOTAL ....................................... $2,240,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, City ofKent, LID Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectiOn of Meekei Street has reached the pomt where a consistent five-lane roadway sectiOn IS reqmred to accommodate through traffic Traffic volumes exceedmg 25,000 ADT, west of the mtersectwn ofWashmgton Avenue, mandate a five-lane road to accommodate additiOnal development STP-Surface Transportatwn Program [Federal], (U) U1 ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmal!on, FMSJB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportal! on Improvement Account, TIB-Transportal!on Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Pro!,>ram [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 5 • • • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2002 Southeast 2561h Street Widening-Phase I !16'h Avenue Southeast to 136 1h Avenue Southeast Widen Southeast 256'h Street to provtde a three-lane roadway, mcludmg two general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, plus additiOnal tum lanes at key mtersectwns, and a bicycle facthty Modtfy the existmg traffic s1gnal systems at the mtersectwns of 1161h Avenue Southeast, 1241h Avenue Southeast and !32"d Avenue Southeast The cross-streets wtll also be widened to construct curb returns at the same mtersectwns The project wtll mclude the constructiOn of full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, stdewalks, bicycle paths, street hghtmg, storm dramage, ul!htJes and appurtenances Prehmmary Engmeenng . Right of Way Acqms1t10n .. ConstructiOn $555,000 $360,000 $5,165,000 TOTAL ....................................... $6,080,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, City of Kent, Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development m the Lake Mendian and Mendian Country Club areas of the City of Kent, the City of Covmgton, and nearby areas wtthm Kmg County has reached the pomt where a consistent three-lane roadway sectwn IS reqmred to provide safe left-tum access mto the adJommg properties, and accommodate this past development Further, shoulder Improvements such as concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks and bicycle paths are reqmred to provtde control of roadway dramage and prevent 1mpacts to adjacent property owners, and to provtde safe access for school-age pedestnans and cychsts, and general access needs to the area surroundmg the Mendmn Elementary School. STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements. HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TJA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Imptovement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Prot,'Tam [State], LID -Local Improvement D1strJct 6 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 94th Avenue South at Canyon Drive (SR 516) Traffic Signal System Improvement Install a traffic signal at the mtersectwn of 94th Avenue South at Canyon Dnve (SR 516) The pro] eel also mcludes the reconstructiOn & reahgnment of the 248'h Street SE & 94'h Avenue mtersectwn along w1th pavement w1demng of 94'h Avenue South from South 248'h Street to Canyon Dnve (SR 516) It also mcludes constructwn of a tum 1sland at the mtersectwn of Canyon Dnve, and constructiOn of retaimng walls/rockenes and b1cycle paths Along the northerly side of Canyon Dnve, ex1stmg curbs and walkways will be reconstructed to meet C1ty Standards The proJect Will also mclude constructwn of curbs, gutters s1dewalks and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng R.Jght of Way AcqulSltJOn Constructwn . .. $55,000 ... $70,000 .. $555,000 TOTAL .......................................... $680,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, C1ty of Kent, Mil!gal!on Agreements, LID Partzally Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: A traffic signal 1s appropnate because of the level of development m this area and the combmation of travel speeds and traffic volumes along Canyon Dnve The s1gnal will prov1de safe access mto the local residenl!al areas bounded by 94'h Avenue South, 104'h Avenue South, and Southeast 240'h Street/James Street This s1gnal Improvement w!ll also help provide safe access for pedestnans to/from the METRO bus routes along Canyon Dnve STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements. HES-Hazard Ehmmal:lon, FMSIB -FTelght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena! Improvement Proh'lam [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 7 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 James Street at Central Avenue IntersectiOn Improvement W1den the easterly leg of James Street at Central Avenue mtersectwn to prov1de an exclus1ve nght-tum lane for westbound traffic on James Street, and construct a second south-bound to east-bound left tum pocket The proJect w1ll also modify the ex1stmg traffic sJgnal The proJect w1ll mclude the constructiOn of pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage fac!IJlies, ulihlies and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . $270,000 $170,000 .. $760,000 Right of Way AcqulSltJOn ConstructiOn TOTAL ....................................... $1,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, C1ty of Kent Partzally Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s mtersectwn 1s heavily impacted by traffic commg off and headed to the Kent East Hill The proJect Will support improved access mto the downtown area and the mcreased traffic generated by the changes m land use m the downtown area STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) U1ban. (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Elrmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], Tl4 -Transportal! on Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, 4/P-Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 8 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 Pacific Highway South (SR 99) HOY Lanes-South Phase South 252"d Street to South 272"d Street Widen Pacific H1ghway South to prov1de a pa1r ofHOV (H1gh Occupancy Veh1cle) lanes from South 252"d Street to South 272"d Street. The proJect w11l also prov1de a seven foot w1de concrete Sidewalk, and modify ex1stmg traffic s1gnal systems at the Fred Meyer Shoppmg Center, South 260'h Street, and South 272"d Street The proJect will mclude constructiOn of pavmg, landscapmg, storm dramage systems, concrete curbs, gutters, ulihlies, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . $900,000 . $1,600,000 $6,100,000 Right of Way AcquiSitiOn ConstructiOn . . . . .. . . TOTAL ....................................... $8,600,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (U), TPP, AlP, C1ty of Kent, WSDOT Funds Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This pro] ect 1s reqmred for compliance With the C1ty' s Concurrency Ordmance and the City Comprehensive Plan The proJect w1!1 reduce peak hour smgle-occupant vehicle tnps by encouragmg l::ugh occupancy vehicle usage PaCJ:fic H1ghway South (SR 99) IS a regwnally s1gmficant north-south artenal heavily used by commuters for access from South Kmg County to the employment centers m South Seattle, and provides alternalive access to Interstate 5 from airport STP-Surface TransportatiOn Pro6'Tllm [Federal], (U) U1 ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre~ght Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TJA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, "IP-Arlena] Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 9 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 132"d Avenue Southeast at Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) IntersectiOn Improvement W1den the north leg of 132"d Avenue Southeast at South 272"d Street (Kent-Kangley) mtersectwn to provide an exclusive nght-tum lane for southbound traffic on 132"d Avenue Southeast The proJect mcludes mod1fymg the ex1stmg traffic signal system and reconstructiOn of pavmg, street hghtmg, storm dramage facilities, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalksl'b!cycle paths, utJhties and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . $20,000 .$30,000 $200,000 Right of Way Acqmsil!on Construction TOTAL .......................................... $250,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, AlP, SIP (U) Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This mtersectwn IS heavily Impacted by traffic commg down 132110 A venue Southeast and supports throughput to the Southeast 272"d Street Comdor The comer turmng Improvement Will he mto the curb and gutter Improvements at the nearby shoppmg center The proJect Will support Improved access onto the cross-valley comdor and Kent East Hill STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) U1ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmat10n, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TJB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP -Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 10 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 South 212 111 Street Pavement Rehabilitation Green River Bndge to West Valley H1ghway (SR 181) Remove and rehabilitate the ex1stmg roadway pavement to add additional serv1ce hfe to the asphalt roadway between the Green River bndge and West Valley H1ghway (SR 181) Th1s proJect will mclude the removal and replacement of the upper two mches of the ex1stmg asphalt pavement m the curb lanes m both d1rectwns, and a full-w1dth asphalt pavement overlay of the entire roadway. Tlus proJect w1ll also mclude the select1ve replacement of catch basm mlets and dnveway approach aprons, and sectwns of concrete curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng ............ $45,000 Right of Way AcqulSltJOn ... ConstructiOn . . . . . . $-0- $635,000 TOTAL .......................................... $680,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (U), C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The ex1stmg asphalt pavement along this sectwn of South 212'11 Street IS exh1b1tmg s1gns of distress, as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", long1tudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the concrete curbs and gutters The end of the serv1ce hfe of th1s roadway has been reached ReconstructiOn of the pavement to extend the serv1ce life of the roadway and prevent further degradatiOn IS reqmred STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) U1ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmal10n, FMSIB-Freight Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-Transportahon Improvement Board, 4/P-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct II • • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 72"d Avenue South Extension South !96th Street to South 200th Street Construct a new four-lane roadv.