HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations - 12/08/2009 KENT WASHINGTON OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 8, 2009 Committee Members Present: Debbie Raplee, Tim Clark and Les Thomas The meeting was called to order by Tim Clark at 5:03 p.m. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 1, 2009 Thomas moved to approve the minutes of the December 1, 2009 Operations Committee meeting. Raplee seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. 2. MOVE TO RECOMMEND COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCES AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND LEVYING THE PROPERTY TAX FOR COLLECTION IN 2010. Finance Director Bob Nachlinger provided a revised motion sheet and ordinance amending the ordinance in the packet. This is due to receiving final assessed valuation numbers from King County. Have amended the motion and ordinance to reflect those final numbers. The actual tax rate that had assumed a $2.358 went down to $2.353, a reduction of about $30,000 in total property taxes.advised that State law requires two separate ordinances to authorize the City's property tax. State law provides that the limit factor used by a taxing jurisdiction with a population of 10,000 or over is the lesser of 101 percent of the previous maximum allowed tax levy, or 100 percent, plus inflation. Historically, the City has imposed the 101 percent limit factor each year since it became law. Due to a drop in inflation, the limit factor used to collect property taxes in 2010 could decrease. With already decreasing revenues from sales tax, permit fees, and the lack of development and new construction, reduced property tax revenues would impact the City's decreasing budget revenues resulting in further reductions to City services. Therefore, staff recommends that Council include a finding that a substantial need exists pursuant to RCW 84.55.0101 to maintain a limit factor of 101 percent. In order to authorize the limit factor, Council must adopt the ordinance by a majority vote, plus one. The first ordinance authorizes an increase in the regular property tax to 1% over the previous maximum allowed tax levy. The second ordinance levies the tax for collection in 2010. The estimated levy is $27,649,944 for the General Fund and $600,000 for the Voted Debt Levy, for an estimated total of $28,249,944. The proposed property tax ordinances are being presented to the full City Council for discussion the same night that they are presented to the Operations Committee. BUDGET IMPACT: The revenue generated by the proposed property tax levy rate has been taken into consideration in preparing the 2010 budget for Council consideration. Raplee moved to recommend Council adopt the proposed ordinances authorizing an increase in the property tax levy and levying the property tax for collection in 2010. Thomas seconded the motion, which passed 3-0. Operations Committee Minutes December 8, 2009 Page: 2 3. MOVE TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2010 BUDGET. Finance Director Bob Nachlinger provided a new motion sheet for adoption of the budget. It incorporates changes received from the Council's Saturday workshop. Have a 0% COLA for employees, maintained $1 million for flood fight, project 8.1% fund balance, and adding back in Prosecutors position. Nachlinger advised that this ordinance adopts the 2010 budget. The budget to be adopted is summarized in Exhibit A. It includes the Preliminary Budget document as amended by Exhibit B, which includes all adjustments made to the Preliminary Budget since its original publication and amends the authorized Employee Full-Time Equivalent count as presented at the December 2, 2009 workshop. BUDGET IMPACT: 2010 Budget. BACKGROUND: Council has held two public hearings and three workshops on the 2010 budget. All amendments in Exhibit B have been reviewed by the Operations Committee. Adjustments related to the actual property tax levy will be incorporated as soon as we receive final numbers from King County. Thomas questioned getting to 8.1% fund balance when previously projected a week ago at only 7.2%. Nachlinger responded that moving slowly back to 8.1% as projected in budget, won't have final fund balance until after the end of February. Clark asked questions regarding the affect on the budget should the RFA not be approved by voters. Chief Administrative Officer John Hodgson responded to Clark's question, explaining that the 2010 budget assumes the Fire Department is not in the RFA. So whatever is adopted for the Fire Department in the 2010 budget is their budget. The fire benefit charge does not take effect until 2011. Thomas questioned Hodgson regarding reaching the 8.1% fund balance and the possibility of future layoffs. Hodgson responded that the books on 2010 would not be closed until the end of February and that would be the soonest that they would know did we get to the 8.1% or are we shy of it and that is when adjustments would be made up or down. Raplee moved to recommend adoption of an ordinance adopting the 2010 budget. Clark seconded the motion, which passed 2-1. Thomas opposed. 4. MOVE TO RECOMMEND/DO NOT RECOMMEND UPDATING THE CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT OF THE KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND CHAPTER 12.13 KENT CITY CODE TO INCORPORATE THE 2009/10 — 2014/15 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLANS OF THE KENT, FEDERAL WAY AND AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICTS, INCLUDING UPDATED SCHOOL IMPACT FEES, AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Economic and Community Development Planning Manager Charlene Anderson noted that the Kent City Code provides for imposition of school impact fees on behalf of any school district which provides to the City a capital facilities plan; the plan is adopted by reference as part of the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. The school districts are required to submit for annual Council review their updated capital facilities plans. The Kent, Federal Way and Auburn School Districts submitted their updated Capital Facilities Plans to the City of Kent Operations Committee Minutes December 8, 2009 Page: 3 and are proposing to amend school impact fees. Anderson further noted that the City Council held the required public hearing on November 17, 2009, at the same time as the second public hearings for the budget and the City's 6-year Capital Improvement Plan. The proposed Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 12.13 Kent City Code to incorporate the 2009/10 - 2014/15 Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way and Auburn School Districts, including updated School Impact Fees, as recommended by staff ordinances are being presented to the full City Council for discussion the same night that they are presented to the Operations Committee. