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City Council Committees - Public Works/Planning - 11/05/2012 (3)
1 Public Works Committee Agenda 440 Councilmembers: Dana Ralph+Dennis Higgins+Elizabeth Albertson, Chair KEIV• "T wns Ill HeroH November 5, 2012 4:00 p.m. Item Description Action Speaker Time Page 01. Approval of Minutes Dated October 22, 2012 YES None 03 03 02. Contract/2013 Water Treatment Chemicals - YES Sean Bauer 05 09 with ICI Jones Chemicals, Inc. & Cascade Columbia Distribution 03. Contract/GeoEngineers for Geotech Services - YES Kelly Casteel 05 23 James St Pump Station 04. Contract/A Plus Removal and Recycling for YES Kelly Casteel 05 29 Contamination Cleanup - James Street Pump Station 05. Contract/The Eastman Company - Appraiser for YES Mark Madfai 05 33 Lower Russell Road Levee 06. Contract/Certified Land Services Corporation - Yes Mark Madfai 05 37 Negotiator for Lower Russell Road Levee 07. Contract/GeoEngineers for Milwaukee II Levee YES Mark Madfai 05 45 08. Contract/AECOM for Milwaukee II Levee YES Mark Madfai 05 51 09. Information Only/SE 2561h Street Proposed LID NO Chad Bieren 10 63 - Update 10. Information Only/223rd St. Traffic Calming - NO Rob Knutsen 10 65 Update 11. Information Only/Flood Season - Prevention NO Mike Mactutis/ 20 67 Planning & Report on King County Efforts Greg Reed Unless otherwise noted, the Public Works Committee meets at 4:00 p.m. on the 1"& 3rd Mondays of each month. Council Chambers East, Kent City Hall, 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, 98032-5895. For information please contact Public Works Administration (253) 856-5500. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at (253) 856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call the Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 1-800-833-6388. z This page intentionally left blank. 3 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday, October 22, 2012 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Committee Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Committee members Dana Ralph and Dennis Higgins were present. The meeting was called to order at 4:02pm Item 1 — Approval of Meeting Minutes Dated October 1, 2012: Higgins MOVED to approve the minutes of October 1, 2012. The motion was SECONDED by Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 2 — Sound Transit South Corridor Light Rail Study: The Committee heard a presentation by Cathal Ridge, South Corridor Development Manager of Sound Transit, regarding light rail project in the South Corridor. Sound Transit is kicking off their environmental analysis of the project this month which will focus on the portion of the project between South 200th Street in SeaTac and the Federal Way Transit Station. The presentation outlined the steps giving a timeline for the project and listed opportunities for public comment (see below). A flier was given to Councilmembers with dates for upcoming open house meetings. The first is November 8th at Highline Community College in Building 2 from 4:00-7:00 pm. The second meeting is November 13th at Truman High School Gym from 4:00-7:00 pm. Sound transit is reaching out to hear comments and suggestions from anyone who is interested. There are four ways to give or submit comments: 1. In person, at public or agency scoping meetings 2. Email at FWTECa)soundtransit.org 3. Mail at Sound Transit c/o Kent Hale, Sr. Environmental Planner 401 S Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104 4. Online: www.soundtransit.org/FWextension Information Only/No Motion Required Item 3 — Consultant Services Agreement — Allen Brackett Shedd State Route 516 to S. 231" Way Levee Proiect: Beth Tan gave a presentation to the committee about the SR 516 to 231't Way Levee Project. Completing the SR 516 to S. 231't Way Levee adjacent to the Lakes Community requires additional property from the condominium associations of Bridgewater III, Bridgewater IV, and Regatta at the Lakes. This acquisition will not include any condominiums, but will include common area property. North of this area the levee adjacent to Marina Pointe will not need additional property, but will require a levee maintenance inspection easement to complete the accreditation. The consultant services agreement with Allen Brackett Shedd is to provide a real estate appraisal of the impacted properties and assess the value of the project's impacts. Their 4 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday, October 22, 2012 service includes impacted areas involving approximately 273 units with extensive public involvement and communication with property owners. This levee reach, in combination with the other levee segments along the Green River, protects the Kent Valley businesses and residential areas from flood risks. Laporte added that levee documents have all been reviewed by FEMA. The documents have also been sent to King County Staff. LaPorte also noted that new levee work will meet 500 year flood protection standards. Councilmember Ralph confirmed that we are purchasing property that is open space and no structures will have to be moved. Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Allen Brackett Shedd Contract Agreement for the Real Estate appraisal services of property on the State Route 516 to S. 231' Way Levee Project in the amount of $58,000 upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0. Item 4 — Joint Funding Agreement for the Cooperative Data-Collection Program with the U.S. Geological Survey: Environmental Engineering Supervisor Alex Murillo noted that this is an on-going program with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for stream data collection. The City of Kent will contribute $60,080 to the annual program costs of $106,205 with the USGS providing the remainder. These gages provide valuable information on stream and weather conditions, including water surface elevations, flow levels and amounts of precipitation. Information is used to calibrate stream flow models and increase the accuracy of city design of stormwater flood projection models. The gages, through their link to internet web sites, allow staff and the public to monitor stream flow levels from remote locations. This contract will provide for operation, maintenance and data collection at five gages. Two are located on Mill Creek, one on Springbrook Creek and two on Rock Creek. Gage information is available to the public real-time at http://waterdata.usgs.gov/wa/nwis/current?tvpe=flow This is an ongoing contract that is signed yearly with USGS. Council members Ralph and Albertson mentioned that they have visited some of these sites and they have an understanding of what the gages are. Murillo was asked by committee members if the cost could be shared equally in the future. Murillo will look into it for next year. 5 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday, October 22, 2012 Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resources Investigations between the City of Kent and the U.S. Geological Survey upon concurrence of the language therein by the City Attorney and Public Works Director. The motion was SECONDED by Higgins and PASSED 3-0. Item 5 — Information Only/Mill Creek - Springbrook Creek Basin Capital: Environmental Engineering Supervisor Alex Murillo provided an update on City projects along Mill Creek and Springbrook Creek. Murillo noted that a lot of focus is on levee improvements to reduce flooding from the Green River. He went on to briefly explain what is being done to prevent flooding in the valley creek systems. • Mill Creek upper detention dam improvements, raising the dam 5.5 feet to allow for more storage and reduce flooding under the Central Ave S stormwater force main improvements project. • We are installing 1.5 miles of pipe under the sidewalk along Central Ave to reduce flooding in the valley near James St. The final phase of the project is to construct the James Street pump station at Mill Creek. • The Mill Creek, James Street to Central Ave flood storage and stream habitat improvements project will relocate the stream and reduce flooding. • 76th Ave S culvert replacement and stream improvements project; widen culverts and reduce flooding. • 64th Ave S channel culvert replacement project at S 226th St and Union Pacific RR Spur will install larger culverts to reduce flooding. • Green River Natural Resources Area flood storage and water quality improvements; improving the regional storm water facility to reduce flooding. • Upper Meridian Valley Creek flood protection and stream enhancement project will move the creek away from properties and reduce flooding. A slide related to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater pond cleaning was presented. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 6 — Information Only/Vactor Site and Screener: Jens Vincent Stormwater Supervisor gave a power point presentation on the soils screener that was purchased with grant funds from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The purchase of the soil screener has allowed Public Works Operations crews to: 1. Filter out trash and debris from catch basin solids collected during cleaning and maintenance. 2. Aerate solids to speed the composting process 3. Eliminate the cost of renting a screener 6 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday, October 22, 2012 4. Provide low-cost topsoil for roadside plantings These elements are increasing efficiency, and allow staff to maintain their schedule of catch basin maintenance and repairs while simultaneously saving money on rental costs and staff time. Vincent noted that a chase truck is being requested in the 2013/2014 budget. He explained that a chase truck would provide tools, signage and traffic control for the Vactor trucks when they are being used to extract soils. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 7 - Information Only/Adopt-a-Street Program Update: Gina Hungerford gave a presentation regarding the City's Adopt-A-Street program. Since the successful inauguration of the Adopt-a-Street program in April, the program has grown to 13 groups with more in the process of forming. 