-ay from South !96th Street to South 200'h Street The proJect w11l mclude the crossmg of M1ll Creek and constructiOn of full-w1dth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, s1dewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage, landscapmg, ul!hl!es and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way Acqms1l!on .. ConstructiOn $160,000 $680,000 $580,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,420,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Contmued development m the northern Kent mdustnal area, and lugh levels of congestiOn along West Valley H1ghway between the South ISO'h Street and South !96th Street comdors, mandate add1t1onal north-south artenal capac1ty Th1s proJect prov1des some rehef for South !80th Street, South !96'h Street, and South 212th Street mtersectwns along West Valley H1ghway It also prov1des 1mproved access to the South !96th Street comdor from mdustnal development along 72"d Avenue South STP-Surface Transportal!on Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobthty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], TIA-Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatwn Improvement Board, 4IP-Artenal Improvement Prot,>ram [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 12 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 South 277'h Street Corridor -Phase II SR 167 to Auburn Way North Study, design and construct the w1demng of South 277'h Street from three lanes to five lanes, mcludmg grade separatwn at the UPRR and BNSF raJ! crossmgs, utility Improvements (water, sewer, and storm), two-way left- tum lane, and accommodatiOns for bicycle and pedestrian fac!IJ!Jes from SR 167 to Auburn Way. Th1s mcludes mod1ficatwns to the traffic signals at the mtersectwns of South 277'h Street and Auburn Way North/East Valley Highway The project W1ll mclude the constructiOn of full-w1dth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters and Sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage, landscapmg, utJhlies and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng .. ... $5,500,000 $5,100,000 Rlght of Way AcqmsJtJon .... ConstructiOn .. . .. .......... . . $24,800,000 TOTAL ..................................... $35,400,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, LID, C1ty of Auburn, Kmg County, WSDOT, ISTEA, TEA21, TIB, FMSIB, Port of Seattle, Port ofTacoma, BNSF, and UPRR Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s project w1ll Improve safety and mob1hty on an ex1stmg east-west comdor, provide multi-modal facJhlies, and ensure that the lmk w1ll salisfy concurrency m the near future The project mvolves and benefits the C1lies of Auburn and Kent, as well as Kmg County and WSDOT It 1s not feasible to w1den alternate routes to accommodate e1ther ex1stmg or forecast traffic volumes to the Kent East H1ll Th1s project provides a contmuous artenal from Kent East Hill to SR 167 to Interstate 5 STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1h1y Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, 4/P-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1s!nct 13 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect West Meeker Street and West Sm1th Street Interconnect the ex1stmg traffic s1gnals at the Interurban Tra!l crossmgs at Meeker Street and Sm1th Street to the UP crossmg s1gnals at smd streets PROJECT COST: Prel!mmary Engmeenng Right of Way Acqu!Sltwn .. . $30,000 $-0- $220,000 Constructwn ... TOTAL .......................................... $250,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Th1s proJect IS reqmred m order to mterconnect the ex1stmg street s1gnals w1th the rmlroad crossmg s1gnals It w1ll ehmmate potential confhct where traffic could backup across the rmlroad tracks STP-Surface Transportauon Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmahon, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob!l1ty StrategiC Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, T!B-Transportahon Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena] Improvement Prob>ram [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 14 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002-2007 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Ongomg Citywide Program Make miscellaneous Improvements to the City's Bicycle Route and Pedestnan system Potential proJects mclude Improvements to lOO'h Avenue Southeast north ofJames Street, Southeast 248'h Street east of94'h Avenue South, and 152"d Way Southeast north of Southeast 272"d Street PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng .. $60,000 Right of Way AcqUisition. .. .. . ... . ... $-0- Constructwn . .. . . ... . . .... $550,000 TOTAL .......................................... $610,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): SIP (E), C1ty of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Tlus proJect complies With the City's CTR (Commute Tnp Reduction) Ordmance and the City Comprehensive Plan Th1s proJect helps to reduce peak hour smgle-occupant vehicle tnps, encourage the use of non- motonzed transportatiOn modes, and prov1de safe routes for school-age pedestnans and cyclists. STP-Surface Transportahon Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmahon, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatwn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Pro!,>ram [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 15 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002-2007 Guardrail and Safety Improvements Ongomg Citywide Program Make miscellaneous guardrail Improvements each year to enhance motonst safety Candidate projects mclude the westerly shoulder at Frager Road, 1001h Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block), and West Valley Road (north of the 27200 block) Upgrade ex1stmg guardrail end- treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulatiOns PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng ... .