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: One of the planning goals under the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.020) is to ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development are adequate and timely to serve the development without decreasing current service levels below minimum standards. The Act (RCW 36.70A.070) requires the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to inventory existing capital facilities, forecast future needs and provide for financing of those facilities. RCW 82.02.050 authorizes cities planning under the Growth Management Act to impose impact fees on development activity as part of the financing for public facilities needed to serve new growth and development. As a result, KCC 12.13.080 and 090 provide for imposition of school impact fees on behalf of any school district which provides to the City a capital facilities plan; the plan is adopted by reference as part of the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. The school districts are required to submit for annual Council review their updated capital facilities plans (KCC 12.13.060 & 070). The Kent, Federal Way and Auburn School Districts submitted their 2009/10 — 2014/15 Capital Facilities Plans and are requesting amendments of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Kent City Code Chapter 12.13 to reflect changes to impact fees resulting from new student population generated by new single family and multifamily residential development. The updated plans include an inventory of existing facilities, existing facility needs, expected future facility requirements, expected funding, and calculation of the impact fees according to the formula set forth in KCC 12.13.140. The Kent School District proposes to increase their existing school impact fees for single family units from $5,304 to $5,394 (an increase of $90 or 1.7%) and for multifamily units from $3,266 to $3,322 (an increase of $56 or 1.7%). The Federal Way School District proposes to decrease their existing school impact fees for single family units from $4,017 to $3,832 (a decrease of $185 or 4.6%) and increase their fees for multifamily units from $1,733 to $2,114 (an increase of $381 or 22.0%). The Auburn School District proposes to increase their existing school impact fees for single family units from $5,374.64 to $5,432.70 (an increase of $58.06 or 1.1%) and increase their fees for multifamily units from $877.02 to $1,184.71 (an increase of $307.69 or 35.1%). The only area in Kent where Auburn School District's impact fees are applied is the Verdana or Bridges PUD on the former impoundment reservoir site. Please refer to your November 17, 2009 City Council agenda packet for the school district capital facilities plans, environmental determination, comparison charts, and applicable code sections. Included in today's packet is the DNS and Addendum for the Federal Way School District. Staff will be available at the December 81h committee meeting to answer questions. The Committee raised questions which Anderson responded to. Operations Committee Minutes December 8, 2009 Page: 4 Thomas moved to recommend updating the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan and Chapter 12.13 Kent City Code to incorporate the 2009/10 — 2014/15 Capital Facilities Plans of the Kent, Federal Way and Auburn School Districts, including updated School Impact Fees, as recommended by staff. Raplee seconded the motion which passed 3-0. 5. MOVE TO RECOMMEND/DO NOT RECOMMEND UPDATING THE CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT OF THE KENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCLUDE THE 2010-2015 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. Economic and Community Development Planning Manager Charlene Anderson advised that the Kent City Code allows update of the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan concurrent with the adoption of the City budget. The Capital Facilities Element includes the City's 6-year financing plan, which is updated annually. Anderson further advised that the City Council held the required public hearing on this proposed update to the Kent Comprehensive Plan on November 17, 2009, at the same time as the second public hearings for the budget and the City's 6-year Capital Improvement Plan. The proposed Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to include the 2010-2015 Capital Improvement Plan ordinance is being presented to the full City Council for discussion the same night that it is presented to the Operations Committee. BUDGET IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: One of the planning goals under the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.020) is to ensure that those public facilities and services necessary to support development are adequate and timely to serve the development without decreasing current service levels below minimum standards. The Act (RCW 36.70A.070) requires the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to inventory existing capital facilities, forecast future needs and provide for financing of those facilities needed in the future. The 2010-2015 Capital Improvement Plan is being considered at the December 8th Operations Committee meeting and is proposed also to update the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. Staff will be available at the December 8th committee meeting to answer questions. Raplee moved to recommend updating the Capital Facilities Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan to include the 2010-2015 Capital Improvement Plan, as recommended by staff. Thomas seconded the motion which passed 3-0. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. Nancy Clary Operations Committee Secretary