49 volunteers are picking up litter on their adopted streets, making our City more beautiful. The dedication and commitment of all these volunteers is making a big difference in beautifying the city and helps to protect water resources. Interested parties who would like to Adopt-a-Street can find more information at http://kentwa.gov/content.aspx?id=21445&terms=adopt%20a%20street. Or for more information, contact Gina Hungerford at GHungerfordCd)KentWa.gov or call 253-856-5549. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 8 - Information Only/Green Kent Day October 27tn: Matt Knox, Environmental Ecologist gave an informative Power Point presentation on Green Kent Day. Knox noted that the Green Kent Partnership combines the talents of Parks, Public Works and Kent volunteers to improve and enhance Kent's 1,189 acres of parks and natural areas. Approved by City Council in September of 2009, the program trains volunteer land "stewards' to lead and teach other volunteers how to restore Kent's natural areas. To date, we have trained over 30 stewards and now have 13 actively encouraging and leading others. Green Kent Day is scheduled for Saturday, October 27 we expect to recruit up to 100 volunteers to plant native plants from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at two sites - Morrill Meadows Park and the Green River Natural Resources Area. A VIP tour is also planned for State Representatives, Councilmembers, the Mayor and other dignitaries the tour will highlight the Green Kent partnership and these two special areas. A donated barbecue from Farrington Court will be held at the conclusion of the event for all volunteers and VIP's at Morrill Meadows Park. 7 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Minutes of Monday, October 22, 2012 Council members Ralph and Albertson commented that they will be at Green Kent Day helping out. Knox encouraged people to go online to www.greenkent.orq to sign up for Saturday's event. There will be tools available to use provided but people are encouraged to bring their own as well. Information Only/No Motion Required Item 9 — Information Only/Sewer Collection System & Sewer Pump Stations: Dave Brock, Utility Engineer gave a brief Power Point presentation on the sewer collection system and sewer pump stations. Brock noted that Kent has approximately 211 miles of sanitary sewer system. Much of the system has reached the end of its service life (50 to 70 years) and is in need of repairs or replacement. Brocks' presentation gave an overview of the condition of the sewer infrastructure and touched on damage from fats, oils and grease (F.O.G.). Brock noted that in 1990, 25% of the sewer rate was for Kent and 75% for King County METRO. In 2012, Kent's sewer rate is down to 16% and 84% for King County METRO. LaPorte commented that the increase in the last several years to the sewer rates have been related to the costs to pay for King County's Brightwater sewage treatment plant. We will be delivering the need to increase rates very soon. Information Only/No Motion Required The meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m. Kristin Lykken Council Committee Recorder 8 This page intentionally left blank. 9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 25, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Sean M. Bauer, Interim Water Superintendent Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: 2013 Water Treatment Chemical Contract with JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc., and Cascade Columbia Distribution Item - 2 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the 2013 Water Treatment Chemical Supply Agreement with JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. for Gas Chlorine and 25% Sodium Hydroxide, in an amount not to exceed $107,130.00, and the 2013 Water Treatment Chemical Supply Agreement with Cascade Columbia Distribution for Sodium Fluoride and Potassium Permanganate in an amount not to exceed $31,250.00 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The City advertises annually for water treatment supply chemicals. The use of these chemicals meets state and federal regulations for drinking water standards. The treatment chemicals are used to treat potable drinking water and improve its quality. Gas chlorine is used to disinfect and protect against contamination, Sodium Hydroxide is used to adjust the pH for corrosion control, Sodium Fluoride is used to help prevent dental cavities in young children, and Potassium Permanganate is used in the removal of iron and manganese to prevent staining of plumbing fixtures (sinks, tubs, etc). Budget Impact: There is no unbudgeted fiscal impact as this is an annual cost which is planned for and budgeted. Funding comes from the Water Utility operating budget. The City advertises for bids to ensure we are receiving the products at the lowest cost. 10 This page intentionally left blank. 11 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM i The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.1 & 1.6) for the following fees: Bidder's Name: J (51- jonn5 t retqil(n -j., v� C.. Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 1 6 Chlorine Gas in One-Ton Containers 1 $ U0000 $ ;�(J00 Ck') TONS* FOB Clark Springs TON CONT. Total $ -3' �0c) ,00 *Estimated annual need is 6 tons. Actual need may vary. r J CS urea N_MiCM JnC. Company Submitting Proposal Authorized Signature Note: Contractor must submit a firm Proposal for the contract term(s)a 12 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.1 & 1.6) for the following fees: Jul Bidder's Name: '�J Joyy`� chanlr!1 r, 3V' C- Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 2 5 Chlorine Gas in One-Ton Containers 1 $ VOID $ 3100().00 TONS* FOB Kent Springs TON g�CONT. L s ). 00 �q y� I Total $ *Estimated annual need is 5 tons. Actual need may vary. J7 Tg Company Submitting Proposal p v t. 0 Y Authorized Signature Note. Contractor must submit a firm proposal for the contract term(s). 13 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL. SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM i The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.1 & 1.6) for the following fees: `f/� `,� D 1_ r Bidder's Name: ill bn6 ern1 6qk, --crLc, Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 3 1,500 Chlorine Gas in 150 Lb. Containers 150 $, —0D Q® $ -ZC D0D LBS* FOB East Hill Well LB CYL I di �t 'I� rCt�'71�1e8c Total $ 2,1X0. 00 *Estimated annual need is 1,500 lbs. Actual need may vary. Company Submitting Proposal Authorized Signature Note, Contractor must submit a firm proposal for the contract term(s), 14 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSAL FORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.1 & 1.6) for the following fees: _1 r Bidder's Name: (� Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 4 600 Chlorine Gas In 150 Lb. Containers 150 $2-W-00 $ �) .00 LBS* FOB Armstrong Springs Well #1 LB CYL. �. Total $ OD *Estimated annual need is 600 lbs. Actual need may vary. 301 I Company Submitting Proposal Authorized Signature Mote: Contractor must submit a firm proposal for the contracf ferm(s)o I 15 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to 9 Y p p p perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.1 & 1.6) for the following fees: _y r/``_ Bidder's Name: J Fj- �✓T 0Ns Cbe-mi(AkJnC, Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 5 300 Chlorine Gas in 150 Lb. Containers 150 $Z(:)() O() $ +DMD LBS* FOB Seven Oaks Well LB CYL. I(?Q.Go de,pubr- COPAi Tota l $ ` ODD *Estimated annual need is 300 lbs. Actual need may vary. i `..J `� 1C.-1 ma, e Txc Company Submitting Proposal Authorized Signature Note., contractor n-just submit a fiercer ProPos'al for the contract term(s). 16 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to I perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.5 & 1.6) for the following fees: i (� Bidder's Name: J )c- � �- ryyy1ICAIS, y)c Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 10 96,000 25% Sodium Hydroxide in $ GALS* 4,000 Gal. Deliveries BULK GAL. FOB Pump Station #5 j i f Total $ � `r o,�O 0 - *Estimated annual need is 96,000 Gals. Actual need may vary. i ._)L)0�s u an i ukk-mac Company Submitting Proposal ) 1,a 6VItt'jyA'm Authorized Signature Note., Contractor must submit a firm proposal for the contract tec"l(s)e 17 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.5 & 1.6) for the following fees: Bidder's Name: ` OT 11bo?s b mica ' -D'Ic I Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 11 12,000 25% Sodium Hydroxide in ,0 $q , Q0.00 GALS* 4,000 Gal. Deliveries BULK GAL. FOB East Hill Well Total $ + quo 00 *Estimated annual need is 12,000 Gals. Actual need may vary. t, i I Company Submitting Proposal i Authorized Signature Note. Contractor mast submit a firm proposal for tlae contract term(s), 18 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.5 & 1.6) for the following fees: Bidder's Name: 'jc,l ..a web Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 12 1,000 GALS* 1,0000 to 2,000 Gal. Deliveries BULK GAL.Sodium Hydroxide $ � ' (Iv ✓` FOB 212th Treatment Plant Total / �� �• *Estimated annual need is 1,000 Gals. Actual need may vary. I: i Company Submitting Proposal hmdhauy FYI Authorized Signature Note., Contractor must submit a firm proposal for the contract term(s). 19 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PR®P®SALF®RM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.5 & 1.6) for the following fees: /� Bidder's Name: jc� -Dotc, Dmi S nC Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 13 8,000 2S% Sodium Hydroxide in $ O, GALS 4,000 Gal. Deliveries BULK GAL. FOB Guiberson Corrosion Facility Total $ (yI CA0. DO *Estimated annual need is 8,000 Gals. Actual need may vary. 20 This page intentionally left blank. 