$20,000 $-0- .. $170,000 Right of Way AcquiSitiOn . Construcl!on .. TOTAL .......................................... $190,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), HES, C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project IS mandated by compliance w1th Federal and State regulatiOns, and the reqUirement to ehmmate potentially hazardous roadway conditions STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenallmprovement Pro>.>ram [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 16 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003-2007 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation South 212'h Street, South 228'h Street, James Street and/or Wtlhs Street/SR 516 Construct grade separatiOns of both the Burlmgton Northern Santa Fe Ratlroad's and Umon Pactfic Railroad's mamlme tracks at South 212'h Street, and at etther James Street or Wtlhs Street/SR 516, and at South 228'h Street The proJect wtll support the mcreased number of trams through the Ctty resultmg from the re-opemng of the BNSF Ratlroad's Stampede Pass 1me and mcreased acttvtty through the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, as well as the commuter rat! operatwns of the RTA The proJect wtll ulttmately mclude the constructiOn of bndge structures, full-wtdth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, stdewalks, street hghtmg, utthlles and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way Acquistt!on Constructwn . .. . . ..... ... $15,000,000 . $9,000,000 $60,000,000 TOTAL ..................................... $84,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): P.E.: Ctty of Kent, State, FMSIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Construction: STP (U), State, Ctty of Kent, FMSIB Burlmgton Northern/Santa Fe Ratlroad and Umon Pactfic/Southem Pactfic Ratlroad The level of fretght and passenger rat! traffic on both the UP and BNSF Rat1road mamlmes ts dramattcally mcreasmg as a consequence of posttlve economtc condtllons m the Puget Sound area and the approved RTA plan East-west fretght and commuter mobthty m the Green River Valley wtll soon reach a pomt of bemg stgmficantly tmpacted by contmued pnvate development competmg wtth the mcreased rat! traffic - also created by pnvate development acttvttles and regwnal trade Grade- separatiOns are reqmred to mtttgate past and future development and mcreased rat! traffic to mamtam east-west mobthty STP-Surface Transportallon Program [Federal), (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazatd Ehmmat!On, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TJB-Transportatlon Improvement Board, AlP-Art en a! Improvement Progt am [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 17 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002-2007 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Ongomg Citywide Program Reconstruct and repau existmg sidewalks and pedestnan ramps, and mstall new hard-surfaced sidewalks to Implement the reqmrements of the Federal Government's Amencans with Disabih!Jes Act (ADA) Tills proJect wlll mclude an mventory of the City's sidewalk/walkway facihties, and Identdicatwn and correctiOn of existmg deficiencies This proJect wJ!l also mclude the constructiOn of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, mmor storm dramage, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way AcqulSltJOn ConstructiOn $195,000 $-0- $1,705,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,900,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect IS mandated by the Amencans with Disabihlles Act (ADA) It repairs existmg sidewalks, replaces deficient/substandard and/or missmg wheelchmr/pedestnan ramps, and bnngs same mto comphance With the adopted Federal standards STP-Surface TransportaTion Program [Federal], (U) U1 ban. (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazmd Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mob1hty Strateg1c Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, -UP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 18 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002-2007 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus Ongomg Citywide Program Contmue to provide enhanced transit service m the Downtown Kent busmess area through the use of a fixed-route shuttle service, With demand-responsive routmg capabilities Service route pomts will mclude Kmg County Metro Park Ride, South Kmg County Regwnal Justice Center, and Kent City Hall, as well as local shoppmg and medical facilities PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way AcqulSltion .. $-0- $-0- $140,000 OperatiOns . . . TOTAL .......................................... $140,000 * *City share, which IS equiValent to the lost fare box revenue that the county could have collected were not the City wantmg a free service, (based on 6 years operatmg cost With 3% mflatwn) FUNDING SOURCE (S): Kmg County, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Shopper Shuttle provides mobility and mdependence to many of the city's semors as well as school children and other citizens with limited mobility optiOns. The service addresses a sigmficant transit market that may not be able to use the county's more traditiOnal routes, and helps the city meet Its road safety and transportation demand management goals STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) U1ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmahon, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatton Improvement Account, TIB-Transportalton Improvement Board, AIP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 19 • • • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2003 Willis Street (SR 516) at 4th Avenue Roundabout Construction Replace S1gnal at IntersectiOn w1th Roundabout Rechannel all four legs of the W!lhs Street and 4th Avenue mtersectlon and replace the s1gnal With a 150-foot diameter roundabout, mcludmg 14- foot center med1ans m each leg The proJect w!ll also mclude the construction of curb, gutter, Sidewalks, street hghtmg, stom1 dramage, ut1ht1es and appurtenances Prehmmary Engmeenng . Right of Way Acqms1t1on Construction . $130,000 $-0- . .