21 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.2 & 1.6) for the following fees: �CR� t Bidder's Name: �01�J�l�lPi "t�S�.l mibw (c) , 'l Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 7 6 40,000 Sodium Fluoride in 50 Lb. Bags $ .J�z $ ��i , 00 LBS* FOB Clark Springs LB I f� I Total $ 2-� MO 0 *Estimated annual need is 40,000 lbs. Actual need may vary. i i i II Company ubmitting Proposal I' Autho ' ignature Note. Contractor mustsubmit a firm proposal for the contract terrn(s)a 22 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICAL SUPPLY FOR 2013 PROPOSALFORM The undersigned hereby proposes to provide all equipment, labor, materials and supplies to perform the service as specified in this contract (see Special Provisions 1.4 & 1.6) for the following fees: Bidder's Name: cm cw(� ro 1 UU1GM o0 S IYV.eo-oW cc Item Estimated Description Bid Unit Total Annual Unit Prices Usage 9 1,000 PotaMt. ' rmanganate in $ ,(5 $ 2� 00 LBS* 50 toDrums LB FOB Treatment Plant f i I I Sub Total $ 21470 . (DO i 9.5% WA State Sales Tax $ 232 ' -7� Total $ 2 ;�� c� 2. 7 ' *Estimated annual need is 1,000 lbs. Actual need may vary. Co mpa y Submitting Proposal Autoriz d Signatur Note. Contractor must submit a firm proposal for the contract term(s). 23 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 24, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Kelly Casteel, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Contract/GeoEngineers Inc. for Geotech Services - James Street Pump Station Item - 3 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. for developing geotechnical design recommendations related to the design and construction of the proposed James Street Pump Station in an amount not to exceed $19,309, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The City's James Street Stormwater Pump Station is located just north of James Street near Woodford Ave North. This pump station cannot keep up with existing flows on James Street and needs to be replaced. GeoEngineers, Inc. was selected to conduct subsurface explorations and laboratory testing as a basis for developing geotechnical design recommendations related to design and construction of the project. This new pump station will help alleviate local flooding of James Street at Mill Creek. Geotechnical work is highly specialized work that includes drilling borings to depths of 40 feet below ground surface and performing laboratory tests on excavated soils. Budget Impact: This contract is budgeted and will be paid through the stormwater utility. 24 This page intentionally left blank. 25 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES GEGENGINEERS, INC. PROPOSED JA ES STREET PUMP STATION KENT, WASHINGTON FILE NO. 0410-184-00 SCOPE OF SERVICES - GEOTECHNICAL The purpose of our services is to conduct subsurface explorations and laboratory testing as a basis for developing geotechnical design recommendations related to the design and construction of the proposed James Street Pump Station in Kent, Washington. We understand that a storm sewer pump station will be constructed at 740 Woodford Avenue North, northeast of the intersection of East James Street and Woodford Avenue North. The site is located about 100 to 150 feet west of Mill Creek. The pump station will include a vault consisting of three 10-foot-diameter concrete manholes connected with 6-foot-diameter concrete pipe. The vault base will be about 20 feet below existing site grades. The pump station will be operated using an electric pump with a back-up generator and an on-site fuel source. Up to 4 feet of fill will be placed to establish planned grades. The site will be surfaced with gravel and an asphalt concrete paved road will provide access. Roof structures will be constructed over the pump and generator. The roof structures will be supported on shallow pier foundations. Our geotechnical scope of services in support of design will include the following items: 1. Review existing soil and groundwater information, including select in-house reports and published geologic maps. 2. Conduct a site visit prior to subsurface explorations to coordinate exploration locations and site safety issues. 3. Coordinate clearance and location of existing underground utilities in the project area. We will contact the Washington Utilities Coordinating Council "One Call" service prior to beginning explorations. We will also retain a private utility locate service to check for underground utilities at the site. 4. Drill two borings to depths of 40 feet below ground surface (bgs) using hollow stem auger drilling techniques. We will install monitoring wells in both of the explorations. We will also install an electronic piezometer in one of the wells. The electronic piezometer will collect and store groundwater level data from multiple readings per day. 5. Complete laboratory analysis of select soil samples. We anticipate that our laboratory program will consist of grain-size analyses and moisture content determinations. 6. Provide at least two rounds of groundwater monitoring. We will measure groundwater levels in the wells during installation to provide data for our design report. We will also retrieve groundwater data from the electronic piezometers and measure levels again prior to construction bidding to provide more up-to-date groundwater information for contractors prior to bid. 26 7. Provide a discussion of temporary shoring and dewatering. We area&sum ing that the dewatering and shoring system will be designed by the contractor. We will provide a general discussion of shoring and dewatering issues at the site and comment on the feasibility of different shoring and dewatering methods. We will also provide lateral earth pressures for the design of shoring systems and an order of magnitude estimate of dewatering quantities. 8. Provide recommendations for pipe bedding, pipe support and excavation backfill. We will provide recommendations for imported fill, reuse of on-site soil as appropriate and compaction requirements. 9. Provide recommendations for fill placement and compaction on the surface of the site. We will include recommendations for imported fill and compaction requirements. 10. Provide recommendations for shallow foundations and small drilled pier foundations for support of equipment pads and roof structures. We will discuss bearing surface preparation and shallow drilled pier construction. We will also provide design criteria, including allowable soil bearing pressures and allowable lateral resistance values for the design of foundation elements. 11. Complete buoyancy calculations on the proposed underground structures based on measured groundwater levels and the provided dimensions and weight of the structure. We will provide a discussion of methods for restraining the structure if buoyancy is determined to be a problem. 12. Prepare a geotechnical design report presenting the results of our explorations and summarizing our findings and recommendations. We anticipate this report will be available three weeks after site explorations are complete. We will also prepare a brief technical memorandum presenting the second round of groundwater monitoring data and revising our recommendations if appropriate. This memorandum will be provided during the spring or summer, after winter groundwater levels have been measured. 13. Provide additional consultation as required and requested. We anticipate that this could include meetings or plan review. We have budgeted 6 hours for a project engineer to cover this contingency. Our scope and budget does not include any construction management, monitoring or inspections. We will provide a scope and budget for these services upon request. i..is:rirs:n Attachment: Exhibit B-1. Fee Estimate i.11a6;BalY11 E%:Anp Et{ES;II'OYIIC'tann,'iracnindle er hai d mpy ei ext,'lal'lie,and/er'ligureI,h 1pnovided,and any aI:Cachmen Us am only a 6XiKi�ei''lRie OYO�INaO 6jeC,LRieVi C.The eligina{d ocu lenlisslored by GeoEngineus,iviC.and will seefe&'i,'lhe O'ifca{d ocu ien I'.ei'I'ecard. GEOENGINEERS / 27 EXHIBIT B CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSED JAMES STREET PUMP STATION KENT,WASHINGTON FILE NO. 0410-184-00 Classification Hours x Rate = Cost Principal(Garry Squires) 6 x $200.00 = $1,200.00 Project Engineer 2(Lyle Stone) 48 x $150.00 = $7,200.00 Staff Engineer 1(Various) 24 x $100.00 = $2,400.00 Support 8 x $85.00 = $680.00 Subtotal Personnel $11,480.00 Other Expenses Subcontracted Drilling $6,350.00 Private Utility Location Services $230.00 Laboratory(6 Sieve Analyses and 4 Moisture Content Determinations) $574.00 Expendables(Mileage, electronic piezometer,etc.) $675.00 Subtotal $7,829.00 Total Estimated Costs $19,309.00 File No.0410-184-00 October 25,2012 EONGINEERS , ,may 2s This page intentionally left blank. 29 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 24, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Kelly Casteel, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Contract with A Plus Removal and Recycling - James Street Pump Station Item - 4 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign a Contract with A Plus Removal and Recycling for removal and disposal of contaminated soils for the construction of the proposed James Street Pump Station in an amount not to exceed $16,734, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The City's James Street Stormwater Pump Station is located just north of James Street near Woodford Ave North. This pump station cannot keep up with existing flows on James Street and needs to be replaced. The proposed pump station requires the acquisition of additional property to locate the pumps, wet wells, generator, electrical controls and associated piping and shelters. Therefore, the house located at 704 Woodford Avenue was purchased and demolished. The existing heating oil tank contaminated soil on site which requires special handling for removal, disposal and subsequent soil sampling of surrounding soil per Department of Ecology regulations. This new pump station will help alleviate local flooding of James Street at Mill Creek. Contaminated soil removal, disposal and soil sampling is highly specialized work. City staff does not possess the specialized skills, licenses or equipment to perform this work. Budget Impact: This contract is budgeted and will be paid through the stormwater utility. 30 This page intentionally left blank. 31 Cleanup Scope of work for Woodford Site Fuel Tank Cleanup This work involves the removal of heating oil contaminated soil from the site at 704 Woodford Avenue, encountered during the removal of the previously decommissioned underground fuel tank and removed as part of the structure demolition. It includes all labor, equipment, and materials needed for the excavation of contaminated soil material, hauling and disposal at an approved facility, testing during the excavation process to ensure contamination levels are below those levels allowed by the state guidelines, and the import and placement of clean fill to restore the grade of the site. The cost to perform this work is $16,734.00 32 This page intentionally left blank. 33 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 25, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Contract with The Eastman Company - Appraiser, Lower Russell Road Levee Item - 5 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with The Eastman Company in the amount not to exceed $27,000 to provide property appraisal services for the Russell Road Lower-Lowest Levee, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The City is currently preparing design plans for the Russell Road Lower-Lowest Levee reach. This levee reach extends from S. 231't St to S. 212th St. The City has identified locations where property needs to be purchased in order to construct the secondary levee. The properties identified include four full property acquisitions of residential parcels. The City applied for and received a King County Conservation Futures grant in the amount of $400,000 for these property acquisitions. The grant is expected to be awarded early next year after the County's budget is adopted in December. We would like to get the appraiser, negotiator and relocation consultants under contract so appraisals can be prepared and ready for the negotiations/relocations once the grant is received. Budget Impact: Funding for this contract is included in the existing project budget 34 This page intentionally left blank. -- 35 Exhibit A The Eastman Company � Rick Mellen,MAI Real Estate Appraisers/Analysts/Consultants Donald IC,Melton 925 North 130th Street PaulZomtseff Seattle,WA 98133 Mitch Vander Broek Phone(206)363-6611 Carl Bolstad (888)251-2921 Kevin Congleton Fax(206)363-5507 donQwavalne.com October 11,2012 Ms. Ingrid Willms-Dixon City of Kent Public World Design Engineering Kent,WA Re: Appraisal Bid fox the Lower/Lowest Russell Road Levee Project Kent,Washington Dear Ingrid: Thank you for the opportunity to bid ontbe above-referenced assignment.We are interested inproviding appraisal services for the above referenced project.It is my understanding that your require"short form- narrative summary format"WSDOT compliant reports. Our fee for the four total take assignments will be Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000). Our fee for the four partial acquisitions (Before/After format) reports will be Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000). It must be noted that the fee for the KOA campground parcel is $6,500 of the total. This is because there may be"Damages" due to the loss of access and the loss ofrental spaces withinthe KOA camping area,If there areno"Damages"the appraisal fee will be reduced accordingly. The total for all eight parcels will not exceed Twenty Seven Thousand Dollars ($27,000). The specific completion date depends on when the assignment is actually awarded, and when all necessary information is provided(title reports,plans andmaps,etc...). I see no problems in meeting your proposed 6 week "turn-around" time frame. If you have any questions about this bid, please do not hesitate to call me at 206.363.6611. Sincerely, Donald K. Melton, president The Eastman Company I i i 36 This page intentionally left blank. 37 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 25, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Contract/Certified Land Services Corporation — Negotiator for Lower Russell Road Levee Item - 6 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with Certified Land Services Corporation in an amount not to exceed $72,708 to provide property negotiation and relocation services for the Russell Road Lower-Lowest Levee, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: The City is currently preparing design plans for the Russell Road Lower-Lowest Levee reach. This levee reach extends from S. 231't St to S. 212th St. The City has identified locations where property needs to be purchased in order to construct the secondary levee. The properties identified include four full property acquisitions of residential parcels. The City applied for and received a King County Conservation Futures grant in the amount of $400,000 for these property acquisitions. The grant is expected to be awarded early next year after the County's budget is adopted in December. We would like to get the appraiser, negotiator and relocation consultants under contract so appraisals can be prepared and ready for the negotiations/relocations once the grant is received. Budget Impact: Funding for this contract is included in the existing project budget and any reimbursable costs will be billed to the grant. 38 This page intentionally left blank. 39 I L A N D S E R V I C E S C O R P O R A T I O N SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE: Lower and Lowest Russell Road Levee Project Project Overview. The project consists of acquiring 2 commercial properties in partial takes in fee and slope easement, 4 residential full take in fee and 1 residential slope easement only parcel. Name Total Fee Ptl Fee Easement. Slope Relocation Take Take Easement Voss X X Tor eson X X Baxter X X Hamilton X X Noble Pacific X X Rec Adventures X X Ga liard X There are 2 residential relocations. We believe one parcel is rented requiring a tenant relocation and a landlord relocation. The second parcel may be owner occupied, but it may be in the process of being rented, so for the purpose of this scope of work and cost estimate we will consider it owner occupied and amend the scope of work and cost estimate when we have made contact with the occupants. All work will be done in compliance with strict adherence to Federal Highways Administration policies and procedures as well as all applicable federal, state and local laws including, but not limited to the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and its amendments, 49CFR Part 24, and state Revised Statutes. Work will be in accordance with the WSDOT Local Agencies Guidelines and by reference the WSDOT Right of Way Manual. CERTIFIED will work closely with all project stakeholders including project managers and staff, engineering project managers and designers, property owners and their representatives and the public. 10-22-12 40 L A N D S E R V I C E S C O R P O R A T I O N SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE: Lower and Lowest Russell Road Levee Project TASKS Task 1 - Project Management Assumptions: • The City will act as general right of way project manager. • CERTIFIED will provide staff management/advisory time for its staff, but will not consider itself in any way the Project Manager for the project, 1.1.1 Prepare and submit a monthly progress report that will include identification of work performed in the previous month's schedule, measures for mitigating schedule slippage, if necessary, and identification and discussion of potential problems that may arise, including issues resolution. 1.1.2 Post on line and/or e-mail status reports and complete document files for PRIME review and real time access of status reports and diaries. 1.1.3 Manage quality in coordination with the City's Project Manager. 1.1.4 Submit detailed monthly invoices. 1.1.5 CERTIFIED will attend a kick-off meeting with the City. Task 2 — Preparation Assumptions: • CERTIFIED staff will review all documents, files, maps, title reports, legal descriptions and other information provided. Errors, questions and clarifications will be reviewed and discussed. Task 3 - Appraisal Assumptions: • The City will provide appraisals, appraisal reiews and will set just compensation. Task 4 — Administrative Assumptions: • All forms and conveyance documents will be WSDOT templates, or as preferred and provided by the City. 4.1.1 The City will provide signature ready legal documents and offer packages for all parcels. 4.1.2 The City will provide title commitments for each parcel with Schedule B showing exceptions listed. 4.1.3 The City will provide all legal descriptions. 4.1.4 The City will provide approved right of way and or exhibit maps for the project. 4.1.5 CERTIFIED staff will maintain all records, files, documents and reports in accordance with statutory and WSDOT guidelines and regulations, 4.1.6 CERTIFIED will provide the City with written status reports on a weekly basis and will provide verbal status reports on demand, as requested. Task 5 - Negotiation Assumptions: • CERTIFIED agents will act in good faith at all times. • CERTIFIED staff will never coerce owners in an attempt to settle parcels. 10-22-12 41 p L A N D S E R V I C E S C O R P O R A T I O N SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE: Lower and Lowest Russell Road Levee Project • CERTIFIED will provide the City with an Administrative Settlement letter for all requested administrative settlements. • CERTIFIED staff will work whatever hours are necessary, including evenings and weekends, to make themselves available to owners and their representatives. 5.1.1 CERTIFIED will prepare offer letters for all parcels. 5.1.2 CERTIFIED agents will make at least 3 personal contacts with each owner with the intent of reaching settlement for the conveyance of property or property rights needed from each parcel. As many contacts as needed to reach settlement will be made, until it is mutually agreed between the AGENCY and CERTIFIED that negotiations should be suspended or given to the AGENCY Attorney to pursue eminent domain actions. 