$570,000 TOTAL .......................................... $700,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of congestwn, traffic volumes, and number of mtersectwns along th1s sectwn of W!lhs Street (SR 516) reqmre a roundabout to accommodate through traffic, and prov1de safe access mto 4th Avenue, and the abuttmg res1dent1al and downtown areas Roundabout des1gn w11l also fully accommodate proposed changes m access to 74th Avenue South w1thout requmng an add!llonal s1gnal at 74th Avenue and W!lhs Street STP-Surface Transportal::ton Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehnunatwn, FMSIB-Fretght Mob1hty Strategtc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 20 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 84 1h Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation South 2121h Street to SR 167 Remove and rehabihtate the ex1stmg roadway pavement to add additional service life to the roadway between South 212'h Street and SR 167 This proJect Will mclude the removal and replacement of the ex1stmg pavement m the curb lanes m both directiOns, and a full-width asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway, and will also mclude the selective replacement of catch basm mlets and dnveway approach aprons, and curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . .. .. $145,000 .... $-0- $585,000 Right of Way AcqulSltJOn ..... ConstructiOn TOTAL .......................................... $730,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (U), C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The ex1stmg pavement along this sectiOn of 841h Avenue South IS showmg signs of structural distress, as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", longitudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters An mverted crown section also occurs at the former curb !me along many of the sectiOns of this street This mverted crown sectiOn results m the pondmg of stom1water m the street along the seam !me, which mcreases the failure rate of the roadway pavement STP-Surface Transportatwn Program [Federal], (U} Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmal!on, FMSIB -Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, ~IP. Artenal Improvement Pro!,'lam [State]. LID -Local Improvement Distnct 21 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 West Valley Highway at South 277'h Street IntersectiOn Improvement W1den West Valley H1ghway to extend the ex1stmg southbound left turn and nght-turn lanes at the mtersectwn of South 277'h Street The project w1ll mclude the construction of paved shoulders, street hghtmg, storm dramage, utJhties and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng Right of Way AcquiSitiOn Constructwn $50,000 $50,000 $235000 TOTAL .......................................... $335,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), HES, AIP, C1ty of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes at th1s mtersectwn have reached the pomt where extenswn of the ex1stmg nght-turn and left-tum lanes are reqmred to mitigate the congestiOn at the mtersectwn and to accommodate additiOnal development m the Green River Valley Shoulder Improvements are reqmred to prov1de control of roadway dramage and prevent 1mpacts to adjacent propert1es STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban. (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP -Arlena! Improvement Pro!,>ram [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 22 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2004 South 228th Street Corridor -Phase I Military Road to 54 1h Avenue South Prehmmary engmeenng and constructwn of a new five-lane roadway from SR-516 along Military Road to approximately Bolger Road, then from M1litary Road to 54th Avenue South, mcludmg a new bndge over the Green R1ver The proJect Will mclude the constructiOn of full-w1dth pavmg, a bndge, concrete curbs, gutters, Sidewalks, street lightmg, storm dramage, landscapmg, utilities and appurtenances The proJect may mclude the mstallatwn of traffic Signal systems at the Comdor's mtersectwns w1th Military Road and Lakes1de Boulevard. PROJECT COST: Prelimmary Engmeenng.. . $1,500,000 R.J.ght of Way Acqms1tion ... . $1,100,000 ConstructiOn $19,000,000 TOTAL ..................................... $21,600,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, C1ty of Kent, LID, Tffi, FMSffi PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The James Street and Meeker Street 'comdors' are mfeas1ble to w1den sufficiently to accommodate forecast traffic volumes and future development Without additional east-west capacity Add1t10nal capac1ty 1s reqmred to accommodate ex1stmg development m the northern mdustnal area of the C1ty South 212 Street has at-grade crossmgs for both the UP and BNSF railroads, wh1ch also hampers east-west fre1ght mob1hty Meeker Street currently represents the only east-west artenal that crosses the Green R.J.ver between the SR 516 and South 2121 h Street. Th1s proJect prov1des the first phase of a contmuous artenal from Benson H1ghway to Interstate 5, though the mdustnal center of Kent STP-Surface Transportatwn Program [Federal], (U) Urbtm, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TJA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportation Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 23 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 116'h Avenue Southeast Widening Southeast 256'h Street to Kent-Kangley Road (SR 516) Widen 116'h Avenue Southeast to provide a five-lane roadway, mcludmg four general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-turn lane and a bicycle facility The proJect will mclude the constructiOn of pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, Sidewalks, biCycle lanes, paved shoulders, street l!ghtmg, storn1 dramage, ul!l!l!es and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng. fught of Way AcqulS!twn Constructwn . .