5.1.3 CERTIFIED staff will explain the AGENCY's offer verbally and in writing. 5.1.4 CERTIFIED staff will provide detailed written diaries for each parcel. 5.1.5 CERTIFIED staff will transmit organized parcel files containing all pertinent information, documents, forms, diaries, and Disclaimer Statements. 5.1.6 CERTIFIED staff will prepare a condemnation summary memo for any parcel that the AGENCY deems it is necessary to acquire through the exercising of its power of eminent domain. Task 7 — Relocation Assumptions: • There will be 4 residential relocations. 1 is tenant occupied with a landlord relocation ad 1 is owner occupied. Occupants and relocation needs will be confirmed upon contact with occupants. 7.1.1 CERTIFIED staff will review the relocation plan prepared by the City and act in accordance with it. 7.1.2 CERTIFIED relocation staff will work closely with acquisition staff and the AGENCY in order to perform relocation tasks in a timely manner. 7.1.3 CERTIFIED relocation staff will contact all owners or tenants that are displaced and inform them of their relocation rights and benefits. 7.1.4 CERTIFIED staff will prepare and deliver all relocation notices (at minimum notices are: General Notice of Relocation Rights, 90 Day Notice, Maximum Entitlement Notice). 7.1.5 CERTIFIED staff will survey each displacee and discuss their relocation issues, concerns and schedules. 7.1.6 CERTIFIED staff will determine each displacee's maximum relocation entitlement, and have the AGENCY review and approve this amount prior to informing displacees. 7.1.7 CERTIFIED staff will prepare moving cost estimates and other forms appropriate for the parcel. 7.1.8 CERTIFIED staff will provide relocation advisory assistance as needed and as directed by the AGENCY. 7.1.9 CERTIFIED staff will monitor each move and notify the AGENCY in writing when the property has been vacated. 7.1.10 CERTIFIED staff will work whatever hours are necessary, including evenings and weekends, in order to make themselves available to owners and their representatives. 10-22-12 42 L A N D S E R V I C E S C O R P O R A T I O N SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE: Lower and Lowest Russell Road Levee Project 7.1.11 CERTIFIED staff will provide detailed written diaries for each parcel. 7.1.12 CERTIFIED staff will transmit organized parcel files containing all pertinent information, documents, forms, and diaries. CERTIFIED staff will coordinate payment and delivery of checks with the AGENCY as requested. Task 8 — Title Review and Clearance/Closing Assumptions: • The City will clear title on all parcels. • AGENCY will pay for title reports, escrow fees (closing/clearing), any fees required to obtain partial reconveyances and/or clear monetary encumbrances including any fees for services such as specialized title clearance fees, lender and/or attorney fees for review and/or processing, and recording fees. 8.1.1 CERTIFIED will provide the AGENCY with complete files at the close of negotiations for each parcel. Included in our transmittal packages will be conveyance documents ready for the AGENCY to record. Task 9 — Project Turnover Assumptions: • CERTIFIED will, at the completion of acquisition and certification, present the AGENCY with a comprehensive package containing all pertinent project information. 10-22-12 43 L A N D S E R V I C E S C O R P O R A T I O N SCOPE OF WORK AND COST ESTIMATE: Lower and Lowest Russell Road Levee Project COST ESTIMATE This proposal is based on charging only for those hours worked. The outline of tasks and hours provided above are a guide to our understanding and approach to work. PRO]ECT MANAGEMENT Senior Project Manager: 17 hours @ $154 per hour = $2,618 (Based on 8 hours for each full fee take parcel, 4 hours each partial take fee parcel and 1 hours each slope easement parcel.) NEGOTIATION Senior Acquisition Agent: 412 hours @ $95 per hour = $39,140 (Based on 36 hours each fee parcel and 16 hours each permanent slope easement parcel.) Administrative Support: 10 hours @ $65 per hour = $650 AELOC,T' O'N . . Senior Relocation Agent: 250 hours @ $110 per hour = $27,500 (Based on 60 hours per tenant or owner occupied residential relocation and 10 hours per landlord relocation. TITLE'CEARANCf To be completed by the City. TITLE REPORTS{PAYMENTrTO OWNERS^ Title Reports will be provided by the City and are not included in this cost estimate. The overall project scope of work calls for the City to pay directly for any escrow services and payments of just compensation to the property owners. APPRAISAL Appraiser is to be hired by the City; therefore, appraisal cost estimates are not included in this cost estimate. APPRAISAL REVIEW Appraisal reviewer is to be hired by the City; therefore, appraisal review cost estimates are not included in this cost estimate. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Administrative Support: 20 hours @ $65.00 per hour = $1,300 REIM BU RSADLES In addition to the above costs, reimbursable costs such as mileage, postage, phone and fax charges, or other reasonable costs will be billed at straight cost. Estimated Reimbursables = $1,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS = $72,708 NOTE: IT IS OUR COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE YOU WITH EFFECTIVE AND COST EFFICIENT SERVICE. SINCE WE WERE ASKED TO PROVIDE A NOT TO EXCEED COST ESTIMATE, WE HAVE PROVIDED THIS ESTIMATE FOR YOUR 10-22-12 44 This page intentionally left blank. 45 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 24, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Contract/GeoEngineers - Milwaukee II Levee Item - 7 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with GeoEngineers, Inc. to provide Geotechnical Engineering Services for the Milwaukee II Levee Project in an amount not to exceed $52,001 subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: In order to certify the Forster Park/Hawley Road levee, the portion from 3rd Ave. to SR 167 must include levee improvements. A secondary levee will be constructed from where the Horseshoe Bend Levee improvements currently leave off at 3rd Ave. S to connect to the Foster Park Levee. The majority of the secondary levee in this area will consist of a levee wall due to limited space available and to minimize impacts and property acquisition at adjacent businesses. This wall will be a continuation of the levee wall currently being constructed on the Horseshoe Bend levee, which ends at 3rd Ave. S. GeoEngineers performed the geotechnical analysis and certification report for the Horseshoe Bend Levee from the east end up to 3rd Ave. and also Foster Park. Budget Impact: The cost of this design work will be billed to the stormwater utility. 46 This page intentionally left blank. 47 EXHIBIT A GEOENGINEERS, INC. HORSESHOE BEND AND FOSTER PARK LEVEE CONNECTION DESIGN,ANALYSIS, AND CERTIFICATION GREEN RIVER, FROM UPRR TO 3Ro AVENUE KENT,WASHINGTON OCTOBER 2, 2012 FILE NO. 0410-172-07 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the project is to connect the existing Foster Park Levee with the new improvements to the Horseshoe Bend Levee, currently under construction. The preliminary alignment indicates that the project will consist of levee walls totaling about 1,100 linear feet, raising portions of 1st and 3rdAvenues, and constructing retaining walls at grade changes. The purpose of our services will be to conduct subsurface explorations as a basis for developing design recommendations and completing analysis for the certification of levees. We anticipate two general work phases in our approach: Develop preliminary recommendations for the design and construction of retaining walls and levee floodwalls. The purpose of these preliminary recommendations will be to assist the City of Kent in the design and layout of the levee components so they may be incorporated into the final road and levee design. Once a final levee layout is determined we will complete a more detailed analysis of the levee sections for inclusion in the Levee Analysis and Certification reports completed for the Foster Park and Horseshoe Bend Levees. SCOPE OF SERVICES Our specific geotechnical scope of services for the Horseshoe Bend and Foster Park Levee Connection Design includes: 1. Review existing information, including in-house reports, reports by others provided by the City of Kent and appropriate Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)documents. 2. Conduct a site visit prior to subsurface explorations to coordinate exploration locations and site safety issues with the design team. 3. Coordinate clearance and location of existing underground public utilities in the project area. We will contact the Washington Utilities Coordinating Council "One Call" service prior to beginning explorations. We request that City of Kent personnel confirm that exploration locations are clear from potential damage to City-owned underground utilities. 48 City of Kent October 2,2012 Page 2 - 4. Complete three Cone Penetration Test (CPT) soundings to 50 feet along the levee alignment. The explorations will be completed on existing City of Kent right-of-way. We understand permitting and site access coordination for explorations will be completed as necessary by the City of Kent. 5. Provide recommendations for the design and construction of levee walls. We will address levee T-walls and levee kwalls. We will provide allowable bearing pressures, lateral earth pressures, and hydrostatic uplift pressures. Structural design will be completed by others. 6. Provide recommendations for the design and construction of retaining walls. We will provide and design soil properties for design of proprietary structural earth walls. We will also provide recommendations for incorporating retaining walls into earth berm levees. 7. Complete stability and seepage analyses for proposed levee cross sections under each of the following conditions: end of construction, steady state seepage during full flood stage, sudden drawdown, and seismic conditions. Stability analysis will be based in part on survey data provided by the City of Kent and hydraulics information. We anticipate developing eight design cross sections. 8. Attend meetings with City of Kent and the design team or FEMA to coordinate geotechnical engineering and civil engineering design with the City of Kent and assist with levee certification. 9. Incorporate this analysis into the Levee Certification Reports previously prepared for Foster Park and Horseshoe Bend Levees. Our report will be part of the submittal to FEMA. 10. Review plans related to the flood barrier prepared by us and the City of Kent as required for the submittal to FEMA. 11. Assist the City of Kent in revising the Horseshoe Bend and Foster Park Levee Operations and Maintenance manual, MT2 forms and other parts of the submittal as needed. 12. Address any comments and revise submittal as needed. This includes coordination with the City of Kent, King County, other consultants on the design team, and FEMA to incorporate necessary revisions into the submittal of the final report. Our scope does not include a detailed finite element analysis of earthquake induced liquefaction or displacement and is not expected to be necessary. This scope also does not include any construction management, monitoring or inspections. U5:GWH:tt Attachment: Exhibit S.Fee Estimate Disclaimer:Any electronic form,facsimile or hard copy of the Original document(email,text,table,and/or figure);if provided,starry attachments are only a copy of the original document.The original document is stored by GeoEigineers,Inc.and will serve as the official document of record. Copyright©2012 by GnEngfi eers,Inc. All rights reserved. GEOENGINEER one r•:o.can.;i.r2-r,r 49 EXHIBIT B-1 FEE ESTIMATE CITY OF KENT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES HORSESHOE BEND&FOSTER PARK CONNECTION LEVEE GREEN RIVER,FROM UPRR TO 3"AVENUE KENT,WASHINGTON FILE NO.0410-172-07 Personnel Hours Direct Rate Overhead 211.8% Profit@30% Total Hourly Rate = Cost Principal(Gary Henderson) 60 $61,21 $129.64 $18,36 $209.22 $12,552.95 Project Engineer 2(Lyle Stone) 110 $38,03 $80,55 $11,41 $129.99 = $14,298.52 Engineer 80 $33.08 $70.06 $9.92 $113.07 = $9.045.40 Engineer 60 $30.20 $63.96 $9.06 $103.22 $6,193.42 CAD Designer 30 $29,96 $63,46 $8.99 $102.40 = $3,072.10 Support 30 $25,00 $52.95 $7.50 $85,45 = $2,563.50 Subtotal Personnel Cost(direct costs) $47,726 Other Expenses Subcontracted CPTs $2,900 Reproduction.Mileage,other Expenses $1,375 Subtotal(indirect costs) $4,275 Total Estimated Costs $52,001 File No.0410�172-07 October 17.2012 G EO E NG I N E ERS 50 This page intentionally left blank. 51 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 24, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Mark Madfai, P.E., Design Engineering Supervisor Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Consultant Services Agreement/AECOM - Structural Design Engineering Services for the Milwaukee II Levee Item - 8 Motion: Move to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with AECOM for the structural design of the flood walls for the Milwaukee II Levee Project in an amount not to exceed $27,188.12, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Summary: In order to certify the Forster Park/Hawley Road levee, the portion from 3rd Ave. to SR 167 must include levee improvements. A secondary levee will be constructed from where the Horseshoe Bend Levee improvements currently leave off at 3rd Ave. S to connect to the Foster Park Levee. The majority of the secondary levee in this area will consist of a levee wall due to limited space available and to minimize impacts and property acquisition at adjacent businesses. This wall will be a continuation of the levee wall currently being constructed on the Horseshoe Bend levee, which ends at 3rd Ave. S. AECOM performed the structural engineering design for the levee retaining walls for the Horseshoe Bend and Boeing levee walls currently under construction. Budget Impact: The cost of this design work will be billed to the stormwater utility. 52 This page intentionally left blank. 53 City of Kent AZ.-COM Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK for Milwaukee II Floodwall The scope work is to provide final design services and contract documents for the Milwaukee II floodwall extending from 3ftl Ave to the neighboring UPRR track along the Horseshoe Bend Levee. The scope includes; analysis, design, drawing preparation, estimating, specifications, and assistance during the bid period for the floodwall. The plans and specifications will be sealed and signed by a professional engineer upon completion of contract documents. Scope also includes coordination with City of Kent and other consultants working on this project. FINAL DESIGN The services listed below represent the Consultant's understanding of the work to be completed in order to provide bid documents to the City for advertisement of the Project. This scope of services is based on direction from the City. The Consultant shall actively coordinate floodwall aspects of the work for the assignment, identify and resolve issues in a timely manner, and communicate effectively. The Consultant shall be responsible for the performance of scoped services, and shall furnish materials and information to accomplish the work tasks described herein. The Consultant will actively coordinate with other consultants performing work on this project. The Consultant and the City agree that the City may use City forces to perform tasks listed in this Scope and that some tasks may not be required and the contract dollar amount will be adjusted accordingly. I. PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND DESCRIPTION The objectives of the Milwaukee II Project, hereinafter referred to as the Project, are to: 1. Provide flood protection to the City of Kent, in the area of the Green River known as the Horseshoe Bend between 3ftl Ave to the neighboring UPRR track. 2. The project will include new berms (by others), floodwall, floodwall opening closures, and a storage building. 3. Minimize construction impacts to the public. The Work consists of providing final design services for the described floodwall of the Project. The City of Kent will layout the wall location. The height of the wall will be about three feet above the 500 year flood elevation. Consultant effort will include the following items: 1. Task Management and Coordination with City and other consultants 2. Site Visit for Designers 3. Analysis and Design for Sheet Pile wall and Plan Preparation 4. Design of closures for two wall openings 5. Design of one storage building for wall closures gear 6. Specifications 7. Quantities and Opinion of Cost 8. Compiling Deliverables 9. Responding to Review Comments draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwall scope 20121023 v0.docx Page 1 of 8 54 City of Kent AXOM Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 10. Bid Period Assistance II. DESIGN CRITERIA All documents prepared under the terms of this AGREEMENT shall be developed in accordance with the latest edition and amendments of the following: City of Kent: 1. Road Standards 2. Standard drawings and sample documents prepared by the City and furnished to the Consultant shall be used as a guide in all applicable cases WSDOT Publications: 1. Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, English Edition, 2012 (M41-10) 2. Standard Plans for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction, English edition (M21-01) 3. Design Manual (M22-01) 4. Bridge Design Manual, (M23-50) 5. Plans Preparation Manual (M22-31) 6. Construction Manual (M41-01) 7. Local Agency Guidelines Manual American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO) Publications: 1. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Customary U.S. Units, 4h Edition with 2008 Interim Revisions 2. Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 1999 3, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 51h Edition, 2004 ('Green Book') U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration(FHWA): 1. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways USACE and Other Publications: 1. EC (Engineering Circular) 1110-2-6052, Structural Design of Precast and Prestressed Concrete for Offsite Prefabricated Construction of Hydraulic Structures, 1 January 2001 2. EM (Engineering Manual) 1110-2-2104, Strength Design for Reinforced Concrete Hydraulic Structures,August 2003, Change 1 3. EM 1110-2-2105, Design of Hydraulic Steel Structure, March 1993, Change 1, May 1994 4. EM 1110-2-2106, Design of Precast and Prestressed Concrete for Hydraulic Structures, 30 march 08, DRAFT 5. EM 1110-2-2503, Design of Sheet Pile Cellular Structures Cofferdams and Retaining Structures, September 1989 6, EM 1110-2-2504, Design of Sheet Pile Walls, March 1994 7. EM 1110-2-2906, Design of Pile Foundations, January 1991 8. ER (Engineering Regulations) 1110-2-1150, Engineering and Design for Civil Works Projects, August 1999 9. ER 1110-2-1806, Earthquake Design and Evaluation for Civil Works Projects, July 1995 draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwall scope 20121023 v0.docx Page 2 of 8 55 City of Kent A=Xa Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 10, EC 1110-2-6066, Engineering and Design: Design of I-Walls 11. American Concrete Institute (ACI), Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, ACI 318- 02 12. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Manual of Steel Construction Allowable Stress Design, 9" Edition, 1989 13. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-05, 2005 14. American Welding Society(AWS), Bridge Welding Code,AWS D1.5 2008 15. American Welding Society, Structural Welding Code,AWS D1.1 2008 III. SCHEDULE Design deliverables will be submitted based on the following schedule: Date Consultant Notice to Proceed November 19", 2012 60% Calculations, Plans, Estimate, and Specifications January 8th, 2013 100% Calculations, Plans, Estimate, and Specifications March 8th, 2013 The duration of the reviews by the City and by others is two (2) weeks. The project schedule may be subject to adjustment at mutual agreement, whether initiated by the City or Consultant. IV. DATA AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED TO THE CONSULTANT BY THE CITY The City will provide the following items and services to the Consultant that will facilitate the studies and preparation of the documents for work within the limits of the Project. The Consultant is entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of this and other data furnished and represented by the City and others, including but not limited to, survey and traffic data. These are: 1. Survey, Base Maps, and complete DTM 2. Plan and Elevation Drawings of Walls 3. Geotechnical Design Parameters 4. Drainage/Hydraulic Information as necessary 5. Secure rights-of-entry as necessary V. INTELECTUAL PROPERTY The documents listed as "Deliverables" in the Detailed Task Description, Section VII of this scope of work, and other exhibits or presentations for the work covered by this AGREEMENT and associated supplements will be furnished by the Consultant to the City upon completion of the various tasks of work. Whether the documents are submitted in electronic media or in tangible format, any use of the materials on another project or on extensions of this project beyond the use for which they were intended, or any modification of the materials or conversion of the materials to an alternate system or format will be without liability or legal exposure to Consultant. The City will assume all risks associated with such use, modifications, or conversions. The Consultant may remove from the electronic materials delivered to the City, all references to the Consultant involvement and will retain a tangible copy of the materials delivered to the City which will govern the interpretation of the materials and the information recorded. Electronic files are considered working files only; the Consultant is not required to maintain electronic files beyond draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwail scope 20121023 v0.docx Page 3 of 8 _ 56 A City of Kent COM Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 90 days after the project final billing, and makes no warranty as to the viability of electronic files beyond 90 days from date of transmittal. VI. ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are referred to throughout this scope of work: AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials BA Biological Assessment BDM WSDOT Bridge Design Manual BRAC Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee DAHP Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Ecology Washington State Department of Ecology ECS Environmental Classification Summary ESA Endangered Species Act FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration H&LP Highways and Local Programs HPA Hydraulic Project Approval JARPA Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application LRFD Load Resistance Factor Design NEPA National Environmental Protection Act NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places PS&E Plans, specifications, and estimates SEPA State Environmental Protection Act TS&L Type, Size and Location WDFW Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service VII.DETAILED TASK DESCRIPTION General Assumptions: 1. The level of effort for each task of work is limited to the amount of labor and expenses indicated in Exhibit A". These costs are itemized in Exhibit 'A" to aid in project tracking purposes only. The budget may be transferred between tasks, provided the total contracted amount is not exceeded. Additional services beyond these limits will be considered Extra Work. draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwall scope 2012 i023 v0.docx Page 4 of 8 57 City of Kent AZXOM Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 2. Substantial completion of the project is anticipated to be 5 months after Notice to Proceed. The Consultant is responsible for meeting deadlines for their tasks only, Consultant has no control over those portions of the schedule related to the tasks performed by the City or any third party. 3. Coordination with GeoEngineers for geotechnical design parameters is expected. No other consultant coordination is expected. 4. Subsurface investigation and remedial action associated with hazardous wastes located within the Project limits are not within this scope of services. No hazardous, dangerous, or contaminated soil/ground water is anticipated to be encountered on or within the project limits. Should any of these materials be encountered, addressing the situation will be Extra Work. 5. The analyses, design, plans, specifications, and estimate performed or prepared as part of the Project will be in English units. Metric units will not be used on this Project. 6. The plans will be prepared in accordance with City of Kent Drafting Standards including City of Kent Title Block and Pen/Plot Settings. Final plans shall be stamped and signed and provided to the City in AutoCAD format and on full-size hard copy(22"x 34'). 7. The City has the authority to approve proposed work scope and schedule changes. Task 1. —Management and Coordination: In this task are described those services necessary to plan, perform, and control the various elements of the project so that the needs and expectations of the City will be met. a. Project Management. Provide direction to the design team. Conduct project coordination meetings as required with appropriate task leaders. Monitor the planned versus actual rate of expenditure for each task and take corrective actions if necessary. Collect from each task leader, the percent complete as measured by how much work is left to be accomplished on a task by task basis. Maintain a high exposure to the project team of the issues to be resolved and their potential impacts to the measures of success for the project. b. Communicate Progress. Conduct ongoing, proactive, responsive communications with the City staff involved in the direction and execution of the project. Attend project coordination meeting at the completion of the Design Memo. Coordinate the schedule of the reviews to be performed by the City. Prepare and submit monthly invoices with a brief progress report that will include identification of work performed in the previous month's schedule. c. Quality Assurance/Quality Control. The project manager will implement and conduct AECOM quality control/quality assurance program throughout the project. Assumptions: 1. The Consultant's project manager and/or project engineer will meet with the City's project manager/engineer on as needed basis throughout the project. The assumed number of meetings is shown in the estimate. 2. Internal project team coordination meetings will be held on an as-needed basis during project duration. These meetings will be in addition to the coordination meetings held with the City, but budgeted as part of the specific work tasks. 3. Project meetings may involve other consultants, FEMA, USACE, and UPRR and will require some preparation of meeting materials. City will lead the coordination effort with UPRR. AECOM will support the City on this effort by attending meetings and providing conceptual design and construction alternatives as necessary 4. The budgeted number of meetings is shown on the attached cost estimate. Deliverables: 1. Monthly Invoices and Progress Report (1 copy) draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwall scope 20121023 v0.docx Page 5 of 8 58 City of Kent AZCOM Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 2. Written Change Authorizations 3. Meeting preparation and attendance Task 2. - Site Visit: The Consultant will perform the following: The Consultant will conduct a site visit to review the field location of the proposed wall location. Assumptions: 1. All locations are accessible by foot. 2. -Tw t— Deliverables: 1. Field notes and photographs. Task 3.- Structural Design: The Consultant will analyze, design, and prepare plans, details, and specifications for the wall in accordance with City and WSDOT requirements as follows: a. Prepare complete structural calculations for the final design of the wall to be depicted on the plans. A registered Structural Engineer in the State of Washington will seal the cover sheet of the structural calculations. The structural calculations shall include, but are not limited to the following: a. Calculations for hydraulic and earth retaining analysis. b. Analysis of member strength and stresses for critical stages of construction and criteria based load groups. b. Prepare contract plans for construction of the retaining walls. The plans will include the following information for all wall components: c. Wall typical sections d. Dimensions and configurations of structural components. e. Design notes, general notes, and material notes. f. Design details, including steel sheet pile, reinforcing, concrete, or other dependent on wall type. c. Prepare contract plans for construction of two flood gates at driveway breaks in the floodwall. The plans will include the following information for all wall components: g. Structural layout and vertical wall geometry. h. Dimensions and configurations of structural components. i. Design notes, general notes, and material notes. d. Prepare contract plans for construction of one storage building for the wall closure apparatus. Assumptions: 1. Final design of the structures on the Project will be in accordance with the established design criteria. 2. Wall design will be similar to the design submitted by AECOM to the City for the Horseshoe Bend Levee improvements project. draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwall scope 20121023 v0.docx Page 6 of 8 59 City of Kent Q Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT 3. A registered Structural Engineer in the State of Washington will seal the final 100% contract plans. 4. Refer to the Level of Effort Estimate for the assumed number of plan sheets that will be required for the wall, gates, and building Deliverables: Structural Plan sheets Final Structural Calculations Task 4.