$275,000 $370,000 $1,770,000 TOTAL ....................................... S2,415,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, City ofKent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic studies have mdicated that traffic demand will contmue to mcrease on this sectiOn of 116'h Avenue This roadwa6' fmmels east/west movement on Southeast 256'h Street to the 272"d/277' Street Comdor STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportallon Improvement Account, TIB-Transportallon Improvement Board. AlP-Artenal Improvement PrO!,'fam [State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct 24 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 Military Road at Reith Road Intersection Improvement Widen the east and west legs of the M1htary Road at Re1th Road mtersect10n to provide exclusive left-tum lanes for traffic on Reith Road, and an exclusiVe nght-turn lane for northbound traffic on M1htary Road Modify the extstmg traffic stgnal The proJeCt wtll include the constructiOn of pavmg, paved shoulders, street hghtmg, storm dramage, utthttes and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng .. $70,000 Right of Way Acqmsitwn.. $-0- Constructwn .. ... . ... $510,000 TOTAL .......................................... $580,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): AlP, Ctty of Kent, STP (U) Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Htll, coupled wtth the grov:th m the Puget Sound area and the regularly occumng congestion along both Pactfic Highway South and Interstate 5, results m significant congestiOn at this mtersectwn m the mornmg and evemng peak hours Forecast v/c ratws Will exceed the adopted standard unless intenm Improvements are made to provtde additional capactty STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mob1hty StrategiC Investment Board [State), TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatJon Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 25 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Willis Street (SR 516) to the Green River Bndge Remove and rehabilitate the existmg roadway pavement to add addJtwnal service hfe to the roadway, between Willis Street (SR 516) and the Green RlVer Bndge This proJect will mclude the removal and replacement of the upper two mches of the ex1stmg pavement m the curb lanes m both d1rectwns, and a full-width asphalt concrete overlay of the entire roadway, and will also mclude the selective replacement of catch basm mlets, and dnveway approach aprons, and curbs and gutters PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng .. ... $20,000 $-0- $366,000 Right of Way Acqms1t10n Construction TOTAL .......................................... $386,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): SIP (U), C1ty of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The ex1stmg pavmg along this sectwn of Central Avenue IS exhJbJtmg signs of distress, as demonstrated by "alhgatonng", longitudmal crackmg, and crackmg of the curbs and gutters The service hfe of th1s roadway has been reached, necess1tatmg reconstruction of the pavement to extend the service life of the roadway, and prevent further pavement degradatwn STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportat:ton Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 26 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: EAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2005 South 272"d Street Widening-Phase I Mihtary Road to 26'h Avenue South W1den the mtersectwn of South 272"ct Street and Military Road to extend the ex1stmg left-tum pockets on the west and north legs and also add an 1100 foot nght-turn lane on the north leg The South 272nd Street I-5 undercrossmg will be excavated and the existmg four lanes under the bndge Widened to seven lanes These lanes will mclude four general purpose lanes, a center turn lane, and two lanes held m reserve for Phase III of th1s proJect Tlus proJect w1ll also mclude the constructiOn of paved shoulders, storm dramage, utiht1es and appurtenances Prehmmary Engmeenng . Right of Way AcqmsJtwn ConstructiOn .