— Special Provisions for Floodwall: The Consultant will compile the specified general special provisions, amendments, and Special Provisions from the above sections according to the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications, English. The Consultant will prepare a Bid Schedule for the wall. Special Provisions and bid schedule will be included in the 60 percent and 100 percent submittals. The Consultant will review the Contract Provisions for the Project prepared by the City and provide comments and revisions as necessary. Assumptions: 1. The Consultant will prepare only special provisions and bid schedule for the floodwall. The City will be responsible for assembling the entire specification package. 5. Special provisions will be similar to those submitted by AECOM to the City for the Horseshoe Bend Levee improvements project. 2. Electronic copy of submittals will be in Microsoft Word or Excel. Deliverables: Special Provisions at 60 percent submittal Special Provisions at 100 percent submittal Bid Items Reviewed and marked up copy of Contract Provisions prepared by the City Bid schedule Task 5. — Compile Quantities and Prepare Opinion of Probable Cost for the Wall: The Consultant will compile the quantities and opinion of probable cost using AECOM and WSDOT Unit Bid Prices, The Engineer's opinion of construction cost for the Project will be submitted to the City at the 60, and 100 percent level-of-completion of the plans and specifications. Assumptions: 1. Quantities and opinion of probable cost for the wall will be developed following the same formatting as the documents submitted by AECOM to the City for the Horseshoe Bend Levee improvements project- Schedule A and C. 2. Any opinions of cost provided by the Consultant will be on a basis of experience and judgment, but since it has no control over market conditions or bidding procedures, the Consultant cannot warrant that bids or ultimate construction costs will not vary from these cost estimates. Deliverables: Opinion of Probable Cost, 60 percent Submittal (1 hard copy) Opinion of Probable Cost, 100 percent Submittal (1 electronic and 1 hard copy) Task 6. Compile Project Deliverables for Wall: The Consultant will assemble the work from each of the foregoing final design work tasks into 60 and 100 percent design submittals to the City. Interim draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwall scope 2012.1023 v0.docx Page 7 of 8 60 City of Kent A_CQ Scope of Work-Exhibit A DRAFT submittal drawings will be 11"x 17". The final drawings will be plotted full size (22" x 34")and stamped by a registered Structural Engineer. Assumptions: The PS&E submittals will be the following. Deliverables: 60 Percent PS&E Submittal • Plans • Special Provisions • Opinion of probable cost 100 Percent PS&E Submittal • Plans • Special Provisions • Bid Schedule • Opinion of probable cost Incorporate City and other agency comments and/or responses • Electronic copy of specified special provisions in Microsoft Word • Electronic copy of engineering plans in AutoCAD format Printer Ready PS&E Submittal for Advertising (Ad Set) • Sealed Plans • Sealed Special Provisions • Bid Schedule • Opinion of probable cost • Incorporate City and other agency comments and/or responses Task 7. — Respond to Review Comments: Following the City's review of the 60 and 90 percent PS&E Submittal packages, the Consultant will coordinate with City representatives to discuss the City's comments. The plans and special provisions will be modified by the Consultant to address these review comments. A written response will be provided to the City for those comments not incorporated into the design. Assumptions: 1. The City will provide a set of review comments for response by the Consultant. Deliverables: Prepare written responses to City Comments to the 60 percent Review Submittal Task 8. — Assistance during Pre-Bid & Bid Periods: Once the Ad Set of PS&E Submittal to the City has been completed for the construction contract, the Consultant will remain 'on-call' until the contract has been awarded to the successful bidder. The types of assistance that the Consultant will provide to the City during the pre-bid and bid periods of the Project may include: • Assisting City in responding to engineering questions from Contractors. • Interpreting and clarifying the bid documents. • Assisting the City in preparing contract addendum. • Assisting the City's project manager in evaluating the bids. draft Milwaukee 2 Floodwall scope 20121023 v0.docx Page 8 of 8 61 City of Kent g���,+ /� Milwaukee R Floodwall AZCO y�I1 Milwaukee II Floodwall-Level of Effort Estimate DOE StructuralNo.of Himpl Sleatmal term Enpl CADDI Prof Well lee III Sheets Sheet Manager Era Des Tech Admin ON= Total Hours TOWIC051(DL) 57631 $69]1 Met 52600 $3000 mmas, Tabk1 �,Mt�s Ma"vagementand 000rtl nbtlptl.„�".',�... - „� _ ProfeG Management __ 3 __ 8 11 S53293 2 Meetingswim the Coy _ G _ 6 12 $760]4 1 Meegngsedph UPRR _ 3 3 _ 6 $36037 COominatlon with Ctty and Other Consultants 2 2 4 $253.58 Total Mane ementantl CoOminalion 14 0 11 0 8 p 33 $1.927.62 v c ere 5 1' w ! Site Vsit wlN travel time __ 4 4 8 $SW.iG Total Site Visit 4 0 4 0 0 0 8 ffAMV Taska3 PB$l:}0r-plooilWalla. .,,a k�,_,_-,—: .✓ '.. ........ ...: .� .,'.:e ...,�.r., ... .. Basis Floodwall Analysis.DireaLand Plan Sheets 2 10 8 20 MS222 s vallel UPRR Flootlwall sediment-coL9devskoere 2 6 8 LL 5442. 00 _ Special UPRR Floodwall Segment-analysts,des a. plan sheets 2 4 8 14 $549.34 Basle Fl00dwall ONOO-in h016e _ 2 2 $139,42 9122dwail Gnte Oosign antl Detailing _ 2 16 16 _ 36 —51.363.10 Gate Storage Binding Gotten and Demmin8_ _ 2 8 12 _LL 22 $865,26 inte101scipllea OAIO0.Civil&Geolechnioal _ 1 4 j 4 0 $55].0] Ass11mN 41otfl tan shaela !J— Total PS&E for Flootlwalis i 16 48 44 O 0 109 S4,]58]1 Basic DraiS eGhcations 60% �i i _ 2 $120.19 Special Draft UPRRs BCilicaltonseGlon(50%) q _ �y22])5� Basic FinaiS ecifca0ons(IDO°h) __ i � 1 2 $120.19 S octal FlnaI UPRRs ecipOaitOn section 100%) 1 i 2 $126,79 Total Special PlOVIs1oRS 2 1 2 j 6 0 0 0 10 S59492 oudnlffies'andaatnldno3.aL.,.>e,�.�. .....-., — .. ...f ........., Prcllminary Estimate(GO%) 1 4 5 $27103 Final Estimate(100%) _ 1 i d ---_ 6 $347,94` Total O0anitties and Opinion of Cost 1 12 e 0 0 0 11 Tds7fe 5,Tr.&&�'_v Daliyeie'bles 6 n ,{wQR 'net iantl HlCPeY�aa�k`sslEtance Oompiledelivembles _ 2 2 _ 4 315296 Railroad to Review Comments ___ 1 3 4 $221.15 Assistance during So Peeled 1 2 4 T $417.65 TOial Deliverables,Respond to Comments.and BM Period Assistance 1 3 9 2 0 0 j 15 $]91]6 TOlal SI..IO..I 23 23 86 46 8 0 106 $9,199.Id OUTSIDE REIMBURSABLES AECOM Direct$alary $9,199,74 Per Diem $0,00 AECOM Ovedleadve 163,14% $16,000.46 Lodgion $000 AECOM Subtotal $24,20820 hirea9elpers.Vinkle(W55lmile) $125 00 Meals $0'00 AECOM Fee @ 30 e $2,]5092 Supplies,Photos .be Oetstde Reimbureable5 $22000 remonstration $50,00 Subconsultanl5 $0,00 preed vaelie" $20 00 TOTAL= $27,188.12 Other $2500 Management Reserve Fund 0% $000 Markup for Retmb.: 0 0% $000 GRAND TOTAL= $27.1$8.12 Total: $220.00 Nol¢s: 1)tills average is based on flwad design parts,to in,(of Houses110e send Leeds iinnowereme.p,.jdbt 2)this esllmate assumes that the City will provide a met model that is persdate tar brain&ven lament,quantities,and at emerging 3)dmtna0ebyothard 4)Spec at design and coordination will be Pequlretl within UPRR ROW 5)Gate des nd will be similar to previous Horseshoe Belts designs 6)Storage Balding will Include foundation design antl performance spechlcremed for binding 2)No renomination with amhiteIX regnired File:RWOKIMmiken Flood Wnlh300 Adoiioaation Preset Comwaarah Nilwavero 2 Floodwall LOE 20121023 vt dxe ellsoL 31a Ave to VPRR Page 1 of 1 62 This page intentionally left blank. 63 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: November 2, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Information Only/SE 256th Street Proposed LID - Update Item - 9 Motion: Information Only/No Motion Required Summary: Staff will discuss the status of the project. 64 This page intentionally left blank. 65 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 24, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Steve Mullen, Transportation Engineering Manager Through: Chad Bieren, P.E., City Engineer Subject: Information Only/SE 223Id Drive/SE 224th Street Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Progress Item - 10 Motion: Information Only/No Action Required Summary: Residents from the residential neighborhood along the SE 223rd Drive/SE 224th Street corridor, between 116th Avenue SE and 132"d Avenue SE have expressed concerns about vehicle speeds and cut-through traffic. These concerns were heightened by a fatality collision on August 22, 2012. Staff provided a map of the vicinity showing the existing roadway network and results of traffic studies conducted along the roadway, at the Public Works Committee meeting of September 17, 2012. Staff will provide an update of actions taken to work with neighborhood residents to identify specific traffic concerns, discuss potential countermeasures, and develop a neighborhood traffic calming plan to manage traffic throughout the neighborhood. Budget Impact: No new impact 66 This page intentionally left blank. 67 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Timothy J. LaPorte P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 253-856-5500 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6500 WASH IN GTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA 98032-5895 Date: October 29, 2012 To: Chair Elizabeth Albertson and Public Works Committee Members PW Committee Meeting Date: November 5, 2012 From: Michael Mactutis, Environmental Engineering Manager Greg Reed, Utility Superintendent Through: Timothy J. LaPorte, P.E., Public Works Director Subject: Information Only/Flood Season — Prevention Planning & Report on King County Efforts Item - 11 Motion: Information Only/No Motion Required Summary: Environmental Engineering Manager Michael Mactutis and Utility Superintendent Greg Reed will provide an update on the City of Kent's preparations for the upcoming 2012-13 Flood Season as well as report on King County's efforts. Budget Impact: None