$1,100,000 ....... $900,000- ...... $5,700,000 TOTAL ....................................... $7,700,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), City of Kent, Federal Way, Kmg County, Sound Transit, TPP PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes along th1s sectiOn of South 272"d Street have reached the pomt where additiOnal lanes are reqmred to reduce congestion AdditiOnal lanes are also reqmred under I-5 to reduce congestiOn The additiOnal length of the nght turn lane from Mihtary Road Will help prevent extensive backups m the southbound lane. The project Will also reheve congestiOn near the northside Park and Ride lot. STP-Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmation, FMSIB-Freight Mob1hty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, TIE-Transportation Improvement Board, 4IP-Artenal Improvement Pro!,'fam [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 27 • • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2005 Military Road Widening -Phase I Rerth Road to Kent-Des Memes Road (SR 516) Widen and re-channehze Military Road to provrde an mtenm three-lane roadway, mcludmg two general-purpose travel lanes, and a center left-tum lane The prOJect wrll mclude the constructiOn of pavmg, street channelizatiOn, street lrghtmg, ut!lrtres and appurtenances. PROJECT COST: Prelrmmary Engmeenng R:tght of Way Acqmsrtwn Construction $45,000 .... $-0- $115,000 TOTAL .......................................... $160,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this sectiOn ofMrhtary Road has reached the pomt where a three-lane roadway sectiOn IS reqmred to accommodate through traffic and prov1de safe left-tum access mto the commercial center southwest of the NatiOnal Guard fac1lrty. STP-Surface Transportation Prob>Tam [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Elmunatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobrhty Strategrc Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatwn Improvement Board, 4/P-Artenal Improvement Program (State], LID -Local Improvement Drstnct 28 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2007 South 228th Street Corridor-Phase III 841h Avenue South to Benson Road (SR 515) Construct a new three to five-lane roadway from 841h Avenue to Benson Highway (SR 515), mcludmg a new bndge over SR 167, and mod1ficatwn to the traffic signal at the mtersectwn of South 224'h Street and 841h Avenue South The proJect w!ll mclude the constructiOn of full-w1dth pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage, bicycle lanes, landscapmg, utJhtJes and appurtenances Prehmmary Engmeenng ......... .. . $800,000 Right of Way AcqmsJtJOn .. ConstructiOn $2,500,000 ... $9,575,000 TOTAL ..................................... $12,875,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): TPP, Kmg County, City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The James Street and South 208 1h/212'h Street 'comdors' are mfeas1ble to Widen to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additiOnal east- west capacity, based upon ex1stmg development and topographic constramts AdditiOnal capacity 1s reqmred to accommodate existmg development m the East H1ll area of the C1ty STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) U1ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatlon, FMSIB-Fre1ght Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA-TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatJon Improvement Board, AlP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 29 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2007 801 h Avenue South Widening South !96th Street to South !88th Street Widen 80'h Avenue South !96th Street to South !88th Street from four lanes to five lanes and add general Improvements This will mclude four general-purpose lanes and a center left-tum lane The project Will also mclude the constructiOn of full-width pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage, utihlles and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . $130,000 $285,000 . ... $515,000 Right of Way Acqu!Sltwn Construction . . ........ . TOTAL .......................................... $930,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The openmg of 196 1h Street Comdor on the south end of the project and Renton's completiOn of Oaksdale Avenue will result m 80 1h Avenue bemg a significant north/south comdor servmg the mdustnal area As a result, the mcreased traffic volumes along this sectiOn of 80 1h Avenue South could reach the pomt where a consistent five-lane roadway sectron IS reqmred to provide safe left-tum access mto the adjOining properties Further, concrete curbs, gutters, Sidewalks, and street hghtmg are reqmred to provide control of roadway dramage, to prevent Impacts to adjacent property owners, and to provide safe access for pedestnans STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmal!On, FMSIB-Fretght Mobthty Strategtc Investment Board (State], T!A -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIB-TransportatiOn Improvement Board, AlP-Artenal Improvement Pro!,'Tam [State], LID -Local Improvement Dtstnct 30 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2007 South 272nd Street Widening-Phase II 26'h Avenue South to Pac1fic H1ghway South (SR 99) W1den South 272nd Street to add one westbound left tum lane at the mtersectwn of South 272"d Street and Pac1fic H1ghway South and left tum lanes at the Star Lake Road mtersectwn If feas1ble, constructwn of curb, gutter, and s1dewalks, street hghtmg, storm drrunage fac1ht1es, ullhlles and appurtenances Wlll be deferred untll Phase III of the South 272nd Street W1demng Project PROJECT COST: Prehrmnary Engmeenng. $100,000 $50,000 .$650,000 Right of Way Acqu!Slt!On Constructwn TOTAL .......................................... $800,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), C1ty of Kent, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes along th1s sectlon of South 272nd Street have reached the pomt where w1demng and add1t10nal tum lanes are reqmred to reduce congestlon at the mtersectwns and prevent backups between Pac1fic H1ghway and I-5 Th1s project w1ll coordmate w1th access to the s1te of the proposed souths1de Park and Rlde lot and w1th C1ty of Federal Way 1mprovements west ofPac1fic H1ghway STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], ([!) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard EhmmahOn, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportal!on Improvement Account, TIE-Transportal!on Improvement Board, ~IP-Artenal Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct 31 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST: 2007 South 272nd Street Widening-Phase III M!l1tary Road to Pac1fic H1ghway South and I-5 HOY Loop Ramp Add two HOY Lanes from M1htary Road to Pac1fic H1ghway South (SR 99) An HOY loop-ramp from eastbound South 272nd Street to northbound I-5 Will also be constructed ConstructiOn will mclude curb. gutter, Sidewalks, street hghtmg, storm dramage fac1hties, ul!ht1es and appurtenances Prehmmary Engmeenng Right ofWay Acqu!Sl!!On. Constructwn $800,000 .$500,000 $6,200,000 TOTAL ....................................... $? ,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): STP (E), C1ty of Kent, TIB PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic volumes between Pac1fic H1ghway South and M1htary Road have reached the pomt where Improvements supportmg HOY-added capacity are reqmred to reduce congesl!on at the mtersectwns and reduce backups approachmg I-5 The HOY lanes Will prov1de access to the norths1de Park and Ride lot and the Site of the proposed southstde Park and Ride lot Addmg HOY lanes and HOY access to I-5 supports vanous County and C1ty of Federal Way transportatiOn and trans!! Improvement proJects STP-Surface TransportatiOn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmatwn, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatwn Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena! Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct 32 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2003 4'h Avenue & Smith Street Intersection Improvements Intersectzon Improvement Reconstruct the 4th Ave & Smith St mtersectwn by Widenmg each approach to add left turn pocket With appropnate left turn storage on each of the four legs, and upgrade the traffic signal accordmgly PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeenng . . .. . $200,000 Right of Way AcquiSitiOn .... $270,000 ConstructiOn .. $750,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,220,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): FTA, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The mtersectwn currently has four lanes on each approach. Volumes are such that It IS necessary to operate the signal to serve only one approach at a time This proJect would Widen each approach to provide for a separate left tum leg, with appropriate left tum storage, which would allow a much more efficient operation of the signal at this mtersectiOn, and significantly enhance the traffic signal progressiOn along both of these heavily traveled artenal comdors Tlus proJect also provides necessary transportatiOn capacity for the redevelopment of the Borden Site and adJacent properties recently purchased by the City as an urban revitalizatiOn measure. STP-Surface Transportatwn Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard EhmmatJOn, FMSIB-Freight Mobihty Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -TransportatiOn Improvement Account, TIE-Transportat10n Improvement Board, AIP-Artenallmprovement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement Distnct 33 • • CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 2002 Kent Station Infrastructure Improvements VIcimty of I" Avenue North and Temperance Street Improve the west half of 1 '' Ave S to the city street standard, construct a new city street (2"d Ave/Borden Way) from Smith Street to 4'h Avenue South to city street standards Install a traffic signal at the mtersechon of Borden Way and 4th Avenue South, Improve the north half of Temperance Street to city street standards, construct other transit and/or commuter rat! Improvements m, around and m the VICmity of the Kent StatiOn and Commuter Rail Stat10n sites The proJect mcludes Iandscapmg, pavmg, concrete curbs, gutters, storm dramage systems, uhhties, and appurtenances PROJECT COST: Prehmmary Engmeermg Right of Way AcquiSitiOn ConstructiOn $325,000 . 0 $1,450,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,775,000 FUNDING SOURCE (S): FTA, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This proJect provides the necessary TransportatiOn mfrastructure for the redevelopment of the Borden and adJacent properties that the city recently purchased The proJect mcludes street Improvements reqmred by the development of the Site, as well as mitigatiOn measures (traffic signal), to accommodate access to the City artenal street system STP-Surface Transportat10n Program [Federal], (U) U1 ban, (E) Enhancements, HES-Hazard Ehmmahon, FMSIB-Fmght Mobility Strategic Investment Board [State], TIA -Transportatwn Improvement Account, TIB-Transportatwn Improvement Board, AlP-Arlena] Improvement Program [State], LID -Local Improvement D1stnct 34 1.~ -.. lle--•oo-n• " --~L -_I "'>' - '. ,J 0 l:l5°T I l I)J ~I I :/Iae ~r ' ~~; ~ g ico ,.,_ ' -· ' ~I ~. J-o.i : i J ; : ~I I~ j ·j ~ .:ol J ' • .. ,.17 :_ ~ ~ \ • ' I> 0,,, "'~ ,, I, ~-" J _, '" 5 ,' ~ ' '1 I ' ,, I ~~ ·I ''" 1~ ' I ) I ~..... I ;/ ~ , -- •• • • I : • , I ! :c/ . ·I ; >21' I 73 < ·I . I -~ ;L · J: l , . 6 ... ~ :;; lit k' ~.~€"!~ I~ ;:ri. l.:--.--r ---'"'--- 10 Sf-""' ST "t ~ ' ~I - 4._." ~,"/·~ ~ ' ' ' • la~>~ lo.J~c he~l-hangle\ Tl.d -~~-~--A '?:~: ,- •' "' C1ty Of Kent Six Year Transportation Improvement Program w*' ; Scale 1" = 4000 1 Kent Cl ty L1m1 t1 I YEAR 2002 PROJECTS ! 1 ARE SHOWN IN RED YEAR 2003-2007 PROJECTS : ARE SHOWN IN GREEN I -~ '-"'KENT WAO~"CTOH